理解当代中国 英语读写教程U1-10教师用书

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Unit 1 The Mission of Chinese Youths

Students will learn to
 understand how Chinese youths should carry on the legacy of the May 4th
Movement and take on the mission to realize national rejuvenation;
 clarify the mission of Chinese youths in the new era;
 interpret the spirit of the May 4th Movement;
 explain the need for Chinese youths to carry on the tradition of hard work in the
new era;
 exemplify the importance of democracy and science in our pursuit of national
 take a global perspective on the May 4th Movement;
 write an essay on how one China Youth May 4th Medal recipient has contributed
to the development of China;
 use key words and expressions about upholding and improving Chinese socialism;
 comment on the effects of using simile and metaphor in translation.

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在纪念马克思诞辰 200 周年大会上的讲话,2018 年 5 月 4 日

——习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话,2021 年 7 月 1 日

I. Chinese Translation:


II. Key Terms:

1. Paris Peace Conference: The Paris Peace Conference was convened in January
1919 at Versailles outside Paris to establish the terms of the peace after World War I.
Though China was one of the victorious nations, its demands at the conference were
rejected. Moreover, the United Kingdom, France, the United States and Italy, who
dominated the conference, intended to transfer to Japan the rights and interests seized
by defeated Germany in Shandong, China. This act aroused the strong discontent of the
Chinese people, which led to the May 4th Movement.

2. The spreading of Marxism in China: After the victory of the October Revolution
led by Lenin in 1917, Marxism spread to China. In 1919, the May 4th Movement broke
out in China, which awoke the Chinese people in an unprecedented way. After the
movement, the Chinese working class, as an independent political force, entered the
historical arena. A large number of revolutionary intellectuals who believed in Marxism,
including Chen Duxiu, Li Dazhao and Mao Zedong, set up communist groups across
the country to spread Marxism and organize workers’ movements. Marxism was thus
integrated with the Chinese workers’ movements, laying a foundation for the
establishment of the CPC.

3. Chinese Enlightenment: This term was used by Vera Schwarcz (Chinese: 舒衡哲),
professor of East Asian studies at Wesleyan University, to describe the May 4th
Movement in her 1990 book The Chinese Enlightenment: Intellectuals and the Legacy
of the May Fourth Movement of 1919.1

Vera Schwarcz, The Chinese Enlightenment: Intellectuals and the Legacy of the May Fourth Movement
of 1919, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1986.

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged
to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into
small discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to
the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 More than 100 years have elapsed since the May 4th Movement of 1919, a
movement which left a lasting legacy in modern Chinese history. Choose one aspect of
the legacy that you consider most relevant to China today, and explain why.
Reference Answer:
I think of the four aspects of the May 4th Movement legacy — patriotism, progress,
democracy and science — science,(or democracy, or patriotism) is most relevant to
China today. In my view, …is most relevant to China today because…

More for Reference:

Students can choose any of the four aspects as long as they can make a good case. Take
the aspects of science and democracy, for example.
Science: Science was one aspect of the May 4th Movement legacy. It plays an important
role in the national rejuvenation of China today. In the late 1970s, Deng Xiaoping
stressed the fundamental role of science, technology and education in promoting
national invigoration. In 2021, President Xi Jinping called for “accelerated efforts in
building China into a leader in science and technology and achieving sci-tech self-
reliance and self-strengthening at higher levels.” 2 According to Vice Minister of
Finance Xu Hongcai, China spent a total of 7.1 trillion yuan in its general public budget
on science and technology from 2012 to 2021.3
The return of strategic competition among great powers further highlights the critical
role of science and technology for national development. With heightened competition
in strategic areas such as supply-chain security and low-carbon growth, science is
indispensable in safeguarding our national interests, and will inject decisive and

“Xi Focus: Xi Stresses Sci-Tech Self-Strengthening at Higher Levels”, Xinhua News, May 29,2021,
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-05/29/c_139976311.htm, (accessed June 27, 2022).
“China Boosts Sci-Tech Progress with 7.1 Trillion Yuan Outlay in Past Decade”, The State Council
Information Office, May 18, 2022, http://english.scio.gov.cn/pressroom/2022-
05/18/content_78223917.htm, (accessed June 27, 2022).

vigorous impetus into realizing the mission of national rejuvenation in the new era.
Democracy: The first decades of the 20th century in China witnessed a flood of new
ideas concerning literature, education, and governance. The New Culture Movement
that preceded the May 4th Movement focused on enlightenment through “democracy
and science,” but had mainly relied on the promotion of social progress through
Western technology, ideas, and institutions. After the May 4th Movement, progressive
intellectuals embarked on a path of finding a democratic model suitable for China.
Over the past century, our Party has carried out extensive democratic practices. From
the “bean election” (people voted for their ideal candidates by casting beans as ballots)
to the “three-three system” principle to today’s whole-process people’s democracy,
China has opened up a new era of history in which the people can truly be the masters
of their own country. The spirit of democracy reflected in the May 4th Movement, a
spirit that pursues a democratic model appropriate and effective for China itself,
matters most to today’s China as it is the guarantee for safeguarding the fundamental
interests of the people. Only by inheriting the legacy of democracy can we ensure a
people-centered approach to development.

Q2 President Xi has mentioned the concept of the Chinese Dream in the text several
times and on many other occasions. Do some research and explain what this concept
Reference Answer:
President Xi first explained his vision of the Chinese Dream on November 29, 2012,
when visiting the exhibition “The Road to Rejuvenation.” He pointed out that achieving
the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been the greatest dream of the Chinese
people since the advent of modern times. This dream embodies the long-cherished hope
of several generations of the Chinese people, gives expression to the overall interests
of the Chinese nation and the Chinese people, and represents the shared aspiration of
all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation.

More for Reference:

China has completed the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects by
2021, when the CPC celebrated its centenary, and will strive to become a great modern
socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced,
harmonious and beautiful by 2049, when the People’s Republic celebrates its centenary.
At this point the dream of national rejuvenation will have become a reality.
In essence, the Chinese Dream is a commitment to bringing prosperity and happiness
to the country, the nation and the people. To make the dream come true, China must
follow its own path of development, elevate the Chinese spirit, and boost national
cohesion. The Chinese Dream is a dream of peace, development, cooperation and
prosperity for all, benefiting not only the Chinese people but also the people of the rest
of the world.

The effort to realize the Chinese Dream will be meaningful only if it accords with the
Chinese people’s yearning for a better life. To realize the Chinese Dream is a solemn
promise the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core has made to the whole
nation. It is a political statement that embodies the historical responsibility and mission
of the CPC and the state. It constitutes an important part of upholding and developing
Chinese socialism in the new era.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

The text in this unit is part of the speech made by President Xi at a conference
commemorating the 100th anniversary of the May 4th Movement. It emphasizes the
far-reaching significance of the youth movement and its spirit for realizing national
independence and prosperity in history and articulates the CPC’s ardent expectations of
contemporary Chinese youths in the new era—to embrace and revitalize the spirit of
the May 4th Movement to guarantee the success in realizing the Chinese Dream of
national rejuvenation. The text is divided into two parts in structure. The first part (Paras.
1-3) puts forward the mission of Chinese youths in the new era (that is, to uphold the
leadership of the CPC, and work along with other people to realize the two centenary
goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation) and the second part (Paras. 4-
24) points out how Chinese youths can accomplish the mission in the new era (the six
points/aspects). As a speech, the text is simple in structure and discourse pattern, putting
forward very clear points in the two parts while elaborating these points with further
details. As for the language style, the text combines short/simple sentences in
presenting the major points with long /compound/complex sentences in elaborating on
these points. In terms of rhetoric, metaphor is used frequently to make the speech vivid
and interesting. (e.g. “High ambitions can stimulate your potential to forge ahead, so
that you will not drift aimlessly like a boat without a rudder.” and “Hard work paints a
bright backdrop for a young life.”) In addition, famous quotes from renowned poets and
writers to make the points in the speech convincing and memorable. (e.g. Dr Sun Yat-
sen said that the biggest thing for a citizen is “knowing how to love one’s country.” As
Lu Xun the great writer said, young people “have strength to spare; they can turn a
dense forest into flat land, plant trees in the wilderness, and dig wells in the desert.” As
Mao Zedong said, “Should I have 200 years to spare, I will surely swim for 3,000 li

(1,500 km).” and “If you idle away your youth and achieve nothing, it’s no good
lamenting in old age” from Quan Deyu.”

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Under the leadership of the Party, we have opened up the path of Chinese socialism,
formed its theoretical framework, established its system, developed its culture, and
brought it into a new era. (Para. 1)
The new era:
In the early days of reform and opening up, the CPC called for China to take its own
path and build socialism with Chinese characteristics. After decades of hard work,
socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold of a new era.
This is what it means: The Chinese nation, which since modern times had endured so
much for so long, has achieved a tremendous transformation: It has risen up and grown
prosperous, and is now becoming strong and enjoying the prospects of national
rejuvenation. It means that scientific socialism is full of vitality in 21st-century China.
It has made constant progress in its path, theory, system, and culture for development,
and blazed the trail for developing countries to achieve modernization. It provides other
developing countries with a new option for achieving development while preserving
their independence. It offers Chinese wisdom and a Chinese approach to solving the
problems facing humankind.
This new era will be an era of success in building a moderately prosperous society in
all respects, and of making an all-out effort to build a great modern socialist country. It
will be an era for all the Chinese people to work hard together to create a better life for
themselves and ultimately achieve common prosperity for everyone. It will be an era
that sees China moving closer to center stage and making a greater contribution to

2. The Chinese people have unprecedented confidence in the path, theory, system
and culture of Chinese socialism, and the prospects for national rejuvenation have
never been brighter. (Para. 1)
The Four-Sphere Confidence:
In his speech of July 1, 2016, at the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the founding
of the CPC, Xi Jinping added “confidence in its culture” to the existing “three
confidences” (confidence in the socialist path, theory and system). This was an
augmentation of and innovation in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese
“Confidence in its path” is confidence in the direction of socialism with Chinese
characteristics and confidence in its future; “confidence in its theory” is confidence in

the scientific, true and authentic nature of the theory of socialism with Chinese
characteristics; “confidence in its system” is confidence in the advanced and superior
nature of the system of Chinese socialism; “confidence in its culture” is a full
affirmation of the value of China’s own culture and a faith in its vitality.
These four form a complete conceptual system of socialism with Chinese characteristics;
they are mutually complementary and interactive.
national rejuvenation:
According to President Xi, national rejuvenation in essence is the Chinese Dream. (See
the previous explanation of the Chinese Dream in “Read and Respond.”)

3. Today, in the most promising period of the Chinese nation, young Chinese are
endowed with rare opportunities to achieve things, and the mission to shoulder great
endowed…with: If someone or something is endowed with a particular quality or
feature, the person or thing naturally has that quality or feature.
e.g. People think Confucius was endowed with great wisdom.

4. You should meet the expectations of our Party and our people, be worthy of the trust
of the nation, and live up to the demands of this great era. (Para. 3)
live up to: If something or someone lives up to a particular standard or promise, they
do as well as they are expected.
e.g. The film has certainly lived up to my expectations.

5. Young people with great ideals and firm beliefs are the driving force that builds an
invincible nation. (Para. 5)
invincible: too strong to be destroyed or defeated
e.g. Young athletes think of themselves as invincible.

6. You must go out to the people, embrace the new era and the new world, and realize
your ideals and beliefs in building your careers, so that the years of your youth will
sparkle with innovation and creation. (Para. 6)
(1) to shine in small bright flashes sparkling
e.g. The sea sparkled in the sun.
(2) if someone’s eyes sparkle, they seem to shine brightly, especially because the person
is happy or excited
sparkle with
e.g. Ron’s eyes sparkled with excitement.

7. Dr Sun Yat-sen said that the biggest thing for a citizen is “knowing how to love
one’s country.” (Para. 8)
Dr Sun Yat-sen:
Sun Yat-sen (1866-1925), also known as Sun Wen and Sun Zhongshan, was revered as
a great national hero, a patriot and a forerunner of the Chinese democratic revolution.
He put forward the political philosophy known as the “Three Principles of the
People”—nationalism, democracy and the people’s livelihood. He was the first to call
for the revival of the Chinese nation, and under his leadership, the rule of absolute
monarchy that had lasted for thousands of years in China was finally ended by the
Revolution of 1911.

8. You should dedicate yourself to the country and the people, demonstrate patriotism
with lifelong sincerity and drive, and let the great banner of patriotism fly high in your
heart. (Para. 9)
dedicate: to give all your attention and effort to one particular thing
dedicate oneself/one’s life to something
e.g. The actress now dedicates herself to children’s charity work.

9. You should stand in the forefront and be the pioneers of national rejuvenation. (Para.
in the forefront: in a leading position in an important activity that is trying to achieve
something or develop new ideas
e.g. The company has always been in the forefront of science and technology.

10. There are people who are afraid to experiment and try out new things, or treat
responsibilities as burdens and losses, or shirk their responsibilities and attend only to
their own business. (Para. 12)
try out:
(1) to test something such as a method or a piece of equipment to see if it is effective
or works properly
e.g. I’m trying out a new computer.
(2) to practice a skill in order to improve it
e.g. She enjoyed trying her French out on Jean-Pierre.
shirk: to avoid doing something difficult or avoid accepting responsibility for
e.g. He doesn’t shirk responsibility.
attend to somebody/something: to deal with business or personal matters
e.g. I may be late—I have got one or two things to attend to.

11. As Mao Zedong said, “Should I have 200 years to spare, I will surely swim for 3,000
li (1,500 km).” (Para. 15)

12.There will definitely be daunting challenges and even perilous storms in the new
journey towards national rejuvenation. The spirit of arduous struggle is especially
needed during the process. (Para. 15)
daunting: frightening in a way that makes you feel less confident
e.g. The trip seemed rather daunting for a young girl.
perilous: very dangerous
e.g. a perilous journey across the mountains
arduous: involving a lot of strength and effort
e.g. the arduous task of loading all the boxes into the van
an arduous journey through the mountains

13. The road of hard work will not be smooth, instead it will be cobbled with hardships
and full of ups and downs. (Para. 15)
cobble: to pave (a road) with cobblestones
ups and downs: the mixture of good and bad experiences that happen in any situation
or relationship
e.g. We have our ups and downs like all couples.

14. In the new era young Chinese must forge ahead as brave and devoted pioneers in
the forefront of the times against all difficulties and obstacles, and work hard to blaze
new trails, achieve successes and create miracles that will astonish the world. (Para.
forge ahead: to make progress, especially quickly
e.g. Jo’s forging ahead with her plans to write a film script.
blaze a trail: to develop or do something new and important, or to do something
important that no one has done before
e.g. an innovative young company that has blazed a trail for others to follow

15. To achieve your ideals or to shoulder the mission of the times, young people must
cherish and do justice to the prime of youth... (Para. 19)
do justice to somebody/something (also do somebody/something justice): to treat or
represent someone or something good, beautiful etc. in a way that is as good as they
e.g. No words can do justice to the experience.

16. Facing temptation from the outside world, you must remain resolute, strictly abide
by rules... (Para. 23)
abide by: to follow a rule, decision, or instruction
e.g. You have to abide by the referee’s decision.

17. In the new era young people must nurture and practice the core socialist values...
(Para. 24)
The core socialist values: Core values of socialism embody the essence of advanced
culture, and are the true expressions of the values pursued by the whole Chinese people.
The 18th CPC National Congress, held in November 2012, called for a major drive to
foster the core values of Chinese socialism, as represented at three different levels for
the state, for society, and for individual citizens. At the state level, China must be a
country with prosperity, democracy, civility, and harmony. For society, it should be one
of freedom, equality, justice and the rule of law. And for individual citizens, we need
patriotism, professionalism, integrity and good will.
The core values of socialism, as an aggregation of these goals, are an essential part of
the socialist ideology and define the ideological and intellectual pursuits of the socialist
The 19th CPC National Congress made the following requirements for the work: We
will focus on fostering a new generation capable of shouldering the mission of national
rejuvenation; we will offer them better guidance, expose them to practice, and provide
institutional guarantees. We will make efforts to raise cultural-ethical standards, and
promote the creation, production, and distribution of cultural and intellectual products,
and see that all areas of social development are imbued with these values and that they
become part of people’s thinking and behavior. To this end, we will encourage extensive
public involvement, making our officials take the lead and starting with families and
We will draw on China’s fine traditional culture, keep alive and develop its vision,
concepts, values, and moral norms, and do so in a way that responds to the call of our
era. With this we will see that Chinese culture maintains its appeal and evolves with the

18. You should recognize illustrious virtue, follow social ethics, and restrict personal
desires, while guarding against temptations such as worship of money, self-indulgence,
overly self-centered pursuits, and historical nihilism. (Para. 24)
historical nihilism: Generally speaking, nihilism is a family of views that works
around the shared premise that there is no inherent value, meaning and order to life
(independent of the value/meaning we create).

The term is used to label malignant ideas and people who

 distort the “four histories” of the Party, PRC (i.e. since 1949), “reform and
opening up” and socialism;
 defame past Party leadership, guiding thought or the main policy direction;
 slander heroes and martyrs;
 deprecate or devalue traditional Chinese, revolutionary or advanced socialist

III. Original Chinese Text:


“就是要知道怎么样爱国” 。一个人不爱国,甚至欺骗祖国、背叛祖国,那在




Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the text

Reference Answers:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before comparing
notes and/or providing standard answers.

Part I (Paras. 1-3): The mission of Chinese youths in the new era
To uphold the leadership of the CPC, and work along with other people to
realize the Two Centenary Goals and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Part II (Paras. 4-24): How Chinese youths can accomplish the mission in the new
• First, Chinese youths in the new era should establish great ideals.
• Second, Chinese youths in the new era should love our country.
• Third, Chinese youths in the new era must shoulder your responsibilities.
• Fourth, Chinese youths in the new era must work hard.
• Fifth, Chinese youths in the new era must have remarkable abilities.
• Sixth, Chinese youths in the new era should temper your moral character.

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to
this exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. President Xi says, “Youth is the most active and energetic element among all forces
in society. You are the hope and future of our country.” (Para. 3) Find other sayings,
proverbs or famous quotes about the importance of youth for society.
“The world is yours and ours, but in the final analysis it is yours. You young people are
full of vitality and are in a period of prosperity, like the sun at eight or nine in the
morning. Hope rests on you.” —Mao Zedong
“The future of the world belongs to the youth of the world, and it is from the youth and
not from the old that the fire of life will warm and enlighten the world. It is your

privilege to breathe the breath of life into the dry bones of many around you.”
—Tom Mann

2. How do you interpret the spirit of the May 4th Movement?

The spirit of the May Fourth Movement is “patriotism, progress, democracy and
science” advocated in the movement. It aims at not only opposing the “old world” of
feudalism and imperialism but also establishing a “new world” of freedom, equality,
national independence and prosperity through democracy and science.

3. Why should Chinese youths in the new era establish great ideals?
The ideals and beliefs of youths have a bearing on the future of a country. Young people
with great ideals and firm beliefs are the driving force that builds an invincible nation.
High ambitions can stimulate their potential to forge ahead, so that they will not drift
aimlessly like a boat without a rudder.

4. President Xi says, “In contemporary China, the essence of patriotism is loving our
country, our Party and socialism all and at the same time.” (Para. 8) How do you
understand this statement?
The fundamental reason that triggered the May Fourth Movement is patriotism. Out of
the movement emerged the Communist Party of China, the core leading force of the
Chinese society that led the Chinese people to realize their aspiration for national
independence, development and prosperity through hard work and struggle. Under the
leadership of the CPC, China has found the right path with the right system and theory
to realize the national dream of independence, prosperity and rejuvenation—socialism
with Chinese characteristics. Therefore, “In contemporary China, the essence of
patriotism is loving our country, our Party and socialism all and at the same time.”

5. How can young people “truly enjoy life” according to President Xi?
Young people must maintain their courage, fearing nothing and forging ahead in spite
of difficulties and dangers. They should stand in the forefront and be the pioneers of
national rejuvenation. They should not be afraid to experiment and try out new things,
or treat responsibilities as burdens and losses, or shirk their responsibilities and attend
only to their own business.

6. Why does President Xi stress the need for Chinese youths to carry on the fine
tradition of hard work in the new era? How might this be interpreted under today’s
Hard work paints a bright backdrop for a young life. The mission of national
rejuvenation must be achieved through hard work, as must the ideals of life. Without an

arduous popular struggle, carried out especially by generations of young people, there
would have been neither the present new era of Chinese socialism nor a future in which
we will realize national rejuvenation. There will definitely be daunting challenges and
even perilous storms in the new journey towards national rejuvenation. The spirit of
arduous struggle is especially needed during the process.

7. In this text President Xi encourages Chinese youths in the new era to develop
remarkable abilities to achieve ideals and shoulder the mission of the times. What
particular abilities do you think you must develop at college to prepare yourself for
future challenges?
In my opinion, college students should cultivate our character, foster our patriotism,
acquire specialized knowledge or skills needed by society, train our critical thinking,
and develop intercultural competence to meet present and future challenges.

8. What particular virtues does President Xi highlight as fundamental for Chinese

youths? Which virtue is most relevant to you personally? Why? What else would you
like to add to the list?
Virtues mentioned by President Xi: “differentiate between truth and falsehood and keep
to the right path,” “strictly abide by rules,” “create a better life with hard and honest
work,” “never be opportunistic or become conceited,” “remember those who fought to
make the present possible and work to repay them,” “be grateful to the Party, the
country, the society and the people,” etc.
Take “create a better life with hard and honest work” as an example. I think it’s the
most important virtue for young people who sometimes lack the will power to stick to
their life plan or goal with hard and persistent work, and who tend to relax and enjoy
life living on parental support and social aid, and who like to look for a short-cut to
Other virtues I’d like to add to the list include “politeness,” “thriftiness,” and

9. President Xi says, “Faced with a complex and changing international landscape,

young people must differentiate between truth and falsehood and keep to the right path,
and never blindly follow what others say or do.” (Para. 23) What do you think young
people can do at college to cultivate such a quality?
First, young people should establish the Four-Sphere Confidence. Second, they should
equip themselves with Marxism and Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era. Third, they should cultivate critical thinking and global
communication competence. Finally, they should put theory into practice taking an
active part in the great cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics.

II. Critical Thinking
3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to take
alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. “Mr Democracy” and “Mr Science” were advocated by the youths of the May 4th
Movement period as the two fundamental strategies to save China. In the new era, they
are still regarded as pivotal by the CPC. Use examples to illustrate the importance of
democracy and science in our pursuit of national rejuvenation.
Reference Answer:
The Chinese-style democracy gives voice to the widest majority of the people, ensures
peace and solidarity, gathers resources to take on enormous challenges, and is the best
guardian of national and public welfare. And science and technology plays a crucial
role in today’s global competition and in our pursuit of national rejuvenation.

More for Reference:

Democracy has been incorporated into the CPC’s theories and practices. The
consultative democracy has been the major tenet by CPC since the establishment of
PRC in coordinating efforts of democratic parties in China. At a central conference
related to People’s Congress in 2021, President Xi underlined the significance of
enhancing whole-process people’s democracy, which constitutes a defining feature of
the socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. The Chinese-style democracy
gives voice to the widest majority of the people, ensures peace and solidarity, gathers
resources to take on enormous challenges, and is the best guardian of national and
public welfare.
The CPC has always attached great importance to science, including both natural
sciences and social sciences. Since the 18th CPC National Congress, China has made

historic achievements in science and technology and seen major innovations emerge in
large numbers, leading the world in some frontier areas. For example, manned
spaceflight, manned deep-sea submersible vehicle, space exploration, interplanetary
exploration and the Beidou Navigation System have become a reality, and technologies in
ultrahigh-voltage power transmission, supercomputing, high-speed railways and hybrid
rice have come to the forefront. The country’s scientific and technological system has
undergone steady reform, with research institutions and personnel enjoying greater
autonomy, and the innovation vitality of universities and research institutes being further
enhanced. In the field of social sciences, a case in point is the combination of Marxism
with Chinese practice by the CPC in exploring the path for China’s overall development.

2. Each generation has its own mission. Great changes have taken place in China and
the world since the May 4th Movement. What do you think is the mission of your
generation in the new era? How are you going to fulfill your mission personally?
Reference Answer:
I think the mission of the young generation in the new era is to realize the Chinese
Dream of national rejuvenation.
Personal ideals and pursuits:
1) As a translator or interpreter: tell China’s story to the world so as to enhance
China’s cultural soft power;
2) As a teacher: cultivate the builders and successors of socialism with an all-round
moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic grounding and a hard-working spirit;
3) As an entrepreneur: create a multinational corporation that makes contributions to
China’s Belt and Road Initiative…

3. President Xi says, only when “you integrate your goals with those of the nation and
the people, advance with the times, and share the aspirations of the people will you live
up to your values and realize the lofty goals of life.” Search for some cases from all
walks of life in China to illustrate how to integrate the goals of individuals with those
of our nation and the people.
Reference Answer:
Students can search online for stories of national model workers from all walks of life
who best exemplify the integration of personal goals with those of the nation and the
people. For example, Yuan Longping (袁隆平) and Nan Rendong (南仁东).

More for Reference:

Yuan Longping, a household name in China, dedicated his life to reducing hunger and
helped feed the world’s most populous country and beyond. In 2019, Yuan was awarded

the Medal of the Republic, China’s highest state honor, for his prominent contributions.
Dubbed the “father of hybrid rice,” Yuan Longping cultivated the world’s first high-
yielding hybrid rice strain in 1973. Ever since, the yield of hybrid rice has continued to
set new world records, from 300 kg per mu (about 0.07 hectares) to 500 kg per mu and
then 700 kg per mu. Now, the per-mu yield of the super hybrid rice Chaoyou 1000
developed by Yuan’s team has exceeded 1,000 kg. Before Yuan, the world’s scientific
community believed that rice could not be crossbred.
This ordinary but great man not only helped China, a country with a population of 1.4
billion, achieve food self-sufficiency, but also made important contributions to global
food security.
Nan Rendong, a researcher at the National Astronomical Observatories of the Chinese
Academy of Sciences, who is respected as the father of “China’s Sky Eye”—the initiator
and founder of the Five-Hundred-Meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST)
In 1994, Nan Rendong dared to be the first to put forward the idea of building a new
generation of radio “big telescope” in China. For more than ten years from 1994 to 2006,
he selected sites suitable for the construction of FAST from hundreds of nests. From the
establishment of the project in 2007 to the opening of the “Large Telescope” in 2016, he
traveled to every corner of the project site, even though he was diagnosed with cancer in
2015, and even a few months before his death, he was still participating in the project
regular meeting…

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
In 1919, the May 4th Movement broke out in opposition to the Beiyang
Government’s weak diplomatic response to the Treaty of Versailles. This political
movement helped promote communism and set the stage for the founding of the CPC
in July 1921. After its inception in 1949, the PRC commemorated the patriotic anti-
imperialist and anti-feudal movement by celebrating May 4th as the Youth Day.
It was the CPC that led the Chinese people through the first half of the humiliating
20th century of being bullied and abused by Western powers. Benjamin Avichai Katz
Sinvany, a Western scholar, observes that seen from the 21st century the legacy of the
May 4th Movement is its affirmation of the CPC’s leadership and steadfast guidance in

the tumultuous years. The CPC has transformed China from a weak and poor country
into a country with global political and economic competitiveness.
Nowadays, the young generation in China has inherited and carried forward the
May 4th spirit with patriotism as its core. Especially after the outbreak of the COVID-
19 pandemic, compared with the West’s catastrophic failures, China’s success in
containing COVID-19 has boosted Chinese youths’ pride and confidence in their
country. Having witnessed China’s unparalleled development, they refuse to copy the
Western model and grow increasingly optimistic about China’s future.
Chinese youths have translated their patriotism into action and have taken the lead
in achieving national rejuvenation. For instance, young people in the Chang’e-4 lunar
landing mission team have devoted themselves to completing the first soft landing on
the far side of the moon. Those in the Beidou team have dedicated themselves to
realizing China’s technological independence of the Navigation Satellite System.
Chinese youths are expected to shoulder their generation’s responsibility in
realizing national rejuvenation since the futures of theirs and this country are closely

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Benjamin Avichai Katz Sinvany, “Reflections on the May Fourth Movement on Its
100th Anniversary”, The SAIS Observer, November 6, 2019,
its-100th-anniversary/, (accessed February 2, 2022).
2. CGTN, “China’s Chang’e-4 Team Honored Gold Medal by British Aerospace
Society”, November 26, 2019, https://news.cgtn.com/news/2019-11-26/China-s-
LVt2Q2WTeM/index.html, (accessed February 2, 2022).
3. CGTN, “How China’s Youth Day Commemorates the Birth of a Revolution”, May
4, 2017, https://news.cgtn.com/news/3d6b544d7a637a4d/index.html, (accessed
February 2, 2022).
4. Chen Zimo, Chen Shuman, Zhao Yimeng and Wang Ying, “May Fourth Spirit
Celebrated”, China Daily, May 5, 2021,
ml, (accessed February 2, 2022).
5. China Daily, “Full Global Service of Beidou Signals Space Tech Independence:
China Daily Editorial”, July 31, 2020,
l, (accessed February 2, 2022).
6. Li Ruohan, “May Fourth Movement Remembered 100 Years On”, Global Times,
April 29, 2019, https://www.globaltimes.cn/content/1148073.shtml, (accessed
February 2, 2022).

7. Xinhuanet, “Epidemic Fight Boosts National Pride Among Young Chinese:
Survey”, May 4, 2020, http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2020-
05/04/c_139028572.htm, (accessed February 2, 2022).
8. Yang Sheng, Cao Siqi and Chen Qingqing, “GT Survey Shows 90% Say China
Should Not Look Up to West; experts say confident Chinese won’t tolerate foreign
provocations”, Global Times, April 19, 2021,
https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202104/1221496.shtml, (accessed February 2,
9. Zhou Minxi, “China’s Gen Z: Patriotic and No Longer Looking Up to West”,
CGTN, May 3, 2019,
(accessed February 2, 2022).
10. Zou Shuo, “May Fourth Movement’s Legacy Still Inspires the Nation’s Youth”,
China Daily, May February 6, 2019,
(accessed February 2, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
Quan Hongchan, a 14-year-old girl, clinched the gold medal in the 10-meter
platform diving event at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics for her stellar performance. During
the finals, Quan achieved perfect scores in three of her five dives by barely making a
ripple on the water’s surface, leaving judges and spectators in awe. The diving prodigy
finished on 466.20, breaking the previous record of 447.70. Due to her outstanding
contribution to the country, she was awarded the 25th China Youth May 4th Medal in
Quan’s impeccable performance turned her into an overnight sensation and a
household name. Her fans rushed online to celebrate her amazing achievements. As
they got to know more about this little girl, they discovered a touching and inspirational
story beneath her sparkling success.
Born on March 28, 2007, Quan Hongchan started diving at the tender age of seven
when her talent was spotted by a diving coach from a sports school in Zhanjiang, a
cradle of elite Chinese divers through the years. As a dutiful child from a humble family,
she decided to take up professional diving to help pay her mother’s healthcare bills.
Being talented by no means guarantees success. For Quan, hard work has always
been the key. In the eyes of her coach, Quan is the most engaged and diligent kid among
her peers. Nearly 400 dives a day is part of her daily routine. In addition to a huge
amount of training, she strives for perfection and attaches great importance to quality
training. She always asks her coach to help her correct any position that might not meet
standards. There is no doubt that in the course of training Quan has encountered
unexpected challenges, which sometimes reduce her to tears. However, instead of
giving up and abandoning herself to frustration, she remains resilient and undaunted.

Attitude and aptitude have shaped her from a weak swimmer into a qualified diver.
Quan has worked her way up to a top diver. Her tenacity and assiduity epitomize
Chinese youths’ upbeat spirit. Her success story is also a microcosm of the efforts of
millions of Chinese youths from all walks of life. Against all odds, young Chinese
always forge ahead, make their dreams come true as well as contribute their share to
the country. It is precisely because of the hard work carried out by the young generation
with Quan as an exemplar that China can make remarkable achievements in various
fields, including political, economic, cultural and athletic accomplishments. On the new
journey towards national rejuvenation, young people are pillars of strength and they
will make a difference.

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit, the mission
of Chinese youths (e.g. Sentence 14 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentence 1
in “Translation”). The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences
if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and Rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and phrases
1. endowing…with 2. live up to 3. aspire to
4. has a bearing on 5. try out 6. attend to
7. is worthy of 8. ups and downs 9. do justice to
10. blazed 11. embrace 12. hone
13. prevail 14. temper 15. forge ahead

1. 新时代中国青年要自觉树立和践行社会主义核心价值观,善于从中华民族传
In the new era young people must nurture and practice the core socialist values,
draw nourishment from traditional Chinese virtues, learn from heroes and role
models of the times, and enhance your moral integrity through introspection.

We will always remember the glories and hardships of yesterday, rise to the mission
of today, and fulfill the great dream of tomorrow. We will learn from history, work
hard, forge ahead for a better future, and make tireless efforts to realize the Second
Centenary Goal and the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
3. 新中国成立70年来,我们党领导人民创造了世所罕见的两大奇迹。一是经济
Over the seven decades since the founding of the PRC, our Party has led the people
in creating two miracles. The first is rapid economic growth…The second is lasting
social stability.
4. 在中国共产党领导下,我们开辟了中国特色社会主义道路,形成了中国特色
Under the leadership of the Party, we have opened up the path of Chinese socialism,
formed its theoretical framework, established its system, developed its culture,
and brought it into a new era.

