A Comprehensive Laboratory Services Surv

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A Comprehensive Laboratory Services Survey of

State Public Health Laboratories

Stanley L. Inhorn, Burton W. Wilcke, Jr, Frances Pouch Downes, Oluwatosin Omolade Adjanor, Ronald Cada,
and James R. Ford

n November 2004, the Association of Public Health Healthy People 2010 (HP2010)1 Objective 23-13
Laboratories (APHL) conducted a Comprehensive Laboratory reads: Increase the proportion of Tribal, State, and local
health agencies that provide or assure comprehensive
Services Survey of State Public Health Laboratories
laboratory services to support essential public health
(SPHLs) in order to establish the baseline data necessary for services. In 2001, the Leadership Committee (now the
Healthy People 2010 Objective 23-13. This objective aims to Laboratory Systems and Standards [LSS] Committee) of
measure the increase in the proportion of health agencies that the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL)
evaluated the impact of and implementation strategies
provide or assure access to comprehensive laboratory services
for Healthy People 2010 objectives on public health lab-
to support essential public health services. This assessment oratory practices and partnerships. The LSS commit-
addressed only SPHLs and served as a baseline to periodically tee developed a plan for collecting data to periodically
evaluate the level of improvement in the provision of laboratory measure the status of Objective 23-13. The measure-
ment of this objective would serve as a baseline for eval-
services over the decade ending 2010. The 2004 survey used
uating accomplishments over the decade ending 2010.
selected questions that were identified as key indicators of Members of the LSS committee recognized in mid-
provision of comprehensive laboratory services. The survey was 2001 that there were few databases that could provide
developed in consultation with the Centers for Disease Control meaningful information on the ability of tribal, state,
and local health departments to provide comprehen-
and Prevention National Center for Health Statistics, based on
sive laboratory services. The problem was determined
newly developed data sources. Forty-seven states and one to be more complex because any evaluation system
territory responded to the survey. The survey was based on the would require
11 core functions of SPHLs as previously defined by APHL. The • defining “assure,”
range of performance among individual laboratories for the 11 • defining “comprehensive,”
core functions (subobjectives) reflects the challenging issues that
The ongoing support of the Division of Laboratory Systems, CDC, is gratefully
have confronted SPHLs in the first half of this decade. APHL is acknowledged.
now working on a coordinated effort with other stakeholders to Corresponding author: Stanley L. Inhorn, MD, Wisconsin State Laboratory of
create seamless state and national systems for the provision of Hygiene, University of Wisconsin, 465 Henry Mall, Madison, WI 53706 (e-mail:
laboratory services in support of public health programs. These
services are necessary to help face the threats raised by the
Stanley L. Inhorn, MD, is Medical Director Emeritus, Wisconsin State Laboratory of
specter of terrorism, emerging infections, and natural disasters. Hygiene, Madison.
Burton W. Wilcke, Jr, PhD, is Associate Professor and Chair, Department of Medical
KEY WORDS: Healthy People 2010, laboratory systems, services Laboratory and Radiation Sciences, University of Vermont, Burlington.
survey Frances Pouch Downes, DrPH, is State Public Health Laboratory Director, Michigan
Department of Community Health, Lansing.
Oluwatosin Omolade Adjanor, MSA, is a scientist with Bureau of Laboratories,
Michigan Department of Community Health, Lansing.
Ronald Cada, DrPH, is Retired Director, Division of Laboratories, Colorado
Department of Public Health and Environment, Denver.
J Public Health Management Practice, 2006, 12(6), 514–521 James R. Ford, BS, is Manager of Laboratory Systems & Standards with Association
C 2006 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, Inc. of Public Health Laboratories, Silver Spring, Maryland.

