EMV Cards Vulnerabilities Detection Using ANN

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EMV Cards Vulnerabilities Detection Using ANN

HAJJI TARIK Noura Ouerdi

Faculty of Engineering Sciences (FSI), Lab. MATSI, ENSAO
Private University of Fez (UPF) Mohammed First University
Fez, Morocco Oujda, Morocco
hajji@upf.ac.ma noura@gmail.com

Abstract— the Artificial Neural Network (ANN) was exploited In the third section, we give an overview of EMV card. The
in several research works as a mechanism of clustering, fourth section highlights our new methodology of
diagnostic, detection and classification. This is what our proposal vulnerabilities detection for an EMV card based on neural
is aimed at. Indeed, we had used the neural network to evaluate network. The fifth section details neural network
the integrity of an EMV (Europay MasterCard and Visa) Card by implementation in three stages: Data normalization, learning
detecting the vulnerabilities. First of all, we had used the state and validation. We end with a conclusion.
transition diagram presenting the interaction between a terminal
and an EMV card to generate the authorized interactions and
unauthorized ones (considered as vulnerabilities). Then, we had II. RELATED WORKS
exploited these data to implement a neural network with the
ability to evaluate the EMV specifications by distinguishing A. Attack on EMV cards: PIN bypass
between the vulnerabilities and normal cases of interaction. In this The principle of the attack is based on an intruder between
paper, we will discuss in detail the mentioned steps. the payment terminal and the stolen card. The intruder has a
FPGA computer that modifies negotiation between the
Keywords— Card; Neural Network; Security; Vulnera-bility terminal and the card: on one side, the terminal submits the
PIN inserted by the thief to the FPGA, that always responds
I. INTRODUCTION OK, on the other side, FPGA chip lets to believe the stolen
card that the terminal does not know the PIN and requests for
Following the massive bank data thefts that have affected
the current customer signature.
large distributors, many are pushing for the adoption of smart
payment cards. But for some experts, fraud do not disappear This attack is based on several vulnerabilities, including:
completely. EMV also called ”Chip-and-PIN” is widespread in
the world, it is in fact used as a payment system for bank cards. • The fact that EMV tested by the Cambridge team [2]
The information securely stored on an integrated circuit of the accept transactions without PIN: Is it the case of chips
card and the customer’s PIN, allow payment terminals to issued by banks?
authenticate each credit card. However, EMV specifications • The negotiations between the terminal and the chip are
still raise security issues, and vulnerabilities affecting these not encrypted;
cards have already been exploited in the real word.
• During the online authorization, the bank has no way of
Two modes of possible attacks against the system: knowing the nature of the authentication (PIN or
”Preplay” and ”No PIN” attack [2]. In the ”Preplay” attack [1], signature).
the card inserted in the payment terminal can be charged for a
transaction carried out with fraudulent cardused in another What is really impressive is that the attack works even with
terminal somewhere in the world. In the second type of attack an online authorization (when the terminal calls the bank). This
”No PIN” [2], the criminal uses stolen card connected to is not a crypto attack like YES-card attack [1] where the pirate
mobile terminal in which there is an another card doctored. is programming his own chip with both a random account
This coupling allows to bypass the PIN verification step at the number and certificate. Here, the nature of the transaction is
point of sale and validate fraudulent transactions. The objective perfectly valid: the card being used is stolen, but it is real. It’s
of our work is to ensure that no security step has been skipped, just the PIN control which is bypassed.
including cardholder PIN verification step. To do this, we
propose in this paper, our methodology for verifying the EMV B. Vulnerability Tests generation for EMV Card
transaction between a terminal and an EMV card using neural There are several types of vulnerability tests, weare inter-
networks. ested here to the tests that can be run on an EMV card. We
The paper is organized as follows: the second section quote: Tests based on models MBT and fuzzing tests. Testing
presents the related work including PIN bypass attack on EMV of security applications using MBT techniques seems an
cards, vulnerability tests generation and neural networks for interesting approach to test for security vulnerabilities [8]. As
javaCard. previous part of this work [4], we have already proposed a
methodology for generating vulnerability tests for an EMV
978-1-4673-7689-1/16/$31.00 ©2016 IEEE
card. This methodology is based on Model Based Testing • An application ”credit” to debit the associated credit
approach. reserves distinct of the current account;
In the first part of our past work [5], we generated the • An electronic purse.
abstract test cases based on a SysML model [7]. Indeed, we
used the SysML language to model an EMV transaction The transition to EMV Standard payment cards has the
between an EMV card and terminal. We generated thereafter following two advantages:
the formal model EventB that we used to generate the abstract • Security improving(fraud reducing) ;
test cases. For this, we used the VTG tool [6]. As a second part
of this work, we have transformed abstract test cases into • More precise control for ”offline” credit card transac-
concrete tests [4]. These tests represented vulnerability tests tions(without bank authorization request).
executable on an EMV card. Concerning Fuzzing tests, they
The standard ISO/IEC 7816-3 [15] defines the protocol
are considered as popular technique to test for security
dialog between the smart card and the terminal. Under this
vulnerabilities [8]. The results obtained by fuzzing on a smart
standard, the data is exchanged according to the APDU
card show that for security vulnerabilities, testing by fuzzing
protocol. This means that the terminal sends a command to the
techniques are not really effective, but they remain
chip, that processes it and returns a response.
complementary to conventional testing techniques [9].
B. EMV Transaction
C. Neural Networks
EMV transaction is performed according to the following
The neural networks are an artificial approach for address-
steps [3]:
ing learning and reasoning problems. Thanks to their parallel
processing of information and their inspired mechanisms of • Selecting the EMV application;
nerve cells (neurons), they infer properties that can solve
complex problems. • Application processing initialization;

