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for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and AP® Test Preparation

William Shakespeare

TOEFL, TOEIC, AP and Advanced Placement are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which has
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The Merchant of Venice
Webster's French
Thesaurus Edition
for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®, and AP® Test

William Shakespeare

TOEFL®, TOEIC®, AP® and Advanced Placement® are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which
has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.


Published by ICON Group International, Inc.

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The Merchant of Venice: Webster's French Thesaurus Edition for ESL, EFL, ELP, TOEFL®, TOEIC®,
and AP® Test Preparation

This edition published by ICON Classics in 2005

Printed in the United States of America.

Copyright ©2005 by ICON Group International, Inc.

Edited by Philip M. Parker, Ph.D. (INSEAD); Copyright ©2005, all rights reserved.

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ISBN 0-497-25709-2

PREFACE FROM THE EDITOR ........................................................................................ 1
PERSONS REPRESENTED .............................................................................................. 2
ACT I .............................................................................................................................. 3
ACT II ........................................................................................................................... 23
ACT III .......................................................................................................................... 53
ACT IV .......................................................................................................................... 80
ACT V ......................................................................................................................... 103
GLOSSARY ................................................................................................................. 118
William Shakespeare 1


Webster’s paperbacks take advantage of the fact that classics are frequently assigned readings in
English courses. By using a running English-to-French thesaurus at the bottom of each page, this
edition of The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare was edited for three audiences. The
first includes French-speaking students enrolled in an English Language Program (ELP), an
English as a Foreign Language (EFL) program, an English as a Second Language Program (ESL),
or in a TOEFL® or TOEIC® preparation program. The second audience includes English-speaking
students enrolled in bilingual education programs or French speakers enrolled in English speaking
schools. The third audience consists of students who are actively building their vocabularies in
French in order to take foreign service, translation certification, Advanced Placement® (AP®)1 or
similar examinations. By using the Webster's French Thesaurus Edition when assigned for an
English course, the reader can enrich their vocabulary in anticipation of an examination in French
or English.

Webster’s edition of this classic is organized to expose the reader to a maximum number of
difficult and potentially ambiguous English words. Rare or idiosyncratic words and expressions are
given lower priority compared to “difficult, yet commonly used” words. Rather than supply a single
translation, many words are translated for a variety of meanings in French, allowing readers to
better grasp the ambiguity of English, and avoid them using the notes as a pure translation crutch.
Having the reader decipher a word’s meaning within context serves to improve vocabulary
retention and understanding. Each page covers words not already highlighted on previous pages. If
a difficult word is not translated on a page, chances are that it has been translated on a previous
page. A more complete glossary of translations is supplied at the end of the book; translations are
extracted from Webster’s Online Dictionary.

Definitions of remaining terms as well as translations can be found at www.websters-online- Please send suggestions to

The Editor
Webster’s Online Dictionary

TOEFL®, TOEIC®, AP® and Advanced Placement® are trademarks of the Educational Testing Service which
has neither reviewed nor endorsed this book. All rights reserved.
2 The Merchant of Venice



THE PRINCE OF ARRAGON, } suitors to Portia

ANTONIO, a merchant of Venice

BASSANIO, his friend
} friends to Antonio and Bassanio

LORENZO, in love with Jessica

SHYLOCK, a rich Jew
TUBAL, a Jew, his friend
LAUNCELOT GOBBO, a clown, servant to Shylock
OLD GOBBO, father to Launcelot
LEONARDO, servant to Bassanio
STEPHANO, } servants to Portia

PORTIA, a rich heiress

NERISSA, her waiting-maid
JESSICA, daughter to Shylock

clown: clown.
daughter: fille, la fille.
friend: ami, amie, copain, copine,
heiress: héritière.
merchant: négociant, marchand,
rich: riche.
servant: serviteur, domestique,
William Shakespeare 3




In sooth, I know not why I am so sad;
It wearies me; you say it wearies you;
But how I caught it, found it, or came by it,
What stuff 'tis made of, whereof it is born,
I am to learn;
And such a want-wit sadness makes of me
That I have much ado to know myself.
Your mind is tossing on the ocean;
There where your argosies, with portly sail--
Like signiors and rich burghers on the flood,
Or as it were the pageants of the sea--
Do overpeer the petty traffickers,
That curtsy to them, do them reverence,
As they fly by them with their woven wings.

caught: attrapé, attrapèrent, sadness: tristesse, désolation,
attrapâmes, attrapai, attrapa, affliction, abattement, souci.
attrapas, attrapâtes, prîmes, prîtes, stuff: substance, affaires, choses,
prit, pris. fourrer, rembourrer, trucs, bourrer,
curtsy: révérence. truc, chose, empailler, farcir.
fly: mouche, voler, volez, voles, venice: Venise.
volent, vole, volons, volant. wings: coulisses, ailes.
makes: fait, rend. woven: tissé, tissées.
myself: me.
petty: petit, mesquin.
portly: corpulent.
rich: riche.
4 The Merchant of Venice

Believe me, sir, had I such venture forth,
The better part of my affections would
Be with my hopes abroad. I should be still
Plucking the grass to know where sits the wind,
Peering in maps for ports, and piers, and roads;
And every object that might make me fear
Misfortune to my ventures, out of doubt
Would make me sad.%
My wind, cooling my broth
Would blow me to an ague, when I thought
What harm a wind too great might do at sea.
I should not see the sandy hour-glass run
But I should think of shallows and of flats,
And see my wealthy Andrew dock'd in sand,
Vailing her high top lower than her ribs
To kiss her burial. Should I go to church
And see the holy edifice of stone,
And not bethink me straight of dangerous rocks,
Which, touching but my gentle vessel's side,
Would scatter all her spices on the stream,
Enrobe the roaring waters with my silks,
And, in a word, but even now worth this,
And now worth nothing? Shall I have the thought
To think on this, and shall I lack the thought
That such a thing bechanc'd would make me sad?
But tell not me; I know Antonio
Is sad to think upon his merchandise.
Believe me, no; I thank my fortune for it,

ague: fièvre. holy: saint, sacré. répandre, disséminer, diffusion.
blow: coup, souffler, bataille, souffler kiss: baiser, embrasser, bise. shallows: brassiage.
sur, souffle. maps: cartes. sits: couve, s'assied, assied.
burial: enterrement, obsèques, merchandise: marchandise, spices: épices.
ensevelissement, enfouissement. marchandises, denrée, produit. touching: attendrissant, émouvant,
cooling: refroidissement, refroidissant, piers: pilastres. touchant.
rafraîchissement. ports: accès. venture: risquer, aventurer, oser,
edifice: édifice. roaring: rugissant. entreprise, oser entreprendre,
fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. sandy: sableux, sablonneux. aventure, hasarder.
gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. scatter: disperser, dispersent, ventures: entreprises.
harm: nuire, préjudice, mal, tort, dispersons, disperses, disperse, waters: eaux, arrose.
endommager. dispersez, dispersion, verser, wealthy: riche.
William Shakespeare 5

My ventures are not in one bottom trusted,

Nor to one place; nor is my whole estate
Upon the fortune of this present year;
Therefore my merchandise makes me not sad.%
Why, then you are in love.
Fie, fie!
Not in love neither? Then let us say you are sad
Because you are not merry; and 'twere as easy
For you to laugh and leap and say you are merry,
Because you are not sad. Now, by two-headed Janus,
Nature hath fram'd strange fellows in her time:
Some that will evermore peep through their eyes,
And laugh like parrots at a bag-piper;
And other of such vinegar aspect
That they'll not show their teeth in way of smile
Though Nestor swear the jest be laughable.
Here comes Bassanio, your most noble kinsman,
Gratiano, and Lorenzo. Fare ye well;
We leave you now with better company.
I would have stay'd till I had made you merry,
If worthier friends had not prevented me.
Your worth is very dear in my regard.

bottom: fond, derrière, cul, croupe, laugh: rire, rigoler. prévînmes, prévinrent, prévins.
bas, dessous, inférieur. laughable: risible. sad: triste, affligé, désolé, peiné,
comes: vient. leap: saut, sauter. maussade, sombre.
dear: cher, coûteux. merry: joyeux, gai. strange: étrange, singulier, drôle,
enter: entrer, entre, entrons, entrez, neither: ni, personne, non plus, nul. étranger, bizarre.
entrent, entres, introduire, entrer noble: noble, élevé. swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
dans, inscrire, introduis, nor: ni. jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
introduisons. parrots: perroquets. teeth: dents, denture.
evermore: toujours. peep: pépier, gazouiller. till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que.
fare: aller, se porter, prix du billet. prevented: empêchas, empêchâtes, vinegar: vinaigre.
friends: amis. empêchâmes, empêché, empêchèrent, worth: valeur, mérite.
jest: badiner, plaisanter, plaisanterie. empêchai, empêcha, prévenu, ye: vous, toi, tu.
6 The Merchant of Venice

I take it your own business calls on you,

And you embrace th' occasion to depart.%
Good morrow, my good lords.
Good signiors both, when shall we laugh? Say when.
You grow exceeding strange; must it be so?
We'll make our leisures to attend on yours.
My Lord Bassanio, since you have found Antonio,
We two will leave you; but at dinner-time,
I pray you, have in mind where we must meet.
I will not fail you.
You look not well, Signior Antonio;
You have too much respect upon the world;
They lose it that do buy it with much care.
Believe me, you are marvellously chang'd.
I hold the world but as the world, Gratiano;
A stage, where every man must play a part,
And mine a sad one.
Let me play the fool;
With mirth and laughter let old wrinkles come;
And let my liver rather heat with wine
Than my heart cool with mortifying groans.
attend: être présent, assister, soigner, rater. marvellously: de manière
visiter, soignons, assiste, assistes, grow: croître, grandir, cultiver, merveilleuse, de façon merveilleuse.
assistez, assistons, soigne, soignent. grandis, grandissent, grandissez, mine: mine, mienne.
buy: acheter, achat, acquérir. grandissons, croissent, croîs, croissez, mirth: gaieté.
calls: appelle. croissons. morrow: lendemain.
cool: frais, refroidir, froid. heart: coeur, le coeur. mortifying: humiliant, mortifiant.
embrace: embrasser, étreinte, prendre heat: chaleur, chauffer, ardeur, occasion: occasion, lieu, fois.
dans les bras, embrassade, chaleurs, charge de fusion, rut. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
embrassement, embrassent. laughter: rire. prient.
exceeding: dépassant, excédant, liver: foie. respect: respect, respecter.
maîtrisant, outrepassant. lose: perdre, perds, perdez, perdent, wrinkles: rides.
fail: échouer, avorter, faillir, manquer, perdons. yours: vôtre.
William Shakespeare 7

Why%should a man whose blood is warm within

Sit like his grandsire cut in alabaster,
Sleep when he wakes, and creep into the jaundice
By being peevish? I tell thee what, Antonio--
I love thee, and 'tis my love that speaks--
There are a sort of men whose visages
Do cream and mantle like a standing pond,
And do a wilful stillness entertain,
With purpose to be dress'd in an opinion
Of wisdom, gravity, profound conceit;
As who should say 'I am Sir Oracle,
And when I ope my lips let no dog bark.'
O my Antonio, I do know of these
That therefore only are reputed wise
For saying nothing; when, I am very sure,
If they should speak, would almost damn those ears
Which, hearing them, would call their brothers fools.
I'll tell thee more of this another time.
But fish not with this melancholy bait,
For this fool gudgeon, this opinion.
Come, good Lorenzo. Fare ye well awhile;
I'll end my exhortation after dinner.
Well, we will leave you then till dinner-time.
I must be one of these same dumb wise men,
For Gratiano never lets me speak.
Well, keep me company but two years moe,
Thou shalt not know the sound of thine own tongue.
Fare you well; I'll grow a talker for this gear.

brothers: frères. gear: engrenage, pignon. mélancolique, abattement, sombre.
cream: crème, écrémer. grandsire: deuxième père. peevish: maussade, grincheux.
creep: ramper, fluage, rampons, gravity: pesanteur, gravité, profound: profond.
rampez, rampes, rampent, rampe, gravitation. reputed: réputé.
traîner, glissement. gudgeon: goujon, tourillon, fémelot. standing: debout, permanent.
damn: damner, condamner. hearing: entendant, audition, stillness: tranquillité, calme.
dinner: dîner, déjeuner, souper. audience, ouïe, audition publique, talker: parleur.
dumb: muet. oyant. thee: toi, te, vous.
exhortation: sommation, observation, lets: laisse. tongue: langue, languette.
recommandation. lips: les lèvres, lèvres. wilful: obstiné.
fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, mantle: manteau, pèlerine. wisdom: sagesse, intelligence.
duper, fou. melancholy: mélancolie, wise: sensé, raisonnable.
8 The Merchant of Venice

Thanks, i' faith, for silence is only commendable
In a neat's tongue dried, and a maid not vendible.%
Is that anything now?
Gratiano speaks an infinite deal of nothing, more than any man in all Venice.
His reasons are as two grains of wheat hid in, two bushels of chaff: you shall
seek all day ere you find them, and when you have them they are not worth
the search.
Well; tell me now what lady is the same
To whom you swore a secret pilgrimage,
That you to-day promis'd to tell me of?
'Tis not unknown to you, Antonio,
How much I have disabled mine estate
By something showing a more swelling port
Than my faint means would grant continuance;
Nor do I now make moan to be abridg'd
From such a noble rate; but my chief care
Is to come fairly off from the great debts
Wherein my time, something too prodigal,
Hath left me gag'd. To you, Antonio,
I owe the most, in money and in love;
And from your love I have a warranty
To unburden all my plots and purposes
How to get clear of all the debts I owe.

chaff: balle, menue paille, paillette. hid: cachas, cachâtes, cachèrent, cacha, secret: secret, arcane.
debts: dettes. cachai, cachâmes, masqua, speaks: parle.
disabled: infirme, désemparé, masquèrent, masquâtes, masquas, swelling: gonflement, enflure,
handicapé, désactivé, invalide, masquâmes. tuméfaction, foisonnement, grosseur,
désactivèrent, désactivâtes, infinite: infini, illimité. renflement.
désactivas, désactivâmes, désactiva, maid: femme de chambre, servante, swore: jurâtes, juras, jurâmes, jurèrent,
désactivai. domestique, bonne. jura, jurai.
dried: sec, séché. moan: gémir, gémissement, geindre. unburden: soulage, soulagez,
ere: avant, avant que. owe: devoir, devons, doivent, dois, soulages, soulagent, soulageons,
faint: faible, s'évanouir, défaillir. devez, avoir une dette. soulager.
faith: foi. search: recherche, perquisition, unknown: inconnu, ignoré, inconnue.
grains: grains. chercher, fouille, rechercher, fouiller. wheat: blé, froment.
William Shakespeare 9

I pray you, good Bassanio, let me know it;
And if it stand, as you yourself still do,
Within the eye of honour, be assur'd
My purse, my person, my extremest means,
Lie all unlock'd to your occasions.%
In my school-days, when I had lost one shaft,
I shot his fellow of the self-same flight
The self-same way, with more advised watch,
To find the other forth; and by adventuring both
I oft found both. I urge this childhood proof,
Because what follows is pure innocence.
I owe you much; and, like a wilful youth,
That which I owe is lost; but if you please
To shoot another arrow that self way
Which you did shoot the first, I do not doubt,
As I will watch the aim, or to find both,
Or bring your latter hazard back again
And thankfully rest debtor for the first.
You know me well, and herein spend but time
To wind about my love with circumstance;
And out of doubt you do me now more wrong
In making question of my uttermost
Than if you had made waste of all I have.
Then do but say to me what I should do
That in your knowledge may by me be done,
And I am prest unto it; therefore, speak.
In Belmont is a lady richly left,

advised: conseillé. péril, risquer, aventurer, oser, shot: tirâtes, tiras, tirèrent, tirâmes,
aim: but, viser, visent, visons, visez, hasarder. tira, tirai, tiré, coup, tir, grenaille,
vises, vise, dessein, peiner, avoir herein: en ceci. tirées.
pour but, peinons. honour: honneur, honorer. thankfully: de manière
arrow: flèche. latter: dernier. reconnaissante, de façon
childhood: enfance. pure: pur, blanc, propre. reconnaissante.
debtor: débiteur. purse: bourse, sacoche, sac à main. urge: inciter, presser, être urgent,
doubt: doute, douter. richly: de façon riche, de manière pousser, exhorter.
fellow: individu, homme, camarade, riche, richement. waste: gaspiller, déchets, gaspillons,
ensemble, mâle. self: même, soi. gaspille, gaspillent, gaspilles,
forth: en avant. shoot: tirer, tires, tire, tirent, tirez, gaspillez, gaspillage, dissiper, déchet,
hazard: risque, danger, hasard, aléa, tirons, pousse, glissière. perte.
10 The Merchant of Venice

And she is fair and, fairer than that word,

Of wondrous virtues. Sometimes from her eyes
I did receive fair speechless messages:
Her name is Portia--nothing undervalu'd
To Cato's daughter, Brutus' Portia:
Nor is the wide world ignorant of her worth,
For the four winds blow in from every coast
Renowned suitors, and her sunny locks
Hang on her temples like a golden fleece;
Which makes her seat of Belmont Colchos' strond,
And many Jasons come in quest of her.
O my Antonio! had I but the means
To hold a rival place with one of them,
I have a mind presages me such thrift
That I should questionless be fortunate.%
Thou know'st that all my fortunes are at sea;
Neither have I money nor commodity
To raise a present sum; therefore go forth,
Try what my credit can in Venice do;
That shall be rack'd, even to the uttermost,
To furnish thee to Belmont to fair Portia.
Go presently inquire, and so will I,
Where money is; and I no question make
To have it of my trust or for my sake.


credit: crédit, créditer. s'enquièrent, m'enquiers, enquérez- rival: rival, rivaliser, concourir,
fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, vous, t'enquiers, se renseigner. concurrent.
marché, équitable, bazar, moral, presages: présage. sake: saké.
beau, exposition, loyal. presently: actuellement. seat: siège, banquette, assiette, place,
furnish: fournir, meubler, fournis, quest: recherche, quête. selle.
fournissons, fournissent, fournissez, raise: lever, élever, soulever, entonner, speechless: muet, sans voix.
meublent, meublez, meublons, éduquer, augmenter, hausse, relever, sum: somme, montant, addition.
meuble, meubles. dresser, ériger, arborer. sunny: ensoleillé.
golden: doré, en or, d'or. receive: recevoir, reçois, recevez, trust: confiance, fiducie, confier, trust,
ignorant: ignorant. recevons, reçoivent, accueillir, foi, fidéicommis, se fier.
inquire: enquérir, demander, nous admettre, accueille, accueillent, virtues: vertus.
enquérons, vous enquérez, accueilles, accueillez. wondrous: merveilleux.
William Shakespeare 11


By my troth, Nerissa, my little body is aweary of this great world.%
You would be, sweet madam, if your miseries were in the same abundance
as your good fortunes are; and yet, for aught I see, they are as sick that surfeit
with too much as they that starve with nothing. It is no mean happiness,
therefore, to be seated in the mean: superfluity come sooner by white hairs,
but competency lives longer.
Good sentences, and well pronounced.
They would be better, if well followed.
If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been
churches, and poor men's cottages princes' palaces. It is a good divine that
follows his own instructions; I can easier teach twenty what were good to be
done than to be one of the twenty to follow mine own teaching. The brain
may devise laws for the blood, but a hot temper leaps o'er a cold decree; such
a hare is madness the youth, to skip o'er the meshes of good counsel the
cripple. But this reasoning is not in the fashion to choose me a husband. O
me, the word 'choose'! I may neither choose who I would nor refuse who I
dislike; so is the will of a living daughter curb'd by the will of a dead father.
Is it not hard, Nerissa, that I cannot choose one, nor refuse none?
Your father was ever virtuous, and holy men at their death have good
inspirations; therefore the lott'ry that he hath devised in these three chests, of
gold, silver, and lead, whereof who chooses his meaning chooses you, will no
doubt never be chosen by any rightly but one who you shall rightly love. But

abundance: abondance, richesse, détestent, détestes, détestez, prononçai, prononcèrent,
abondance chiffrée. détestons, dédaigner. prononçâmes, prononça, prononcé.
chapels: chapelles. divine: divin. reasoning: raisonnement.
chooses: choisit, opte. hairs: cheveux. seated: assis.
competency: compétence. hare: lièvre. skip: saut, capitaine, skip, sauter,
counsel: conseil, conseiller, avis, leaps: options sur actions à long benne, sautiller.
avocat, défenseur. terme, sauts. starve: affamer, affame, affames,
cripple: estropié, paralyser. madness: folie, aliénation, aberration, affament, affamez, affamons, mourir
decree: décret, arrêté, décréter, affolement. de faim.
ordonner. miseries: misères. surfeit: excès.
devise: legs, concevoir. palaces: palais. troth: foi.
dislike: détester, antipathie, déteste, pronounced: prononças, prononçâtes, virtuous: vertueux.
12 The Merchant of Venice

what warmth is there in your affection towards any of these princely suitors
that are already come?
I pray thee over-name them; and as thou namest them, I will describe them;
and according to my description, level at my affection.%
First, there is the Neapolitan prince.
Ay, that's a colt indeed, for he doth nothing but talk of his horse; and he
makes it a great appropriation to his own good parts that he can shoe him
himself; I am much afeard my lady his mother play'd false with a smith.
Then is there the County Palatine.
He doth nothing but frown, as who should say 'An you will not have me,
choose.' He hears merry tales and smiles not: I fear he will prove the weeping
philosopher when he grows old, being so full of unmannerly sadness in his
youth. I had rather be married to a death's-head with a bone in his mouth
than to either of these. God defend me from these two!
How say you by the French lord, Monsieur Le Bon?
God made him, and therefore let him pass for a man. In truth, I know it is a
sin to be a mocker, but he! why, he hath a horse better than the Neapolitan's,
a better bad habit of frowning than the Count Palatine; he is every man in no
man. If a throstle sing he falls straight a-capering; he will fence with his own
shadow; if I should marry him, I should marry twenty husbands. If he would
despise me, I would forgive him; for if he love me to madness, I shall never
requite him.

according: selon. fence: barrière, clôture, cloison de husbands: maris.
affection: affection, amour. décrochage, palissade, faire de mocker: moqueur.
appropriation: appropriation, l'escrime. philosopher: philosophe.
affectation, allocation, crédit. forgive: pardonner, pardonnes, princely: princier.
colt: poulain. pardonne, pardonnez, pardonnons, requite: récompenser.
defend: défendre, défendent, défends, pardonnent, excuser, excusez, shoe: chaussure, soulier, sabot, ferrer.
défendons, défendez. excusent, excuse, excusons. sin: péché, pécher, commettre une
despise: mépriser, méprise, méprises, frown: froncement de sourcils. faute.
méprisez, méprisons, méprisent, frowning: renfrogné. thou: tu, vous, toi.
dédaigner, dédaignent, dédaignez, grows: grandit, croît. unmannerly: mal élevé.
dédaignons, dédaignes. habit: habitude, coutume, usage, port. warmth: chaleur.
falls: tombe, abat, choit. hears: entend, oit. weeping: pleurant.
William Shakespeare 13

What say you, then, to Falconbridge, the young baron of England?
You know I say nothing to him, for he understands not me, nor I him: he
hath neither Latin, French, nor Italian, and you will come into the court and
swear that I have a poor pennyworth in the English. He is a proper man's
picture; but alas, who can converse with a dumb-show? How oddly he is
suited! I think he bought his doublet in Italy, his round hose in France, his
bonnet in Germany, and his behaviour everywhere.%
What think you of the Scottish lord, his neighbour?
That he hath a neighbourly charity in him, for he borrowed a box of the ear
of the Englishman, and swore he would pay him again when he was able; I
think the Frenchman became his surety, and sealed under for another.
How like you the young German, the Duke of Saxony's nephew?
Very vilely in the morning when he is sober, and most vilely in the afternoon
when he is drunk: when he is best, he is a little worse than a man, and when
he is worst, he is little better than a beast. An the worst fall that ever fell, I
hope I shall make shift to go without him.
If he should offer to choose, and choose the right casket, you should refuse to
perform your father's will, if you should refuse to accept him.
Therefore, for fear of the worst, I pray thee set a deep glass of Rhenish wine
on the contrary casket; for if the devil be within and that temptation without,
I know he will choose it. I will do anything, Nerissa, ere I will be married to a

alas: hélas, malheureusement. doublet: doublet. réalises, réalisez, réalisons.
baron: baron. drunk: ivre, bu, soûl. refuse: refuser, détritus, déchets,
beast: bête, animal, grosse fusée. ear: oreille, épi. repousser, rejeter, ordures.
bonnet: capot, béguin. hose: tuyau, bas, durite, tuyau flexible, sealed: scellé, étanche, hermétique,
borrowed: emprunté. flexible. fermé.
casket: cercueil. neighbour: voisin, semblable. sober: sobre.
charity: charité, compassion, nephew: neveu. sponge: éponge, éponger.
bienfaisance, aumône. oddly: de façon bizarre, de manière surety: caution, cautionnement,
contrary: contraire, opposé, bizarre, bizarrement. garant.
contradictoire. perform: accomplir, réaliser, effectuer, temptation: tentation.
converse: intervenir, converser. accomplissent, accomplissez, understands: comprend.
devil: diable. accomplissons, réalise, réalisent, vilely: de manière vile, de façon vile.
14 The Merchant of Venice

You need not fear, lady, the having any of these lords; they have acquainted
me with their determinations, which is indeed to return to their home, and to
trouble you with no more suit, unless you may be won by some other sort
than your father's imposition, depending on the caskets.%
If I live to be as old as Sibylla, I will die as chaste as Diana, unless I be
obtained by the manner of my father's will. I am glad this parcel of wooers
are so reasonable; for there is not one among them but I dote on his very
absence, and I pray God grant them a fair departure.
Do you not remember, lady, in your father's time, a Venetian, a scholar and a
soldier, that came hither in company of the Marquis of Montferrat?
Yes, yes, it was Bassanio; as I think, so was he called.
True, madam; he, of all the men that ever my foolish eyes looked upon, was
the best deserving a fair lady.
I remember him well, and I remember him worthy of thy praise. [Enter a
SERVANT.] How now! what news?
The four strangers seek for you, madam, to take their leave; and there is a
forerunner come from a fifth, the Prince of Morocco, who brings word the
Prince his master will be here to-night.
If I could bid the fifth welcome with so good heart as I can bid the other four
farewell, I should be glad of his approach; if he have the condition of a saint
and the complexion of a devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive

acquainted: renseignai, informèrent, complexion: teint, complexion. hither: ici.
renseignâtes, renseigné, departure: départ, disparition. imposition: imposition.
renseignâmes, renseignèrent, depending: dépendant. manner: manière, façon.
renseigna, informâtes, informas, deserving: méritant, méritoire. parcel: paquet, colis, lot, parcelle.
informâmes, informai. determinations: déterminations. praise: louange, glorifier, éloge, louer,
bid: offre, soumission, demander, dote: échauffure. louanger.
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, farewell: adieu. saint: saint.
tentative de prise, mise dans les fifth: cinquième, quinte. scholar: savant, érudit, écolier.
enchères. foolish: sot, idiot, stupide, soldier: soldat, militaire.
brings: apporte, amène. abracadabrant, insensé. strangers: étrangers.
chaste: chaste, continent, pur, forerunner: précurseur. thy: ton.
pudique. glad: joyeux, content, heureux. worthy: digne.
William Shakespeare 15

me. Come, Nerissa. Sirrah, go before. Whiles we shut the gate upon one
wooer, another knocks at the door.%



Three thousand ducats; well?
Ay, sir, for three months.
For three months; well?
For the which, as I told you, Antonio shall be bound.
Antonio shall become bound; well?
May you stead me? Will you pleasure me? Shall I know your answer?
Three thousand ducats, for three months, and Antonio bound.
Your answer to that.
Antonio is a good man.
Have you heard any imputation to the contrary?

answer: réponse, répondre, répondez, imputation.
réplique. knocks: frappe.
bound: bond, lié, limite, relié. pleasure: plaisir, jouissance.
contrary: contraire, opposé, shut: fermer, arrêter, fermé.
contradictoire. sir: monsieur.
gate: porte, vanne, grille, barrière, stead: place.
portillon, portail, gâchette, doigt, thousand: mille, millier.
berceau, entrée. venice: Venise.
heard: entendîmes, entendîtes, wooer: prétendant.
entendu, entendit, entendirent,
entendis, ouï, ouïs.
imputation: accusation, répartition,
16 The Merchant of Venice

Ho, no, no, no, no: my meaning in saying he is a good man is to have you
understand me that he is sufficient; yet his means are in supposition: he hath
an argosy bound to Tripolis, another to the Indies; I understand, moreover,
upon the Rialto, he hath a third at Mexico, a fourth for England, and other
ventures he hath, squandered abroad. But ships are but boards, sailors but
men; there be land-rats and water-rats, land-thieves and water-thieves,--I
mean pirates,--and then there is the peril of waters, winds, and rocks. The
man is, notwithstanding, sufficient. Three thousand ducats- I think I may
take his bond.%
Be assured you may.
I will be assured I may; and, that I may be assured, I will bethink me. May I
speak with Antonio?
If it please you to dine with us.
Yes, to smell pork; to eat of the habitation which your prophet, the Nazarite,
conjured the devil into. I will buy with you, sell with you, talk with you,
walk with you, and so following; but I will not eat with you, drink with you,
nor pray with you. What news on the Rialto? Who is he comes here?
This is Signior Antonio.
How like a fawning publican he looks!
I hate him for he is a Christian;
But more for that in low simplicity

abroad: à l'étranger, dehors. fourth: quatrième, quart, quarte. publican: cabaretier, cafetier,
assured: assuré, assuras, assurâtes, habitation: habitation. publicain.
assura, assurèrent, assurai, hate: haïr, haine, détester. rocks: étoc, montages.
assurâmes, garantit, garanti, meaning: signification, sens, intention, ships: expédie.
garantîmes, garantirent. importance, dessein, propos. simplicity: simplicité.
boards: bande, planches, panneaux. moreover: d'ailleurs, en outre, et puis, smell: odeur, sentir, odorat, flairer,
conjured: conjurèrent, conjura, en prime, de plus. embaumer, exhaler un odeur.
conjurâmes, conjuré, conjurai, notwithstanding: malgré, nonobstant, squandered: gaspillas, gaspillâtes,
conjuras, conjurâtes. néanmoins. gaspillai, gaspillâmes, gaspillèrent,
dine: dîner, dînent. peril: danger, péril. gaspilla, gaspillé.
drink: boisson, boire, consommation, pork: porc. sufficient: suffisant.
s'enivrer. prophet: prophète. supposition: hypothèse, supposition.
William Shakespeare 17

He%lends out money gratis, and brings down

The rate of usance here with us in Venice.
If I can catch him once upon the hip,
I will feed fat the ancient grudge I bear him.
He hates our sacred nation; and he rails,
Even there where merchants most do congregate,
On me, my bargains, and my well-won thrift,
Which he calls interest. Cursed be my tribe
If I forgive him!
Shylock, do you hear?
I am debating of my present store,
And, by the near guess of my memory,
I cannot instantly raise up the gross
Of full three thousand ducats. What of that?
Tubal, a wealthy Hebrew of my tribe,
Will furnish me. But soft! how many months
Do you desire?
Rest you fair, good signior;
Your worship was the last man in our mouths.
Shylock, albeit I neither lend nor borrow
By taking nor by giving of excess,
Yet, to supply the ripe wants of my friend,
I'll break a custom.
Is he yet possess'd
How much ye would?

albeit: bien que, quoique. souhaiter, envie. manière instante, de façon instante.
ancient: antique, ancien. fat: gras, gros, graisse, épais. lend: prêter, prête, prêtes, prêtez,
bear: ours, endurer, produire, souffrir, feed: alimenter, alimente, alimentes, prêtent, prêtons, emprunter,
subir, mettre au monde, baissier, alimentent, alimentons, alimentez, empruntes, empruntez, empruntons,
porter, faire naître, supporter. nourrir, nourrissons, nourris, empruntent.
catch: attraper, attrape, attrapes, nourrissent, nourrissez. mouths: bouches.
attrapons, attrapent, attrapez, prise, gratis: gratuit, gratuitement. nation: nation, peuple.
prenez, prends, prenons, prennent. grudge: rancune. ripe: mûr, fait.
cursed: maudit. guess: deviner, supposer, supposition. sacred: sacré, saint.
custom: coutume, habitude, usage. hates: hait. usance: délai, usance, usage.
debating: débattant. instantly: directement, aussitôt, worship: adorer, adoration,
desire: désir, désirer, souhait, d'abord, tout d'abord, à l'instant, de vénération, vénérer.
18 The Merchant of Venice

Ay, ay, three thousand ducats.%
And for three months.
I had forgot; three months; you told me so.
Well then, your bond; and, let me see. But hear you,
Methought you said you neither lend nor borrow
Upon advantage.
I do never use it.
When Jacob graz'd his uncle Laban's sheep,--
This Jacob from our holy Abram was,
As his wise mother wrought in his behalf,
The third possessor; ay, he was the third,--
And what of him? Did he take interest?
No, not take interest; not, as you would say,
Directly interest; mark what Jacob did.
When Laban and himself were compromis'd
That all the eanlings which were streak'd and pied
Should fall as Jacob's hire, the ewes, being rank,
In end of autumn turned to the rams;
And when the work of generation was
Between these woolly breeders in the act,
The skilful shepherd peel'd me certain wands,
And, in the doing of the deed of kind,
He stuck them up before the fulsome ewes,

advantage: avantage, intérêt. generation: génération, production. détenteur.
autumn: automnal, arrière, saison. hear: entendre, entendent, entends, shepherd: berger, pasteur, pâtre,
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, entendez, entendons, ouïr, écouter, soigner.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, oient, ois, oyez, oyons. skilful: habile.
cautionnement. hire: louer, loue, louons, louez, loues, stuck: collé, être embourbé.
deed: acte, action. louent, embaucher, embauchez, turned: tournâtes, tournas, tourna,
fall: chute, tomber, tombes, tombe, embauches, embauchent, tournai, tournèrent, tournâmes,
tombez, tombons, tombent, baisse, embauchons. tourné, retournèrent, retourné,
choir, s'abaisser, s'amoindrir. mark: marque, marquer, estampiller, retournâtes, retournas.
forgot: oubliâtes, oublias, oubliai, cachet, signe, mark, note, signal, uncle: oncle.
oublièrent, oubliâmes, oublia. témoignage, repère, tracer. woolly: laineux.
fulsome: excessif. possessor: propriétaire, possesseur, wrought: forgé, travaillé.
William Shakespeare 19

Who, then conceiving, did in eaning time

Fall parti-colour'd lambs, and those were Jacob's.
This was a way to thrive, and he was blest;
And thrift is blessing, if men steal it not.%
This was a venture, sir, that Jacob serv'd for;
A thing not in his power to bring to pass,
But sway'd and fashion'd by the hand of heaven.
Was this inserted to make interest good?
Or is your gold and silver ewes and rams?
I cannot tell; I make it breed as fast.
But note me, signior.
Mark you this, Bassanio,
The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose.
An evil soul producing holy witness
Is like a villain with a smiling cheek,
A goodly apple rotten at the heart.
O, what a goodly outside falsehood hath!
Three thousand ducats; 'tis a good round sum.
Three months from twelve; then let me see the rate.
Well, Shylock, shall we be beholding to you?
Signior Antonio, many a time and oft
In the Rialto you have rated me
About my moneys and my usances;
Still have I borne it with a patient shrug,

apple: pomme, la pomme. evil: mal, mauvais. rotten: pourri, mauvais.
beholding: apercevant, remarquant, falsehood: mensonge. silver: argent, argenté, argenter.
voyant. gold: or. smiling: souriant.
blessing: bénédiction, bénissant. goodly: de façon bonne, de manière soul: âme.
breed: race, élever, éduquer. bonne. steal: voler, dérober, dépouiller,
bring: apporter, apportons, apportes, inserted: inséré, encarté. d'acier, subtiliser, volent.
apporte, apportez, apportent, moneys: sommes, sommes d'argent. thrift: économie.
amener, amenons, amènes, amène, note: note, noter, billet, nota, thrive: prospérer, prospères,
amenez. remarque, ticket, mention. prospérez, prospérons, prospèrent,
cite: citer, citent, cite, citons, cites, patient: patient, malade. prospère.
citez, rapporter des propos. producing: produisant. twelve: douze.
conceiving: concevant. rated: nominal. villain: scélérat.
20 The Merchant of Venice

For %suff'rance is the badge of all our tribe;

You call me misbeliever, cut-throat dog,
And spet upon my Jewish gaberdine,
And all for use of that which is mine own.
Well then, it now appears you need my help;
Go to, then; you come to me, and you say
'Shylock, we would have moneys.' You say so:
You that did void your rheum upon my beard,
And foot me as you spurn a stranger cur
Over your threshold; moneys is your suit.
What should I say to you? Should I not say
'Hath a dog money? Is it possible
A cur can lend three thousand ducats?' Or
Shall I bend low and, in a bondman's key,
With bated breath and whisp'ring humbleness,
Say this:--
'Fair sir, you spit on me on Wednesday last;
You spurn'd me such a day; another time
You call'd me dog; and for these courtesies
I'll lend you thus much moneys?'
I am as like to call thee so again,
To spet on thee again, to spurn thee too.
If thou wilt lend this money, lend it not
As to thy friends,--for when did friendship take
A breed for barren metal of his friend?--
But lend it rather to thine enemy;
Who if he break thou mayst with better face
Exact the penalty.
Why, look you, how you storm!