Discourse and rhetoric

3 1. E 2. D 3. B 4. C 5. A
1. 青年志存高远,就能激发奋进潜力,青春岁月就不会像无舵之舟漂泊不定。
High ambitions can stimulate your potential to forge ahead, so that you will not drift
aimlessly like a boat without a rudder. (simile)
2. 奋斗是青春最亮丽的底色。(暗喻)
Hard work paints a bright backdrop for a young life. (metaphor)
3. 在实现中华民族伟大复兴的新征程上,必然会有艰巨繁重的任务,必然会有艰
There will definitely be daunting challenges and even perilous storms in the new
journey towards national rejuvenation. (metaphor: perilous storms, new journey)

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

The three Chinese sentences all make use of a figure of speech biyu (比喻) to
suggest a likeness between two dissimilar things. In the first sentence, the comparison
between 青春岁月 and 无舵之舟 are introduced by the word 像(like), while in the
second and third Chinese sentences, the comparison is made without such words. The
two subtypes of biyu are termed mingyu (明喻) and anyu (暗喻) respectively, which
correspond to the distinction between simile and metaphor in English.
According to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary, a metaphor is similar to a simile in

that it is a figure of speech used “to suggest a likeness or analogy between” two things,
but without the prepositions “like” or “as.” The most important difference between a
metaphor and a simile is that a simile compares different things by saying that one thing
is “like” another (“You are like a summer’s day”), while a metaphor states that one
thing “is” another (“You are a summer’s day”). The use of metaphor and simile helps
produce a number of rhetorical effects, such as creating vivid imagery, transferring the
emotional content, producing poetic flavor, and revitalizing the familiar.
The translation of metaphor and simile between Chinese and English is facilitated
by the fact that the rhetorical devices in the two languages are much the same. In other
words, we can translate metaphor with anyu and simile with mingyu most of the time.
Sometimes we make slight modifications in the use of images (e.g. 胆小如鼠 can be
translated into “as timid as a rabbit”), but it is not so difficult to reproduce the rhetorical
effects in the target language. Generally speaking, the three English translations in this
exercise faithfully represent the Chinese vividness by keeping the original tenors and

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

Just as heaven keeps moving forward vigorously, a man of virtue should strive
continuously to strengthen himself. Just like the earth, which is generous and peaceful,
a man of virtue should have ample virtue and accommodate all things.
From The Book of Changes (《周易》)
Reference Answer:
A man of virtue, who follows the laws of heaven and earth, should be fully motivated
to constantly strengthen himself and care for all things and fellow human beings with
an open heart and virtue. The quote vividly expresses the Chinese view on governance,
self-improvement, and harmony among people and between people and nature.
Together the two sentences constitute the two fundamental traits of the Chinese nation.
As individuals, we should take responsibility for ourselves, hold fast to our dreams and
make ceaseless efforts to maximize our potential. Collectively as a nation, in the face
of changes and challenges at home and abroad, we should make concerted efforts to
overcome all difficulties and obstacles so that we will eventually realize the Chinese
Dream of national rejuvenation.

Unit 2 Beautiful China

Students will learn to
 identify reasons for and principles of eco-environmental protection;
 use key words and expressions about eco-environmental protection and the
overall plan and strategy for building Chinese socialism;
 illustrate how the traditional model of industrialization affected nature and the
 interpret the concept of green development;
 analyze the relationship between environmental protection and economic
 take a global perspective on China’s experience in eco-environmental protection
and green development;
 exemplify China’s successful experience in environmental governance;
 illustrate what measures other countries can take to improve their environmental

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在全国生态环境保护大会上的讲话,2018 年 5 月 18 日

——习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话,2021 年 7 月 1 日

I. Chinese Translation:
近几十年来,生态环境保护日益受到国际社会的重视。例如,始于 1995 年

用。《京都议定书》和《巴黎协定》两项具有里程碑意义的国际协定分别在第 3
届联合国气候变化大会(1997 年)和第 21 届联合国气候变化大会(2015 年)上
2012 年,中国共产党第十八次全国代表大会上首次提出“五位一体”总体
(2018 年 5 月 18 日)。讲话详细阐释了党中央关于生态文明建设的理念与实践。

II. Key Terms:

1. COP: The COP (Conference of Parties) is the supreme decision-making body of
the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. All States that are
Parties to the Convention are represented at the COP, at which they review the
implementation of the Convention and any other legal instruments that the COP
adopts and take decisions necessary to promote the effective implementation of the
Convention, including institutional and administrative arrangements. The COP has
met annually since 1995.

2. Kyoto Protocol: It is an international treaty that aims to reduce the emission of

gases that contribute to global warming. The Kyoto Protocol operationalizes the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change by committing
industrialized countries and economies in transition to limit and reduce greenhouse
gases emissions in accordance with agreed individual targets. The Convention itself
only asks those countries to adopt policies and measures on mitigation and to report
periodically. The Kyoto Protocol was adopted on December 11, 1997. Owing to a
complex ratification process, it entered into force on February 16, 2005. Currently,
there are 192 Parties to the Kyoto Protocol.

3. Paris Agreement: The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on

climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on December 12,
2015 and entered into force on November 4, 2016. Its goal is to limit global warming
to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.
The Paris Agreement is a landmark in the multilateral climate change process because,
for the first time, a binding agreement brings all nations into a common cause to
undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.

4. Climate change: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in temperatures and

weather patterns. These shifts may be natural, such as through variations in the solar
cycle. But since the 1800s, human activities have been the main driver of climate
change, primarily due to burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas. Burning fossil
fuels generates greenhouse gas emissions that act like a blanket wrapped around the
Earth, trapping the sun’s heat and raising temperatures.

5. Five-Sphere Integrated Plan: The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan—the development

of socialism with Chinese characteristics encompassing economic, political, cultural,
social and ecological development—was proposed on November 8, 2012 at the 18th
National Congress of the CPC. While economic development continues to be the
central pillar, economic, political, cultural, social and ecological development is to be
promoted on all fronts, modernization is to be fostered in all areas, and all elements
are to be developed in a coordinated manner.

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged
to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into
small discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to
the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 Why is eco-environmental protection important for building a modern
socialist China?
Reference Answer:
We are now on a journey to achieve the Second Centenary Goal, which is to build
China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic,
culturally advanced, harmonious, and beautiful. This implies that a beautiful
environment is an essential aspect of a modern socialist China. A good
eco-environment is also the most inclusive form of public wellbeing. Green mountains
and blue skies bring delight and happiness to the people. While economic
development contributes to improving people’s wellbeing, so does eco-environmental
protection. What’s more, eco-environmental protection is a major political issue
related to the CPC’s people-centered approach to development.

Q2 What role has China, the world’s second largest economy with rapid development,
played in the global endeavor to protect the eco-environment?
Reference Answer:
China has become an important participant, contributor and leader in promoting a
global eco-civilization. Heavily involved in global environmental governance, China
is playing an active part in the transformation of the international order, and has
helped form global solutions to eco-environmental protection and to sustainable
development. By adopting an environment-friendly approach to development, China
has played a constructive role in international cooperation on climate change.
Furthermore, China is committed to promoting the philosophy and practice of
eco-environmental progress in the Belt and Road Initiative to benefit the peoples of all
countries along the Belt and Road.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan, first put forward at the 18th CPC National
Congress in 2012, is referred to as China’s overall plan for economic, political,
cultural, social and eco-environmental progress, highlighting the importance and
urgency of constructing eco-civilization. Since then, eco-environmental protection has
been one of the central tasks of the Chinese government. The text in this unit is part of
the speech made by President Xi Jinping at the National Conference on
Eco-Environmental Protection (May18, 2018), which demonstrates in detail the
CPC’s philosophy and practice regarding eco-civilization construction.
The text is a formal speech at a national conference on an important subject
matter and national policy, so the tone is formal and the language is serious with a lot
of imperative sentences like “We should…” and “We must…” It is divided into two
parts in structure. The first part discusses the significance or reasons for strengthening
eco-environmental protection (From the perspective of the Party: Protecting the
eco-environment is a major political issue related to the mission and purpose of the
CPC. From the perspective of the people: They aspire to a quality eco-environment.
From the perspective of the world: Humanity is a community that rises and falls as
one, and protecting the eco-environment is a common challenge and a joint
responsibility for the whole world.), and the second part proposes six principles to
apply in protecting the eco-environment.
In terms of the language and rhetoric, President Xi quotes from renowned
philosophers/thinkers or writers in Chinese history to highlight the Chinese
philosophy of harmonious co-existence between humanity and nature (e.g. “Heaven
and earth coexist with me; all things and I are one.” from Zhuang Zi; “All things must
be in harmony with nature to grow, and obtain from nature to thrive.” from Xun Zi;
and “Heaven and earth do not speak, yet the seasons change and all things grow.”
from Li Bai). He also uses typical opposing examples to prove that the natural law of
balance and harmony should be observed (e.g. Dujiangyan as a positive example and
the environmental incidents in Western countries in the 1930s as negative examples).
All these quotes and examples make the central idea of eco-environmental protection
more authoritative and convincing. In addition, President Xi uses parallelism to make
the points in discussion vivid and forceful (e.g. “An ecosystem is an integrated natural
system of interdependent and closely-related ecological chains. The lifeline of
humans rests with farmlands, that of farmlands with water, that of water with
mountains, that of mountains with earth, and that of earth with forests and grasslands.”
“Each and every individual is a protector, builder and beneficiary, and no one should
be a bystander, an outsider or a critic.”).

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. As economic and social development proceeds, our comprehension of the overall

plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics has evolved, from the Two
Progresses (in the 1980s), to the Three-Sphere Plan (in the 1990s), to the
Four-Sphere Plan (in 2007), and to the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan today. (Para.
The Two Progresses: This refers to China’s plan for material and cultural progress.
The Three-Sphere Plan: This refers to China’s plan for economic, political and
cultural progress
The Four-Sphere Plan: This refers to China’s plan for economic, political, cultural
and social progress.
The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan: The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan — the
development of socialism with Chinese characteristics encompassing economic,
political, cultural, social and eco-environmental development — was proposed in
November 2012 at the 18th National Congress of the CPC. While economic
development continues to be the central pillar, economic, political, cultural, social and
eco-environmental development is to be promoted on all fronts, modernization is to
be fostered in all sectors, and all elements are to be developed in a coordinated

The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy
support each other and interact in a planned manner. Proceeding from economic
growth, they help develop a socialist market economy, democratic governance,
advanced culture, and a harmonious society with eco-environmental progress.
Together, they help make the people more prosperous, the country stronger, and the
landscape more beautiful.

2. Success in this endeavor will be good for Chinese socialism; otherwise it will
become a pretext for force with ulterior motives to attack us. (Para. 3)

Chinese socialism: It is also called socialism with Chinese characteristics. An

important proposition on how to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics was
first clearly enunciated by Deng Xiaoping in his 1982 speech at the opening ceremony
of the 12th National Congress of the CPC. He emphasized the importance of
integrating the universal truths of Marxism with China’s realities, pursuing a path of
our own, and building a socialist society with Chinese characteristics. Since then, the
development of socialism with Chinese characteristics has become the clear theme of
all theory and practice of the CPC. There are four aspects of Chinese socialism: its
path, theories, system and culture. The Chinese socialist path is the one which must be
taken to achieve socialist modernization, the only one which can guide the Chinese
people in creating a good life for themselves.

Chinese socialist theories are guiding the Party and the people along the Chinese
socialist path as they realize the great renewal of the Chinese nation, and are scientific
theories in the forefront of their times and advancing with the times.

The system of socialism with Chinese characteristics provides the fundamental

institutional guarantees of China’s development and progress, advanced institutions
with distinctively Chinese features, clear institutional strengths, and a powerful
capacity for improving themselves.

The culture of Chinese socialism crystallizes the deepest aspirations and the most
distinctive traits of the Chinese spirit, and it is a powerful driving force for the
Chinese people as they move forward.

In its integration of theory and practice, socialism with Chinese characteristics has
systematically answered the basic question of what type of socialism can be
established in a large East Asian country like China, with its vast population and weak
foundations, and how this socialism should be developed. At present, its premise for
development is that China is in the primary stage of socialism; its approach is to

employ an Overall Plan for Development in Five Areas which encompasses economic,
political, cultural, social and ecological development; its goal is to achieve socialist
modernization and the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. The most essential
feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the CPC.

pretext: a false reason given for an action, in order to hide the real reason
on/under the pretext of doing something
e.g. Tom called at her apartment on the pretext of asking for a book.
on/under the pretext that…
e.g. He left immediately on the pretext that he had a train to catch.

ulterior: going beyond what is openly said or shown and especially what is proper
e.g. He claims he just wants to help Lisa but I suspect he has an ulterior motive.

3. In order to succeed in this endeavor in the new era, we must adhere to the
following principles… (Para. 6)
adhere to: to continue to behave according to a particular rule, agreement, or belief
e.g. Customers must adhere to the laid-down schedule for travel, and accept the
accommodation offered.

4. When human beings make rational use of nature and protect it, the rewards of
nature are often generous; when human beings rudely exploit and plunder nature, the
punishment is bound to be merciless. (Para. 7)
exploit: to use a situation so that you get benefit from it, even if it is wrong or unfair
to do this
e.g. A lot of advertisements just exploit our own insecurities.

plunder: to take or use something that belongs to someone else in order to give
yourself an advantage
e.g. Film producers often plunder TV’s most popular shows.

be bound to: to be very likely to do something, to happen, to be true etc.

e.g. Don’t lie to her. She’s bound to find out.

5. It is an immutable law that harm caused by human actions to nature will

eventually hurt human beings themselves. (Para. 7)
immutable: never changing or impossible to change
e.g. This decision should not be seen as immutable.
6. One of them is Dujiangyan, a large-scale water conservancy project on the
Minjiang River near the city of Chengdu on the Chengdu Plain, in southwest China’s
Sichuan Province. (Para. 7)
(1) the protection of plants and animals, natural areas, etc., especially from the
damaging effects of human activities (=conservation)
(2) a group of officials who control and protect an area of land, river, etc.管理局,管
(1) the protection of natural things such as animals, plants, forests, etc., to prevent
them from being spoiled or destroyed
e.g. wildlife conservation
a local conservation group
conservation of the countryside
(2) the act of preventing something from being lost or wasted
e.g. the conservation of resources through recycling

7. When it was first built in the Warring States Period more than 2,000 years ago, the
flood patterns of the Minjiang River and the topography of the Chengdu Plain were
important factors to be considered. (Para. 7)
topography: the shape of an area of land, including its hills, valleys etc.
e.g. The only restrictions to growth were the topography of the site.

8. In the whole process of economic development, we must adhere to the principle of

giving priority to conservation, protection, and the restoration of nature. (Para. 8)
There is a rhetorical device in “conservation, protection, and the restoration.” The
common ending -tion forms a special type of repetition, homoioteleuton.
give priority to: If you give priority to something or someone, you treat them as more
important than anything or anyone else.
e.g. The school will give priority to science, maths and modern languages.

9. We should not think about taking from nature without giving back, developing
without protecting, and consuming without restoring. We should protect the
eco-environment as we protect our eyes, and cherish it as we cherish our own lives.
We should lay the groundwork for long-term benefits, take concrete steps to protect
nature, restore the ecosystems, and create a beautiful environment. (Para. 8)
The three sentences contain two rhetorical devices, parallelism and analogy.

10. Protecting the eco-environment means protecting nature’s value and adding value
to nature’s capital, protecting the potential of economic and social development, and
giving full play to the ecological, social and economic effects of nature. (Para. 9)
give full play to: to develop and use something (e.g. emotions or ideas) completely.
e.g. She works hard on the new post not to leave a good impression on the boss but to
give full play to her abilities.

11. In order to fundamentally solve the problems, we must put into practice the
vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development, and
accelerate the formation of spatial configurations, industrial structures, production
models, and lifestyles that favor resource conservation and environmental protection.
(Para. 10)
Innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development is also called the
new development philosophy.
Based on previous experience gained and lessons learned at home and abroad and an
analysis of the trend of global development, and targeting problems arising in China’s
development since 2012, the new development philosophy was put forward by
President Xi at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2015.
Innovation is the driving force for development. Coordinated development is the means
and the objective of development, the standard and measurement for evaluating development.
Green development is the guarantee for sustainable development. Open development
reinforces China’s commitment to international cooperation. Shared development
means that the development fruits are shared by all.

put something into practice: If you put an idea, plan etc. into practice, you start to
use it and see if it is effective.
e.g. It gave him the chance to put his ideas into practice.

accelerate: If a process accelerates or if something accelerates it, it happens faster

than usual or sooner than you expect.
e.g. measures to accelerate the rate of economic growth

configuration: (formal or technical) the shape or arrangement of the parts of

e.g. The constellation appears as a cone-shaped configuration of bright stars.

12. We must also keep economic and human activities within the carrying capacity of
natural resources and the eco-environment, leaving time and space for nature to
recuperate. (Para. 10)
recuperate: to return to a more normal condition after a difficult time
e.g. She is still recuperating from her operation.

13. Crossing these red lines by continuing the extensive growth model and through
unlimited plundering of existing resources at the expense of future generations will
no longer be tolerated. (Para. 11)
cross the red line: to defy or violate the furthest limit of what is tolerable, allowable,
or forgivable
e.g. This time, you’ve really crossed the line.

at the expense of: If something is done at the expense of someone or something else,
it is only achieved by doing something that could harm the other person or thing.
e.g. We mustn’t seek temporary gain at the expense of principle.

14. Local Party and government officials must be held accountable if their regions’
ecosystems are seriously damaged and their environment deteriorates. (Para. 11)
accountable: responsible for the effects of your actions and willing to explain or be
criticized for them
e.g. The government should be accountable to all the people of the country.
The hospital should be held accountable for the quality of care it gives.

deteriorate: to become worse

e.g. Ethel’s health has deteriorated.

15. As to resource utilization, we must ensure proper exploitation within the bearing
capacity of natural resources, taking into consideration not only the needs of
humans and of today, but also the needs of nature and of the future. (Para. 11)
as to: concerning
e.g. Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.

take something into consideration: to remember to think about something important

when you are making a decision or judgment
e.g. Taking everything into consideration, the result is better than I expected.

16. We must pursue environmental benefits for the people with the emphasis on
solving prominent problems that threaten their health. (Para. 12)
(1) something that is prominent is large and sticks out
e.g. a prominent nose
(2) important
e.g. a prominent Russian scientist
(3) something that is in a prominent place is easily seen
e.g. The statue was in a prominent position outside the railway station.

17. Each and every individual is a protector, builder and beneficiary, and no one
should be a bystander, an outsider or a critic. (Para. 13)
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of parallelism.
beneficiary: someone who gets advantages from an action or change
e.g. These students are the beneficiaries of the new teaching method.

18. No one should remain aloof and pay only lip service. (Para. 13)
aloof: deliberately not becoming involved in something
hold/keep (oneself) aloof from something
e.g. The doctor held himself somewhat aloof from the rest of the ship’s crew.

pay lip service to something: to say that you agree with something but do nothing to
support it
e.g. She claims to be in favor of training, but so far she’s only paid lip service to the

19. We need to cultivate eco-friendly ethics and codes of conduct, launch nationwide
green environment campaigns… (Para. 13)
code of conduct: a set of rules that members of an organization or people with a
particular job or position must follow

launch: to start something, usually something big or important

e.g. The Canadian police plan to launch an investigation into the deal.

20. We must try to avoid earning a little only to lose a lot, or attending to one thing
and losing sight of others. (Para. 14)
only to: The original Chinese for “earning a little only to lose a lot, or attending to
one thing and losing sight of others” is “因小失大、顾此失彼. ”
The expression is used to say that someone did something, with a disappointing or
surprising result.
e.g. I arrived only to find that the others had already left.

21. In order to seek a new way of governance from a systematic and broader
perspective, we must no longer take a fragmented and palliative approach that only
treats the symptoms… (Para. 15)
fragmented: consisting of several separate parts
e.g. In this increasingly fragmented society, a sense of community is a thing of the

palliative: making a problem seem less serious but not solving the problem or making
it disappear
e.g. Some of the palliative strategies do not make sense.

22. We will further integrate the protection and restoration of mountains, rivers,
forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands, carry out large-scale afforestation
campaigns, and speed up the comprehensive control of soil erosion, desertification,
and stony desertification. (Para. 16)
afforestation: the act of planting trees in order to make a forest
e.g. Both forest management and afforestation are responsible for direct and indirect
environmental change.

soil erosion: the process by which soil is gradually destroyed by wind, rain, or the sea

desertification: the process by which useful land, especially farmland, changes into

stony desertification:
a term representing the process of the transition from vegetation-covered and
soil-covered karst areas to karst landscapes covered by bare rocks.

23. In developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt, we will strive to step up
conservation of the Yangtze River, stop over-development, and prioritize
environmental protection and green development. (Para. 16)
Yangtze River Economic Belt: At its meeting on March 25, 2016, the Political Bureau of the
CPC Central Committee approved the Guidelines for Development Along the Yangtze Economic
Belt, which covers 11 provinces and municipalities directly under the central government—
Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui, Jiangxi, Hubei, Hunan, Chongqing, Sichuan, Yunnan and
Guizhou. The principle to be followed is promoting well-coordinated environmental
conservation and avoiding excessive development.
strive: to make a great effort to achieve something
e.g. I was still striving to be successful.
We must continue to strive for greater efficiency.

step up: to increase the amount of an activity or the speed of a process in order to
improve a situation
e.g. The health department is stepping up efforts to reduce teenage smoking.

to put several things, problems etc. in order of importance, so that you can deal with
the most important ones first.
e.g. You need to prioritize your tasks.

24. All economic activities involving the Yangtze River must be conditional on not
damaging the river’s ecosystem. (Para. 16)
conditional: If an offer, agreement etc. is conditional, it will only be done if
something else happens first.
e.g. a conditional acceptance
be conditional on/upon
e.g. His agreement to buy our house was conditional on our leaving all the furniture in

25. Regulations must be made mandatory, so that they become a powerful deterrent.
(Para. 17)
mandatory: If something is mandatory, the law says it must be done.
e.g. Helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists.

deterrent: something that makes someone less likely to do something, by making

them realize it will be difficult or have bad results
e.g. The small fines for this type of crime do not act as much of a deterrent.
deterrent to/for/against
e.g. Window locks are an effective deterrent against burglars.

26. We must associate power with responsibility and accountability…(Para. 17)

associate…with…: to make a connection in your mind between one thing or person
and another
e.g. I don’t associate him with energetic sports.

27. The power of laws and decrees can only be established through their enforcement.
(Para. 18)
decree: an official order or decision, especially one made by the ruler of a country

28. The binding force and authority of the institutions must be firmly established, and
selective implementation and perfunctory enforcement must be banned. (Para. 18)
perfunctory: A perfunctory action is done quickly or without interest, and only
because people expect it.
e.g. The applause was perfunctory.
a perfunctory apology

ban: to say officially that something must not be done, seen, used etc.
e.g. Smoking is banned in the building.

29. We must never be lenient in punishing actions that damage our eco-environment.
(Para. 20)
lenient: not strict in the way you punish someone
e.g. The judge was lenient with her as this was her first offence.

30. We will strike hard at typical cases that cause damage to the eco-environment and
send out the signal that the perpetrators will be severely punished. (Para. 20)
strike: to hit or knock hard against something
e.g. The girl was struck by a car as she crossed the street.

perpetrator: someone who does something morally wrong or illegal

e.g. It’s time the perpetrators of the crime were brought to justice.

31. The institutions must not become a “paper tiger.” (Para. 20)
paper tiger: The word “paper tiger” refers to someone or something that is strong
outside but weak inside. The term has become a household term in China due to
Chairman Mao Zedong’s repeated use.

32. The eco-environment bears on the future of humanity. (Para. 21)

bear on: to be connected with something or to influence it
e.g. the national policies which bear on these problems

33. No country can distance itself or remain immune from such challenges. (Para.
immune from…: specially protected from something unpleasant
e.g. The leader of the team is popular, but not immune from criticism.

34. China will be heavily involved in global environmental governance, have a

bigger say and greater influence, play an active part in the transformation of the
international order… (Para. 22)
have a (bigger) say: to be involved in making a decision about something
When he’s 18, he’ll begin to have a/some say in the running of the family business.

play a part/role in: to have an effect or influence on something

e.g. A good diet and fitness play a large part in helping people live longer.

35. We will promote the philosophy and practice of eco-environmental progress in the
Belt and Road Initiative to benefit the peoples of all countries along the Belt and
Road. (Para. 22)
Belt and Road Initiative: China’s proposal to build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a
21st Century Maritime Silk Road in cooperation with related countries—was unveiled
by Chinese President Xi Jinping during his visits to Central and Southeast Asia in
September and October 2013. The initiative focuses on promoting policy coordination,
connectivity of infrastructure and facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and
closer people-to-people ties through a consultative process and joint efforts, with the
goal of bringing benefits to all.

III. Original Chinese Text:


时行,地不语而百物生。” 当人类合理利用、友好保护自然时,自然的回报




Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the Text

Reference Answers:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before
comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

Part I (Paras. 1-5): Reasons for protecting the eco-environment

From the perspectives of
• The Party: Protecting the eco-environment is a major political issue related to the
mission and purpose of the CPC.
• The people: The people need a quality eco-environment.
• The world: Humanity is a community that rises and falls as one. Protecting the
eco-environment is a common challenge and a joint responsibility for the whole

Part II (Paras. 6-22): Principles to apply in protecting the eco-environment

• We must pursue the harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.
• Clear waters and green mountains are invaluable assets.
• A good eco-environment is the most inclusive form of public wellbeing.
• Mountains, rivers, forests, farmlands, lakes and grasslands are a community of life.
• We should protect the eco-environment with the strictest regulations and laws.
• We should work together to promote a global eco-civilization.

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to
this exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. In what sense is protecting the eco-environment a major political issue related to

the mission and purpose of the CPC?
The Party has always attached great importance to this issue, and established
resource conservation and environmental protection as a fundamental national policy,
and sustainable development as a national strategy. The mission and the purpose of
the CPC is to meet the people’s need for constant improvement of their standards of
life, including the general public’s looking forward to a rapid improvement of the

2. How has the traditional model of industrialization affected nature and the
ecosystem according to the text? Use specific examples or statistics to illustrate some
of the impacts.

It has accelerated the consumption of natural resources, and broken the original cycle
and balance of the ecosystems, resulting in a tense relationship between humanity and
nature. The London Fog that claimed several thousand lives in the 1950s was an
appalling example of the result of serious industrial pollution.

3. What will be the global significance for China to realize its goal of building a
modern socialist country while protecting the environment?
In the process of more than 200 years of modernization, industrialization was realized
in no more than 30 countries with a total population of no more than 1 billion. If we
promote eco-environmental progress and build China, the largest developing country
with a population of more than 1.3 billion, into a modern socialist country that is
prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious and beautiful, the
influence of our achievement will be worldwide.

4. Why should we pursue the harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature?
Humanity and nature are a community of life. There is no substitute for the current
eco-environment. When we use it, we take it for granted. But once damaged, it will
struggle to recover. So we should pursue the harmonious coexistence between
humanity and nature.

5. Why are clear waters and green mountains considered invaluable assets?
Clear waters and green mountains are not only natural and ecological wealth, but
also social and economic wealth. Protecting the eco-environment means protecting
nature’s value and adding value to nature’s capital, protecting the potential of
economic and social development, and giving full play to the ecological, social and
economic effects of nature.

6. Why is a good eco-environment the most inclusive form of public wellbeing?

Economic development contributes to improving people’s wellbeing, so does
eco-environmental protection. Green mountains and blue skies bring delight and
happiness to the people and meet their growing expectation for a better life.

7. What does “a community of life” (Para. 14) mean? How do you interpret “a new
way of governance from a systematic and broader perspective” (Para. 15)?
An ecosystem is an integrated natural system of interdependent and closely-related
ecological chains. The lifeline of humans rests with farmlands, that of farmlands with
water, that of water with mountains, that of mountains with earth and that of earth
with forests and grasslands. This community of life is the material basis for the
survival and development of humanity.
To seek a new way of governance from a systematic and broader perspective, we must
no longer take a fragmented and palliative approach that only treats the symptoms,
nor can we care for our own business and hold others back. Instead we must make an
overall plan that takes all relevant factors into consideration, and adopt multiple
measures simultaneously to advance eco-environmental progress in all respects.

8. Why are the strictest regulations and laws crucial for protecting the
Eco-environmental protection relies on laws and regulations. Most of the outstanding
environmental problems in China result from incomplete systems, the lack of
appropriate rules and enforceable laws, inadequate implementation, and ineffective
punishment. Regulations must be made mandatory, so that they become a powerful

9. What will China do to promote a global eco-civilization?

The eco-environment bears on the future of humanity. Building a green home is our
common dream. China advocates jointly building a clean and beautiful world that
respects nature and favors green development. China will be heavily involved in
global environmental governance, have a bigger say and greater influence, play an
active part in the transformation of the international order, and help form global
solutions to eco-environmental protection and to sustainable development. China
always adopts the environment-friendly approach and plays a constructive role in
international cooperation on climate change.

10. “Green development” is mentioned several times in the text. What is your
understanding of the concept?
Green development is an inseparable part of the new development philosophy of
innovation, coordination, green, openness and sharing. It aims at the harmonious
coexistence of humanity and nature. In today’s world, green development has become
an important trend. Green development and sustainable development come down in
one continuous line in ideology. It is not only the inheritance of sustainable
development, but also the theoretical innovation of sustainable development, a major
theoretical contribution of socialism with Chinese characteristics to the construction
of global eco-civilization.

II. Critical Thinking

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in

Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to
take alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. Does environmental protection promote or hinder economic development? Is green

development possible? Why or why not? Justify your position with reasons and
Reference Answer:
For a long time, there has been much heated controversy concerning the relationship
between environmental protection and economic development. In my opinion, the
relationship between the two actually rests on what kind of development we desire. If
we want development in terms of GDP growth in the short run, then environmental
protection might hinder economic development. However, if we want sustainable
development, then green development is not only possible but also necessary.
Furthermore, if we want people-centered development, then green development is the
only choice.

More for reference:

For an economy highly reliant on traditional energy and heavy industries,
environmental protection may slow down economic growth in the short term due to
the cost of investments in environmental-friendly technologies. However, as
demonstrated by the development experience of many countries, economic

development cannot be sustained at the cost of environment. Firstly, the
social-economic burden caused by environmental pollution in the long run will
require a second trade-off. Secondly, an economy cannot be upgraded without taking
into consideration environmental protection. Empirical studies prove that
environmental protection can gradually improve the infrastructure of economic
development, and that in the long run environmental and economic development will
become more closely coordinated in promoting green economic development.
An effective way to promote green development is to promote scientific and
technological innovation and cultivate high-end industries. It is also necessary to
enhance the positive impact of environmental protection on economic development by
transforming the mode of economic development, or developing the environmental
protection industry.
You can also cite China’s achievements in green development as examples to
justify the possibility of green development.

2. Dujiangyan, a large-scale water conservancy project on the Minjiang River near the
city of Chengdu, is often hailed as an example of the harmonious coexistence between
humanity and nature. How did the project achieve success? What can we learn from
this ancient project built more than 2,000 years ago?
Reference Answer:
You may answer the questions from the following aspects:
1) how Dujiangyan works;
2) how it represents Chinese traditional philosophy;
3) what implications it has for development in modern China.

More for reference:

Dujiangyan Irrigation System consists of three constructions. They are Yuzui (鱼嘴),
Feishayan (飞沙堰) and Baopingkou (宝瓶口).

The Yuzui, named for its conical head that resembles the mouth of a fish, is the key
area of the system. It is an artificial levee that divides the water into inner and outer
streams. The inner stream is deep and narrow, while the outer stream is relatively
shallow and wide.
The Feishayan has an opening that connects the inner and outer streams. This ensures
against flooding by allowing the natural swirling flow of the water to drain out excess
water from the inner to the outer stream. The swirl also drains out silt and sediment
that failed to go into the outer stream.
The Baopingkou distributes the water to the farmlands to the west, whilst the narrow
entrance, which gives it its name, works as a check gate, creating the whirlpool flow
that carries away the excess water over Feishayan, to ensure against flooding.

From the irrigation system, we can learn that nature-based solutions offer a way to
provide economic, social, and environmental benefits simultaneously. Using natural
systems can be effective in improving climate resilience and in mitigating disaster
risks. Dujiangyan is a good example of how to take full advantage of natural
topography and geographic conditions in harnessing the power of nature. It is a
sustainable system with low operation costs and has withstood the test of time.

(If possible, the teacher may also search on the internet for videos introducing how
Dujiangyan Irrigation System works.)

3. Regarding eco-environmental protection, President Xi stresses, “Each and every

individual is a protector, builder and beneficiary, and no one should be a bystander, an
outsider or a critic. No one should remain aloof and pay only lip service.” What can
we do as individuals in our daily life to support eco-environmental protection?
Reference Answer:
Some simple things we can do to protect eco-environment:
(1) Reduce, reuse and recycle. Cut down on what we throw away and follow the three
“R’s” to conserve natural resources and landfill space.
(2) Volunteer for cleanups in our community.
(3) Educate and help others understand the importance and value of natural
(4) Buy less plastic products and use reusable shopping bags.
(5) Do garbage sorting.
(6) Don’t send chemicals into waterways.
(7) Bike more and drive less.