A Comprehensive Laboratory Services Survey ❘ 515

• identifying measurement tools or standards to use in a key role in any public health system, the need for
establishing the baseline data and progress in meet- public–private coordination is essential, because much
ing this objective, and of the testing of public health significance is done in
• identifying a comprehensive list of tribal, state, and nonpublic health laboratories. Furthermore, bioterror-
local public health laboratories. ism or other such events could occur anywhere in the
United States and could affect many jurisdictions. With
Thus, the committee faced the daunting challenge approximately 175,000 clinical laboratory entities in this
of evaluating tribal, state, and local health department country identified under the federal Clinical Labora-
provision of or access to laboratory services with no es- tory Improvement Amendments of 19884 and a large
tablished measurement toolbox. The solution required number of environmental laboratories, the attempt to
identifying all health departments in the United States create an effective response system for testing of public
and determining what services they provided or as- health significance presents a major challenge.
sured. At the time of this survey (May 2001), the As- One obvious challenge to APHL in assuring a com-
sociation of State and Territorial Health Officials, the prehensive and coordinated reporting system was to
National Association of County and City Health Of- further define the roles of SPHLs. Accordingly, APHL
ficials, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and CDC clarified the 11 ”Core Functions of State Pub-
(CDC), and the Health Resources and Service Adminis- lic Health Laboratories”5 in order to define their role in
tration (HRSA) were exploring the use of state and local a national laboratory system. Since the CDC-supported
health department assessment materials, but no appro- National Laboratory System is dependant on establish-
priate assessment tools for public health laboratories ing a nation-wide network, the pivotal role of SPHLs in
were available for the State Public Health Laboratories building partnerships between public and private lab-
(SPHLs) survey. oratories is crucial. By implementing the National Lab-
In 2000, when the core functions and capabilities of oratory System concept within their states, SPHLs help
SPHLs were being further defined by APHL,2 it was to enhance the 10 essential services of public health6
recognized that SPHLs vary greatly in size, resources, and contribute to many of the goals of HP2010.
scope of operations, funding, and organizational struc- In 2002, the LSS committee embarked on develop-
ture. In some states, environmental testing and personal ing a plan for collecting data to periodically measure
health testing are carried out in separate facilities within the status of HP2010 Objective 23-13. It reviewed mod-
different agencies. Several states have branch laborato- els such as the one developed by the Council of State
ries, while most conduct all activities in a central facil- and Territorial Epidemiologists to measure HP Objec-
ity. In addition, SPHLs face changing demands from the tive 23-14. At the same time, other APHL committees
constituent users of their services as public health pri- were designing surveys to measure SPHLs’ readiness
orities evolve. Another influence on SPHLs operation to respond to threats to the food chain security and in-
is the rapid increase in scientific technology and infor- tentional exposures to pathogenic microbes and toxic
mation systems available for both public and private/ chemicals. Since results were available from these three
commercial laboratories. In addition, SPHL directors topic-specific surveys, these data could be used as a part
continually face the decisions of which tests should be of the baseline comprehensive survey.
performed in their facilities and which should be re-
ferred to other testing organizations. In many states,
the legislature plays a direct role in determining the ● Methods
test menu offered by the SPHL.
Even prior to September 11, 2001, and the anthrax For several decades, APHL collaborated with CDC to
terrorist events in October 2001, CDC and APHL rec- conduct and publish the Consolidated Annual Report
ognized the need to develop a seamless laboratory net- (CAR). As the name implies, the CAR was an annual
work responsive to threats to the public’s health. The report on the workloads and activities of the SPHLs cov-
need for a comprehensive national system for respond- ering the fiscal year July 1 through June 30. Although
ing to man-made or naturally occurring health risks the CAR was not conducted in all years, the majority
such as terrorist attacks, outbreaks of food-borne ill- of states and territories contributed to the survey. The
ness, environmental catastrophes, exposure to harmful aggregated data presented a broad picture of changes
chemicals, and emerging infectious diseases was ap- in infectious disease surveillance activity, emergence of
parent. A Laboratory Response Network (LRN) was new public health threats and practices, and other pub-
developed by CDC3 to respond to a possible bioterror- lic health issues in which laboratory testing was critical.
ism threat such as anthrax. Accurate and timely labo- In some years, large city/county public health labo-
ratory analyses are required to identify and track such ratories were also included. Each year, new questions
occurrences (ie, surveillance). Even though SPHLs play were introduced about specific aspects of laboratory
516 ❘ Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