Therefore, the neural networks are now used for all kinds of • Reading records;
applications in various fields. In this context, a new detection • Card Authentication;
approach for fault attacks based on neural networks was
proposed for Java Card [10]. For this, a Java class has been • Cardholder identification (PIN code, signature, ...);
developed, and then a neural network was established to
differentiate the paths followed by the program during its • Terminal Risk management terminal;
execution by the smart card. For the test, the neural network Risk analysis and terminal action (Payment accepted
has been built in an open source virtual machine and uses offline, declined offline, Authorization Required);
learning and test set.
First analysis of the card risk; Online Authorization
D. Learning and test sets Application (if appropriate); Second analysis of the card risk;
Running the transmitter final script (updated card set-tings,
For both tasks, it is desired that the neural network gives Card locked, ...).
the right outputs for a set of examples, called test set. For this,
a set of examples, on which the network will train and learn, is
used. This set is called the training set. The examples of the test IV. OUR NEW METHODOLOGY OF
set do not belong to the training set. The test set is much VULNERABILITIES DETECTION IN AN EMV CARD
greater than the learning one.
A. Elaboration of the state transition diagram
The operational set consists of all real examples encoun- In this research, our main target is to detect vulnerabilities
tered during the end use of neural network. With this method of an EMV card using neural networks. For this, we propose a
based on the distinction between training set and test set, the methodology based on a state transition diagram which models
neural network must be capable of generalization. an EMV transaction between a terminal and an EMV card. We
used the model that we have develop previously as part of the
III. APPLICATION DOMAIN: EMV CARD work [4]. Except that we simplified here this model by
omitting loops. The objective is to ensure relevance of neural
A. EMV Standard networks. The new model is presented by the The figure 1.
Since 1995, EMV is the international standard of security In figure 1, the transitions represent the APDU commands
of payment cards (smart cards). It takes its name from its sent from the terminal to the EMV card, while the states of
founding organizations: Europay, MasterCard and Visa diagrams show the different states of the Terminal-Card system
International. after execution of the associated command APDU.
One of the initial objectives of the EMV standard was to As a brief explanation of this diagram, an EMV transaction
allow the deployment of ”multiapplication” cards, otherwise begins With the sending of SELECT APPLICATION
many applications can be on a single card, for example: command in order to select the appropriate application by its
• An application to debit the current account;
AID (Application IDentifier). The state of Terminal-Card to attacks. In other part, the objective of our system is to detect
system will become ”Application selected”. whether the entry is a valid path or an attack.