Global Perspectives
I. Sample Summary:
In September 2018, Zhejiang Province was awarded the UN’s top environmental
honor for its Green Rural Revival Program, proving that the international community
has applauded China’s experience in achieving ecological civilization and mitigating
climate change.
Professor Anthony Mills, a soil scientist at Stellenbosch University, proposes that
African countries can gain insights from China’s experience in battling climate
change. His proposal is based on China’s attempts to realize ecological civilization, as
evidenced by the establishment of the China National Committee for Biodiversity
Conservation (CNCBC) in 2011 and the enshrinement of ecological civilization into
China’s Environmental Protection Law and Constitution. In addition, Mills lauds
China’s resolution to follow an ecosystem-based adaptation approach to responding to
climate change by citing the example of the Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation
Project, which improves not only the local environment but also people’s wellbeing.
Apart from the above-mentioned practices, China has also implemented the
Ecological Conservation Red Line (ECRL) program since 2011 to protect critical
ecological areas from industrialization and urbanization. This initiative has been
hailed by environmental experts and officials for its remarkable progress, influence
and success.
China’s efforts to achieve ecological conservation have received recognition from
environmental experts such as Gretchen Daily, professor of environmental science at
Stanford University. Daily emphasizes China’s leading role in its conservation science,
policies, and practices. Her comment was made after the release of the national
ecosystem assessment initiated by China’s Ministry of Environmental Protection and
the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The report gives a full presentation of the impact
of China’s conservation policies on the ecosystem, biodiversity, and economic
Continuing to attract global adaptation and adoption, China’s approach to
environmental conservation plays a vital role in realizing ecological civilization and
provides a solution to meeting humanity’s grand challenge.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Carey, B., “Environmental Conservation Efforts in China Are Making a Positive

Impact, Stanford Scientists Say”, Stanford News, June 16, 2016,
aking-positive-impact-stanford-scientists-say/, (accessed October 9, 2021).
2. Xinhuanet, “China’s Ecological Red Lines Provide Wisdom for Global
Environmental Conservation”, September 16, 2021,
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-09/16/c_1310192064.htm, (accessed
October 21, 2021).
3. Xinhuanet, “Xinhua Headlines: China Issues First White Paper on Biodiversity,
Eyeing Global Cooperation”, October 9, 2021,
http://www.news.cn/english/2021-10/09/c_1310232964.htm, (accessed October 21,
4. Gao, J., “How China Will Protect One-Quarter of Its Land”, Nature, vol. 569, 2019,
p. 457.
5. Xinhuanet, “Int’l Community Recognizes China-Proposed Ecological Philosophy,
Urges Bold Global Actions”, October 16, 2021,
http://www.news.cn/english/2021-10/16/c_1310247836.htm, (accessed October 21,
6. Mills, A., “What Africa Can Learn from China About Climate Change Adaptation”,
The Conversation, December 10, 2015,
e-adaptation-51755, (accessed October 10, 2021).
7. Ouyang, Z. et al., “Improvements in Ecosystem Services from Investments in
Natural Capital”, Science, vol. 352, issue 6292, 2016, pp.1455-1459.
8. The World Bank, “Restoring China’s Loess Plateau”, March 15, 2007,
eau, (accessed October 9, 2021).
9. United Nations, “Loess Plateau Watershed Rehabilitation Project”,
es/csd8/SARD-15.htm, (accessed October 10, 2021).
10. Ministry of Ecology and Environment, 北京等 15 省份生态保护红线划定方案
(accessed March 12, 2022)

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
Desertification, a process of land degradation in arid, semi-arid, and dry
sub-humid areas due to natural or human factors, is a major threat to the ecosystem
and human survival. In northwestern China, desertification has severely affected
residents’ livelihood and local economy as it leads to soil erosion, loss of biodiversity,
and food insecurity. To improve people’s wellbeing and protect the eco-environment,
China has implemented a series of measures to halt desertification, among which the
straw checkerboard method provides a novel approach to desert control.
The straw checkerboard method has been widely applied to fixing dunes and
controlling erosion in China. In order to make a straw checkerboard, straw of wheat,
rice, reeds, or other plants is placed in the shape of a checkerboard, one half buried in
the soil and the other half exposed above the soil. Sand accumulates within
checkerboard boundaries, forming a hard surface crust that functions as a wall to stop
sand from being blown away. In addition, drought-tolerant plants are planted to
mitigate the impact of desertification. Pieces of checkerboards become sand barriers,
preventing desert encroachment in the arid or semi-arid regions. By applying this
method, three primary sandy areas of Maowusu, Hunshandake, and Horqin, and the
surrounding areas of the Kubuqi Desert have been transformed from barren lands into
The successful employment of the straw checkerboard sand barriers provides a
critical lesson for countries suffering from desertification, particularly Algeria. With
more than 80% of its territory covered in desert, Algeria is a country severely
threatened by desertification. Both human activities and climatic factors have
accelerated the process of desertification, hindering the country’s development.
Although Algeria has launched several initiatives to tame desertification, such as the
Green Dam project — a massive reforestation program to halt the advance of
desertification—the risk of desertification continues to loom large due to overgrazing.
Therefore, desertification control remains one of the top priorities on Algeria’s
environmental governance agenda.
China and Algeria have always been good friends who stand together through
prosperity and adversity. The introduction of China’s straw checkerboard method may
benefit Algeria significantly, as it can not only prevent deserted regions in Algeria
from expanding but also increase its cultivated land areas, which will eventually boost
its economy. To combat desertification, Algeria can adopt and revise China’s straw
checkerboard approach according to local characteristics or import the straw
checkerboard sand barriers paving robots to further facilitate desert control. All these
efforts will contribute to Algeria’s desert encroachment prevention and ecological

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit, (e.g.
Sentence 2 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentences 1, 3 in “Translation”).
The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and rhetoric” in small groups and give
assistance if possible.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and Phrases
1. at the expense of 2. restore 3. adhere to
4. bring about 5. plunder 6. lay the groundwork for
7. recuperate 8. on the part of 9. deteriorate
10. thriving 11. giving priority to 12. attached great importance to
13. put into practice 14. pay lip service 15. giving full play to

1. 坚持人与自然和谐共生。人与自然是生命共同体。
We must pursue the harmonious coexistence between humanity and nature.
Humanity and nature are a community of life.
2. 要深度参与全球环境治理,增强我国在全球环境治理体系中的话语权和影响
China will be heavily involved in global environmental governance, have a bigger
say and greater influence, play an active part in the transformation of the
international order, and help form global solutions to eco-environmental protection
and to sustainable development.
3. 推动长江经济带发展,要共抓大保护,不搞大开发,坚持生态优先、绿色发
In developing the Yangtze River Economic Belt, we will strive to step up
conservation of the Yangtze River, stop over-development, and prioritize
environmental protection and green development.
4. 统筹推进“五位一体”总体布局、协调推进“四个全面”战略布局,贯
A strong sense of responsibility, the courage to confront difficulties, and more skills
are what we need to accomplish the following endeavors: carry out the
Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in
a coordinated manner, act on the new development philosophy, win the three
critical battles against major risks, poverty, and pollution, ensure steady growth,
promote reform, make structural adjustments, improve people’s lives, guard against
risks, and maintain social stability.

Discourse and Rhetoric
3 Order: BEDCA
1. 生态是统一的自然系统,是相互依存、紧密联系的有机链条。人的命脉在田,
An ecosystem is an integrated natural system of interdependent and
closely-related ecological chains. The lifeline of humans rests with farmlands,
that of farmlands with water, that of water with mountains, that of mountains with
earth, and that of earth with forests and grasslands.

2. 我国生态环境保护中存在的突出问题大多同体制不健全、制度不严格、法治
Most of the outstanding environmental problems in China result from incomplete
systems, the lack of appropriate rules and enforceable laws, inadequate
implementation, and ineffective punishment.

3. 要严格用制度管权治吏、护蓝增绿,有权必有责、有责必担当、失责必追究。
We must use rules to supervise officials and their exercise of power in protecting
blue skies and increasing green coverage. We must associate power with
responsibility and accountability.

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

The three Chinese sentences and the English translations of the first two
sentences all make use of a common device, parallelism (or paibi in Chinese).
Parallelism in English refers to a figure of speech in which two or more elements
of a sentence (or a series of sentences) have the same grammatical structure. The
elements in parallelism are often used within a sentence or among different sentences
in a paragraph. Parallelism helps achieve a number of rhetorical effects, including
emphasizing a point, suggesting connections, or highlighting contrasts, all while
adding rhythm and power to the language. The Chinese equivalent figure of speech of
parallelism is 排比 (paibi), but paibi in Chinese usually requires three elements or
The first two sentences are both translated with parallelism, which basically
reproduces the original rhetorical effects of rhythm, power and so on. The first
Chinese sentence contains another figure of speech (人的命脉在田,田的命脉在水,
水的命脉在山,山的命脉在土,土的命脉在林和草), namely, 顶针, a type of
repetition and play on words.
Different from the translation strategy in the first two sentences, the last English
translation reduces the Chinese parallel clauses (有权必有责、有责必担当、失责必
追 究 ) into a concise expression “to associate power with responsibility and
accountability.” The rhythm and force of parallelism in the original syntactic structure
are lost. In “responsibility and accountability,” however, we can find a special type of
repetition, i.e. homoioteleuton, a term deriving from Greek and referring to
the repetition of similar endings in words, phrases, or sentences.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

Heaven and earth coexist with me; all things and I are one.
From Zhuang Zi (《庄子》)

Reference Answer:
Man should take everything in the universe as its equal and live in harmony with
nature. This holistic worldview of the relationship between man and nature, cherished
by the Chinese people for thousands of years, has already been incorporated into
China’s new development philosophy. Chinese people have come to the consensus
that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets, and economic gains
achieved at the cost of a deteriorating natural environment are unacceptable and
unjustifiable. Ultimately, the key to economic prosperity is green and sustainable
development. The Beautiful China Initiative, which aims to create good working and
living environments for everyone, demonstrates China’s commitment to playing its
part in ensuring global ecological security.

Unit 3 High-Quality Development


Students will learn to

 acquire a deeper understanding of the new development philosophy;
 examine the pillars of the new development philosophy and their relationships
 illustrate how China’s technological innovations in the new era have contributed
to the economic and social development of China;
 interpret the strategy of overall and coordinated development;
 propose solutions to the growing trend of trade protectionism and
 take a global perspective on China’s new development philosophy;
 explain how China has effectively implemented the new development philosophy
to boost its high-quality development;
 use key words and expressions about high-quality development.

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在中央经济工作会议上的讲话,2017 年 12 月 18 日

2014 年 5 月 26 日


I. Chinese Translation:
可再生能源驱动的场馆,2022 年北京冬奥会充满着创新。中国圆满履行了举办
2022 年北京冬奥会充分展示了中国贯彻落实创新、协调、绿色、开放、共

II. Key Terms:

1. The new development philosophy: In October 2015, President Xi Jinping

proposed the philosophy of new development at the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th
CPC Central Committee. The philosophy centers on five themes: innovation,
coordination, green development, openness, and sharing. Among them, innovation
constitutes the driving force for development; coordinated development focuses on
solving the problem of unbalanced development; green development promotes the
harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature; open development addresses the
linkage between domestic and international situations; and shared development
anchors the people-centered philosophy of development.

2. The Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee: The Central
Committee of the Communist Party of China, elected by the National Congress of the
Communist Party of China, convenes at least one plenary session every year. The
Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee was convened in October
2015, at which the 13th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development of the
People’s Republic of China (2016-2020) was put forward, creating a blueprint for
China’s development over the next five years.

3. The new era (of socialism with Chinese characteristics): In the report to the 19th
CPC National Congress (November 18, 2017), President Xi Jinping said, “With
decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the threshold

into a new era. This is a new historic juncture in China’s development.”
“The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the
Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the Past Century”
adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of the Communist
Party of China in 2021 further noted that the new era is an era “in which we will build
on past successes to further advance our cause and continue to strive for the success
of socialism with Chinese characteristics under new historical conditions.” The
document further stresses, “This is an era in which we will win a decisive victory in
building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and then proceed to make
all-out efforts to build a great modern socialist country. This is an era in which
Chinese people of all ethnic groups will work together to create a better life for
themselves and gradually realize the goal of common prosperity. This is an era in
which all the sons and daughters of the Chinese nation will strive with one heart to
realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. And this is an era in which China
will make even greater contributions to humanity.”

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged to
explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into small
discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to the class.
The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.

Q1 Scientific and technological innovation played a decisive role in the first and
second industrial revolutions in world history and also in the rise and fall of nations.
Use an example to illustrate this point.
Reference Answer:
Electricity: Few events have transformed human society like the introduction of
general usage of electricity in the Second Industrial Revolution. The phenomenon of
electricity was observed very early, and the idea of using electricity as a source of
power had been long entertained by pioneering scientists such as Benjamin Franklin
and Alessandro Volta. However, it wasn’t introduced into people’s homes nor became
an essential element in modern life until a series of innovations during the Second
Industrial Revolution, including the invention of the first electric light bulb in 1879.

The introduction of general electricity usage brought illumination to everyday life at
the flick of a switch. It also fueled the Gilded Age in the United States, transformed
the modes of production, and generated rippling effects that sparked the inventions
such as the radio, telegraph, and telephone. The application of electricity for massive
usage also reflects a gradual change in international leadership, with Britain being
gradually displaced by continental Europe and the United States from its position of
unchallenged superiority in industrialization and technological innovation.

Q2 President Xi emphasizes that high-quality development means a change from

seeking growth to seeking better growth. How do you understand the meaning of
high-quality development?
Reference Answer:
High-quality development is a departure from the obsolete pattern of
concentrating only on the quantity of growth. Instead, it reflects the people-centered
development philosophy and the new development philosophy and meets the people’s
aspirations for a better life.
According to “The Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party
of China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the
Past Century” adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th Central Committee of
the Communist Party of China on November 11, 2021, “China’s economy had
reached a new normal of development, and was transitioning from a stage of
high-speed growth to a stage of high-quality development. Our traditional growth
model could no longer be sustained in the face of this complex situation in which we
had to deal with a slowdown in economic growth, make painful structural adjustments,
and absorb the effects of previous economic stimulus policies all at once. The Central
Committee has stressed that applying a new development philosophy represented a
profound shift affecting China’s overall development. The GDP growth rate cannot
serve as the sole yardstick of success for development. Rather, it is imperative to
achieve high-quality development in which innovation is the primary driver,
coordination is an inherent property, eco-friendly growth prevails, openness to the
world is the only path, and shared growth is the ultimate goal. This will lead to
transformative changes in the quality, efficiency, and impetus of economic

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

The text in this unit is part of the speech made by President Xi Jinping at a study
session on implementing the decisions of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC
Central Committee, attended by officials at the provincial/ministerial level. On the
occasion, he elaborated on the philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open,
and inclusive development, interpreted the relationships of the five components, and
offered some suggestions on how to tackle major issues.
The text is simple and clear in structure with the first paragraph introducing the
background of the speech and bringing up the thesis immediately. The rest of the
speech elaborates on each component in detail from historical and practical
perspectives and puts forward some suggestions on how to tackle relevant problems.
As the speech was made on a very formal occasion to high-ranking Party and
governmental officials, the style is very formal and serious with a lot of imperative
sentences (“We must...” and “We should...”).
In terms of the language and rhetoric, the author uses formal vocabulary and
sentence patterns to present facts and express concepts and ideas clearly and logically
(e.g. “China is in a stage of transition from a middle-income country to a high-income
country.” “The process from balance to imbalance and then to rebalance is the basic
law of development. Balance is relative while imbalance is absolute.”). Metaphors are
used as a major means to liven up the serious topic and formal concepts (e.g.
“Inadequate capacity for innovation is its Achilles’ heel.” “make the cake bigger”
“From the top-level design to the ‘last kilometer’ of policy implementation, we
should make continuous efforts to mark new milestones in our progress.”) In addition,
the author also refers to ancient and modern philosophers such as Confucius, Mencius,
Marx and Engels to support and justify his opinions and proposals (e.g. “Shared
prosperity is a primary goal of Marxism; it has also been a basic ideal of the Chinese
people since ancient times.” “Confucius said, ‘He is not concerned lest his people
should be poor, but only lest what they have should be ill-apportioned. He is not
concerned lest they should be few, but only lest they should be divided against one
another.’” “Mencius said, ‘Do reverence to the elders in your own family and extend
it to those in other families; show loving care to the young in your own family and
extend it to those in other families.’” “According to Karl Marx and Frederick
Engels, communism will eradicate the opposition and differentiation between classes,
between urban and rural areas, between mental labor and physical labor; it will adopt
the principle of distribution from each according to his ability and to each according

to his needs, so as to achieve shared development of society and the free and
well-rounded development of individuals in the real sense.”) All these make the
speech effective and drive the major points home.

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Today, I will not try to elaborate on it from the practical perspective of our work,
but proceed from history and reality, and offer some suggestions on how to tackle
major issues. (Para. 1)
elaborate: to give more details or new information about something
e.g. He said he had new evidence, but refused to elaborate any further.
elaborate on
e.g. McDonald refused to elaborate on his reasons for resigning.

tackle: to try to deal with a difficult problem

e.g. There is more than one way to tackle the problem.

2. Firstly, we should implement the strategy of innovation-driven development. (Para.

implement: If you implement a plan, process etc., you begin to make it happen.
e.g. We have decided to implement the committee’s recommendations in full.

3. The force of innovation determines the speed, effectiveness, and sustainability of

development. (Para. 3)
sustainability: the quality of being able to continue over a period of time
e.g. the long-term sustainability of the community

4. In the case of such a large economy as China, without continued development

impetus we will find it difficult to realize sound and sustained economic growth; we
will struggle to double the 2010 GDP and per capita income for both urban and rural
residents by 2020. (Para. 3)
impetus: an influence that makes something happen or makes it happen more quickly
e.g. The discovery gave fresh impetus to the research.
The report may provide further impetus for reform.

per capita income: the income of a country, its GDP divided by the number of
people living there. This shows how rich or poor the people are on average
e.g. Africa’s per capita income fell by a quarter in the 1980s.

5. The need to pursue innovative development is a conclusion drawn from the

world’s development process in modern times and from China’s practice in reform
and opening up since 1978. (Para. 4)
draw something from something: to take or obtain something from a particular

6. Pursuing innovative development is fundamental to our strategy in adapting to the

changing environment of development, enhancing the impetus of development,
seizing the initiative in development, and leading the new normal. (Para. 4)
adapt to: to gradually change your behavior and attitudes in order to be successful in
a new situation
e.g. The children are finding it hard to adapt to the new school.

seize: to take something quickly and keep or hold it

e.g. He seized the chance/opportunity of a free flight and went to the country.

the new normal:

It refers to China’s New Normal for Economic Development.
During his visit to Henan Province in May 2014, Xi Jinping referred to a “new normal”
for China’s economic development. This recognition was an important conclusion
drawn by the CPC after its 18th National Congress, on the basis of an assessment of
world economic cycles and the features of the Chinese economy at the present stage
of development, and especially China’s economic development in the larger context
of the world economy.
As China moves into a new phase of development, the environment, national
conditions, and the relevant tasks and requirements are changing. These changes
include challenges to China’s strength in export and its position in the international
division of labor. With these changes, China’s economic development is now in a
period of “new normal.”
In this context, China’s economic development will go through the following
transformations: from high speed growth to one that is at medium-high speed; from an
emphasis on growth rate and speed to a focus on growth quality and efficiency; from
quantitative increase and capacity expansion to an emphasis on both stock adjustment
and optimized increment (调整存量、做优增量) in a transformed economic structure;
and from a growth supported by resource consumption and low-cost labor to one that
is driven by innovation.

7. Nowadays, social and economic development throughout the world relies more on
theoretical, institutional, scientific, and cultural innovation, while new competitive
edges are to be gained through the capacity for innovation. (Para. 5)

rely on: to depend on something in order to continue to live or exist
e.g. The company relies heavily on only a few contracts.

competitive edge: advantage over competitors

e.g. The business needs to innovate in order to maintain a competitive edge.

8. A new round of scientific and industrial revolution is on the way, whose main
characteristics are as follows: Major revolutionary technologies are emerging; the
transformation of scientific achievements is accelerating; the form of industrial
organization and industrial chains is more monopolistic. (Para. 5)
monopolistic: controlling or trying to control an industry or business activity
e.g. The company wants to maintain its monopolistic position.

9. Major world powers have adopted new strategies to promote innovation, increased
investment in innovation, and made greater efforts to contend for strategic resources
in innovation such as talent, intellectual property and standards. (Para. 5)
contend: to compete against someone in order to gain something
e.g. Three armed groups are contending for power.

10. Despite being the world’s second largest, China’s economy is obese and weak.
(Para. 6)
obese: extremely fat in a way that is dangerous for health
e.g. She was not just overweight; she was clinically obese.

11. Inadequate capacity for innovation is its Achilles’ heel. (Para. 6)

Achilles’ heel:
In Greek mythology, Achilles was a brave, handsome warrior of the army of
Agamemnon in the Trojan War. According to Homer, Achilles was brought up by his
mother at Phthia. One of the non-Homeric tales of his childhood relates that his
mother Thetis dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which he became
invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him—the proverbial
“Achilles’ heel.”
Now the phrase “Achilles’ heel” refers to the weakness in an otherwise strong or
powerful person. President Xi uses this story to vividly describe China’s obese and
weak economy featuring inadequate capacity for innovation and high-quality
development, a fatal shortcoming hindering further dynamic development.

12. Nevertheless, China’s key technologies remain restrained by other countries;

China’s scientific reserve is far from adequate to create new industries and lead future
global development; China’s industries remain at the middle and low end of global
value chains; and China lags far behind developed countries in high technologies for
military and security use. (Para. 7)
(1) to stop someone from doing something, often by using physical force
restrain somebody from doing something
e.g. He had to be restrained from using violence.
(2) to control your own emotions or behavior
e.g. Renwick restrained a feeling of annoyance.
She could barely restrain herself from hitting him.

lag: to move or develop more slowly than others

lag behind
e.g. She stopped to wait for Ian who was lagging behind.

13. Therefore, we must seek development based on innovation, foster new

development impetus through innovation, and promote leading edge development that
gives greater incentives to first innovators. (Para. 7)
foster: to encourage the development or growth of ideas or feelings
e.g. I’m trying to foster an interest in reading in my children.

incentive: something that encourages you to work harder, start a new activity etc.
e.g. As an added incentive, there’s a bottle of champagne for the best team.
Awards provide an incentive for young people to improve their skills.

14. For example, Karl Marx proposed that social reproduction falls into two
categories—means of production and means of subsistence, and they must maintain a
certain ratio to realize social reproduction. (Para. 9)
the condition of only just having enough money or food to stay alive
e.g. Many of the families are forced to live at the subsistence level.

15. Accordingly, we should make a targeted effort to resolve tough problems and
improve weak points, and at the same time, consolidate and foster our existing
strengths. (Para. 10)
consolidate: to strengthen the position of power or success that you have, so that it
becomes more effective or continues for longer
e.g. The company has consolidated its position as the country’s leading gas supplier.

16. Emphasizing coordinated development is not pursuing equalitarianism, but
giving more importance to equal opportunities and balanced resource allocation. (Para.
equalitarianism: It refers to the idea of advocating equal share of social wealth.
Equalitarianism is fundamentally opposite to the principle of distribution according to
work. Equalitarianism denies the labor differences and personal income differences
between people objectively existing in society. It frustrates the enthusiasm and
creativity of workers, leading to the hindrance of productive forces. Equalitarianism is
not socialism and is incompatible with scientific socialism.

17. China is in a stage of transition from a middle-income country to a high-income

country. (Para. 10)
middle-income country and high-income country:
The World Bank classifies the economic development level of countries in the world
according to the per capita gross national income. Countries in the world are usually
divided into four groups, namely, low-income countries, lower middle-income
countries, upper middle-income countries and high-income countries. However, the
standards are not fixed, but constantly adjusted with the development of the economy.

18. To pursue coordinated development, we should identify and eradicate our

weaknesses, so as to tap development potential and sustain growth momentum. (Para.
tap: to use or take what is needed from something such as an energy supply or
amount of money
e.g. To continue the research project, the university plans to tap funds primarily from
private foundations.

momentum: the ability to keep increasing, developing, or being more successful

e.g. The campaign for reform should start to gather momentum in the new year.

19. We should learn to use the method of dialectics, be good at “playing the piano,”
and properly handle the relationships between the part and the whole, between the
present and the future, between major and minor issues. (Para. 11)
The sentence contains the rhetorical and stylistic devices of metaphor, parallelism
and contrast.

20. We should weigh our strengths and weaknesses, draw on strengths and avoid
weaknesses, and make strategic choices in the best of our interests. (Para. 11)

in the best of one’s interests/in one’s best interests: Something is the best thing for
e.g. The court decided that it was in the girl’s best interests to remain with her

21. This is the key feature of coordinated development affirmed at the Fifth Plenary
Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee. (Para. 11)
affirm: to state publicly that something is true
e.g. The general affirmed rumors of an attack.
A spokesman for the company affirmed that a merger was likely.

22. We must adhere to the goal of advancing socialist culture, using core socialist
values to forge consensus and gather strength, using outstanding cultural products to
inspire people and boost morale, and using the best of traditional Chinese culture to
nourish morality, thereby raising cultural progress to a higher level. (Para. 12)
consensus: an opinion that everyone in a group agrees with or accepts
e.g. a lack of consensus about the aims of the project
There is a consensus among teachers that children should have a broad
understanding of the world.

boost: to increase or improve something and make it more successful

e.g. The new resort area has boosted tourism.
The win boosted the team’s confidence.

nourish: to keep a feeling, idea, or belief strong or help it to grow stronger

e.g. We need to nourish our hopes and dreams.

23. The purpose of green development, fundamentally speaking, is to serve this end.
(Para. 14)
end: an aim or purpose, or the result you hope to achieve
e.g. She’ll do anything to achieve her own ends.

24. Human development activities must respect, accommodate, and protect nature;
otherwise nature will retaliate against us. (Para. 14)
accommodate: to consider and include something when you are deciding what to do
= take account of
e.g. Your investment strategy has to be flexible enough to accommodate changes in
the market.

retaliate: to do something bad to someone because they have done something bad to
retaliate against
e.g. The army began to retaliate against the enemy.

25. China’s development achievements over the past 30 years derive from opening
up. (Para. 16)
derive from: to get something, especially an advantage or a pleasant feeling, from

26. The prosperity of a country and the rejuvenation of a nation mostly rely on
following the trend of the times and propelling historical progress. (Para. 16)
rejuvenation: the act or process of making an organization or system more effective
by introducing new methods, ideas, or people
e.g. He has direct responsibility for the rejuvenation of the economy.

propel: to move, drive, or push something forward

e.g. One of our students was unable to propel her wheelchair up the ramp.

27. On the whole, we have more favorable factors; we also face significant risks and
challenges that are by no means negligible. (Para. 17)
negligible: too slight or unimportant to have any effect
e.g. The damage done to his property was negligible.

28. There is an irresistible trend towards world polarization and democracy in

international relations. (Para. 18)
polarization: the act of dividing something, especially something that contains
different people or opinions, into two completely opposing groups
e.g. The polarization of society into rich and poor can clearly be seen in the place.

29. The West-dominated global governance system is finally showing signs of change,
but the competition to gain dominance in global governance and the formulation of
international rules is fierce. (Para. 18)
dominance: a situation in which one person or thing has more influence or power
than any other
e.g. These economies will no doubt maintain their dominance of financial markets.

30. Second, the world economy is gradually emerging from the shadow of the global
financial crisis. (Para. 19)

the global financial crisis:
The 2007-2009 global financial crisis, also known as the world financial crisis, the
subprime mortgage crisis, and the credit crisis. It was a financial crisis that began to
emerge in the United States in 2007. Since the subprime housing credit crisis broke
out, investors began to lose confidence in the value of mortgage-backed securities,
causing a liquidity crisis. Even if the central banks of many countries have repeatedly
injected huge amounts of funds into the financial market, it was not able to prevent
the outbreak of the financial crisis. In September 2008, the financial crisis began to
get out of control, and led to the bankruptcy of many quite large financial institutions
and their takeover by the American government. Then the crisis spread to Europe and
the rest of the world, causing economic recession globally.

31. The structure of the international industrial division of labor has changed, but
protectionism remains severe worldwide. (Para. 19)
protectionism: It refers to the practice of helping businesses and industries in your
own country by making laws that limit and tax products imported from other
countries. The most common protectionism in international trade is protective tariff

32. The formulation of international economic and trade rules tends to be politicized
and fragmented. (Para. 19)
politicize: to make a subject or a situation more political.
e.g. The Olympic Games should not be politicized.

33. Emerging market economies and developing economies are still sluggish, and the
global economy has not yet found new engines for full recovery. (Para. 19)
sluggish: moving or operating more slowly than usual and with less energy or power
e.g. A heavy lunch makes me sluggish in the afternoon.

34. Nevertheless, it remains the case that China’s economy is big but not strong, and
our per capita income and living standards are not in the same league as those of
Western countries. (Para. 20)
in the same league (as someone/something): having qualities or achievements that
are similar to someone or something
e.g. Although it is not in the same league as the major supermarkets, it is still a very
handy outlet.

35. This means that the overall environment for open development is more favorable
than ever before, but the conflicts, risks, and contests we are facing are also

unprecedented, setting delicate traps for any potential negligence. (Para. 22)
delicate: needing to be dealt with carefully or sensitively in order to avoid problems
or failure
e.g. There’s something I have to speak to you about—it’s a delicate matter.

trap: a clever trick that is used to catch someone or to make them do or say
something that they did not intend to
e.g. Police had set a trap for hooligans at the match.

negligence: failure to give care or attention, especially when this causes harm or

36. On the subject of the next steps in open development, the Fifth Plenary Session of
the 18th CPC Central Committee made pertinent provisions, and I also set out some
requirements in the speech at the second full assembly. (Para. 22)
pertinent: directly relating to something that is being considered (=relevant)
e.g. pertinent questions
The information is not pertinent to this study.
set out: to explain ideas, facts, or opinions in a clearly organized way, in writing or in
a speech
e.g. He set out the reasons for his decision in his report.

37. I hope we continue to explore and practice, enhance our conscientiousness and
capabilities to address the overall situation both domestically and internationally, and
improve the effectiveness and level of opening up. (Para. 22)
conscientiousness: the quality of working hard and being careful
e.g. His conscientiousness and maturity impressed faculty members.

38. “There are some fixed principles in governing a state, among which
benefiting the people should be the root.” (Para. 25)
This sentence is quoted from Huai Nan Zi (《淮南子》), a philosophical work
collectively compiled by Liu An, the Lord of Huainan in the Western Han Dynasty,
and his disciples. The sentence stresses the importance of benefiting the people as a
fundamental principle of governance.

39. The people-centered development philosophy is not an abstract, abstruse concept.

(Para. 25)
abstruse: difficult to understand in a way that seems unnecessarily complicated

e.g. This theory is too abstruse to understand.

40. We will not restrict ourselves to lip service or idle reflection, but put it into
practice in all areas of social and economic development. (Para. 25)
restrict oneself to something: to allow yourself to have only a particular amount of
something, or do only a particular type of activity
e.g. In this seminar, we will restrict ourselves to Plath’s later poems.

(1) not working or producing anything
e.g. The whole team stood idle, waiting for the mechanic.
(2) not serious, or not done with any definite intention
e.g. She was not a woman to make idle threats.
(3) lazy
Go and wake up that idle brother of yours.

41. We should ensure that development is for the people, that it is reliant on the
people, and that its fruits are shared by the people. (Para. 25)
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of parallelism.

42. We should fully stimulate the people’s initiative, enthusiasm, and creativity...
(Para. 25)
(1) to encourage something to grow, develop, or become active
e.g. The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.
(2) to make someone excited and interested about something.
e.g. Good teachers should ask questions that stimulate students to think.

43. We should improve the mechanism of secondary distribution regulating income

distribution mainly through taxation, social security, and transfer payments. (Para.
secondary distribution: It is the redistribution of primary income through taxes on
income and wealth, social transfers and other transfers. It is also a process in which
the government readjusts factor income and adjusts the initial distribution income of
enterprises and individuals.

transfer payments:
It refers to the expenses paid by the government or enterprises to individuals free of
charge to increase their income and purchasing power.

44. We must safeguard social fairness and justice, and narrow income gaps, so that all
the people can have a greater share of the fruits of development in a fair way. (Para.
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of metaphor.
(1) a part of something that has been divided between several people
e.g. We ought to make sure that everyone gets equal shares of the food.
(2) a part of something that several people are involved in
e.g. She’s not doing her share of the work.
(3) one of the equal parts that the ownership of a company is divided into, and that
can be bought by members of the public
e.g. He invests in stocks and shares.

45. Confucius said, “He is not concerned lest his people should be poor, but only lest
what they have should be ill-apportioned. He is not concerned lest they should be
few, but only lest they should be divided against one another.” (Para. 26)
apportion: to decide how something should be shared among various people
e.g. Apportioning funds fairly among the schools in the district has been difficult.

46. Mencius said, “Do reverence to the elders in your own family and extend it to
those in other families; show loving care to the young in your own family and extend
it to those in other families.” (Para. 26)
reverence: great respect and admiration for someone or something
e.g. I stood there, gazing down, and feeling a reverence for these spectacles of the
natural world.

47. The Book of Rites gives a detailed and lively description of “moderate prosperity”
and “great harmony.” (Para. 26)
moderate prosperity (小康): It refers to the relatively affluent living condition,
neither poor nor rich.

great harmony (大同): It is an ancient Chinese thought, which refers to the ideal
world that mankind can finally reach, and it represents mankind’s beautiful vision for
the future society. The basic feature is that everyone loves and helps each other, every
family lives and works in peace and contentment, and there is no war.

48. According to Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, communism will eradicate the
opposition and differentiation between classes… (Para. 27)

eradicate: to get rid of something completely or destroy something bad
e.g. The disease that once claimed millions of lives has now been eradicated.

49. Of course, there will be a long trek through history to reach this goal. (Para. 28)
trek: a long walk over land such as hills, mountains, or forests
e.g. We did an eight-hour trek yesterday.