operations such as new technologies and administra- TABLE 1 ● Indicators for subobjectives of Healthy People
tive challenges. 2010 objective 23-13
In 1997, APHL replaced the CAR with the Core Func-
tions Survey (CFS) to assess the status of public health
Number of passing
laboratories, with questions related to the 11 core func-
Subobjective indicators score
tions of SPHLs and to other aspects of laboratory sys-
tems. The survey was designed to identify needs, gaps, 23-13a Disease Prevention, Control and 22 16
threats, and risks to public health laboratory practice. Surveillance
The CFS was repeated in 1999 and 2002. The 2004 Com- 23-13b Integrated Data Management 5 4
prehensive Laboratory Services Survey reported here7 23-13c Reference & Specialized Testing 8 6
is an extension of the CFS that was modified to serve as 23-13d Environmental Health and Protection 12 9
a data source in determining the degree to which SPHLs 23-13e Food Safety 9 7
were meeting the HP2010 Objective 23-13. The 11 core 23-13f Laboratory Improvement and 2 2
functions of an SPHL form the basis for the Compre- Regulation
hensive Laboratory Services Survey (CLSS). 23-13g Policy Development 3 3
The design of the 2004 survey was developed by 23-13h Emergency Response 12 9
the LSS committee using questions based on indica- 23-13i Public Health–Related Research 4 3
tors of comprehensiveness, defined as ”the extent to 23-13j Training and Education 6 5
which the state is assuring the provision of the 11 core 23-13k Partnerships and Communication 6 5
functions of state public health laboratories.”2,5 Pub-
lic health guidelines or peer-developed standards were
used where they exist. The primary source of questions a new focus area in HP 2010. This focus area is cross-
was the 2002 CFS from which some questions were left cutting and vital to strengthening the public health in-
intact and others modified. The LSS committee devel- frastructure because of the major health crises and pre-
oped new questions where needed. For core functions paredness demands of the past few years. Baseline data
of food safety and emergency preparedness, questions for the new objectives did not exist at the beginning of
were selected from three recently conducted surveys the decade. Since then, the lead agencies have worked to
(all in 2004)—Food Safety, Bioterrorism Preparedness & identify data sources and support development of data
Response, and Chemical Terrorism Preparedness. The sources wherever possible. CDC and HRSA proposed
survey used indicators to evaluate the extent to which a revised Objective 23-13—”Increase the proportion of
each state is providing or assuring services that satisfy Tribal and State public health agencies that provide or
each of the core functions. The number of indicators assure comprehensive laboratory services to support
varied by section, related to the complexity and activity essential public health services.” CDC and HRSA rec-
within that core function (Table 1). Laboratories needed ognized that data sources do not exist for local public
to satisfy 70 percent of the indicator activities for each of health departments and none would likely be available
the 11 core function areas in order to receive an accept- during the decade. A footnote to this revised objective
able score. This achievement level was based on (1) the also stated that there are currently no data sources at the
concept of continuous improvement, with the goal that tribal level, but if data should become available before
SPHLs would improve performance over the decade, the end of the decade, the tribal level will be included.
and (2) the model of the National Public Health Perfor- The CLSS was distributed in November 2004 to all
mance Standards Program. In this program, an agency state and territorial public health laboratories using
achieves the desired level of performance when 75 per- the APHL Web-based survey tool LabNet. SPHL direc-
cent of the activity described within a question is met. tors were asked to complete the self-assessment within
The end-of-decade targets were based on information 3 weeks. Respondents were told that each state would
from past surveys and evaluation of SPHL activities by receive a confidential summary report of its perfor-
the various committees of APHL. mance, and only anonymous-aggregated data would
During the development of the survey, the LSS com- be reported publicly.
mittee consulted with the CDC staff responsible for the
HP 2010 initiative at the National Center for Health
Statistics in order to assure that the APHL survey and ● Results
data collection strategy would meet criteria for inclu-
sion in HP 2010 reports and further HP 2010 activities. In December 2004, a summary of the survey results
During the process, the 11 core functions were incorpo- was sent to the HP 2010 program at the CDC Of-
rated as the 11 subobjectives for Objective 23-13. CDC fice of Program Planning and Evaluation and the
and HRSA noted that Public Health Infrastructure is National Center for Health Statistics. The summary
A Comprehensive Laboratory Services Survey ❘ 517

FIGURE 1. Percentage of respondents meeting subobjective with end of decade targets. Light gray indicates percentage of respondents meeting
subobjective; black, end of decade targets.