appears: apparaît. repos, trêve, fracture. lâche.
badge: insigne. breath: souffle, haleine, respiration, le metal: métal.
barren: stérile, aride, infertile. souffle. penalty: pénalité, amende, penalty,
bated: diminué, diminuâmes, call: appel, appeler, appelles, appelle, pénalisation, punition.
rabattîtes, rabattis, rabattirent, appelons, appellent, appelez, spit: cracher, vomir, jeter, broche,
rabattîmes, rabattu, diminuèrent, communication, nommer, visite, crachat.
diminuas, diminuai, diminua. escale. spurn: repousser avec mépris, rejeter
bend: courber, fléchir, coude, courbe, cur: cabot. avec mépris, repousser.
courbure, incliner, ployer, plier, dog: chien, clébard, toc. stranger: étranger, inconnu.
cintrer, virage, baisser. foot: pied, patte, bordure, le pied. threshold: seuil.
break: rompre, briser, pause, casser, friendship: amitié, camaraderie. void: vide, manque, interstice, pore.
cassure, rupture, violer, interruption, low: bas, dépression, abject, basse, wilt: flétris, faner, flétrir.
William Shakespeare 21

I would be friends with you, and have your love,

Forget the shames that you have stain'd me with,
Supply your present wants, and take no doit
Of usance for my moneys, and you'll not hear me:
This is kind I offer.%
This were kindness.
This kindness will I show.
Go with me to a notary, seal me there
Your single bond; and, in a merry sport,
If you repay me not on such a day,
In such a place, such sum or sums as are
Express'd in the condition, let the forfeit
Be nominated for an equal pound
Of your fair flesh, to be cut off and taken
In what part of your body pleaseth me.
Content, in faith; I'll seal to such a bond,
And say there is much kindness in the Jew.
You shall not seal to such a bond for me;
I'll rather dwell in my necessity.
Why, fear not, man; I will not forfeit it;
Within these two months, that's a month before
This bond expires, I do expect return
Of thrice three times the value of this bond.
O father Abram, what these Christians are,

condition: condition, état, attendez, attendent, espérer. nommai, nommé.
conditionner, situation, manière expires: expire, échoit. notary: notaire.
d'être. fear: peur, crainte, craindre, angoisse, repay: rembourser, rembourses,
cut: couper, coupure, trancher, tailler, redouter, appréhension, avoir peur. remboursez, rembourse,
hacher, coupé, coupe, découper, flesh: chair, pulpe. remboursons, remboursent,
balafre, tondre, réduction. forfeit: perdre, forfait, amende, reprendre.
dwell: demeurer, demeure, forfaire. seal: phoque, sceller, sceau, scellé,
demeurent, demeures, demeurez, kindness: amabilité, bonté, gentillesse, cachet, cacheter, plomber, joint,
demeurons, habiter, loger, loges, aménité. obturer.
logez, logent. necessity: nécessité, besoin. sums: sommes.
equal: égal, égaler. nominated: nommas, nommâtes, thrice: trois fois.
expect: attendre, attendons, attends, nommâmes, nomma, nommèrent, wants: veut.
22 The Merchant of Venice

Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect

The thoughts of others. Pray you, tell me this;
If he should break his day, what should I gain
By the exaction of the forfeiture?
A pound of man's flesh, taken from a man,
Is not so estimable, profitable neither,
As flesh of muttons, beefs, or goats. I say,
To buy his favour, I extend this friendship;
If he will take it, so; if not, adieu;
And, for my love, I pray you wrong me not.%
Yes, Shylock, I will seal unto this bond.
Then meet me forthwith at the notary's;
Give him direction for this merry bond,
And I will go and purse the ducats straight,
See to my house, left in the fearful guard
Of an unthrifty knave, and presently
I'll be with you.
Hie thee, gentle Jew.
This Hebrew will turn Christian: he grows kind.
I like not fair terms and a villain's mind.
Come on; in this there can be no dismay;
My ships come home a month before the day.

dealings: transactions, relations. goats: caprins, chèvres. purse: bourse, sacoche, sac à main.
direction: direction, sens, orientation. hard: dur, difficile, pénible. seal: phoque, sceller, sceau, scellé,
estimable: estimable. knave: fripon. cachet, cacheter, plomber, joint,
exaction: exaction. meet: rencontrer, rencontrez, obturer.
extend: étendre, étendent, étends, rencontrons, rencontres, rencontrent, teaches: enseigne, instruit.
étendons, étendez, ampleur, rencontre, réunir, se réunir. terms: conditions, condition, termes.
importance, prolonger, grandeur, merry: joyeux, gai. thee: toi, te, vous.
taille, s'étendre. month: mois. turn: tourner, tournes, tourne,
favour: faveur, grâce, service, pound: livre, piler, broyer, fourrière, tournons, tournent, tournez, tour,
complaisance, favoriser. battre, marteler. changer, retourner, dévier, retournes.
fearful: effrayant, craintif, affreux. profitable: rentable, profitable, wrong: tort, faux, abusif, incorrect,
forthwith: immédiatement. lucratif. erroné, injustice, mal.
William Shakespeare 23



[Flourish of cornets. Enter the PRINCE of MOROCCO, and his FOLLOWERS;

PORTIA, NERISSA, and OTHERS of her train.]
PRINCE OF Morocco.
Mislike me not for my complexion,
The shadow'd livery of the burnish'd sun,
To whom I am a neighbour, and near bred.
Bring me the fairest creature northward born,
Where Phoebus' fire scarce thaws the icicles,
And let us make incision for your love
To prove whose blood is reddest, his or mine.
I tell thee, lady, this aspect of mine
Hath fear'd the valiant; by my love, I swear
The best-regarded virgins of our clime
Have lov'd it too. I would not change this hue,
Except to steal your thoughts, my gentle queen.
In terms of choice I am not solely led

aspect: aspect, allure, apparence, noble. scarce: insuffisant, rare.
spectacle, air, faciès, exposition. led: menâmes, conduisîtes, conduisit, solely: seulement, de manière sole,
blood: sang. conduisis, conduit, conduisirent, uniquement, de façon sole.
choice: choix. conduisîmes, menèrent, menas, steal: voler, dérober, dépouiller,
creature: créature. menâtes, mena. d'acier, subtiliser, volent.
enter: entrer, entre, entrons, entrez, livery: livrée. thaws: dégèle, fond.
entrent, entres, introduire, entrer neighbour: voisin, semblable. thee: toi, te, vous.
dans, inscrire, introduis, northward: au nord. valiant: vaillant, courageux,
introduisons. prove: prouver, prouve, prouves, valeureux.
gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. prouvez, prouvons, prouvent, whom: qui.
incision: incision. démontrer.
lady: dame, madame, demoiselle queen: reine, dame.
24 The Merchant of Venice

By nice direction of a maiden's eyes;

Besides, the lottery of my destiny
Bars me the right of voluntary choosing;
But, if my father had not scanted me
And hedg'd me by his wit, to yield myself
His wife who wins me by that means I told you,
Yourself, renowned Prince, then stood as fair
As any comer I have look'd on yet
For my affection.%
Even for that I thank you:
Therefore, I pray you, lead me to the caskets
To try my fortune. By this scimitar,--
That slew the Sophy and a Persian prince,
That won three fields of Sultan Solyman,--
I would o'erstare the sternest eyes that look,
Outbrave the heart most daring on the earth,
Pluck the young sucking cubs from the she-bear,
Yea, mock the lion when he roars for prey,
To win thee, lady. But, alas the while!
If Hercules and Lichas play at dice
Which is the better man, the greater throw
May turn by fortune from the weaker hand:
So is Alcides beaten by his page;
And so may I, blind Fortune leading me,
Miss that which one unworthier may attain,
And die with grieving.
You must take your chance,
And either not attempt to choose at all,
Or swear before you choose, if you choose wrong,

beaten: battu, abattue, abattues, die: mourir, mourons, meurent, roars: rugit.
battue. meurs, mourez, décéder, décède, slew: tuâtes, tuas, tua, tuai, tuèrent,
blind: aveugle, éblouir, aveugler, décédons, décédez, décèdent, tuâmes.
store, éblouissons, aveuglez, décèdes. sucking: succion.
aveuglent, éblouissez, aveugles, fields: champs. thank: remercier, remercies, remercie,
éblouissent, éblouis. grieving: affligeant, chagrinant, remerciez, remercions, remercient.
choose: choisir, choisissent, choisis, attristant. voluntary: volontaire, bénévole.
choisissons, choisissez, désigner, lion: lion. wins: gagne, remporte.
adopter, opter, opte, optent, optes. lottery: loterie. wit: esprit.
comer: arrivant. mock: bafouer, bafoue, bafouent, yield: rendement, céder, cèdent, cèdes,
daring: audace, audacieux, hardi, bafoues, bafouez, bafouons. cédez, cédons, cède, abandonner,
osant, aventurant. renowned: renommé. produire, abdiquer, reculer.
William Shakespeare 25

Never to speak to lady afterward

In way of marriage; therefore be advis'd.%
Nor will not; come, bring me unto my chance.
First, forward to the temple: after dinner
Your hazard shall be made.
Good fortune then!
To make me blest or cursed'st among men!
[Cornets, and exeunt.]



Certainly my conscience will serve me to run from this Jew my master. The
fiend is at mine elbow and tempts me, saying to me 'Gobbo, Launcelot
Gobbo, good Launcelot' or 'good Gobbo' or 'good Launcelot Gobbo, use your
legs, take the start, run away.' My conscience says 'No; take heed, honest
Launcelot, take heed, honest Gobbo' or, as aforesaid, 'honest Launcelot
Gobbo, do not run; scorn running with thy heels.' Well, the most courageous
fiend bids me pack. 'Via!' says the fiend; 'away!' says the fiend. 'For the
heavens, rouse up a brave mind,' says the fiend 'and run.' Well, my
conscience, hanging about the neck of my heart, says very wisely to me 'My
honest friend Launcelot, being an honest man's son'--or rather 'an honest
woman's son';--for indeed my father did something smack, something grow

aforesaid: susmentionné. legs: jambes. stimulent, stimule, irritons, irritez.
brave: courageux, vaillant, brave. marriage: mariage. scorn: dédain, mépriser, mépris.
conscience: conscience. master: maître, patron, apprendre à serve: servir, servons, servent, sers,
courageous: courageux, vaillant. fond, capitaine, maestro, principal, servez, desservir, service, être de
elbow: coude. maîtriser. service, desservent, desservez,
fiend: démon. neck: cou, col, collet, goulot, encolure. desservons.
hanging: pendaison, suspension, pack: paquet, emballer, empaqueter, smack: faire un bruit de succion, faire
suspendu, pendre, mise à la pente. condenser, compresse, bande, tas, du bruit avec les lèvres.
heavens: cieux. tasser, meute. temple: temple, tempe.
heed: attention. prince: prince. tempts: tente.
honest: honnête, intègre, sincère, rouse: irriter, exciter, stimuler, agacer, wisely: sagement, de manière sensée,
loyal. stimules, excitons, stimulez, de façon sensée.
26 The Merchant of Venice

to, he had a kind of taste;--well, my conscience says 'Launcelot, budge not.'

'Budge,' says the fiend. 'Budge not,' says my conscience. 'Conscience,' say I,
(you counsel well.' 'Fiend,' say I, 'you counsel well.' To be ruled by my
conscience, I should stay with the Jew my master, who, God bless the mark!
is a kind of devil; and, to run away from the Jew, I should be ruled by the
fiend, who, saving your reverence! is the devil himself. Certainly the Jew is
the very devil incarnal; and, in my conscience, my conscience is but a kind of
hard conscience, to offer to counsel me to stay with the Jew. The fiend gives
the more friendly counsel: I will run, fiend; my heels are at your
commandment; I will run.%
[Enter OLD GOBBO, with a basket]
Master young man, you, I pray you; which is the way to Master Jew's?
O heavens! This is my true-begotten father, who, being more than sand-blind,
high-gravel blind, knows me not: I will try confusions with him.
Master young gentleman, I pray you, which is the way to Master Jew's?
Turn up on your right hand at the next turning, but, at the next turning of all,
on your left; marry, at the very next turning, turn of no hand, but turn down
indirectly to the Jew's house.
Be God's sonties, 'twill be a hard way to hit. Can you tell me whether one
Launcelot, that dwells with him, dwell with him or no?
Talk you of young Master Launcelot? [Aside] Mark me now; now will I raise
the waters. Talk you of young Master Launcelot?

aside: de côté, aparté, excepté. heels: talons. ruled: hachuré.
basket: panier, corbeille, nacelle. hit: frapper, coup, battre, heurter, saving: épargnant, sauvant,
bless: bénir, bénis, bénissent, bénissez, atteindre, succès, toucher, parvenir, économisant, économie, épargne,
bénissons. saisir, touche. enregistrant, sauvegardant,
budge: bouger, bouge, bouges, indirectly: indirectement, de manière sauvegarde.
bougez, bougent, bougeons. indirecte, de façon indirecte. stay: séjour, rester, restons, restent,
commandment: commandement. knows: connaît, sait. restes, restez, reste, étai, hauban,
dwells: demeure, loge. marry: marier, te maries, vous mariez, demeurer, séjourner.
friendly: amical, aimable, gentil, nous marions, me marie, mariez- turning: tournant, changeant,
affable, amène, amicalement. vous, se marient, épouser, se marier, retournant, déviant, virage, tournage,
gentleman: monsieur, gentilhomme. épouses, épouse. rotation, retournage.
gives: donne, offre, aboule. reverence: révérence.
William Shakespeare 27

No master, sir, but a poor man's son; his father, though I say't, is an honest
exceeding poor man, and, God be thanked, well to live.%
Well, let his father be what 'a will, we talk of young Master Launcelot.
Your worship's friend, and Launcelot, sir.
But I pray you, ergo, old man, ergo, I beseech you, talk you of young Master
Of Launcelot, an't please your mastership.
Ergo, Master Launcelot. Talk not of Master Launcelot, father; for the young
gentleman,--according to Fates and Destinies and such odd sayings, the
Sisters Three and such branches of learning,--is indeed deceased; or, as you
would say in plain terms, gone to heaven.
Marry, God forbid! The boy was the very staff of my age, my very prop.
Do I look like a cudgel or a hovel-post, a staff or a prop? Do you know me,
Alack the day! I know you not, young gentleman; but I pray you tell me, is
my boy--God rest his soul!--alive or dead?
Do you not know me, father?
Alack, sir, I am sand-blind; I know you not.

beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, gone: allé, parti, allés. faible, médiocre.
implores, implorez, implorons, heaven: ciel, paradis. prop: étai, appui, support, étayer,
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, mastership: jurande. étançon.
sollicitons, sollicite. odd: bizarre, impair, étrange, rest: repos, se reposer, reste, débris,
boy: garçon, gosse, serviteur, singulier, drôle. reposer, appui, trêve, pause, support.
domestique, gamin. plain: plaine, clair, uni, ordinaire, net, son: fils.
cudgel: trique, gourdin. limpide, évident. talk: parler, parles, parle, parlez,
dead: mort. please: plaire, s'il vous plaît, contenter, parlent, parlons, causerie, discuter,
deceased: décédé, défunt. s'il vous plait, faire plaisir, s'il te plaît, discours, entretien.
forbid: interdire, interdis, interdisez, satisfaire. thanked: remercias, remerciâtes,
interdisent, interdisons, défendre, poor: pauvre, mauvais, misérable, remercia, remerciâmes, remerciai,
prohiber. maigre, méchant, malheureux, mal, remercièrent, remercié.
28 The Merchant of Venice

Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of the knowing me: it is a
wise father that knows his own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of
your son. Give me your blessing; truth will come to light; murder cannot be
hid long; a man's son may, but in the end truth will out.%
Pray you, sir, stand up; I am sure you are not Launcelot, my boy.
Pray you, let's have no more fooling about it, but give me your blessing; I am
Launcelot, your boy that was, your son that is, your child that shall be.
I cannot think you are my son.
I know not what I shall think of that; but I am Launcelot, the Jew's man, and I
am sure Margery your wife is my mother.
Her name is Margery, indeed: I'll be sworn, if thou be Launcelot, thou art
mine own flesh and blood. Lord worshipped might he be, what a beard hast
thou got! Thou hast got more hair on thy chin than Dobbin my thill-horse has
on his tail.
It should seem, then, that Dobbin's tail grows backward; I am sure he had
more hair on his tail than I have on my face when I last saw him.
Lord! how art thou changed! How dost thou and thy master agree? I have
brought him a present. How 'gree you now?
Well, well; but, for mine own part, as I have set up my rest to run away, so I
will not rest till I have run some ground. My master's a very Jew. Give him a
present! Give him a halter. I am famished in his service; you may tell every

agree: consentir, consentent, changed: changé. murder: assassiner, meurtre,
consentez, consentons, consens, être chin: menton. assassinat, rectifier, crime de meurtre.
d'accord, s'accorder, donner son famished: affamé. news: nouvelles, actualités,
accord, s'harmoniser, admettre, ground: sol, terre, terrain, fond, masse, informations, nouvelle.
accepter. échouer, motif. present: cadeau, présent, présenter,
art: art. hair: cheveux, cheveu, poil, chevelure. actuel, offrir, don.
backward: en arrière. halter: licol. stand: stand, être debout, échoppe,
beard: barbe. knowing: connaissant. kiosque, support, pied, peuplement,
brought: apportas, apportâtes, light: léger, clair, lumière, allumer, position, socle, surgir, se dresser.
apportâmes, apportai, apporta, feu, faible, enflammer, lumineux, sworn: juré, jurées.
apportèrent, apporté, amenai, amené, lampe, rayonnement visible. tail: queue.
amenâtes, amenas. lord: seigneur, monsieur. truth: vérité.
William Shakespeare 29

finger I have with my ribs. Father, I am glad you are come; give me your
present to one Master Bassanio, who indeed gives rare new liveries. If I serve
not him, I will run as far as God has any ground. O rare fortune! Here comes
the man: to him, father; for I am a Jew, if I serve the Jew any longer.%
[Enter BASSANIO, with LEONARDO, with and other FOLLOWERS.]
You may do so; but let it be so hasted that supper be ready at the farthest by
five of the clock. See these letters delivered, put the liveries to making, and
desire Gratiano to come anon to my lodging.
[Exit a SERVANT]
To him, father.
God bless your worship!
Gramercy; wouldst thou aught with me?
Here's my son, sir, a poor boy--
Not a poor boy, sir, but the rich Jew's man, that would, sir,--as my father shall
He hath a great infection, sir, as one would say, to serve--
Indeed the short and the long is, I serve the Jew, and have a desire, as my
father shall specify--
His master and he, saving your worship's reverence, are scarce cater-cousins-

bless: bénir, bénis, bénissent, bénissez, infection: infection. scarce: insuffisant, rare.
bénissons. letters: lettres. serve: servir, servons, servent, sers,
clock: horloge, pendule, générateur de lodging: verse, logement, servez, desservir, service, être de
rythme. hébergement. service, desservent, desservez,
delivered: livré, livrâmes, livra, rare: rare, saignant. desservons.
livrèrent, livrai, livrâtes, livras. ready: prêt, disponible. short: court.
desire: désir, désirer, souhait, reverence: révérence. supper: souper, dîner.
souhaiter, envie. ribs: côtes. thou: tu, vous, toi.
farthest: le plus loin. saving: épargnant, sauvant, worship: adorer, adoration,
finger: doigt, tâter. économisant, économie, épargne, vénération, vénérer.
fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. enregistrant, sauvegardant,
glad: joyeux, content, heureux. sauvegarde.
30 The Merchant of Venice

To be brief, the very truth is that the Jew, having done me wrong, doth cause
me,--as my father, being I hope an old man, shall frutify unto you--
I have here a dish of doves that I would bestow upon your worship; and my
suit is--
In very brief, the suit is impertinent to myself, as your worship shall know by
this honest old man; and, though I say it, though old man, yet poor man, my
One speak for both. What would you?
Serve you, sir.
That is the very defect of the matter, sir.
I know thee well; thou hast obtain'd thy suit.
Shylock thy master spoke with me this day,
And hath preferr'd thee, if it be preferment
To leave a rich Jew's service to become
The follower of so poor a gentleman.
The old proverb is very well parted between my master Shylock and you, sir:
you have the grace of God, sir, and he hath enough.
Thou speak'st it well. Go, father, with thy son.
Take leave of thy old master, and inquire
My lodging out. [To a SERVANT] Give him a livery
More guarded than his fellows'; see it done.

bestow: accorder, accorde, accordes, bomber. hébergement.
accordez, accordons, octroyer, follower: disciple, fouloir. matter: matière, substance, affaire, cas,
accordent. grace: grâce, charme. chose, question.
brief: court, dossier, bref, sommaire, guarded: protégé, gardé. proverb: proverbe, sentence.
mémoire, passager. hope: espoir, espérer, espère, espèrent, speak: parler, parles, parlons, parle,
cause: cause, causer, faire, rendre, espères, espérez, espérons, espérance, parlez, parlent.
déterminer, procurer, entraîner des souhaiter, souhaitons, souhaitez. spoke: parlas, parlèrent, parlâmes,
conséquences, situer, occasionner, impertinent: hardi, impertinent. parlai, parla, parlâtes, rayon.
motif. leave: partir, partent, partons, pars, suit: costume, complet, convenir,
defect: défaut, anomalie, imperfection, partez, abandonner, laisser, procès, couleur.
tare, malfaçon. permission, quitter, congé, délaisser. thee: toi, te, vous.
dish: plat, mets, met, cuvette, assiette, lodging: verse, logement, thy: ton.
William Shakespeare 31

Father, in. I cannot get a service, no! I have ne'er a tongue in my head!
[Looking on his palm] Well; if any man in Italy have a fairer table which doth
offer to swear upon a book, I shall have good fortune. Go to; here's a simple
line of life: here's a small trifle of wives; alas, fifteen wives is nothing; a'leven
widows and nine maids is a simple coming-in for one man. And then to
scape drowning thrice, and to be in peril of my life with the edge of a
feather-bed; here are simple 'scapes. Well, if Fortune be a woman, she's a
good wench for this gear. Father, come; I'll take my leave of the Jew in the
twinkling of an eye.%
I pray thee, good Leonardo, think on this:
These things being bought and orderly bestow'd,
Return in haste, for I do feast to-night
My best esteem'd acquaintance; hie thee, go.
My best endeavours shall be done herein.
Where's your master?
Yonder, sir, he walks.
Signior Bassanio!--
I have suit to you.
acquaintance: connaissance, relation, herein: en ceci. procès, couleur.
personne de connaissance, abord. master: maître, patron, apprendre à swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
alas: hélas, malheureusement. fond, capitaine, maestro, principal, jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
bought: acheté. maîtriser. thee: toi, te, vous.
drowning: noyant, noyade. nine: neuf. thrice: trois fois.
edge: bord, rive, lisière, arête, bordure, orderly: ordonné, méthodique. tongue: langue, languette.
tranche, affiler, carre, rebord. palm: palmier, paume. trifle: bagatelle, babiole.
feast: fête, banqueter, festin. peril: danger, péril. twinkling: scintillement.
fifteen: quinze. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, wench: jeune fille, gosse, fille.
fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. prient. widows: veuves.
gear: engrenage, pignon. simple: simple, pur.
haste: hâte. suit: costume, complet, convenir,
32 The Merchant of Venice

You have obtain'd it.%
You must not deny me: I must go with you to Belmont.
Why, then you must. But hear thee, Gratiano;
Thou art too wild, too rude, and bold of voice;
Parts that become thee happily enough,
And in such eyes as ours appear not faults;
But where thou art not known, why there they show
Something too liberal. Pray thee, take pain
To allay with some cold drops of modesty
Thy skipping spirit, lest through thy wild behaviour
I be misconstrued in the place I go to,
And lose my hopes.
Signior Bassanio, hear me:
If I do not put on a sober habit,
Talk with respect, and swear but now and then,
Wear prayer-books in my pocket, look demurely,
Nay more, while grace is saying, hood mine eyes
Thus with my hat, and sigh, and say 'amen';
Use all the observance of civility,
Like one well studied in a sad ostent
To please his grandam, never trust me more.
Well, we shall see your bearing.
Nay, but I bar to-night; you shall not gauge me
By what we do to-night.

allay: apaiser, apaise, apaisons, drops: drops. lest: de peur que.
apaises, apaisez, apaisent. gauge: jauge, calibre, gabarit, mesurer, liberal: libéral.
bar: bar, barre, barrer, barres, barrons, voie, indicateur, jauger, épaisseur de observance: observation.
barrez, barrent, barreau, abreuvoir, la lame, calibrer, hauteur d'œil. ours: nôtre.
barrette, lingot. grandam: deuxième mère. pocket: poche, empocher, case.
bearing: coussinet, relèvement, palier, happily: heureusement, de manière rude: grossier, impoli, mal élevé.
roulement, support. heureuse, de façon heureuse. saying: disant, adage, proverbe.
bold: gras, audacieux, épais, gros, hat: chapeau. sigh: soupir.
hardi, intrépide. hood: capot, capuchon, cagoule, skipping: manque, saut à la corde.
cold: froid, rhume. couverture, hotte, apache, capuche, spirit: esprit, vigueur.
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, chapeau, hotte d'aspiration. studied: étudié.
démentir, renier. hopes: espère, souhaite. wild: sauvage.
William Shakespeare 33

No, that were pity;
I would entreat you rather to put on
Your boldest suit of mirth, for we have friends
That purpose merriment. But fare you well;
I have some business.%
And I must to Lorenzo and the rest;
But we will visit you at supper-time.



I am sorry thou wilt leave my father so:
Our house is hell, and thou, a merry devil,
Didst rob it of some taste of tediousness.
But fare thee well; there is a ducat for thee;
And, Launcelot, soon at supper shalt thou see
Lorenzo, who is thy new master's guest:
Give him this letter; do it secretly.
And so farewell. I would not have my father
See me in talk with thee.
Adieu! tears exhibit my tongue. Most beautiful pagan, most sweet Jew! If a
Christian do not play the knave and get thee, I am much deceived. But,
adieu! these foolish drops do something drown my manly spirit; adieu!

adieu: adieu. exhibit: exposer, objet exposé, exhiber, rob: piller, pillent, pille, pillons, pilles,
beautiful: beau. montrer. pillez, ravir, dévaliser, ravis,
deceived: trompé, trompa, trompai, hell: enfer. ravissons, ravissez.
trompâmes, trompas, trompèrent, knave: fripon. soon: bientôt, tout à l'heure.
trompâtes, déçu, triché, trichâtes, letter: lettre. sorry: désolé.
trichai. manly: viril. sweet: doux, sucré, bonbon, suave,
drown: noyer, noyez, noyons, noie, merriment: gaieté. friandise, gentil, dessert.
noies, noient. pagan: païen. taste: goût, goûter, saveur, déguster.
entreat: implorer, supplier, supplie, play: jouer, joues, jouez, jouent, tears: larmes.
supplions, suppliez, supplies, jouons, joue, jeu, pièce de théâtre, visit: visite, visiter, visites, visitent,
implorons, implorez, implores, pièce, représenter, jouer de. visitez, visitons, aller voir.
implorent, implore. purpose: but, dessein, objet, intention. wilt: flétris, faner, flétrir.
34 The Merchant of Venice

Farewell, %good Launcelot.
Alack, what heinous sin is it in me
To be asham'd to be my father's child!
But though I am a daughter to his blood,
I am not to his manners. O Lorenzo!
If thou keep promise, I shall end this strife,
Become a Christian and thy loving wife.



Nay, we will slink away in supper-time,
Disguise us at my lodging, and return
All in an hour.
We have not made good preparation.
We have not spoke us yet of torch-bearers.
'Tis vile, unless it may be quaintly order'd,
And better in my mind not undertook.
'Tis now but four o'clock; we have two hours
To furnish us.

daughter: fille, la fille. promise: promettre, promets, entreprirent, entreprîmes, entreprit.
furnish: fournir, meubler, fournis, promettent, promettez, promettons, unless: à moins que, à moins de, sauf.
fournissons, fournissent, fournissez, assurer. vile: vil, abject, lâche, infâme.
meublent, meublez, meublons, quaintly: de manière singulière, de
meuble, meubles. façon singulière.
heinous: abominable, odieux. sin: péché, pécher, commettre une
hour: heure. faute.
lodging: verse, logement, spoke: parlas, parlèrent, parlâmes,
hébergement. parlai, parla, parlâtes, rayon.
loving: amoureux, aimant. thou: tu, vous, toi.
manners: moeurs. thy: ton.
preparation: préparation, préparatif. undertook: entrepris, entreprîtes,
William Shakespeare 35

[Enter LAUNCELOT, With a letter.]

Friend Launcelot, what's the news?
An it shall please you to break up this, it shall seem to signify.%
I know the hand; in faith, 'tis a fair hand,
And whiter than the paper it writ on
Is the fair hand that writ.
Love news, in faith.
By your leave, sir.
Whither goest thou?
Marry, sir, to bid my old master, the Jew, to sup to-night with my new
master, the Christian.
Hold, here, take this. Tell gentle Jessica
I will not fail her; speak it privately.
Go, gentlemen,
Will you prepare you for this masque to-night?
I am provided of a torch-bearer.
Ay, marry, I'll be gone about it straight.
And so will I.

bid: offre, soumission, demander, master: maître, patron, apprendre à munirent, munis.
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, fond, capitaine, maestro, principal, seem: sembler, semblez, semblons,
tentative de prise, mise dans les maîtriser. semblent, semble, sembles, paraître,
enchères. paper: papier, document, tapisser, paraissez, paraissons, paraissent,
fail: échouer, avorter, faillir, manquer, article, journal. parais.
rater. prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares, straight: droit, direct, directement,
faith: foi. préparent, préparons, préparez, tout droit, franc, ligne droite,
gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, apprêtez, honnête, rectiligne.
marry: marier, te maries, vous mariez, apprêtons. sup: souper.
nous marions, me marie, mariez- provided: pourvûtes, pourvurent, thou: tu, vous, toi.
vous, se marient, épouser, se marier, pourvu, pourvus, pourvut, writ: acte de signification, acte
épouses, épouse. pourvûmes, munit, muni, munîmes, judiciaire, mandat.
36 The Merchant of Venice

Meet me and Gratiano
At Gratiano's lodging some hour hence.%
'Tis good we do so.
Was not that letter from fair Jessica?
I must needs tell thee all. She hath directed
How I shall take her from her father's house;
What gold and jewels she is furnish'd with;
What page's suit she hath in readiness.
If e'er the Jew her father come to heaven,
It will be for his gentle daughter's sake;
And never dare misfortune cross her foot,
Unless she do it under this excuse,
That she is issue to a faithless Jew.
Come, go with me, peruse this as thou goest;
Fair Jessica shall be my torch-bearer.



Well, thou shalt see; thy eyes shall be thy judge,
The difference of old Shylock and Bassanio:--

cross: croix, croiser, traverser, franchir, gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. peruse: lisons, lisez, lis, lisent, lire.
dépasser, passer, maussade, croisé, gold: or. suit: costume, complet, convenir,
croisement, traversez. hour: heure. procès, couleur.
dare: oser, aventurer, ose, osons, osez, issue: émission, éditer, émettre, thee: toi, te, vous.
oses, osent, aventurez, aventures, livraison, parution, numéro, thou: tu, vous, toi.
aventurent, aventure. problème, question, proclamer. thy: ton.
difference: différence, divergence, letter: lettre.
différend. lodging: verse, logement,
fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, hébergement.
marché, équitable, bazar, moral, misfortune: malheur, infortune,
beau, exposition, loyal. malchance.
faithless: infidèle. needs: besoins, nécessite.
William Shakespeare 37

What, Jessica!--Thou shalt not gormandize,

As thou hast done with me;--What, Jessica!--
And sleep and snore, and rend apparel out--
Why, Jessica, I say!
Why, Jessica!
Who bids thee call? I do not bid thee call.%
Your worship was wont to tell me I could do nothing without bidding.
[Enter JESSICA.]
Call you? What is your will?
I am bid forth to supper, Jessica:
There are my keys. But wherefore should I go?
I am not bid for love; they flatter me;
But yet I'll go in hate, to feed upon
The prodigal Christian. Jessica, my girl,
Look to my house. I am right loath to go;
There is some ill a-brewing towards my rest,
For I did dream of money-bags to-night.
I beseech you, sir, go: my young master doth expect your reproach.
So do I his.
And they have conspired together; I will not say you shall see a masque, but
if you do, then it was not for nothing that my nose fell a-bleeding on Black

apparel: habillement. rêver éveillé. rend: déchirer.
beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, fell: tombas, tombâtes, tomba, tombai, reproach: reproche, reprocher,
implores, implorez, implorons, tombèrent, tombâmes, abattre, chus, réprimander, gronder, sermonner,
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, chûtes, abattîtes, abattit. reprendre.
sollicitons, sollicite. flatter: flatter, flatte, flattons, flattez, sleep: sommeil, dormir, dors,
bidding: commandement, annonces, flattes, flattent, aduler, adule, adules, dormons, dormez, dorment, pioncer.
ordre, offre, postulation, enchères, adulent, adulez. snore: ronfler, vrombir, ronflement.
enchère. ill: malade, malsain, mal. supper: souper, dîner.
conspired: conspirâmes, conspirai, keys: clefs. thee: toi, te, vous.
conspiré, conspirèrent, conspira, loath: peu disposé. thou: tu, vous, toi.
conspirâtes, conspiras. nose: nez, bec. wherefore: pourquoi.
dream: rêve, rêver, songe, songer, prodigal: prodigue. wont: coutume.
38 The Merchant of Venice

Monday last at six o'clock i' the morning, falling out that year on Ash-
Wednesday was four year in the afternoon.%
What! are there masques? Hear you me, Jessica:
Lock up my doors, and when you hear the drum,
And the vile squealing of the wry-neck'd fife,
Clamber not you up to the casements then,
Nor thrust your head into the public street
To gaze on Christian fools with varnish'd faces;
But stop my house's ears- I mean my casements;
Let not the sound of shallow fopp'ry enter
My sober house. By Jacob's staff, I swear
I have no mind of feasting forth to-night;
But I will go. Go you before me, sirrah;
Say I will come.
I will go before, sir.
Mistress, look out at window for all this;
There will come a Christian by
Will be worth a Jewess' eye.
What says that fool of Hagar's offspring, ha?
His words were 'Farewell, mistress'; nothing else.
The patch is kind enough, but a huge feeder;
Snail-slow in profit, and he sleeps by day
More than the wild-cat; drones hive not with me,
Therefore I part with him; and part with him

doors: portes. mistress: maîtresse. sain, sonder, détroit, vibration
ears: oreilles. offspring: descendant, descendance, acoustique, oscillation acoustique,
eye: oeil, oeillet, anneau, trou, chas. progéniture, successeur. solide, sonde.
falling: tombant, chute, abattant, patch: rapiécer, pièce, rustine, squealing: couinement, sifflement.
choyant. correction, parcelle, plaque, réparer, stop: arrêter, arrêtez, arrête, arrêtes,
fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, tache. arrêtent, arrêtons, arrêt, cesser,
duper, fou. profit: profit, bénéfice, gain, avantage, cessent, cessez, cessons.
forth: en avant. profiter. thrust: poussée, pousser.
gaze: regard. shallow: peu profond, superficiel. vile: vil, abject, lâche, infâme.
hive: ruche. sleeps: dort. window: fenêtre, guichet, hublot,
huge: énorme, immense, gigantesque, sober: sobre. créneau, la fenêtre.
formidable, colossal, vaste. sound: son, sonner, résonner, bruit, worth: valeur, mérite.
William Shakespeare 39

To one that I would have him help to waste

His borrow'd purse. Well, Jessica, go in;
Perhaps I will return immediately:
Do as I bid you, shut doors after you:
'Fast bind, fast find,'
A proverb never stale in thrifty mind.
Farewell; and if my fortune be not crost,
I have a father, you a daughter, lost.


[Enter GRATIANO and SALARINO, masqued.]

