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government who was suspended

1. The terrorist who hi-jacked that due to malversation of public
airplane that purposely crashed funds reasoned out
towards the twin towers in New that he should not be penalized
York in the 9/11 incident is for his act because their Division
considered as what forms of Head is also doing the same
suicide? crime and even on a larger scale.
a. Anomic What type of rationalization is he
b. Altruistic utilizing?
c. Egoistic a. Denial of the victim
d. Mechanistic b. Appear to the higher
2. This theory of deviance argued c. Condemnation of the
that criminal behavior is learned condemners
in the same way that all the other d. Denial of injury
behaviors are learned is called?
a. Social integration 7. The state or situation which some
b. Social deregulation sectors of the population are
c. Social regulation unable to participate and
d. Differential association contribute to the development
3. The techniques and strategies for a. Manipulation
regulating behavior in society is b. Marginality
called? c. Maturation
a. Group processes d. Motivation
b. Social control
c. Structure 8. A behavioral pattern of
d. Acculturation compulsive substance use,
securing of its supply and a high
4. A single-mother who resorts to tendency to relapse after
prostitution to be able to provide withdrawal.
for their needs such as sending a. Adaptation
them to school is considered as b. Adjustment
what type adaptation according to c. Addiction
Merton? d. Ageism
a. Ritualism
b. Retreatism 9. Failure to conform to customary
c. Innovation norms of society.
d. Rebellion a. Decentralization
5. According to Merton, mental b. Deviation
illness, drug addiction and c. Displacement
alcoholism may be forms of d. Devolution
a. Ritualism 10. The utilization of other persons
b. Retreatism for selfish ends.
c. Innovation a. Emotional disturbance
d. Rebellion b. Empathy
c. Empowerment
6. A rank-and-file employee in one d. Exploitation
of the line agencies of the
11. This perspective of deviance 16. Homosexuals, rapists, swindlers,
focus on the consciousness and drug addicts manifest psychiatric
the mind of the individual as disorders classified as:
opposed to the institutions from a. psychotic
where the norms come from? b. psychoneurotic
a. Structural functional c. sociopathic or antisocial
b. Symbolic interactionism d. pathologically sexual
c. Power-conflict
d. Chicago 17. These are severe mental
diseases resulting from
12. According to Merton's Strain disintegration of the personality.
theory, this is the type of a. psychoses
adaptation utilized by individuals b. neuroses
who rejects both the cultural c. anti-social behaviors
goals and institutionalized but at d. none of the above
the same time seeks to redefine
new values for the society. 18. These are the temperaments of
a. Ritualism SOMATOTONIA.
b. Retreatism a. Assertive and vigorous
c. Rebellion b. Energetic
d. Innovation c. Love privacy
d. All of these except c
13. This perspective of deviance
posits that deviation are not 19. What is the physique of a person
deviant by nature but are caused with CEREBRATONIA
when institutions arbitrarily temperament?
institute particular prescriptions or a. Endomorphy
proscriptions b. Ectomorphy
a. Symbolic-interactionism c. Mesomorphy
b. Structural-functionalism d. None of these
c. Chicago
d. Conflict 20. According to Merton, this is an
adaptation wherein the goals
14. An unemployed husband who or/and means are replaced by
resorted to snatching bags was other goals and/or means. If he
caught by the police. The man acts within the means to fulfilling
explained that he was already a goal, he does so for reasons
desperate because his wife is in that have nothing to do with the
the hospital and was declared by goals of the society as a whole.
the doctors to be in critical He is playing his own game.
condition hence need to undergo a. Ritualism
operation. What type of b. Rebellion
rationalization is this? c. Innovation
a. Denial of victim d. Retreatism
b. Denial of injury
c. Denial of responsibility 21. An adaptation according to
d. Appeal to higher loyalties Merton that is the typical
successful hardworking person
15. A person who shows personality who both accepts the goals of the
disorganizations when confronted society and has the means for
with trying situations and obtaining those goals. This is an
difficulties of life. example of NON - anomie.