reported a response rate of 86 percent (47 states and the major scientific activity of SPHLs. Two additional
1 territory, of a total 56 possible respondents). The questions were not scored but were included for infor-
proportion of states/territories meeting the defined mation gathering. Of these 22 indicators, 3 questions
standards/criteria for each of the subobjectives is pre- dealt with laboratory quality control, participation in
sented in Figure 1. Other information provided to CDC CDC disease surveillance programs, and regular com-
included the weighting/scoring mechanism, an op- munication with the state epidemiologist’s office.
erational definition and rationale for scoring at the Two infectious diseases were used as surrogates for
70 percent level, the end of decade targets based on the the provision of comprehensive laboratory services for
improvement over baseline scores, a description of the the core function of disease prevention, control, and
LabNet survey system, and the designation of a 2-year surveillance—gonorrhea (GC) and tuberculosis (TB).
periodicity for future data collection. Gonorrhea and TB testing is an activity that all SPHLs
The wide range of scores for core functions reflects perform and where disease control programs involve
the diversity of SPHL operational mandates along with interdisciplinary public health systems that include
a variety of challenges that SPHLs have faced within the clinicians, private-sector laboratories, public health de-
first half of the decade. These issues were analyzed and partments, and epidemiologists. For these two diseases,
will be illustrated by referring to specific questions in the survey evaluated the individual laboratory’s per-
the survey and by noting the system challenges facing formance in the larger public health system. Five ques-
SPHLs. These challenges have led to efforts by APHL tions explored whether the systems in place for GC
to improve the federal/state/private laboratory sys- testing follow national guidelines.8 For example, al-
tem and to assist SPHLs in meeting these contemporary though the survey indicates that 93.5 percent of SPHLs
public health demands. provide identification of GC isolates, only 53.2 per-
The Disease Prevention, Control, and Surveillance cent provide or assure antibiotic susceptibility testing.
(23-13a) section contained the most questions—22, re- Ten questions assessed the adequacy of tuberculosis-
flecting the fact that infectious disease testing has been testing protocols. Many organizations and agencies
518 ❘ Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