This is the pent-house under which Lorenzo
Desir'd us to make stand.
His hour is almost past.
And it is marvel he out-dwells his hour,
For lovers ever run before the clock.
O! ten times faster Venus' pigeons fly
To seal love's bonds new made than they are wont
To keep obliged faith unforfeited!

bid: offre, soumission, demander, ferme, jeûne, prompt, carême. rente, rentabilité, déclaration,
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. rendement.
tentative de prise, mise dans les hour: heure. seal: phoque, sceller, sceau, scellé,
enchères. lovers: amants. cachet, cacheter, plomber, joint,
bind: attacher, lier, relier, nouer. marvel: merveille, s'étonner. obturer.
bonds: obligations. obliged: obligeâtes, obligeas, obligea, shut: fermer, arrêter, fermé.
clock: horloge, pendule, générateur de obligeâmes, obligèrent, obligeai, stale: rassis, éventé, purin.
rythme. obligé. stand: stand, être debout, échoppe,
daughter: fille, la fille. proverb: proverbe, sentence. kiosque, support, pied, peuplement,
doors: portes. purse: bourse, sacoche, sac à main. position, socle, surgir, se dresser.
faith: foi. return: retour, revenir, rentrée, thrifty: économe.
fast: rapide, vite, jeûner, rapidement, retourner, revenu, renvoyer, rendre,
40 The Merchant of Venice

That ever holds: who riseth from a feast
With that keen appetite that he sits down?
Where is the horse that doth untread again
His tedious measures with the unbated fire
That he did pace them first? All things that are
Are with more spirit chased than enjoy'd.
How like a younker or a prodigal
The scarfed bark puts from her native bay,
Hugg'd and embraced by the strumpet wind!
How like the prodigal doth she return,
With over-weather'd ribs and ragged sails,
Lean, rent, and beggar'd by the strumpet wind!
Here comes Lorenzo; more of this hereafter.%
[Enter LORENZO.]
Sweet friends, your patience for my long abode;
Not I, but my affairs, have made you wait:
When you shall please to play the thieves for wives,
I'll watch as long for you then. Approach;
Here dwells my father Jew. Ho! who's within?
[Enter JESSICA, above, in boy's clothes.]
Who are you? Tell me, for more certainty,
Albeit I'll swear that I do know your tongue.
Lorenzo, and thy love.
Lorenzo, certain; and my love indeed,

affairs: affaires. native: autochtone, naturel, natif, swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
appetite: appétit. aborigène, inné, indigène, natal. jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
bark: écorce, aboyer, barque, coque, pace: allure, pas, faire les cent pas, tedious: ennuyeux, fastidieux.
glapir. rythme. thieves: voleurs.
chased: chassé. patience: patience. thy: ton.
dwells: demeure, loge. prodigal: prodigue. tongue: langue, languette.
embraced: embrassé. puts: met. watch: montre, regarder, horloge, être
holds: tient. ragged: déchiqueté. spectateur de, veille, veiller, pendule,
horse: cheval, le cheval. rent: loyer, louer, location. surveiller, regarder un spectacle,
keen: vif, aiguisé, actif, affilé, alerte, ribs: côtes. voir, observer.
vigilant. scarfed: taillé en onglet, simple onglet. wind: vent, enrouler, emmailloter,
measures: mesures. sits: couve, s'assied, assied. bobiner.
William Shakespeare 41

For who love I so much? And now who knows

But you, Lorenzo, whether I am yours?
Heaven and thy thoughts are witness that thou art.%
Here, catch this casket; it is worth the pains.
I am glad 'tis night, you do not look on me,
For I am much asham'd of my exchange;
But love is blind, and lovers cannot see
The pretty follies that themselves commit,
For, if they could, Cupid himself would blush
To see me thus transformed to a boy.
Descend, for you must be my torch-bearer.
What! must I hold a candle to my shames?
They in themselves, good sooth, are too-too light.
Why, 'tis an office of discovery, love,
And I should be obscur'd.
So are you, sweet,
Even in the lovely garnish of a boy.
But come at once;
For the close night doth play the runaway,
And we are stay'd for at Bassanio's feast.
I will make fast the doors, and gild myself
With some moe ducats, and be with you straight.
[Exit above.]

blind: aveugle, éblouir, aveugler, follies: folies. pretty: joli, mignon, aimable, bath,
store, éblouissons, aveuglez, garnish: garnir, garniture. assez.
aveuglent, éblouissez, aveugles, gild: dorer, dore, dorons, dorez, dores, thou: tu, vous, toi.
éblouissent, éblouis. dorent. thy: ton.
candle: bougie, chandelle, cierge. glad: joyeux, content, heureux. transformed: transformas,
casket: cercueil. hold: tenir, prise, maintien, cale, transformâtes, transformèrent,
catch: attraper, attrape, attrapes, contenir, blocage, pause, tenue, transforma, transformâmes,
attrapons, attrapent, attrapez, prise, retenir. transformai, transformé.
prenez, prends, prenons, prennent. lovely: charmant, agréable, ravissant, witness: témoin, être présent, assister,
discovery: découverte. délicieux, beau, mignon, cher, gentil, témoigner.
doors: portes. magnifique, splendide, superbe. yours: vôtre.
feast: fête, banqueter, festin. lovers: amants.
42 The Merchant of Venice

Now, by my hood, a Gentile, and no Jew.%
Beshrew me, but I love her heartily;
For she is wise, if I can judge of her,
And fair she is, if that mine eyes be true,
And true she is, as she hath prov'd herself;
And therefore, like herself, wise, fair, and true,
Shall she be placed in my constant soul.
[Enter JESSICA.]
What, art thou come? On, gentlemen, away!
Our masquing mates by this time for us stay.
[Exit with JESSICA and SALARINO.]
Who's there?
Signior Antonio!
Fie, fie, Gratiano! where are all the rest?
'Tis nine o'clock; our friends all stay for you.
No masque to-night: the wind is come about;
Bassanio presently will go aboard:
I have sent twenty out to seek for you.
I am glad on't: I desire no more delight
Than to be under sail and gone to-night.

constant: constant, continuel, hood: capot, capuchon, cagoule, envoyèrent, envoya, envoyai, envoyé,
constante, invariable, perpétuel, couverture, hotte, apache, capuche, adressas, adressâtes, adressé,
permanent. chapeau, hotte d'aspiration. adressai.
delight: délice, enchanter, ravir, judge: juge, juger. stay: séjour, rester, restons, restent,
plaisir. mine: mine, mienne. restes, restez, reste, étai, hauban,
desire: désir, désirer, souhait, placed: placé. demeurer, séjourner.
souhaiter, envie. presently: actuellement. thou: tu, vous, toi.
fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, sail: voile, naviguer. twenty: vingt.
marché, équitable, bazar, moral, seek: chercher, cherches, cherche, wind: vent, enrouler, emmailloter,
beau, exposition, loyal. cherchent, cherchez, cherchons, bobiner.
gentlemen: messieurs. railler, raille, raillons, raillez, raillent. wise: sensé, raisonnable.
glad: joyeux, content, heureux. sent: envoyas, envoyâtes, envoyâmes,
William Shakespeare 43


[Flourish of cornets. Enter PORTIA, with the PRINCE OF MOROCCO, and

their trains.]
Go draw aside the curtains and discover
The several caskets to this noble prince.
Now make your choice.
The first, of gold, who this inscription bears:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
The second, silver, which this promise carries:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
This third, dull lead, with warning all as blunt:
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
How shall I know if I do choose the right?
The one of them contains my picture, prince;
If you choose that, then I am yours withal.
Some god direct my judgment! Let me see;
I will survey the inscriptions back again.
What says this leaden casket?
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
Must give: for what? For lead? Hazard for lead!
This casket threatens; men that hazard all
Do it in hope of fair advantages:
A golden mind stoops not to shows of dross;
I'll then nor give nor hazard aught for lead.
What says the silver with her virgin hue?

casket: cercueil. gain de transmission. picture: image, figure, tableau, photo.
caskets: coffrets. god: dieu. shows: montre, manifeste, marque,
contains: contient, renferme. hazard: risque, danger, hasard, aléa, dénote.
direct: direct, diriger, guider, droit, péril, risquer, aventurer, oser, silver: argent, argenté, argenter.
régler. hasarder. survey: enquête, étude, levé,
draw: dessiner, dessinent, dessinez, inscription: inscription. inspection, sondage, arpenter,
dessinons, dessines, dessine, puiser, judgment: arrêt, jugement. campagne d'évaluation.
tirer, puisent, puisons, puises. lead: plomb, conduire, mener, mène, threatens: menace.
dull: terne, mat, obtus, abêtir, bébête, menons, menez, mènes, conduisons, virgin: vierge, virginal.
sot, ennuyeux, monotone. mènent, conduisent, conduisez. warning: avertissement, avertissant,
gain: gain, gagner, bénéfice, profit, leaden: de plomb, plombé. sommation, alerte, alertant,
acquisition, avantage, remporter, noble: noble, élevé. recommandation, avis.
44 The Merchant of Venice

'Who %chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'

As much as he deserves! Pause there, Morocco,
And weigh thy value with an even hand.
If thou be'st rated by thy estimation,
Thou dost deserve enough, and yet enough
May not extend so far as to the lady;
And yet to be afeard of my deserving
Were but a weak disabling of myself.
As much as I deserve! Why, that's the lady:
I do in birth deserve her, and in fortunes,
In graces, and in qualities of breeding;
But more than these, in love I do deserve.
What if I stray'd no farther, but chose here?
Let's see once more this saying grav'd in gold:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
Why, that's the lady: all the world desires her;
From the four corners of the earth they come,
To kiss this shrine, this mortal-breathing saint:
The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds
Of wide Arabia are as throughfares now
For princes to come view fair Portia:
The watery kingdom, whose ambitious head
Spits in the face of heaven, is no bar
To stop the foreign spirits, but they come
As o'er a brook to see fair Portia.
One of these three contains her heavenly picture.
Is't like that lead contains her? 'Twere damnation
To think so base a thought; it were too gross
To rib her cerecloth in the obscure grave.
Or shall I think in silver she's immur'd,
Being ten times undervalu'd to tried gold?
O sinful thought! Never so rich a gem

ambitious: ambitieux. méritez, méritons, mérites. shrine: sanctuaire, lieu saint, châsse.
base: base, baser, assise, culot, embase, deserves: mérite. sinful: coupable.
abject, lâche, pied, socle, patin, disabling: neutralisation, désactivant. spirits: spiritueux.
fonder. farther: plus loin. tried: essayé.
birth: naissance. foreign: étranger, extérieur. value: valeur, apprécier, mérite,
brook: ruisseau. gem: gemme, pierre précieuse. évaluer.
chose: choisîmes, choisirent, choisîtes, graces: Grâces. watery: aqueux.
choisis, choisit, opta, optai, optâmes, heavenly: céleste. weak: faible, débile, lâche, mou.
optas, optâtes, optèrent. kingdom: royaume. weigh: peser, pèse, pèses, pèsent,
corners: accule. obscure: obscur, obscurcir. pesons, pesez.
deserts: déserte. pause: pause, repos, trêve. wide: large, ample, étendu, vaste,
deserve: mériter, mérite, méritent, rib: côte, nervure, membre. grand.
William Shakespeare 45

Was set in worse than gold. They have in England

A coin that bears the figure of an angel
Stamped in gold; but that's insculp'd upon;
But here an angel in a golden bed
Lies all within. Deliver me the key;
Here do I choose, and thrive I as I may!
There, take it, prince, and if my form lie there,
Then I am yours.%
[He unlocks the golden casket.]
O hell! what have we here?
A carrion Death, within whose empty eye
There is a written scroll! I'll read the writing.

'All that glisters is not gold,

Often have you heard that told;
Many a man his life hath sold
But my outside to behold:
Gilded tombs do worms infold.
Had you been as wise as bold,
Young in limbs, in judgment old,
Your answer had not been inscroll'd:
Fare you well, your suit is cold.'

Cold indeed; and labour lost:

Then, farewell, heat, and welcome, frost!
Portia, adieu! I have too griev'd a heart
To take a tedious leave; thus losers part.
[Exit with his train. Flourish of cornets.]

angel: ange. indeed: vraiment, certes, en vérité, vendu, vendis, vendit, bradées.
bears: ours. réellement, si, d'abord, en réalité, en train: train, entraîner, dresser, rame,
carrion: charogne. effet, en fait, effectivement, voire. cortège, suite, clique, escorte, former.
coin: pièce de monnaie. lie: mentir, mensonge, être couché, unlocks: ouvre.
deliver: livrer, livre, livrons, livrez, gésir. welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
livrent, livres, fournir, délivrer. limbs: membres. accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
empty: vide, vider, vidanger. losers: perdants. accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
figure: figure, chiffre, compter, outside: dehors, extérieur, en dehors accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
calculer, figurer, forme, silhouette. de, à l'extérieur. whose: dont, duquel, de qui.
flourish: prospérer, prospèrent, scroll: faire défiler, défilement, volute, worms: vers.
prospérons, prospères, prospérez, défiler, spirale. worse: pire, plus mauvais.
prospère. sold: vendîtes, vendirent, vendîmes, written: écrit.
46 The Merchant of Venice

A gentle riddance. Draw the curtains: go.
Let all of his complexion choose me so.%



Why, man, I saw Bassanio under sail;
With him is Gratiano gone along;
And in their ship I am sure Lorenzo is not.
The villain Jew with outcries rais'd the Duke,
Who went with him to search Bassanio's ship.
He came too late, the ship was under sail;
But there the duke was given to understand
That in a gondola were seen together
Lorenzo and his amorous Jessica.
Besides, Antonio certified the duke
They were not with Bassanio in his ship.
I never heard a passion so confus'd,
So strange, outrageous, and so variable,
As the dog Jew did utter in the streets.
'My daughter! O my ducats! O my daughter!
Fled with a Christian! O my Christian ducats!
Justice! the law! my ducats and my daughter!
A sealed bag, two sealed bags of ducats,
amorous: amoureux. draw: dessiner, dessinent, dessinez, search: recherche, perquisition,
bag: sac, poche, ensacher. dessinons, dessines, dessine, puiser, chercher, fouille, rechercher, fouiller.
bags: sacs. tirer, puisent, puisons, puises. ship: navire, bateau, expédier,
certified: certifié, certifia, certifiai, duke: duc. expédie, expédions, expédiez,
certifièrent, certifiâmes, certifias, gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. expédies, expédient, vaisseau.
certifiâtes, agréé. gondola: gondole, nacelle. strange: étrange, singulier, drôle,
choose: choisir, choisissent, choisis, late: tard, tardif, en retard. étranger, bizarre.
choisissons, choisissez, désigner, outrageous: scandaleux. sure: sûr, certain, assuré.
adopter, opter, opte, optent, optes. passion: passion, ardeur. utter: répandre, émettre, proférer,
complexion: teint, complexion. riddance: débarras. prononcer.
daughter: fille, la fille. sealed: scellé, étanche, hermétique, venice: Venise.
dog: chien, clébard, toc. fermé. villain: scélérat.
William Shakespeare 47

Of double ducats, stol'n from me by my daughter!

And jewels! two stones, two rich and precious stones,
Stol'n by my daughter! Justice! find the girl!
She hath the stones upon her and the ducats.'
Why, all the boys in Venice follow him,
Crying, his stones, his daughter, and his ducats.%
Let good Antonio look he keep his day,
Or he shall pay for this.
Marry, well remember'd.
I reason'd with a Frenchman yesterday,
Who told me,--in the narrow seas that part
The French and English,--there miscarried
A vessel of our country richly fraught.
I thought upon Antonio when he told me,
And wish'd in silence that it were not his.
You were best to tell Antonio what you hear;
Yet do not suddenly, for it may grieve him.
A kinder gentleman treads not the earth.
I saw Bassanio and Antonio part:
Bassanio told him he would make some speed
Of his return. He answer'd 'Do not so;
Slubber not business for my sake, Bassanio,
But stay the very riping of the time;
And for the Jew's bond which he hath of me,
Let it not enter in your mind of love:
Be merry, and employ your chiefest thoughts
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, introduisons. rich: riche.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, follow: suivre, suivent, suivons, suis, richly: de façon riche, de manière
cautionnement. suivez, respecter, agir selon. riche, richement.
boys: garçons. gentleman: monsieur, gentilhomme. sake: saké.
daughter: fille, la fille. grieve: affliger, afflige, affliges, silence: silence, repos.
double: double, doubler, redoubler, chagriner, affligeons, affligez, stones: pierres.
sosie. affligent, chagrines, chagrine, suddenly: soudainement, tout à coup,
employ: employer, embaucher, user chagrinons, chagrinent. subitement, soudain, de manière
de, se servir de, appliquer, engager. justice: justice, équité. subite, de façon subite, brusquement.
enter: entrer, entre, entrons, entrez, merry: joyeux, gai. vessel: navire, vaisseau, bateau, vase,
entrent, entres, introduire, entrer narrow: étroit. pot, baquet, bac, récipient.
dans, inscrire, introduis, precious: précieux, rare.
48 The Merchant of Venice

To courtship, and such fair ostents of love

As shall conveniently become you there.'
And even there, his eye being big with tears,
Turning his face, he put his hand behind him,
And with affection wondrous sensible
He wrung Bassanio's hand; and so they parted.%
I think he only loves the world for him.
I pray thee, let us go and find him out,
And quicken his embraced heaviness
With some delight or other.
Do we so.


[Enter NERISSA, with a SERVITOR.]

Quick, quick, I pray thee, draw the curtain straight;
The Prince of Arragon hath ta'en his oath,
And comes to his election presently.
[Flourish of cornets. Enter the PRINCE OF ARRAGON, PORTIA, and their
Behold, there stand the caskets, noble Prince:
If you choose that wherein I am contain'd,
Straight shall our nuptial rites be solemniz'd;

affection: affection, amour. dessinons, dessines, dessine, puiser, noble: noble, élevé.
caskets: coffrets. tirer, puisent, puisons, puises. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
choose: choisir, choisissent, choisis, election: élection, choix. prient.
choisissons, choisissez, désigner, embraced: embrassé. presently: actuellement.
adopter, opter, opte, optent, optes. enter: entrer, entre, entrons, entrez, quick: rapide, prompt, vite.
conveniently: de manière commode, entrent, entres, introduire, entrer quicken: accélérer, hâte, hâtons, hâtez,
de façon commode. dans, inscrire, introduis, hâtent, accélérons, accélérez,
courtship: cour. introduisons. accélères, accélèrent, accélère, hâtes.
curtain: rideau. fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, thee: toi, te, vous.
delight: délice, enchanter, ravir, marché, équitable, bazar, moral, wherein: où.
plaisir. beau, exposition, loyal. wondrous: merveilleux.
draw: dessiner, dessinent, dessinez, loves: amours, aime. wrung: tordu.
William Shakespeare 49

But if you fail, without more speech, my lord,

You must be gone from hence immediately.%
I am enjoin'd by oath to observe three things:
First, never to unfold to any one
Which casket 'twas I chose; next, if I fail
Of the right casket, never in my life
To woo a maid in way of marriage;
If I do fail in fortune of my choice,
Immediately to leave you and be gone.
To these injunctions every one doth swear
That comes to hazard for my worthless self.
And so have I address'd me. Fortune now
To my heart's hope! Gold, silver, and base lead.
'Who chooseth me must give and hazard all he hath.'
You shall look fairer ere I give or hazard.
What says the golden chest? Ha! let me see:
'Who chooseth me shall gain what many men desire.'
What many men desire! that 'many' may be meant
By the fool multitude, that choose by show,
Not learning more than the fond eye doth teach;
Which pries not to th' interior, but, like the martlet,
Builds in the weather on the outward wall,
Even in the force and road of casualty.
I will not choose what many men desire,
Because I will not jump with common spirits
And rank me with the barbarous multitudes.
Why, then to thee, thou silver treasure-house;

barbarous: barbare. c'est pourquoi. respectes, respectent.
casket: cercueil. injunctions: injonctions. outward: vers l'extérieur, sortie.
chest: poitrine, coffre, caisse, interior: intérieur. rank: rang, grade, rangée, file, tour.
commode, sein, bac, bahut. jump: saut, sauter, bond, obstacle. speech: discours, parole, langage,
common: commun, ordinaire, learning: apprenant, apprentissage, allocution, élocution.
vulgaire. érudition, savoir. thee: toi, te, vous.
ere: avant, avant que. multitude: multitude, amas, foule, tas, unfold: déplier, déplie, déplient,
fond: tendre. masse. déplies, dépliez, déplions, se
force: force, contraindre, obliger, oath: serment, juron. dérouler.
imposer, forcer, violer, puissance, observe: observer, observes, observe, weather: temps.
contrainte, faire accepter. observez, observons, observent, woo: faire la cour.
hence: par conséquent, donc, d'où, respecter, respectons, respectez, worthless: nul, sans valeur.
50 The Merchant of Venice

Tell%me once more what title thou dost bear:

'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
And well said too; for who shall go about
To cozen fortune, and be honourable
Without the stamp of merit? Let none presume
To wear an undeserved dignity.
O! that estates, degrees, and offices
Were not deriv'd corruptly, and that clear honour
Were purchas'd by the merit of the wearer!
How many then should cover that stand bare;
How many be commanded that command;
How much low peasantry would then be glean'd
From the true seed of honour; and how much honour
Pick'd from the chaff and ruin of the times
To be new varnish'd! Well, but to my choice:
'Who chooseth me shall get as much as he deserves.'
I will assume desert. Give me a key for this,
And instantly unlock my fortunes here.
[He opens the silver casket.]
Too long a pause for that which you find there.
What's here? The portrait of a blinking idiot,
Presenting me a schedule! I will read it.
How much unlike art thou to Portia!
How much unlike my hopes and my deservings!
'Who chooseth me shall have as much as he deserves.'
Did I deserve no more than a fool's head?
Is that my prize? Are my deserts no better?

assume: assumer, assumons, touche de clavier. seed: semence, graine, pépin, germe,
assument, assumez, assume, merit: mérite, mériter, gloire. ensemencer.
assumes, prendre, présumer, none: aucun, personne, nul. stamp: timbre, estampiller, timbrer,
supposer. opens: ouvre. cachet, poinçon, estampille, tampon,
blinking: clignotant, clignotement, peasantry: paysannerie, paysans. estamper, empreinte, tamponner,
clignement. portrait: portrait. marque.
corruptly: de manière corrompue, de prize: prix, récompense. undeserved: immérité.
façon corrompue. ruin: ruine, ruiner, abîmer, abaisser, unlike: à la différence de.
degrees: degrés. ravager. unlock: ouvrir, ouvre, ouvrons,
desert: désert, abandonner, délaisser, schedule: calendrier, horaire, tableau, ouvrez, ouvres, ouvrent,
quitter, déserter, livrer. annexe, barème, programme, liste, déverrouiller.
key: clé, touche, clef, clavette, code, plan, ordonnancer, programmer. wear: usure, porter, avoir, user.
William Shakespeare 51

To offend, and judge, are distinct offices,
And of opposed natures.%
What is here?

'The fire seven times tried this;

Seven times tried that judgment is
That did never choose amiss.
Some there be that shadows kiss;
Such have but a shadow's bliss;
There be fools alive, I wis,
Silver'd o'er, and so was this.
Take what wife you will to bed,
I will ever be your head:
So be gone; you are sped.'

Still more fool I shall appear

By the time I linger here;
With one fool's head I came to woo,
But I go away with two.
Sweet, adieu! I'll keep my oath,
Patiently to bear my wroth.
[Exit ARAGON with his train.]
Thus hath the candle sing'd the moth.
O, these deliberate fools! When they do choose,
They have the wisdom by their wit to lose.
The ancient saying is no heresy:
'Hanging and wiving goes by destiny.'

adieu: adieu. intentionnel. perdons.
alive: vivant, en vie. distinct: net, clair, limpide, distinct. offend: offenser, offenses, offensent,
ancient: antique, ancien. fire: feu, incendie, tirer, licencier, offense, offensez, offensons, insulter,
bear: ours, endurer, produire, souffrir, renvoyer, le feu, partir, suspendre. insulte, insultons, insultez, insultes.
subir, mettre au monde, baissier, fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, opposed: opposé, opposas, opposâtes,
porter, faire naître, supporter. duper, fou. opposa, opposâmes, opposai,
bed: lit, planche, couche, banc. goes: va. opposèrent, rouspétâtes, rouspété,
candle: bougie, chandelle, cierge. judge: juge, juger. rouspétas, rouspétâmes.
choose: choisir, choisissent, choisis, judgment: arrêt, jugement. shadows: ombres.
choisissons, choisissez, désigner, linger: traîner, traînes, traînez, wisdom: sagesse, intelligence.
adopter, opter, opte, optent, optes. traînent, traîne, traînons, s'attarder. wit: esprit.
deliberate: délibéré, délibérer, lose: perdre, perds, perdez, perdent,
52 The Merchant of Venice

Come, draw the curtain, Nerissa.%
[Enter a SERVANT.]
Where is my lady?
Here; what would my lord?
Madam, there is alighted at your gate
A young Venetian, one that comes before
To signify th' approaching of his lord;
From whom he bringeth sensible regreets;
To wit,--besides commends and courteous breath,--
Gifts of rich value. Yet I have not seen
So likely an ambassador of love.
A day in April never came so sweet,
To show how costly summer was at hand,
As this fore-spurrer comes before his lord.
No more, I pray thee; I am half afeard
Thou wilt say anon he is some kin to thee,
Thou spend'st such high-day wit in praising him.
Come, come, Nerissa, for I long to see
Quick Cupid's post that comes so mannerly.
Bassanio, lord Love, if thy will it be!

alighted: amerries, amerrie, amerri, tirer, puisent, puisons, puises. sensible: raisonnable, prudent, sensé.
amerrirent. kin: parenté, parents, parent. signify: signifier, signifies, signifiez,
ambassador: ambassadeur, lady: dame, madame, demoiselle signifient, signifions, signifie.
ambassadrice. noble. summer: été, estival.
approaching: approchant. lord: seigneur, monsieur. thee: toi, te, vous.
comes: vient. mannerly: courtois. thy: ton.
commends: recommande, glorifie. post: poste, poteau, pieu, emploi, value: valeur, apprécier, mérite,
costly: coûteux, cher. afficher, fonction, courrier, coller, évaluer.
courteous: courtois, poli. office, agglutiner, place. whom: qui.
curtain: rideau. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, wilt: flétris, faner, flétrir.
draw: dessiner, dessinent, dessinez, prient. wit: esprit.
dessinons, dessines, dessine, puiser, rich: riche.
William Shakespeare 53




Now, what news on the Rialto?
Why, yet it lives there unchecked that Antonio hath a ship of rich lading
wrack'd on the narrow seas; the Goodwins, I think they call the place, a very
dangerous flat and fatal, where the carcasses of many a tall ship lie buried,
as they say, if my gossip Report be an honest woman of her word.
I would she were as lying a gossip in that as ever knapped ginger or made
her neighbours believe she wept for the death of a third husband. But it is
true,--without any slips of prolixity or crossing the plain highway of talk,--
that the good Antonio, the honest Antonio,--O that I had a title good enough
to keep his name company!--
Come, the full stop.

buried: enterrâtes, enterras, enterré, gossip: cancaner, jaser, commérage, limpide, évident.
enterrâmes, enterra, enterrai, commérages, bavard. prolixity: prolixité.
enterrèrent, ensevelîtes, inhumèrent, highway: route, chaussée, autoroute, slips: coins de retenue.
inhumas, inhumâtes. bus. tall: haut, grand.
crossing: croisement, traversée, honest: honnête, intègre, sincère, thou: tu, vous, toi.
croisée, intersection. loyal. title: titre, intitulé.
dangerous: dangereux, périlleux, husband: mari, époux. unchecked: incontrôlé.
redoutable. lading: chargement. venice: Venise.
fatal: fatal, mortel. lives: vit, habite, loge. wept: pleuras, pleurâtes, pleurai,
flat: plat, appartement, aplati, bémol, lying: menteur, mensonge, gisant. pleuré, pleurâmes, pleurèrent,
uni, mat. neighbours: voisins. pleura.
ginger: gingembre. plain: plaine, clair, uni, ordinaire, net, word: mot, parole, promesse.
54 The Merchant of Venice

Ha! What sayest thou? Why, the end is, he hath lost a ship.%
I would it might prove the end of his losses.
Let me say 'amen' betimes, lest the devil cross my prayer, for here he comes
in the likeness of a Jew.
[Enter SHYLOCK.]
How now, Shylock! What news among the merchants?
You knew, none so well, none so well as you, of my daughter's flight.
That's certain; I, for my part, knew the tailor that made the wings she flew
And Shylock, for his own part, knew the bird was fledged; and then it is the
complexion of them all to leave the dam.
She is damned for it.
That's certain, if the devil may be her judge.
My own flesh and blood to rebel!
Out upon it, old carrion! Rebels it at these years?
I say my daughter is my flesh and my blood.
There is more difference between thy flesh and hers than between jet and

bird: oiseau. différend. perdit, perdis, perdu, perdus, non vu.
blood: sang. flesh: chair, pulpe. none: aucun, personne, nul.
carrion: charogne. flew: volâmes, volèrent, volas, volai, prayer: prière.
complexion: teint, complexion. vola, volâtes. prove: prouver, prouve, prouves,
cross: croix, croiser, traverser, franchir, flight: vol, fuite, volée, essor. prouvez, prouvons, prouvent,
dépasser, passer, maussade, croisé, hers: sien. démontrer.
croisement, traversez. jet: jet, avion à réaction, jais, gicleur. rebel: se révolter, rebelle, se rebeller.
dam: barrage, digue, endiguer. judge: juge, juger. rebels: rebelles.
damned: damné, maudit. lest: de peur que. tailor: tailleur, couturière.
daughter: fille, la fille. likeness: ressemblance. thou: tu, vous, toi.
devil: diable. losses: pertes. thy: ton.
difference: différence, divergence, lost: perdîtes, perdîmes, perdirent, wings: coulisses, ailes.
William Shakespeare 55

ivory; more between your bloods than there is between red wine and
Rhenish. But tell us, do you hear whether Antonio have had any loss at sea or
There I have another bad match: a bankrupt, a prodigal, who dare scarce
show his head on the Rialto; a beggar, that used to come so smug upon the
mart; let him look to his bond: he was wont to call me usurer; let him look to
his bond: he was wont to lend money for a Christian courtesy; let him look to
his bond.%
Why, I am sure, if he forfeit, thou wilt not take his flesh: what's that good for?
To bait fish withal: if it will feed nothing else, it will feed my revenge. He
hath disgrac'd me and hind'red me half a million; laugh'd at my losses,
mock'd at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my
friends, heated mine enemies. And what's his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a
Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections,
passions, fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the
same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same
winter and summer, as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If
you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? And if you
wrong us, shall we not revenge? If we are like you in the rest, we will
resemble you in that. If a Jew wrong a Christian, what is his humility?
Revenge. If a Christian wrong a Jew, what should his sufferance be by
Christian example? Why, revenge. The villaiy you teach me I will execute;
and it shall go hard but I will better the instruction.
[Enter a SERVANT.]
Gentlemen, my master Antonio is at his house, and desires to speak with you

bait: appât, amorce, èche, amorcer, assainîtes, assainîmes, assainis, scorned: dédaigné.
leurre, esche. assainit. smug: suffisant.
beggar: mendiant, gueux. heated: échauffé, chauffé. sufferance: tolérance.
bleed: saigner, saigne, saignes, humility: humilité, modestie. thwarted: contrecarrâtes, déjouèrent,
saignez, saignons, saignent, purger, mart: centre commercial, centre de déjoué, déjouâtes, déjouas,
purgent, purgeons, purges, purgez. commerce, marché. déjouâmes, déjouai, déjoua,
cooled: refroidi. passions: passions. contrecarras, contrecarrâmes,
execute: exécuter, exécute, exécutes, prick: piqûre, bitte, zob. contrecarrai.
exécutez, exécutons, exécutent, resemble: ressembler, ressemble, tickle: chatouiller, chatouillement.
effectuer, accomplir. ressembles, ressemblez, ressemblons, usurer: usurier.
healed: guérirent, guérîmes, guérîtes, ressemblent, rejoindre, rejoignent, warmed: bassiné, chauffâmes,
guérit, guéris, guéri, assainirent, rejoignez, rejoignons, rejoins. bassinées, bassinâmes, chauffé.
56 The Merchant of Venice

We have been up and down to seek him.%
[Enter TUBAL.]
Here comes another of the tribe: a third cannot be match'd, unless the devil
himself turn Jew.
How now, Tubal! what news from Genoa? Hast thou found my daughter?
I often came where I did hear of her, but cannot find her.
Why there, there, there, there! A diamond gone, cost me two thousand
ducats in Frankfort! The curse never fell upon our nation till now; I never felt
it till now. Two thousand ducats in that, and other precious, precious jewels.
I would my daughter were dead at my foot, and the jewels in her ear; would
she were hearsed at my foot, and the ducats in her coffin! No news of them?
Why, so: and I know not what's spent in the search. Why, thou--loss upon
loss! The thief gone with so much, and so much to find the thief; and no
satisfaction, no revenge; nor no ill luck stirring but what lights on my
shoulders; no sighs but of my breathing; no tears but of my shedding.
Yes, other men have ill luck too. Antonio, as I heard in Genoa,--
What, what, what? Ill luck, ill luck?
--hath an argosy cast away, coming from Tripolis.
I thank God! I thank God! Is it true, is it true?

breathing: respirant, respiration. ill: malade, malsain, mal. spent: dépensé, dépensas, dépensâtes,
cast: fondre, moule, coulée, couler, lights: lumières, feux. dépensâmes, dépensa, dépensai,
distribution, acteurs, plâtre. loss: perte, préjudice, déperdition, dépensèrent, passa, passai, passâmes,
coffin: cercueil. affaiblissement, sinistre, déchet, passas.
coming: venant. atténuation. stirring: agitation.
cost: coût, coûter, dépense, prix de luck: chance, fortune, sort, destinée. tears: larmes.
revient. precious: précieux, rare. thief: voleur.
curse: maudire, blasphémer, revenge: revanche, vengeance, venger. thou: tu, vous, toi.
malédiction. satisfaction: satisfaction, till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que.
devil: diable. contentement. tribe: peuplade.
diamond: diamant, carreau. shedding: perte. true: vrai, véritable, réel, qui a raison,
ear: oreille, épi. shoulders: épaules. exact, juste.
William Shakespeare 57

I spoke with some of the sailors that escaped the wrack.%
I thank thee, good Tubal. Good news, good news! ha, ha! Where? in Genoa?
Your daughter spent in Genoa, as I heard, one night, fourscore ducats.
Thou stick'st a dagger in me: I shall never see my gold again: fourscore
ducats at a sitting! Fourscore ducats!
There came divers of Antonio's creditors in my company to
Venice that swear he cannot choose but break.
I am very glad of it; I'll plague him, I'll torture him; I am glad of it.
One of them showed me a ring that he had of your daughter for a monkey.
Out upon her! Thou torturest me, Tubal: It was my turquoise; I had it of Leah
when I was a bachelor; I would not have given it for a wilderness of
But Antonio is certainly undone.
Nay, that's true; that's very true. Go, Tubal, fee me an officer; bespeak him a
fortnight before. I will have the heart of him, if he forfeit; for, were he out of
Venice, I can make what merchandise I will. Go, Tubal, and meet me at our
synagogue; go, good Tubal; at our synagogue, Tubal.

bachelor: célibataire, garçon, forfaire. manifestâtes, manifestas,
bachelier. fortnight: quinzaine. manifestâmes.
bespeak: annoncer, retenez, monkey: singe. sitting: couvant, s'asseyant, séance,
retiennent, annonçons, retiens, monkeys: singes. service, sédentaire.
annonces, annoncent, annonce, officer: officier, fonctionnaire. synagogue: synagogue.
retenons, annoncez, retenir. plague: peste, fléau. torture: torture, torturer, supplice.
creditors: créanciers. ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner, turquoise: turquoise.
dagger: poignard, dague. couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle, undone: défait, annulé, défaites,
escaped: échappé. cycle, frette, son. défaite, défaits.
fee: honoraires, droit, frais, redevance, showed: montrâtes, montras, montrai, wilderness: désert.
cachet. montrâmes, montrèrent, montra,
forfeit: perdre, forfait, amende, manifesta, manifestèrent,
58 The Merchant of Venice



I pray you tarry; pause a day or two
Before you hazard; for, in choosing wrong,
I lose your company; therefore forbear a while.
There's something tells me, but it is not love,
I would not lose you; and you know yourself
Hate counsels not in such a quality.
But lest you should not understand me well,--
And yet a maiden hath no tongue but thought,--
I would detain you here some month or two
Before you venture for me. I could teach you
How to choose right, but then I am forsworn;
So will I never be; so may you miss me;
But if you do, you'll make me wish a sin,
That I had been forsworn. Beshrew your eyes,
They have o'erlook'd me and divided me:
One half of me is yours, the other half yours,
Mine own, I would say; but if mine, then yours,
And so all yours. O! these naughty times
Puts bars between the owners and their rights;
And so, though yours, not yours. Prove it so,
Let fortune go to hell for it, not I.
I speak too long, but 'tis to peise the time,
To eke it, and to draw it out in length,
To stay you from election.

bars: barre, barres. fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. enseignent, enseignons, enseignez,
choosing: choisissant, optant. hazard: risque, danger, hasard, aléa, enseigne, instruire, apprendre,
detain: détenir, retenir, détenez, péril, risquer, aventurer, oser, instruisent, instruisez, instruis.
détiens, détiennent, détenons, hasarder. tells: dit, raconte, enjoint, commande.
retiennent, retiens, retenons, retenez, lest: de peur que. understand: comprendre, comprenez,
réprimer. maiden: vierge, brin. comprends, comprenons,
divided: divisé, divisai, divisa, naughty: vilain, méchant. comprennent, entendre.
divisèrent, divisâmes, divisâtes, pause: pause, repos, trêve. venture: risquer, aventurer, oser,
divisas, partageâtes, partagèrent, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, entreprise, oser entreprendre,
partagea, partagé. prient. aventure, hasarder.
forbear: s'abstenir. tarry: goudronneux. wish: souhait, désir, désirer, souhaiter,
forsworn: abjuré. teach: enseigner, enseignes, vouloir, volonté, gré.
William Shakespeare 59

Let me choose;
For as I am, I live upon the rack.%
Upon the rack, Bassanio! Then confess
What treason there is mingled with your love.
None but that ugly treason of mistrust,
Which makes me fear th' enjoying of my love:
There may as well be amity and life
'Tween snow and fire as treason and my love.
Ay, but I fear you speak upon the rack,
Where men enforced do speak anything.
Promise me life, and I'll confess the truth.
Well then, confess and live.
'Confess' and 'love'
Had been the very sum of my confession:
O happy torment, when my torturer
Doth teach me answers for deliverance!
But let me to my fortune and the caskets.
Away, then! I am lock'd in one of them:
If you do love me, you will find me out.
Nerissa and the rest, stand all aloof;
Let music sound while he doth make his choice;
Then, if he lose, he makes a swan-like end,

amity: concorde. fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. rack: crémaillère, étagère, grille, arack,
answers: répond. happy: heureux, joyeux, content. casier, râtelier, claie, bâti, armoire,
caskets: coffrets. live: vivre, vivez, vivent, vivons, vis, chevalet.
confess: confesser, avouer, confessent, habiter, demeurer, habite, habitent, snow: neige, neiger, blanche.
confessons, confessez, confesses, habites, habitons. sum: somme, montant, addition.
confesse, avouent, avouons, avoues, lose: perdre, perds, perdez, perdent, teach: enseigner, enseignes,
avoue. perdons. enseignent, enseignons, enseignez,
enforced: imposé, forcé, réalisâtes, mingled: mélangea, mêlèrent, mêlâtes, enseigne, instruire, apprendre,
imposa, réalisé, réalisas, réalisâmes, mêlas, mélangèrent, mélangeâtes, instruisent, instruisez, instruis.
réalisai, imposèrent, imposâtes, mélangeas, mélangeai, mêlâmes, torment: torture, tourmenter, supplice.
imposas. mêlai, mêla. treason: trahison.
enjoying: jouissant. music: musique. ugly: laid, vilain, moche, mauvais.
60 The Merchant of Venice

Fading %in music: that the comparison

May stand more proper, my eye shall be the stream
And watery death-bed for him. He may win;
And what is music then? Then music is
Even as the flourish when true subjects bow
To a new-crowned monarch; such it is
As are those dulcet sounds in break of day
That creep into the dreaming bridegroom's ear
And summon him to marriage. Now he goes,
With no less presence, but with much more love,
Than young Alcides when he did redeem
The virgin tribute paid by howling Troy
To the sea-monster: I stand for sacrifice;
The rest aloof are the Dardanian wives,
With bleared visages come forth to view
The issue of th' exploit. Go, Hercules!
Live thou, I live. With much much more dismay
I view the fight than thou that mak'st the fray.
[A Song, whilst BASSANIO comments on the caskets to himself.]
Tell me where is fancy bred,
Or in the heart or in the head,
How begot, how nourished?
Reply, reply.

