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Name: Morales, Leona Marlie Subject: Psych Stats
A. number:
Section: PSY231 Date: 09/01/2023

LABORATORY 01: Introduction to Psychological Statistics

TO DO: We learn in our class about the levels of measurement and types of data. With that:

1. Give at least 5 examples of level of measurement (each)

2. Give at least 5 examples of categorical, numerical and ranked.*make your data specific.

I. Level of Measurement


Ordinal 1. Ratings
2. Ranks
3. Birth order in siblings
4. Socio-economic status
5. Education Status (high school, shs, college)

Nominal 1. Age
2. Nationality
3. Hair color
4. Gender
5. Blood type

Interval 1. Temperature (celsius and fahrenheit)

2. IQ Test
3. pH measure
4. Voltage
5. Income range

Ratio 1. Crime rate

2. Height
3. Weight
4. Money
5. Distance
II. Categorical, Numerical, Ranked


CATEGORICAL 1. Hair color (brown, blonde, black.)

2. Race (Asian, American, Hispanic)
3. Gender (male, female, non-binary etc.)
4. Brand of soap (dove, safeguard, etc.)
5. Eye color (green, blue, brown, black)

NUMERICAL 1. Height (e.g. 165 cm)

2. Weight (e.g. 55 kg)
3. Age (e.g. 13 y/o)
4. IQ (e.g. 200)
5. Size (e.g. 3 cm wide)

RANKED 1. Winners (first place, second place, third place)

2. Honor roll (Honors, High Honors, Highest honors)
3. Stages of Cancer (stages 1, 2, 3 …)
4. Music popularity rankings (Spotify Most streamed artists).
5. Education level ( Primary, Secondary, Tertiary.)

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