50. Third, development achievements are shared through making concerted efforts
for development. (Para. 32)
concerted: planned or done together for a shared purpose
e.g. The richer countries of the world should take concerted action to help the poorer

51. We should neither hesitate to move forward, nor be niggardly with necessary
investments, nor aim too high, nor spend on deficit, nor issue empty promises without
providing real gain. (Para. 33)
niggardly: unwilling to spend money or be generous
e.g. a niggardly person

deficit: the amount by which money spent or owed is greater than money earned in a
particular period of time
e.g. a budget/trade deficit

52. In terms of implementing the philosophy of shared development, the 13th

Five-year Plan proposed many tasks and measures which can be distilled down to two
points. (Para. 35)
distil: to produce a summary that contains only the most important ideas or pieces of
e.g. Her wisdom is distilled from many years of experience.

53. First, we should give full rein to the people’s enthusiasm, initiative, and
creativity, gather their strength to advance Chinese socialism, and “make the cake
bigger.” (Para. 35)
give (full/free) rein to something: to allow an emotion or feeling to be expressed
e.g. He gave free rein to his imagination.

54. We should expand the middle-income class, and gradually form an olive-shaped
income distribution structure. (Para. 35)

olive-shaped: being large in the middle and small at both ends
In this kind of distribution structure, middle-income groups are the majority and
low-income and high-income groups are a minority. Such an income distribution
structure is considered to be an ideal modern social distribution structure.

III. Original Chinese Text:




第四,着力形成对外开放新体制。我国30 多年来的发展成就得益于对外开




Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the text

Reference Answer:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before
comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

New Development Philosophy

Innovative Development
We should implement the strategy of innovation-driven development. Innovation is
the primary driving force for development.

Coordinated Development
Coordinated development is the means and the objective of development, the standard
and measurement for evaluating development.

Green Development
Human development activities must respect, accommodate, and protect nature;
otherwise nature will retaliate against us.
Open Development
We should establish a new system of opening up. China’s development achievements
over the past 30 years derive from opening up.
Shared Development
The CPC’s fundamental purpose is serving the people wholeheartedly. The people are
the primary force for propelling development.

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to this
exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. Of the five pillars of the new development philosophy, why does President Xi put
innovation first?
Because innovation is the primary driving force for development. The force of
innovation determines the speed, effectiveness, and sustainability of development. In
the case of such a large economy as China, without continued development impetus
we will find it difficult to realize sound and sustained economic growth. Innovation is
the key to driving overall social and economic development.

2. What are the main characteristics of the new round of scientific and industrial
Major revolutionary technologies are emerging; the transformation of scientific
achievements is accelerating; the form of industrial organization and industrial
chains is more monopolistic. Major world powers have adopted new strategies to
promote innovation, increased investment in innovation, and made greater efforts to
contend for strategic resources in innovation such as talent, intellectual property and

3. What does “Achilles’ heel” mean? How is it used to describe China’s economy?
In Greek mythology, Achilles was a brave, handsome warrior of the army of
Agamemnon in the Trojan War. According to Homer, Achilles was brought up by his
mother at Phthia. One of the non-Homeric tales of his childhood relates that his

mother Thetis dipped Achilles in the waters of the River Styx, by which he became
invulnerable, except for the part of his heel by which she held him—the proverbial
“Achilles’ heel.”
Now the phrase “Achilles’ heel” refers to the weakness in an otherwise strong or
powerful person. President Xi uses this phrase to vividly describe China’s obese and
weak economy featuring inadequate capacity for innovation, a fatal shortcoming
hindering further dynamic development.

4. Why should China enhance overall and coordinated development? What is its
theoretical basis?
Over the past few decades, China has made great achievements in its development.
However, imbalanced development is still a problem hindering socio-economic
progress. Therefore, we should enhance overall and coordinated development.
According to materialistic dialectics, things are universally related; they interact with
and constrain each other, and so do their composing elements; the world is an
interrelated whole and also an interactive system. Applying materialistic dialectics,
we should grasp the inherent relationship between objective things to understand and
handle problems.

5. What strategies or policies should be pursued to secure overall coordinated national

Proceeding from the prominent problems in our imbalanced, uncoordinated, and
unsustainable development, we need to promote coordinated development between
regions, between urban and rural areas, and between material and cultural progress,
and promote integrated development of economic growth and national defense.

6. Why should we promote the harmonious coexistence of humanity and nature? Find
some counter examples to illustrate the consequences of damaging the ecosystem.
The purpose of green development, fundamentally speaking, is to serve this end.
Human development activities must respect, accommodate, and protect nature;
otherwise nature will retaliate against us. This is a law no one can deny.
(1) The Los Angeles photochemical smog in the 1940s that caused nearly 1,000
deaths, and 75 percent of local citizens suffered from pinkeye disease
(2) The Great London Smog of 1952 in the UK which caused about 4,000 deaths in
only a few days during its first outbreak in December, and then nearly 8,000 deaths
from respiratory diseases in the following two months

7. Regarding open development, President Xi says, “China’s development

achievements over the past 30 years derive from opening up. The prosperity of a
country and the rejuvenation of a nation mostly rely on following the trend of the
times and propelling historical progress.” (Para. 16) Do some research on the history
of China’s opening up since 1978 and use examples to support the statement.
Initially, China’s opening up helped it attract foreign investments, advanced
technology and management mechanisms. China’s entry into WTO furthered China’s
opening up and development with rapid industrialization and dramatic increase in
foreign trade. Now China’s economy has developed into the second largest one in the
world, which in turn helps the world economy. Globalization is the trend of the times
and thus China should follow the trend and continue its opening up.

8. In promoting China’s open development, we should consider the unprecedented

domestic and international situations we face now. How are these situations different
from the past?
First, power structures among various countries are changing positively in an
unprecedented way. The rise of emerging market economies and developing countries
is changing the global political and economic landscapes. There is an irresistible
trend towards world polarization and democracy in international relations.
Second, the world economy is gradually emerging from the shadow of the global
financial crisis. Western countries are maintaining the momentum of economic
recovery through reindustrialization.
Third, China’s share of the world economy and global governance has increased
rapidly. China has become a major factor in changing the world political and
economic landscapes.
Fourth, China’s opening up has reached a better balance between bringing in and
going global. This means that the overall environment for open development is more
favorable than ever before, but the conflicts, risks, and contests we are facing are also
unprecedented, setting delicate traps for any potential negligence.

9. What are the four points emphasized by the CPC regarding the philosophy of
shared development?
First, the beneficiaries are all the people. This is about the coverage of shared
development. Second, the development benefits to be shared cover all fields. This is
about the content of shared development, including economic, political, cultural,
social and ecological achievements. Third, development achievements are shared
through making concerted efforts for development. This is about the means of
realizing shared development. Fourth, shared development is realized step by step.
This is about the process of achieving shared development.

10. What are the tasks and measures in terms of implementing the philosophy of
shared development?
The tasks and measures can be distilled down to two points. First, we should give full
rein to the people’s enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity, gather their strength to
advance Chinese socialism, and “make the cake bigger”. Second, once the cake has
indeed become bigger, we must cut it fairly, so as to demonstrate the full strength of
socialism and make the people feel a greater sense of gain. We should expand the
middle-income class, and gradually form an olive-shaped income distribution
structure. In particular, we should make greater efforts to help people in difficulties
and win the campaign against rural poverty.

II. Critical Thinking

Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to
take alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
1. Considering the challenges and problems in technological development, President
Xi says, we must “seek development based on innovation, foster new development
impetus through innovation, and promote leading edge development that gives greater
incentives to first innovators.” Do some research on China’s technological
innovations in the new era and discuss how they’ve contributed to the economic and
social development of China.
Reference Answer:
As a result of growing investment and policy support for innovations, great
breakthroughs have been achieved in some cutting-edge technologies in recent years,
like quantum computation, navigation satellites, development of AI, etc., which have

made China the leading force in those fields, and to a great extent have changed the
way and structure of economic growth and the living style of Chinese people. For
example, China’s digital economy scale hit 39.2 trillion yuan (about 6.1 trillion U.S.
dollars) in 2020, accounting for 38.6 percent of the GDP. The digital economy has
displayed strong resilience in the face of the Covid-19 pandemic, as it gives a strong
boost to a number of new business models such as online shopping and education,
telemedicine and artificial intelligence. With its digital economy ranking second in the
world, China has highlighted the digital economy development in its 14th Five-Year
Plan (2021-2025), namely to build a digital China.

2. Overall and coordinated development is proposed to address the problem of

imbalanced development in China. What are the major problems of imbalanced
development hindering the overall development of China? And what measures would
you recommend to solve them according to the new development philosophy?
Reference Answer:
Balance, as President Xi stresses, encompasses both geographical and demographical
aspects. Imbalance exists not only between regions, but also between groups and
strata of society. While the national economic landscape has by and large taken on a
new look over the years, and people’s livelihoods have dramatically improved, not all
areas and people have benefited equally in the process. After decades of high-speed
development, the gap of income, the gap between the eastern and western regions,
and also the imbalance between economic development and ecological protection
have been growing.
Some measures have been taken to address the imbalance in various respects, like
carrying out the targeted poverty alleviation and putting forward the idea of the third
distribution. In addressing the imbalanced development between regions in China, the
CPC has put forward new regional development strategies, including the coordinated
development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Region, the Yangtze River Economic Belt,
the Guangdong-Hongkong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the integrated development
of the Yangtze River Delta. These overall arrangements aim to give full play to the
comparative strength of different regions, and promote the rational flow and
concentration of resources.

3. President Xi says, “China’s development achievements over the past 30 years

derive from opening up.” But in recent years, there has been a growing trend of trade
protectionism and de-globalization in the world, which has posed great challenges to
China’s opening up in the new era. Discuss the challenges confronting China and the
strategies and policies China should take to counteract them.

Reference Answer:
China’s economy in the past was largely driven by the rapid growth of export and
investments from abroad, which would be negated to some extent by the growing
trade-protection and tech-blockade by some Western countries. Also, the population
bonus has been declining in China, which means there will be inadequate labor force
and a consuming population. China has introduced an overall change of developing
strategies to meet these challenges. For example:
(1) China insists on promoting free international trade and globalization.
(2) China has put our belief in globalization and international cooperation into
practice, launching the BRI and AIIB, promoting cooperation and connection among
like-minded countries while effectively offsetting the negative effect of trade
protection and globalization.
(3) China has reoriented domestic strategy to sustain economic growth, underscoring
self-reliance in advancing new technologies, stimulating the need of domestic market
and striking out the model of green development. One example of major policy shift
is the adoption of “dual circulation” model, which aims to maintain China’s
opening-up policy while reinforcing the role of domestic demand.

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
At the 19th CPC National Congress in October 2017, Xi Jinping Thought on
Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era was introduced with Xi
Jinping’s new development philosophy as a key component. Following the new
development philosophy, China has strived to foster high-quality development,
ushering in a new era for China’s economic and social development.
The new development philosophy, featuring innovative, coordinated, green, open
and shared development, was put forward by President Xi in 2015. It underscores the
quality of economic and social development and points out the purpose, driving force,
and methods of China’s future development. President Xi considers it the most
essential of all theories on economic and social development that he has proposed
since the 18th CPC National Congress.
China’s new development philosophy is shaping its role on the international stage
and its contributions to global development. In the period after the outbreak of the
pandemic, the rest of the world can learn from China’s rich experience in alleviating
poverty and advancing equality.
As China has moved on to the Second Centenary Goal of building a modern
socialist country in all aspects, President Xi reiterated the importance of the new

development philosophy and the necessity for the country to put it into practice in the
new stage of development. In his written statement to the COP26 World Leaders
Summit in 2021, President Xi demonstrated China’s steadfast commitment to
addressing climate change. By adhering to the new development philosophy, China
will make more contributions to world development and environmental protection.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Andrew Moody, “Potential of the New Era”, China Daily, July 1, 2021,
(accessed February 5, 2022).
2. China Daily, “China Provides Example for the World”, October 30, 2017,
33881158_5.htm, (accessed February 5, 2022).
3. Harvey Dzodin, “Start of a New Epoch in China’s Development”, China Daily,
November 12, 2021,
(accessed February 5, 2022).
4. Juan Carlos Capunay, “China’s New Development Philosophy”, China Today, June
23, 2021,
0251275.html, (accessed February 5, 2022).
5. Li Bingcun, Chen Zimo and Chen Shuman, “Foreign Experts: West Can Learn
from Most ‘Formidable’ CPC”, China Daily, June 16, 2021,
(accessed February 5, 2022).
6. The State Council of the People’s Republic of China, “Xi’s Discourses on New
Development Stage, Philosophy, Paradigm Published”, August 17, 2021,
7f98de887.html, (accessed February 5, 2022).
7. Xi Jinping, “Understanding the New Development Stage, Applying the New
Development Philosophy, and Creating a New Development Dynamic”, Qiushi
Journal, July 8, 2021, http://en.qstheory.cn/2021-07/08/c_641137.htm, (accessed
February 5, 2022).
8. Xinhuanet, “Full Text: Communique of 6th Plenary Session of 19th CPC Central
Committee”, November 11, 2021,
http://www.news.cn/english/2021-11/11/c_1310305166.htm, (accessed February 5,

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
Honorable chair, fellow delegates, ladies and gentlemen:
It is a great pleasure for me to speak on behalf of China and share China’s
development experience with you.
Looking back on history, the Industrial Revolution in the 18th century was a
driving force of capitalism and economic development. However, industrialization
and expansive growth came with hefty environmental detriments. In the 20th century,
several pollution incidents in Western countries greatly affected the eco-environment
and claimed thousands of lives.
Since the introduction of reform and opening-up policy in 1978, China’s
economic development has made historic progress. Nevertheless, ecological problems
have become a pressing public concern, hindering the sustainable development of the
To handle environmental problems and meet people’s ever-growing desire for a
better life, President Xi Jinping proposed the new development philosophy featuring
innovative, coordinated, green, open, and shared development in 2015. Given the time
limit, I will only focus on the idea of green development. Green development aims to
promote harmony between humanity and nature. Take the Yangtze River Economic
Belt (YREB) as an example. As the major artery for a smooth “dual circulation” of
domestic and international markets and the main force spearheading high-quality
economic development, the YREB has become China’s primary focus for green
development. A variety of measures have been taken to boost the high-quality
development of the YREB, including the river chief system, which assigns a certain
official to take charge of a specific waterway.
In the past, many government departments were in charge of water-related issues
such as water quality, water resources and water supply. Unclear responsibility
divisions led to inefficiencies and poor management. “Nine dragons managing water”
is a vivid Chinese metaphor that describes the hallmark of previous river management
in China. Nowadays, the river chief system has tamed the “nine dragons” and
prevented overlapping responsibilities.
Under this system, all water responsibilities fall on river chiefs alone, and their
performance is essential for the overall assessment of local officials. As a result, local
officials will no longer pursue rapid and massive growth at the expense of the
environment. Intensive efforts have been made to protect the assigned waterways and
significant changes have taken place along the Yangtze River, especially in terms of
improving water quality and the ecological environment. According to Luo Guosan,

director of the Department of Infrastructure Development, National Development and
Reform Commission, water bodies inferior to Grade V in the Yangtze River Basin
were eliminated for the first time in 2020. In addition, the proportion of good sections
in the Yangtze River Basin increased from 82.3% in 2016 to 96.3% in 2020. We do
believe that in the near future, the improving policy mechanism will take the
protective work of the Yangtze River into a new stage and provide a strong guarantee
for the development of the YREB.
When addressing the Climate Ambition Summit via video link in December 2020,
President Xi said, “As a Chinese poem reads, ‘Heaven does not speak and it alternates
the four seasons; Earth does not speak and it nurtures all things.’ Earth is our only and
shared home.” Let’s work together to protect our shared home!

Thank you!

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentence 1 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentences 1 and 2 in “Translation”).
The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and Rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and Phrases
1. boost 2. make concerted efforts 3. eradicate
4. relies on 5. retain 6. trekking
7. lag behind 8. contribute to 9. give full rein to
10. elaborates on 11. fall into 12. proceed from
13. put forward 14. contend 15. set out

1. 我国经济已由高速增长阶段转向高质量发展阶段,正处在转变发展方式、优
China’s economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of
high-quality development. This is a pivotal period for transforming our growth
model, improving our economic structure, and fostering new drivers of growth. It is
imperative that we develop a modernized economy. This is both an urgent
requirement for getting us smoothly through this critical transition and a strategic
goal for China’s development.
2. 我们要放眼长远,努力塑造各国发展创新、增长联动、利益融合的世界经济,
We should take a long-term view, strive to shape a world economy in which all
countries enjoy development and innovation, growth linkage and integration of
interests, and firmly maintain and develop an open world economy.
3. 坚持稳中求进工作总基调,出台一系列重大方针政策,推出一系列重大
Acting on the general principle of pursuing progress while ensuring
stability, it has introduced a raft of major principles and policies, launched a
host of major initiatives, pushed ahead with many major tasks, and overcome
a number of major risks and challenges.
4. 推进供给侧结构性改革,要从生产端入手,重点是促进产能过剩有效化解,
To promote supply-side structural reform, we should start with production. The
key is to resolve overcapacity effectively, promote industrial restructuring, reduce
enterprise costs, develop strategic emerging industries and modern service
industries, increase the supply of public goods and services, and ensure that the
supply structure is more adaptive and flexible to changes in demand.
5. 这次全会总结实践经验,在我们党已经明确的根本制度、基本制度、重要制
This plenary session has summed up the experience we have gained through
practice, and redefined some concepts on the basis of our fundamental, basic and
important systems. For instance, it has confirmed that the basic socialist economic
system contains the following elements:
• public ownership playing the dominant role while developing together with
other forms of ownership,

• multiple modes of distribution with “to each according to their work” as the
principal form, and
• a socialist market economy.

Discourse and Rhetoric

1. 虽然我国经济总量跃居世界第二,但大而不强、臃肿虚胖体弱问题相当突出,
(典故:“阿喀琉斯之踵” )
Despite being the world’s second largest, China’s economy is obese and weak.
Inadequate capacity for innovation is its Achilles’ heel.
2. 核武器是悬在人类头上的“达摩克利斯之剑”,应该全面禁止并最终彻底销
(典故:“达摩克利斯之剑” )
Nuclear weapons, the Sword of Damocles that hangs over humanity, should be
completely prohibited and thoroughly destroyed over time.
3. 经济全球化曾经被人们视为阿里巴巴的山洞,现在又被不少人看作潘多拉的
Economic globalization was once viewed as the treasure cave found by Ali Baba in
The Arabian Nights, but it has now become a Pandora’s box in the eyes of many.

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

The three Chinese sentences all contain the rhetorical device of allusion, which is
a brief reference to a person, place, thing, event, or a literary work. As a rhetorical
device, allusion allows a speaker (or writer) to compress a great deal of meaning into
a word or phrase. In the first sentence, for example, Achilles’ heel refers to the only
weakness of Achilles, a hero of the Trojan War in the Greek mythology. The
expression “Sword of Damocles” comes from the writings of the Roman politician,
orator and philosopher Cicero (106-43 BC). It means a looming danger in the second
sentence. The third sentence makes use of two allusions. The treasure cave found by
Ali Baba means a source of wealth as the expression literally indicates. It originates
from “Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves,” one of the most popular tales from The
Arabian Nights. Pandora’s box, coming from Greek mythology, means a source of
great and unexpected trouble.

The allusions in the three Chinese sentences all come from foreign mythology or
tales. Therefore, the translation is not much of a challenge. The literal translation can
faithfully reproduce the original rhetorical effects.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

If we can improve ourselves in one day, we should do so every day, and keep building
on improvement. (苟日新,日日新,又日新。)
From Book of Rites (《礼记》)
Reference Answer:
Continuous self-renewal and improvement is the best policy for an individual. This
statement holds true not only for self-cultivation but also for state governance. Over
the past decades, China went through challenges and difficulties and crises. What
remains unchanged in this great time of change is China’s unswerving commitment to
reform and innovation. China’s innovation in state governance can be seen in the
formulation and implementation of the reform and opening up policy. A milestone
event in China’s reform and opening up is the innovative implementation of the
household contract responsibility system initiated in Anhui Province in the late 1970s.
Since then, one innovation has led to another across the spheres of politics, economy,
society, culture and environment, liberating productivity in an unprecedented way.
Today, China has become one of the most innovative countries in the world.

Unit 4 Whole-Process People’s Democracy

Students will learn to
 understand the characteristics of China’s political system;
 identify the achievements in reforming and improving China’s political system in
the past decades;
 illustrate the opportunities for the people to participate in political affairs under
the political system of Chinese socialism;
 interpret the concept of whole-process people’s democracy;
 evaluate the Chinese model of selecting officials;
 take a global perspective on China’s whole-process people’s democracy and
Western-style democracy;
 exemplify how China’s whole-process people’s democracy works.
 use the key words and expressions about China’s political system;

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话,
2021 年 7 月 1 日

2017 年 10 月 25 日

I. Chinese Translation:
民主模式。联合国大会第 62/7 号决议认为,“虽然民主具有共同特征,但不存

平主席在庆祝全国人民代表大会成立60 周年大会上的讲话(2014 年9 月5 日),

II. Key Terms:

1. UN General Assembly: It is the main policy-making organ of the UN. Comprising
all member states, it provides a unique forum for multilateral discussion of the full
spectrum of international issues covered by the Charter of the UN. Each of the 193
member states of the UN has an equal vote. The Assembly meets in regular sessions
from September to December each year. It discusses specific issues through dedicated
agenda items or sub-items, which lead to the adoption of resolutions.

2. whole-process people’s democracy: China’s whole-process people’s democracy

covers all sectors of the society through electoral democracy, consultative democracy
and community-level democracy, and is applied through a combination of elections,
consultations, decision-making, management and oversight. It is a complete system
with supporting mechanisms and procedures, and has been fully tested through wide
participation. It integrates process-oriented democracy with results-oriented
democracy, procedural democracy with substantive democracy, direct democracy with
indirect democracy, and people’s democracy with the will of the state.

3. National People’s Congress: The National People’s Congress (NPC) is the highest
organ of state power in China. It is composed of NPC deputies who are elected from
35 electoral units according to the law. These units include people’s congresses across
the country. Each congress is elected for a term of five years. The NPC meets in
session once a year. A session of the NPC may be convened at any time the Standing
Committee deems it necessary or when more than one-fifth of the deputies to the NPC
propose it.

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged
to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into
small discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to
the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 What do you think are the essential features of democracy?
Reference Answer:
Democracy is not a decorative ornament, but an instrument for addressing the issues
that concern the people. Whether a country is democratic depends on whether its
people are truly the masters of the country; whether the people have the right to vote,
and more importantly, the right to participate extensively; whether they have been
given verbal promises in elections, and more importantly, how many of these
promises are fulfilled after elections; whether there are set political procedures and
rules in state systems and laws, and more importantly, whether these systems and laws
are truly enforced; whether the rules and procedures for the exercise of power are
democratic, and more importantly, whether the exercise of power is genuinely subject
to public scrutiny and checks. (From China: Democracy That Works)

Q2 What attitudes should we take towards the different political systems in the
Reference Answer:
We should draw on the achievements of other political civilizations, but we should
never let them outweigh the foundations of China’s own political system. Living in a
colorful world, we should uphold the approach of inclusiveness, modestly learn from
the best of other civilizations, and digest and absorb them on an independent basis, so
as to turn them into part of the best of our own. Never follow others without trying to
understand them properly.
Blindly copying the political systems of other countries will never work in China.
They will never adapt to our country. Such a course of action will “turn the tiger you
are trying to draw into a dog.” It could even spell an end to the independent destiny of
our country. No two political systems on earth are exactly alike, and no model can fit
the political systems of all countries.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

As a common value of humanity, democracy is a key tenet unswervingly upheld

by the CPC and the Chinese people. China has developed a unique form of democracy,
namely whole-process people’s democracy, which fits its national conditions well and
ensures the people’s status as masters of the country. The whole-process people’s
democracy is the broadest, most genuine, and most effective socialist democracy,
which has not only a complete set of institutions and procedures, but also full
participation and practice. The text in this unit is part of the speech delivered by
President Xi at the meeting marking the 60th anniversary of the National People’s
Congress, which addresses the fundamental questions of why China should keep to
the socialist path of making democratic political progress with Chinese features and
how China should further improve the socialist political system under the leadership
of the CPC.
The text can be divided into four parts in structure and they are logically related
to one another. The first part (Paras. 1-15) addresses the issue of designing a country’s
own political system and developing and improving it according to the country’s own
characteristics and reality instead of blindly copying other models. The second part
(Paras. 16-23) reviews China’s achievements in reforming and improving its political
system. The third part (Paras. 24-31) demonstrates the strengths of China’s
institutional arrangement. And the fourth or last part (Paras. 32-45) elaborates on how
to maximize and expand socialist democracy. Each part is elaborated with points
supported by logical reasoning and ample evidence.
In terms of the language and rhetoric, the author uses formal vocabulary and
simple and complex sentence patterns (simple imperative sentences like “We
should…” and “We must…” to emphasize the key points, and complex sentences to
elaborate on theses points) to present key points and explain concepts and ideas
clearly and logically on this formal and serious occasion. References to classical
writers are used to make the argument convincing. Metaphors are also employed as a
major means to liven up the argument. Examples: “To the south of the Huaihe River
grow oranges, while to the north grow bitter oranges.” “In attempting to walk like a
swan, the crow loses its own gait.” “Blindly copying the political systems of other
countries will never work in China. They will never adapt to our country. Such a
course of action will ‘turn the tiger you are trying to draw into a dog.’”

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. At all times and almost everywhere on the planet, evidence can be found showing
that the wrong choice in the path for political development leads to social unrest,
national disruption, and the fall of the government. China is a large developing
country. (Para. 3)
unrest: a political situation in which people protest or behave violently

e.g. There is growing unrest throughout the country.
The policy led to rising unemployment and social unrest in the country.

2. Designing and developing the national political system, we must ensure the unity
of history and reality, theory and practice, and form and content. (Para. 4)
The sentence contains the rhetorical devices of antithesis and parallelism.

3. We must take into account the realities and the prevailing conditions in China,
focusing on current issues to respond to actual demands rather than copying from
other models. (Para. 5)
take something into account: to consider or remember something when judging a
e.g. A good architect takes into account the building’s surroundings.

prevailing: existing or accepted in a particular place or at a particular time

e.g. The prevailing mood of public opinion remained hostile.

4. We must keep to the long-established track of historical heritage, cherishing the

path of past development, accumulated political experience, and established political
principles rather than breaking with history. (Para. 6)
keep to:
(1) If you keep to something such as a path or river, you do not move away from it as
you go somewhere.
e.g. Please keep to the paths.

(2) If you keep to a rule, plan, or agreement, you do exactly what you are expected or
supposed to do.
e.g. He had been unable to keep to his schedule.

5. In our political system, we should not simply imitate others when we see things that
we do not have, and neither should we want to get rid of what we believe to be
surplus because others do not have it. Neither of these views is correct because they
are superficial and reductive. (Para. 7)
surplus: (an amount that is) more than is needed
e.g. The store is selling off stock that is surplus to requirements.

6. “To the south of the Huaihe River grow oranges, while to the north grow
bitter oranges.” (Para. 8)
The quote is from Annals of Master Yan (Yan Zi Chun Qiu) which is a historical book

that records the words and deeds of Yan Ying, a politician of the state of Qi in the
Spring and Autumn period. The purpose of the saying is to highlight the influence of
environment on plants and trees, implying that different environments produce
different results. Therefore we should adapt to the environment.

7. We should draw on the achievements of other political civilizations, but we should

never let them outweigh the foundations of China’s own political system. (Para. 8)
draw on: If you draw on or draw upon something such as your skill or experience,
you make use of it in order to do something.
e.g. He drew on his experience as a yachtsman to make a documentary program.

outweigh: to be more important or valuable than something else

e.g. The benefits of the scheme outweigh the disadvantages.

8. And who is qualified to throw their weight around and tell us what to do? (Para.
throw one’s weight around: to act in a controlling, domineering, or authoritarian
e.g. He’s the sort of insensitive bully who enjoys throwing his weight around.

9. In attempting to walk like a swan, the crow loses its own gait. (Para. 10)
The sentence is based on a Chinese idiom (邯郸学步), which means imitating others
regarding how to walk elegantly. It conveys that if you simply imitate others blindly,
you will forget your own unique characteristics and lose your original strengths.

10. Such a course of action will “turn the tiger you are trying to draw into a dog.”
(Para. 11)
turn the tiger you are trying to draw into a dog: (画虎不成反类犬) The idiom
literally means that one ambitiously attempts to draw a tiger but the drawing turns out
to be a dog as a result of poor skill and ability.

11. It could even spell an end to the independent destiny of our country. (Para. 11)
spell an/the end to something: to cause something to end

12. Each country is unique in its political system, which is determined by its people
and has been developed and gradually refined over a long period of time on the basis
of their historical heritage, cultural traditions, and social and economic development.
(Para. 13)
refine: to improve an idea, method, system, etc. by making small changes

e.g. Engineers spent many months refining the software.

13. The strength of China’s socialist political system, featuring Chinese

characteristics—workable, full of vigor and vitality, and efficient—is that, past and
present, it has grown on the Chinese soil. In the future, it will continue to thrive and
to be deeply rooted in this soil. (Para. 14)
thrive: to become very successful or very strong and healthy
e.g. Their business is thriving with good management.

14. …whether all people can manage state affairs and social, economic and cultural
affairs in conformity with legal provisions, whether the public can express their
requirements without hindrance... (Para. 15)
in conformity with: in a way that obeys rules, customs, etc.
e.g. We must act in conformity with local regulations.

(1) the act of making it difficult for someone to do something
e.g. Visitors are allowed to wander without hindrance.
(2) something or someone that makes it difficult for you to do something
e.g. The floods have been a major hindrance to relief efforts.

15. We have replaced the life-long tenure of officials with limited terms. (Para. 17)
the life-long tenure of officials (also called system of life tenure in leading posts):
Abolishing the lifelong system of leading posts for officials in the 1980s is a major
issue in the construction of the Party and the key to maintaining the vitality of the
Party and the long-term stability of the country.

16. We have promoted the broadest possible patriotic United Front and developed a
unique socialist consultative democracy, which has brought together the wisdom and
strength of all political parties, organizations, ethnic groups, social groups, and people
from all walks of life. (Para. 19)
patriotic United Front:
The united front is an important way to ensure the success of the Party’s cause, and we
must maintain long-term commitment to it.

The report to the 19th CPC National Congress highlighted the guidelines for
consolidating and developing the patriotic United Front. We must uphold patriotism
and socialism, strive to achieve great unity and solidarity, balance commonality and
diversity, and expand common ground and the convergence of interests. In handling its

relationships with other Chinese political parties, the CPC is guided by the principles of
long-term coexistence, mutual oversight, sincerity, and sharing weal and woe, and it
supports these parties in performing their duties in accordance with the requirements of
the Chinese socialist system for their participation in governance.

We will fully implement the CPC’s policies concerning ethnic groups, heighten public
awareness of ethnic unity and progress, and create a strong sense of community for the
Chinese nation. We will encourage more exchanges and interactions among different
ethnic groups, helping them remain closely united like the seeds of a pomegranate that
stick together, and work jointly for common prosperity and development.

We will fully implement the Party’s basic policy on religious affairs, uphold the
principle that religions in China must be Chinese in orientation, and provide active
guidance to religions so that they can adapt themselves to socialist society. We will
encourage intellectuals who are not CPC members and people belonging to new social
groups to play the important roles they have in building socialism with Chinese
characteristics. We should form a new type of cordial and clean relationship between
government and business, promote healthy growth of the non-public sector of the
economy, and encourage those working in this sector to achieve success. We will
maintain extensive contacts with overseas Chinese nationals, returned Chinese and
their relatives and unite them so that they can join our endeavors to revitalize the
Chinese nation.

walk of life:
the position in society someone has, especially the type of job they have
from every walk of life/from all walks of life
e.g. Our volunteers include people from all walks of life.

17. We have also maximized the transparency of decision-making and provided

further opportunities for the public to take part in the process, so as to ensure that all
of our decisions serve the interests and aspirations of the people. (Para. 20)
transparency: the quality of being done in an open way without secrets
e.g. We need to strike balance between the need for transparency and respect for
individual privacy.

18. We have established and refined a multilevel system for scrutiny and one for
open administration system in various areas so as to guarantee that both Party and
central government organs, as well as their staff, exercise their power in accordance
with proper authorization and procedures. (Para. 23)
scrutiny: careful and thorough examination of someone or something

e.g. The diet industry comes under scrutiny in tonight’s program.

19. China has implemented the state system which is a socialist state under the
people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the alliance
of workers and farmers, the system of people’s congresses as the system of
government, the system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation
under the leadership of the CPC, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the
system of community-level self-governance, featuring distinctive Chinese
characteristics. (Para. 24)
the people’s democratic dictatorship:
It is the essence of the political system of the People’s Republic of China. The
Communist Party of China and the People’s Republic of China always represent the
fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people, and can use
autocratic methods to deal with hostile forces in order to maintain the people’s
democratic regime. The people’s democratic mechanism led by the Communist Party
of China implements democracy with its people; exercises dictatorship over hostile
forces and criminals at home and abroad.

multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of the

China’s political party system is prominently characterized by the CPC’s leadership
role in governing the country with cooperation from and participation of all the other
parties. Rather than being opposition parties, the other parties work closely with the
CPC as partners. They are involved in decision-making at all levels, consultations on
national priorities and guidelines, and the formulation and implementation of state
policies, laws and regulations. The CPC always cherishes its long-time partnership
with the other parties, a partnership reinforced by mutual oversight and mutual trust,
and inspired by a shared desire to forge ahead together through thick or thin.

regional ethnic autonomy:

China is a multiethnic country, a nation of 56 ethnic groups. The Han ethnic group
has the largest population, while the other 55 are ethnic minority groups with smaller
populations. Compared with various approaches to ethnic issues in other countries
with multiethnic makeup, China’s approach focuses on regional ethnic autonomy.
Under the leadership of the central government, self-governance is exercised in
regions with large ethnic minority populations, where local affairs are administered by
local autonomous governing bodies. Regional ethnic autonomy is a basic component
of China’s political system.

