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Our Lady of Fatima University of Quezon City


Each group will be given a specific topic to discuss. In your group, assign a moderator
and documenter of the focus group. The rest of the members will be the participants.
Design questions that are suitable to ask in the topic given. Discuss the topic with your
group and record the information shared by the participants. Follow the format below in
accomplishing the FGD report:

Section: BSHACLO 1-YC-1

Group No. 3
Group Members:
 Castro, Ryeh Ashley Jeanellah C.
 Castro, Raine Allysa Jeanellah C.
 Laddaran, Leanmel Kimber
 Galang, Miko Enrico
 Brillante, Louiz
 Gabriel, Jeloiza
 Daoa, Ricardo IV
TOPIC FGD Description of Solutions
Characteristics Discussion Suggested for the
Since the Pandemic
Preventing the Location: began, Batasan Hills The Batasan Hills
spread of COVID-19 Batasan Hills Quezon in Quezon City has Quezon City Rescue
in Batasan Hills City been one of the Respondent is
Quezon City areas where the virus actively responding
Number of has spread the to the Covid Virus.
Participants: fastest. During the They ensure that the
8 participants (Group pandemic, community is safe
Members) responders were and that all residents
busy identifying follow the safety
Age and Gender: positive individuals protocols. When a
19- 23 and transporting person tests positive
them to isolation for the virus on
facilities. Every day, Covid, they are
there are always immediately placed in
positive people, and isolation facilities to
this keeps the prevent the virus
community on from spreading. They
lockdown. Barangay consistently disinfect
all of the streets and
roads in their
community. The
Batasan Hills leaders
also provide safety
equipment such as
facemasks, alcohol,
officials ensure each
and face shields.
individual's safety by
Social distancing is
providing them with
strictly enforced in
protective equipment
every corner of the
such as face masks,
community to prevent
shields, and
this spread by
disinfectant sprays.
reducing close
contact between
people. It may sound
inconvenient, but it's
a social responsibility
we should all take

Journal Writing
What barriers did you experience during the FGD? How can you overcome these barriers?

Participants Can’t Voice Their Opinion Freely

Focus groups always have the “feeling” that you are under a microscope. People with
introverted personalities find it difficult to voice their opinion freely. Hence, the quality of
the information obtained is poor, and the investment gets wasted.



Preparation is key to an introvert’s success, particularly at meetings during which

leaders bounce from topic to topic and interruptions are common. Because speaking
spontaneously is difficult for introverts, take the time before a meeting to write down key
points you want to make or questions you want to ask.

The physical process of writing them down will help you to organize your thoughts in an
eloquent manner. “It’s difficult for introverts to process their opinions on the fly during
meetings, which is why preparation is so important,” she says. “Having those key points
with you will help you navigate meetings more successfully.”
Because introverts may not be comfortable speaking on the spot and may
lack confidence that they’ll say the right thing, practicing what you’ll say and how you’ll
say it is necessary. Take those key statements or questions you prepared prior to the
meeting and practice saying them aloud.

This process will help cement your thoughts in your mind, which will make articulating
them easier. If speaking on the fly is a muscle you’d like to build.

Introverts loathe watching themselves speak. (Actually, many people hate watching
themselves speak.) Videoing yourself – no matter how painful – is a valuable exercise
that gives your insight into how you’re presenting yourself at meetings.

Speak up
Of course, interruptions happen. Coping with people who interrupt or interject when
you’re trying to make a point is frustrating and uncomfortable for introverts.

Follow up
Whether or not you were able to speak your thoughts during the meeting, it’s a good
idea to follow up after with the key stakeholders. Send them an email that recaps what
you said and anything you weren’t able to express. This gives introverts the unrestricted
time they prefer to think about and formulate their opinions.



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