It is engend'red in the eyes,

With gazing fed; and fancy dies
In the cradle where it lies.
Let us all ring fancy's knell:
I'll begin it.--Ding, dong, bell.
Ding, dong, bell.

aloof: distant. nacelle. lutte, luter, lutter.
begin: commencer, commencez, dies: meurt, décède. howling: hurlant.
commences, commence, dreaming: rêvant. monarch: monarque.
commencent, commençons, débuter, dulcet: suave. presence: présence.
débute, débutent, débutes, débutez. exploit: exploiter. proper: convenable, propre, exact,
begot: engendra, engendrâmes, fancy: imaginer, fantaisie, songer, juste, adéquat, approprié.
engendras, engendrâtes, rêver éveillé, aimer. sounds: sonne, sons.
engendrèrent, engendrai. fed: alimentas, alimentâtes, alimenté, summon: convoquer, appeler, intimer.
bell: cloche, clochette, sonnette, alimentâmes, alimentai, alimentèrent, tribute: tribut, hommage.
sonnerie. alimenta, nourrit, nourris, nourrirent, whilst: durant, pendant que, pendant,
comments: commentaire, commente. nourrîtes. tandis que, lors.
cradle: berceau, arceau, cerceau, fight: combattre, combat, batailler,
William Shakespeare 61

So %may the outward shows be least themselves:
The world is still deceiv'd with ornament.
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt
But, being season'd with a gracious voice,
Obscures the show of evil? In religion,
What damned error but some sober brow
Will bless it, and approve it with a text,
Hiding the grossness with fair ornament?
There is no vice so simple but assumes
Some mark of virtue on his outward parts.
How many cowards, whose hearts are all as false
As stairs of sand, wear yet upon their chins
The beards of Hercules and frowning Mars;
Who, inward search'd, have livers white as milk;
And these assume but valour's excrement
To render them redoubted! Look on beauty
And you shall see 'tis purchas'd by the weight:
Which therein works a miracle in nature,
Making them lightest that wear most of it:
So are those crisped snaky golden locks
Which make such wanton gambols with the wind,
Upon supposed fairness, often known
To be the dowry of a second head,
The skull that bred them, in the sepulchre.
Thus ornament is but the guiled shore
To a most dangerous sea; the beauteous scarf
Veiling an Indian beauty; in a word,
The seeming truth which cunning times put on
To entrap the wisest. Therefore, thou gaudy gold,
Hard food for Midas, I will none of thee;
Nor none of thee, thou pale and common drudge

approve: approuver, approuve, entrap: prendre au piège. plea: argument, plaider.
approuves, approuvez, approuvent, error: erreur, faute, méprise. render: rendre.
approuvons, donner son accord. fairness: équité, justice. sand: sable, arène.
beards: barbes. gaudy: voyant. seeming: semblant, paraissant.
beauteous: beau. gracious: gracieux. skull: crâne, tête de mort.
bred: élevé. grossness: grossièreté. snaky: insidieux, sinueux.
crisped: dossé. hearts: coeurs. stairs: escalier, escaliers.
cunning: rusé, malin, astucieux, inward: intérieur, vers l'intérieur. tainted: corrompu.
artificieux, ruse, sournois, rouerie. miracle: miracle. therein: en cela.
dowry: dot, don. ornament: ornement, orner, décorer, vice: vice, étau, vertu.
drudge: bête de somme, trimer, parure, parer, ornament. virtue: vertu.
peiner. pale: pâle, blême. wanton: dévergondé.
62 The Merchant of Venice

'Tween %man and man: but thou, thou meagre lead,

Which rather threaten'st than dost promise aught,
Thy plainness moves me more than eloquence,
And here choose I: joy be the consequence!
How all the other passions fleet to air,
As doubtful thoughts, and rash-embrac'd despair,
And shuddering fear, and green-ey'd jealousy!
O love! be moderate; allay thy ecstasy;
In measure rain thy joy; scant this excess;
I feel too much thy blessing; make it less,
For fear I surfeit!
What find I here?
[Opening the leaden casket.]
Fair Portia's counterfeit! What demi-god
Hath come so near creation? Move these eyes?
Or whether riding on the balls of mine,
Seem they in motion? Here are sever'd lips,
Parted with sugar breath; so sweet a bar
Should sunder such sweet friends. Here in her hairs
The painter plays the spider, and hath woven
A golden mesh t' entrap the hearts of men
Faster than gnats in cobwebs: but her eyes!--
How could he see to do them? Having made one,
Methinks it should have power to steal both his,
And leave itself unfurnish'd: yet look, how far
The substance of my praise doth wrong this shadow
In underprizing it, so far this shadow
Doth limp behind the substance. Here's the scroll,

balls: balles. jauger. plainness: simplicité, manque de
consequence: conséquence, mesh: maille, treillis, engrener, beauté.
aboutissement, répercussion, suite. prendre au filet, grillage, engrenage, plays: joue.
counterfeit: contrefaçon, contrefaire, s'engrener, mesh, maillé. rain: pluie, pleuvoir, la pluie.
faux, contrefait. moderate: modéré, raisonnable, riding: équitation.
creation: création. ralentir, abordable, modérer, retenir. scant: insuffisant, limité, faible.
doubtful: incertain, douteux. motion: mouvement, motion, spider: araignée, croisillon.
fleet: flotte, parc, tessure. résolution, marche, requête. substance: substance, fond.
joy: joie, allégresse. moves: émeut, meut, mouve, remue. sugar: sucre, sucrer.
limp: boiter, mou. near: près, proche, près de, auprès, sunder: séparer.
meagre: maigre. prochaine, à.
measure: mesure, mesurer, taille, painter: peintre, peintre en bâtiments.
William Shakespeare 63

The%continent and summary of my fortune.

'You that choose not by the view,
Chance as fair and choose as true!
Since this fortune falls to you,
Be content and seek no new.
If you be well pleas'd with this,
And hold your fortune for your bliss,
Turn to where your lady is
And claim her with a loving kiss.'

A gentle scroll. Fair lady, by your leave;

[Kissing her.]
I come by note, to give and to receive.
Like one of two contending in a prize,
That thinks he hath done well in people's eyes,
Hearing applause and universal shout,
Giddy in spirit, still gazing in a doubt
Whether those peals of praise be his or no;
So, thrice-fair lady, stand I, even so,
As doubtful whether what I see be true,
Until confirm'd, sign'd, ratified by you.
You see me, Lord Bassanio, where I stand,
Such as I am: though for myself alone
I would not be ambitious in my wish
To wish myself much better, yet for you
I would be trebled twenty times myself,
A thousand times more fair, ten thousand times
More rich;
That only to stand high in your account,
I might in virtues, beauties, livings, friends,
Exceed account. But the full sum of me
ambitious: ambitieux. beau, exposition, loyal. cherchent, cherchez, cherchons,
applause: applaudissement, falls: tombe, abat, choit. railler, raille, raillons, raillez, raillent.
applaudissements, acclamation. fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. sum: somme, montant, addition.
bliss: béatitude, félicité. gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. summary: résumé, sommaire,
claim: créance, réclamer, loving: amoureux, aimant. récapitulation, abrégé, récapitulatif,
revendication, demande, demander, praise: louange, glorifier, éloge, louer, relevé.
exiger, revendiquer, requérir. louanger. thinks: pense.
contending: contestant. ratified: ratifiâtes, ratifias, ratifia, universal: universel.
content: contenu, satisfait. ratifièrent, ratifiai, ratifiâmes, ratifié. virtues: vertus.
doubtful: incertain, douteux. scroll: faire défiler, défilement, volute,
fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, défiler, spirale.
marché, équitable, bazar, moral, seek: chercher, cherches, cherche,
64 The Merchant of Venice

Is%sum of something which, to term in gross,

Is an unlesson'd girl, unschool'd, unpractis'd;
Happy in this, she is not yet so old
But she may learn; happier than this,
She is not bred so dull but she can learn;
Happiest of all is that her gentle spirit
Commits itself to yours to be directed,
As from her lord, her governor, her king.
Myself and what is mine to you and yours
Is now converted. But now I was the lord
Of this fair mansion, master of my servants,
Queen o'er myself; and even now, but now,
This house, these servants, and this same myself,
Are yours- my lord's. I give them with this ring,
Which when you part from, lose, or give away,
Let it presage the ruin of your love,
And be my vantage to exclaim on you.
Madam, you have bereft me of all words,
Only my blood speaks to you in my veins;
And there is such confusion in my powers
As, after some oration fairly spoke
By a beloved prince, there doth appear
Among the buzzing pleased multitude;
Where every something, being blent together,
Turns to a wild of nothing, save of joy,
Express'd and not express'd. But when this ring
Parts from this finger, then parts life from hence:
O! then be bold to say Bassanio's dead.
My lord and lady, it is now our time,

beloved: aimé, cher. exclaim: exclamer, exclames, exclame, mansion.
bereft: dépossédé, privâtes, privai, exclamez, exclamons, exclament, oration: discours, discours solennel.
privèrent, privâmes, priva, s'exclamer. parts: parties.
dépossédèrent, dépossédâtes, fairly: assez, relativement, pleased: content, satisfait, plu.
dépossédas, dépossédâmes, équitablement, de façon foire, de presage: augure, présage.
dépossédai. manière foire. save: épargner, épargne, épargnes,
bred: élevé. girl: fille, jeune fille, gosse, la fille. épargnent, épargnez, épargnons,
buzzing: bourdonnement d'oreille, governor: gouverneur, directeur, sauver, économiser, sauve, sauves,
bourdonnant, bourdonnement. régulateur. sauvons.
confusion: confusion, désordre, learn: apprendre, apprenons, servants: domestiques, serviteurs.
confusion mentale, affolement. apprenez, apprends, apprennent. term: terme, durée, échéance.
converted: converti. mansion: immeuble, château, vantage: avantage.
William Shakespeare 65

That have stood by and seen our wishes prosper,

To cry, good joy. Good joy, my lord and lady!
My Lord Bassanio, and my gentle lady,
I wish you all the joy that you can wish;
For I am sure you can wish none from me;
And when your honours mean to solemnize
The bargain of your faith, I do beseech you
Even at that time I may be married too.%
With all my heart, so thou canst get a wife.
I thank your lordship, you have got me one.
My eyes, my lord, can look as swift as yours:
You saw the mistress, I beheld the maid;
You lov'd, I lov'd; for intermission
No more pertains to me, my lord, than you.
Your fortune stood upon the caskets there,
And so did mine too, as the matter falls;
For wooing here until I sweat again,
And swearing till my very roof was dry
With oaths of love, at last, if promise last,
I got a promise of this fair one here
To have her love, provided that your fortune
Achiev'd her mistress.
Is this true, Nerissa?
Madam, it is, so you stand pleas'd withal.

bargain: marchander, négocier, bonne gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. assurer.
affaire, affaire, occasion, marché. honours: honneurs. roof: toit, voûte.
beheld: aperçûmes, aperçu, vu, vîtes, joy: joie, allégresse. swearing: jurant.
vit, vis, virent, vîmes, remarquèrent, lordship: seigneurie. sweat: sueur, suer, transpirer,
remarqué, remarquas. married: marié, se marièrent, vous transpiration, suinter.
beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, mariâtes, te marias, me mariai, nous swift: rapide, prompt, martinet noir,
implores, implorez, implorons, mariâmes, se maria, se marié, mariée, martinet.
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, mariés, épousas. thou: tu, vous, toi.
sollicitons, sollicite. mistress: maîtresse. till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que.
caskets: coffrets. pertains: appartient. wife: femme, épouse.
cry: pleurer, cri, crier, vagir. promise: promettre, promets, wishes: vœux.
fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin. promettent, promettez, promettons, wooing: courtisant.
66 The Merchant of Venice

And do you, Gratiano, mean good faith?
Yes, faith, my lord.%
Our feast shall be much honour'd in your marriage.
We'll play with them the first boy for a thousand ducats.
What! and stake down?
No; we shall ne'er win at that sport, and stake down.
But who comes here? Lorenzo and his infidel?
What, and my old Venetian friend, Salanio!
Lorenzo and Salanio, welcome hither,
If that the youth of my new interest here
Have power to bid you welcome. By your leave,
I bid my very friends and countrymen,
Sweet Portia, welcome.
So do I, my lord;
They are entirely welcome.
I thank your honour. For my part, my lord,
My purpose was not to have seen you here;
But meeting with Salanio by the way,
He did entreat me, past all saying nay,
To come with him along.
along: le long de. implorons, implorez, implores, piquet, perche.
bid: offre, soumission, demander, implorent, implore. thank: remercier, remercies, remercie,
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, faith: foi. remerciez, remercions, remercient.
tentative de prise, mise dans les feast: fête, banqueter, festin. thousand: mille, millier.
enchères. honour: honneur, honorer. welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
boy: garçon, gosse, serviteur, marriage: mariage. accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
domestique, gamin. meeting: réunion, rencontrant, séance, accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
entirely: entièrement, complètement, rencontre, croisement, assemblée, accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
totalement, tout, de manière entière, réunion sportive. win: gagner, gagnons, gagnez, gagnes,
de façon entière. purpose: but, dessein, objet, intention. gagne, gagnent, remporter, remporte,
entreat: implorer, supplier, supplie, sport: sport, sports. remportent, remportes, remportez.
supplions, suppliez, supplies, stake: pieu, poteau, échalas, jalon, youth: jeunesse, ado, jeunes.
William Shakespeare 67

I did, my lord,
And I have reason for it. Signior Antonio
Commends him to you.
[Gives BASSANIO a letter]
Ere I ope his letter,
I pray you tell me how my good friend doth.%
Not sick, my lord, unless it be in mind;
Nor well, unless in mind; his letter there
Will show you his estate.
Nerissa, cheer yon stranger; bid her welcome.
Your hand, Salanio. What's the news from Venice?
How doth that royal merchant, good Antonio?
I know he will be glad of our success:
We are the Jasons, we have won the fleece.
I would you had won the fleece that he hath lost.
There are some shrewd contents in yon same paper.
That steal the colour from Bassanio's cheek:
Some dear friend dead, else nothing in the world
Could turn so much the constitution
Of any constant man. What, worse and worse!
With leave, Bassanio: I am half yourself,
And I must freely have the half of anything
That this same paper brings you.

bid: offre, soumission, demander, contents: contenu. reason: raison, cause, motif, raisonner.
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, estate: domaine, propriété, bien, royal: royal.
tentative de prise, mise dans les propriété foncière, fonds, succession, shrewd: sagace, avisé, perspicace.
enchères. biens. sick: malade, malsain.
brings: apporte, amène. fleece: toison, tondre, polaire. steal: voler, dérober, dépouiller,
cheer: acclamation, acclamer, freely: librement, de manière gratuite, d'acier, subtiliser, volent.
applaudir. de façon gratuite. stranger: étranger, inconnu.
colour: couleur, teinte, colorier, glad: joyeux, content, heureux. won: gagnâmes, gagnèrent, gagnas,
colorant. merchant: négociant, marchand, gagnai, gagna, gagnâtes, Gagné,
constant: constant, continuel, commerçant. remportèrent, remporta, remportai,
constante, invariable, perpétuel, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, remportâmes.
permanent. prient. yon: y, là.
68 The Merchant of Venice

O %sweet Portia!
Here are a few of the unpleasant'st words
That ever blotted paper. Gentle lady,
When I did first impart my love to you,
I freely told you all the wealth I had
Ran in my veins, I was a gentleman;
And then I told you true. And yet, dear lady,
Rating myself at nothing, you shall see
How much I was a braggart. When I told you
My state was nothing, I should then have told you
That I was worse than nothing; for indeed
I have engag'd myself to a dear friend,
Engag'd my friend to his mere enemy,
To feed my means. Here is a letter, lady,
The paper as the body of my friend,
And every word in it a gaping wound
Issuing life-blood. But is it true, Salanio?
Hath all his ventures fail'd? What, not one hit?
From Tripolis, from Mexico, and England,
From Lisbon, Barbary, and India?
And not one vessel scape the dreadful touch
Of merchant-marring rocks?
Not one, my lord.
Besides, it should appear that, if he had
The present money to discharge the Jew,
He would not take it. Never did I know
A creature that did bear the shape of man,
So keen and greedy to confound a man.
He plies the duke at morning and at night,
And doth impeach the freedom of the state,
appear: apparaître, apparaissez, épouvantable. impart: communiquer, donner.
apparaissons, apparaissent, apparais, feed: alimenter, alimente, alimentes, impeach: accuser.
sembler, paraître, avoir l'air de, alimentent, alimentons, alimentez, mere: pur, seul, simple.
surgir, comparaître. nourrir, nourrissons, nourris, plies: plis.
braggart: vantard, fanfaron. nourrissent, nourrissez. rocks: étoc, montages.
confound: confondre, déconcerter. few: peu, peu de. shape: forme, former, façonner,
creature: créature. freedom: liberté. modeler, profil.
discharge: décharge, congé, décharger, freely: librement, de manière gratuite, veins: veines, nervure.
renvoyer, déchargement, débit, de façon gratuite. ventures: entreprises.
acquittement, écoulement, licencier, gaping: béant. vessel: navire, vaisseau, bateau, vase,
partir, quitus. greedy: avide, glouton, cupide, pot, baquet, bac, récipient.
dreadful: terrible, affreux, gourmand, goulu. wealth: richesse, fortune.
William Shakespeare 69

If they deny him justice. Twenty merchants,

The duke himself, and the magnificoes
Of greatest port, have all persuaded with him;
But none can drive him from the envious plea
Of forfeiture, of justice, and his bond.%
When I was with him, I have heard him swear
To Tubal and to Chus, his countrymen,
That he would rather have Antonio's flesh
Than twenty times the value of the sum
That he did owe him; and I know, my lord,
If law, authority, and power, deny not,
It will go hard with poor Antonio.
Is it your dear friend that is thus in trouble?
The dearest friend to me, the kindest man,
The best condition'd and unwearied spirit
In doing courtesies; and one in whom
The ancient Roman honour more appears
Than any that draws breath in Italy.
What sum owes he the Jew?
For me, three thousand ducats.
What! no more?
Pay him six thousand, and deface the bond;
Double six thousand, and then treble that,
Before a friend of this description

ancient: antique, ancien. drive: conduire, pousser, prise, devez, avoir une dette.
authority: autorité, pouvoir, autorités, pourchasser, conduis, conduisons, owes: doit.
instance. conduisez, conduisent, pousse, persuaded: persuadas, persuadâtes,
breath: souffle, haleine, respiration, le poussent, pousses. persuadai, persuadâmes, persuada,
souffle. duke: duc. persuadèrent, persuadé.
dear: cher, coûteux. envious: envieux. port: port, bâbord, accès, porte,
deface: défigurer, défigurent, défigure, forfeiture: confiscation, déchéance, lumière, orifice, porto.
défigures, défigurez, défigurons. perte. sum: somme, montant, addition.
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, honour: honneur, honorer. treble: triple, aigu.
démentir, renier. justice: justice, équité. trouble: problème, gêner, déranger,
description: description, signalement. none: aucun, personne, nul. dérangement, panne, difficulté,
draws: dessine, puise, appâte, trace. owe: devoir, devons, doivent, dois, trouble, ennui.
70 The Merchant of Venice

Shall lose a hair through Bassanio's fault.

First go with me to church and call me wife,
And then away to Venice to your friend;
For never shall you lie by Portia's side
With an unquiet soul. You shall have gold
To pay the petty debt twenty times over:
When it is paid, bring your true friend along.
My maid Nerissa and myself meantime,
Will live as maids and widows. Come, away!
For you shall hence upon your wedding day.
Bid your friends welcome, show a merry cheer;
Since you are dear bought, I will love you dear.
But let me hear the letter of your friend.%
'Sweet Bassanio, my ships have all miscarried, my creditors grow cruel, my
estate is very low, my bond to the Jew is forfeit; and since, in paying it, it is
impossible I should live, all debts are clear'd between you and I, if I might
but see you at my death. Notwithstanding, use your pleasure; if your love do
not persuade you to come, let not my letter.'
O love, dispatch all business and be gone!
Since I have your good leave to go away,
I will make haste; but, till I come again,
No bed shall e'er be guilty of my stay,
Nor rest be interposer 'twixt us twain.


bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, haste: hâte. payai, payâmes, payé.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, impossible: impossible. paying: payant.
cautionnement. interposer: interposeur. persuade: persuader, persuades,
creditors: créanciers. maid: femme de chambre, servante, persuade, persuadons, persuadent,
cruel: cruel, atroce, méchant. domestique, bonne. persuadez, convaincre, inspirer.
debt: dette, créance, endettement. merry: joyeux, gai. petty: petit, mesquin.
debts: dettes. miscarried: avortai, avortâmes, ships: expédie.
dispatch: expédier, dépêche, avortas, avortâtes, avorté, avortèrent, unquiet: inquiet.
expédition, déposer, envoyer. avorta. venice: Venise.
forfeit: perdre, forfait, amende, notwithstanding: malgré, nonobstant, wedding: mariage, se mariant, noces,
forfaire. néanmoins. noce.
guilty: coupable. paid: payâtes, payas, payèrent, paya, widows: veuves.
William Shakespeare 71


Gaoler, look to him. Tell not me of mercy;
This is the fool that lent out money gratis:
Gaoler, look to him.%
Hear me yet, good Shylock.
I'll have my bond; speak not against my bond.
I have sworn an oath that I will have my bond.
Thou call'dst me dog before thou hadst a cause,
But, since I am a dog, beware my fangs;
The Duke shall grant me justice. I do wonder,
Thou naughty gaoler, that thou art so fond
To come abroad with him at his request.
I pray thee hear me speak.
I'll have my bond. I will not hear thee speak;
I'll have my bond; and therefore speak no more.
I'll not be made a soft and dull-eyed fool,
To shake the head, relent, and sigh, and yield
To Christian intercessors. Follow not;
I'll have no speaking; I will have my bond.
It is the most impenetrable cur
That ever kept with men.

beware: attention, prendre garde, se kept: gardâtes, gardas, gardé, request: demande, demander, prier,
méfier. gardèrent, garda, gardâmes, gardai, requête.
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, élevai, élevèrent, élevé, élevâtes. shake: secouer, secoue, secouons,
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, lent: prêtâtes, prêtas, prêtâmes, secouez, secoues, secouent, ébranler,
cautionnement. prêtèrent, prêtai, prêté, prêta, ébranlez, ébranles, ébranlent, ébranle.
fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, emprunté, empruntâtes, empruntas, sigh: soupir.
duper, fou. empruntâmes. soft: doux, mou, tendre, moelleux,
gaoler: geôlier. naughty: vilain, méchant. gentil, suave, sucré.
grant: subvention, allocation, allouer, oath: serment, juron. speaking: parlant, parler.
concession, concéder. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, sworn: juré, jurées.
impenetrable: impénétrable, prient. thee: toi, te, vous.
imperméable. relent: s'adoucir. thou: tu, vous, toi.
72 The Merchant of Venice

Let him alone;
I'll follow him no more with bootless prayers.
He seeks my life; his reason well I know:
I oft deliver'd from his forfeitures
Many that have at times made moan to me;
Therefore he hates me.%
I am sure the Duke
Will never grant this forfeiture to hold.
The Duke cannot deny the course of law;
For the commodity that strangers have
With us in Venice, if it be denied,
'Twill much impeach the justice of the state,
Since that the trade and profit of the city
Consisteth of all nations. Therefore, go;
These griefs and losses have so bated me
That I shall hardly spare a pound of flesh
To-morrow to my bloody creditor.
Well, gaoler, on; pray God Bassanio come
To see me pay his debt, and then I care not.



Madam, although I speak it in your presence,
bated: diminué, diminuâmes, démentir, renier. moan: gémir, gémissement, geindre.
rabattîtes, rabattis, rabattirent, forfeiture: confiscation, déchéance, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
rabattîmes, rabattu, diminuèrent, perte. prient.
diminuas, diminuai, diminua. gaoler: geôlier. profit: profit, bénéfice, gain, avantage,
bloody: sanglant. grant: subvention, allocation, allouer, profiter.
commodity: denrée, marchandise, concession, concéder. seeks: cherche, raille.
article, produit, produit de base. hardly: à peine, péniblement, spare: épargner, économiser, être
course: cours, plat, route, parcours, difficilement, lourdement, durement, indulgent, rechange, pièce de
direction, trivial, leçon, piste, met, de manière dure, de façon dure. rechange.
course, assise. hates: hait. strangers: étrangers.
debt: dette, créance, endettement. impeach: accuser. trade: commerce, métier, commercer,
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, losses: pertes. négoce, faire du commerce.
William Shakespeare 73

You have a noble and a true conceit

Of godlike amity, which appears most strongly
In bearing thus the absence of your lord.
But if you knew to whom you show this honour,
How true a gentleman you send relief,
How dear a lover of my lord your husband,
I know you would be prouder of the work
Than customary bounty can enforce you.%
I never did repent for doing good,
Nor shall not now; for in companions
That do converse and waste the time together,
Whose souls do bear an equal yoke of love,
There must be needs a like proportion
Of lineaments, of manners, and of spirit,
Which makes me think that this Antonio,
Being the bosom lover of my lord,
Must needs be like my lord. If it be so,
How little is the cost I have bestowed
In purchasing the semblance of my soul
From out the state of hellish cruelty!
This comes too near the praising of myself;
Therefore, no more of it; hear other things.
Lorenzo, I commit into your hands
The husbandry and manage of my house
Until my lord's return; for mine own part,
I have toward heaven breath'd a secret vow
To live in prayer and contemplation,
Only attended by Nerissa here,
Until her husband and my lord's return.
There is a monastery two miles off,
And there we will abide. I do desire you
abide: demeurer, endurer, attendre, commettez, commettent, amante.
demeurent, endurent, demeures, commettons. monastery: monastère, couvent.
demeurez, endure, demeure, customary: habituel, accoutumé, purchasing: achat, achetant.
endures, endurez. coutumier. repent: se repentir, regretter, regrette,
absence: absence, manque, défaut, enforce: réaliser, imposer, mettre en regrettons, regrettez, regrettent,
vice, insuffisance, privation. vigueur, imposent, réalisent, réalisez, regrettes, repentir, repens, repentons,
attended: assisté, soignas, soignâtes, réalisons, réalises, imposons, repentent.
assista, assistai, assistâmes, assistas, imposez, impose. semblance: apparence, semblant.
assistâtes, assistèrent, soigna, soignai. godlike: divin. toward: vers, en, à, en relation avec.
bosom: sein, poitrine. hellish: infernal, diabolique. yoke: joug, culasse, empiècement.
bounty: prime, libéralité, générosité. husbandry: agriculture, agronomie.
commit: commettre, commets, lover: amant, amoureux, maîtresse,
74 The Merchant of Venice

Not to deny this imposition,

The which my love and some necessity
Now lays upon you.%
Madam, with all my heart
I shall obey you in an fair commands.
My people do already know my mind,
And will acknowledge you and Jessica
In place of Lord Bassanio and myself.
So fare you well till we shall meet again.
Fair thoughts and happy hours attend on you!
I wish your ladyship all heart's content.
I thank you for your wish, and am well pleas'd
To wish it back on you. Fare you well, Jessica.
Now, Balthasar,
As I have ever found thee honest-true,
So let me find thee still. Take this same letter,
And use thou all th' endeavour of a man
In speed to Padua; see thou render this
Into my cousin's hands, Doctor Bellario;
And look what notes and garments he doth give thee,
Bring them, I pray thee, with imagin'd speed
Unto the traject, to the common ferry
Which trades to Venice. Waste no time in words,
But get thee gone; I shall be there before thee.

acknowledge: reconnaître, fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, prient.
reconnaissez, reconnais, marché, équitable, bazar, moral, render: rendre.
reconnaissent, reconnaissons, croire, beau, exposition, loyal. speed: vitesse, rapidité, allure, hâte.
avouer, confesser, confirmer. fare: aller, se porter, prix du billet. thee: toi, te, vous.
attend: être présent, assister, soigner, garments: vêtements, habits. thou: tu, vous, toi.
visiter, soignons, assiste, assistes, hands: mains. till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que.
assistez, assistons, soigne, soignent. hours: heures. waste: gaspiller, déchets, gaspillons,
commands: ordres. lays: pose, couche, pond. gaspille, gaspillent, gaspilles,
content: contenu, satisfait. notes: notes, annote. gaspillez, gaspillage, dissiper, déchet,
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, obey: obéir, obéissez, obéissons, perte.
démentir, renier. obéissent, obéis. wish: souhait, désir, désirer, souhaiter,
endeavour: peiner, se démener. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, vouloir, volonté, gré.
William Shakespeare 75

Madam, I go with all convenient speed.
Come on, Nerissa, I have work in hand
That you yet know not of; we'll see our husbands
Before they think of us.%
Shall they see us?
They shall, Nerissa; but in such a habit
That they shall think we are accomplished
With that we lack. I'll hold thee any wager,
When we are both accoutred like young men,
I'll prove the prettier fellow of the two,
And wear my dagger with the braver grace,
And speak between the change of man and boy
With a reed voice; and turn two mincing steps
Into a manly stride; and speak of frays
Like a fine bragging youth; and tell quaint lies,
How honourable ladies sought my love,
Which I denying, they fell sick and died;
I could not do withal. Then I'll repent,
And wish for all that, that I had not kill'd them.
And twenty of these puny lies I'll tell,
That men shall swear I have discontinu'd school
About a twelvemonth. I have within my mind
A thousand raw tricks of these bragging Jacks,
Which I will practise.
Why, shall we turn to men?

bragging: vantardise, fanfaronnade. insuffisance, privation, manquer. sought: cherchâtes, cherchas,
convenient: commode, convenable, ladies: dames. cherchâmes, cherchèrent, cherché,
opportun. lies: git, ment. cherchai, chercha, raillèrent, raillé,
dagger: poignard, dague. manly: viril. raillâtes, railla.
denying: niant. mincing: affecté. stride: pas, faire les cent pas, foulée,
fellow: individu, homme, camarade, practise: exercer, instruire, pratiquer. enjambée.
ensemble, mâle. puny: chétif. swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
fine: amende, fin, excellent, beau, quaint: curieux, intéressant, singulier, jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
délicat, éminent, tendre, accompli, à étrange. thee: toi, te, vous.
merveille, contravention. raw: cru, brut, grossier, rustique, écru. tricks: truquages.
honourable: honorable. reed: roseau, anche, peigne. wear: usure, porter, avoir, user.
lack: manque, défaut, vice, sick: malade, malsain. youth: jeunesse, ado, jeunes.
76 The Merchant of Venice

Fie, what a question's that,
If thou wert near a lewd interpreter!
But come, I'll tell thee all my whole device
When I am in my coach, which stays for us
At the park gate; and therefore haste away,
For we must measure twenty miles to-day.%



Yes, truly; for, look you, the sins of the father are to be laid upon the children;
therefore, I promise you, I fear you. I was always plain with you, and so now
I speak my agitation of the matter; therefore be of good cheer, for truly I
think you are damn'd. There is but one hope in it that can do you any good,
and that is but a kind of bastard hope neither.
And what hope is that, I pray thee?
Marry, you may partly hope that your father got you not, that you are not the
Jew's daughter.
That were a kind of bastard hope indeed; so the sins of my mother should be
visited upon me.
Truly then I fear you are damn'd both by father and mother; thus when I

agitation: agitation, bagarre, barouf, berceau, entrée. prient.
baroufle, brassage. haste: hâte. promise: promettre, promets,
bastard: bâtard, métis, enfant naturel, laid: posèrent, posai, posa, posâmes, promettent, promettez, promettons,
roche massive, salaud. posas, posâtes, posé, vergé, pondu, assurer.
cheer: acclamation, acclamer, pondit, pondis. stays: reste.
applaudir. lewd: lascif, lubrique. thee: toi, te, vous.
coach: entraîneur, entraîner, wagon, measure: mesure, mesurer, taille, thou: tu, vous, toi.
coach, autocar, voiture, répétiteur. jauger. truly: vraiment, réellement, en vérité,
fear: peur, crainte, craindre, angoisse, partly: en partie, partiellement. en fait, en réalité, véritablement.
redouter, appréhension, avoir peur. plain: plaine, clair, uni, ordinaire, net, visited: visitas, visitâtes, visita, visité,
gate: porte, vanne, grille, barrière, limpide, évident. visitèrent, visitai, visitâmes.
portillon, portail, gâchette, doigt, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
William Shakespeare 77

shun Scylla, your father, I fall into Charybdis, your mother; well, you are
gone both ways.%
I shall be saved by my husband; he hath made me a Christian.
Truly, the more to blame he; we were Christians enow before, e'en as many
as could well live one by another. This making of Christians will raise the
price of hogs; if we grow all to be pork-eaters, we shall not shortly have a
rasher on the coals for money.
I'll tell my husband, Launcelot, what you say; here he comes.
[Enter LORENZO.]
I shall grow jealous of you shortly, Launcelot, if you thus get my wife into
Nay, you need nor fear us, Lorenzo; Launcelot and I are out; he tells me flatly
there's no mercy for me in heaven, because I am a Jew's daughter; and he
says you are no good member of the commonwealth, for in converting Jews
to Christians you raise the price of pork.
I shall answer that better to the commonwealth than you can the getting up of
the negro's belly; the Moor is with child by you, Launcelot.
It is much that the Moor should be more than reason; but if she be less than
an honest woman, she is indeed more than I took her for.
How every fool can play upon the word! I think the best grace of wit will
shortly turn into silence, and discourse grow commendable in none only but
parrots. Go in, sirrah; bid them prepare for dinner.
belly: ventre, panse, abdomen. duper, fou. apprêtons.
blame: blâme, reprocher, gronder, grace: grâce, charme. rasher: tranche de jambon.
blâmer, sermonner, réprimander, heaven: ciel, paradis. saved: épargnâtes, épargnas,
reprendre. honest: honnête, intègre, sincère, épargnâmes, épargnèrent, épargné,
commendable: louable. loyal. épargnai, épargna, sauvâtes, sauvas,
commonwealth: commonwealth. jealous: jaloux. sauvâmes, sauvèrent.
converting: convertissant. mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde. shun: éviter, fuient, fuyons, fuis,
corners: accule. parrots: perroquets. évitons, évitez, évites, évitent, évite,
discourse: discours. pork: porc. fuyez, fuir.
flatly: de manière plate, de façon prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares, wit: esprit.
plate. préparent, préparons, préparez,
fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, apprêtez,
78 The Merchant of Venice

That is done, sir; they have all stomachs.%
Goodly Lord, what a wit-snapper are you! Then bid them prepare dinner.
That is done too, sir, only 'cover' is the word.
Will you cover, then, sir?
Not so, sir, neither; I know my duty.
Yet more quarrelling with occasion! Wilt thou show the whole wealth of thy
wit in an instant? I pray thee understand a plain man in his plain meaning:
go to thy fellows, bid them cover the table, serve in the meat, and we will
come in to dinner.
For the table, sir, it shall be served in; for the meat, sir, it shall be covered; for
your coming in to dinner, sir, why, let it be as humours and conceits shall
O dear discretion, how his words are suited!
The fool hath planted in his memory
An army of good words; and I do know
A many fools that stand in better place,
Garnish'd like him, that for a tricksy word
Defy the matter. How cheer'st thou, Jessica?
And now, good sweet, say thy opinion,
How dost thou like the Lord Bassanio's wife?

bid: offre, soumission, demander, meat: viande, chair. desservit, desservîtes, desservîmes,
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, plain: plaine, clair, uni, ordinaire, net, desservi.
tentative de prise, mise dans les limpide, évident. sweet: doux, sucré, bonbon, suave,
enchères. planted: planté. friandise, gentil, dessert.
covered: couvert. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, thee: toi, te, vous.
discretion: discrétion, prudence, prient. thou: tu, vous, toi.
précaution. prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares, thy: ton.
duty: devoir, droit, service, obligation, préparent, préparons, préparez, wilt: flétris, faner, flétrir.
taxe. apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, apprêtez, wit: esprit.
fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, apprêtons.
duper, fou. served: servit, servîtes, servis,
instant: instant, moment. servîmes, servirent, servi, desservis,
William Shakespeare 79

Past all expressing. It is very meet
The Lord Bassanio live an upright life,
For, having such a blessing in his lady,
He finds the joys of heaven here on earth;
And if on earth he do not merit it,
In reason he should never come to heaven.
Why, if two gods should play some heavenly match,
And on the wager lay two earthly women,
And Portia one, there must be something else
Pawn'd with the other; for the poor rude world
Hath not her fellow.%
Even such a husband
Hast thou of me as she is for a wife.
Nay, but ask my opinion too of that.
I will anon; first let us go to dinner.
Nay, let me praise you while I have a stomach.
No, pray thee, let it serve for table-talk;
Then howsoe'er thou speak'st, 'mong other things
I shall digest it.
Well, I'll set you forth.

blessing: bénédiction, bénissant. pondre, commettage, pondent. servez, desservir, service, être de
digest: digérer, condensé. merit: mérite, mériter, gloire. service, desservent, desservez,
dinner: dîner, déjeuner, souper. opinion: avis, opinion, vœu. desservons.
earthly: terrestre. poor: pauvre, mauvais, misérable, stomach: estomac, digérer, ventre.
expressing: exprimant. maigre, méchant, malheureux, mal, thee: toi, te, vous.
finds: fonde, trouve. faible, médiocre. thou: tu, vous, toi.
forth: en avant. praise: louange, glorifier, éloge, louer, upright: montant, droit, intègre,
gods: poulailler. louanger. honnête, debout, vertical, montant
heaven: ciel, paradis. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, droit.
heavenly: céleste. prient. wager: parier, pari.
lay: poser, posez, poses, posent, rude: grossier, impoli, mal élevé.
posons, laïque, pose, coucher, serve: servir, servons, servent, sers,
80 The Merchant of Venice