have devoted considerable effort to developing a na- dard, although several others showed marginal per-
tional plan for reliable TB laboratory services in the formance by providing five or six of the capacities or
United States, especially since the advent of multiply services.
resistant organisms.9,10 A significant finding was that For the core function of Laboratory Improvement
only 9 of 48 respondents provide 7 days a week pro- and Regulation (23-13f), the survey was limited in scope
cessing of specimens required by new protocols iden- and may not reflect the true situation since the regu-
tified as a best practice by these guidelines.11 Although latory atmosphere is complex and evolving. Although
all states participate in newborn screening , there is con- 94 percent of SPHLs met the acceptable target, this high
siderable variation in state programs. Of 35 disorders level of achievement may not accurately evaluate the
that could be screened for in newborns, 9 were selected regulatory environment since only two indicators were
for inclusion in scoring. scored and many questions were considered to be for in-
For the core function of Integrated Data Manage- formation gathering only. Currently, there are a number
ment (23-13b), more than two thirds of respondents met of associations and agencies that accredit laboratories.
or exceeded the target of a positive response to four of Some accreditation programs evaluate clinical labora-
five indicators. These questions explored the availabil- tory activities. Others examine environmental labora-
ity of Laboratory Information Management Systems tories, industrial laboratories, forensic laboratories, or
(LIMS). The majority (89%) of SPHLs have at least one other entities. Most (94%) SPHLs or their health agen-
LIMS, but only 41 percent have an enterprise system cies state that they are involved in the regulation, cer-
covering all technical functions of the laboratory. At tification, or accreditation of laboratories within their
present, 75 percent provide electronic laboratory re- area of responsibility. The survey did not distinguish
porting to clients and many incorporate one or more between oversight activities and direct statutory au-
national standards in their systems.12 thority. In many cases, it is possible that SPHLs are in-
Reference and Specialized Testing (23-13c) are ser- volved in deficiency correction or technical assistance
vices that historically have been provided by SPHLs activities such as those offered by the APHL National
to private laboratories and to local units of govern- Laboratory Training Network. At present, no accredi-
ment. Most (65%) SPHLs are engaged in serving as tation or regulatory program specifically addresses the
a reference laboratory for these entities within their unique activities of public health laboratories such as
states. All SPHLs provide services for identifying un- epidemiological testing. Therefore, APHL is investigat-
usual bacterial isolates, and 98 percent for subtyping ing the development of performance standards and vol-
influenza A virus. Sixty-six percent confirm unusual untary accreditation for public health laboratories.
serology results, 53 percent perform Brucella serology, Although 94 percent of SPHLs provide data for Pol-
and 43 percent identify botulinum toxin. Rabies test- icy Development (23-13g) at the state level and 77 per-
ing on suspect animal and human tissue is offered by cent participate in establishing health policy for their
81 percent of respondents. Indicators for availability of respective states, only 60 percent participate in de-
emerging infections testing in the survey were severe veloping policy standards/models for health-related
acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and vancomycin- laboratories.
resistant Staphylococcus aureus. Most (98%) tested for For the core function of Emergency Response (23-
SARS, while 60 percent provided analyses for resistant 13h), only 29 percent of SPHLs met the subobjective
S aureus. target of 9 out of 12 indicators. This goal required lab-
In the core function of Environmental Health and oratories to fulfill both bioterrorism and chemical ter-
Protection (23-13d), the survey showed that about rorism preparedness criteria. Approximately half the
three-quarters of SPHLs conduct environmental lead states have triage areas for receiving unknown samples.
testing, safe drinking water compliance testing, and Ninety-eight percent maintain an active database for
recreational water analyses. A smaller number conduct all sentinel laboratories within the state, and 86 percent
air quality testing or soil analyses for toxic compounds. maintain an active communication system for these lab-
In clinical samples, lead and other heavy metal test- oratories. The number of SPHLs analyzing for chemical
ing is performed more frequently than examination for threat agents and/or metabolites in clinical samples is
organic compounds or pesticides. Of the respondents, 64 percent and in environmental samples is 62 percent.
only 15 of 48 satisfied the overall goal for the environ- The survey showed that SPHLs vary in their capabili-
mental health & protection subobjective. ties for screening multihazard environmental samples
For the Food Safety core function (23-13e), questions for chemical agents, biological agents, radionuclides, or
from a previous APHL Food Safety Committee survey explosives.
were used. Nine practices and capacities were assessed, Sixty-five percent of SPHLs reported that they
and SPHLs were required to provide or assure seven to participate in Public Health–Related Research (23-
achieve a passing score. Only one state met this stan- 13i). The majority do not conduct basic research, but
A Comprehensive Laboratory Services Survey ❘ 519