The policies of the CPC and the central government on regional ethnic autonomy
were later codified into law and promulgated on May 1, 1984 as the Law on Regional
Ethnic Autonomy. The law was revised on February 28, 2001, in response to new
developments associated with China’s socialist market economy. The revised law
further affirms regional ethnic autonomy as a basic component of China’s political

community-level self-governance:
China’s increasing prosperity and progress have been accompanied by greater
democracy at the community level in both urban and rural areas throughout the
country. The democracy at the community level has increased orderly participation of
its citizens in political life. Community-level democratic self-governance involves a
network of rural villagers’ committees, urban residents’ committees and workers’
congresses. Within these organizations people can directly participate in elections,
policy-making, management and oversight. They are responsible for the public affairs
and non-profit undertakings of their organizations. Community-level self-governance
has become the most direct and extensive form of democracy in China today. As of
November 2012, over 98 percent of China’s villagers’ committees had been elected
directly; 85 percent of the villages had villagers’ committees or congresses; and 89
percent of the urban communities had residents’ congresses.

20. It can effectively regulate the country’s political relations, promote a vigorous
and vital relationship among political parties, ethnic groups, religions, social groups,
and compatriots at home and abroad, enhance national cohesion, and form political
stability. (Para. 27)
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of alliteration.

21. It can pool our resources to accomplish sizable tasks, successfully accelerate the
liberation and development of social productivity, incentivize all sectors during
socialist modernization, and upgrade quality of life and standards of living. (Para. 28)
sizable (also sizeable): fairly large
e.g. a sizeable amount of money

to give someone a reason to do something, especially by offering them a reward
e.g. How should a company incentivize its employees?

22. It can effectively safeguard state independence, sovereignty, security, and the
benefits of development, and maintain the wellbeing of both the nation and its people.
(Para. 29)
sovereignty: the power of a country to control its own government
e.g. Talks are being held about who should have sovereignty over the island.

23. All ethnic groups have worked together for common prosperity and development,
leading to a long-term social harmony and stability in the country. (Para. 30)
common prosperity:
From its very beginning, the CPC has taken eliminating poverty, improving wellbeing
and achieving common prosperity as its mission, and worked to end poverty
fundamentally through development of socialism.
Deng Xiaoping had more than once talked about common prosperity:
“One of the features distinguishing socialism from capitalism is that socialism means
common prosperity, not polarization of income...”
“In the reform we have consistently followed two fundamental principles. One is the
predominance of the socialist public sector of the economy; the other is common
“The greatest superiority of socialism is that it enables all the people to prosper, and
common prosperity is the essence of socialism.”

24. Facts prove that China’s socialist democracy is bestowed with enormous vitality
and the country has made the right choice for its socialist path of making political
progress with Chinese characteristics, which suits China’s national conditions and
reinforces the position of the people as the master of the country. (Para. 30)
bestow: to give someone something of great value or importance

suit: to be acceptable, appropriate, or convenient for a particular person or in a

particular situation
e.g. It takes time to find a college that will suit your child’s needs.

25. A country’s political system defines and responds to its economic and social
foundations. (Para. 31)
respond to: to react to something by taking a particular course of action
e.g. Colleges responded swiftly to the demand for new courses.

26. Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics is something new, and good.
This does not necessarily mean that China’s political system is flawless, beyond
improvement and incapable of development. (Para. 32)

flawless: If you say that something or someone is flawless, you mean that they are
extremely good and that there are no faults or problems with them.
e.g. She attributed her flawless complexion to the moisturizer she used.

27. Having confidence in our political system does not mean being smug or
complacent, nor does it mean we know best and we can ignore the outside world.
(Para. 33)
smug: showing too much satisfaction with your own cleverness or success (used to
show disapproval)
e.g. “I knew I’d win,” she said with a smug smile.

complacent: pleased with a situation, especially something you have achieved, so

that you stop trying to improve or change things (used to show disapproval)
e.g. There’s a danger of becoming complacent if you win a few games.
We simply cannot afford to be complacent about the future of our car industry.

28. Instead, we should fuse growing confidence in the system with continuous reform
and innovation, and be unstinting in our efforts to improve and develop the
institutional system, while maintaining the fundamental political system. (Para. 33)
unstinting: extremely generous with time, money, praise, help, etc.
e.g. He was unstinting in his praise of his teacher.

29. When it comes to socialist democracy, there remain further improvements to be

made in its system, mechanisms, procedures, regulations, and specific operations.
(Para. 34)
when it comes to: You can use the expression to introduce a new topic or a new
aspect of a topic that you are talking about.
e.g. We know we should cut down on fat but that doesn’t help when it comes to

30. We must uphold and improve the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and
political consultation, and intensify cooperation and coordination between all social
forces, so as to avoid conflicts, disputes, and internal strife among the various parties
involved. (Para. 41)
strife: violent or angry disagreement
e.g. family strife
a time of political strife

31. We must uphold and improve the system and principle of democratic centralism
by enhancing the capacity and efficiency of all government agencies, stepping up
their coordination and collaboration, and forming a strong force for managing our
state affairs, so as to avoid internal friction. (Para. 44)

democratic centralism:
Democratic centralism is a fundamental organizational and leadership principle for
exercising state power in China. It calls for giving full play to democracy and
collective deliberation of state affairs to give full expression to people’s will and
needs. This should serve as the basis for collecting correct views and collectively
making decisions to implement and satisfy the will and needs of the people. It also
calls for respecting the majority while protecting the minority, opposes anarchic
“greater democracy” and is against putting one’s will above that of the collective.
Democratic centralism defines the correct relationship between officials and the
people, between superiors and subordinates, between parts and the whole, and
between organizations and individuals. It is also an important guarantee for
safeguarding the unity of the CPC and the country and advancing China’s cause.

32. In short, we should double our efforts in institutionalizing and standardizing

socialist democracy to give free rein to the strengths of the socialist political system
with Chinese characteristics, so that our Party and nation can thrive and enjoy
long-lasting stability. (Para. 45)
institutionalize: To institutionalize something means to establish it as part of a
culture, social system, or organization.

III. Original Chinese Text:



益成果,但绝不能放弃中国政治制度的根本。中国有960 多万平方公里土地、56




Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the text

Reference Answer:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the
students understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the
central ideas of the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it
independently before comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

Blindly copying the political systems of other countries will never work
in China.
• We should not simply imitate others when we see things that we do not
have, and neither should we want to get rid of what we believe to be
surplus because others do not have it. Neither of these views is correct
because they are superficial and reductive.
• No two political systems on earth are exactly alike, and no model can fit
the political systems of all countries.

The best way to evaluate whether a country’s political system is

democratic and efficient & Achievements in reforming and improving
China’s political system
• Whether the succession of its leading body is orderly and in line with the
We have replaced the life-long tenure of officials with limited terms.
• Whether all people can manage state affairs and social, economic and
cultural affairs in conformity with legal provisions
We have offered greater opportunities for the people to participate in
political affairs.
• Whether the public can express their requirements without hindrance,
whether all sectors can efficiently participate in the country’s political
We have promoted the broadest possible patriotic United Front and
developed a unique socialist consultative democracy, which has brought
together the wisdom and strength of all political parties, organizations,
ethnic groups, social groups, and people from all walks of life.
• Whether national decisions can be made in a rational, democratic way
We have striven to establish a decision-making system that tells us how
people are faring, reflects public opinion, pools general wisdom, and values
social strengths.
• Whether professionals in all fields can be part of the team of the national
leadership and administrative systems through fair competition
We have established and improved a system for the selection and
appointment of exemplary talent, so that outstanding people from all sectors
can be drawn to the causes of both the Party and the government.
• Whether the ruling party can serve as a leader in state affairs in accordance
with the Constitution and laws

We have promoted the rule of law, law-based governance and exercise of
state power, and a law-based country, government and society, thus
enhancing governance by law throughout the country.
• Whether the exercise of power can be kept under effective restraint and
We have established and refined a multilevel system for scrutiny and one
for open administration system in various areas so as to guarantee that both
Party and central government organs, as well as their staff, exercise their
power in accordance with proper authorization and procedures.

The political system of Chinese socialism

China has implemented the state system which is a socialist state under the
people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the
alliance of workers and farmers, the system of people’s congresses as the
system of government, the system of multiparty cooperation and political
consultation under the leadership of the CPC, the system of regional ethnic
autonomy, and the system of community-level self-governance, featuring
distinctive Chinese characteristics.

Strengths of China’s institutional arrangement

• It performs well in allowing the people to enjoy more extensive and more
substantial rights and freedoms, and share more opportunities to participate
in national and social governance.
• It can effectively regulate the country’s political relations, promote a
vigorous and vital relationship among political parties, ethnic groups,
religions, social groups, and compatriots at home and abroad, enhance
national cohesion, and form political stability.
• It can pool our resources to accomplish sizable tasks, successfully
accelerate the liberation and development of social productivity, incentivize
all sectors during socialist modernization, and upgrade quality of life and
standards of living.
• It can effectively safeguard state independence, sovereignty, security, and
the benefits of development, and maintain the wellbeing of both the nation
and its people.

Ways to maximize and expand socialist democracy

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with
some discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare
answers to this exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. President Xi says, “At all times and almost everywhere on the planet, evidence can
be found showing that the wrong choice in the path for political development leads to
social unrest, national disruption, and the fall of the government.” (Para. 3) Find some
examples to illustrate this point.
A good case in point is the disintegration of the USSR or the Soviet Union. The Soviet
Union used to be one of the two superpowers that had dominated the world before
1991 when it came to a sudden collapse due to internal and external factors. The
internal factors are mainly institutional rigidity, economic recession, bureaucratic
corruption, leadership dereliction of duty and wrong national policies. The external
factor is mainly the peaceful evolution strategy adopted by the West, particularly the
US, to influence the Soviet Union with the ideas of Western-style democracy and free
market economy which were blindly accepted and copied by the new Soviet leaders
and which resulted in political and economic chaos. These eventually brought down
the authorities of the Soviet Union and led to the dissolution of the Union.

2. President Xi says, “Blindly copying the political systems of other countries will
never work in China. They will never adapt to our country. Such a course of action
will ‘turn the tiger you are trying to draw into a dog.’ It could even spell an end to the
independent destiny of our country.” (Para. 11) Find some examples in modern
Chinese history to illustrate this point.
In the late 19th century and early 20th century, China tried various political systems
such as constitutional monarchy, presidential, parliamentary and multi-party systems.
These attempts aimed to establish a workable political system ensuring China’s
independence, development and prosperity, but all of them failed. Facts have proved
that the democratic revolution led by the bourgeois revolutionaries, and various
schemes that copy the Western political system model could not complete the
historical task of saving the Chinese nation from subjugation to imperialism and
feudalism, nor could they provide institutional guarantee for China to achieve
national prosperity and secure people’s wellbeing.

3. A sign of decisive progress in China is that “We have offered greater opportunities
for the people to participate in political affairs, so that they are able to play their role
as the masters of the country, on a wide range, at all levels.” (Para. 18) Discuss

various ways through which a Chinese citizen can participate in political affairs on a
wide range and at all levels.
A Chinese citizen can participate in political affairs through various means including
voting in the election of the deputy to the local People’s Congress, joining a political
party or the trade union of his/her profession that represents his/her interests,
discussing issues of concern with people’s deputies of his constituency, and expressing
opinions through traditional or new media, etc.

4. Do some research on the system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political

consultation and discuss its advantages.
The system of CPC-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation is
prominently characterized by the CPC’s leadership role in governing the country with
cooperation from and participation of all the other parties. Rather than being
opposition parties or parties not in power, the other parties work closely with the
CPC as partners. They are involved in decision-making at all levels, consultations on
national priorities and guidelines and the selection of candidates for state leadership
positions, the management of state affairs, and the formulation and implementation of
state policies, laws and regulations.
The Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) serves as a key
element of the multiparty mechanism. It reflects the distinctive features and strengths
of China’s socialist democracy — problems are solved through consultation. The
system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation under the leadership of
the CPC is an extensive and reliable means of representing and fulfilling the interests
of the maximum number of people of all ethnic groups and social sectors. It unites all
political parties and the non-affiliates towards a common goal, effectively mitigating
the risks of inadequate oversight in one-party rule, and the problems of continual
transfers of governing parties and destructive competition in multiparty political
systems. Through standardized institutional procedures and arrangements, it pools
ideas and suggestions to ensure informed and democratic decision-making.

5. The text is part of the speech made by President Xi at the meeting marking the 60th
anniversary of the National People’s Congress. Do some research on how the
National People’s Congress works in a democratic and efficient way, and reflects the
will of the people and country.
Today, the National People’s Congress is the world’s largest parliamentary body. It
constitutes the highest organ of state power. As the top legislature and the supreme
authority, the NPC exercises the state’s legislative power and decides upon essential
political questions concerning the state as a whole. The NPC reflects the will of the
people and country in the following ways:

(1) Great importance is attached to ensuring, during the process of electing deputies
to the NPC, that its composition is as representative as possible.
(2) All Chinese over the age of 18 have the right to vote and run in an election.
(3) During the sessions of the National People’s Congress, all representatives have
the guaranteed and unrestricted right to openly express their views in public and to
submit proposals and motions to the government and to its subordinate authorities.

6. Do some research on China’s unique system of regional ethnic autonomy and

explain how it has helped to consolidate ethnic relations of equality, unity, mutual
assistance and harmony, and achieve harmonious development of all ethnic groups in
The system of regional ethnic autonomy is one of the basic political systems in China.
Practice has proved that the implementation of regional autonomy of ethnic
minorities is in line with the actual conditions of China and has great advantages.
The system of regional ethnic autonomy means that areas with large ethnic minority
populations can practice regional autonomy, establish autonomous organs, and
exercise the power of self-government under the unified leadership of the state.
Regional ethnic autonomy provides institutional and policy guarantees to ensure that
ethnic minority citizens enjoy rights to equality and freedom, and to economic, social
and cultural opportunities. The system has greatly increased the sense of pride and
responsibility of people of all ethnic groups and stimulated their enthusiasm, initiative
and creativity in jointly steering the course to a bright future.

7. In your observation, in what ways can we improve the system of community-level

self-governance, particularly in increasing wide participation of the residents and
enhancing local democracy at the grassroots level, which is the foundation for higher
level democracy?
First, we should strengthen publicity and education, increase the consciousness of
democratic participation in community construction. We should also create, among
the residents, a sense of “community is our family, connecting you and me,” and
“community is our home, and construction depends on all.”
Second, we should enhance supervision over the community-level self-governance by
setting up monitoring mechanisms.
Third, we should attach importance to all aspects of community construction,
especially community services, providing better services for the residents and making
them personally feel the importance of community services in their lives.
To sum up, we should make every effort to encourage residents’ involvement in
community-level self-governance since it concerns their personal interests.

8. What does “democratic centralism” mean? How does it function in Chinese
Democratic centralism is not only the Party’s fundamental organizational system and
leadership system, but also the application of Marxist mass line. It is proved to be an
effective working mechanism in China. The principle of democratic centralism
requires that we should:
(1) adhere to the leadership of the CPC to ensure everything is in the right track and
avoid going astray;
(2) further clarify the requirements and procedures for collective discussion and
decision-making in regard to important matters, and forbid replacing collective
(3) give full play to the enthusiasm of team members, adhere to the combination of
collective leadership and individual division of labor and responsibility and strictly
prohibit shirking personal responsibility under the pretext of collective leadership;
(4) adhere to the principle of “coming from the masses and going to the masses,”
listen to the voice of the masses, understand the social situation and public opinion,
and accept the supervision of the masses.

II. Critical Thinking

Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to
take alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
1. The whole-process people’s democracy is a term President Xi uses to characterize
China’s political system. Do some research on the concept and discuss its distinctive
features in contrast to the Western model of democracy.

Reference Answer:
Whole-process people’s democracy is a new form of democracy best suited to the
Chinese conditions. First, it transcends Western-style democracy in that the latter
represents only the rights and interests of a small number of people, especially the
upper class. By contrast, whole-process people’s democracy is geared towards
safeguarding the rights and interests of all the Chinese people, thus making it truly
representative in nature. Second, an important characteristic of Western-style
democracy is that it becomes highly representational during elections, but once the
elections are over, democratic practices start declining. In comparison, whole-process
people’s democracy tries to integrate democracy into the whole process of public life,
including the electoral, decision-making, management, supervision and consultation
processes, all of which are different but combine to form an integral chain. Third, it
has greater authenticity, as it promotes diverse consultation activities, which are
conducted by the people at the community level, and community-level opinions are
directly transmitted to the top legislature and executive organs, thus it is more
efficient than the Western model of democracy.

2. President Xi says, “We have established and improved a system for the selection
and appointment of exemplary talent, so that outstanding people from all sectors can
be drawn to the causes of both the Party and the government.” Do some research on
the Chinese model of selecting officials and discuss in what ways it works well in
Reference Answer:
China has cultivated a large number of outstanding political talents with continuous
training, practice and assessment. When we select officials, priority is given to those
who have grassroots working experience, dare to take on responsibilities, and are
adept at taking actions, according to the regulation on the selection and appointment
of Party and government officials by the CPC. Experience in areas like poverty
eradication, job creation, local economic growth, social development and,
increasingly, environmental protection is a key criterion. After meeting those criteria,
candidates need to go through a vigorous process including proposal, democratic
recommendation, appraisal, and discussion before finally being appointed.

3. The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee made overall
planning for advancing reform comprehensively, and formulated the road map and
schedule for reform. The plan includes over 330 reform measures for 15 areas, such as
the economy, politics, culture, society, ecological progress and Party building. Do
some research on one of the reforms and discuss what achievements have been made
in that area.

Reference Answer:
“Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Major
Issues Concerning Comprehensively Deepening the Reform” adopted at the Third
Plenary Session of the 18th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China
makes top-level design and major strategic deployment for comprehensively
deepening reforms. Take “Building a New Open Economic System” stressed in the
Decision, for example.
“To adapt to the new trend of economic globalization, we must promote domestic
openness together with openness to the outside world, better integrate the “bring in”
and “go global” strategies, stimulate the orderly and free flow of international and
domestic factors of production, highly efficient allocation of resources and in-depth
market integration, and foster new advantages in participating in and leading
international economic cooperation and competition at a faster pace, in order to
promote reform through opening up.”
The following are some of the achievements regarding “Building a New Open
Economic System.”
The quality and capability of furthering China’s opening up have improved
substantially with achievements in trade and investment, institutional opening-up, free
trade zones and ports, and global economic governance.

More for Reference:

Achievements in trade and investment:
China’s total trade in goods and services grew from $4.4 trillion in 2012, second in
the world, to $6.9 trillion in 2021, ranking first in the world for two consecutive
The country’s two-way investment also ranks among the top in the world, attracting
1.15 trillion yuan ($170 billion) of foreign capital in 2021, an increase of 62.9
percent over 2012. Since 2017, China has ranked second in the world in attracting
foreign investment for four consecutive years, with the foreign investment flow
ranking among world’s top three. Belt and Road economic and trade cooperation has
also expanded substantially.
Institutional opening up:
The management model of the negative list for foreign investment was promoted
nationwide in 2016 and the restrictive measures were reduced from the original 93
items to the current 31. With the implementation of the Foreign Investment Law in
2020, a new foreign investment management system was launched. The first negative
list for cross-border trade in services was launched in South China’s Hainan
province in 2021, bringing China’s institutional opening-up to a new level.

Free trade zones and ports:
A total of 21 pilot free trade zones have been established since the first was
established in Shanghai in 2013, with 278 institutional innovations replicated and
promoted nationwide. The construction of Hainan Free Trade Port was launched in
2018 and more than 120 institutional innovation achievements have been launched so
Global economic governance:
China promoted reaching an agreement for the Beijing Roadmap for APEC’s
Contribution to the Realization of the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific by 21
members in 2014. This drew a blueprint for the establishment of a high-level free
trade area in the Asia-Pacific region. China also promoted the establishment of the
G20 Guiding Principles for Global Investment Policymaking at the 2016 G20
Hangzhou Summit, which laid the foundation for the WTO’s investment facilitation
initiative in 2017. China has also actively participated in the reform of the WTO and
firmly safeguarded the multilateral trading system.

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
December 2021 saw a series of international meetings concerning democracy, as
evidenced by the International Forum on Democracy: The Shared Human Values held
in China and the Summit for Democracy held in the United States. These events
showed the increasing awareness of and the heightened debate over democracy.
Evandro Menezes de Carvalho, professor at Fluminense Federal University,
specifies two contradictions revealed at the Summit for Democracy. The first one lies
in the criteria for defining democracy, and the second one is grounded in its refusal of
the “democratization of the international system.”
In the last few years, the social problems in the West have led to doubt about
Western-style democracy, especially US-style democracy. In the 2021 annual report
released by Sweden’s International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance,
the US was placed on the list of “backsliding” democracies for its visible deterioration
of democracy on several criteria, constituting a wake-up call for the risk its
democracy faces.
By comparison, China’s whole-process people’s democracy has been increasingly
appreciated. In 2002, Anne Thurston, then associate professor of China studies at
Johns Hopkins University, lauded China’s village election system for its
competitiveness, fairness, and democracy. Covering all aspects of the democratic

process and all sectors of society, China’s whole-process people’s democracy can be
deemed another hallmark of socialist democracy, showing China’s appeal to a
multipolar world.
The whole-process people’s democracy reflects China’s success in the past
decades. Martin Jacques, former senior fellow at Cambridge University, holds that
China’s whole-process people’s democracy is unmatched by any Western-style
governing system for its strategic and inclusive nature. It is also historically rooted
and can truly mobilize people. On the other hand, Robert Kuhn, chairman of the Kuhn
Foundation and recipient of the China Reform Friendship Medal (2018), regards CPC
leadership as the key to China’s success.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, “Village Election in China”, US

Government Printing Office, July 8, 2002,
1327.htm, (accessed January 21, 2022).
2. Global Times, “CPC Leadership, Commitment and Mobilization Drive China’s
Success: Robert Kuhn”, June 25, 2021,
https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202106/1227084.shtml, (accessed January 23,
3. CGTN, “Democracy, Shared Human Values: Forum on democracy Opens in
Beijing”, December 5, 2021,
-on-democracy-begins-in-Beijing-15IRPiuCnsI/index.html, (accessed January 21
4. De Carvalho, E., “Towards a Democratic Debate on Chinese Democracy”, China
Daily, December 7, 2021,
0269361.html, (accessed January 21 2022).
5. China Daily, “Expert: Notion of Democracy Not a Monopoly”, October 13, 2021,
(accessed January 20, 2022).
6. Hossain, I., “US’s Democracy Summit Is an Attack on Sovereignty of Many
Nations”, CGTN, December 10, 2021,
sovereignty-of-many-nations-15Sk9QnXRII/index.html, (accessed January 21,
7. International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, “The Global State

of Democracy 2021: Building Resilience in a Pandemic Era”, International
Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance, 2021,
-2021_0.pdf, (accessed June 5, 2022).
8. Mahoney, J., “Whole Process Democracy Is Real Democracy”, CGTN, December 5,
acy-15KaVvjbqus/index.html, (accessed January 23, 2022).
9. Miller-Idriss, C., “America’s Democracy Is Failing—and the World Knows It”,
MSNBC, November 25, 2021,
84597, (accessed January 21, 2022).
10. Nietzel, M., “More Than 100 Scholars Issue Warning That American Democracy Is
in Danger, Call For Federal Reforms”, Forbes, June 1, 2021,
aa30bb726f7, (accessed January 21, 2022).
11. The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, “China:
Democracy That Works”, December 4, 2021,
(accessed January 22, 2022).
12. Global Times, “Update: China Expounds on Its Democracy with Confidence,
Strength”, December 4, 2021,
https://www.globaltimes.cn/page/202112/1240621.shtml?id=12, (accessed January
23, 2022).
13. Xin, C. “The Communist Party of China and the Country’s Fundamental System”,
Qiushi Journal, March 3, 2022, http://en.qstheory.cn/2022-03/03/c_721180.htm,
(accessed June 5, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Note: The white paper China: Democracy That Works covers many aspects that can
all be seen as defining features of China’s whole-process people’s democracy. This
assignment is intended to encourage students to read materials on this topic further
and develop their ideas logically. Students don’t need to list all the defining
features. Rather, they are expected to concentrate on one feature and elaborate on it
with concrete examples.

According to the white paper China: Democracy That Works, China’s whole-process
people’s democracy includes, but not limited to, the following defining features:
1) The people’s status as masters of the country is the essence. Whether a country is
democratic depends on whether its people are truly the masters of the country,
whether the people have the right to participate extensively, and whether the verbal
promises in elections are fulfilled after elections, etc. In this sense, China’s
whole-process people’s democracy is a model of democracy that gives full expression
to the socialist nature of the state and the people’s principal position.

2) CPC leadership is the fundamental guarantee for whole-process people’s

democracy. China’s whole-process people’s democracy embodies the Party’s
innovation in advancing China’s democratic theories, systems, and practices. The
CPC plays to the full its role as overall leader and coordinator in all areas of endeavor
of the country and ensures that the people run the country effectively.

3) A sound institutional framework. China’s whole-process people’s democracy

contains a well-coordinated and comprehensive institutional framework. By
establishing the system of people’s congresses, the system of multi-party cooperation
and political consultation, and the system of regional ethnic autonomy, China has built
a broad united front for the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

4) Concrete and pragmatic practices. The whole-process people’s democracy

integrates electoral democracy with consultative democracy. It is applied through a
combination of elections, consultations, decision-making, management, and oversight.

Sample Essay:
The story behind Gubei Golden Street, a popular street in Changning District,
Shanghai, constitutes a vivid example of the essence of the whole-process people’s
democracy. An Dadi, a college teacher living in Gubei Golden Street, submitted
several proposals on local issues in the community via the platform provided by the
Gubei Civic Center. Later, the Gubei Civic Center invited An to join the
community-level contact station to provide feedback on the legislative plans for NPC
and Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress. An also launched a series of consultation
meetings to gather key shareholders’ opinions in the neighborhood. Many of their
proposals were realized, leading to a series of measures taken and implemented in the
community, including facilities that separate vehicular traffic and pedestrians, as well
as special areas designed for dumping pet waste. The whole-process people’s
democracy enables An and his neighbors to engage in the governance of Gubei
Golden Street. It also shows that no matter is trivial when it comes to people’s

livelihoods, which reinforces the people’s status as masters of the country again.
China’s whole-process people’s democracy is an achievement resulting from a
complex process of selection, experimentation, practice, and development based on
the distinctive conditions of China. It also contributes to the world by showing that, in
a truly diverse world, democracy can take various forms and should be developed
along the paths chosen suited to the specific modernization process of each country.
The creation and introduction of China’s model can help broaden the narrow
conceptualization of democracy previously dominated by the West, promote
democracy in international relations, and increase exchanges and mutual learning
between civilizations.

1. The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, “China:
Democracy That Works”, Xinhua Net, December 4, 2021,
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-12/04/c_1310350773.htm, (accessed July
8, 2022).
2. China Daily, “Story Behind Gubei Golden Street: Vivid Practice of
Whole-Process People’s Democracy”, June 28, 2022,
(accessed July 8, 2022).

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentences 1 and 8 in “Words and Phrases,” and Sentences 1 and 2 in
“Translation”). The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences
if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and Rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Key:
Words and Phrases
1. in strict conformity with 2. drawing on 3. refine
4. outweigh 5. incentivized 6. in an attempt to
7. nourishing 8. from all walks of life 9. adapted to
10. coordinate…with 11. are bestowed with 12. take into account
13. lies in 14. fuse…with 15 consolidate

1. 我们坚持发展最广泛的爱国统一战线,发展独具特色的社会主义协商民主,
We have promoted the broadest possible patriotic United Front and developed a
unique socialist consultative democracy, which has brought together the wisdom
and strength of all political parties, organizations, ethnic groups, social groups, and
people from all walks of life.
2. 中国实行工人阶级领导的、以工农联盟为基础的人民民主专政的国体,实行
China has implemented the state system which is a socialist state under the
people’s democratic dictatorship led by the working class and based on the
alliance of workers and farmers, the system of people’s congresses as the
system of government, the system of multiparty cooperation and political
consultation under the leadership of the CPC, the system of regional ethnic
autonomy, and the system of community-level self-governance, featuring
distinctive Chinese characteristics.
3. 中国社会主要矛盾已经转化为人民日益增长的美好生活需要和不平衡不充分
The principal challenge facing Chinese society is the gap between unbalanced
and inadequate development and the ever-growing expectation of the people
for a better life. In the past, we worked to provide for people's basic needs; now we
are striving to improve their quality of life. We must focus on improving the quality
and efficiency of development to better meet the growing expectation of our people
in all areas, and further promote well-rounded personal development and common
prosperity for all.
4. 党的十八届三中全会首次提出“推进国家治理体系和治理能力现代化”这个

The Third Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee in 2013 put forward
the idea of “modernizing the state governance system and capacity,” and defined
the goals of comprehensive reform as “to improve and develop socialism with
Chinese characteristics and to modernize the state governance system and

Discourse and Rhetoric

1. “橘生淮南则为橘,生于淮北则为枳”。我们需要借鉴国外政治文明有益成
As an old Chinese saying goes, “To the south of the Huaihe River grow oranges,
while to the north grow bitter oranges.” The purpose of the saying is to highlight the
influence of environment. We should draw on the achievements of other political
civilizations, but we should never let them outweigh the foundations of China’s own
political system.
2. 对丰富多彩的世界,我们应该秉持兼容并蓄的态度,虚心学习他人的好东西,
Living in a colorful world, we should uphold the approach of inclusiveness, modestly
learn from the best of other civilizations, and digest and absorb them on an
independent basis, so as to turn them into part of the best of our own. Never follow
others without trying to understand them properly. In attempting to walk like a swan,
the crow loses its own gait.
3. 照抄照搬他国的政治制度行不通,会水土不服,会画虎不成反类犬,甚至会
Blindly copying the political systems of other countries will never work in China.
They will never adapt to our country. Such a course of action will “turn the tiger you
are trying to draw into a dog.”

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

The three Chinese sentences all contain the rhetorical device of analogy (类比). An
analogy is a rhetorical device that makes a comparison by showing how seemingly
different things are alike. It is usually used as an aid to explain something abstract and
complex by comparing it to something concrete and simple. What makes analogy
different from simile and metaphor is that the purpose of analogy is not only to create
a comparison, but also to provide an explanation together with additional information.
The main differences between the analogy and metaphor can be summarized as
• Analogy is used to demonstrate how two things are similar while metaphor is used to
get your point across in a more emphatic manner, or to create a mental image in your
reader’s mind.
• Metaphor is final and there is no need for any more explanation whereas analogy
makes use of another set to make things clear.
The translations of the analogies, however, are different in the three English sentences.
In the first sentence, the analogy between political systems and oranges is directly
translated with an additional expression “As an old Chinese saying goes” which
explicitly explains the source of the analogy. The second translation paraphrases 囫囵
吞枣 into “Never follow others without trying to understand them properly” while
translating 邯郸学步 into a similar English saying “In attempting to walk like a
swan, the crow loses its own gait.” The analogy between tiger and dog is literally
translated into English in the third English sentence, and the rhetorical effect is
therefore largely kept. Generally speaking, the strategies for translating analogies are
appropriately used in the three English sentences, making the translations vivid and

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

People don’t need to wear the same shoes; they should find what suit their feet.
Governments don’t have to adopt the same model of governance; they should find
what benefits their people.

From Treatise on Scholarship and Politics (《默觚》)

Reference Answer:
There are no one-size-fits-all shoes for different people; by the same token, there is no
universal model for the development of different countries. The validity of this idea is
confirmed by China’s experience of exploring its unique path of development. Over a

century ago, the Chinese people, braving wars and turmoil, began to look for a new
way to save the country. After repeatedly failed attempts at instituting constitutional
monarchy and parliamentary forms of government, China finally embarked on the
path of socialism. This is a choice made by history and by the people. Entering the
new era, the Chinese people, confident in their path, theory, system and culture, are
making concerted efforts to build socialism with Chinese characteristics and to realize
the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Unit 5 A Fair and Just Society

Students will learn to
 understand the ten principles regarding law-based governance;
 interpret the people’s principal status in the process of rule of law;
 examine the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics;
 analyze the relationship between the rule of law and the rule of virtue;
 evaluate the performance of the American democracy;
 take a global perspective on China’s people-centered philosophy on safeguarding
human rights;
 write an essay on China’s experience in protecting and promoting human rights
based on our country’s realities;
 use key words and expressions about the rule of law under Chinese socialism.

Quotes from President Xi

2017 年 10 月 18 日

2014 年 10 月 23 日


I. Chinese Translation:

II. Key Terms:

1. the rule of law: It is the mechanism, process, institution, practice, or norm that
supports the equality of all citizens before the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of
government, and more generally prevents the arbitrary use of power.

2. United Nations Millennium Declaration: The United Nations Millennium

Declaration, signed in September 2000, commits world leaders to combat poverty,
hunger, disease, illiteracy, environmental degradation, and discrimination against

3. CPC National Congress: According to the Constitution of the Communist Party of

China, the highest leading body of the Party is the National Congress and the Central
Committee it elects, and all the constituent organizations and members of the Party
are subordinate to the CPC National Congress and the Central Committee. The
functions and powers of the CPC National Congress include: to hear and examine the
reports from the Central Committee and the Central Commission for Discipline
Inspection; to discuss and decide the major issues of the Party; to revise the Party’s
Constitution; to elect a new Central Committee and a new Central Commission for
Discipline Inspection.