[Enter the DUKE: the Magnificoes; ANTONIO, BASSANIO, GRATIANO,

What, is Antonio here?
Ready, so please your Grace.
I am sorry for thee; thou art come to answer
A stony adversary, an inhuman wretch,
Uncapable of pity, void and empty
From any dram of mercy.
I have heard
Your Grace hath ta'en great pains to qualify
His rigorous course; but since he stands obdurate,
And that no lawful means can carry me

adversary: antagoniste, ennemi. mal, s'apitoyer.
art: art. please: plaire, s'il vous plaît, contenter,
carry: porter, portes, porte, portons, s'il vous plait, faire plaisir, s'il te plaît,
portent, portez, report, transporter, satisfaire.
transportent, transportes, transporte. rigorous: rigoureux.
dram: apéritif, apéro, drachme. sorry: désolé.
inhuman: inhumain. stands: tribune.
lawful: légal, légitime, licite. stony: pierreux.
mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde. thee: toi, te, vous.
pains: douleurs. thou: tu, vous, toi.
pity: pitié, plaindre, compassion, void: vide, manque, interstice, pore.
compatir, apitoiement, avoir pitié,
William Shakespeare 81

Out of his envy's reach, I do oppose

My patience to his fury, and am arm'd
To suffer with a quietness of spirit
The very tyranny and rage of his.%
Go one, and call the Jew into the court.
He is ready at the door; he comes, my lord.
[Enter SHYLOCK.]
Make room, and let him stand before our face.
Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so too,
That thou but leadest this fashion of thy malice
To the last hour of act; and then, 'tis thought,
Thou'lt show thy mercy and remorse, more strange
Than is thy strange apparent cruelty;
And where thou now exacts the penalty,--
Which is a pound of this poor merchant's flesh,--
Thou wilt not only loose the forfeiture,
But, touch'd with human gentleness and love,
Forgive a moiety of the principal,
Glancing an eye of pity on his losses,
That have of late so huddled on his back,
Enow to press a royal merchant down,
And pluck commiseration of his state
From brassy bosoms and rough hearts of flint,
From stubborn Turks and Tartars, never train'd
To offices of tender courtesy.
We all expect a gentle answer, Jew.
I have possess'd your Grace of what I purpose,
apparent: évident, apparent. courage, fressure. rough: brut, grossier, cru, rugueux,
bosoms: seins. press: presse, presser, serrer, appuyer, rude, maussade, rustique, râpeux,
brassy: cuivré. tasser, être urgent, appuyer en rêche.
commiseration: commisération. écrasant, pressoir, serrer plus fort, stubborn: têtu, obstiné, entêté, tenace.
fashion: mode, façon. comprimer. suffer: souffrir, souffre, souffrons,
fury: fureur, furie. quietness: calme, repos, tranquillité. souffrent, souffres, souffrez, endurer,
gentleness: douceur, bonté. rage: fureur, rage, furie, tempêter, subir, subissez, subissent, subis.
human: humain. rager. tender: offre, tendre, adjudication,
loose: détaché, lâche. reach: atteindre, parvenir, portée, doux, tender, annexe, offrir,
moiety: groupe caractéristique. aboutir, remporter, étendue, toucher, présenter, proposition, gentil, suave.
offices: bureaux. bief. tyranny: tyrannie.
pluck: cueillir, ramasser, plumer, remorse: remords. wilt: flétris, faner, flétrir.
82 The Merchant of Venice

And %by our holy Sabbath have I sworn

To have the due and forfeit of my bond.
If you deny it, let the danger light
Upon your charter and your city's freedom.
You'll ask me why I rather choose to have
A weight of carrion flesh than to receive
Three thousand ducats. I'll not answer that,
But say it is my humour: is it answer'd?
What if my house be troubled with a rat,
And I be pleas'd to give ten thousand ducats
To have it ban'd? What, are you answer'd yet?
Some men there are love not a gaping pig;
Some that are mad if they behold a cat;
And others, when the bagpipe sings i' the nose,
Cannot contain their urine; for affection,
Mistress of passion, sways it to the mood
Of what it likes or loathes. Now, for your answer:
As there is no firm reason to be render'd,
Why he cannot abide a gaping pig;
Why he, a harmless necessary cat;
Why he, a wauling bagpipe; but of force
Must yield to such inevitable shame
As to offend, himself being offended;
So can I give no reason, nor I will not,
More than a lodg'd hate and a certain loathing
I bear Antonio, that I follow thus
A losing suit against him. Are you answered?
This is no answer, thou unfeeling man,
To excuse the current of thy cruelty.

answered: répondue, répondis, renfermons, renfermez, renferme, inevitable: inévitable, inéluctable.
répondu, répondus, répondues, renferment, renfermes. loathes: abomine, abhorre, hait.
répondit. cruelty: cruauté, sévices. losing: perdant.
ask: demander, demande, demandent, current: courant, en cours. mad: fou, agité, aberrant, enragé.
demandons, demandez, demandes, danger: danger, péril. necessary: nécessaire.
poser une question, prier. due: dû. sings: chante.
bagpipe: cornemuse. excuse: excuser, dispenser, excuse, troubled: inquiet.
behold: voilà, voici, apercevoir, voir. pardonner, excusez. unfeeling: insensible.
carrion: charogne. firm: ferme, solide, firme, robuste, urine: urine.
charter: charte, affrètement, affréter. entreprise, stable. weight: pesanteur, masse, balance,
contain: contenir, contiens, contenons, harmless: inoffensif, anodin, innocent. coefficient de pondération, charge,
contenez, contiennent, renfermer, humour: humour, humeur. graisse.
William Shakespeare 83

I am not bound to please thee with my answer.%
Do all men kill the things they do not love?
Hates any man the thing he would not kill?
Every offence is not a hate at first.
What! wouldst thou have a serpent sting thee twice?
I pray you, think you question with the Jew:
You may as well go stand upon the beach,
And bid the main flood bate his usual height;
You may as well use question with the wolf,
Why he hath made the ewe bleat for the lamb;
You may as well forbid the mountain pines
To wag their high tops and to make no noise
When they are fretten with the gusts of heaven;
You may as well do anything most hard
As seek to soften that--than which what's harder?--
His Jewish heart: therefore, I do beseech you,
Make no moe offers, use no farther means,
But with all brief and plain conveniency.
Let me have judgment, and the Jew his will.
For thy three thousand ducats here is six.
If every ducat in six thousand ducats

bate: confiter, confit, diminuer, combler, submerger, marée soften: adoucir, amollir, adoucis,
diminuent, diminuons, rabattez, montante, marée haute, abreuver, attendrir, amollis, amollissent,
rabattent, rabats, rabattons, noyer, crue, déluge. amollissons, amollissez, adoucissons,
diminues, diminue. forbid: interdire, interdis, interdisez, adoucissent, adoucissez.
beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, interdisent, interdisons, défendre, sting: piquer, aiguillon, piqûre,
implores, implorez, implorons, prohiber. piquant, dard.
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, kill: tuer, abattre, supprimer, rectifier. thy: ton.
sollicitons, sollicite. mountain: montagne, mont. tops: tête de distillation.
bleat: bêler, crier, bêlement, hurler. offence: délit, infraction, offense, twice: deux fois, bis.
ewe: brebis. agacement. usual: habituel, ordinaire, accoutumé,
farther: plus loin. offers: offrit. usuel, général, courant.
flood: inondation, inonder, flot, serpent: serpent. wag: farceur, remuer.
84 The Merchant of Venice

Were in six parts, and every part a ducat,

I would not draw them; I would have my bond.%
How shalt thou hope for mercy, rendering none?
What judgment shall I dread, doing no wrong?
You have among you many a purchas'd slave,
Which, fike your asses and your dogs and mules,
You use in abject and in slavish parts,
Because you bought them; shall I say to you
'Let them be free, marry them to your heirs?
Why sweat they under burdens? let their beds
Be made as soft as yours, and let their palates
Be season'd with such viands? You will answer
'The slaves are ours.' So do I answer you:
The pound of flesh which I demand of him
Is dearly bought; 'tis mine, and I will have it.
If you deny me, fie upon your law!
There is no force in the decrees of Venice.
I stand for judgment: answer; shall I have it?
Upon my power I may dismiss this court,
Unless Bellario, a learned doctor,
Whom I have sent for to determine this,
Come here to-day.
My lord, here stays without
A messenger with letters from the doctor,
New come from Padua.
Bring us the letters; call the messenger.
abject: abject, lâche, pauvre, misérable. licencies, licencient. mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde.
burdens: alourdit. dogs: griffes médianes, griffes de messenger: messager, coursier,
dearly: de manière chère, de façon serrage. messagère.
chère. dread: crainte, redouter. rendering: interprétation, enduit,
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, flesh: chair, pulpe. rendu, crépi.
démentir, renier. learned: apprîtes, appris, apprîmes, slaves: esclaves.
determine: déterminer, déterminons, apprirent, apprit, cultivé, savant, slavish: servile.
déterminez, déterminent, détermine, érudit. stays: reste.
détermines, définir, fixer, attacher. marry: marier, te maries, vous mariez, sweat: sueur, suer, transpirer,
dismiss: licencier, renvoyer, licencie, nous marions, me marie, mariez- transpiration, suinter.
renvoyez, renvoies, renvoient, vous, se marient, épouser, se marier, thou: tu, vous, toi.
renvoie, licencions, licenciez, épouses, épouse.
William Shakespeare 85

Good cheer, Antonio! What, man, courage yet!
The Jew shall have my flesh, blood, bones, and all,
Ere thou shalt lose for me one drop of blood.%
I am a tainted wether of the flock,
Meetest for death; the weakest kind of fruit
Drops earliest to the ground, and so let me.
You cannot better be employ'd, Bassanio,
Than to live still, and write mine epitaph.
[Enter NERISSA dressed like a lawyer's clerk.]
Came you from Padua, from Bellario?
From both, my lord. Bellario greets your Grace.
[Presents a letter.]
Why dost thou whet thy knife so earnestly?
To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there.
Not on thy sole, but on thy soul, harsh Jew,
Thou mak'st thy knife keen; but no metal can,
No, not the hangman's axe, bear half the keenness
Of thy sharp envy. Can no prayers pierce thee?
No, none that thou hast wit enough to make.
O, be thou damn'd, inexecrable dog!
And for thy life let justice be accus'd.
axe: hache, cognée. sérieuse, de façon sérieuse. percent, perces, transpercer.
bankrupt: failli, banqueroutier, envy: envie, envier, enviez, envions, prayers: prières.
banqueroute. envient, envies, jalousie. sharp: aigu, acéré, coupant, tranchant,
bones: os. epitaph: épitaphe. perçant, piquant, précisément, dièse,
courage: courage, abattage. forfeiture: confiscation, déchéance, âcre, à l'heure, justement.
dressed: habillé, vêtu. perte. sole: sole, semelle, seul, plante, plante
drop: goutte, tomber, chute, abattre, greets: salue, accueille. du pied, pur.
faire tomber, abandonner, baisser, harsh: vulgaire, rude, dur, acerbe, wether: bélier châtré, mouton.
baisse, laisser tomber, goutte d'eau, grossier, maussade, rustique, âpre, whet: aiguiser, aiguise, aiguisons,
s'amoindrir. astringent. aiguisez, aiguises, aiguisent.
earliest: le plus tôt. knife: couteau, le couteau, poignarder. write: écrire, écris, écrivent, écrivez,
earnestly: sérieusement, de manière pierce: percer, percez, perçons, perce, écrivons, composer, rédiger.
86 The Merchant of Venice

Thou almost mak'st me waver in my faith,

To hold opinion with Pythagoras
That souls of animals infuse themselves
Into the trunks of men. Thy currish spirit
Govern'd a wolf who, hang'd for human slaughter,
Even from the gallows did his fell soul fleet,
And, whilst thou lay'st in thy unhallow'd dam,
Infus'd itself in thee; for thy desires
Are wolfish, bloody, starv'd and ravenous.%
Till thou canst rail the seal from off my bond,
Thou but offend'st thy lungs to speak so loud;
Repair thy wit, good youth, or it will fall
To cureless ruin. I stand here for law.
This letter from Bellario doth commend
A young and learned doctor to our court.
Where is he?
He attendeth here hard by,
To know your answer, whether you'll admit him.
With all my heart: some three or four of you
Go give him courteous conduct to this place.
Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario's letter.
'Your Grace shall understand that at the receipt of your letter I am very sick;
but in the instant that your messenger came, in loving visitation was with me
a young doctor of Rome; his name is Balthazar. I acquainted him with the
cause in controversy between the Jew and Antonio the merchant; we turn'd
o'er many books together; he is furnished with my opinion which, bettered
acquainted: renseignai, informèrent, régler. receipt: reçu, quittance, réception,
renseignâtes, renseigné, controversy: polémique, controverse. récépissé, acquit, accusé de réception,
renseignâmes, renseignèrent, furnished: fournîtes, fournis, fournit, ticket de caisse, recette.
renseigna, informâtes, informas, fourni, fournîmes, fournirent, trunks: services aériens
informâmes, informai. meublas, meublèrent, meublâtes, intercontinentaux.
admit: admettre, admettons, admettez, meublai, meubla. visitation: visite.
admets, admettent, avouer, gallows: potence, gibet. waver: hésiter, barguigner, hésite,
reconnaître, confesser, laisser entrer, infuse: infuser, infusons, infuse, hésites, hésitez, hésitons, hésitent,
permettre. infusent, infuses, infusez, injecter. vaciller.
animals: animaux. lungs: poumons. wolf: loup.
conduct: conduire, conduite, guider, rail: rail, barre, longeron, rambarde,
diriger, mener, aboutir, procédé, rampe.
William Shakespeare 87

with his own learning,--the greatness whereof I cannot enough commend,--

comes with him at my importunity to fill up your Grace's request in my
stead. I beseech you let his lack of years be no impediment to let him lack a
reverend estimation, for I never knew so young a body with so old a head. I
leave him to your gracious acceptance, whose trial shall better publish his
YOU hear the learn'd Bellario, what he writes;
And here, I take it, is the doctor come.
[Enter PORTIA, dressed like a doctor of laws.]
Give me your hand; come you from old Bellario?
I did, my lord.%
You are welcome; take your place.
Are you acquainted with the difference
That holds this present question in the court?
I am informed throughly of the cause.
Which is the merchant here, and which the Jew?
Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth.
Is your name Shylock?
Shylock is my name.
Of a strange nature is the suit you follow;
Yet in such rule that the Venetian law

acceptance: acceptation, réception, médecin, toubib. renseignâtes, renseignâmes,
accueil, abord, approbation, recette. estimation: estimation. renseignèrent.
acquainted: renseignai, informèrent, fill: remplir, remplissage, compléter, nature: nature, caractère.
renseignâtes, renseigné, charger, obturer, plomber, bourrer, publish: publier, éditer, publie,
renseignâmes, renseignèrent, emplir, remblai. publies, publient, publiez, publions,
renseigna, informâtes, informas, greatness: grandeur. édites, éditent, édite, éditons.
informâmes, informai. impediment: empêchement, obstacle, reverend: révérend.
beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, entrave. rule: règle, gouverner, régner, règne,
implores, implorez, implorons, importunity: importunité. commandement, gouvernement,
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, informed: informas, informâtes, surveiller, tenue, régler, filet.
sollicitons, sollicite. informai, informâmes, informa, trial: jugement, essai, épreuve,
doctor: docteur, médecin, docteur informèrent, informé, renseignas, désolation, procès.
88 The Merchant of Venice

Cannot impugn you as you do proceed.

[To ANTONIO.] You stand within his danger, do you not?
Ay, so he says.%
Do you confess the bond?
I do.
Then must the Jew be merciful.
On what compulsion must I? Tell me that.
The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
The throned monarch better than his crown;
His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
The attribute to awe and majesty,
Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
It is an attribute to God himself;
And earthly power doth then show likest God's
When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
Though justice be thy plea, consider this,
That in the course of justice none of us
Should see salvation; we do pray for mercy,

attribute: attribut, attribuer. earthly: terrestre. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
awe: crainte. enthroned: intronisa, intronisai, prient.
beneath: sous, dessous. intronisâmes, intronisas, intronisâtes, salvation: salut.
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, intronisé, intronisèrent. sceptre: sceptre.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, hearts: coeurs. sit: couver, être assis, asseoir, couve,
cautionnement. impugn: contester, attaquer. couvent, couves, couvez, couvons,
compulsion: contrainte, compulsion. merciful: indulgent, Clément, sensible, s'asseyent, vous asseyez, m'assieds.
confess: confesser, avouer, confessent, miséricordieux. temporal: temporel, temporal.
confessons, confessez, confesses, mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde. thy: ton.
confesse, avouent, avouons, avoues, mightiest: le plus puissant.
avoue. monarch: monarque.
dread: crainte, redouter. plea: argument, plaider.
William Shakespeare 89

And that same prayer doth teach us all to render

The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
To mitigate the justice of thy plea,
Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.%
My deeds upon my head! I crave the law,
The penalty and forfeit of my bond.
Is he not able to discharge the money?
Yes; here I tender it for him in the court;
Yea, twice the sum; if that will not suffice,
I will be bound to pay it ten times o'er
On forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart;
If this will not suffice, it must appear
That malice bears down truth. And, I beseech you,
Wrest once the law to your authority;
To do a great right do a little wrong,
And curb this cruel devil of his will.
It must not be; there is no power in Venice
Can alter a decree established;
'Twill be recorded for a precedent,
And many an error by the same example
Will rush into the state. It cannot be.
A Daniel come to judgment! Yea, a Daniel!
O wise young judge, how I do honour thee!

alter: altérer, altère, altères, altérons, decree: décret, arrêté, décréter, sang, urgent, précipiter, hâte.
altérez, altèrent, changer, ordonner. strict: sévère, austère, strict, rigoureux.
transformer, modifier. devil: diable. suffice: suffire, suffis, suffisez,
bears: ours. forfeit: perdre, forfait, amende, suffisons, suffisent.
beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, forfaire. tender: offre, tendre, adjudication,
implores, implorez, implorons, malice: malice, méchanceté, doux, tender, annexe, offrir,
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, malveillance. présenter, proposition, gentil, suave.
sollicitons, sollicite. mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde. thee: toi, te, vous.
crave: solliciter, sollicites, sollicitez, mitigate: adoucir, atténuer, mitiger. thou: tu, vous, toi.
sollicitent, sollicite, sollicitons. recorded: enregistré, noté. thy: ton.
curb: brider, gourmette, bordure, rush: jonc, ruée, se dépêcher, yea: oui.
collerette, bordure de trottoir, rouet. congestion, afflux, épreuve, afflux de
90 The Merchant of Venice

I pray you, let me look upon the bond.%
Here 'tis, most reverend doctor; here it is.
Shylock, there's thrice thy money offer'd thee.
An oath, an oath! I have an oath in heaven.
Shall I lay perjury upon my soul?
No, not for Venice.
Why, this bond is forfeit;
And lawfully by this the Jew may claim
A pound of flesh, to be by him cut off
Nearest the merchant's heart. Be merciful.
Take thrice thy money; bid me tear the bond.
When it is paid according to the tenour.
It doth appear you are a worthy judge;
You know the law; your exposition
Hath been most sound; I charge you by the law,
Whereof you are a well-deserving pillar,
Proceed to judgment. By my soul I swear
There is no power in the tongue of man
To alter me. I stay here on my bond.
Most heartily I do beseech the court
To give the judgment.

according: selon. bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, prient.
alter: altérer, altère, altères, altérons, adhérence, titres, lier, bon, reverend: révérend.
altérez, altèrent, changer, cautionnement. soul: âme.
transformer, modifier. flesh: chair, pulpe. tear: déchirer, larme, pleur, déchirure.
beseech: implorer, implore, implorent, heartily: de manière cordiale, de façon thee: toi, te, vous.
implores, implorez, implorons, cordiale, chaleureusement. thrice: trois fois.
solliciter, sollicitez, sollicites, judgment: arrêt, jugement. thy: ton.
sollicitons, sollicite. lawfully: de manière légale, tongue: langue, languette.
bid: offre, soumission, demander, légalement, de façon légale. worthy: digne.
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, oath: serment, juron.
tentative de prise, mise dans les perjury: parjure, faux serment.
enchères. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
William Shakespeare 91

Why then, thus it is:
You must prepare your bosom for his knife.%
O noble judge! O excellent young man!
For the intent and purpose of the law
Hath full relation to the penalty,
Which here appeareth due upon the bond.
'Tis very true. O wise and upright judge,
How much more elder art thou than thy looks!
Therefore, lay bare your bosom.
Ay, 'his breast':
So says the bond:--doth it not, noble judge?--
'Nearest his heart': those are the very words.
It is so. Are there balance here to weigh
The flesh?
I have them ready.
Have by some surgeon, Shylock, on your charge,
To stop his wounds, lest he do bleed to death.
Is it so nominated in the bond?

balance: solde, équilibre, balance, excellent: excellent. apprêtons.
bilan, équilibrer, balancer, reliquat. flesh: chair, pulpe. purpose: but, dessein, objet, intention.
bare: nu, dénudé, mettre à nu. intent: intention. relation: relation, abord, rapport.
bleed: saigner, saigne, saignes, judge: juge, juger. surgeon: chirurgien.
saignez, saignons, saignent, purger, lest: de peur que. thou: tu, vous, toi.
purgent, purgeons, purges, purgez. noble: noble, élevé. thy: ton.
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, nominated: nommas, nommâtes, upright: montant, droit, intègre,
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, nommâmes, nomma, nommèrent, honnête, debout, vertical, montant
cautionnement. nommai, nommé. droit.
bosom: sein, poitrine. prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares, wise: sensé, raisonnable.
due: dû. préparent, préparons, préparez,
elder: sureau, aîné, ancien. apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, apprêtez,
92 The Merchant of Venice

It is not so express'd; but what of that?
'Twere good you do so much for charity.%
I cannot find it; 'tis not in the bond.
You, merchant, have you anything to say?
But little: I am arm'd and well prepar'd.
Give me your hand, Bassanio: fare you well.!
Grieve not that I am fallen to this for you,
For herein Fortune shows herself more kind
Than is her custom: it is still her use
To let the wretched man outlive his wealth,
To view with hollow eye and wrinkled brow
An age of poverty; from which lingering penance
Of such misery doth she cut me off.
Commend me to your honourable wife:
Tell her the process of Antonio's end;
Say how I lov'd you; speak me fair in death;
And, when the tale is told, bid her be judge
Whether Bassanio had not once a love.
Repent but you that you shall lose your friend,
And he repents not that he pays your debt;
For if the Jew do cut but deep enough,
I'll pay it instantly with all my heart.
Antonio, I am married to a wife
Which is as dear to me as life itself;
But life itself, my wife, and all the world,
Are not with me esteem'd above thy life;

bid: offre, soumission, demander, beau, exposition, loyal. perdons.
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, fallen: tombé, déchu, abattu, chu. merchant: négociant, marchand,
tentative de prise, mise dans les fare: aller, se porter, prix du billet. commerçant.
enchères. herein: en ceci. misery: misère, tristesse.
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, herself: même, se. pays: paie, paye.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, hollow: creux, cavité, caver. poverty: pauvreté, misère.
cautionnement. honourable: honorable. repents: regrette, repent.
custom: coutume, habitude, usage. instantly: directement, aussitôt, tale: conte, récit, relation.
dear: cher, coûteux. d'abord, tout d'abord, à l'instant, de thy: ton.
deep: profond. manière instante, de façon instante. wretched: misérable, pauvre,
fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, lingering: traînant, prolongé. infortuné, pitoyable, malheureux.
marché, équitable, bazar, moral, lose: perdre, perds, perdez, perdent, wrinkled: ridé.
William Shakespeare 93

I would lose all, ay, sacrifice them all

Here to this devil, to deliver you.%
Your wife would give you little thanks for that,
If she were by to hear you make the offer.
I have a wife whom, I protest, I love;
I would she were in heaven, so she could
Entreat some power to change this currish Jew.
'Tis well you offer it behind her back;
The wish would make else an unquiet house.
These be the Christian husbands! I have a daughter;
Would any of the stock of Barabbas
Had been her husband, rather than a Christian!
We trifle time; I pray thee, pursue sentence.
A pound of that same merchant's flesh is thine.
The court awards it and the law doth give it.
Most rightful judge!
And you must cut this flesh from off his breast.
The law allows it and the court awards it.
Most learned judge! A sentence! Come, prepare.
Tarry a little; there is something else.
This bond doth give thee here no jot of blood;
allows: permet. proposer, présenter, sacrifier, pourchasser.
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, consacrer, faire offrande. rightful: légitime.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, sacrifice: sacrifier, sacrifice, consacrer,
cautionnement. prient. offrir, faire offrande, immoler.
deliver: livrer, livre, livrons, livrez, prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares, sentence: phrase, condamner, peine,
livrent, livres, fournir, délivrer. préparent, préparons, préparez, sentence, condamnation, verdict.
devil: diable. apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, apprêtez, stock: stock, réserve, action, souche.
flesh: chair, pulpe. apprêtons. thanks: remercie, merci,
heaven: ciel, paradis. protest: protestation, protester, remerciement.
husbands: maris. contestation. thee: toi, te, vous.
jot: brin, noter. pursue: poursuivre, poursuivez, trifle: bagatelle, babiole.
offer: offre, offrir, proposition, poursuis, poursuivons, poursuivent, unquiet: inquiet.
94 The Merchant of Venice

The words expressly are 'a pound of flesh':

Take then thy bond, take thou thy pound of flesh;
But, in the cutting it, if thou dost shed
One drop of Christian blood, thy lands and goods
Are, by the laws of Venice, confiscate
Unto the state of Venice.%
O upright judge! Mark, Jew: O learned judge!
Is that the law?
Thyself shalt see the act;
For, as thou urgest justice, be assur'd
Thou shalt have justice, more than thou desir'st.
O learned judge! Mark, Jew: alearned judge!
I take this offer then: pay the bond thrice,
And let the Christian go.
Here is the money.
The Jew shall have all justice; soft! no haste:--
He shall have nothing but the penalty.
O Jew! an upright judge, a learned judge!
Therefore, prepare thee to cut off the flesh.
Shed thou no blood; nor cut thou less nor more,
blood: sang. justice: justice, équité. apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, apprêtez,
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, lands: cloison, atterrit. apprêtons.
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, laws: lois. soft: doux, mou, tendre, moelleux,
cautionnement. learned: apprîtes, appris, apprîmes, gentil, suave, sucré.
cutting: coupe, coupant, découpage, apprirent, apprit, cultivé, savant, thee: toi, te, vous.
bouture, découpe, acéré, mordant. érudit. thou: tu, vous, toi.
drop: goutte, tomber, chute, abattre, penalty: pénalité, amende, penalty, thy: ton.
faire tomber, abandonner, baisser, pénalisation, punition. upright: montant, droit, intègre,
baisse, laisser tomber, goutte d'eau, pound: livre, piler, broyer, fourrière, honnête, debout, vertical, montant
s'amoindrir. battre, marteler. droit.
expressly: expressément. prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares,
judge: juge, juger. préparent, préparons, préparez,
William Shakespeare 95

But just a pound of flesh: if thou tak'st more,

Or less, than a just pound, be it but so much
As makes it light or heavy in the substance,
Or the division of the twentieth part
Of one poor scruple; nay, if the scale do turn
But in the estimation of a hair,
Thou diest, and all thy goods are confiscate.%
A second Daniel, a Daniel, Jew!
Now, infidel, I have you on the hip.
Why doth the Jew pause? Take thy forfeiture.
Give me my principal, and let me go.
I have it ready for thee; here it is.
He hath refus'd it in the open court;
He shall have merely justice, and his bond.
A Daniel still say I; a second Daniel!
I thank thee, Jew, for teaching me that word.
Shall I not have barely my principal?
Thou shalt have nothing but the forfeiture
To be so taken at thy peril, Jew.
Why, then the devil give him good of it!
I'll stay no longer question.
barely: à peine, de manière nue, de marchandise. mandant, directeur, donneur d'ordre,
façon nue. heavy: lourd, fort. dominant, capital.
bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller, hip: hanche. scale: échelle, écaille, balance, gamme,
adhérence, titres, lier, bon, infidel: infidèle. bascule, escalader, squame, tartre,
cautionnement. merely: de manière pure, de façon monter, écailler, calamine.
devil: diable. pure, simplement. scruple: scrupule.
division: division, partage, section. nay: non. teaching: enseignant, instruisant,
estimation: estimation. pause: pause, repos, trêve. enseignement.
flesh: chair, pulpe. peril: danger, péril. thee: toi, te, vous.
forfeiture: confiscation, déchéance, pound: livre, piler, broyer, fourrière, thou: tu, vous, toi.
perte. battre, marteler. thy: ton.
goods: biens, articles, marchandises, principal: commettant, principal, twentieth: vingtième.
96 The Merchant of Venice

Tarry, %Jew.
The law hath yet another hold on you.
It is enacted in the laws of Venice,
If it be prov'd against an alien
That by direct or indirect attempts
He seek the life of any citizen,
The party 'gainst the which he doth contrive
Shall seize one half his goods; the other half
Comes to the privy coffer of the state;
And the offender's life lies in the mercy
Of the duke only, 'gainst all other voice.
In which predicament, I say, thou stand'st;
For it appears by manifest proceeding
That indirectly, and directly too,
Thou hast contrived against the very life
Of the defendant; and thou hast incurr'd
The danger formerly by me rehears'd.
Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the duke.
Beg that thou mayst have leave to hang thyself;
And yet, thy wealth being forfeit to the state,
Thou hast not left the value of a cord;
Therefore thou must be hang'd at the state's charge.
That thou shalt see the difference of our spirits,
I pardon thee thy life before thou ask it.
For half thy wealth, it is Antonio's;
The other half comes to the general state,
Which humbleness may drive unto a fine.

beg: mendier, mendions, mendiez, defendant: accusé, défendeur. humbleness: humilité.
mendies, mendie, mendient, directly: directement, debout, sans indirect: indirect.
demander, prier, quémander, détour, de façon directe, de manière manifest: manifeste, manifester,
implorer, supplier. directe. évident.
charge: charger, accusation, charge, enacted: décrété, promulgué, prit, pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser,
plainte, imputation, chef édictèrent, promulguâtes, grâce.
d'accusation, taxe, accuser, promulguas, promulguâmes, predicament: prédicament.
chargement. promulguai, prîtes, pris, prirent. privy: privé.
coffer: plafonnier encastré, coffre. formerly: autrefois, auparavant, seize: saisir, saisissez, saisissent, saisis,
contrived: inventé, inventas, devant, anciennement, jadis. saisissons, agripper, attraper,
inventâmes, inventèrent, inventa, hang: pendre, suspendre, retomber, agrippes, agrippez, agrippent,
inventai, inventâtes. accrocher, faisander. agrippe.
William Shakespeare 97

Ay, for the state; not for Antonio.%
Nay, take my life and all, pardon not that:
You take my house when you do take the prop
That doth sustain my house; you take my life
When you do take the means whereby I live.
What mercy can you render him, Antonio?
A halter gratis; nothing else, for God's sake!
So please my lord the Duke and all the court
To quit the fine for one half of his goods;
I am content, so he will let me have
The other half in use, to render it
Upon his death unto the gentleman
That lately stole his daughter:
Two things provided more, that, for this favour,
He presently become a Christian;
The other, that he do record a gift,
Here in the court, of all he dies possess'd
Unto his son Lorenzo and his daughter.
He shall do this, or else I do recant
The pardon that I late pronounced here.
Art thou contented, Jew? What dost thou say?
I am content.

content: contenu, satisfait. mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde. document, article, relation, compte
contented: content, satisfait. pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser, rendu, acte.
daughter: fille, la fille. grâce. render: rendre.
dies: meurt, décède. presently: actuellement. sake: saké.
fine: amende, fin, excellent, beau, pronounced: prononças, prononçâtes, son: fils.
délicat, éminent, tendre, accompli, à prononçai, prononcèrent, stole: étole, vola.
merveille, contravention. prononçâmes, prononça, prononcé. sustain: maintenir, appuyer,
gratis: gratuit, gratuitement. quit: quitter, quittas, quittes, quittâtes, maintiens, maintiennent, maintenons,
halter: licol. quittâmes, quittai, quitta, quittèrent, maintenez, accoter, appuient,
late: tard, tardif, en retard. quittons, quittez, quitté. appuyons, appuies, appuie.
lately: dernièrement, de manière record: enregistrer, enregistrement, thou: tu, vous, toi.
tarde, de façon tardive, récemment. disque, record, rapport, dossier, whereby: par lequel.
98 The Merchant of Venice

Clerk, draw a deed of gift.%
I pray you, give me leave to go from hence;
I am not well; send the deed after me
And I will sign it.
Get thee gone, but do it.
In christening shalt thou have two god-fathers;
Had I been judge, thou shouldst have had ten more,
To bring thee to the gallows, not to the font.
Sir, I entreat you home with me to dinner.
I humbly do desire your Grace of pardon;
I must away this night toward Padua,
And it is meet I presently set forth.
I am sorry that your leisure serves you not.
Antonio, gratify this gentleman,
For in my mind you are much bound to him.
[Exeunt DUKE, Magnificoes, and Train.]
Most worthy gentleman, I and my friend
Have by your wisdom been this day acquitted
Of grievous penalties; in lieu whereof
Three thousand ducats, due unto the Jew,
We freely cope your courteous pains withal.
christening: baptême, baptisant. gallows: potence, gibet. adresser, adresse, adressent, adresses,
cope: chape, châssis de dessus, gratify: satisfaire. adressez.
chaperonner, entailler, se débrouiller. grievous: douloureux, cruel. serves: sert, dessert.
courteous: courtois, poli. humbly: humblement, de manière sign: signe, signer, signal, écriteau,
deed: acte, action. humble, de façon humble. augure, panneau, preuve, enseigne,
entreat: implorer, supplier, supplie, leisure: loisir. témoignage, indication, panneau de
supplions, suppliez, supplies, pains: douleurs. signalisation.
implorons, implorez, implores, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, thee: toi, te, vous.
implorent, implore. prient. thou: tu, vous, toi.
font: police de caractères, police, fonte. presently: actuellement. toward: vers, en, à, en relation avec.
freely: librement, de manière gratuite, send: envoyer, envoies, envoie, wisdom: sagesse, intelligence.
de façon gratuite. envoyons, envoient, envoyez, worthy: digne.
William Shakespeare 99

And stand indebted, over and above,
In love and service to you evermore.%
He is well paid that is well satisfied;
And I, delivering you, am satisfied,
And therein do account myself well paid:
My mind was never yet more mercenary.
I pray you, know me when we meet again:
I wish you well, and so I take my leave.
Dear sir, of force I must attempt you further;
Take some remembrance of us, as a tribute,
Not as fee. Grant me two things, I pray you,
Not to deny me, and to pardon me.
You press me far, and therefore I will yield.
Give me your gloves, I'll wear them for your sake.
And, for your love, I'll take this ring from you.
Do not draw back your hand; I'll take no more;
And you in love shall not deny me this.
This ring, good sir? alas, it is a trifle;
I will not shame myself to give you this.
I will have nothing else but only this;
And now, methinks, I have a mind to it.

account: compte, considérer, client, dessinons, dessines, dessine, puiser, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
relation, rapport, croire, tirer, puisent, puisons, puises. prient.
communication, description, être fee: honoraires, droit, frais, redevance, remembrance: souvenir, mémoire.
d'avis, addition, penser que. cachet. ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner,
alas: hélas, malheureusement. gloves: gants. couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle,
attempt: tentative, essai, essayer, grant: subvention, allocation, allouer, cycle, frette, son.
essayez, essaient, essaies, essaie, concession, concéder. shame: honte, pouah, vergogne.
essayons, effort, démarche, requête. indebted: endetté, endettâtes, stand: stand, être debout, échoppe,
delivering: livrant. endettas, endetta, endettâmes, kiosque, support, pied, peuplement,
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, endettai, endettèrent, redevable. position, socle, surgir, se dresser.
démentir, renier. pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser, therein: en cela.
draw: dessiner, dessinent, dessinez, grâce. wear: usure, porter, avoir, user.
100 The Merchant of Venice

There's more depends on this than on the value.
The dearest ring in Venice will I give you,
And find it out by proclamation:
Only for this, I pray you, pardon me.%
I see, sir, you are liberal in offers;
You taught me first to beg, and now methinks
You teach me how a beggar should be answer'd.
Good sir, this ring was given me by my wife;
And, when she put it on, she made me vow
That I should neither sell, nor give, nor lose it.
That 'scuse serves many men to save their gifts.
And if your wife be not a mad-woman,
And know how well I have deserv'd this ring,
She would not hold out enemy for ever
For giving it to me. Well, peace be with you!
[Exeunt PORTIA and NERISSA.]
My Lord Bassanio, let him have the ring:
Let his deservings, and my love withal,
Be valued 'gainst your wife's commandment.
Go, Gratiano, run and overtake him;
Give him the ring, and bring him, if thou canst,
Unto Antonio's house. Away! make haste.
Come, you and I will thither presently;

beg: mendier, mendions, mendiez, dépassons, doubler, doublez, serves: sert, dessert.
mendies, mendie, mendient, doublons, doubles, doublent. taught: enseignas, enseignâtes,
demander, prier, quémander, pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser, enseignai, enseigné, enseignèrent,
implorer, supplier. grâce. enseigna, enseignâmes, instruisirent,
beggar: mendiant, gueux. peace: paix, tranquillité. instruit, instruisîtes, instruisis.
commandment: commandement. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, teach: enseigner, enseignes,
depends: dépend. prient. enseignent, enseignons, enseignez,
enemy: ennemi. ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner, enseigne, instruire, apprendre,
giving: donnant, offrant, aboulant. couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle, instruisent, instruisez, instruis.
liberal: libéral. cycle, frette, son. thither: là.
overtake: dépasser, dépasse, sell: vendre, vendons, vendez, thou: tu, vous, toi.
dépassent, dépasses, dépassez, vendent, vends, écouler, brader. valued: estimé.
William Shakespeare 101