28 respondents reported that they participate in or con- garding their capabilities of providing essential ser-
duct applied research resulting in published reports. vices for public health in this decade. The first 5 years
The most common types of applied research were eval- have seen emergence of infectious diseases (eg, West
uation of testing methodologies or collaboration with Nile Virus, SARS) and terrorist actions that have had
academic or private sector investigators. One possible an impact on SPHLs in a number of ways. Political
source of inconsistent responses to research questions leaders should recognize that the public health in-
may be a variation in the interpretation of what stud- frastructure at the state and local levels is fragile and
ies were considered research by the laboratory. New has been poorly funded for many years. Although in-
test introduction or test replacement validation studies creased federal funding has been provided to SPHLs for
are an integral part of normal laboratory operation in training, equipment acquisition, and overall infrastruc-
a regulated quality assurance environment and should ture improvement, any progress toward laboratory pre-
not be considered applied research. This survey was paredness is threatened by decreasing federal support
not able to determine whether true applied research or expected as priorities change. The survey confirms that,
method validation was being performed. In future sur- in addition to food safety, major weaknesses still exist
veys, clarification of the definition of research will be in environmental health and protection, policy devel-
provided. opment, and emergency response areas.
The Training and Education (23-13j) core function is Poor response to the food safety subobjective is at-
closely related to the laboratory improvement and reg- tributed to SPHLs having a limited role in testing food
ulation core function in the sense that many laboratory as a substrate for food-borne bacterial, viral, parasitic
personnel are certified or credentialed by the state gov- agents and organic and inorganic chemical contami-
ernment and/or by professional societies. However, nants and toxins.13–15 In most jurisdictions, food test-
even in states where laboratory professionals are not ing is performed by other governmental laboratories.
credentialed, training opportunities improve the qual- Agencies such as federal and state agricultural depart-
ity of testing. The survey evaluated the SPHL involve- ments and the federal Food and Drug Administration
ment in training of laboratory personnel, and 85 per- (FDA) are responsible for the majority of food analysis
cent responded that they provide training seminars, in the United States. SPHLs have been primarily con-
support employee education, or are involved in other cerned with testing clinical samples such as feces and
educational activities. It was encouraging that 94 per- blood when outbreaks of food-borne diseases are en-
cent have a designated state training coordinator to ad- countered. In the past, SPHLs have collaborated with
dress employee and peer training issues. Furthermore, other governmental agencies in agriculture and the en-
89 percent have cosponsored training activities within vironment when such events occur. Programs are un-
the National Laboratory Training Network during the derway to enhance the capacity of SPHLs to analyze
survey period. Every respondent SPHL provides staff food samples, especially with the threat of terrorism af-
access to a satellite downlink site. It is clear that SPHL fecting the food supply a possibility. In future surveys,
directors recognize that training activities constitute a this tool will need revision to capture state assurance
major priority for maintaining partnerships with labo- that a critical food-testing activity is available in the
ratories within their jurisdictions. state or region.
Approximately half the respondents responded pos- The historically limited role of SPHLs in food safety
itively to five of six questions for the Partnerships and is not sufficient to meet current national food safety
Communication (23-13k) subobjective. The indicators goals or public expectations. The recognition of emerg-
in this category included making oral presentations, ing food-borne disease-causing microbiological agents,
conferring with other public health laboratories, pro- expanded appreciation that food may be a target of
viding a directory of testing services, and publishing intentional biological or chemical contamination,16 in-
newsletters. SPHLs were asked whether there were reg- creased globalization of the food supply, emerging an-
ular meetings with partners such as the state epidemi- tibiotic resistance of food-borne bacterial pathogens,
ologist, the state health officer, or the maternal and child and developments in laboratory and information tech-
health director. The overwhelming majority of labora- nology predict that the public health laboratory will
tories indicated that they maintain close lines of com- have an increasing role to play in detecting and inves-
munication with these associates. tigating food-borne disease activity. The success of the
CDC/APHL partnership in PulseNet, the standardized
molecular typing of organisms isolated from patients
● Discussion and contaminated food combined with a data-sharing
scheme, proves that morbidity and mortality can be
The Comprehensive Laboratory Services Survey pro- prevented through public health use of innovative lab-
vides a baseline picture of the status of SPHLs re- oratory technology. The survey clearly indicates that
520 ❘ Journal of Public Health Management and Practice