a. psychotic a. Rebellion
b. psychoneurotic b. Innovation
c. neurotic c. Ritualism
d. all of the above d. Conformity
22. This adaptation according to restlessness, inadequacy, lack of
Merton pertains to a person who concentration and abnormal fears
has accepted the goals of the when confronted with trying
society but does not have the situations and difficulties in life.
ability to attain those goals. This a. psychotic
person, then, creates a new way b. psychoneurotic
of obtaining the same goals by c. sociopath
different means. This is the most d. alcoholics
typical anomie.
a. Rebellion 27. Conflict is always characterized
b. Retreatism by physical violence. This
c. Innovation statement is...?
d. Ritualism a. True
b. False
23. This theory explains the c. Sometimes true,
occurrence of deviance but is sometimes false
largely applicable to delinquency, d. None of the choices
youth crime and suicide. The
theory asserts that deviance is 28. These are closely related to
learned in the same way as emotional tensions, insecurity
conformity is learned in the and feelings of inadequacy, self-
process of socialization, whereby centeredness and display of
one acquire norms, social roles exaggerated symptoms.
and self-concept. a. Gastro-intestinal and other
a. Conflict Theory metabolic diseases
b. Control Theory b. Cardio-vascular diseases
c. Conform Theory c. Skin conditions and bone
d. Socialization Theory deformities
d. None of the above
24. This focuses on the
heterogeneous nature of society 29. It produces self-consciousness,
and differential distribution of loneliness, feelings of shame and
political and social power. rejection by others because of
Groups, which have vested their contagious nature.
interest and possesses power a. Gastro-intestinal and other
work for rules and laws, metabolic diseases
particularly those that serve their b. Cardio-vascular diseases
own interests, to be passed to the c. Venereal disease
exclusion of others. d. Skin conditions and bone
a. Conflict Theory deformities
b. Control Theory
c. Structural Control theory 30. These diseases produce
d. None of the choices characteristic behaviour patterns
because of their threat to life,
25. These are important to the inability to continue working,
welfare of the people and their unfulfilled ambitions, and their
cherished values. They are based accompanying pain and suffering.
on ethical and moral values, a. Venereal disease
which are strongly held and b. Gastro-intestinal and other
emphasized metabolic diseases
a. Laws c. Cardio-vascular diseases
b. Mores d. Cancer and other diseases
c. Folkways like tuberculosis and other
d. Norms injuries

26. A person who exhibits a behavior 31. A theory that sees society as built
pattern of anxiety, inner tensions, upon order, interrelation, and
balance among parts as a means c. Modernization
of maintaining the smooth d. Conflict
functioning of the whole. 36. An array of physiological devices
a. Conflict theory that function as foil against
b. Symbolic Interactionism danger to the self.
Theory A. Discrimination
c. Structural-Functionalist B. Defence mechanism
Theory C. Differential diagnosis
d. Interactionist Theory D. Drug abuse
37. The stage at which the individual
32. It sees social change as rapid, experience identity versus role
continuous, and inevitable as confusion is
groups seek to replace each A. Old age
other In the social hierarchy. B. Adolescene
a. Conflict theory C. Latency
b. Structural-Functionalist D. None of the above
Theory 38. A process, emphasized Ivan Pavlov,
c. Symbolic Interactionism in which a previously neutral stimulus
Theory becomes capable of eliciting a response
d. Interactionist Theory because of its association with a
stimulus that automatically produces the
33. This theory is based primarily on same or a similar response.
the works and ideas of George A. Classical conditioning
Mead and Charles Cooley. The B. Behavior modification
basic idea of this theory is that C. Operant conditioning
personality is a result of the D. Stimulus - response theory
interaction between individuals 39. The basic conflict faced by people in
mediated by symbols or in their middle age or adulthood (35-60) is:
particular language. A. Trust vs mistrust
a. Interactionist Approach B. Integrity vs despair
b. Symbolic Interactionism C. Generativity vs stagnation
c. Personality Interaction D. Intimacy vs isolation
Theory 40. The principle of object permanence
d. Symbolic Personality is the main feature of this stage .