And in the morning early will we both

Fly toward Belmont. Come, Antonio.%



Inquire the Jew's house out, give him this deed,
And let him sign it; we'll away tonight,
And be a day before our husbands home.
This deed will be well welcome to Lorenzo.
Fair sir, you are well o'erta'en.
My Lord Bassanio, upon more advice,
Hath sent you here this ring, and doth entreat
Your company at dinner.
That cannot be:
His ring I do accept most thankfully;
And so, I pray you, tell him: furthermore,
I pray you show my youth old Shylock's house.
That will I do.
Sir, I would speak with you.
[Aside to PORTIA.]

accept: accepter, acceptez, acceptons, envoyèrent, envoya, envoyai, envoyé, accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
acceptent, accepte, acceptes, agréer, adressas, adressâtes, adressé, accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
admettre, agréent, agréez, agréons. adressai. accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
deed: acte, action. sign: signe, signer, signal, écriteau, youth: jeunesse, ado, jeunes.
dinner: dîner, déjeuner, souper. augure, panneau, preuve, enseigne,
husbands: maris. témoignage, indication, panneau de
pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, signalisation.
prient. sir: monsieur.
ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner, speak: parler, parles, parlons, parle,
couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle, parlez, parlent.
cycle, frette, son. toward: vers, en, à, en relation avec.
sent: envoyas, envoyâtes, envoyâmes, welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
102 The Merchant of Venice

I'll see if I can get my husband's ring,

Which I did make him swear to keep for ever.%
Thou Mayst, I warrant. We shall have old swearing
That they did give the rings away to men;
But we'll outface them, and outswear them too.
Away! make haste: thou know'st where I will tarry.
Come, good sir, will you show me to this house?

haste: hâte. mandat, warrant, bon de
outface: dévisager. souscription, garantie.
ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner,
couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle,
cycle, frette, son.
rings: anneaux.
sir: monsieur.
swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
tarry: goudronneux.
thou: tu, vous, toi.
warrant: garantir, assurer, cautionner,
William Shakespeare 103




The moon shines bright: in such a night as this,
When the sweet wind did gently kiss the trees,
And they did make no noise, in such a night,
Troilus methinks mounted the Troyan walls,
And sigh'd his soul toward the Grecian tents,
Where Cressid lay that night.
In such a night
Did Thisby fearfully o'ertrip the dew,
And saw the lion's shadow ere himself,
And ran dismay'd away.
In such a night
Stood Dido with a willow in her hand

bright: clair, lumineux, luisant, mounted: monté, montées. toward: vers, en, à, en relation avec.
brillant, vif, magnifique, éclatant. noise: bruit, bruit de fond, tapage, willow: saule.
ere: avant, avant que. souffle. wind: vent, enrouler, emmailloter,
fearfully: de manière effrayante, de ran: courut, courûtes, courus, bobiner.
façon effrayante. coururent, courûmes, courues,
gently: doucement, de manière douce, courue, coulâtes, coulèrent,
de façon douce, gentiment. coulâmes, coula.
kiss: baiser, embrasser, bise. shadow: ombre, prendre en filature.
lay: poser, posez, poses, posent, shines: reluit.
posons, laïque, pose, coucher, soul: âme.
pondre, commettage, pondent. sweet: doux, sucré, bonbon, suave,
moon: lune. friandise, gentil, dessert.
104 The Merchant of Venice

Upon the wild sea-banks, and waft her love

To come again to Carthage.%
In such a night
Medea gather'd the enchanted herbs
That did renew old AEson.
In such a night
Did Jessica steal from the wealthy Jew,
And with an unthrift love did run from Venice
As far as Belmont.
In such a night
Did young Lorenzo swear he lov'd her well,
Stealing her soul with many vows of faith,--
And ne'er a true one.
In such a night
Did pretty Jessica, like a little shrew,
Slander her love, and he forgave it her.
I would out-night you, did no body come;
But, hark, I hear the footing of a man.
Who comes so fast in silence of the night?
A friend.
A friend! What friend? Your name, I pray you, friend?
comes: vient. friend: ami, amie, copain, copine, reconduisent, reconduis,
enchanted: enchanté, enchantâmes, camarade. reconduisons.
enchantai, enchantèrent, enchanta, hear: entendre, entendent, entends, silence: silence, repos.
enchantas, enchantâtes. entendez, entendons, ouïr, écouter, soul: âme.
fast: rapide, vite, jeûner, rapidement, oient, ois, oyez, oyons. steal: voler, dérober, dépouiller,
ferme, jeûne, prompt, carême. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, d'acier, subtiliser, volent.
footing: pied, semelle. prient. swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
forgave: pardonnas, pardonnâtes, pretty: joli, mignon, aimable, bath, jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
pardonnai, pardonnâmes, assez. waft: bouffée.
pardonnèrent, pardonna, excusas, renew: renouveler, renouvellent, wealthy: riche.
excusâtes, excusèrent, excusai, renouvelle, renouvelles, renouvelons, wild: sauvage.
excusa. renouvelez, reconduire, reconduisez,
William Shakespeare 105

Stephano is my name, and I bring word
My mistress will before the break of day
Be here at Belmont; she doth stray about
By holy crosses, where she kneels and prays
For happy wedlock hours.%
Who comes with her?
None but a holy hermit and her maid.
I pray you, is my master yet return'd?
He is not, nor we have not heard from him.
But go we in, I pray thee, Jessica,
And ceremoniously let us prepare
Some welcome for the mistress of the house.
Sola, sola! wo ha, ho! sola, sola!
Who calls?
Sola! Did you see Master Lorenzo? Master Lorenzo! Sola, sola!
Leave holloaing, man. Here!
Sola! Where? where?

break: rompre, briser, pause, casser, happy: heureux, joyeux, content. prient.
cassure, rupture, violer, interruption, heard: entendîmes, entendîtes, stray: errant.
repos, trêve, fracture. entendu, entendit, entendirent, thee: toi, te, vous.
bring: apporter, apportons, apportes, entendis, ouï, ouïs. wedlock: mariage.
apporte, apportez, apportent, hermit: ermite. welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
amener, amenons, amènes, amène, holy: saint, sacré. accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
amenez. master: maître, patron, apprendre à accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
calls: appelle. fond, capitaine, maestro, principal, accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
ceremoniously: de manière solennelle, maîtriser.
de façon solennelle. mistress: maîtresse.
comes: vient. nor: ni.
crosses: croix. pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez,
106 The Merchant of Venice

Tell %him there's a post come from my master with his horn full of good
news; my master will be here ere morning.
Sweet soul, let's in, and there expect their coming.
And yet no matter; why should we go in?
My friend Stephano, signify, I pray you,
Within the house, your mistress is at hand;
And bring your music forth into the air.
How sweet the moonlight sleeps upon this bank!
Here will we sit and let the sounds of music
Creep in our ears; soft stillness and the night
Become the touches of sweet harmony.
Sit, Jessica: look how the floor of heaven
Is thick inlaid with patines of bright gold;
There's not the smallest orb which thou behold'st
But in his motion like an angel sings,
Still quiring to the young-eyed cherubins;
Such harmony is in immortal souls;
But, whilst this muddy vesture of decay
Doth grossly close it in, we cannot hear it.
[Enter Musicians.]
Come, ho! and wake Diana with a hymn;
With sweetest touches pierce your mistress' ear.
And draw her home with music.
I am never merry when I hear sweet music.

angel: ange. klaxon, trompe, cor, pavillon, prient.
close: fermer, ferment, ferme, fermons, pavillon acoustique. signify: signifier, signifies, signifiez,
fermez, fermes, proche, près, auprès, immortal: immortel, immortelle. signifient, signifions, signifie.
intime, prochaine. inlaid: tramé, incrusté, marqueté. sleeps: dort.
ere: avant, avant que. merry: joyeux, gai. smallest: le plus petit.
floor: plancher, étage, sol, taux mistress: maîtresse. soul: âme.
plancher, mur. moonlight: clair de lune. stillness: tranquillité, calme.
forth: en avant. muddy: boueux, vaseux, trouble. thick: épais, dense, gros.
grossly: de manière brute, de façon orb: orbe. thou: tu, vous, toi.
brute, grossièrement. pierce: percer, percez, perçons, perce, touches: touche.
harmony: harmonie. percent, perces, transpercer. wake: sillage, réveiller, se réveiller, se
horn: corne, avertisseur, cornet, pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, lever, s'éveiller.
William Shakespeare 107

The%reason is, your spirits are attentive;
For do but note a wild and wanton herd,
Or race of youthful and unhandled colts,
Fetching mad bounds, bellowing and neighing loud,
Which is the hot condition of their blood;
If they but hear perchance a trumpet sound,
Or any air of music touch their ears,
You shall perceive them make a mutual stand,
Their savage eyes turn'd to a modest gaze
By the sweet power of music: therefore the poet
Did feign that Orpheus drew trees, stones, and floods;
Since nought so stockish, hard, and full of rage,
But music for the time doth change his nature.
The man that hath no music in himself,
Nor is not mov'd with concord of sweet sounds,
Is fit for treasons, stratagems, and spoils;
The motions of his spirit are dull as night,
And his affections dark as Erebus.
Let no such man be trusted. Mark the music.
[Enter PORTIA and NERISSA, at a distance.]
That light we see is burning in my hall.
How far that little candle throws his beams!
So shines a good deed in a naughty world.
When the moon shone, we did not see the candle.
So doth the greater glory dim the less:
A substitute shines brightly as a king
Until a king be by, and then his state

bellowing: beuglant. fit: adapter, convenir, ajustement, perchance: par hasard.
bounds: bornes. ajuster, apoplexie, crise, en bonne race: course, race, se précipiter,
brightly: de manière claire, de façon santé. s'élancer, chemin de roulement, raz.
claire. glory: gloire, renommée, réputation. savage: sauvage.
burning: brûlant, combustion, cuisson, hot: chaud. substitute: substituer, remplacer,
brûlure. modest: modeste. substitut, remplaçant, succédané,
concord: accord, concorde. mutual: réciproque, mutuel. mettre en place de.
dark: foncé, sombre, obscur, obscurité, nought: zéro. throws: jette.
noir. perceive: apercevoir, apercevons, touch: toucher, touche, contact,
dim: faible, sombre, obscur, brouiller, apercevez, aperçoivent, aperçois, touchez.
rendre confus, rendre trouble. percevoir, discerner, percevez, trumpet: trompette, barrir, trompeter.
feign: feindre, simuler. perçoivent, percevons, perçois. youthful: jeune, juvénile.
108 The Merchant of Venice

Empties itself, as doth an inland brook

Into the main of waters. Music! hark!
It is your music, madam, of the house.%
Nothing is good, I see, without respect:
Methinks it sounds much sweeter than by day.
Silence bestows that virtue on it, madam.
The crow doth sing as sweetly as the lark
When neither is attended; and I think
The nightingale, if she should sing by day,
When every goose is cackling, would be thought
No better a musician than the wren.
How many things by season season'd are
To their right praise and true perfection!
Peace, ho! The moon sleeps with Endymion,
And would not be awak'd!
[Music ceases.]
That is the voice,
Or I am much deceiv'd, of Portia.
He knows me as the blind man knows the cuckoo,
By the bad voice.
Dear lady, welcome home.
We have been praying for our husbands' welfare,
attended: assisté, soignas, soignâtes, knows: connaît, sait. chantent, chantez, chantons.
assista, assistai, assistâmes, assistas, lady: dame, madame, demoiselle sleeps: dort.
assistâtes, assistèrent, soigna, soignai. noble. sounds: sonne, sons.
bestows: accorde. moon: lune. sweetly: doucement, de manière
blind: aveugle, éblouir, aveugler, musician: musicien. douce, de façon douce.
store, éblouissons, aveuglez, neither: ni, personne, non plus, nul. virtue: vertu.
aveuglent, éblouissez, aveugles, nightingale: rossignol, rossignol waters: eaux, arrose.
éblouissent, éblouis. philomèle. welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
crow: corneille, corbeau. praise: louange, glorifier, éloge, louer, accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
goose: oie. louanger. accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
husbands: maris. praying: priant. accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
inland: intérieur. sing: chanter, chante, chantes,
William Shakespeare 109

Which speed, we hope, the better for our words.

Are they return'd?
Madam, they are not yet;
But there is come a messenger before,
To signify their coming.%
Go in, Nerissa:
Give order to my servants that they take
No note at all of our being absent hence;
Nor you, Lorenzo; Jessica, nor you.
[A tucket sounds.]
Your husband is at hand; I hear his trumpet.
We are no tell-tales, madam, fear you not.
This night methinks is but the daylight sick;
It looks a little paler; 'tis a day
Such as the day is when the sun is hid.
We should hold day with the Antipodes,
If you would walk in absence of the sun.
Let me give light, but let me not be light,
For a light wife doth make a heavy husband,
And never be Bassanio so for me:
But God sort all! You are welcome home, my lord.
I thank you, madam; give welcome to my friend:
absence: absence, manque, défaut, contenir, blocage, pause, tenue, speed: vitesse, rapidité, allure, hâte.
vice, insuffisance, privation. retenir. sun: soleil, ensoleillé.
absent: absent. husband: mari, époux. thank: remercier, remercies, remercie,
daylight: lumière du jour. looks: regarde. remerciez, remercions, remercient.
fear: peur, crainte, craindre, angoisse, messenger: messager, coursier, walk: marcher, marches, marchons,
redouter, appréhension, avoir peur. messagère. marchent, marchez, promenade,
heavy: lourd, fort. nor: ni. marche, démarche, se promener.
hid: cachas, cachâtes, cachèrent, cacha, note: note, noter, billet, nota, welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
cachai, cachâmes, masqua, remarque, ticket, mention. accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
masquèrent, masquâtes, masquas, servants: domestiques, serviteurs. accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
masquâmes. signify: signifier, signifies, signifiez, accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
hold: tenir, prise, maintien, cale, signifient, signifions, signifie.
110 The Merchant of Venice

This is the man, this is Antonio,

To whom I am so infinitely bound.%
You should in all sense be much bound to him,
For, as I hear, he was much bound for you.
No more than I am well acquitted of.
Sir, you are very welcome to our house.
It must appear in other ways than words,
Therefore I scant this breathing courtesy.
By yonder moon I swear you do me wrong;
In faith, I gave it to the judge's clerk.
Would he were gelt that had it, for my part,
Since you do take it, love, so much at heart.
A quarrel, ho, already! What's the matter?
About a hoop of gold, a paltry ring
That she did give me, whose posy was
For all the world like cutlers' poetry
Upon a knife, 'Love me, and leave me not.'
What talk you of the posy, or the value?
You swore to me, when I did give it you,
That you would wear it till your hour of death,
And that it should lie with you in your grave;
Though not for me, yet for your vehement oaths,

acquitted: acquittas, acquittâtes, lie: mentir, mensonge, être couché, till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que.
acquitté, acquittâmes, acquitta, gésir. vehement: véhément.
acquittèrent, acquittai. moon: lune. wear: usure, porter, avoir, user.
bound: bond, lié, limite, relié. paltry: misérable. welcome: bienvenue, accueil,
breathing: respirant, respiration. posy: bouquet de fleurs des champs. accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles,
courtesy: courtoisie. quarrel: querelle, dispute, se quereller, accueille, accueillent, accueillez,
faith: foi. se disputer, noise. accueillons, recevoir solennellement.
gold: or. scant: insuffisant, limité, faible. yonder: là, y.
hoop: cerceau, cercle. swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
infinitely: infiniment, de manière jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
infinie, de façon infinie. swore: jurâtes, juras, jurâmes, jurèrent,
knife: couteau, le couteau, poignarder. jura, jurai.
William Shakespeare 111

You should have been respective and have kept it.

Gave it a judge's clerk! No, God's my judge,
The clerk will ne'er wear hair on's face that had it.%
He will, an if he live to be a man.
Ay, if a woman live to be a man.
Now, by this hand, I gave it to a youth,
A kind of boy, a little scrubbed boy
No higher than thyself, the judge's clerk;
A prating boy that begg'd it as a fee;
I could not for my heart deny it him.
You were to blame,--I must be plain with you,--
To part so slightly with your wife's first gift,
A thing stuck on with oaths upon your finger,
And so riveted with faith unto your flesh.
I gave my love a ring, and made him swear
Never to part with it, and here he stands,
I dare be sworn for him he would not leave it
Nor pluck it from his finger for the wealth
That the world masters. Now, in faith, Gratiano,
You give your wife too unkind a cause of grief;
An 'twere to me, I should be mad at it.
Why, I were best to cut my left hand off,
And swear I lost the ring defending it.

cause: cause, causer, faire, rendre, finger: doigt, tâter. ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner,
déterminer, procurer, entraîner des higher: plus haut. couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle,
conséquences, situer, occasionner, kept: gardâtes, gardas, gardé, cycle, frette, son.
motif. gardèrent, garda, gardâmes, gardai, riveted: rivé.
clerk: commis, greffier. élevai, élevèrent, élevé, élevâtes. slightly: légèrement, de manière
dare: oser, aventurer, ose, osons, osez, mad: fou, agité, aberrant, enragé. légère, de façon légère.
oses, osent, aventurez, aventures, masters: masters. stuck: collé, être embourbé.
aventurent, aventure. plain: plaine, clair, uni, ordinaire, net, swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
defending: défendant. limpide, évident. jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, pluck: cueillir, ramasser, plumer, sworn: juré, jurées.
démentir, renier. courage, fressure. unkind: maussade.
faith: foi. respective: respectif. wear: usure, porter, avoir, user.
112 The Merchant of Venice

My Lord Bassanio gave his ring away
Unto the judge that begg'd it, and indeed
Deserv'd it too; and then the boy, his clerk,
That took some pains in writing, he begg'd mine;
And neither man nor master would take aught
But the two rings.%
What ring gave you, my lord?
Not that, I hope, which you receiv'd of me.
If I could add a lie unto a fault,
I would deny it; but you see my finger
Hath not the ring upon it; it is gone.
Even so void is your false heart of truth;
By heaven, I will ne'er come in your bed
Until I see the ring.
Nor I in yours
Till I again see mine.
Sweet Portia,
If you did know to whom I gave the ring,
If you did know for whom I gave the ring,
And would conceive for what I gave the ring,
And how unwillingly I left the ring,
When nought would be accepted but the ring,
You would abate the strength of your displeasure.

abate: diminuer, diminuent, diminue, displeasure: déplaisir, couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle,
diminues, diminuons, diminuez, mécontentement. cycle, frette, son.
amoindrir, abaisser, abréger, false: faux, perfide, feint. strength: force, puissance, résistance
s'abattre, s'abaisser. heaven: ciel, paradis. mécanique.
accepted: accepté, acceptâmes, lie: mentir, mensonge, être couché, unwillingly: de manière peu disposée,
acceptai, accepta, acceptèrent, gésir. de façon peu disposée.
acceptas, acceptâtes, agréé, agréâmes, master: maître, patron, apprendre à void: vide, manque, interstice, pore.
agréèrent, agréa. fond, capitaine, maestro, principal, writing: écrivant, écriture, écrit,
conceive: concevoir, concevez, maîtriser. inscription.
conçoivent, conçois, concevons. nought: zéro.
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, pains: douleurs.
démentir, renier. ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner,
William Shakespeare 113

If you had known the virtue of the ring,
Or half her worthiness that gave the ring,
Or your own honour to contain the ring,
You would not then have parted with the ring.
What man is there so much unreasonable,
If you had pleas'd to have defended it
With any terms of zeal, wanted the modesty
To urge the thing held as a ceremony?
Nerissa teaches me what to believe:
I'll die for't but some woman had the ring.%
No, by my honour, madam, by my soul,
No woman had it, but a civil doctor,
Which did refuse three thousand ducats of me,
And begg'd the ring; the which I did deny him,
And suffer'd him to go displeas'd away;
Even he that had held up the very life
Of my dear friend. What should I say, sweet lady?
I was enforc'd to send it after him;
I was beset with shame and courtesy;
My honour would not let ingratitude
So much besmear it. Pardon me, good lady;
For, by these blessed candles of the night,
Had you been there, I think you would have begg'd
The ring of me to give the worthy doctor.
Let not that doctor e'er come near my house;
Since he hath got the jewel that I loved,
And that which you did swear to keep for me,
I will become as liberal as you;

beset: assaillir. défendis, défendit, défendîmes, shame: honte, pouah, vergogne.
besmear: barbouiller, barbouillons, défendîtes. swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
barbouille, barbouillent, barbouilles, deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
barbouillez. démentir, renier. sweet: doux, sucré, bonbon, suave,
blessed: béni, bénis, bénîtes, bénirent, held: tenu. friandise, gentil, dessert.
bénit, bénîmes, bienheureux. honour: honneur, honorer. teaches: enseigne, instruit.
civil: civil. jewel: bijou, joyau. urge: inciter, presser, être urgent,
contain: contenir, contiens, contenons, liberal: libéral. pousser, exhorter.
contenez, contiennent, renfermer, pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser, virtue: vertu.
renfermons, renfermez, renferme, grâce. worthiness: valeur.
renferment, renfermes. refuse: refuser, détritus, déchets, worthy: digne.
defended: défendu, défendirent, repousser, rejeter, ordures. zeal: zèle, ferveur.
114 The Merchant of Venice

I'll not deny him anything I have,

No, not my body, nor my husband's bed.
Know him I shall, I am well sure of it.
Lie not a night from home; watch me like Argus;
If you do not, if I be left alone,
Now, by mine honour which is yet mine own,
I'll have that doctor for mine bedfellow.%
And I his clerk; therefore be well advis'd
How you do leave me to mine own protection.
Well, do you so: let not me take him then;
For, if I do, I'll mar the young clerk's pen.
I am the unhappy subject of these quarrels.
Sir, grieve not you; you are welcome notwithstanding.
Portia, forgive me this enforced wrong;
And in the hearing of these many friends
I swear to thee, even by thine own fair eyes,
Wherein I see myself,--
Mark you but that!
In both my eyes he doubly sees himself,
In each eye one; swear by your double self,
And there's an oath of credit.
Nay, but hear me:

clerk: commis, greffier. excusent, excuse, excusons. oath: serment, juron.
deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie, nies, grieve: affliger, afflige, affliges, pen: plume, stylo, enclos.
démentir, renier. chagriner, affligeons, affligez, protection: protection, garde,
doubly: doublement, de manière affligent, chagrines, chagrine, sauvegarde.
double, de façon double. chagrinons, chagrinent. quarrels: querelles.
enforced: imposé, forcé, réalisâtes, hearing: entendant, audition, sees: voit, scie.
imposa, réalisé, réalisas, réalisâmes, audience, ouïe, audition publique, subject: sujet, thème, composition,
réalisai, imposèrent, imposâtes, oyant. objet.
imposas. honour: honneur, honorer. swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
forgive: pardonner, pardonnes, mar: gâter. jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
pardonne, pardonnez, pardonnons, notwithstanding: malgré, nonobstant, thee: toi, te, vous.
pardonnent, excuser, excusez, néanmoins. unhappy: malheureux, mécontent.
William Shakespeare 115

Pardon this fault, and by my soul I swear

I never more will break an oath with thee.%
I once did lend my body for his wealth,
Which, but for him that had your husband's ring,
Had quite miscarried; I dare be bound again,
My soul upon the forfeit, that your lord
Will never more break faith advisedly.
Then you shall be his surety. Give him this,
And bid him keep it better than the other.
Here, Lord Bassanio, swear to keep this ring.
By heaven! it is the same I gave the doctor!
I had it of him: pardon me, Bassanio,
For, by this ring, the doctor lay with me.
And pardon me, my gentle Gratiano,
For that same scrubbed boy, the doctor's clerk,
In lieu of this, last night did lie with me.
Why, this is like the mending of high ways
In summer, where the ways are fair enough.
What! are we cuckolds ere we have deserv'd it?
Speak not so grossly. You are all amaz'd:
Here is a letter; read it at your leisure;
It comes from Padua, from Bellario:

advisedly: délibérément, de manière erreur. miscarried: avortai, avortâmes,
conseillée, de façon conseillée, en forfeit: perdre, forfait, amende, avortas, avortâtes, avorté, avortèrent,
connaissance de cause. forfaire. avorta.
bid: offre, soumission, demander, gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré. oath: serment, juron.
offrir, prier, enchère, annonce, grossly: de manière brute, de façon pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser,
tentative de prise, mise dans les brute, grossièrement. grâce.
enchères. heaven: ciel, paradis. soul: âme.
dare: oser, aventurer, ose, osons, osez, lend: prêter, prête, prêtes, prêtez, surety: caution, cautionnement,
oses, osent, aventurez, aventures, prêtent, prêtons, emprunter, garant.
aventurent, aventure. empruntes, empruntez, empruntons, swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
ere: avant, avant que. empruntent. jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment.
fault: défaut, panne, faute, faille, mending: raccommodage, réparation. ways: glissière, façons.
116 The Merchant of Venice

There you shall find that Portia was the doctor,

Nerissa there, her clerk: Lorenzo here
Shall witness I set forth as soon as you,
And even but now return'd; I have not yet
Enter'd my house. Antonio, you are welcome;
And I have better news in store for you
Than you expect: unseal this letter soon;
There you shall find three of your argosies
Are richly come to harbour suddenly.
You shall not know by what strange accident
I chanced on this letter.%
I am dumb.
Were you the doctor, and I knew you not?
Were you the clerk that is to make me cuckold?
Ay, but the clerk that never means to do it,
Unless he live until he be a man.
Sweet doctor, you shall be my bedfellow:
When I am absent, then lie with my wife.
Sweet lady, you have given me life and living;
For here I read for certain that my ships
Are safely come to road.
How now, Lorenzo!
My clerk hath some good comforts too for you.

absent: absent. lie: mentir, mensonge, être couché, entrepôt, entreposer, mémoire,
clerk: commis, greffier. gésir. emmagasiner, ôter, enlever, réserve,
doctor: docteur, médecin, docteur live: vivre, vivez, vivent, vivons, vis, conserver.
médecin, toubib. habiter, demeurer, habite, habitent, strange: étrange, singulier, drôle,
dumb: muet. habites, habitons. étranger, bizarre.
expect: attendre, attendons, attends, news: nouvelles, actualités, unseal: desceller, descellez, ouvrons,
attendez, attendent, espérer. informations, nouvelle. ouvrez, ouvres, ouvrent, descellons,
forth: en avant. richly: de façon riche, de manière descelles, descellent, descelle, ouvre.
harbour: port, héberger. riche, richement. wife: femme, épouse.
lady: dame, madame, demoiselle safely: de manière sûre, de façon sûre. witness: témoin, être présent, assister,
noble. soon: bientôt, tout à l'heure. témoigner.
letter: lettre. store: magasin, boutique, stocker,
William Shakespeare 117

Ay, and I'll give them him without a fee.
There do I give to you and Jessica,
From the rich Jew, a special deed of gift,
After his death, of all he dies possess'd of.%
Fair ladies, you drop manna in the way
Of starved people.
It is almost morning,
And yet I am sure you are not satisfied
Of these events at full. Let us go in;
And charge us there upon inter'gatories,
And we will answer all things faithfully.
Let it be so: he first inter'gatory
That my Nerissa shall be sworn on is,
Whe'r till the next night she had rather stay,
Or go to bed now, being two hours to day:
But were the day come, I should wish it dark,
Till I were couching with the doctor's clerk.
Well, while I live, I'll fear no other thing
So sore as keeping safe Nerissa's ring.

charge: charger, accusation, charge, events: événements. cycle, frette, son.
plainte, imputation, chef faithfully: de manière fidèle, de façon safe: sûr, en sûreté, à l'abri, sauf, sans
d'accusation, taxe, accuser, fidèle, fidèlement, loyalement. danger.
chargement. fear: peur, crainte, craindre, angoisse, sore: ulcère, douloureux, plaie.
couching: trempe complémentaire, redouter, appréhension, avoir peur. starved: affamé, affamâtes, affamas,
broderie sur fils couchés. keeping: gardant, élevant, affamai, affamâmes, affama,
deed: acte, action. remplissant. affamèrent.
dies: meurt, décède. ladies: dames. sworn: juré, jurées.
drop: goutte, tomber, chute, abattre, manna: manne. till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que.
faire tomber, abandonner, baisser, rich: riche. wish: souhait, désir, désirer, souhaiter,
baisse, laisser tomber, goutte d'eau, ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner, vouloir, volonté, gré.
s'amoindrir. couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle,
118 The Merchant of Venice