investment and prioritization of food testing in SPHLs November/December 2004 found that 5 of 62 states and
are needed to meet national food safety goals. In ad- territorial laboratories had advanced chemical analysis
dition, the 2004 Food Safety Survey that was used to capacity (level 1), 41 were considered level 2 labora-
determine the provision or assurance of food-testing tories, with limited chemical detection capabilities in
services was intended to measure capacity and not as- human samples, and the others had level 3 characteri-
surance. In future surveys, questions will be formatted zation, which is to handle samples for shipment to an
to also collect data on the capacity of public health food approved laboratory for analysis. In addition to assist-
testing in other laboratories serving the state. ing SPHLs in improving analytical capabilities, APHL
The environmental health and protection arena has is working with its members to improve training and
a wide range of participants, including local and state awareness of testing issues with first responders and
public health departments, state environmental protec- to upgrade their LIMS. The Emergency Preparedness
tion agencies, a variety of professional organizations, and Response Committee of APHL is engaging federal
a number of federal agencies, and more recently the and state partners to better coordinate all agencies in
Department of Homeland Security. It is not surpris- national level (CDC maintained) and state laboratory
ing, therefore, that SPHLs are facing many challenges,17 response networks.18
ranging from coordination of services, introduction APHL recognizes that surge capacity is still com-
and standardization of new technologies, to linkage promised by lack of a stockpile of necessary reagents
of LIMS. Many SPHLs test for natural and man-made and planning for increased demands on analytical sys-
hazardous substances such as air, food, and water con- tems. In addition to expanding Laboratory Response
taminants; radiation; toxic chemicals; disease vectors; Network capabilities, another effort of APHL promotes
safety hazards; and habitat alterations. Historically, SPHL participation in the Food Emergency Response
many SPHLs were focused on testing for infectious Network, which is jointly overseen by the FDA and
agents, whereas chemical testing was less heavily em- the USDA. At the national level, 10 federal agencies
phasized. In several states, environmental analyses are have formed the Integrated Consortium of Laboratory
conducted in laboratories in other governmental agen- Networks to facilitate collaboration among the systems.
cies. Currently, APHL is working closely with CDC’s The participation of APHL and SPHLs in national sys-
National Center for Environmental Health to support tems is essential for coordination of testing since states
biomonitoring capacity building for SPHLs. Additional and local public health agencies are ultimately respon-
efforts are underway to help states develop and expand sible for local coordination. They should be the focal
their biomonitoring capabilities. APHL’s Environmen- point for private/public health laboratory integration.
tal Health Committee considers laboratory quality and The APHL Informatics Committee is working to help
competency to be important concerns that have become develop a comprehensive and integrated information
amplified by homeland security issues. The Environ- management system at the local, state, and national lev-
mental Health Committee has encouraged the Environ- els. APHL is developing a framework for integrating
mental Protection Agency to become a National Envi- newborn screening laboratory information with child
ronmental Laboratory Accreditation Program agency health program information systems to assure compre-
in order to provide federal accreditation to state envi- hensive follow-up and notification of screening results
ronmental laboratory programs. to the medical home. The Public Health Informatics In-
Regarding policy development, in recent years stitute has also collaborated with APHL to adopt a strat-
APHL has encouraged members to become proactive in egy for developing Public Health LIMS. Partnerships
meeting with policy makers, legislators, and other part- will be developed with appropriate federal agencies
ners in order to influence important decisions affect- and other health partners. Seamlessly weaving SPHLs
ing laboratory operations. The current APHL strategic into the health safety net is seen as an urgent national
plan promotes developing a unified voice on issues that priority.
impact the public health community where laboratory With the development of an integrated National Lab-
services are involved. The poor performance of the re- oratory System, Laboratory Response Networks, and
spondent SPHLs in this subobjective can be attributed other related activities, developing close partnerships
to the small number of indicators and the requirement with professional colleagues will require increasing ef-
to satisfy all activities in order to achieve this target. forts by SPHL directors. As SPHLs become more inte-
Federal funding for public health laboratory re- grated into federal/state systems for facing the chal-
sponse to bioterrorism began in the late 1990s. In 1999, lenges of global terrorism and the threat of national
five SPHLs were funded for development of chemical disasters, effective partnerships become an essential in-
terrorism testing. As of 2003, states could use existing gredient. As the APHL Laboratory Systems and Stan-
preparedness funds for chemical terrorism, but no addi- dards Committee plans its work for the latter half of
tional funds were made available. An APHL survey in this decade, it recognizes that better survey tools and
A Comprehensive Laboratory Services Survey ❘ 521

targets are needed. Eventually, the survey should ex- CR, Good RC. The resurgence of tuberculosis: is your labo-
pand to local public health laboratories and other gov- ratory ready. J Clin Microbiol. 1993;31:767–770.
ernmental laboratories performing testing of public 10. Association of State and Territorial Public Health Labora-
health significance. tory Directors, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Mycobacterium Tuberculosis: Assessing Your Laboratory. Atlanta,
Ga: US Department of Health and Human Services; 1995.
11. Association of Public Health Laboratories. The Future of TB
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1. US Department of Health and Human Services. Healthy Leadership. Washington, DC: Association of Public Health
People 2010. Conference edition, in two volumes. Washing- Laboratories; 2004.
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and Capabilities of State Public Health Laboratories. Washing- of Public Health Laboratories and the Public Health Informatics
ton, DC: Association of Public Health Laboratories; 2000: 1– Institute. Washington, DC: Association of Public Health Lab-
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3. Laboratory Response Network Web site. Available at: 13. Downes FP, Ito K, eds. Compendium of Methods for the Microbi-
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4. Clinical Laboratory Improvement Amendments Web site. ican Public Health Association; 1999.
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