A. Sensorimotor
34. This focuses on the B. Formal operations
heterogeneous nature of society C. Pre- operational
and differential distribution of D. Concrete
political and social power. 41. The state of strain that may be
Groups, which have vested physical or psychological is called?
interest and possess power work A. Stress
for rules and laws, particularly B. Worry
those that serve their own C. Fatigue
interests, to be passed to the D. Discomfort
exclusion of others. 42. The release and freeing of emotion
a. Conflict Theory through talking about one's problems is
b. Control Theory called?
c. Structural Control theory A. Upliftment
d. None of the above B. Elation
C. Catharsis
35. This theory sees the highly D. Praxis
industrialized core nations as 43. A psychological injury.
transferring only those narrow A. Stigma
capabilities it serves them to B. Conflict
deliver. C. Trauma
a. Dependency D. Disability
b. World Systems
44. It refers to the individual or the - concept the individual would most like
collective manifestation of the person's to possess.
sensuality, capacity for intimacy, his/her A. Ego Freud
sexual identity, reproduction capability B. Proprium
and interpersonal influence. C. Ideal self
A. Sexuality properties that D. Individuality
distinguishes organisms on the 52. Which of the following is NOT
basis of their reproductive role included in the deficiency needs of
B. Genital sexuality Maslow ?
C. Abnormal sexuality A. Esteem needs
D. Human sexuality B. Belongingness and love
45. It refers to the unconscious, C. Safety needs
intensified feelings of being insignificant, D. Self-actualization
insecure or unable to cope with life. 53. While Freud's theory of personality
A. Superiority complex development is characterized a
B. Insecurity psychosexual , Erikson's model is
C. Inferiority complex regarded as
D. Martyr complex A. Humanistic
46. In Freudian thought, this refers to B. Psychosocial
psychological functioning based on the C. Behaviorist
pursuit of pleasure and avoidance of D. Bio-social
pain . 54. Competition of a son with father for
A. Ethica principle mother's love is called ?
B. Moral principle A. Identification
C. Reality principle B. Electra complex
D. Pleasure principle C. Oedipal complex
47. The psychoanalytic term for the D. Rivalry
energy associated first with the life 55. A process in which behavior are
instincts and later and with the sexual shaped through the use of secondary
instincts. reinforces .
A. Stamina A . Behavior modification
B. Vigor B. Shaping
C. Viagra C. Token economy
D. Libido D. Extinction
48. The part of the psyche whose 56. Any situation , development or event
principle role is to mediate between that possess an obstacle to the person's
instincual demands and the conditions important life goal that is extremely
imposed by the objective world. difficult.
A. Id A. Composition
B. Ego B. Claustrophobia
C. Superego C. Conscientization
D. Mind D. Crisis
49. Hostile behavior intended to inflict 57. The process of making the most of
harm upon others. one's capabilities leading to excellence .