4. CPC Central Committee: When the CPC National Congress is not in session, the
Central Committee carries out the resolutions of the CPC National Congress, directs
all the work of the Party, and represents the CPC in its external relations. The
members of the CPC Central Committee are elected for a term of five years.
However, when the next National Congress is convened before or after its normally
scheduled date, the term shall be correspondingly shortened or extended.

5. Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law: The first central conference on work
related to overall law-based governance in the history of the Communist Party of
China (November, 2020) marks the establishment of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule
of Law and its status as the guiding thought for law-based governance in China. The
thought answers major questions concerning why and how law-based governance
should be advanced. The following are the “11 upholds” which embody the rich
implications of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of Law:
—Upholding Party leadership on overall law-based governance.
—Taking a people-centered approach.
—Staying on the path of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.
—Adhering to Constitution-based governance.
—Promoting the modernization of China’s governance system and capacity along the
path of the rule of law.
—Adhering to a system of the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.
—Pursuing coordinated progress in law-based governance, law-based exercise of state
power, and law-based government administration, and promoting the integrated
development of the rule of law for the country, the government and the society.
—Ensuring sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement, impartial administration of
justice, and the observance of the law by everyone.
—Taking a coordinated approach to promoting the rule of law at home and in matters
involving foreign parties.
—Fostering a high-quality team of professionals with both integrity and ability for
legal work.
— Ensuring that leading officials at various levels faithfully implement major
decisions and plans made by the CPC Central Committee on overall law-based

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged to
explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into small
discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to the class.
The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 What major measures has the CPC Central Committee taken to enhance the rule of
law in China since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012?
Reference Answer:
(1) Upholding Constitution-based governance: the Central Committee has amended
the Constitution as required by the times, designated the national Constitution Day,
and established the institution of pledging allegiance to the Constitution.
(2) Strengthening the oversight of the implementation of the Constitution: It has
advanced law-based government, substantially reduced items for administrative
approval, completely ruled out examination and approval for non-administrative
licenses, and introduced a power list, a negative list and a responsibility list for
governments at various levels.
(3) Carrying forward reform in the domain of rule of law: It has promoted the
adoption of judicial accountability, personnel quota systems and reform measures to
establish a criminal litigation system centering on trials, and has abolished the system
of reeducation through labor and rectified a batch of cases involving serious
miscarriages of justice.
(4) Carrying forward basic legal education among the people and encouraging them
to abide by the law: It has carried out a responsibility program in which state law
enforcement departments are responsible for strengthening public legal awareness,
and has incorporated education on the rule of law into the national education system.

Q2 How do you understand the relationship between public legal awareness and the
rule of law?
Reference Answer:
Strong public legal awareness is a crucial contributor to the rule of law. We must
make greater efforts to raise public legal awareness and create an environment for the
rule of law in which all of our people work in accordance with the law, look to the law
when running into problems, and rely on the law to resolve problems and conflicts.
On June 15, 2021, China’s central authorities released a five-year plan on carrying
out publicity and education to raise public awareness of the law, in a bid to facilitate
economic and social development in the 14th Five-Year Plan period (2021-2025).
Stressing the importance of publicizing the Constitution and the Civil Code, the plan
notes that activities should be held on studying the Constitution, while the content of
the Civil Code should be included in the national education system.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

Since the 18th CPC National Congress, solid progress has been made in
advancing the rule of law in China. As the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC
Central Committee points out, “Our overall objective is to establish a system of
socialist rule of law with distinctive Chinese features and establish China as a socialist
country under the rule of law.” The central conference on work related to overall
law-based governance marks the establishment of Xi Jinping Thought on the Rule of
Law and its status as the guiding thought for law-based governance in China. The text
in this unit is part of the speech made by President Xi at the first meeting of the
Commission for Law-Based Governance under the CPC Central Committee (August
24, 2018), which puts forward ten principles for strengthening the law-based
governance in China.
The text can be divided into two parts. The first part (Para. 1) sums up the major
decisions and measures on law-based governance adopted since the 18th CPC
National Congress and the second part (Paras. 2-13) interprets the ten principles
regarding law-based governance. Since the text is taken from a speech on a formal
occasion discussing a serious topic, the language is formal and standard with a
combination of short imperative sentences emphasizing the major points and long
complex sentences elaborating on these points with details. Metaphor is also used to
achieve vivid and memorable effects (e.g. “Reform and the rule of law are like the two
wings of a bird or the two wheels of a cart. We must promote reform under the rule of
law and improve the rule of law in the process of reform.”).

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012, the Central Committee has made a
series of major decisions and worked out a chain of major measures on law-based
governance. (Para. 1)
law-based governance (依法治国): It is to govern the country according to the law
that embodies the will of the people and the law of social development, rather than
according to any individual’s will and proposition. It requires that the political,
economic operation and social activities of the country should be carried out in
accordance with the law without any interference or obstruction of any individual’s
will. In short, law-based governance is to govern the country in accordance with the
Constitution and laws.
2. Upholding Constitution-based governance, we have amended the Constitution as
required by the times, designated the national Constitution Day, and established the
institution of pledging allegiance to the Constitution. (Para. 1)
uphold: to defend or keep a principle or law, or to say that a decision that has already
been made, especially a legal one, is correct
e.g. We will endeavor to uphold the high educational standards which have become
associated with this institution.

Constitution-based governance (依宪治国): China’s Constitution is the country’s

fundamental law and the overriding charter for governance. It enjoys supreme legal
status and is the most authoritative and efficacious law in the country. It is
fundamental, all-inclusive, stable and everlasting. No organization or individual has
the prerogative to overstep the Constitution and laws. All violations of the
Constitution and laws shall be held accountable.
To establish the rule of law it is imperative to seek Constitution-based governance
first, and to administer governance in accordance with the law it is necessary to do so
in accordance with the Constitution first. Thoroughly implementing the Constitution
is the primary task and fundamental work for making China into a socialist law-based
country. The CPC leads the people in resolutely implementing the Constitution,
abiding by its principles, promoting its guidelines and accomplishing the mission it
has defined.

amend: to correct or make small changes to something that is written or spoken

e.g. The defendant later amended his evidence.

pledge: to make a formal, usually public, promise that you will do something
e.g. Moore pledged $100,000 to the orchestra at the fund-raising dinner.

allegiance: loyalty to a leader, country, belief, etc.

e.g. The people here have strong political allegiance.

3. We have advanced law-based government, substantially reduced items for

administrative approval, completely ruled out examination and approval for
non-administrative licenses, and introduced a power list, a negative list and a
responsibility list for governments at various levels, so as to regulate the exercise of
executive power and see that law is enforced in a strict, procedure-based, impartial and
non-abusive way. (Para. 1)
rule out: to eliminate

a negative list (负面清单): A negative-list approach is a standard international

practice in soliciting investment. A negative list identifies the industries, sectors, and
businesses that are closed or partially closed to corporate investment and other
activities. Those not covered are open to these activities as long as the registration
requirements prescribed by law are complied with. Market entities can do anything
that is not prohibited by law. The introduction of this approach marks a major change
in China’s governance mindset. It represents a further step in promoting the rule of
law by regulating public power and protecting private rights.

abusive: using rude and offensive words or involving physical violence or emotional
e.g. Her husband’s violent and abusive behavior drove her to despair.

4. We have abolished the system of reeducation through labor and rectified a batch
of cases involving serious miscarriages of justice. (Para. 1)
abolish: to officially end a law, system, etc., especially one that has existed for a long
e.g. Slavery was abolished in the US in the 19th century.

reeducation through labor (劳动教养): Reeducation through labor is a system and

institution where regulation- or law-breakers are educated or reformed through labor
and training. On December 28, 2013, the Standing Committee of the National
People’s Congress passed the decision on abolishing the relevant provisions on
reeducation through labor to end the reeducation through labor system, which had
been implemented for more than 50 years.

rectify: to correct something that is wrong

e.g. I did my best to rectify the situation, but the damage was already done.

batch: a group of people or things that arrive or are dealt with together
batch of
e.g. Every day another batch of papers reaches the manager, demanding his attention.

miscarriage of justice: A miscarriage of justice is a wrong decision made by a court,

as a result of which an innocent person is punished.

e.g. His conviction was a tragic/grave miscarriage of justice.

5. We have kept our commitment to law-based governance, developing and improving
Party rules and regulations, pushing forward the reform of the national supervision
system, punishing corruption and crimes in accordance with the law, and exercising
full and strict governance over our Party. (Para. 1)
in accordance with something: according to a rule, system, etc.
e.g. Each group acted in accordance with its own set of objectives.
His funeral will be private, in accordance with his wishes.

6. In absolutely no way does the rule of law amount to weakening the leadership of the
CPC. (Para. 3)
amount to something:
(1) to have the same effect as something else
e.g. The court decided that the company’s actions amounted to unfair dismissal.
(2) to add up to a particular total
e.g. Time lost through illness amounted to 356 working days.

7. Instead, it is meant to strengthen and improve its leadership, constantly enhance its
capacity and performance in law-based governance, and bolster its position as the
governing party. (Para. 3)
bolster: to support or improve something or make it stronger
e.g. She tried to bolster my confidence/morale (= encourage me and make me feel
stronger) by telling me that I had a special talent.

8. We must ensure the Party’s leadership over legislation, its guarantee of law
enforcement, its support for judicial justice, and its exemplary role in abiding by the
law. (Para. 3)
(1) very good and suitable to be copied by other people
e.g. In the process, he displayed exemplary leadership skills.
(2) severe and used as a warning
e.g.an exemplary punishment

9. We must turn the views of our Party into the will and laws of the state through legal
procedures, ensure effective implementation of our Party’s policies through the law and
ensure that we are on the right track in exercising law-based governance. (Para. 3)
be on the right track: to be progressing in a way that is likely to succeed
e.g. We’ve had the initial test results and it looks as though we’re on the right track.

10. Second, uphold the principle that the people enjoy the principal status in our
society. (Para. 4)
the principle that the people enjoy the principal status (or the primacy of the
people 人民的主体地位): The people are the major force behind social productivity,
social life and social history. This is the basic tenet of Marxism. Since the day of its
founding, the CPC has devoted itself to ensuring the position of the people as masters
of the country. At the Fifth Plenary Session of its 18th CPC Central Committee held
in October 2015, the CPC spelled out six principles on which China must remain
steadfast, the most important of which is to uphold the primacy of the people.
This principle requires that China’s starting points and ultimate goals must focus on
increasing general public wellbeing and achieving the well-rounded development of
the individual, so that the country’s development will always be for the benefit of the
Like other fundamental tenets of the CPC, this principle upholds Marxism and
respects the primacy of the people in the country. It represents the core philosophy
followed by Xi Jinping and other members of the current central leadership in
governing the country.

11. Under no circumstance should we imitate the models and practices of other
countries or adopt the Western models of “constitutionalism,” “separation of powers,”
and “judicial independence.” (Para. 5)
constitutionalism (宪政): doctrine that a government’s authority is determined by a
body of laws or constitution. Although constitutionalism is sometimes regarded as a
synonym for limited government, that is only one interpretation and by no means the
most prominent one historically. More generally constitutionalism refers to efforts to
prevent arbitrary government.

separation of powers (三权分立): It refers to the division of the legislative,

executive, and judicial functions of government among separate and independent
bodies. Such a separation, it has been argued, limits the possibility of arbitrary
excesses by government, since the sanction of all three branches is required for the
making, executing, and administering of laws.

judicial independence (司法独立): It refers to the ability of courts and judges to

perform their duties free of influence or control by other actors, whether
governmental or private. The term is also used in a normative sense to refer to the
kind of independence that courts and judges ought to possess.

12. We must focus on our goal of building socialist rule of law with Chinese
characteristics and work hard to establish a complete system of laws, a highly effective
enforcement system, a stringent scrutiny system, effective supporting measures, and a
sound system of Party regulations, thereby constantly breaking new ground in
law-based governance. (Para. 6)
stringent: A stringent law, rule, standard, etc. is very strict and must be obeyed.
e.g. The most stringent laws in the world are useless unless there is the will to enforce

scrutiny: careful and thorough examination of someone or something

e.g. Careful scrutiny of the company’s accounts revealed a whole series of errors.

13. We must be adept at using institutions and laws to govern our country and improve
our capacity for well-conceived, democratic and law-based governance. (Para. 7)
adept: skillful at doing something
e.g. He’s adept at/in public speaking.
Melissa quickly became adept at predicting his moods.

14. The CPC leads the people in enacting and enforcing the Constitution and the law,
and it must confine its activities to the areas prescribed by the Constitution and the law.
(Para. 8)
confine: to keep someone or something within the limits of a particular activity or
confine something to something
e.g. You’d better confine the speech to 30 minutes.

prescribe: to state officially what should be done in a particular situation

e.g. What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime?

15. They will not be permitted to enjoy any special privilege that places them above the
Constitution and the law, and all acts in violation of the Constitution or the law must be
punished. (Para. 8)
violation: an action that breaks or acts against something, especially a law, agreement,
principle, or something that should be treated with respect
in violation of something
e.g. Several students left the class early, in violation of school rules.

16. We must focus on the key areas of law-based governance and improve the
legislative system and the quality of our legislation. (Para. 9)
legislative: relating to laws or to the process of creating new laws
e.g. legislative body

legislation: a law or set of laws

e.g. Under current legislation, factories must keep noise to a minimum.

17. We must promote strict law enforcement, establish an efficient system, improve
administrative procedures, and fully implement administrative accountability. (Para.
administrative accountability: Administrative accountability refers to a system in
which administrators are obliged to subject themselves to the scrutiny of those who
have entrusted them with such power and they have to take responsibility for their

18. We must make greater efforts to raise public legal awareness and create an
environment for the rule of law in which all of our people work in accordance with the
law, look to the law when running into problems, and rely on the law to resolve
problems and conflicts. (Para. 9)
look to: If you look to someone or something for a particular thing that you want, you
expect or hope that they will provide it.
e.g. We look to others for help, for example in online groups.

19. In implementing law-based governance, we must correctly deal with the

relationships between leadership by the Party and the rule of law, between reform and
the rule of law, between the rule of law and the rule of virtue, and between law-based
governance and rule-based Party discipline. (Para. 10)
the rule of law (or law-based governance 依法治国): A comprehensive agenda for
promoting the rule of law was launched by the Fourth Plenary Session of the 18th
CPC Central Committee in October 2014. Promoting the rule of law is indispensable
to promoting socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The broad goal is to build a socialist legal system with Chinese characteristics where
the rule of law is respected. To this end, it is necessary to have in place a complete set
of legal norms, efficient enforcement measures, rigorous oversight mechanisms,
effective legal protection, and a complete body of internal Party regulations.
The comprehensive process of promoting the rule of law should ensure that the
Constitution and laws are fully complied with in national governance and in the
exercise of political and executive power. Coordinated efforts should be made to
strengthen our legal system and legal awareness throughout the country, at all levels
of the government, and in all sectors of society, so as to ensure the rationality of our
legislative process, universal adherence to and strict enforcement of all laws, and
impartial administration of justice.
It is also essential in this regard to ensure and foster social equity and justice so that
people feel that justice is done in all cases. Leadership by the Party is indispensable
throughout the process of promoting the rule of law. Promoting the rule of law is a
system engineering project, a revolution in the governance of China.

the rule of virtue (以德治国): It is a socialist ideological system that matches the
socialist legal system and makes it a code of conduct universally recognized and
consciously observed by all people. As an integral part of the superstructure, law and
morality are both important means to maintain social order and regulate people’s
thoughts and behaviors. They are interrelated and complementary to each other. The
rule of law regulates the behavior of social members with its authority and
compulsory means. The rule of virtue improves the ideological understanding and
moral consciousness of social members with its persuasion. Moral norms and legal
norms should be integrated and play a unified role.

20. Reform and the rule of law are like the two wings of a bird or the two wheels of a
cart. (Para. 10)
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of simile.

21. We must bring into play the complementary roles of law-based governance and
rule-based Party discipline, and ensure that the CPC governs the country in accordance
with the Constitution and the law, and governs and disciplines itself strictly with Party
rules and regulations. (Para. 10)
bring into play: to put into motion or use
e.g. New evidence has been brought into play in this trial.

22. Ninth, develop a contingent of high-caliber legal personnel with moral integrity
and professional competence. (Para. 11)
(1) a group of people who all have the same aim or are from the same area, and who
are part of a larger group
e.g. A sizable contingent of my family attended the wedding.
(2) a group of soldiers sent to help a larger group
e.g. A large contingent of troops was dispatched.

23. We must strengthen education in our ideals and convictions, carry out in-depth
education on the core socialist values and the socialist concept of law-based
governance, and enable judicial personnel to be more consistent, specialized and
professional in their conduct. (Para. 11)
conviction: a very strong belief or opinion
e.g. They hold the conviction that anyone can make progress if they work hard.
The students possess the conviction that they can make a difference to their

24. We must stick to our goal of legal education to foster virtuous specialists who are
morally and professionally strong. (Para. 11)
stick to:
(1) If you stick to a promise, agreement, decision, or principle, you do what you said
you would do, or do not change your mind.
e.g. Immigrant support groups are waiting to see if he sticks to his word.
(2) If you stick to something, you continue doing, using, saying, or talking about it,
rather than changing to something else.
e.g. Perhaps he should have stuck to writing.

25. They must strive to become more adept at using law-based thinking and approaches
to carry out reform, promote development, resolve problems, and maintain stability.
(Para. 12)
carry out:
(1) to do a particular piece of work, research, etc.
e.g. A survey is now being carried out nationwide.
(2) to do something that you have said you will do or that you have been told to do
e.g. I expect my instructions to be carried out to the letter.

26. They must provide the example whereby the whole of society upholds, studies,
observes and applies the law. (Para. 12)
whereby: by means of which or according to which
e.g. a scheme whereby the elderly will be provided with help in the home

27. These new concepts, thinking and strategies are the latest achievements in
adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. (Para. 13)
adapting Marxism to the Chinese context (马克思主义中国化): It is the process of
combining the basic principles of Marxism with the specific realities of China and
constantly forming the theoretical achievements of Marxism with Chinese
characteristics. Specifically, it is combining the basic principles of Marxism with the
practice of Chinese revolution, construction and reform, and with China’s historical
tradition and culture, so as to both adhere to Marxism and develop Marxism.
III. Original Chinese Text:





Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the text

Reference Answers:
1 The following diagram presents the key points of the text. Fill in the blanks to
get a general idea of the text.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before
comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

Measures on law-based governance since the 18th CPC National Congress

• Strengthen legislation in key areas and improve our socialist legal system with
distinctive Chinese features.
• Uphold Constitution-based governance.
• Advance law-based government.
• Carry forward reform in the domain of rule of law.
• Carry out basic legal education among the people and encourage them to abide by
the law.
• Raise the competence of those responsible for implementing the rule of law.

Principles regarding law-based governance since the 18th CPC National

• First, strengthen the CPC’s leadership role in law-based governance.
• Second, uphold the principle that the people enjoy the principal status in our

• Third, uphold socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.
• Fourth, develop a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics.
• Fifth, push forward coordinated progress in law-based governance, exercise of
state power, and government administration, and promote the integrated
development of the rule of law for the country, the government, and society.
• Sixth, govern the country and exercise state power within the framework of the
• Seventh, ensure sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement, impartial
administration of justice, and the observance of law by all.
• Eighth, properly handle the dialectical relationships concerning law-based
• Ninth, develop a contingent of high-caliber legal personnel with moral integrity
and professional competence.
• Tenth, make sure that leading officials, though small in number, play a key role in
implementing the rule of law.

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to this
exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. How should we strengthen the CPC’s leadership role in law-based governance?

We must ensure the Party’s leadership over legislation, its guarantee of law
enforcement, its support for judicial justice, and its exemplary role in abiding by the
law. We must improve the institutions and mechanisms by which our Party plays its
leadership role in law-based governance. We must turn the views of our Party into the
will and laws of the state through legal procedures, ensure effective implementation of
our Party’s policies through the law and ensure that we are on the right track in
exercising law-based governance.

2. Why and how should we ensure the people’s principal status in the process of rule
of law?
The principle that the people enjoy the principal status in our society answers the
fundamental question of what strength to rely on to win the new victory of socialism
with Chinese characteristics, and reveals that the source of strength to achieve the
goal of the rule of law lies in the people. Only by giving full play to the people’s

principal status can we achieve this great cause. Therefore, we must develop the rule
of law for the people and rely on them, and it must benefit and protect them. We must
uphold social equity and justice, which is the goal of the rule of law, and make sure
that the people can see that equity and justice are served in every law, every law
enforcement action, and every judicial case. In the whole process of our law-based
governance we must represent the people’s interests, reflect their wishes, protect their
rights and interests, and improve their wellbeing. We must ensure that the people,
under the leadership of the CPC, are able to administer state affairs and manage
economic, cultural and social affairs through various channels and in various ways as
provided by law.

3. Why must we uphold the socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics?
In advancing law-based governance, we must take the right path. We need to bear in
mind our own national context and realities and take a path of rule of law best suited
to our own specific conditions. Under no circumstance should we imitate the models
and practices of other countries or adopt the Western models of “constitutionalism,”
“separation of powers,” and “judicial independence.”

4. What does the system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics consist
A complete system of laws, a highly effective enforcement system, a stringent scrutiny
system, effective supporting measures, and a sound system of Party regulations.

5. How should we push forward coordinated progress in law-based governance,

exercise of state power, and government administration, and promote the integrated
development of the rule of law for the country, the government, and society?
Law-based governance, exercise of state power and government administration form
an indivisible whole, the key to which is that the CPC must keep its commitment to
law-based governance and that governments at all levels must administer in
accordance with the law. A law-based country, government, and society each have
their own areas of focus, allowing them to exert a mutually reinforcing effect on one
another. A law-based country is the goal of developing the rule of law; a law-based
government is the main force in building a law-based country; a law-based society is
the foundation for building a law-based country.

6. How should the Party govern the country and exercise state power within the
framework of the Constitution?
In pursuing law-based governance, we must first uphold Constitution-based
governance; in pursuing law-based exercise of state power, we must first uphold
Constitution-based exercise of state power. The CPC leads the people in enacting and
enforcing the Constitution and the law, and it must confine its activities to the areas
prescribed by the Constitution and the law. All individuals, organizations and state
organs must regard the Constitution and the law as their code of conduct, and
exercise powers, enjoy rights, perform duties, and fulfill obligations accordingly.

7. Law-based governance depends on “sound lawmaking, strict law enforcement,

impartial administration of justice, and the observance of law by all” (Para. 9).
Choose one aspect you are familiar with and discuss what particular measures can be
taken to promote improvement in that aspect.
I think “impartial administration of justice” is the most important aspect of the rule
of law to individual citizens. The fundamental purpose of advancing the rule of law is
to protect the rights and interests of the people. Therefore, judicial administration
should ensure that all citizens enjoy a wide range of rights in accordance with the law,
and protect citizens’ personal rights, property rights, basic political rights and other
rights from infringement. The life of law lies in implementation, and implementation is
the ultimate guarantee of fairness and justice. But the difficulty of implementation in
some areas makes it hard to realize real justice. For example, the difficulty of
execution of court verdicts damages the interests of the people. In this respect, I
suggest that concrete measures should be taken to solve the problem. For instance:
(1) Enhance coordination between departments to facilitate the execution of court
(2) Further improve individual credit system and set down more restrictions on the
rights of those who refuse to execute court verdicts.
(3) Carry forward legal education among the people and encourage them to abide by
the law.

8. President Xi stresses four dialectical relationships concerning law-based

governance. What does “dialectical” imply in this context?
Socialist rule of law must uphold CPC leadership, while CPC leadership must rely on
socialist rule of law. Reform and the rule of law are like the two wings of a bird or the
two wheels of a cart. We must promote reform under the rule of law and improve the
rule of law in the process of reform. We must integrate the rule of law with the rule of
virtue so that they complement and reinforce each other. We must bring into play the
complementary roles of law-based governance and rule-based Party discipline, and
ensure that the CPC governs the country in accordance with the Constitution and the
law, and governs and disciplines itself strictly with Party rules and regulations.

9. How can we develop a contingent of high-caliber legal personnel with moral
integrity and professional competence?
We must strengthen education in our ideals and convictions, carry out in-depth
education on the core socialist values and the socialist concept of law-based
governance, and enable judicial personnel to be more consistent, specialized and
professional in their conduct. We must stick to our goal of legal education to foster
virtuous specialists who are morally and professionally strong. We must be innovative
in training legal talent and cultivate a large number of legal professionals of high
caliber and their successors.

10. Why do leading officials, though small in number, play a key role in
implementing the rule of law?
It is leading officials who exercise the ruling power of the Party and the legislative,
administrative, supervisory and judicial powers of the state. Therefore, they are key to
law-based governance. They must set a good example in upholding the law and
treating it with respect, in understanding and having a good mastery of the law, in
observing the law and defending the rule of law, and in applying the law and working
in accordance with the law. They must strive to become more adept at using
law-based thinking and approaches to carry out reform, promote development,
resolve problems, and maintain stability.

II. Critical Thinking

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to
take alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. The importance of judicial accountability has been repeatedly emphasized by
President Xi as an integral part of judicial reform. Do some research on this concept
and discuss what reforms have been enacted in this respect.
Reference Answer:
The judicial accountability system attempts to revoke the power of senior judicial
officials to interfere with the judge’s hearing of cases, meaning “he who hears the
case shall make the judgment and be liable therefore.” On the one hand, the judicial
accountability system tries to ensure judges’ independent exercise of their
adjudicative power. The judicial reforms prevent local governments, local Party
organizations, insiders of the judicial organs from interfering with judicial activities.
On the other hand, the judicial accountability system also requires supervision of
judges’ adjudicative power. Reforms in this respect seek an alternative monitoring
mechanism to supervise the judges.

More for reference:

The CPC and the Supreme People’s Court (SPC) have explained that the judicial
reform is to delocalize, that is, to prevent local governments and local party
organizations at all levels as well as their leadership from interfering with judicial
activities, for instance, intervening in the specific case trial. The judicial reform is
also de-bureaucratization, that is, insiders of the judicial organs shall never interfere
with the cases that other people are handling. It is precisely for these two goals that
judges must be entitled to the independent exercise of adjudicative power. To this end,
the SPC requires all courts across the country to abolish the “Review and Approval of
Judgment System.”
The judicial accountability system also requires supervision of judges’ adjudicative
power. The SPC is concerned that if judges’ power to make a judgment is not subject
to supervision, the quality of their work is likely to fall substantially, and may even
lead to violations such as corruption. Therefore, it is essential to seek an alternative
monitoring mechanism. The SPC believes that it is only natural that judges must be
held accountable for the cases they hear since they have the power to handle cases
independently. Therefore, it is reasonable to continue to supervise judges after the
revocation of “Review and Approval of Judgment System.”

2. In this text President Xi highlights the importance of integrating the rule of law
with the rule of virtue. How do you interpret the relationship between the two? Why is
the combination of the two so important for good governance?
Reference Answer:
As remarked by President Xi, “Law is a set of virtues in writing; virtue represents the
law in one’s inner world. Both function to regulate people’s conduct and social
relations and maintain social order, yet each plays a different role in national
governance. Law ensures social stability while virtue nourishes the mind. Effective
law enforcement depends on the good practice of virtue while virtue must work within
legal restraints. The rule of law and the rule of virtue are inseparable and must be
balanced and coordinated for better national governance.”
In this framework, the rule of virtue plays the role of providing moral consensus to
bind the nation together with something more than just legal procedures and
documents. If law is a system of rules that people must comply with at all times, then
virtue is the moral foundation of a society that should never dissipate. By integrating
the rule of virtue into the rule of law, China’s rule of law becomes more morally
appealing for its people to understand and conform with.

3. Nowadays more and more scholars in the United States and around the world are
deeply concerned about “the failures of American democracy.” Search for the English
versions of The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States released by
the State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China in recent
years. Based on the evidence from the reports and the research findings by
international scholars, evaluate the performance of the American democracy.
Reference Answer:
Over the years, the American democracy has become degenerated, and it has
increasingly deviated from the essence of democracy and its original design. The
American-style democracy is a rich men’s game based on capital, and is
fundamentally different from democracy of the people. The function of “checks and
balances,” which was purportedly designed to prevent abuse of power, has been
distorted in American political practice. Political polarization continues to grow as
the two parties drift further apart in political agenda and their areas of consensus
have reduced significantly.
In addition, the human rights situation in the United States, which has notorious
records, worsened in recent years. Political manipulation led to a sharp surge in
COVID-19 deaths; shooting deaths hit a new record; fake democracy trampled on
people’s political rights; violent law enforcement made life harder for migrants and
refugees; discrimination against ethnic minority groups, especially Asians, intensified.
In the meantime, unilateral US actions created new humanitarian crises across the

More for Reference:

1. The Report on Human Rights Violations in the United States in 2021 (Foreword)
The human rights situation in the United States, which has notorious records,
worsened in 2021. Political manipulation led to a sharp surge in COVID-19 deaths;
shooting deaths hit a new record; fake democracy trampled on people’s political rights;
violent law enforcement made life harder for migrants and refugees; discrimination
against ethnic minority groups, especially Asians, intensified. In the meantime,
unilateral US actions created new humanitarian crises across the globe.
The United States has the world’s highest number of COVID-19 cases and deaths,
with 34.51 million confirmed cases and 480,000 fatalities, which far surpassed the
numbers in 2020. Average life expectancy fell by 1.13 years, the biggest drop since the
Second World War.
-Public security situation in the United States deteriorated and violent crimes
remained prevalent. There were 693 mass shootings in 2021, up 10.1 percent from
2020. More than 44,000 people were killed in gun violence.
-More than 420 bills with provisions that restrict voting access have been
introduced in 49 US states. Only 7 percent of young Americans view the country as a
“healthy democracy,” while public trust in the government has fallen to almost a
historical low since 1958.
-Around 81 percent of Asian American adults said violence against Asian
communities is rising. Hate crimes against Asians in the New York City jumped 361
percent from 2020. Fifty-nine percent of Americans said ethnic minority groups do not
have equal job opportunities.
-In fiscal year 2021, the United States detained more than 1.7 million migrants at
its southern border, including 45,000 children. Violent law enforcement claimed 557
lives, the highest number since 1998, which more than doubled that of the previous
fiscal year.
-A US drone strike during its withdrawal of troops from Afghanistan killed 10
members of an Afghan family, including seven children, among which the youngest was
only two years old. The United States still held 39 detainees at the Guantanamo prison.
Fernand de Varennes, a special rapporteur on minority issues of the United
Nations, said the US legal system of human rights protection is incomplete and
outdated, which has led to growing inequality.
As for the US malpractice in creating human rights crises in other countries in the
name of human rights, Stephen Walt, a professor of international relations at Harvard
University, said “Americans must first fix what has gone wrong at home and rethink
how they deal with the rest of the world.”
In 2021, the US public persona of “human rights defender” was totally debunked
as the so-called “Summit for Democracy” under the guise of safeguarding human
rights became a farce. At the 48th Session of the United Nations Human Rights Council,
many countries blasted the United States for being the “biggest destroyer” of human
rights in the world and urged the country to address its own severe human rights
2. The State of Democracy in the United States (Extracts)
From a historical perspective, the development of democracy in the US was a
step forward. The political party system, the representative system, one person one
vote, and the separation of powers negated and reformed the feudal autocracy in
Europe. The well-known French writer Alexis de Tocqueville recognized this in his
book Democracy in America. The Declaration of Independence, the Bill of Rights,
abolitionist movement, civil rights movement and affirmative action were highlights in
the advancement of American democracy. The principle of “government of the people,
by the people and for the people” articulated by Abraham Lincoln is recognized
However, over the years, democracy in the US has become alienated and
degenerated, and it has increasingly deviated from the essence of democracy and its
original design…
The American-style democracy is a rich men’s game based on capital, and is
fundamentally different from democracy of the people…For example, the 2020
presidential election and Congressional elections cost some US$14 billion, two times
that of 2016 and three times that of 2008; indeed, they are known as the most
expensive elections in American history...
The US is a typical country dominated by an elite class. Political pluralism is
only a facade. A small number of elites dominate the political, economic and military
affairs. They control the state apparatus and policy-making process, manipulate
public opinion, dominate the business community and enjoy all kinds of privileges…In
the context of Democratic-Republican rivalry, the general public’s participation in
politics is restricted to a very narrow scope. For ordinary voters, they are only called
upon to vote and are forgotten once they have cast their ballots. Most people are just
“walk-ons” in the theater of election. This makes “government by the people” hardly
possible in US political practice…
The US political system has far too many checks and balances, raising the cost of
collective action and in some cases making it impossible altogether. Fukuyama calls
the system a “vetocracy”…
The US democratic process is fragmented and lengthy, with a lot of veto points
where individual veto players can block action by the whole body. The function of
“checks and balances,” which was purportedly designed to prevent abuse of power,
has been distorted in American political practice. Political polarization continues to
grow as the two parties drift further apart in political agenda and their areas of
consensus have reduced significantly…
Political infighting, money politics, and vetocracy make it virtually impossible for
quality governance to be delivered as desired by the general public. Americans are
increasingly disillusioned with US politics and pessimistic about the American-style