abate: diminuer, diminuent, diminue, additionnent, additionnons amorous: amoureux
diminues, diminuons, diminuez, adieu: adieu ancient: antique, ancien
amoindrir, abaisser, abréger, admit: admettre, admettons, angel: ange
s'abattre, s'abaisser admettez, admets, admettent, animals: animaux
abide: demeurer, endurer, attendre, avouer, reconnaître, confesser, answer: réponse, répondre,
demeurent, endurent, demeures, laisser entrer, permettre répondez, réplique
demeurez, endure, demeure, advantage: avantage, intérêt answered: répondue, répondis,
endures, endurez adversary: antagoniste, ennemi répondu, répondus, répondues,
abject: abject, lâche, pauvre, advised: conseillé répondit
misérable advisedly: délibérément, de manière answers: répond
abroad: à l'étranger, dehors conseillée, de façon conseillée, en apparel: habillement
absence: absence, manque, défaut, connaissance de cause apparent: évident, apparent
vice, insuffisance, privation affairs: affaires appear: apparaître, apparaissez,
absent: absent affection: affection, amour apparaissons, apparaissent,
abundance: abondance, richesse, aforesaid: susmentionné apparais, sembler, paraître, avoir
abondance chiffrée afternoon: relevée l'air de, surgir, comparaître
accept: accepter, acceptez, acceptons, agitation: agitation, bagarre, barouf, appears: apparaît
acceptent, accepte, acceptes, agréer, baroufle, brassage appetite: appétit
admettre, agréent, agréez, agréons agree: consentir, consentent, applause: applaudissement,
acceptance: acceptation, réception, consentez, consentons, consens, être applaudissements, acclamation
accueil, abord, approbation, recette d'accord, s'accorder, donner son apple: pomme, la pomme
accepted: accepté, acceptâmes, accord, s'harmoniser, admettre, approach: approche, aborder, abord,
acceptai, accepta, acceptèrent, accepter approcher, s'avancer, démarche,
acceptas, acceptâtes, agréé, ague: fièvre voie d'abord, méthode, s'approcher
agréâmes, agréèrent, agréa aim: but, viser, visent, visons, visez, approaching: approchant
according: selon vises, vise, dessein, peiner, avoir appropriation: appropriation,
account: compte, considérer, client, pour but, peinons affectation, allocation, crédit
relation, rapport, croire, air: air, aérer, mélodie, air de approve: approuver, approuve,
communication, description, être musique, aria, ventiler approuves, approuvez, approuvent,
d'avis, addition, penser que alas: hélas, malheureusement approuvons, donner son accord
acknowledge: reconnaître, albeit: bien que, quoique april: avril
reconnaissez, reconnais, alighted: amerries, amerrie, amerri, arabia: Arabie
reconnaissent, reconnaissons, croire, amerrirent army: armée, armée militaire
avouer, confesser, confirmer alive: vivant, en vie arrow: flèche
acquaintance: connaissance, relation, allay: apaiser, apaise, apaisons, art: art
personne de connaissance, abord apaises, apaisez, apaisent aside: de côté, aparté, excepté
acquainted: renseignai, informèrent, allows: permet ask: demander, demande,
renseignâtes, renseigné, along: le long de demandent, demandons, demandez,
renseignâmes, renseignèrent, aloof: distant demandes, poser une question, prier
renseigna, informâtes, informas, alter: altérer, altère, altères, altérons, aspect: aspect, allure, apparence,
informâmes, informai altérez, altèrent, changer, spectacle, air, faciès, exposition
acquitted: acquittas, acquittâtes, transformer, modifier assume: assumer, assumons,
acquitté, acquittâmes, acquitta, ambassador: ambassadeur, assument, assumez, assume,
acquittèrent, acquittai ambassadrice assumes, prendre, présumer,
add: ajouter, additionner, ajoutes, ambitious: ambitieux supposer
ajoute, ajoutons, ajoutez, ajoutent, amen: amen assured: assuré, assuras, assurâtes,
additionnes, additionne, amity: concorde assura, assurèrent, assurai,
William Shakespeare 119
assurâmes, garantit, garanti, rabattîmes, rabattu, diminuèrent, annonces, annoncent, annonce,
garantîmes, garantirent diminuas, diminuai, diminua retenons, annoncez, retenir
attempt: tentative, essai, essayer, bear: ours, endurer, produire, bestow: accorder, accorde, accordes,
essayez, essaient, essaies, essaie, souffrir, subir, mettre au monde, accordez, accordons, octroyer,
essayons, effort, démarche, requête baissier, porter, faire naître, accordent
attend: être présent, assister, soigner, supporter bestows: accorde
visiter, soignons, assiste, assistes, beard: barbe beware: attention, prendre garde, se
assistez, assistons, soigne, soignent beards: barbes méfier
attended: assisté, soignas, soignâtes, bearing: coussinet, relèvement, bid: offre, soumission, demander,
assista, assistai, assistâmes, assistas, palier, roulement, support offrir, prier, enchère, annonce,
assistâtes, assistèrent, soigna, bears: ours tentative de prise, mise dans les
soignai beast: bête, animal, grosse fusée enchères
attribute: attribut, attribuer beaten: battu, abattue, abattues, bidding: commandement, annonces,
authority: autorité, pouvoir, battue ordre, offre, postulation, enchères,
autorités, instance beauteous: beau enchère
autumn: automnal, arrière, saison beautiful: beau bind: attacher, lier, relier, nouer
avenue: avenue, allée, boulevard beauty: beauté bird: oiseau
awe: crainte bed: lit, planche, couche, banc birth: naissance
axe: hache, cognée bedfellow: camarade de lit blame: blâme, reprocher, gronder,
bachelor: célibataire, garçon, beg: mendier, mendions, mendiez, blâmer, sermonner, réprimander,
bachelier mendies, mendie, mendient, reprendre
backward: en arrière demander, prier, quémander, bleat: bêler, crier, bêlement, hurler
bad: mauvais, méchant, mal implorer, supplier bleed: saigner, saigne, saignes,
badge: insigne beggar: mendiant, gueux saignez, saignons, saignent, purger,
bag: sac, poche, ensacher begin: commencer, commencez, purgent, purgeons, purges, purgez
bagpipe: cornemuse commences, commence, bless: bénir, bénis, bénissent,
bags: sacs commencent, commençons, débuter, bénissez, bénissons
bait: appât, amorce, èche, amorcer, débute, débutent, débutes, débutez blessed: béni, bénis, bénîtes, bénirent,
leurre, esche begot: engendra, engendrâmes, bénit, bénîmes, bienheureux
balance: solde, équilibre, balance, engendras, engendrâtes, blessing: bénédiction, bénissant
bilan, équilibrer, balancer, reliquat engendrèrent, engendrai blind: aveugle, éblouir, aveugler,
balls: balles behaviour: comportement, procédé store, éblouissons, aveuglez,
bankrupt: failli, banqueroutier, beheld: aperçûmes, aperçu, vu, vîtes, aveuglent, éblouissez, aveugles,
banqueroute vit, vis, virent, vîmes, remarquèrent, éblouissent, éblouis
bar: bar, barre, barrer, barres, remarqué, remarquas blinking: clignotant, clignotement,
barrons, barrez, barrent, barreau, behold: voilà, voici, apercevoir, voir clignement
abreuvoir, barrette, lingot beholding: apercevant, remarquant, bliss: béatitude, félicité
barbarous: barbare voyant blood: sang
barbary: barbarie bell: cloche, clochette, sonnette, bloody: sanglant
bare: nu, dénudé, mettre à nu sonnerie blow: coup, souffler, bataille, souffler
barely: à peine, de manière nue, de bellowing: beuglant sur, souffle
façon nue belly: ventre, panse, abdomen boards: bande, planches, panneaux
bargain: marchander, négocier, beloved: aimé, cher bold: gras, audacieux, épais, gros,
bonne affaire, affaire, occasion, bend: courber, fléchir, coude, courbe, hardi, intrépide
marché courbure, incliner, ployer, plier, bond: lien, obligation, liaison, coller,
bark: écorce, aboyer, barque, coque, cintrer, virage, baisser adhérence, titres, lier, bon,
glapir beneath: sous, dessous cautionnement
baron: baron bereft: dépossédé, privâtes, privai, bonds: obligations
barren: stérile, aride, infertile privèrent, privâmes, priva, bone: os, désosser, arête
bars: barre, barres dépossédèrent, dépossédâtes, bones: os
base: base, baser, assise, culot, dépossédas, dépossédâmes, bonnet: capot, béguin
embase, abject, lâche, pied, socle, dépossédai books: livres
patin, fonder beseech: implorer, implore, borrowed: emprunté
basket: panier, corbeille, nacelle implorent, implores, implorez, bosom: sein, poitrine
bastard: bâtard, métis, enfant naturel, implorons, solliciter, sollicitez, bosoms: seins
roche massive, salaud sollicites, sollicitons, sollicite bottom: fond, derrière, cul, croupe,
bate: confiter, confit, diminuer, beset: assaillir bas, dessous, inférieur
diminuent, diminuons, rabattez, besmear: barbouiller, barbouillons, bought: acheté
rabattent, rabats, rabattons, barbouille, barbouillent, barbouilles, bound: bond, lié, limite, relié
diminues, diminue barbouillez bounds: bornes
bated: diminué, diminuâmes, bespeak: annoncer, retenez, bounty: prime, libéralité, générosité
rabattîtes, rabattis, rabattirent, retiennent, annonçons, retiens, box: boîte, caisse, boxer, coffret,
120 The Merchant of Venice
coffre, case, boîtier, boite, bac, loge, cast: fondre, moule, coulée, couler, revendication, demande, demander,
buis distribution, acteurs, plâtre exiger, revendiquer, requérir
boy: garçon, gosse, serviteur, catch: attraper, attrape, attrapes, clerk: commis, greffier
domestique, gamin attrapons, attrapent, attrapez, prise, clock: horloge, pendule, générateur
boys: garçons prenez, prends, prenons, prennent de rythme
braggart: vantard, fanfaron caught: attrapé, attrapèrent, close: fermer, ferment, ferme,
bragging: vantardise, fanfaronnade attrapâmes, attrapai, attrapa, fermons, fermez, fermes, proche,
brain: cerveau, cervelle attrapas, attrapâtes, prîmes, prîtes, près, auprès, intime, prochaine
brassy: cuivré prit, pris clothes: vêtements, vêt, revêt, habille,
brave: courageux, vaillant, brave cause: cause, causer, faire, rendre, habits
break: rompre, briser, pause, casser, déterminer, procurer, entraîner des clown: clown
cassure, rupture, violer, conséquences, situer, occasionner, coach: entraîneur, entraîner, wagon,
interruption, repos, trêve, fracture motif coach, autocar, voiture, répétiteur
breath: souffle, haleine, respiration, le ceases: cesse coffer: plafonnier encastré, coffre
souffle ceremoniously: de manière coffin: cercueil
breathing: respirant, respiration solennelle, de façon solennelle coin: pièce de monnaie
bred: élevé certainly: certainement, certes, cold: froid, rhume
breed: race, élever, éduquer assurément, sûrement, d'abord, si, colour: couleur, teinte, colorier,
brief: court, dossier, bref, sommaire, de manière certaine, de façon colorant
mémoire, passager certaine colt: poulain
bright: clair, lumineux, luisant, certified: certifié, certifia, certifiai, comer: arrivant
brillant, vif, magnifique, éclatant certifièrent, certifiâmes, certifias, comes: vient
brightly: de manière claire, de façon certifiâtes, agréé coming: venant
claire chaff: balle, menue paille, paillette commandment: commandement
bring: apporter, apportons, apportes, chance: hasard, chance, accidentel, commands: ordres
apporte, apportez, apportent, occasion commendable: louable
amener, amenons, amènes, amène, changed: changé commendation: louange,
amenez chapels: chapelles recommandation
brings: apporte, amène charge: charger, accusation, charge, commends: recommande, glorifie
brook: ruisseau plainte, imputation, chef comments: commentaire, commente
brothers: frères d'accusation, taxe, accuser, commiseration: commisération
brought: apportas, apportâtes, chargement commit: commettre, commets,
apportâmes, apportai, apporta, charity: charité, compassion, commettez, commettent,
apportèrent, apporté, amenai, bienfaisance, aumône commettons
amené, amenâtes, amenas charter: charte, affrètement, affréter commodity: denrée, marchandise,
budge: bouger, bouge, bouges, charybdis: Charybde article, produit, produit de base
bougez, bougent, bougeons chased: chassé common: commun, ordinaire,
burdens: alourdit chaste: chaste, continent, pur, vulgaire
burial: enterrement, obsèques, pudique commonwealth: commonwealth
ensevelissement, enfouissement cheer: acclamation, acclamer, competency: compétence
buried: enterrâtes, enterras, enterré, applaudir complexion: teint, complexion
enterrâmes, enterra, enterrai, chest: poitrine, coffre, caisse, compulsion: contrainte, compulsion
enterrèrent, ensevelîtes, inhumèrent, commode, sein, bac, bahut conceive: concevoir, concevez,
inhumas, inhumâtes chief: chef, principal, dominant conçoivent, conçois, concevons
burning: brûlant, combustion, childhood: enfance conceiving: concevant
cuisson, brûlure chin: menton concord: accord, concorde
buy: acheter, achat, acquérir choice: choix condition: condition, état,
buzzing: bourdonnement d'oreille, choose: choisir, choisissent, choisis, conditionner, situation, manière
bourdonnant, bourdonnement choisissons, choisissez, désigner, d'être
call: appel, appeler, appelles, appelle, adopter, opter, opte, optent, optes conduct: conduire, conduite, guider,
appelons, appellent, appelez, chooses: choisit, opte diriger, mener, aboutir, procédé,
communication, nommer, visite, choosing: choisissant, optant régler
escale chose: choisîmes, choisirent, confess: confesser, avouer,
calls: appelle choisîtes, choisis, choisit, opta, optai, confessent, confessons, confessez,
candle: bougie, chandelle, cierge optâmes, optas, optâtes, optèrent confesses, confesse, avouent,
carrion: charogne chosen: choisi, élu, opté avouons, avoues, avoue
carry: porter, portes, porte, portons, christening: baptême, baptisant confiscate: confisquer, confisquent,
portent, portez, report, transporter, christian: chrétien confisquez, confisquons, confisque,
transportent, transportes, transporte cite: citer, citent, cite, citons, cites, confisques, saisir
carthage: Carthage citez, rapporter des propos confound: confondre, déconcerter
casket: cercueil civil: civil confusion: confusion, désordre,
caskets: coffrets claim: créance, réclamer, confusion mentale, affolement
William Shakespeare 121
conjured: conjurèrent, conjura, courageous: courageux, vaillant danger: danger, péril
conjurâmes, conjuré, conjurai, course: cours, plat, route, parcours, dangerous: dangereux, périlleux,
conjuras, conjurâtes direction, trivial, leçon, piste, met, redoutable
conscience: conscience course, assise daniel: Daniel
consequence: conséquence, courteous: courtois, poli dare: oser, aventurer, ose, osons,
aboutissement, répercussion, suite courtesy: courtoisie osez, oses, osent, aventurez,
consider: considérer, considérons, courtship: cour aventures, aventurent, aventure
considèrent, considérez, considère, cover: couverture, couvrir, recouvrir, daring: audace, audacieux, hardi,
considères, contempler, envisager, couvercle, revêtir, parcourir, osant, aventurant
regarder tapisser, abattre, protéger, dark: foncé, sombre, obscur,
conspired: conspirâmes, conspirai, enveloppe, couvert obscurité, noir
conspiré, conspirèrent, conspira, covered: couvert daughter: fille, la fille
conspirâtes, conspiras cradle: berceau, arceau, cerceau, daylight: lumière du jour
constant: constant, continuel, nacelle dead: mort
constante, invariable, perpétuel, crave: solliciter, sollicites, sollicitez, deal: distribuer, dispenser, affaire,
permanent sollicitent, sollicite, sollicitons traiter, transaction, bois blanc
contain: contenir, contiens, cream: crème, écrémer dealings: transactions, relations
contenons, contenez, contiennent, creation: création dear: cher, coûteux
renfermer, renfermons, renfermez, creature: créature dearly: de manière chère, de façon
renferme, renferment, renfermes credit: crédit, créditer chère
contains: contient, renferme creditors: créanciers debating: débattant
contending: contestant creep: ramper, fluage, rampons, debt: dette, créance, endettement
content: contenu, satisfait rampez, rampes, rampent, rampe, debtor: débiteur
contented: content, satisfait traîner, glissement debts: dettes
contents: contenu cripple: estropié, paralyser deceased: décédé, défunt
contrary: contraire, opposé, crisped: dossé deceived: trompé, trompa, trompai,
contradictoire cross: croix, croiser, traverser, trompâmes, trompas, trompèrent,
contrived: inventé, inventas, franchir, dépasser, passer, trompâtes, déçu, triché, trichâtes,
inventâmes, inventèrent, inventa, maussade, croisé, croisement, trichai
inventai, inventâtes traversez decree: décret, arrêté, décréter,
controversy: polémique, controverse crosses: croix ordonner
convenient: commode, convenable, crossing: croisement, traversée, deed: acte, action
opportun croisée, intersection deep: profond
conveniently: de manière commode, crow: corneille, corbeau deface: défigurer, défigurent,
de façon commode cruel: cruel, atroce, méchant défigure, défigures, défigurez,
converse: intervenir, converser cruelty: cruauté, sévices défigurons
converted: converti cry: pleurer, cri, crier, vagir defect: défaut, anomalie,
converting: convertissant cudgel: trique, gourdin imperfection, tare, malfaçon
cool: frais, refroidir, froid cunning: rusé, malin, astucieux, defend: défendre, défendent,
cooled: refroidi artificieux, ruse, sournois, rouerie défends, défendons, défendez
cooling: refroidissement, cupid: Cupidon defendant: accusé, défendeur
refroidissant, rafraîchissement cur: cabot defended: défendu, défendirent,
cope: chape, châssis de dessus, curb: brider, gourmette, bordure, défendis, défendit, défendîmes,
chaperonner, entailler, se collerette, bordure de trottoir, rouet défendîtes
débrouiller current: courant, en cours defending: défendant
corners: accule curse: maudire, blasphémer, degrees: degrés
corruptly: de manière corrompue, de malédiction deliberate: délibéré, délibérer,
façon corrompue cursed: maudit intentionnel
cost: coût, coûter, dépense, prix de curtain: rideau delight: délice, enchanter, ravir,
revient curtsy: révérence plaisir
costly: coûteux, cher custom: coutume, habitude, usage deliver: livrer, livre, livrons, livrez,
couching: trempe complémentaire, customary: habituel, accoutumé, livrent, livres, fournir, délivrer
broderie sur fils couchés coutumier delivered: livré, livrâmes, livra,
counsel: conseil, conseiller, avis, cut: couper, coupure, trancher, tailler, livrèrent, livrai, livrâtes, livras
avocat, défenseur hacher, coupé, coupe, découper, delivering: livrant
count: compter, comte, compte, balafre, tondre, réduction demand: demande, exiger,
calculer, coup, comptage, chef cutting: coupe, coupant, découpage, demander, abattement, puissance,
d'accusation bouture, découpe, acéré, mordant revendication, exigence
counterfeit: contrefaçon, contrefaire, dagger: poignard, dague deny: nier, niez, nions, nient, nie,
faux, contrefait dam: barrage, digue, endiguer nies, démentir, renier
county: comté damn: damner, condamner denying: niant
courage: courage, abattage damned: damné, maudit depart: partir, partez, partons,
122 The Merchant of Venice
partent, pars, s'en aller débit, acquittement, écoulement, faire tomber, abandonner, baisser,
departure: départ, disparition licencier, partir, quitus baisse, laisser tomber, goutte d'eau,
depending: dépendant discourse: discours s'amoindrir
depends: dépend discovery: découverte drops: drops
describe: décrire, décris, décrivez, discretion: discrétion, prudence, drown: noyer, noyez, noyons, noie,
décrivent, décrivons, représenter, précaution noies, noient
dépeindre dish: plat, mets, met, cuvette, assiette, drowning: noyant, noyade
description: description, signalement bomber drudge: bête de somme, trimer,
desert: désert, abandonner, délaisser, dislike: détester, antipathie, déteste, peiner
quitter, déserter, livrer détestent, détestes, détestez, drunk: ivre, bu, soûl
deserts: déserte détestons, dédaigner due: dû
deserve: mériter, mérite, méritent, dismiss: licencier, renvoyer, licencie, duke: duc
méritez, méritons, mérites renvoyez, renvoies, renvoient, dulcet: suave
deserves: mérite renvoie, licencions, licenciez, dull: terne, mat, obtus, abêtir, bébête,
deserving: méritant, méritoire licencies, licencient sot, ennuyeux, monotone
desire: désir, désirer, souhait, dispatch: expédier, dépêche, dumb: muet
souhaiter, envie expédition, déposer, envoyer duty: devoir, droit, service,
despise: mépriser, méprise, méprises, displeasure: déplaisir, obligation, taxe
méprisez, méprisons, méprisent, mécontentement dwell: demeurer, demeure,
dédaigner, dédaignent, dédaignez, distance: distance, éloignement demeurent, demeures, demeurez,
dédaignons, dédaignes distinct: net, clair, limpide, distinct demeurons, habiter, loger, loges,
destiny: destinée, destin, sort, divided: divisé, divisai, divisa, logez, logent
destination, fortune divisèrent, divisâmes, divisâtes, dwells: demeure, loge
detain: détenir, retenir, détenez, divisas, partageâtes, partagèrent, ear: oreille, épi
détiens, détiennent, détenons, partagea, partagé earliest: le plus tôt
retiennent, retiens, retenons, divine: divin earnestly: sérieusement, de manière
retenez, réprimer division: division, partage, section sérieuse, de façon sérieuse
determinations: déterminations doctor: docteur, médecin, docteur ears: oreilles
determine: déterminer, déterminons, médecin, toubib earthly: terrestre
déterminez, déterminent, détermine, dog: chien, clébard, toc easy: facile
détermines, définir, fixer, attacher dogs: griffes médianes, griffes de eat: manger, mangez, mangent,
devil: diable serrage mangeons, mange, manges,
devise: legs, concevoir doors: portes déjeuner
diamond: diamant, carreau dote: échauffure edge: bord, rive, lisière, arête,
diana: Diane double: double, doubler, redoubler, bordure, tranche, affiler, carre,
die: mourir, mourons, meurent, sosie rebord
meurs, mourez, décéder, décède, doublet: doublet edifice: édifice
décédons, décédez, décèdent, doubly: doublement, de manière elbow: coude
décèdes double, de façon double elder: sureau, aîné, ancien
dies: meurt, décède doubt: doute, douter election: élection, choix
difference: différence, divergence, doubtful: incertain, douteux embrace: embrasser, étreinte, prendre
différend dowry: dot, don dans les bras, embrassade,
digest: digérer, condensé dram: apéritif, apéro, drachme embrassement, embrassent
dim: faible, sombre, obscur, brouiller, draw: dessiner, dessinent, dessinez, embraced: embrassé
rendre confus, rendre trouble dessinons, dessines, dessine, puiser, employ: employer, embaucher, user
dimensions: dimensions tirer, puisent, puisons, puises de, se servir de, appliquer, engager
dine: dîner, dînent draws: dessine, puise, appâte, trace empties: vide
dinner: dîner, déjeuner, souper dread: crainte, redouter empty: vide, vider, vidanger
direct: direct, diriger, guider, droit, dreadful: terrible, affreux, enacted: décrété, promulgué, prit,
régler épouvantable édictèrent, promulguâtes,
direction: direction, sens, orientation dream: rêve, rêver, songe, songer, promulguas, promulguâmes,
directly: directement, debout, sans rêver éveillé promulguai, prîtes, pris, prirent
détour, de façon directe, de manière dreaming: rêvant enchanted: enchanté, enchantâmes,
directe dressed: habillé, vêtu enchantai, enchantèrent, enchanta,
disabled: infirme, désemparé, dried: sec, séché enchantas, enchantâtes
handicapé, désactivé, invalide, drink: boisson, boire, consommation, endeavour: peiner, se démener
désactivèrent, désactivâtes, s'enivrer enemy: ennemi
désactivas, désactivâmes, désactiva, drive: conduire, pousser, prise, enforce: réaliser, imposer, mettre en
désactivai pourchasser, conduis, conduisons, vigueur, imposent, réalisent,
disabling: neutralisation, désactivant conduisez, conduisent, pousse, réalisez, réalisons, réalises,
discharge: décharge, congé, poussent, pousses imposons, imposez, impose
décharger, renvoyer, déchargement, drop: goutte, tomber, chute, abattre, enforced: imposé, forcé, réalisâtes,
William Shakespeare 123
imposa, réalisé, réalisas, réalisâmes, extend: étendre, étendent, étends, nourrir, nourrissons, nourris,
réalisai, imposèrent, imposâtes, étendons, étendez, ampleur, nourrissent, nourrissez
imposas importance, prolonger, grandeur, feign: feindre, simuler
english: anglais, langue anglaise taille, s'étendre fell: tombas, tombâtes, tomba,
englishman: anglais eye: oeil, oeillet, anneau, trou, chas tombai, tombèrent, tombâmes,
enjoying: jouissant fading: évanouissement, abattre, chus, chûtes, abattîtes,
enter: entrer, entre, entrons, entrez, décoloration, pâlissant, fading, abattit
entrent, entres, introduire, entrer fondu, décolorant, déteignant, fellow: individu, homme, camarade,
dans, inscrire, introduis, fluctuation ensemble, mâle
introduisons fail: échouer, avorter, faillir, fence: barrière, clôture, cloison de
enthroned: intronisa, intronisai, manquer, rater décrochage, palissade, faire de
intronisâmes, intronisas, faint: faible, s'évanouir, défaillir l'escrime
intronisâtes, intronisé, intronisèrent fair: foire, juste, kermesse, blond, few: peu, peu de
entirely: entièrement, complètement, marché, équitable, bazar, moral, fields: champs
totalement, tout, de manière entière, beau, exposition, loyal fiend: démon
de façon entière fairly: assez, relativement, fifteen: quinze
entrap: prendre au piège équitablement, de façon foire, de fifth: cinquième, quinte
entreat: implorer, supplier, supplie, manière foire fight: combattre, combat, batailler,
supplions, suppliez, supplies, fairness: équité, justice lutte, luter, lutter
implorons, implorez, implores, faith: foi figure: figure, chiffre, compter,
implorent, implore faithfully: de manière fidèle, de calculer, figurer, forme, silhouette
envious: envieux façon fidèle, fidèlement, loyalement fill: remplir, remplissage, compléter,
envy: envie, envier, enviez, envions, faithless: infidèle charger, obturer, plomber, bourrer,
envient, envies, jalousie fall: chute, tomber, tombes, tombe, emplir, remblai
epitaph: épitaphe tombez, tombons, tombent, baisse, finds: fonde, trouve
equal: égal, égaler choir, s'abaisser, s'amoindrir fine: amende, fin, excellent, beau,
ere: avant, avant que fallen: tombé, déchu, abattu, chu délicat, éminent, tendre, accompli, à
error: erreur, faute, méprise falling: tombant, chute, abattant, merveille, contravention
escaped: échappé choyant finger: doigt, tâter
estate: domaine, propriété, bien, falls: tombe, abat, choit fire: feu, incendie, tirer, licencier,
propriété foncière, fonds, false: faux, perfide, feint renvoyer, le feu, partir, suspendre
succession, biens falsehood: mensonge firm: ferme, solide, firme, robuste,
estimable: estimable famished: affamé entreprise, stable
estimation: estimation fancy: imaginer, fantaisie, songer, fish: poisson, pêcher
events: événements rêver éveillé, aimer fit: adapter, convenir, ajustement,
evermore: toujours fare: aller, se porter, prix du billet ajuster, apoplexie, crise, en bonne
everywhere: partout farewell: adieu santé
evil: mal, mauvais farther: plus loin flat: plat, appartement, aplati, bémol,
ewe: brebis farthest: le plus loin uni, mat
exaction: exaction fashion: mode, façon flatly: de manière plate, de façon
example: exemple, ex, modèle fast: rapide, vite, jeûner, rapidement, plate
exceeding: dépassant, excédant, ferme, jeûne, prompt, carême flatter: flatter, flatte, flattons, flattez,
maîtrisant, outrepassant fat: gras, gros, graisse, épais flattes, flattent, aduler, adule,
excellent: excellent fatal: fatal, mortel adules, adulent, adulez
exclaim: exclamer, exclames, fault: défaut, panne, faute, faille, fleece: toison, tondre, polaire
exclame, exclamez, exclamons, erreur fleet: flotte, parc, tessure
exclament, s'exclamer favour: faveur, grâce, service, flesh: chair, pulpe
excuse: excuser, dispenser, excuse, complaisance, favoriser flew: volâmes, volèrent, volas, volai,
pardonner, excusez fear: peur, crainte, craindre, angoisse, vola, volâtes
execute: exécuter, exécute, exécutes, redouter, appréhension, avoir peur flight: vol, fuite, volée, essor
exécutez, exécutons, exécutent, fearful: effrayant, craintif, affreux flood: inondation, inonder, flot,
effectuer, accomplir fearfully: de manière effrayante, de combler, submerger, marée
exhibit: exposer, objet exposé, façon effrayante montante, marée haute, abreuver,
exhiber, montrer feast: fête, banqueter, festin noyer, crue, déluge
exhortation: sommation, observation, fed: alimentas, alimentâtes, alimenté, floor: plancher, étage, sol, taux
recommandation alimentâmes, alimentai, plancher, mur
expect: attendre, attendons, attends, alimentèrent, alimenta, nourrit, flourish: prospérer, prospèrent,
attendez, attendent, espérer nourris, nourrirent, nourrîtes prospérons, prospères, prospérez,
expires: expire, échoit fee: honoraires, droit, frais, prospère
exploit: exploiter redevance, cachet fly: mouche, voler, volez, voles,
expressing: exprimant feed: alimenter, alimente, alimentes, volent, vole, volons, volant
expressly: expressément alimentent, alimentons, alimentez, follies: folies
124 The Merchant of Venice
follow: suivre, suivent, suivons, suis, affable, amène, amicalement godlike: divin
suivez, respecter, agir selon friends: amis gods: poulailler
followed: suivîtes, suivi, suivîmes, friendship: amitié, camaraderie goes: va
suivit, suivis, suivirent frown: froncement de sourcils gold: or
follower: disciple, fouloir frowning: renfrogné golden: doré, en or, d'or
followers: suite, adhérents, parti fulsome: excessif gondola: gondole, nacelle
follows: suit furnish: fournir, meubler, fournis, gone: allé, parti, allés
fond: tendre fournissons, fournissent, fournissez, goodly: de façon bonne, de manière
font: police de caractères, police, meublent, meublez, meublons, bonne
fonte meuble, meubles goods: biens, articles, marchandises,
food: nourriture, aliment, furnished: fournîtes, fournis, fournit, marchandise
alimentation, pâture, aliments fourni, fournîmes, fournirent, goose: oie
fool: imbécile, sot, mystifier, idiot, meublas, meublèrent, meublâtes, gossip: cancaner, jaser, commérage,
duper, fou meublai, meubla commérages, bavard
foolish: sot, idiot, stupide, fury: fureur, furie governor: gouverneur, directeur,
abracadabrant, insensé gain: gain, gagner, bénéfice, profit, régulateur
foot: pied, patte, bordure, le pied acquisition, avantage, remporter, grace: grâce, charme
footing: pied, semelle gain de transmission graces: Grâces
forbear: s'abstenir gains: produits hors exploitation gracious: gracieux
forbid: interdire, interdis, interdisez, gallows: potence, gibet grains: grains
interdisent, interdisons, défendre, gaoler: geôlier grandam: deuxième mère
prohiber gaping: béant grandsire: deuxième père
force: force, contraindre, obliger, garden: jardin, jardiner, faire du grant: subvention, allocation, allouer,
imposer, forcer, violer, puissance, jardinage concession, concéder
contrainte, faire accepter garments: vêtements, habits grass: herbe, gazon
foreign: étranger, extérieur garnish: garnir, garniture gratify: satisfaire
forerunner: précurseur gate: porte, vanne, grille, barrière, gratis: gratuit, gratuitement
forfeit: perdre, forfait, amende, portillon, portail, gâchette, doigt, gravity: pesanteur, gravité,
forfaire berceau, entrée gravitation
forfeiture: confiscation, déchéance, gaudy: voyant greatness: grandeur
perte gauge: jauge, calibre, gabarit, grecian: grec
forgave: pardonnas, pardonnâtes, mesurer, voie, indicateur, jauger, greedy: avide, glouton, cupide,
pardonnai, pardonnâmes, épaisseur de la lame, calibrer, gourmand, goulu
pardonnèrent, pardonna, excusas, hauteur d'œil greets: salue, accueille
excusâtes, excusèrent, excusai, gaze: regard grieve: affliger, afflige, affliges,
excusa gear: engrenage, pignon chagriner, affligeons, affligez,
forgive: pardonner, pardonnes, gem: gemme, pierre précieuse affligent, chagrines, chagrine,
pardonne, pardonnez, pardonnons, generation: génération, production chagrinons, chagrinent
pardonnent, excuser, excusez, genoa: gênes, génois grieving: affligeant, chagrinant,
excusent, excuse, excusons gentile: gentil attristant
forgot: oubliâtes, oublias, oubliai, gentle: doux, gentil, suave, sucré grievous: douloureux, cruel
oublièrent, oubliâmes, oublia gentleman: monsieur, gentilhomme groans: gémissements
formerly: autrefois, auparavant, gentlemen: messieurs grossly: de manière brute, de façon
devant, anciennement, jadis gentleness: douceur, bonté brute, grossièrement
forsworn: abjuré gently: doucement, de manière grossness: grossièreté
forth: en avant douce, de façon douce, gentiment ground: sol, terre, terrain, fond,
forthwith: immédiatement germany: Allemagne masse, échouer, motif
fortnight: quinzaine gift: cadeau, don grow: croître, grandir, cultiver,
fortunate: heureux, chanceux gild: dorer, dore, dorons, dorez, grandis, grandissent, grandissez,
fortune: fortune, sort, destinée, destin dores, dorent grandissons, croissent, croîs,
forward: en avant, avancer, avant gilded: doré, dora, dorai, dorâmes, croissez, croissons
fourth: quatrième, quart, quarte doras, dorâtes, dorèrent grows: grandit, croît
france: France, la France ginger: gingembre grudge: rancune
frankfort: Francfort girl: fille, jeune fille, gosse, la fille guarded: protégé, gardé
freedom: liberté gives: donne, offre, aboule gudgeon: goujon, tourillon, fémelot
freely: librement, de manière giving: donnant, offrant, aboulant guess: deviner, supposer, supposition
gratuite, de façon gratuite glad: joyeux, content, heureux guilty: coupable
french: langue française glass: verre, vitre habit: habitude, coutume, usage, port
frenchman: français glory: gloire, renommée, réputation habitation: habitation
friend: ami, amie, copain, copine, gloves: gants hair: cheveux, cheveu, poil, chevelure
camarade goats: caprins, chèvres hairs: cheveux
friendly: amical, aimable, gentil, god: dieu halter: licol
William Shakespeare 125
hands: mains hell: enfer humbleness: humilité
hang: pendre, suspendre, retomber, hellish: infernal, diabolique humbly: humblement, de manière
accrocher, faisander hence: par conséquent, donc, d'où, humble, de façon humble
hanging: pendaison, suspension, c'est pourquoi humility: humilité, modestie
suspendu, pendre, mise à la pente hercules: Hercule humour: humour, humeur
happily: heureusement, de manière hereafter: désormais, dorénavant, hurt: blesser
heureuse, de façon heureuse après l'entrée en vigueur de la husband: mari, époux
happiness: bonheur, félicité présente loi, après husbandry: agriculture, agronomie
happy: heureux, joyeux, content herein: en ceci husbands: maris
harbour: port, héberger hermit: ermite ignorant: ignorant
hard: dur, difficile, pénible hers: sien ill: malade, malsain, mal
hardly: à peine, péniblement, herself: même, se immediately: immédiatement, tout
difficilement, lourdement, hid: cachas, cachâtes, cachèrent, de suite, directement, aussitôt, sitôt,
durement, de manière dure, de cacha, cachai, cachâmes, masqua, d'abord, tout d'abord, de manière
façon dure masquèrent, masquâtes, masquas, immédiate, de façon immédiate
hare: lièvre masquâmes immortal: immortel, immortelle
harm: nuire, préjudice, mal, tort, higher: plus haut impart: communiquer, donner
endommager highway: route, chaussée, autoroute, impeach: accuser
harmless: inoffensif, anodin, innocent bus impediment: empêchement, obstacle,
harmony: harmonie hip: hanche entrave
harsh: vulgaire, rude, dur, acerbe, hire: louer, loue, louons, louez, loues, impenetrable: impénétrable,
grossier, maussade, rustique, âpre, louent, embaucher, embauchez, imperméable
astringent embauches, embauchent, impertinent: hardi, impertinent
haste: hâte embauchons importunity: importunité
hat: chapeau hit: frapper, coup, battre, heurter, imposition: imposition
hate: haïr, haine, détester atteindre, succès, toucher, parvenir, impossible: impossible
hates: hait saisir, touche impugn: contester, attaquer
hazard: risque, danger, hasard, aléa, hither: ici imputation: accusation, répartition,
péril, risquer, aventurer, oser, hive: ruche imputation
hasarder hold: tenir, prise, maintien, cale, incision: incision
healed: guérirent, guérîmes, guérîtes, contenir, blocage, pause, tenue, indebted: endetté, endettâtes,
guérit, guéris, guéri, assainirent, retenir endettas, endetta, endettâmes,
assainîtes, assainîmes, assainis, holds: tient endettai, endettèrent, redevable
assainit hollow: creux, cavité, caver indeed: vraiment, certes, en vérité,
hear: entendre, entendent, entends, holy: saint, sacré réellement, si, d'abord, en réalité, en
entendez, entendons, ouïr, écouter, honest: honnête, intègre, sincère, effet, en fait, effectivement, voire
oient, ois, oyez, oyons loyal indian: indien, indienne, amérindien
heard: entendîmes, entendîtes, honour: honneur, honorer indies: Indes
entendu, entendit, entendirent, honourable: honorable indirect: indirect
entendis, ouï, ouïs honours: honneurs indirectly: indirectement, de manière
hearing: entendant, audition, hood: capot, capuchon, cagoule, indirecte, de façon indirecte
audience, ouïe, audition publique, couverture, hotte, apache, capuche, inevitable: inévitable, inéluctable
oyant chapeau, hotte d'aspiration infection: infection
hears: entend, oit hoop: cerceau, cercle infidel: infidèle
heart: coeur, le coeur hope: espoir, espérer, espère, infinite: infini, illimité
heartily: de manière cordiale, de espèrent, espères, espérez, espérons, infinitely: infiniment, de manière
façon cordiale, chaleureusement espérance, souhaiter, souhaitons, infinie, de façon infinie
hearts: coeurs souhaitez informed: informas, informâtes,
heat: chaleur, chauffer, ardeur, hopes: espère, souhaite informai, informâmes, informa,
chaleurs, charge de fusion, rut horn: corne, avertisseur, cornet, informèrent, informé, renseignas,
heated: échauffé, chauffé klaxon, trompe, cor, pavillon, renseignâtes, renseignâmes,
heaven: ciel, paradis pavillon acoustique renseignèrent
heavenly: céleste horse: cheval, le cheval infuse: infuser, infusons, infuse,
heavens: cieux hose: tuyau, bas, durite, tuyau infusent, infuses, infusez, injecter
heavy: lourd, fort flexible, flexible inhuman: inhumain
hebrew: hébreu, hébraïque, langue hot: chaud injunctions: injonctions
hébraïque hour: heure inlaid: tramé, incrusté, marqueté
heed: attention hours: heures inland: intérieur
heels: talons howling: hurlant inquire: enquérir, demander, nous
heinous: abominable, odieux huge: énorme, immense, gigantesque, enquérons, vous enquérez,
heiress: héritière formidable, colossal, vaste s'enquièrent, m'enquiers, enquérez-
held: tenu human: humain vous, t'enquiers, se renseigner
126 The Merchant of Venice
inscription: inscription noble lie: mentir, mensonge, être couché,
inserted: inséré, encarté laid: posèrent, posai, posa, posâmes, gésir
instant: instant, moment posas, posâtes, posé, vergé, pondu, lies: git, ment
instantly: directement, aussitôt, pondit, pondis light: léger, clair, lumière, allumer,
d'abord, tout d'abord, à l'instant, de lands: cloison, atterrit feu, faible, enflammer, lumineux,
manière instante, de façon instante late: tard, tardif, en retard lampe, rayonnement visible
instruction: instruction, lately: dernièrement, de manière lights: lumières, feux
enseignement tarde, de façon tardive, récemment likeness: ressemblance
instructions: instructions latin: latin limbs: membres
intent: intention latter: dernier limp: boiter, mou
interior: intérieur laugh: rire, rigoler linger: traîner, traînes, traînez,
interposer: interposeur laughable: risible traînent, traîne, traînons, s'attarder
inward: intérieur, vers l'intérieur laughter: rire lingering: traînant, prolongé
issue: émission, éditer, émettre, lawful: légal, légitime, licite lion: lion
livraison, parution, numéro, lawfully: de manière légale, lips: les lèvres, lèvres
problème, question, proclamer légalement, de façon légale lisbon: Lisbonne
italian: italien laws: lois live: vivre, vivez, vivent, vivons, vis,
italy: Italie lay: poser, posez, poses, posent, habiter, demeurer, habite, habitent,
ivory: ivoire posons, laïque, pose, coucher, habites, habitons
jacob: Jacob, Jacques pondre, commettage, pondent liver: foie
jealous: jaloux lays: pose, couche, pond livery: livrée
jest: badiner, plaisanter, plaisanterie lead: plomb, conduire, mener, mène, lives: vit, habite, loge
jet: jet, avion à réaction, jais, gicleur menons, menez, mènes, conduisons, living: vivant, habitant, logeant, en
jew: juif, hébreu mènent, conduisent, conduisez vie, bénéfice
jewel: bijou, joyau leaden: de plomb, plombé loath: peu disposé
jewess: juive leading: conduisant, menant, loathes: abomine, abhorre, hait
jewish: juif, hébreu, hébraïque, juive guidant, aboutissant, plombage, lodging: verse, logement,
jot: brin, noter laissant, principal hébergement
joy: joie, allégresse leap: saut, sauter looks: regarde