A. Aggression A. Self -determination
B. Repression B. Self -concept
C. Regression C. Self- actualization
D. Oppression D. Self - awareness
50. According to Piaget , egocentrism is 58. Erikson has considered the
a chracteristics of this stage development of a sense of industry as a
A. Formal operation crucial theme of late childhood, without
B. Concrete operation this child develops
C. Pre-operational A. Feeble-mindedness
D. Sensorimotor B. Feelings of inferiority and
51. A key concept in Carl Roger's superiority
thoery of personality, it refers to the self C. Fixation
D. Family disorganization
59. Roger's concept expressing the D. Regression
need for warmth , liking respect and 66. A woman is forced to undertake a
acceptance from others. restrictive diet; she becomes interested
A. Need for belongingness in painting and does a number of still life
B. The proprium pictures , most of which include fruit.
C. Need for cognitive A. Projection
understanding B. Sublimation
D. Need for positive regard C. Reaction formation
60. It is also known as the third force D. Splitting
psychology , its emphasis is on the 67. A man ,unable to accept that he has
experiencing person, creativity and the competitive or hostile feelings about an
dignity and enhancement of the people . acquaintance , says , " He doesn't like
A. Behaviorism me ."
B. Psycho-social theory A. Projection
C. Psychoanalytic theory B. Sublimation
D. Humanistic theory C. Reaction formation
61. Roger's identified this as the D. Splitting
conditions under which a person will 68. A married woman who is disturbed
experience positive regard by feeling attracted to one of his
A. Condition for self-regard husband's friends treats him rudely
B. Conditios for self-esteem A. Displacement
C. Facilitating conditions B. Projection
D. Conditions of worth C. Splitting
62. It is the highest level og hierarchy of D. Reaction foramation
needs which can be reached only if the 69. When asked to recommend a friend
proceeding need levels have been for a job, a man makes derogatory
adequately satisfied comments which prevent the friend's
A. Actualizing tendency getting the position; a few days later,the
B. Aesthetic need man drops in to see his friend and
C. Self -actualization brings him a small gift.
D. All of the above A. Resistance
63. "You have to encode or mentally B. Splitting
represent what it is you intended to C. Suppression
learn" pertains to what process of D. Undoing
observational learning? 70. Avoiding emotions by focusing on
A. Attentional process thoughts and abstractions
B. Retention process A. Rationalization
C . Motivational process B. Intellectualization
D. Reproduction process C. Somalization
64. "You have to look or hear a model to D. a & b
learn something new", The preceding 71. Freud believed that personality was
statement corresponds to what process typified by
of observational learning? A. a delicate balance of power
A. Attentional process among the three
B. Retentional process personality structures.
C. Motivational process B. a lack of struggle among the
D. Reproduction process , it three personality structures in the
should be production not healthy individual
reproduction C. a lack of struggle among the
65. Child when scolded for or accused three personality structures in the
of some misdeed says it was not him unhealthy individual
who did it but some other child often an D. a state of struggle among
imaginary one. This is possibly an the three personality structures in which
example of: the id gets caught
A. Projection In the middle
B. Displacement 72. Psychologists who believe that
C. Identification people grow and develop throughout
their lives and that people are inherently C. Salivation existed in dogs
good are as an unlearned reflex
A. psychoanalysts D. Dogs salivated if and only if
B. radical behaviorists they were given a
C. social learning theorists Reward.
D. humanists 79. In operant conditioning, the
73. A psychiatrist who explains reinforcer occurs _______ the response,
pathological behavior as a conflict and in classical conditioning, it occurs
between underlying psychological forces _______.
is using the______ model. A. After; before
A. psychoanalytic. B. Before: after
C. medical C. Before; before
B. behavioral. D. After; after
D. humanistic
74. According to behaviorists, 80. When you are first learning golf, you
A. hostile, generous or may hit one or two great shots in an
destructive impulses arise in the entire round. You are being reinforced
unconscious on what kind of partial reinforcement
B. personality is acquired schedule?
through conditioning and observational
learning A. Fixed interval
C. personality is strongly B. Fixed ratio
influenced by one’s self-image C. Variable ratio
D. personality develops from D. Variable interval
initial feelings of inferiority
75. We each have a perception of our 81. Your niece has a temper tantrum in
own personality traits. This perception the store when she is shopping. If you
strongly influences our behavior. buy her a toy you are
Psychologists call this perception
A. self-evaluation A. Being practical.
B. inner concept B. Being kind
C. self-concept C. Encouraging more
D. self-esteem tantrums
76. In Adler’s view, the main striving of D. Discouraging more
personality is for destructive behaviors
A. dominance
B. sophistication 82. Negative reinforcement ________
C. instincts responding;
D. superiority punishment _______ responding.
77. I am in my late forties. If I do not
reach out to others, especially to young A. Increases; increases
people, Erikson says I will experience B. Decreases; decreases
A. Shame C. Increases; decreases
B. Isolation D. Decreases; increases
C. Stagnation
D. Guilt 83. Alder believed that organ inferiorities
78. Which of the following best
describes the unusual events that A. Cause superiority
occurred in Pavlov’s laboratory leading personalities
him to the discovery of classical B. Cause inferiority
conditioning? personalities
A. Dogs salivated after meat C. Bestow meaning and
powder was placed in purpose on all
their mouths behavior.