Fig. 1. Our state diagram Fig. 2. The associated graph

Then, the terminal sends the second command GET

selected application. The terminal reads the data stored on the
GAC Transition Meaning
card as records, using the command APDU READ RECORD.
The fourth step is the card authentication. There are two types GAC1_AAC_ARQC_AAC The first call of GENERATE
of card authentication: static authentication (SDA transition) AC command with parameter
and dynamic one (presented by INTERNAL AUTH and GET TC, AAC or ARQC
CHALLENGE transition). Then, the EMV transaction cryptogram. It returns AAC
proceeds to CardHolder authentication via the VERIFY cryptogram
command. Finally, the transitions starting with GAC represent
the APDU commands GENERATE AC which constitutes the GAC1_ARQC_ARQC The first call of GENERATE
heart of the transaction through the cryptograms transmission. AC APDU command with
These last transitions are explained in the table I [4]. ARQC cryptogram
parameter. It returns ARQC
B. Elaboration of the Graph for neural network cryptogram.
To use neural network, we should have a graph with integer GAC1_TC_TC The first call of GENERTE
vertices. Therefore, we propose the following cor-respondence AC APDU command. TC
between the states of our state diagram and vertices of the new cryptogram as argument and
graph (Fig. 2). TC as return value.
GAC2_TC_TC The second call of
An ANN is composed of three types of layers; input, command. TC cryptogram as
hidden and output ones. Each layer contains one or multiple argument and TC as return
elements corresponding to neurons. The value generated by a value.
neuron and which is calculated by taking into account the CAC2_AAC_TC_AAC The second call of
parameter synaptic weight, aliments the neuron belonging to GENERATE AC APDU
the next layer [11]. command. It takes as
Concerning the patterns used to aliment the input layer, we parameter AAC or TC
deduce the possible paths from the graph. These paths are cryptogram and returns AAC
considered as the normal patterns. We consider that any path cryptogram.
which is different from the normal patterns is an attempted
attack. Then, we deduce the abnormal patterns corresponding
Consequently, we have a single output neuron that takes: 0 Consequently, any path which is different of all these
if it is a normal case 1 if it is an abnormal case meaning an patterns is considered as an attempted attack. We have
attack The strengths of the neural network reside in learning, generated 236 abnormal patterns. And as an example, we
objects identification and a better interpretation. This has been present some invalid paths by the figure 4. The invalid
a good reason for employing it to detect intrusions and attacks passages are highlighted with red color.

A. Data normalization
As mentioned above, the vertices of the graph are affected
to the network’s inputs. Even if the vertices values are
numerical, it is necessary to adapt them to the format of the
network input which is between -1 and 1. By using the Alyuda
Neurointelligence [16], this step (named also the
preprocessing) is realized automatically by thetool.

B. Learning
Learning is the mechanism by which the synaptic weights
are adapted and modified in order to obtain network outputs
which match the desired ones. In order to train the network, a
part of patterns are used in this step. And other patterns are
employed to test the learning rate.
Fig. 4. Invalid patterns
C. Validation
A part of these patterns is employed during the first step
During this phase, the synaptic weights are fixed and the which is the network training, and a second part is used to
network must be alimented by new patterns (different from the validate the network ability.
patterns employed in the training phase). By taking into
account the synaptic weights, the network calculates the output According to the obtained results, we conclude that the
which must be as close as possible to the target. network is able to detect all of the abnormal patterns without
any false positive.
D. Obtained results This means, the network detects 100% of the vulnerabilities
As mentioned above, the patterns which have been em- and does not confuse them with the normal patterns.
ployed to aliment the network are generated from the graph.
The paths shown in the figure 3 are considered as normal VI. CONCLUSION
Nowadays, smart cards offer great computing power and
they embed advanced hardware security mechanisms. How-
ever, this potential security offered by the hardware platform
can be defeated by implementation vulnerabilities at the
application level [9]. Since we process EMV cards dedicated to
the payment, communication between the terminal and the card
must be secure.
To verify that embedded applications on an EMV card are
safe and functional, we proposed a new methodology based on
neural networks. This methodology takes, as starting point, the
state transition dia gram which models an EMV transaction
between a terminal and an EMV card. Then we adapted this
model in order to have an operable graph with neural networks.
Indeed, we proceeded to the trans-formation of different
states of the state transition diagram into integer elements.
These elements represent the vertices of the graph on which
our neural network will be based. This later involves three
essential steps: data normalization, learning and validation
step. To feed the input layer of our neural network, we used
Fig. 3. Valid patterns extracted paths from the graph as valid patterns. Otherwise, all
paths that are differents from these valid patterns are
[12][13][14][10] and also to detect vulnerabilities which is considered as invalid patterns. After validation step, we
the aim of this work. So, it is necessary to take first three steps: obtained valuable results, the network was able to detect all of
data normalization, learning (called also training) and abnormal patterns. This proves the effectiveness of using
validation. neural networks in the context of the vulnerability detection of
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each method in order to extract the best technique adaptable to [8] M. Felderer and B. Agreiter, P. Zech,R. Breu, A classification for
vulnerability detection for EMV cards. model-based security testing, Advances in System Testing and
Validation Lifecycle (VALID 2011), 2011, pp. 109114.
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