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
Respecting and protecting human rights is an indispensable part of China’s
unremitting efforts in comprehensively advancing the rule of law under Chinese
When addressing the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), China’s
state councilor and foreign minister Wang Yi explained that China views human rights
as an all-encompassing concept that includes civil, political, economic, social, and
cultural rights. The rights to subsistence and development are crucial to the concept of
human rights, while the right to health and environment should also be given more
prominence. China also opposes using human rights as an excuse to interfere in other
countries’ internal affairs.
China’s vision of and experience in protecting and promoting human rights has
received recognition from experts worldwide. Mustafa Hyder Sayed, executive
director of the Pakistan-China Institute, considers the very act of attacking China on
the so-called human rights issues an example of the weaponization and selective
application of the concept of human rights. Bradley Blankenship, an American
journalist and political analyst, believes that the enhanced voice of China enriches the
narratives on human rights previously dominated by the West and offers a check
against Washington’s interference in other nations’ internal affairs. Other experts,
including Siddharth Chatterjee, the United Nations resident coordinator in China, also
come to the consensus that China’s people-centered human rights philosophy, a
pragmatic approach that safeguards people’s well-being, is vital to uplifting human
China also makes an all-out effort to contribute to global human rights endeavors.
As the first country that pledged to make COVID-19 vaccines a global public good,
China had provided vaccine assistance to 53 developing countries as of February 2021.
This effort is considered by Dennis Munene, executive director of the China-Africa
Center at the Kenya-based Africa Policy Institute, a testimony of China’s commitment
to building a global community of shared future.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Bradley Blankenship, “The U.S. Should Take China’s Human Rights Advice”,
CGTN, November 14, 2020,
ts-advice-Vp39zM2gvK/index.html, (accessed April 4, 2022).
2. CGTN, “China’s Approach to Human Rights”, December 12, 2019,
rd9XDW/index.html, (accessed March 5, 2022).
3. Xinhuanet, “China Addresses Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccine Distribution”,
March 13, 2021, http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-03/03/c_139781047.htm,
(accessed March 23, 2022).
4. Mo Jingxi, “Experts Hail China’s Human Rights Efforts”, China Daily, December
10, 2021,
l, (accessed March 5, 2022).
5. Mustafa Hyder Sayed, “How Has the U.S. Weaponized Human Rights?”, CGTN,
July 14, 2020,
ts--S0ZOCWdCpy/index.html, (accessed April 4, 2022).
6. Wang Yi, “A People-Centered Approach for Global Human Rights Progress”,
February 22, 2021, https://www.fmprc.gov.cn/ce/cgmb/eng/zgyw/t1855685.htm,
(accessed March 5, 2022).
7. Wang Xiaodong, “Providing Nearly Expired Vaccines Seen as Violation of Human
Rights”, China Daily, December 30, 2021,
(accessed March 23, 2022).
8. Zhang, Yunbi, “President’s Human Rights Vision Lauded”, China Daily, December
17, 2021,
(accessed March 5, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
According to the United Nations, human rights include the right to life and liberty,
freedom from slavery and torture, freedom of opinion and expression, the right to
work and education, and many more. They are rights inherent to all human beings,
regardless of race, sex, or any other status.1
Since the founding of the PRC, China has made tremendous progress in the
human right cause, especially after the reform and opening up launched in 1978. Take

United Nations, “Human Rights”, https://www.un.org/en/global-issues/human-rights, (accessed July
13, 2022).
Xinjiang, for example. The recognition and protection of economic rights of all ethnic
groups in Xinjiang reflect the progress in human rights in China. From 1978 to 2020,
the per capita disposable income of urban residents in Xinjiang rose from RMB319 to
RMB34,838, and that of rural residents from RMB119 to RMB14,056. By the end of
2020, over 2.7 million rural residents in Xinjiang had been lifted above the poverty
line, and 3,666 villages and 32 counties previously considered poor were no longer
categorized as such.2
However, some Western media and politicians turn a blind eye to the great
achievements in Xinjiang and defame the human rights condition in Xinjiang to serve
their ulterior motives. The story behind the hashtag “I support Xinjiang cotton” shows
that the Western accusations of the so-called forced labor in Xinjiang are groundless
lies. Kayir Silayi, cotton planter of Yuli County in Xinjiang, testifies to the
earth-shaking changes happening in the cotton industry in his hometown. Instead of
being labor-intensive, the whole process of planting cotton has been revolutionized,
with the usage of high horse-power machines to cultivate the land, the unmanned
aerial vehicle for spreading pesticide, the one-way-package system to spray fertilizer,
and the picking-up machine to pick up ripe cotton.3 Turehan Idires, another cotton
grower in Xinjiang, also attests that mechanization enabled her family to save tens of
thousands of yuan on cotton picking alone.4
The Western accusations against China on the so-called human rights issues in
Xinjiang also confuse and even insult local people in Xinjiang. Bai Jingui, a
54-year-old farmer who plants tomatoes, is deeply insulted by the absurd assumption
that all goods from Xinjiang are produced through “forced labor.” “Xinjiang produces
the world’s best tomatoes, so it’s a blessing for us and the whole world. Anyone
slandering that is ruining this blessing,” Bai said.5
Apart from specific industries, tourism is also booming in Xinjiang and has
brought its residents higher income and prosperity. For example, the Beijing Winter
Olympics has led to booming ice and snow tourism in Xinjiang. With over 80 ski
resorts, Xinjiang received about 3.6 million tourists alone during the Spring Festival

The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, “Full Text: Respecting and
Protecting the Rights of All Ethnic Groups in Xinjiang”,
http://www.scio.gov.cn/zfbps/32832/Document/1708579/1708579.htm, (accessed July 13, 2022).
Tianshannet, “We Work Diligently with Our Own Hands to Get Rich and Where Does the ‘Forced
Labor’ Come From!”, October 11, 2021, http://english.ts.cn/system/2021/10/11/036713237.shtml,
(accessed July 13, 2022).
Tianshannet, “Across China: Xinjiang Residents Cash In on Skills Training, Mechanization”, July 9,
2022, http://english.ts.cn/system/2022/07/09/036815790.shtml, (accessed July 13, 2022).
China Economic Net, “Xinjiang Farmers Indignant About Being Labeled by U.S. Lies”, June 27, 2022,
http://en.ce.cn/main/latest/202206/27/t20220627_37804936.shtml, (accessed July 13, 2022).
holiday in February 2022.6
According to the white paper titled Moderate Prosperity in All Respects: Another
Milestone Achieved in China’s Human Rights, the route to all-round moderate
prosperity coincides with comprehensive progress in human rights in China, which
involves the protection of economic, social, and cultural rights, political and
democratic rights, personal rights, personality rights, and property rights.7 In the case
of Xinjiang, data and evidence show that people living in Xinjiang have witnessed
tremendous improvements in its economic development, and that the smear campaign
against China cannot stop the peaceful and steady development of Xinjiang.

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentence 1 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentences 1-5 in “Translation”). The
teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and Rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and Phrases
1. amend 2. abolish 3. rectify
4. a new batch of 5. abides by 6. Bolstered
7. be adept at 8. uphold 9. in accordance with
10. a contingent of 11. bring into play 12. on a fast track of
13. look to 14. in violation of 15. stick to

Tianshannet, “Xinhua Headlines: Tourism Resurgence Tells of a Flourishing, Stable, Open Xinjiang”,
July 6, 2022, http://english.ts.cn/system/2022/07/06/036815369.shtml, (accessed July 13, 2022).
The State Council Information Office of the People’s Republic of China, “Full Text: Moderate
Prosperity in All Respects: Another Milestone Achieved in China’s Human Rights”,
http://www.scio.gov.cn/zfbps/32832/Document/1710545/1710545.htm, (accessed July 13, 2022).
1. 我们坚持依宪治国,与时俱进修改宪法,设立国家宪法日,建立宪法宣誓制
Upholding Constitution-based governance, we have amended the Constitution as
required by the times, designated the national Constitution Day, and established
the institution of pledging allegiance to the Constitution. In addition, the
oversight of the implementation of the Constitution has been strengthened.
2. 全面依法治国必须正确处理政治和法治、改革和法治、依法治国和以德治国、
In implementing law-based governance, we must correctly deal with the
relationships between leadership by the Party and the rule of law, between reform and
the rule of law, between the rule of law and the rule of virtue, and between
law-based governance and rule-based Party discipline.
3. 党领导健全保证宪法全面实施的体制机制,确立宪法宣誓制度,弘扬社
The Party has led efforts to improve systems and mechanisms for ensuring
full enforcement of the Constitution. It has established the system of pledging
allegiance to the Constitution, and promoted the spirit of socialist rule of
law. It has enhanced the ability of state institutions to perform their duties in
accordance with the law, it has boosted the ability of officials at all levels to
follow the guidance of the rule of law in both thinking and action in their
work to solve problems and promote development, and it has raised public
awareness about the rule of law.
4. 我们推进法治政府建设,大幅减少行政审批事项,非行政许可审批彻底终结,
We have advanced law-based government, substantially reduced items for
administrative approval, completely ruled out examination and approval for
non-administrative licenses, and introduced a power list, a negative list and a
responsibility list for governments at various levels, so as to regulate the exercise of
executive power and see that law is enforced in a strict, procedure-based,
impartial and non-abusive way.
5. 科学立法、严格执法、公正司法、全民守法深入推进,法治国家、法治政府、
Further progress has been made in ensuring our legislation is sound, law
enforcement is strict, the administration of justice is impartial, and the law is
observed by everyone. Our efforts to build a country, government, and society
based on the rule of law are mutually reinforcing; the system of distinctively
Chinese socialist rule of law has been steadily improved; and public awareness of
the rule of law has risen markedly.

Discourse and Rhetoric

1. We should exercise governance and administration in accordance with the law,
develop a law-based country, government and society simultaneously, and thereby
bring the rule of law to a new stage.
2. I hereby announce that China is setting up a special program for economic
reconstruction through industrial revitalization.
3. We must meet the public demand for a good eco-environment, and promote a new
eco-friendly and low-carbon development model, and thereby create new growth
4. We will continue the working mechanism whereby the central leadership makes
overall plans, provincial authorities take overall responsibility, and municipal and
county authorities take charge of implementation.
5. We must take economic development as the central task, promote sustained and
sound growth, and “make the cake bigger,” thereby laying a more solid material
foundation for greater social fairness and justice.
6. We should confront difficulties, stay on the right course, remain confident, and
work together to foster greater institutional impetus and vitality, thereby releasing
our great potential for economic growth and bringing the economy to a higher level
of development.
7. I hereby declare that China and the Arab states have decided to designate 2014 and
2015 as Years of China-Arab Friendship and to hold a series of friendly exchange
8. We have given play to the role of Party committees at all levels in exercising
overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all. In addition, we have put in
place a system whereby top leaders of the Party and government at the provincial,
city, county, township and village levels take full responsibility for this work.

1. 改革与法治如鸟之两翼、车之两轮。
Reform and the rule of law are like the two wings of a bird or the two wheels of a

2. 只要我们万众一心、众志成城,就没有克服不了的困难。
As long as we unite as one like a fortress, there is no difficulty we cannot
3. 亚太是我们共同发展的空间,我们都是亚太这片大海中前行的风帆。
Like a vast ocean, the Asia Pacific region offers enough space for us to make
progress together.

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

Simile is a figure of speech that compares two unlike things. To make the
comparison, similes most often use the connecting words “like” or “as.” The use of
simile can make your writing more vivid and memorable. It is often used to introduce
concrete images (like “a box of chocolates”) into writing about abstract concepts (like
“life”). Simile and metaphor are both forms of figurative language. The main
difference between the two is that simile makes an explicit comparison by asserting
that two different things are similar, while metaphor makes an implicit comparison by
stating that one thing is the other.
Similes are often culture-related. In the English and Chinese languages, there are
many common and similar similes, such as “as light as a feather (轻如鸿毛)”, and
“kill two birds with one stone (一箭双雕)”, but there are also a great many different
similes due to the cultural differences between the two languages. For instance, we
usually say 胆小如鼠 and 动如脱兔 in Chinese, but “as timid as a rabbit” in
The translation of similes depends on the images in the source language. Usually,
we can adopt two strategies: foreignization, faithfully representing the original simile
in the hope of enriching the target language, and domestication, replacing the original
simile with an authentic one in the target language in order to make the translation
more fluent and easy to be accepted by the target reader.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

When the law of the land under heaven is good, there will be order in the land under
heaven; when the laws of the state are good, there will be order in the state.
From “The Duke of Zhou” (《周公》)
Reference Answer:
This well-known statement is a quote from Wang Anshi, a great poet and statesman of
the Song Dynasty. Wang’s insight into the significance of law mirrors the Chinese
people’s age-old belief that where there is a sound system of law, there is order. This
traditional wisdom of Chinese legal thought has been integrated into the idea of
comprehensively advancing law-based governance, a key component of Xi Jinping
Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. In order to
advance law-based governance, we must ensure sound lawmaking, strict law
enforcement, impartial administration of justice, and the observance of law by

Unit 6 Carry Reform Through to the End

Students will learn to
 identify the tenets of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a
New Era and the basic policy;
 clarify the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive
 interpret the concepts of law-based governance, law-based exercise of state power
and law-based government administration;
 illustrate how the CPC has deepened reform to develop socialism with Chinese
characteristics in the new era;
 evaluate the significance of the strict self-governance of the Party;
 take a global perspective on China’s path to modernization;
 exemplify how China has achieved rapid development over the past decades;
 use key words and expressions about reform and socialism with Chinese

Quotes from President Xi

2012 年 11 月 17 日

专题研讨班上的讲话,2014 年 2 月 17 日


I. Chinese Translation:

II. Key Terms

1. Deng Xiaoping’s 1978 visit to Japan: China and Japan signed the Sino-Japanese
Peace and Friendship Treaty on August 12, 1978. On October 22, 1978, Deng
Xiaoping, then Chinese vice premier, paid a visit to Japan at the invitation of the
Japanese government, making him the first state leader from China to visit Japan. The
goals of this visit were: to exchange the instruments of ratification for the
Sino-Japanese Peace and Friendship Treaty, to thank Japanese friends who had
worked to improve relations between the two countries, and to seek and learn the
Japanese experience of development and modernization.

2. Shinkansen: Shinkansen, which literally means “new trunk line,” refers to the
pioneer Japanese high-speed passenger rail system. Japan introduced the Shinkansen
to connect the different regions so as to boost the economic growth of the country.
The first section of Shinkansen began commercial service between Tokyo and Osaka
in 1964, just before the start of the Tokyo 1964 Olympic Games.

3. China’s high-speed rail network: China is the first in the world to have an
autopilot function on trains running at 350 km/hr. In 2021, China’s high-speed maglev
train with a top speed of 600 km/hr made its debut in Qingdao, making it the world’s
fastest ground vehicle. Currently, China has the world’s largest high-speed rail
network and plans to increase the entire network to 45,000km by 2030.

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from writing an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged to explore other
methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into small discussion
groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to the class. The
teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 In 2021, China achieved the First Centenary Goal of building a moderately
prosperous society in all respects. Of all the tremendous achievements China has
made so far, what impresses you the most, and what do you think has been the key to
such achievements?
Reference Answer:
Of all the outstanding achievements China has made, I am most impressed by China’s
victory in battling against poverty. According to the white paper titled “Poverty
Alleviation: China’s Experience and Contribution,” China completed the task of
poverty eradication at the end of 2020 as scheduled with 98.99 million rural residents
who lived below the poverty threshold being removed from poverty. Moreover, 832
poverty-stricken counties and 128,000 poverty-stricken villages got rid of poverty.
The key to these achievements lies in the organic combination of adhering to the
Party’s leadership and ensuring the people’s principal status by committing to a
people-centered approach, so that the building of a moderately prosperous society has
always had both strong leadership and endogenous energy.

Q2 In the full text of the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, President Xi says,
“With decades of hard work, socialism with Chinese characteristics has crossed the
threshold into a new era.” In what aspects is the “new era” different from the previous
Reference Answer:
The new era is “new” in the following aspects: First, the principal contradiction
facing Chinese society is new. The critical judgment of entering a new era is mainly
based on the change of the principal contradiction, which, in the new era, is the
contradiction between unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s
ever-growing needs for a better life.
Second, in the new era, the Party has achieved major theoretical innovations. The
new era faces new development issues, which require innovative answers. In this
sense, the new era has witnessed new ground in advancing Party-related theories. By
adhering to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New
Era, our Party will continue to lead the people towards achieving the goal of national
Third, the goals are new. Our Party’s original aspiration and mission is to seek
happiness for the Chinese people and rejuvenate the Chinese nation. It has always
kept pace with the times and proposed new goals to advance the cause of the Party
and the country to a new level. The 18th CPC Congress calls us to march towards
achieving the two centenary goals. The 19th CPC Congress sets clear requirements
regarding achieving the first centenary goal and further clarifies the two stages in
achieving the second centenary goal.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

The text in this unit is part of the report to the 19th CPC National Congress, in
which President Xi elaborates on the Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era and the basic policy. Since the 18th CPC National
Congress, in seeking to provide a clear definition of socialism with Chinese
characteristics in the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at its core
has put forward a series of new concepts, ideas, and strategies on governance, which
has given shape to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for
a New Era. The 19th CPC National Congress elaborated on these ideas, established Xi
Jinping Thought as a long-term guiding thought of the Party, and enshrined it into the
Constitution of the Communist Party of China.
The text is very clear in structure and can be divided into three parts. The first
part (Paras.1-11) presents the tenets of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era and emphasizes that the thought reflects the CPC’s
constant efforts to free minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and apply a
realistic and pragmatic approach. The tenets of the thought provide profound answers
to major theoretical and practical issues about the development of the Party and the
state in the new era, and show the CPC’s deeper understanding of the laws that
underlie governance by a communist party, the development of socialism, and the
evolution of human society. The second part (Paras. 12-30) puts forward and
elaborates on the basic policy (14 points) to implement the thought in logical order
and with adequate supporting details. And the last part (Paras. 31-32) wraps up the
Since it is a speech made on a formal occasion discussing a serious topic, the
language is formal and standard with a combination of short imperative sentences
emphasizing the major points and long complex sentences elaborating on these points
with details. Parallelism is an obvious rhetorical device employed to present parallel
and closely related major points (e.g. “It makes clear that...”). Metaphor is also used
to achieve vivid and memorable effects (e.g. “The era is the mother of thought;
practice is the fount of theory.”).

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Our answer must be a systematic combination of theory and practice and must
address what kind of socialism with Chinese characteristics the new era requires us to
uphold and develop, and how we should go about doing it. (Para. 1)
go about (doing) something: The way you go about a task or problem is the way you
approach it and deal with it.
e.g. I want him back, but I just don’t know how to go about it.

2. This involves fundamental issues like the overarching objective, task, plan, and
strategy for upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the
new era; like the direction, model, and driving force of development, and the strategic
steps, external conditions, and political guarantees. (Para. 1)
overarching: including or influencing every part of something
e.g. Productivity and efficiency are overarching concerns at the factory.

3. In addition, to uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics, we

should, based on new practice, undertake theoretical analysis and produce policy
guidance... (Para. 1)
undertake: to do or begin to do something, especially something that will take a long
time or be difficult
e.g. Students are required to undertake some experiments.

4. In answering this question, our Party has continued to uphold dialectical and
historical materialism; has considered carefully the new conditions of the era and the
new requirements of practice; and has adopted an entirely new perspective to deepen
its understanding of the laws that underlie governance by a communist party, the
development of socialism, and the evolution of human society. (Para. 2)
dialectical materialism: It is the philosophical approach to reality derived from the
teachings of Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. For Marx and Engels, materialism
meant that the material world, perceptible to the senses, has objective reality
independent of mind or spirit. They did not deny the reality of mental or spiritual
processes but affirmed that ideas could arise, therefore, only as products and
reflections of material conditions.

historical materialism: It is a theory about the general law of human social

development in philosophy and an important part of Marxist philosophy. It is a
scientific view of social history and the scientific methodology of understanding and
transforming society. It holds that the ultimate cause and driving force of all important
historical events is the economic development of society. It is the change of the mode
of production and exchange. The society is divided into different classes, and it is also
the result of the game between these classes.

underlie: to be a very basic part of something, or the real cause of or reason for
e.g. Psychological problems very often underlie apparently physical disorders.

5. It has worked hard to undertake theoretical explorations, and has achieved major
theoretical innovations, ultimately giving shape to the Thought on Socialism with
Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. (Para. 2)
give shape to: to explain or detail something, to form a definite pattern or
arrangement of something
e.g. Once you give shape to your vision for the ad campaign, I think the boss will
support it.
His discussions with fellow professors and his students gave shape to his book.

Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, also Xi Jinping
Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era: Since the 18th
CPC National Congress, in seeking to provide a clear definition of socialism with
Chinese characteristics in the new era, the CPC Central Committee with Xi Jinping at
its core has put forward a series of new concepts, ideas, and strategies on governance,
which has given shape to Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era. The report to the 19th CPC National Congress
elaborated on these ideas, established Xi Jinping Thought as a long-term guiding
thought of the Party, and wrote it into the Constitution of the Communist Party of
China. The Amendment to the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China that was
approved at the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress held in March
2018 also included Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for
a New Era. This turned Xi Jinping Thought from a guiding thought of the Party to a
timely update of the guiding thought of the state.
The thought is rich in content. It defines the overarching objectives, tasks, plans,
strategies, external conditions, and political guarantees for the new era, as well as the
model and drivers of development. It also provides theoretical analysis and policy
guidance on issues related to the economy, political affairs, the rule of law, science
and technology, culture, education, people’s wellbeing, ethnic and religious affairs,
social development, ecological conservation, national security, defense and the armed
forces, “one country, two systems” and national reunification, the united front, foreign
affairs, and Party building.
These are summed up in eight areas and 14 points, which can be found in the report to
the 19th CPC National Congress. Together they form an organic whole and reflect the
CPC’s constant efforts to free minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and
apply a realistic and pragmatic approach. They provide profound answers to major
theoretical and practical issues about the development of the Party and the state in the
new era, and show the CPC’s deeper understanding of the laws that underlie
governance by a communist party, the development of socialism, and the evolution of
human society.
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
represents the latest achievement in adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. It
embodies the essence of the Chinese spirit in contemporary China, and serves as a
guide to action for political and social activities in China. The thought has ushered in
a new era for Chinese socialism; social practice in turn will lead to its constant
enrichment and improvement in the future.

6. We must therefore continue commitment to our people-centered philosophy of

development, and work to promote well-rounded human development and common
prosperity for everyone. (Para. 5)
well-rounded: fully or broadly developed
e.g. schools that turn out well-rounded graduates

7. It makes clear that the overall plan for building socialism with Chinese
characteristics is the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan, and the overall strategy is the
Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy. (Para. 6)
The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan: It refers to China’s overall plan for building
socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, to promote coordinated progress in the
economic, political, cultural, social and eco-environmental fields.
The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy: It refers to China’s strategic plan for
building socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, to make comprehensive moves
to complete a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to further reform, to
advance the rule of law, and to strengthen Party self-governance.

8. It highlights the importance of fostering stronger confidence in the path, theory,

system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. (Para. 6)
confidence in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese
characteristics, namely the Four-Sphere Confidence (See explanation of the term
Four-Sphere Confidence in Detailed Analysis of the Text part in Unit 1, Teacher’s

9. It makes clear that major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics aims to

foster a new type of international relations and build a global community of shared
future. (Para. 10)
major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics: The CPC is committed to
improving the wellbeing of the Chinese people, and to advancing human progress.
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress underlined the importance of the
foreign policy that reflects China’s position as a major country with Chinese
characteristics and its role in building a new form of international relations and a
global community with a shared future.
China will remain committed to peace, development, cooperation, and mutual benefit,
have friendly cooperation with other countries based on the Five Principles of
Peaceful Coexistence, and work to build a new form of international relations
featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and cooperation for mutual benefit.
China calls on people all over the world to work together to build a global community
of shared future, an open, inclusive, clean, and beautiful world that enjoys lasting
peace, universal security, and shared prosperity.

global community of shared future, also community with a shared future for
mankind: President Xi first put forward the concept “a community of shared future”
in his speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Russia in
March 2013. He elaborated on this idea on more occasions afterwards, thus forming a
complete thought with rich connotations. Building a global community with a shared
future is a major innovation of China. The concept is China’s flagship response to a
world troubled by a myriad of challenges and risks. It embodies China’s vision for a
global community that features equal representation, reciprocal sharing, fairness and
win-win cooperation, and is built on the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual
respect. It is producing far-reaching global influence, with high praise and active

response from the international community, and has been written into UN documents
more than once.

10. It sets forth the general requirements for strengthening the Party in the new era
and underlines the importance of reinforcing the Party’s political foundations. (Para.
underline: to emphasize
e.g. She gave some shocking examples to underline the seriousness of the situation.

11. We must strengthen the Party’s ability and resolve to chart our course, craft
overall plans, design policy, and promote reform; and we must ensure the Party
always provides overall leadership and coordinates the efforts of all involved. (Para.
(1) (as a noun) strong determination to succeed in doing something
e.g. News of the attack strengthened our resolve to keep fighting.
(2) (as a verb) to find a satisfactory way of dealing with a problem or difficulty; settle
e.g. We’re hoping they’ll resolve their differences.

chart: to make a plan of what should be done to achieve a particular result

e.g. Each team was responsible for making its own decisions and charting its own

craft: to make objects, especially in a skilled way

e.g. These bracelets were crafted by native Americans.

12. We must ensure the principal status of the people, and adhere to the Party’s
commitment to serving the public good and exercising power in the interests of the
people. (Para. 14)
principal status of the people (or the primacy of the people): The people are the
major force behind social productivity, social life and social history. This is the basic
tenet of Marxism. Since the day of its founding, the CPC has devoted itself to
ensuring the position of the people as masters of the country. At the Fifth Plenary
Session of its 18th CPC Central Committee held in October 2015, the CPC spelled out
six principles on which China must remain steadfast, the most important of which is
to uphold the primacy of the people. This principle requires that China’s starting
points and ultimate goals must focus on increasing general public wellbeing and
achieving the well-rounded development of the individual, so that the country’s
development will always be for the benefit of the people.
13. We must regard as our goal the people’s aspirations to live a better life, and rely
on the people to move history forward. (Para. 14)
aspiration: a strong desire to have or achieve something
e.g. the aspirations of the working classes
their hopes and aspirations for the future

14. We must have the determination to get rid of all outdated thinking and ideas and
all institutional ailments, and to break through the blockades of vested interests.
(Para. 15)
ailment: an illness that is not very serious
e.g. The medicine was supposed to cure all kinds of ailments, ranging from colds to
back pains.

break through: to manage to get past or through something that is in your way
e.g. Several demonstrators broke through the barriers despite warnings from the

15. Development is the underpinning and the key for solving all our country’s
problems; our development must be sound development. We must pursue with
firmness of purpose the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open
development that is for everyone. (Para. 16)
underpinning: support, strength, or the basic structure of something
e.g. He has the capacity to understand the theoretical underpinnings that affect action.

vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for

everyone (or new vision for development, or new concept for development):
Development is the key to solving all China’s problems. It is a task of top priority for
present-day China. Based on previous experience gained and lessons learned at home
and abroad and an analysis of the trend of global development, and targeting problems
arising in China’s development since 2012, President Xi Jinping has created a new
concept of pursuing innovative, coordinated, green and open development and having
its fruits shared by everyone.
Innovation is the driving force for development; coordination involves sustainable and
healthy development; green is the guarantee for sustainable development; open
reinforces China’s commitment to international cooperation; and to be shared means
that the development fruits are shared by all. This is the basic principle of socialism.
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress listed the new concept for development
as one of the 14 points of China’s basic policy for the new era.
16. We must be resolute in consolidating and developing the public sector; and we
must be resolute in encouraging, supporting, and guiding the development of the
non-public sector. (Para. 16)
resolute: determined in character, action, or ideas
e.g. She’s utterly resolute in her refusal to apologize.

17. We must see that the market plays the decisive role in resource allocation, the
government plays its role better, and new industrialization, IT application,
urbanization, and agricultural modernization go hand in hand. (Para. 16)
go hand in hand: If two things go hand in hand, they are closely connected and
cannot be considered separately from each other.
e.g. The principle of the playgroup movement is that play and learning go hand in
hand: Your child masters new skills and absorbs knowledge while having fun.

18. We should develop socialist consultative democracy, improve our democratic

institutions, diversify our forms of democracy, and establish more democratic
channels. (Para. 17)
diversify: to change something or to make it change so that there is more variety.
e.g. diversify a course of study
Most financial planners recommend that investors diversify their assets.

19. We must see to it that the principle of the people as masters of the country is put
into practice in China’s political and social activities. (Para. 17)
see to it that: to make sure that
e.g. Please see to it that no one comes in without identification.

20. We must further the reform of the judicial system, and strengthen awareness of
the rule of law among all our people while also enhancing their moral integrity. (Para.
judicial: connected with a court of law or the legal system
e.g. This legislation represented an effort by Congress to interfere with the judicial

21. We must uphold Marxism, firm up and further build the ideal of communism and
a shared ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and nurture and practice the
core socialist values, while making continued and greater efforts to maintain the
initiative and ensure we have our say in the realm of ideology. (Para. 20)
(1) If you nurture something such as a young child or a young plant, you care for it
while it is growing and developing.
e.g. Parents want to know the best way to nurture and raise their child to adulthood.
(2) If you nurture plans, ideas, or people, you encourage them or help them to
e.g. She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son.

22. We must promote the creative evolution and development of fine traditional
Chinese culture, see our revolutionary culture remains alive and strong, and develop
an advanced socialist culture. (Para. 20)
promote the creative evolution and development of fine traditional Chinese
culture (or Promoting innovative transformation and development of traditional
Chinese culture): In his report to the 19th CPC National Congress, Xi Jinping called
for innovative transformation and development of traditional Chinese culture,
pointing the way of China’s cultural development. Innovative transformation involves
changing something that have existed for a long time and giving it new life to reflect
today’s realities and needs. Innovative development means adding new concepts and
ideas, expanding and improving what is considered quintessential, and broadening its
reach and its appeal, to reflect new progress. Innovative transformation and
development are interrelated. With different focuses, they constitute a continuum.
These guidelines are based on the Party’s new understanding of what drives cultural
development under today’s new conditions, and will no doubt help propel Chinese
culture to new heights.

23. We will intensify poverty alleviation, see that all our people have a greater sense
of fulfillment as they contribute to and gain from development, and continue to
promote well-rounded human development and common prosperity for everyone.
(Para. 21)
alleviation: the act of making something bad such as pain or problems less severe
e.g. Alleviation of pain is a critical step in a burn victim’s eventual healing and

24. We must work hard to see that our country enjoys enduring peace and stability
and our people live and work in contentment. (Para. 21)
contentment: the state of being happy and satisfied
e.g. He believes that people can find peace and contentment in living simply.
There was a look of perfect contentment on her face.

25. We must realize that lucid waters and lush mountains are invaluable assets and
act on this understanding, implement our fundamental national policy of conserving
resources and protecting the environment, and cherish the environment as we cherish
our own lives. (Para. 22)
lucid: clear

lush: It is used to describe places where many plants grow.

e.g. lush gardens

act on/upon something: to do something because of another person’s advice or order,

or because you have received information or had an idea
e.g. She is acting on the advice of her lawyers.

26. We must pursue a model of sustainable development featuring increased

production, higher living standards, and healthy ecosystems. We must continue the
Beautiful China initiative to create good working and living environments for our
people and play our part in ensuring global ecological security. (Para. 23)
model of sustainable development (or strategy for sustainable development):
Sustainable development is key to the survival of our nation and to the wellbeing of
generations to come. It is an issue of fundamental importance. A sustainable
development strategy was identified in the report to the 19th CPC National Congress
as one of the seven strategies for realizing the goal of building a moderately
prosperous society.
Underpinning this strategy is the concept of coordination and interaction between
social, economic, demographic and environmental forces. The strategy covers
ecological, economic and social sustainability. It promotes economic development
while protecting natural resources and the environment. It aims to improve the
wellbeing of the people, and to ensure that the needs of the present generation are met
without compromising the chance and potential of future generations.
The strategy is based on a people-centered philosophy, a vision for harmony between
man and nature, and the need for eco-friendly economic development. Science and
technology and institutional reform will play a critical role in improving the wellbeing
of the people.
Beautiful China Initiative: The wellbeing of our people and the future of our nation
hinge on our efforts to preserve and protect the natural environment. During its 18th
National Congress, the CPC therefore placed environmental preservation and
protection at the top of the agenda for building a socialist country with Chinese
characteristics, alongside economic, political, cultural, and social progress. It unveiled
its vision to step up environmental initiatives to build a beautiful China and ensure our
nation’s future development.
Building a beautiful China is an important element of the Chinese Dream. It calls for
respecting, protecting, and living in harmony with nature. While we hanker after
“gold mountains”, we cannot do without green mountains, as green mountains are
also gold mountains. The push to build a beautiful China is based on a key national
policy of resource conservation, environmental protection, and promotion of green,
circular and low-carbon development. It underscores the need for leaving more space
for nature to renew itself, keeping more land for cultivation, and leaving a better
working and living environment to future generations so that they will be blessed with
blue skies, green mountains, and clear waters.
The Chinese Dream will not be realized at the expense of the environment. Economic
development should be accompanied by strong measures of ecological protection. The
initiative to build a beautiful China will be of benefit to the country’s long-term
development, to promoting sustainable global development, and to fulfilling the
universal dream of protecting our beautiful earth.

27. We must place greater focus on combat, encourage innovation, build systems,
increase efficacy and efficiency, and further civil-military integration. (Para. 25)
civil-military integration (or national military-civilian integration strategy):
Addressing the plenary session of the military delegates to the Third Session of the
12th National People’s Congress in March 2015, President Xi Jinping announced a
plan to step up military-civilian integration as part of a national strategy. At its fifth
plenary session in October 2015 the 18th CPC Central Committee decided to
implement such a strategy to build an extensive and efficient multi-sector structure for
integrating military and civilian resources. This was seen as a major step toward
strengthened coordination between economic growth and military development. The
key to effectively implementing the strategy is a high level of integration of economic
and national defense priorities to create synergy so that efforts on both fronts become
complementary to each other and mutually reinforcing. During the period covered by
the 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), planning at the top level will be intensified to
incorporate national defense and military needs into an overall economic and social
development framework. At the same time related regulatory policies and legal
mechanisms will be fine-tuned. It is also necessary to introduce competition into the
defense industry by breaking the monopoly of defense enterprises and improving
market access for civilian businesses, while guaranteeing security, confidentiality,
quality and cost-effectiveness.