judge: juge, juger leaps: options sur actions à long loose: détaché, lâche
judgment: arrêt, jugement terme, sauts lord: seigneur, monsieur
jump: saut, sauter, bond, obstacle learn: apprendre, apprenons, lordship: seigneurie
justice: justice, équité apprenez, apprends, apprennent lose: perdre, perds, perdez, perdent,
keen: vif, aiguisé, actif, affilé, alerte, learned: apprîtes, appris, apprîmes, perdons
vigilant apprirent, apprit, cultivé, savant, losers: perdants
keeping: gardant, élevant, érudit losing: perdant
remplissant learning: apprenant, apprentissage, loss: perte, préjudice, déperdition,
kept: gardâtes, gardas, gardé, érudition, savoir affaiblissement, sinistre, déchet,
gardèrent, garda, gardâmes, gardai, least: moindre, le moins atténuation
élevai, élevèrent, élevé, élevâtes leave: partir, partent, partons, pars, losses: pertes
key: clé, touche, clef, clavette, code, partez, abandonner, laisser, lost: perdîtes, perdîmes, perdirent,
touche de clavier permission, quitter, congé, délaisser perdit, perdis, perdu, perdus, non
keys: clefs led: menâmes, conduisîtes, conduisit, vu
kill: tuer, abattre, supprimer, rectifier conduisis, conduit, conduisirent, lottery: loterie
kin: parenté, parents, parent conduisîmes, menèrent, menas, lovely: charmant, agréable, ravissant,
kindness: amabilité, bonté, menâtes, mena délicieux, beau, mignon, cher, gentil,
gentillesse, aménité legs: jambes magnifique, splendide, superbe
king: roi, dame leisure: loisir lover: amant, amoureux, maîtresse,
kingdom: royaume lend: prêter, prête, prêtes, prêtez, amante
kiss: baiser, embrasser, bise prêtent, prêtons, emprunter, lovers: amants
knave: fripon empruntes, empruntez, loves: amours, aime
knife: couteau, le couteau, empruntons, empruntent loving: amoureux, aimant
poignarder lent: prêtâtes, prêtas, prêtâmes, low: bas, dépression, abject, basse,
knocks: frappe prêtèrent, prêtai, prêté, prêta, lâche
knowing: connaissant emprunté, empruntâtes, empruntas, lower: baisser, baisses, abaisser,
knowledge: connaissance, savoir empruntâmes baisse, baissez, baissons, baissent,
knows: connaît, sait lest: de peur que inférieur
lack: manque, défaut, vice, lets: laisse luck: chance, fortune, sort, destinée
insuffisance, privation, manquer letter: lettre lungs: poumons
ladies: dames letters: lettres lying: menteur, mensonge, gisant
lading: chargement lewd: lascif, lubrique mad: fou, agité, aberrant, enragé
lady: dame, madame, demoiselle liberal: libéral madness: folie, aliénation, aberration,
William Shakespeare 127
affolement rencontrent, rencontre, réunir, se monsieur: monsieur
maid: femme de chambre, servante, réunir month: mois
domestique, bonne meeting: réunion, rencontrant, moon: lune
maiden: vierge, brin séance, rencontre, croisement, moonlight: clair de lune
makes: fait, rend assemblée, réunion sportive moreover: d'ailleurs, en outre, et
malice: malice, méchanceté, melancholy: mélancolie, puis, en prime, de plus
malveillance mélancolique, abattement, sombre morocco: Maroc, maroquin, le Maroc
manage: administrer, diriger, member: membre, adhérent, affilié, morrow: lendemain
administre, administrez, partisan mortifying: humiliant, mortifiant
administrons, administrent, mending: raccommodage, réparation motion: mouvement, motion,
administres, gérer, dirige, dirigent, merchandise: marchandise, résolution, marche, requête
dirigeons marchandises, denrée, produit mountain: montagne, mont
manifest: manifeste, manifester, merchant: négociant, marchand, mounted: monté, montées
évident commerçant mouth: bouche, embouchure, bec,
manly: viril merciful: indulgent, Clément, gueule, ouverture, goulot, entrée
manna: manne sensible, miséricordieux mouths: bouches
manner: manière, façon mercy: pitié, compassion, miséricorde move: déplacer, émouvoir, remuer,
mannerly: courtois mere: pur, seul, simple mouvoir, se déplacer, coup,
manners: moeurs merely: de manière pure, de façon déménagement, déménager,
mansion: immeuble, château, pure, simplement affecter, mouvement, déplacement
mansion merit: mérite, mériter, gloire moves: émeut, meut, mouve, remue
mantle: manteau, pèlerine merriment: gaieté muddy: boueux, vaseux, trouble
maps: cartes merry: joyeux, gai multitude: multitude, amas, foule,
mar: gâter mesh: maille, treillis, engrener, tas, masse
mark: marque, marquer, estampiller, prendre au filet, grillage, engrenage, murder: assassiner, meurtre,
cachet, signe, mark, note, signal, s'engrener, mesh, maillé assassinat, rectifier, crime de
témoignage, repère, tracer messenger: messager, coursier, meurtre
marquis: marquis messagère music: musique
marriage: mariage metal: métal musician: musicien
married: marié, se marièrent, vous mexico: Mexique mutual: réciproque, mutuel
mariâtes, te marias, me mariai, nous mightiest: le plus puissant myself: me
mariâmes, se maria, se marié, mincing: affecté narrow: étroit
mariée, mariés, épousas mine: mine, mienne nation: nation, peuple
marry: marier, te maries, vous mingled: mélangea, mêlèrent, native: autochtone, naturel, natif,
mariez, nous marions, me marie, mêlâtes, mêlas, mélangèrent, aborigène, inné, indigène, natal
mariez-vous, se marient, épouser, se mélangeâtes, mélangeas, mélangeai, nature: nature, caractère
marier, épouses, épouse mêlâmes, mêlai, mêla naughty: vilain, méchant
mart: centre commercial, centre de miracle: miracle nay: non
commerce, marché mirth: gaieté neapolitan: napolitain
marvel: merveille, s'étonner miscarried: avortai, avortâmes, near: près, proche, près de, auprès,
marvellously: de manière avortas, avortâtes, avorté, prochaine, à
merveilleuse, de façon merveilleuse avortèrent, avorta necessary: nécessaire
master: maître, patron, apprendre à miseries: misères necessity: nécessité, besoin
fond, capitaine, maestro, principal, misery: misère, tristesse neck: cou, col, collet, goulot, encolure
maîtriser misfortune: malheur, infortune, needs: besoins, nécessite
masters: masters malchance neighbour: voisin, semblable
mastership: jurande mistress: maîtresse neighbours: voisins
match: allumette, apparier, match, mitigate: adoucir, atténuer, mitiger neither: ni, personne, non plus, nul
s'entremettre, assortir, égal, partie, moan: gémir, gémissement, geindre nephew: neveu
rencontre mock: bafouer, bafoue, bafouent, news: nouvelles, actualités,
matter: matière, substance, affaire, bafoues, bafouez, bafouons informations, nouvelle
cas, chose, question mocker: moqueur nice: agréable, bon, aimable, gentil,
meagre: maigre moderate: modéré, raisonnable, joli, succulent, savoureux
meaning: signification, sens, ralentir, abordable, modérer, retenir nightingale: rossignol, rossignol
intention, importance, dessein, modest: modeste philomèle
propos moiety: groupe caractéristique nine: neuf
measure: mesure, mesurer, taille, monarch: monarque noble: noble, élevé
jauger monastery: monastère, couvent noise: bruit, bruit de fond, tapage,
measures: mesures monday: lundi souffle
meat: viande, chair moneys: sommes, sommes d'argent nominated: nommas, nommâtes,
meet: rencontrer, rencontrez, monkey: singe nommâmes, nomma, nommèrent,
rencontrons, rencontres, monkeys: singes nommai, nommé
128 The Merchant of Venice
none: aucun, personne, nul de, à l'extérieur effectuer, accomplissent,
nor: ni outward: vers l'extérieur, sortie accomplissez, accomplissons,
northward: au nord overtake: dépasser, dépasse, réalise, réalisent, réalises, réalisez,
nose: nez, bec dépassent, dépasses, dépassez, réalisons
notary: notaire dépassons, doubler, doublez, peril: danger, péril
note: note, noter, billet, nota, doublons, doubles, doublent perjury: parjure, faux serment
remarque, ticket, mention owe: devoir, devons, doivent, dois, persian: persan, iranien
notes: notes, annote devez, avoir une dette persons: personnes
notwithstanding: malgré, owes: doit persuade: persuader, persuades,
nonobstant, néanmoins pace: allure, pas, faire les cent pas, persuade, persuadons, persuadent,
nought: zéro rythme persuadez, convaincre, inspirer
oath: serment, juron pack: paquet, emballer, empaqueter, persuaded: persuadas, persuadâtes,
obey: obéir, obéissez, obéissons, condenser, compresse, bande, tas, persuadai, persuadâmes, persuada,
obéissent, obéis tasser, meute persuadèrent, persuadé
object: objet, chose padua: Padoue pertains: appartient
obliged: obligeâtes, obligeas, obligea, pagan: païen peruse: lisons, lisez, lis, lisent, lire
obligeâmes, obligèrent, obligeai, paid: payâtes, payas, payèrent, paya, petty: petit, mesquin
obligé payai, payâmes, payé philosopher: philosophe
obscure: obscur, obscurcir pains: douleurs picture: image, figure, tableau, photo
observance: observation painter: peintre, peintre en bâtiments pierce: percer, percez, perçons, perce,
observe: observer, observes, observe, palaces: palais percent, perces, transpercer
observez, observons, observent, palatine: palatin piers: pilastres
respecter, respectons, respectez, pale: pâle, blême pity: pitié, plaindre, compassion,
respectes, respectent palm: palmier, paume compatir, apitoiement, avoir pitié,
obtained: obtins, obtint, obtîntes, paltry: misérable mal, s'apitoyer
obtînmes, obtinrent, obtenu paper: papier, document, tapisser, placed: placé
occasion: occasion, lieu, fois article, journal plague: peste, fléau
odd: bizarre, impair, étrange, parcel: paquet, colis, lot, parcelle plain: plaine, clair, uni, ordinaire, net,
singulier, drôle pardon: pardon, pardonner, excuser, limpide, évident
oddly: de façon bizarre, de manière grâce plainness: simplicité, manque de
bizarre, bizarrement park: parc, garer, stationner, parquer, beauté
offence: délit, infraction, offense, se garer planted: planté
agacement parrots: perroquets play: jouer, joues, jouez, jouent,
offend: offenser, offenses, offensent, partly: en partie, partiellement jouons, joue, jeu, pièce de théâtre,
offense, offensez, offensons, insulter, parts: parties pièce, représenter, jouer de
insulte, insultons, insultez, insultes pass: passer, passe, col, dépasser, plays: joue
offer: offre, offrir, proposition, doubler, donner, passage, plea: argument, plaider
proposer, présenter, sacrifier, permission, abonnement, passez, please: plaire, s'il vous plaît,
consacrer, faire offrande s'écouler contenter, s'il vous plait, faire
offers: offrit passion: passion, ardeur plaisir, s'il te plaît, satisfaire
officer: officier, fonctionnaire passions: passions pleased: content, satisfait, plu
officers: dirigeants, officiers patch: rapiécer, pièce, rustine, pleasure: plaisir, jouissance
offices: bureaux correction, parcelle, plaque, réparer, plies: plis
offspring: descendant, descendance, tache pluck: cueillir, ramasser, plumer,
progéniture, successeur patience: patience courage, fressure
opens: ouvre patient: patient, malade pocket: poche, empocher, case
opinion: avis, opinion, vœu pause: pause, repos, trêve poison: poison, venin, empoisonner,
opposed: opposé, opposas, paying: payant intoxiquer, substance toxique
opposâtes, opposa, opposâmes, pays: paie, paye poor: pauvre, mauvais, misérable,
opposai, opposèrent, rouspétâtes, peace: paix, tranquillité maigre, méchant, malheureux, mal,
rouspété, rouspétas, rouspétâmes peasantry: paysannerie, paysans faible, médiocre
oration: discours, discours solennel peep: pépier, gazouiller pork: porc
orb: orbe peevish: maussade, grincheux port: port, bâbord, accès, porte,
orderly: ordonné, méthodique pen: plume, stylo, enclos lumière, orifice, porto
organs: organes penalty: pénalité, amende, penalty, portly: corpulent
ornament: ornement, orner, décorer, pénalisation, punition portrait: portrait
parure, parer, ornament perceive: apercevoir, apercevons, ports: accès
orpheus: Orphée apercevez, aperçoivent, aperçois, possessor: propriétaire, possesseur,
ours: nôtre percevoir, discerner, percevez, détenteur
outface: dévisager perçoivent, percevons, perçois post: poste, poteau, pieu, emploi,
outrageous: scandaleux perchance: par hasard afficher, fonction, courrier, coller,
outside: dehors, extérieur, en dehors perform: accomplir, réaliser, office, agglutiner, place
William Shakespeare 129
posy: bouquet de fleurs des champs juste, adéquat, approprié coururent, courûmes, courues,
pound: livre, piler, broyer, fourrière, prophet: prophète courue, coulâtes, coulèrent,
battre, marteler protection: protection, garde, coulâmes, coula
poverty: pauvreté, misère sauvegarde rank: rang, grade, rangée, file, tour
practise: exercer, instruire, pratiquer protest: protestation, protester, rare: rare, saignant
praise: louange, glorifier, éloge, contestation rasher: tranche de jambon
louer, louanger prove: prouver, prouve, prouves, rate: taux, évaluer, proportion, allure,
pray: prier, prie, pries, prions, priez, prouvez, prouvons, prouvent, vitesse, rang, estimer, taxer, cours,
prient démontrer débit, apprécier
prayer: prière proverb: proverbe, sentence rated: nominal
prayers: prières provided: pourvûtes, pourvurent, ratified: ratifiâtes, ratifias, ratifia,
praying: priant pourvu, pourvus, pourvut, ratifièrent, ratifiai, ratifiâmes, ratifié
precious: précieux, rare pourvûmes, munit, muni, munîmes, ravenous: vorace
predicament: prédicament munirent, munis raw: cru, brut, grossier, rustique, écru
preparation: préparation, préparatif publican: cabaretier, cafetier, reach: atteindre, parvenir, portée,
prepare: préparer, prépare, prépares, publicain aboutir, remporter, étendue,
préparent, préparons, préparez, publish: publier, éditer, publie, toucher, bief
apprêter, apprête, apprêtes, publies, publient, publiez, publions, ready: prêt, disponible
apprêtez, apprêtons édites, éditent, édite, éditons reason: raison, cause, motif, raisonner
presage: augure, présage puny: chétif reasonable: raisonnable, modéré,
presages: présage purchasing: achat, achetant prudent, abordable
presence: présence pure: pur, blanc, propre reasoning: raisonnement
present: cadeau, présent, présenter, purpose: but, dessein, objet, intention reasons: raisonne
actuel, offrir, don purse: bourse, sacoche, sac à main rebel: se révolter, rebelle, se rebeller
presently: actuellement pursue: poursuivre, poursuivez, rebels: rebelles
press: presse, presser, serrer, poursuis, poursuivons, poursuivent, receipt: reçu, quittance, réception,
appuyer, tasser, être urgent, pourchasser récépissé, acquit, accusé de
appuyer en écrasant, pressoir, serrer puts: met réception, ticket de caisse, recette
plus fort, comprimer quaint: curieux, intéressant, singulier, receive: recevoir, reçois, recevez,
pretty: joli, mignon, aimable, bath, étrange recevons, reçoivent, accueillir,
assez quaintly: de manière singulière, de admettre, accueille, accueillent,
prevented: empêchas, empêchâtes, façon singulière accueilles, accueillez
empêchâmes, empêché, quality: qualité, propriété record: enregistrer, enregistrement,
empêchèrent, empêchai, empêcha, quarrel: querelle, dispute, se disque, record, rapport, dossier,
prévenu, prévînmes, prévinrent, quereller, se disputer, noise document, article, relation, compte
prévins quarrels: querelles rendu, acte
price: prix, cours queen: reine, dame recorded: enregistré, noté
prick: piqûre, bitte, zob quest: recherche, quête red: rouge
prince: prince quick: rapide, prompt, vite reed: roseau, anche, peigne
princely: princier quicken: accélérer, hâte, hâtons, refuse: refuser, détritus, déchets,
principal: commettant, principal, hâtez, hâtent, accélérons, accélérez, repousser, rejeter, ordures
mandant, directeur, donneur accélères, accélèrent, accélère, hâtes regard: considérer, considérez,
d'ordre, dominant, capital quietness: calme, repos, tranquillité considérons, considères,
privy: privé quit: quitter, quittas, quittes, considèrent, considère, estime,
prize: prix, récompense quittâtes, quittâmes, quittai, quitta, regarder, contempler, égard, regard
prodigal: prodigue quittèrent, quittons, quittez, quitté relation: relation, abord, rapport
producing: produisant race: course, race, se précipiter, relent: s'adoucir
profit: profit, bénéfice, gain, s'élancer, chemin de roulement, raz remember: se rappeler, se souvenir,
avantage, profiter rack: crémaillère, étagère, grille, rappeler, retenir, rappelle, retiens,
profitable: rentable, profitable, arack, casier, râtelier, claie, bâti, retiennent, rappelles, retenez,
lucratif armoire, chevalet retenons, rappelons
profound: profond rage: fureur, rage, furie, tempêter, remembrance: souvenir, mémoire
prolixity: prolixité rager remorse: remords
promise: promettre, promets, ragged: déchiqueté rend: déchirer
promettent, promettez, promettons, rail: rail, barre, longeron, rambarde, render: rendre
assurer rampe rendering: interprétation, enduit,
pronounced: prononças, prononçâtes, rain: pluie, pleuvoir, la pluie rendu, crépi
prononçai, prononcèrent, raise: lever, élever, soulever, renew: renouveler, renouvellent,
prononçâmes, prononça, prononcé entonner, éduquer, augmenter, renouvelle, renouvelles,
prop: étai, appui, support, étayer, hausse, relever, dresser, ériger, renouvelons, renouvelez,
étançon arborer reconduire, reconduisez,
proper: convenable, propre, exact, ran: courut, courûtes, courus, reconduisent, reconduis,
130 The Merchant of Venice
reconduisons roaring: rugissant scale: échelle, écaille, balance,
renowned: renommé roars: rugit gamme, bascule, escalader, squame,
rent: loyer, louer, location rob: piller, pillent, pille, pillons, tartre, monter, écailler, calamine
repay: rembourser, rembourses, pilles, pillez, ravir, dévaliser, ravis, scant: insuffisant, limité, faible
remboursez, rembourse, ravissons, ravissez scarce: insuffisant, rare
remboursons, remboursent, rocks: étoc, montages scarfed: taillé en onglet, simple onglet
reprendre rome: Rome scatter: disperser, dispersent,
repent: se repentir, regretter, regrette, roof: toit, voûte dispersons, disperses, disperse,
regrettons, regrettez, regrettent, rotten: pourri, mauvais dispersez, dispersion, verser,
regrettes, repentir, repens, rough: brut, grossier, cru, rugueux, répandre, disséminer, diffusion
repentons, repentent rude, maussade, rustique, râpeux, scene: scène, lieu
repents: regrette, repent rêche sceptre: sceptre
reply: réponse, répondre, répliquer, rouse: irriter, exciter, stimuler, schedule: calendrier, horaire, tableau,
réplique agacer, stimules, excitons, stimulez, annexe, barème, programme, liste,
represented: représentas, stimulent, stimule, irritons, irritez plan, ordonnancer, programmer
représentâtes, représentai, royal: royal scholar: savant, érudit, écolier
représenta, représentèrent, rude: grossier, impoli, mal élevé scorn: dédain, mépriser, mépris
représentâmes, représenté ruin: ruine, ruiner, abîmer, abaisser, scorned: dédaigné
reproach: reproche, reprocher, ravager scottish: écossais
réprimander, gronder, sermonner, rule: règle, gouverner, régner, règne, scripture: écriture
reprendre commandement, gouvernement, scroll: faire défiler, défilement,
reputed: réputé surveiller, tenue, régler, filet volute, défiler, spirale
request: demande, demander, prier, ruled: hachuré scruple: scrupule
requête running: courant, course, marche, scylla: Scylla
requite: récompenser coulant, fonctionnement sea: mer, marin
resemble: ressembler, ressemble, rush: jonc, ruée, se dépêcher, seal: phoque, sceller, sceau, scellé,
ressembles, ressemblez, congestion, afflux, épreuve, afflux cachet, cacheter, plomber, joint,
ressemblons, ressemblent, rejoindre, de sang, urgent, précipiter, hâte obturer
rejoignent, rejoignez, rejoignons, sabbath: sabbat sealed: scellé, étanche, hermétique,
rejoins sacred: sacré, saint fermé
respect: respect, respecter sacrifice: sacrifier, sacrifice, search: recherche, perquisition,
respective: respectif consacrer, offrir, faire offrande, chercher, fouille, rechercher, fouiller
rest: repos, se reposer, reste, débris, immoler season: saison, assaisonner
reposer, appui, trêve, pause, support sad: triste, affligé, désolé, peiné, seat: siège, banquette, assiette, place,
return: retour, revenir, rentrée, maussade, sombre selle
retourner, revenu, renvoyer, rendre, sadness: tristesse, désolation, seated: assis
rente, rentabilité, déclaration, affliction, abattement, souci secret: secret, arcane
rendement safe: sûr, en sûreté, à l'abri, sauf, sans seed: semence, graine, pépin, germe,
revenge: revanche, vengeance, danger ensemencer
venger safely: de manière sûre, de façon sûre seek: chercher, cherches, cherche,
reverence: révérence sail: voile, naviguer cherchent, cherchez, cherchons,
reverend: révérend saint: saint railler, raille, raillons, raillez, raillent
rhenish: du Rhin, rhénan sake: saké seeks: cherche, raille
rib: côte, nervure, membre salvation: salut seem: sembler, semblez, semblons,
ribs: côtes sand: sable, arène semblent, semble, sembles, paraître,
rich: riche sandy: sableux, sablonneux paraissez, paraissons, paraissent,
richly: de façon riche, de manière satisfaction: satisfaction, parais
riche, richement contentement seeming: semblant, paraissant
riddance: débarras savage: sauvage sees: voit, scie
riding: équitation save: épargner, épargne, épargnes, seize: saisir, saisissez, saisissent,
rightful: légitime épargnent, épargnez, épargnons, saisis, saisissons, agripper, attraper,
rightly: correctement, de manière sauver, économiser, sauve, sauves, agrippes, agrippez, agrippent,
droite, de façon droite sauvons agrippe
rigorous: rigoureux saved: épargnâtes, épargnas, self: même, soi
ring: anneau, bague, tinter, sonner, épargnâmes, épargnèrent, épargné, sell: vendre, vendons, vendez,
couronne, cercle, cerne, rondelle, épargnai, épargna, sauvâtes, sauvas, vendent, vends, écouler, brader
cycle, frette, son sauvâmes, sauvèrent semblance: apparence, semblant
rings: anneaux saving: épargnant, sauvant, send: envoyer, envoies, envoie,
ripe: mûr, fait économisant, économie, épargne, envoyons, envoient, envoyez,
rival: rival, rivaliser, concourir, enregistrant, sauvegardant, adresser, adresse, adressent,
concurrent sauvegarde adresses, adressez
riveted: rivé saying: disant, adage, proverbe sensible: raisonnable, prudent, sensé
William Shakespeare 131
sent: envoyas, envoyâtes, envoyâmes, marquant, exposition snore: ronfler, vrombir, ronflement
envoyèrent, envoya, envoyai, shows: montre, manifeste, marque, snow: neige, neiger, blanche
envoyé, adressas, adressâtes, dénote sober: sobre
adressé, adressai shrewd: sagace, avisé, perspicace soft: doux, mou, tendre, moelleux,
sentence: phrase, condamner, peine, shrine: sanctuaire, lieu saint, châsse gentil, suave, sucré
sentence, condamnation, verdict shun: éviter, fuient, fuyons, fuis, soften: adoucir, amollir, adoucis,
sentences: phrases évitons, évitez, évites, évitent, évite, attendrir, amollis, amollissent,
serpent: serpent fuyez, fuir amollissons, amollissez,
servant: serviteur, domestique, shut: fermer, arrêter, fermé adoucissons, adoucissent,
servante shylock: usurier adoucissez
servants: domestiques, serviteurs sick: malade, malsain sold: vendîtes, vendirent, vendîmes,
serve: servir, servons, servent, sers, sigh: soupir vendu, vendis, vendit, bradées
servez, desservir, service, être de sign: signe, signer, signal, écriteau, soldier: soldat, militaire
service, desservent, desservez, augure, panneau, preuve, enseigne, sole: sole, semelle, seul, plante, plante
desservons témoignage, indication, panneau de du pied, pur
served: servit, servîtes, servis, signalisation solely: seulement, de manière sole,
servîmes, servirent, servi, desservis, signify: signifier, signifies, signifiez, uniquement, de façon sole
desservit, desservîtes, desservîmes, signifient, signifions, signifie son: fils
desservi silence: silence, repos song: chanson, chant
serves: sert, dessert silver: argent, argenté, argenter soon: bientôt, tout à l'heure
seven: sept simple: simple, pur sore: ulcère, douloureux, plaie
shadow: ombre, prendre en filature simplicity: simplicité sorry: désolé
shadows: ombres sin: péché, pécher, commettre une sought: cherchâtes, cherchas,
shake: secouer, secoue, secouons, faute cherchâmes, cherchèrent, cherché,
secouez, secoues, secouent, ébranler, sinful: coupable cherchai, chercha, raillèrent, raillé,
ébranlez, ébranles, ébranlent, sing: chanter, chante, chantes, raillâtes, railla
ébranle chantent, chantez, chantons soul: âme
shallow: peu profond, superficiel single: célibataire, unique, simple, sound: son, sonner, résonner, bruit,
shallows: brassiage seul, individuel, individuelle sain, sonder, détroit, vibration
shame: honte, pouah, vergogne sings: chante acoustique, oscillation acoustique,
shape: forme, former, façonner, sir: monsieur solide, sonde
modeler, profil sisters: soeurs sounds: sonne, sons
sharp: aigu, acéré, coupant, sit: couver, être assis, asseoir, couve, spare: épargner, économiser, être
tranchant, perçant, piquant, couvent, couves, couvez, couvons, indulgent, rechange, pièce de
précisément, dièse, âcre, à l'heure, s'asseyent, vous asseyez, m'assieds rechange
justement sits: couve, s'assied, assied speak: parler, parles, parlons, parle,
shedding: perte sitting: couvant, s'asseyant, séance, parlez, parlent
shepherd: berger, pasteur, pâtre, service, sédentaire speaking: parlant, parler
soigner skilful: habile speaks: parle
shift: décalage, équipe, déplacer, skip: saut, capitaine, skip, sauter, speech: discours, parole, langage,
changement, poste, décaler, changer benne, sautiller allocution, élocution
shines: reluit skipping: manque, saut à la corde speechless: muet, sans voix
ship: navire, bateau, expédier, skull: crâne, tête de mort speed: vitesse, rapidité, allure, hâte
expédie, expédions, expédiez, slaves: esclaves spend: dépenser, dépenses, dépense,
expédies, expédient, vaisseau slavish: servile dépensent, dépensez, dépensons,
ships: expédie sleep: sommeil, dormir, dors, passer, passent, passes, passez,
shoe: chaussure, soulier, sabot, ferrer dormons, dormez, dorment, pioncer passons
shoot: tirer, tires, tire, tirent, tirez, sleeps: dort spent: dépensé, dépensas,
tirons, pousse, glissière slew: tuâtes, tuas, tua, tuai, tuèrent, dépensâtes, dépensâmes, dépensa,
short: court tuâmes dépensai, dépensèrent, passa,
shortly: prochainement, de façon slightly: légèrement, de manière passai, passâmes, passas
courte, de manière courte, bientôt légère, de façon légère spices: épices
shot: tirâtes, tiras, tirèrent, tirâmes, slips: coins de retenue spider: araignée, croisillon
tira, tirai, tiré, coup, tir, grenaille, smack: faire un bruit de succion, faire spirit: esprit, vigueur
tirées du bruit avec les lèvres spirits: spiritueux
shoulders: épaules smallest: le plus petit spit: cracher, vomir, jeter, broche,
showed: montrâtes, montras, smell: odeur, sentir, odorat, flairer, crachat
montrai, montrâmes, montrèrent, embaumer, exhaler un odeur spoke: parlas, parlèrent, parlâmes,
montra, manifesta, manifestèrent, smiling: souriant parlai, parla, parlâtes, rayon
manifestâtes, manifestas, smith: forgeron sponge: éponge, éponger
manifestâmes smug: suffisant sport: sport, sports
showing: montrant, manifestant, snaky: insidieux, sinueux spurn: repousser avec mépris, rejeter
132 The Merchant of Venice
avec mépris, repousser rigoureux campagne d'évaluation
squandered: gaspillas, gaspillâtes, stride: pas, faire les cent pas, foulée, sustain: maintenir, appuyer,
gaspillai, gaspillâmes, gaspillèrent, enjambée maintiens, maintiennent,
gaspilla, gaspillé stubborn: têtu, obstiné, entêté, tenace maintenons, maintenez, accoter,
squealing: couinement, sifflement stuck: collé, être embourbé appuient, appuyons, appuies,
stage: étape, phase, stade, scène, studied: étudié appuie
tenue, station, étage, gare, mettre en stuff: substance, affaires, choses, swear: jurer, jures, jure, jurez, jurons,
scène, niveau, estrade fourrer, rembourrer, trucs, bourrer, jurent, blasphémer, prêter serment
stairs: escalier, escaliers truc, chose, empailler, farcir swearing: jurant
stake: pieu, poteau, échalas, jalon, subject: sujet, thème, composition, sweat: sueur, suer, transpirer,
piquet, perche objet transpiration, suinter
stale: rassis, éventé, purin substance: substance, fond sweet: doux, sucré, bonbon, suave,
stamp: timbre, estampiller, timbrer, substitute: substituer, remplacer, friandise, gentil, dessert
cachet, poinçon, estampille, tampon, substitut, remplaçant, succédané, sweetly: doucement, de manière
estamper, empreinte, tamponner, mettre en place de douce, de façon douce
marque sucking: succion swelling: gonflement, enflure,
stand: stand, être debout, échoppe, suddenly: soudainement, tout à tuméfaction, foisonnement,
kiosque, support, pied, peuplement, coup, subitement, soudain, de grosseur, renflement
position, socle, surgir, se dresser manière subite, de façon subite, swift: rapide, prompt, martinet noir,
standing: debout, permanent brusquement martinet
stands: tribune suffer: souffrir, souffre, souffrons, swore: jurâtes, juras, jurâmes,
starve: affamer, affame, affames, souffrent, souffres, souffrez, jurèrent, jura, jurai
affament, affamez, affamons, mourir endurer, subir, subissez, subissent, sworn: juré, jurées
de faim subis synagogue: synagogue
starved: affamé, affamâtes, affamas, sufferance: tolérance tail: queue
affamai, affamâmes, affama, suffice: suffire, suffis, suffisez, tailor: tailleur, couturière
affamèrent suffisons, suffisent tainted: corrompu
stay: séjour, rester, restons, restent, sufficient: suffisant tale: conte, récit, relation
restes, restez, reste, étai, hauban, sugar: sucre, sucrer talk: parler, parles, parle, parlez,
demeurer, séjourner suit: costume, complet, convenir, parlent, parlons, causerie, discuter,
stays: reste procès, couleur discours, entretien
stead: place sultan: sultan talker: parleur
steal: voler, dérober, dépouiller, sum: somme, montant, addition tall: haut, grand
d'acier, subtiliser, volent summary: résumé, sommaire, tarry: goudronneux
stillness: tranquillité, calme récapitulation, abrégé, récapitulatif, taste: goût, goûter, saveur, déguster
sting: piquer, aiguillon, piqûre, relevé taught: enseignas, enseignâtes,
piquant, dard summer: été, estival enseignai, enseigné, enseignèrent,
stirring: agitation summon: convoquer, appeler, enseigna, enseignâmes, instruisirent,
stock: stock, réserve, action, souche intimer instruit, instruisîtes, instruisis
stole: étole, vola sums: sommes teach: enseigner, enseignes,
stomach: estomac, digérer, ventre sun: soleil, ensoleillé enseignent, enseignons, enseignez,
stones: pierres sunder: séparer enseigne, instruire, apprendre,
stony: pierreux sunny: ensoleillé instruisent, instruisez, instruis
stop: arrêter, arrêtez, arrête, arrêtes, sup: souper teaches: enseigne, instruit
arrêtent, arrêtons, arrêt, cesser, supper: souper, dîner teaching: enseignant, instruisant,
cessent, cessez, cessons supply: fourniture, provision, enseignement
store: magasin, boutique, stocker, fournir, alimentation, tear: déchirer, larme, pleur, déchirure
entrepôt, entreposer, mémoire, approvisionnement, ravitaillement, tears: larmes
emmagasiner, ôter, enlever, réserve, livrer, munir, pourvoir, réserve, tedious: ennuyeux, fastidieux
conserver alimenter teeth: dents, denture
straight: droit, direct, directement, supposed: supposâtes, supposas, tells: dit, raconte, enjoint, commande
tout droit, franc, ligne droite, supposâmes, supposa, supposèrent, temper: humeur, tremper, durcir,
honnête, rectiligne supposai, supposé, supposés, tempérament, trempe, tempérer,
strange: étrange, singulier, drôle, prétendu gâcher
étranger, bizarre supposition: hypothèse, supposition temple: temple, tempe
stranger: étranger, inconnu sure: sûr, certain, assuré temporal: temporel, temporal
strangers: étrangers surety: caution, cautionnement, temptation: tentation
stray: errant garant tempts: tente
street: rue surfeit: excès tender: offre, tendre, adjudication,
strength: force, puissance, résistance surgeon: chirurgien doux, tender, annexe, offrir,
mécanique survey: enquête, étude, levé, présenter, proposition, gentil, suave
strict: sévère, austère, strict, inspection, sondage, arpenter, term: terme, durée, échéance
William Shakespeare 133
terms: conditions, condition, termes treason: trahison dérouler
thank: remercier, remercies, remercie, treble: triple, aigu unhappy: malheureux, mécontent
remerciez, remercions, remercient trial: jugement, essai, épreuve, universal: universel
thanked: remercias, remerciâtes, désolation, procès unkind: maussade
remercia, remerciâmes, remerciai, tribe: peuplade unknown: inconnu, ignoré, inconnue
remercièrent, remercié tribute: tribut, hommage unless: à moins que, à moins de, sauf
thankfully: de manière tricks: truquages unlike: à la différence de
reconnaissante, de façon tried: essayé unlock: ouvrir, ouvre, ouvrons,
reconnaissante trifle: bagatelle, babiole ouvrez, ouvres, ouvrent,
thanks: remercie, merci, troth: foi déverrouiller
remerciement trouble: problème, gêner, déranger, unlocks: ouvre
thaws: dégèle, fond dérangement, panne, difficulté, unmannerly: mal élevé
thee: toi, te, vous trouble, ennui unquiet: inquiet
therein: en cela troubled: inquiet unseal: desceller, descellez, ouvrons,
thick: épais, dense, gros true: vrai, véritable, réel, qui a raison, ouvrez, ouvres, ouvrent, descellons,
thief: voleur exact, juste descelles, descellent, descelle, ouvre
thieves: voleurs truly: vraiment, réellement, en vérité, unwillingly: de manière peu
thinks: pense en fait, en réalité, véritablement disposée, de façon peu disposée
thither: là trumpet: trompette, barrir, trompeter upright: montant, droit, intègre,
thou: tu, vous, toi trunks: services aériens honnête, debout, vertical, montant
thousand: mille, millier intercontinentaux droit
threatens: menace trust: confiance, fiducie, confier, trust, urge: inciter, presser, être urgent,
threshold: seuil foi, fidéicommis, se fier pousser, exhorter
thrice: trois fois truth: vérité urine: urine
thrift: économie tubal: tubaire usance: délai, usance, usage
thrifty: économe turn: tourner, tournes, tourne, usual: habituel, ordinaire, accoutumé,
thrive: prospérer, prospères, tournons, tournent, tournez, tour, usuel, général, courant
prospérez, prospérons, prospèrent, changer, retourner, dévier, usurer: usurier
prospère retournes utter: répandre, émettre, proférer,
throws: jette turned: tournâtes, tournas, tourna, prononcer
thrust: poussée, pousser tournai, tournèrent, tournâmes, valiant: vaillant, courageux,
thwarted: contrecarrâtes, déjouèrent, tourné, retournèrent, retourné, valeureux
déjoué, déjouâtes, déjouas, retournâtes, retournas value: valeur, apprécier, mérite,
déjouâmes, déjouai, déjoua, turning: tournant, changeant, évaluer
contrecarras, contrecarrâmes, retournant, déviant, virage, valued: estimé
contrecarrai tournage, rotation, retournage vantage: avantage
thy: ton turquoise: turquoise vehement: véhément
tickle: chatouiller, chatouillement twelve: douze veins: veines, nervure
till: caisse, à, jusqu'à ce que twentieth: vingtième vendible: vendable
title: titre, intitulé twenty: vingt venetian: vénitien
tongue: langue, languette twice: deux fois, bis venice: Venise
top: sommet, haut, faîte, comble, twill: sergé, croisé venture: risquer, aventurer, oser,
summon, mutiler, couvercle, cime, twinkling: scintillement entreprise, oser entreprendre,
supérieur, tête tyranny: tyrannie aventure, hasarder
tops: tête de distillation ugly: laid, vilain, moche, mauvais ventures: entreprises
torment: torture, tourmenter, unburden: soulage, soulagez, venus: Vénus
supplice soulages, soulagent, soulageons, vessel: navire, vaisseau, bateau, vase,
torture: torture, torturer, supplice soulager pot, baquet, bac, récipient
touch: toucher, touche, contact, unchecked: incontrôlé vice: vice, étau, vertu
touchez uncle: oncle vile: vil, abject, lâche, infâme
touches: touche understand: comprendre, comprenez, vilely: de manière vile, de façon vile
touching: attendrissant, émouvant, comprends, comprenons, villain: scélérat
touchant comprennent, entendre vinegar: vinaigre
toward: vers, en, à, en relation avec understands: comprend virgin: vierge, virginal
trade: commerce, métier, commercer, undertook: entrepris, entreprîtes, virtue: vertu
négoce, faire du commerce entreprirent, entreprîmes, entreprit virtues: vertus
train: train, entraîner, dresser, rame, undeserved: immérité virtuous: vertueux
cortège, suite, clique, escorte, former undone: défait, annulé, défaites, visit: visite, visiter, visites, visitent,
transformed: transformas, défaite, défaits visitez, visitons, aller voir
transformâtes, transformèrent, unfeeling: insensible visitation: visite
transforma, transformâmes, unfold: déplier, déplie, déplient, visited: visitas, visitâtes, visita, visité,
transformai, transformé déplies, dépliez, déplions, se visitèrent, visitai, visitâmes
134 The Merchant of Venice
void: vide, manque, interstice, pore wheat: blé, froment worthy: digne
voluntary: volontaire, bénévole whereby: par lequel woven: tissé, tissées
waft: bouffée wherefore: pourquoi wrack: varech
wag: farceur, remuer wherein: où wretched: misérable, pauvre,
wager: parier, pari whet: aiguiser, aiguise, aiguisons, infortuné, pitoyable, malheureux
wake: sillage, réveiller, se réveiller, se aiguisez, aiguises, aiguisent wrinkled: ridé
lever, s'éveiller whilst: durant, pendant que, wrinkles: rides
walk: marcher, marches, marchons, pendant, tandis que, lors writ: acte de signification, acte
marchent, marchez, promenade, whom: qui judiciaire, mandat
marche, démarche, se promener whose: dont, duquel, de qui write: écrire, écris, écrivent, écrivez,
wanton: dévergondé wide: large, ample, étendu, vaste, écrivons, composer, rédiger
wants: veut grand writing: écrivant, écriture, écrit,
warm: chaud, chauffer, cordial, widows: veuves inscription
chaleureux wife: femme, épouse written: écrit
warmed: bassiné, chauffâmes, wild: sauvage wrong: tort, faux, abusif, incorrect,
bassinées, bassinâmes, chauffé wilderness: désert erroné, injustice, mal
warmth: chaleur wilful: obstiné wrought: forgé, travaillé
warning: avertissement, avertissant, willow: saule wrung: tordu
sommation, alerte, alertant, wilt: flétris, faner, flétrir ye: vous, toi, tu
recommandation, avis win: gagner, gagnons, gagnez, yea: oui
warrant: garantir, assurer, gagnes, gagne, gagnent, remporter, yield: rendement, céder, cèdent,
cautionner, mandat, warrant, bon de remporte, remportent, remportes, cèdes, cédez, cédons, cède,
souscription, garantie remportez abandonner, produire, abdiquer,
waste: gaspiller, déchets, gaspillons, wind: vent, enrouler, emmailloter, reculer
gaspille, gaspillent, gaspilles, bobiner yoke: joug, culasse, empiècement
gaspillez, gaspillage, dissiper, window: fenêtre, guichet, hublot, yon: y, là
déchet, perte créneau, la fenêtre yonder: là, y
watch: montre, regarder, horloge, wine: vin yours: vôtre
être spectateur de, veille, veiller, wings: coulisses, ailes yourself: vous
pendule, surveiller, regarder un wins: gagne, remporte youth: jeunesse, ado, jeunes
spectacle, voir, observer winter: hiver, hiverner youthful: jeune, juvénile
waters: eaux, arrose wisdom: sagesse, intelligence zeal: zèle, ferveur
watery: aqueux wise: sensé, raisonnable
waver: hésiter, barguigner, hésite, wisely: sagement, de manière sensée,
hésites, hésitez, hésitons, hésitent, de façon sensée
vaciller wish: souhait, désir, désirer,
ways: glissière, façons souhaiter, vouloir, volonté, gré
weak: faible, débile, lâche, mou wishes: vœux
wealth: richesse, fortune wit: esprit
wealthy: riche witness: témoin, être présent,
weapons: armes assister, témoigner
wear: usure, porter, avoir, user wolf: loup
weather: temps won: gagnâmes, gagnèrent, gagnas,
wedding: mariage, se mariant, noces, gagnai, gagna, gagnâtes, Gagné,
noce remportèrent, remporta, remportai,
wedlock: mariage remportâmes
wednesday: mercredi wondrous: merveilleux
weeping: pleurant wont: coutume
weigh: peser, pèse, pèses, pèsent, woo: faire la cour
pesons, pesez wooer: prétendant
weight: pesanteur, masse, balance, wooing: courtisant
coefficient de pondération, charge, woolly: laineux
graisse word: mot, parole, promesse
welcome: bienvenue, accueil, works: travaux
accueillir, bienvenu, accueilles, worms: vers
accueille, accueillent, accueillez, worse: pire, plus mauvais
accueillons, recevoir solennellement worship: adorer, adoration,
wench: jeune fille, gosse, fille vénération, vénérer
wept: pleuras, pleurâtes, pleurai, worst: pire, le plus mauvais
pleuré, pleurâmes, pleurèrent, worth: valeur, mérite
pleura worthiness: valeur
wether: bélier châtré, mouton worthless: nul, sans valeur

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