B. Dogs sometimes salivated D. Stimulate feelings of
before meat powder inferiority
was placed in their mouths.
84. Adler held that people are 91. Determinants of human behavior
continually pushed by the need to EXCEPT one:
overcome inferiority feelings and pulled A. Heredity
by the desire for B. Environment
A. Love C. Social Functioning
C. Unity with all humanity D. Culture
B. Social interest 92. Ne-Yo Zep generally obeys his
D. Completion parents, is a good student in school
85. According to Jung, art, religion, and a good member of his
myths, and drama are important to community. He believes in doing
individual functioning because they what is right and is concerned of the
A. Facilitate conscious reaction of his parents, friends,
development teachers and people in the
B. Are symbols that appeal to community, thus, he refrains from
basic archetypes. doing negative activities that would
C. Provide the means for ruin his good reputation. What theory
achieving control over a hostile in deviant behavior could explain Ne-
environment Yo Zep’s behavior?
D. Transmit specific information a. Social control
for solving developmental tasks. b. Social learning
86. Rogers is most properly associated c. Labeling
with d. Cultural transmission
A. nondirective counseling
B. client- centered therapy 93.They tend to be rigid, with well-
C. rational-emotive theraphy defined roles.
D. behavior modification a. Open families
87. Healthy people evaluate their b. Enmeshed families
experiences as good or bad according c. Closed families
to which criterion? d. Random families
A. the self-actualizing tendency 94.The boundaries between some or all
B. perceived self of the members are undifferentiated,
C. reflected appraisal of others permeable and fluid
D. the actualizing tendency a. Enmeshed families
88. A discrepancy between the self- b. Healthy family
concept and the ideal self, results in c. Open families
A. ego defense mechanisms. d. None of the above
B. subception
C. the person of tomorrow 95.The boundary among family
D. incongruence members is neither too rigid nor too
89. An unawareness of a discrepancy diffuse
between self and experience leads to a. Closed families
A. psychological health b. Enmeshed families
B. anxiety c. Open families
C. threat d. Healthy family
D. vulnerability
96.It has to do with human interaction
90. Which statement is most consistent having to do with mutual aid or alliance
with Roger’s concept of humanity? of persons seeking for common goal or
A. People have a natural reward.
tendency to move toward actualization a. competition
B. People move inevitably b. cooperation
toward self-actualization c. accommodation
C. People move inevitably d. socialization
toward self-actualization 97.It is a form of emotionalized and
D. People are free to become violent opposition in which major
what they will. concern is to overcome the opponent a
means of securing a given goal or a. Persistent avoidance of
reward. memories, thoughts,
a. cooperation feelings, or external
b. conflict reminders associated with
c. competition the traumatic event(s)
d. none of the above lasting for more than one
98.Refers to a process of conscious month.
efforts of men or women to develop a b. Exposure to serious injury,
working arrangements among sexual violence, or
themselves so as to suspend conflict threatened or actual death
and make their relationships more lasting more than one
tolerable month.
a. cooperation c. The presence of
b. accommodation memories, dreams, or
c. assimilation dissociated reactions that
d. amalgamation are involuntary, intrusive,
distressing, and recurrent
99.Known as a cultural fusion-a blending lasting for more than one
of values, attitudes and beliefs. month.
a. assimilation d. Negative, distorted, or
b. accommodation exaggerated, beliefs,
c. amalgamation cognitions, or moods
d. acculturation associated with the
100.Which of these statements does not traumatic event that lasts
describe accurate criteria for PTSD, as for more than one month.
described by the DSM-5?

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