28. Upholding the principle of “one country, two systems” and promoting national
reunification. (Para. 26)

“one country, two systems”: The “one country, two systems” policy means that
under the premise of one China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan maintain their
existing system of capitalism for a prolonged period of time as special administrative
regions, while socialism is the prevailing system of the mainland. Internationally,
however, the PRC alone represents China. “One country, two systems” is a Chinese
creation and an important contribution that China has made to world peace and

29. We must ensure both the central government’s overall jurisdiction over the Hong
Kong and Macao special administrative regions and a high degree of autonomy in the
two regions. (Para. 26)
jurisdiction: the right to use an official power to make legal decisions, or the area
where this right exists
e.g. jurisdiction over somebody/something
The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.

30. We should ensure that the principle of “one country, two systems” remains
unchanged, is unwaveringly upheld, and in practice is not bent or distorted. (Para.
unwaveringly: in an unwavering and resolute manner

bend: to push or press something into a curved shape or fold it at an angle

e.g. You can’t bend the steel without some kind of tool.

distort: to change something such as information so that it is no longer true or

e.g. The paper was accused of distorting the truth.

31. We must uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, promote the
peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, deepen economic cooperation and
cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Straits, and encourage fellow Chinese
on both sides to oppose all separatist activities and work together to realize China’s
national rejuvenation. (Para. 26)
1992 Consensus: The “1992 Consensus” was an oral agreement reached between the
mainland-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and the
Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) as a result of their talks held from
late October to early December of 1992. The two nongovernmental organizations
agreed that “both sides of the Taiwan Straits will follow the one-China principle,”
which subsequently became the political foundation for cross-Straits consultations.
The kernel of the “1992 Consensus” is the “one-China principle,” which means
seeking common ground while reserving differences. The “1992 Consensus” defines
cross-Straits relations as neither state-to-state nor “one China, one Taiwan,” but
confirms the fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. The “1992
Consensus” is the foundation on which cross-Straits relations can progress in peace
and stability and with positive interactions. It was on this basis that the historical
discussions of the leaders of the CPC and the KMT were conducted in Beijing in
April 2005, and the historical meeting between the leaders from both sides of the
Taiwan Straits was held in Singapore in November 2015.

32. Exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party. (Para. 28)
full and rigorous governance over the Party (enforcing strict Party
self-governance): During his inspection tour in Jiangsu Province in December 2014,
President Xi Jinping emphasized the need to conduct strict Party self-governance,
bringing it to an unprecedented level of importance.
Enforcing strict Party discipline should be approached from political awareness, Party
development measures, enforcement of ethical standards, anti-corruption mechanisms
and institution building.
It must be vigorous, accompanied by forceful, bold and sustained measures. It must be
effective to ensure greater accountability within the Party, from the Central
Committee to Party committees at the provincial, municipal and county levels, and
from central Party organizations and groups in national government agencies to
branches at grassroots levels. Party secretaries are required to shoulder Party
development tasks as an integral part of their duty. Party disciplinary commissions at
all levels are tasked with conducting oversight and enforcing accountability.
Above all, Party organizations at all levels and all members and officials must abide
by the Party’s guidelines on internal political conduct and its various rules. Political
awareness initiatives and institution building should go hand in hand. With an
oversight focus on the “key few,” stronger institutional constraints must be in place at
all levels, and so do more institutional oversight over the Party, over any exercise of
authority, and over officials.
The Party incorporates the need to enforce strict Party discipline as one of the four
key components in its Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy in response to changes
both within itself and in the world under the new historical conditions. This is a
journey to which there is no end.

33. We must uphold the Party Constitution as our fundamental rules, reinforce the
political foundations as our priority, buttress our ideological commitment, strengthen
our systems, and increase Party competence in all respects. (Para. 28)
to support a system, idea, argument, etc.
e.g. The evidence seemed to buttress their argument.

34. We must focus on oversight over the “key few,” by which we mean leading
officials, and see that the Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and Three Basic
Rules of Conduct are observed. (Para. 28)
oversight: the situation of being in charge of a piece of work and checking that it is
e.g. He has general oversight of all training courses.

The “key few”: It refers to the “key minority” of officials in important positions.
“Leading an ox by its nose” is an important method in Xi Jinping’s governance theory.
He pointed out that if work is to be effective in all areas, the focus must be placed on
the “key minority of officials in important positions.” In his view, this “key minority”
has both a duty to lead and a duty to serve as exemplars. Only if leading officials lead
well and act as role models can the “key minority” pull the “great majority” along
with it, thereby causing the latter to follow the former. For example, he noted that the
“key minority” of leading officials must be the focus of efforts to establish a socialist
law-based country, to enforce strict Party self-governance and to exercise strict
supervision over leading officials at all levels; he also argued that such a focus was
necessary for solving the difficult problem of overseeing those in top-ranking
positions, and that the greater and the more important the responsibilities of leading
officials, the more they require strong oversight.
In focusing on the “key minority,” the first thing should be restraining their powers.
At the same time, their thinking, their study and particularly their fulfillment of their
duties must also be emphasized. The Central Committee’s management and
expectations of the “key minority” has become increasingly rigorous since the 18th
National Congress. The higher the ranks of leading officials, the more important their
positions, the greater their powers, the more strictly they should be supervised—this
fully illustrates the spirit of focusing on the key minority.

Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and Three Basic Rules of Conduct:
The initiative to implement the Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and the Three
Basic Rules of Conduct (the 3+3 Initiative) was proposed by President Xi Jinping. It
calls upon officials at all levels to be strict with themselves in self-cultivation, in the
exercise of power, and in self-discipline, and act in good faith when performing
official duties, taking initiatives, and interacting with others.

35. We will continue to strengthen the Party’s ability to cleanse, improve, and reform
itself, and forever maintain its close ties with the people. (Para. 29)
(1) to make someone or something morally clean or pure

(2) to make something completely clean

e.g. Cleanse the cut/wound thoroughly before you bandage it.

36. The above 14 points form the basic policy that underpins our endeavors to
uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era. (Para. 30)
underpin: to give strength or support to something and help it succeed
e.g. the assumptions and beliefs that underpin our whole lives
some evidence underpinning the theory

37. All our members must fully implement the Party’s underlying theories, basic
guidelines, and fundamental principles so as to better steer the development of the
Party and people’s cause. (Para. 30)
(1) to control the direction a vehicle is going, for example by turning a wheel
e.g. He was steering with only one hand.
(2) to guide someone’s behavior or the way a situation develops
e.g. The program aims to steer teenagers away from crime and drugs.

38. If we respond to the call of our times and have the courage to uphold truth and
correct errors, the Marxism of 21st century China will, without a doubt, emanate a
more mighty, more compelling power of truth. (Para. 32)
emanate: to produce a smell, light, heat, etc., or to show a particular quality
e.g. Bill is a wonderful young actor; he emanates a brooding loneliness without
speaking a word.

(1) A compelling argument or reason is one that convinces you that something is true
or that something should be done.
e.g. A compelling answer was provided in the final session from two different
(2) If you describe something such as a film or book, or someone’s appearance, as
compelling, you mean you want to keep looking at it or reading it because you
find it so interesting.
e.g. Her eyes were her best feature, wide-set and compelling.
III. Original Chinese Text:






〔1〕“两个一百年”奋斗目标,是建设中国特色社会主义的奋斗目标。2012 年11 月,中
共十八大提出,在中国共产党成立100 年时全面建成小康社会,在新中国成立100 年时建成
战略安排:第一个阶段,从2020 年到2035 年,在全面建成小康社会的基础上,再奋斗15 年,
基本实现社会主义现代化;第二个阶段,从2035 年到本世纪中叶,在基本实现现代化的基
础上,再奋斗15 年,把我国建成富强民主文明和谐美丽的社会主义现代化强国。

Analytical Reading

I. Understand the text

Reference Answers:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before
comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

Part I (Paras. 1-11): Tenets of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese

Characteristics for a New Era

Part II (Paras. 12-30): The basic policy to implement the Thought on Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era
• Ensuring Party leadership over all work
• Committing to a people-centered approach
• Continuing to comprehensively deepen reform
• Adopting a new vision for development
• Seeing that the people are the masters of the country
• Ensuring every dimension of governance is law-based
• Upholding the core socialist values
• Ensuring and improving living standards through development
• Ensuring harmony between humans and nature
• Pursuing a holistic approach to national security
• Upholding absolute Party leadership over the people’s armed forces
• Upholding the principle of “one country, two systems” and promoting national
• Building a global community of shared future
• Exercising full and rigorous governance over the Party
Part III (Paras. 31-32): Conclusion

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this exercise is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. This is intended to be a paired task. The teacher can ask
the students to prepare answers to this exercise in pairs beforehand and check their
answers in class.

1. What has made it possible for the CPC to answer “what kind of socialism with
Chinese characteristics the new era requires us to uphold and develop, and how we

should go about doing it” (Para. 1)?
In answering this question, our Party has been guided by Marxism-Leninism, Mao
Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and the
Scientific Outlook on Development. It has continued to free our minds, seek truth from
facts, move with the times, and apply a realistic and pragmatic approach. In
answering this question, our Party has continued to uphold dialectical and historical
materialism; has considered carefully the new conditions of the era and the new
requirements of practice; and has adopted an entirely new perspective to deepen its
understanding of the laws that underlie governance by a communist party, the
development of socialism, and the evolution of human society. It has worked hard to
undertake theoretical explorations, and has achieved major theoretical innovations,
ultimately giving shape to the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for
a New Era.

2. What do you know about the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged
Comprehensive Strategy? Do some research on these new concepts for development
and discuss how they can serve as China’s overall plan and strategic plan for building
socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan — the development of socialism with Chinese
characteristics encompassing economic, political, cultural, social and
eco-environmental development—was proposed in November, 2012 at the 18th CPC
National Congress. While economic development continues to be the central pillar,
economic, political, cultural, social and eco-environmental development are to be
promoted on all fronts, modernization is to be fostered in all areas, and all elements
are to be developed in a coordinated manner. The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan
embodies a new development philosophy rooted in a new era that requires sustainable
development with the people and their wellbeing at the center.
The Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy refers to China’s strategic plan for
building socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, to make comprehensive moves
to complete a moderately prosperous society in all respects, to further reform, to
advance the rule of law, and to strengthen Party self-governance. The Four-Pronged
Comprehensive Strategy provides means and mechanisms to guarantee the realization
of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy
support each other and interact in a planned manner. Proceeding from economic
growth, they help develop a socialist market economy, democratic governance,
advanced culture, and a harmonious society with eco-environmental progress.
Together, they help make the people more prosperous, the country stronger, and the
landscape more beautiful.

3. How should China continue to comprehensively deepen reform in the new era?
We must uphold and improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and
continue to modernize China’s system and capacity for governance. We must have the
determination to get rid of all outdated thinking and ideas and all institutional
ailments, and to break through the blockades of vested interests. We should draw on
the achievements of other civilizations, develop a set of institutions that are
well-conceived, fully built, procedure-based, and efficiently functioning, and do full
justice to the strengths of China’s socialist system.

4. How do you interpret the concepts of law-based governance, law-based exercise of

state power and law-based government administration?
Law-based governance, law-based exercise of state power and law-based government
administration embody the three aspects of the rule of law. The governance of the
country, the exercise of power of the government and the deeds of individuals all need
to be ruled by law. For modern China, the rule of law requires the integrated
construction of a country governed by law, a government governed by law and a
society governed by law. Implementing the basic strategy of governing the country
according to law and building a socialist country under the rule of law is not only the
objective requirement of economic development and social progress, but also the
fundamental guarantee for consolidating the Party’s leadership and ensuring the
long-term stability of the country. Therefore we must pursue coordinated progress in
law-based governance, law-based exercise of state power, and law-based government

5. What are the “core socialist values”? Which ones are the most important to you?
The core socialist values represent the contemporary Chinese spirit and are a
crystallization of the values shared by all Chinese people. Prosperity, democracy,
civility and harmony are values that underpin our nation; freedom, equality, justice
and the rule of law are values that buttress our society; patriotism, dedication, good
faith and amity are values that underlie individual conduct. Personally, I think
democracy, the rule of law and good faith are the three most important values.
Democracy is the most important factor that decides whether a country can be on the
right track of development. The rule of law is the guarantee of democracy. Good faith
is the most important value for the whole nation or society without which it cannot be
democratic, free, just and harmonious.

6. President Xi says, “The wellbeing of the people is the fundamental goal of
development.” (Para. 21) What are the major concerns of the people in this respect?
Which one do you think is the most urgent? Why?
People are concerned with the access to childcare, education, employment, medical
services, elderly care, housing, and social assistance. In my opinion, the unbalanced
development in education resource provision such as infrastructure and teacher
quality needs to be addressed urgently because it is closely related to people’s sense of
equality and China’s future development in which education plays a critical part.

7. What particular policy does President Xi stress regarding promoting national

Regarding promoting national reunification, President Xi stresses the “one country,
two systems” policy. In his words, “We should ensure that the principle of ‘one
country, two systems’ remains unchanged, is unwaveringly upheld, and in practice is
not bent or distorted.”

8. What is “the most distinctive part” of the CPC’s character according to President
Xi? How has it ensured the strength of the Party as the leading force of China? Use
some examples to illustrate this point.
To have the courage to carry out self-reform and conduct strict self-governance: This
is the most distinctive part of our Party’s character. This has ensured that the Party is
always self-disciplined, keeps up with the times and remains the most advanced force
in society. Looking back on the Party’s history, the courage for self-reform is not only
the Party’s fine tradition, but also its valuable historical experience. Take Yan’an
Rectification Movement, for example. The Zunyi Meeting in January 1935 ended the
dominance of Wang Ming’s “leftist” tendency in the CPC, but the influences of other
“left” and “right” errors were not eliminated, resulting in improper conduct of Party
members, an unsuitable attitude toward study, and a stereotypical style of writing. The
CPC Central Committee decided to conduct a Party-wide rectification movement,
known as the Yan’an Rectification Movement. The Yan’an Rectification was a Marxist
education campaign among CPC members. It advocated the approach of integrating
Marxism with China’s realities, helped CPC members adjust their political
orientation, and ended the tendency to treat Marxism as dogma. It was a creative way
to strengthen the Party.

9. What are the major tenets of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics
for a New Era according to the text? What is the latest development of the theory,
particularly after the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee?
The major tenets of the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New
(1) The overarching task of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese
characteristics is to realize socialist modernization and national rejuvenation, and,
that on the basis of finishing the building of a moderately prosperous society in all
respects, a two-step approach should be taken to build China into a great modern
socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced,
harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of the century.
(2) The principal challenge facing Chinese society in the new era is the gap between
unbalanced and inadequate development and the ever-growing expectation of the
people for a better life. We must therefore continue commitment to our
people-centered philosophy of development, and work to promote well-rounded
human development and common prosperity for everyone.
(3) The overall plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics is the
Five-Sphere Integrated Plan, and the overall strategy is the Four-Pronged
Comprehensive Strategy. It highlights the importance of fostering stronger confidence
in the path, theory, system and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics.
(4) The overall goal of in-depth reform in every field is to improve and develop the
system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and modernize China’s governance
system and capacity.
(5) The overall goal of comprehensively advancing law-based governance is to
establish a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and build a
country of socialist rule of law.
(6) The Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era is to build the
people’s forces into world-class forces that obey the Party’s command, can fight and
win, and maintain excellent conduct.
(7) Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics aims to foster a new type of
international relations and build a global community of shared future.
(8) The defining feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics is the leadership of
the Communist Party of China; the greatest strength of the system of socialism with
Chinese characteristics is the leadership of the Communist Party of China; the Party
is the highest force for political leadership. It sets forth the general requirements for
strengthening the Party in the new era and underlines the importance of reinforcing
the Party’s political foundations.

According to the Resolution of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of

China on the Major Achievements and Historical Experience of the Party over the
Past Century (adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central
Committee November 11, 2021), Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese
Characteristics for a New Era makes the following clear:
(1) The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining feature of
socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the system of
socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the Party is the highest force for political
leadership. Therefore, all Party members must strengthen their consciousness of the
need to maintain political integrity, think in big-picture terms, follow the leadership
core, and keep in alignment with the central Party leadership; stay confident in the
path, theory, system, and culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics; and
uphold Comrade Xi Jinping’s core position on the Party Central Committee and in the
Party as a whole, and uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized,
unified leadership. (The leadership of the Communist Party of China is the defining
feature of socialism with Chinese characteristics and the greatest strength of the
system of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and the Party is the highest force for
political leadership, as mentioned in the eighth tenet above in the report to the 19th
CPC National Congress, is moved up here and the requirement that all Party
members must strengthen the Four Consciousnesses, the Four-Sphere Confidence,
and the Two Upholds is added.)
(2) The overarching task of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese
characteristics is to realize socialist modernization and national rejuvenation. On the
basis of achieving the goal of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects,
a two-step approach should be taken to build China into a great modern socialist
country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, harmonious, and
beautiful by the middle of the 21st century and to promote national rejuvenation
through a Chinese path to modernization. (“Promote national rejuvenation through a
Chinese path to modernization” is added.)
(3) The principal contradiction facing Chinese society in the new era is that between
unbalanced and inadequate development and the people’s ever-growing needs for a
better life; the Party must therefore remain committed to a people-centered
philosophy of development, develop whole-process people’s democracy, and make
more notable and substantive progress towards achieving well-rounded human
development and common prosperity for all. (“Develop whole-process people’s
democracy” and “make more notable and substantive progress” are added.)
(4) The integrated plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics covers five
spheres of development, namely economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological
advancement. The comprehensive strategy for building socialism with Chinese
characteristics includes four prongs, namely building a modern socialist country,
deepening reform, advancing law-based governance, and strengthening Party
self-governance. (The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan and the Four-Pronged
Comprehensive Strategy are elaborated in detail.)
(5) The overall goals of comprehensively deepening reform are to develop and
improve the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics and to modernize
China’s system and capacity for governance.
(6) The overall goal of comprehensively advancing law-based governance is to
establish a system of socialist rule of law with Chinese characteristics and to build a
socialist rule of law country.
(7) China must uphold and improve its basic socialist economic system and see that
the market plays the decisive role in resource allocation and that the government’s
role is better leveraged. We should have an accurate understanding of this new stage
of development, apply a new philosophy of innovative, coordinated, green, open, and
shared development, accelerate efforts to foster a new pattern of development that is
focused on the domestic economy but features positive interplay between domestic
and international economic flows, promote high-quality development, and balance
development and security imperatives. (New)
(8) The Party’s goal for the development of the military in the new era is to build the
people’s armed forces into world-class forces that obey the Party’s command, that are
able to fight and win, and that maintain excellent conduct.
(9) Major-country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics aims to serve national
rejuvenation, promote human progress, and facilitate efforts to foster a new type of
international relations and build a human community with a shared future. (“Serve
national rejuvenation, promote human progress” is added.)
(10) Full and rigorous self-governance is a policy of strategic importance for the
Party. The general requirements for Party building in the new era include making
all-around efforts to strengthen the Party in political, ideological, and organizational
terms and in terms of conduct and discipline, with institution building incorporated
into every aspect of this process, continuing the fight against corruption, and ensuring
that the political responsibility for Party governance is fulfilled. By carrying out a
great transformation within the Party, the Party can steer great social transformation.
(The “general requirements for Party building in the new era” is kept in this last tenet
and echoes the leadership of the Party at the beginning.)

II. Critical Thinking

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is

devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions, sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to
take alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. As President Xi points out, reform and opening up is always ongoing and will
never end. Search for some specific cases to illustrate how the CPC has deepened
reform to develop socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new era.
Reference Answer:
Facing new situations and problems, the CPC has been deepening reform since the
18th CPC National Congress. As mentioned in the text, “the overall plan for building
socialism with Chinese characteristics is the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan, and the
overall strategy is the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy.” Students can use the
two concepts as the framework to elaborate on the reforms from different perspectives.
For example, the supply-side structural reform, and the “third distribution.”

More for Reference:

supply-side structural reform: The ultimate goal of supply-side reform is to meet
demand by improving quality through further reform. According to President Xi
Jinping, the key to supply-side structural reform is to release and develop productive
forces. The reform focuses on both supply and demand, aims to develop productive
forces and improve relations of production, allows the market to play its decisive role
in resource allocation and the government to better fulfill its functions, and looks to
address both present and future needs.
Supply-side structural reform reflects the theory and practice of the CPC Central
Committee with President Xi at its core, based on an overall analysis of the world
economic cycle and the features of China’s development, and the interaction between
“third distribution”: The “third distribution” reflects a consistent effort and
innovation of CPC to achieve common prosperity. Since the launch of the reform and
opening-up policy, China has adopted a wealth distribution system based on labor
while allowing multiple distribution channels to co-exist. Taxation and social security
are part of the “second distribution” system, aiming at distributing wealth in a fairer
way. However, there still exists a huge gap between urban and rural development, as

well as among different income groups, calling for deeper reform. The “third
distribution” system refers to creating opportunities for high-income groups and
enterprises to contribute to society through ways such as voluntary gifts and
charitable donations. This is an innovative way of balancing efficiency with equality
and reducing the income gap.

2. President Xi says, “We must focus on oversight over the ‘key few,’ by which we
mean leading officials, and see that the Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and
Three Basic Rules of Conduct (三严三实) are observed.” Do some research on these
concepts, and discuss the significance of the strict self-governance of the Party and
the effects of related measures since the 18th CPC National Congress.
Reference Answer:
The initiative to implement the Three Guidelines for Ethical Behavior and the Three
Basic Rules of Conduct was proposed by President Xi. It calls upon officials at all
levels to be strict with themselves in self-cultivation, in the exercise of power, and in
self-discipline, and act in good faith when performing official duties, taking
initiatives, and interacting with others.
The key to national governance is a well-functioning and well-disciplined Party. Thus,
strict Party self-governance is of crucial significance. It plays a decisive role in
realizing our country’s great cause.
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, the CPC Central Committee has made
resolute efforts to improve Party conduct, tighten discipline, fight corruption, and
punish wrongdoing, leading to historic changes in Party building.
(1) It has combined ideological work and institution building, resulting in a marked
improvement in the political atmosphere within the Party.
(2) It has persevered in implementing the eight-point decision on improving Party and
government conduct, using fine Party conduct to improve social behavior.
(3) It has strengthened intraparty oversight, and ensured full coverage of disciplinary
inspection, which cuts like a blade through corruption and misconduct.
(4) It has taken comprehensive steps to tighten Party discipline and exercise stricter
supervision and governance over the Party.
(5) By both “taking out tigers” and “swatting flies,” it has built and consolidated an
overwhelming momentum in the fight against corruption.
(6) It has upheld rule-based Party self-governance by improving Party regulations
and tightening the cage of institutions.

3. President Xi says, “We should develop socialist consultative democracy, improve

our democratic institutions, diversify our forms of democracy, and establish more
democratic channels.” Search for some examples to illustrate how China’s institutions
of consultative democracy have been innovated and improved since the advent of the
new era.
Reference Answer:
Since 2015, local legislative outreach offices (基层立法联系点) of the National
People’s Congress Standing Committee’s Legislative Affairs Commission have been
established in China. As of June 2021, these legislative outreach offices have provided
nearly 6,600 suggestions relating to 109 draft laws and legislative work plans, many
of which have been used following careful analysis and research. Take the outreach
office in Hongqiao neighborhood in Shanghai, for example. In 2020, the outreach
office in Hongqiao neighborhood held more than 180 consultation meetings regarding
16 draft laws, which were attended by more than 3,000 people. In 2015, there was a
proposal from the Hongqiao outreach office regarding the draft Anti-Domestic
Violence Law. The proposal was for community-level organizations to be included on
the list of entities that can apply for personal safety protection orders, and it was
chosen for incorporation into the law.

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
China’s unprecedented endeavor towards modernization has validated a
distinctive Chinese path different from the Western model. President Xi vividly
compares the total imitation of the Western model to cutting the feet to fit the shoes,
which is bound to fail.
China’s unique and efficient path to modernization has impressed Boris Tadic,
former president of Serbia, who marvels at China’s rapid and multilevel development.
By combining economic development with Chinese characteristics, China has set new
global criteria for modernization.
The Chinese modernization facilitates the common prosperity of all people,
which is different from the Western capitalist system that incurs widening social
inequality. Under the leadership of the CPC, everyone in China is well on the way to
socialist modernization.
The Chinese modernization seeks a harmonious coexistence between humans and
nature that attaches great importance to environmental protection. China not only
earnestly fulfills its pledge to realize carbon neutrality by 2060, but also plays an
exemplary role in inspiring other developing nations to follow suit.
The Chinese modernization builds on peaceful development and win-win
cooperation instead of resorting to aggressive colonization typical of the Western
model. The Silk Road serves as the historical proof of China’s long-held aspiration to
bind different civilizations together through mutual respect and multilateral
cooperation. China’s Belt and Road Initiative today has won widespread international
To sum up, China has pioneered a distinctively Chinese development path, thus
avoiding the mistakes and consequences of the Western type of modernization.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Boris Tadic, “China Creating Its Own Way to Thrive”, China Daily, November 15,
(accessed February 12, 2022).
2. China Daily, “China’s 2021 in 10 Q&As”, China Daily, December 23, 2021,
l, (accessed February 12, 2022).
3. Martin Jacques, “Welcome to China’s Millennium”, The Guardian, June 23, 2009,
onomics, (accessed February 12, 2022).
4. Neal Kimberley, “COP26: Even with Xi’s Absence, China’s Climate Actions
Speak Louder than Words”, South China Morning Post, November 9, 2021,
-chinas-climate-actions-speak-louder-words, (accessed February 13, 2022).
5. Xi Jinping, “Understanding the New Development Stage, Applying the New
Development Philosophy, and Creating a New Development Dynamic”, Qiushi
Journal, July 8, 2021, http://en.qstheory.cn/2021-07/08/c_641137.htm,
(accessed February 12, 2022).
6. CGTN, “Xi: No Fixed Model for Modernization, Every Country’s Efforts Deserve
Respect”, July 6, 2021,
s-deserve-respect--11GjcQgbP7q/index.html, (accessed February 12, 2022).
7. Xinhuanet, “What Will a Modern Socialist China Bring to the World?”, November
17, 2021, http://www.news.cn/english/2021-11/17/c_1310316768.htm, (accessed
February 12, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
In 1978, the reform and opening up policy was put forward in China, which
ushered in the transformation of China from a backward regional economy into a
global powerhouse. Against this historical trend, Shenzhen was designated as China’s
first “special economic zone” in 1980 to spearhead the experiment of promoting a
socialist market economy. Nowadays, Shenzhen has developed from a backward
village into an international metropolis with global influence, witnessing China’s
development miracles over the past 40 plus years.
Before the reform and opening up, Shenzhen’s GDP in 1979 was less than 200
million yuan. At the time, the region saw numerous residents leave for Hong Kong in
pursuit of a better life, and the registered permanent residents in Shenzhen were only
about 310,000 in 1979. Nowadays, Shenzhen has obtained almost unrivalled progress.
Economically, the GDP of Shenzhen in 2021 has soared into 3.07 trillion yuan, with
an average annual growth rate of more than 20 percent since 1979. The Global Urban
Competitiveness Report 2019-2020 assessed Shenzhen as topping the ranking of
economic competitiveness in China. In terms of population, the registered permanent
residents rose to 17.7 million in 2021. The proportion of talents with college degrees
accounted for 28.8 percent of the total population. Regarding infrastructure, Shenzhen
is renowned for being one of the top 10 cities worldwide in terms of metro length in
The major reasons accounting for the miraculous rise of Shenzhen are threefold.
First, governmental support is the most crucial driving force. At the national level, the
central government wisely designated Shenzhen as a pilot city of special economic
zone. In addition, The Shenzhen municipal government went to great lengths to create
a low-cost business environment through promulgating favorable policies concerning
finance, taxation, land lease and foreign trade. Second, Shenzhen’s relentless pursuit
of industrial upgrading is of significance. At the initial stage of development,
labor-intensive industrial chains were transferred from Hong Kong to Shenzhen,
enabling Shenzhen to join the global industrial value chain from the bottom by
becoming a processing powerhouse for manufacturing primary industrial products.
Unsatisfied with the status quo, Shenzhen ventured into the second round of industrial
upgrading veering towards technology and innovation. Shenzhen has therefore
ascended into the upper reaches of the global value chain. Lastly, the hard toil of
migrant labor plays no small part. In 1992, the number of migrant workers registered
on the payroll soared into 1.759 million compared with 139,500 workers in 1979. It
was these workers engaged with labor-intensive industries that injected development
impetus into Shenzhen. Over the years, the quality of migrant labor also steadily
improved. The proportion of the population with college diplomas rose from 8.38
percent in 2000 to 17.8 percent in 2010, and then to 28.8 in 2021. In 2019, the number
of professionals even accounted for 44.5 percent of the permanent residents.
The revitalization of Shenzhen from a remote fishing village into an international
metropolis has left the world with a deep impression of the “China Speed.” It not only
demonstrates the wisdom of the Chinese people to make use of all the resources
available to promote development, but also reveals the enormous potential that China
could unleash.

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentences 2 and 4 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentences 3 and 4 in
“Translation”). The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences
if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and rhetoric” in small groups and give them
more assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and phrases
1. distort 2. be resolute in 3. foster
4. set forth 5. encapsulates 6. remain committed to
7. strives 8. in the interests of 9. go about
10. act on 11. see to it that 12. played an active part in
13. in earnest 14. has the final say 15. underpin

1. 必须坚持一个中国原则,坚持“九二共识”,推动两岸关系和平发展,深化
We must uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, promote the

peaceful development of cross-Straits relations, deepen economic cooperation
and cultural exchanges between the two sides of the Straits, and encourage
fellow Chinese on both sides to oppose all separatist activities and work together
to realize China’s national rejuvenation.
2. 坚持和发展中国特色社会主义,总任务是实现社会主义现代化和中华民族伟
The overarching tasks of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese
characteristics are to realize socialist modernization and national rejuvenation.
On the basis of achieving the goal of building of a moderately prosperous society
in all respects, a two-step approach should be taken to build China into a great
modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally
advanced, harmonious, and beautiful by the middle of the century and to
promote national rejuvenation through a Chinese path to modernization.
3. 深化党和国家机构改革,目标是构建系统完备、科学规范、运行高效的党和
The objective of further reform of Party and state institutions is to establish a
functional system of these institutions that is complete, well-conceived, standard
and efficient; a Party leadership system that ensures the Party’s core role in
exercising overall leadership and coordinating the efforts of all; a law-based
administrative governance system with clear functions and responsibilities;
world-class armed forces with Chinese characteristics; and a sound system of
people’s organizations for bridging and serving the general populace.
4. 改革既要往有利于增添发展新动力方向前进,也要往有利于维护社会公平正
In advancing reform, we should strengthen impetus and seek greater social
fairness and justice, promote supply-side structural reform with innovation in
systems and mechanisms, and focus on the resolution of problems related to the
systems and mechanisms that hinder economic and social development.

Discourse and rhetoric

3 (not the only answers)
1. However; Therefore; But; Hence
2. However; thus; when
3. Since; In order to
1. 坚持解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进、求真务实。
It has continued to free our minds, seek truth from facts, move with the times, and
apply a realistic and pragmatic approach.
2. 在幼有所育、学有所教、劳有所得、病有所医、老有所养、住有所居、弱有
We should make steady progress in ensuring people’s access to childcare, education,
employment, medical services, elderly care, housing, and social assistance.
3. 必须坚持国家利益至上,以人民安全为宗旨,以政治安全为根本,统筹外部
We must put national interests first, take protecting our people’s security as our
mission and safeguarding political security as a fundamental task, and ensure both
internal and external security, homeland and public security, traditional and
non-traditional security, and China’s own and common security.

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

Parallelism is a rhetorical device in which two or more elements of a sentence (or
series of sentences) have the same grammatical structure. In writing and speaking, the
use of parallelism can help

elaborate on an idea;
emphasize the relationship between two or more elements;
compare or contrast different things or ideas;
adding rhythm to the structure of their expression;
drive home a point through repetition.

While parallelism is itself a widely used rhetorical device, it can also be regarded
as an umbrella term for a number of different figures of speech. In other words, there
are a number of figures of speech that make use of parallelism. In antitheses, for
example, two elements of a sentence are placed in contrast to one another. One of the
most well-known examples of is Neil Armstrong’s statement, made as he stepped on
the moon: “That’s one small step for [a] man, one giant leap for mankind.”
Parallelism corresponds to paibi (排比) in Chinese, but the Chinese paibi usually
requires three or more elements in juxtaposition. The three Chinese sentences in this
exercise all contain paibi, and are all translated with the corresponding device of
parallelism. Therefore, the paralleled structures and their strong sense of rhythm are
well-kept in the English translations.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

Plants with strong roots grow well, and efforts with the right focus ensure success.
From Garden of Stories (《说苑》)

Reference Answer:
To make great achievements, we need to get down to fundamentals and keep to the
right path. An important lesson political parties or national governments today can
learn from this ancient Chinese quote is that they may go astray if they ignore the
fundamental interests of the people. The Chinese government, aspiring to meet the
demands of people at home and abroad for peace, development and prosperity,
launched the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) in the autumn of 2013. As a new platform
of global cooperation, the BRI focuses on promoting win-win cooperation by
strengthening policy coordination, infrastructure connectivity, unimpeded trade,
financial integration, and people-to-people bonds, which has received warm welcome
from the international community.

Unit 7 Towards National Rejuvenation

Students will learn to
 understand the tenets of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation;
 interpret the spirit of the Long March;
 justify the need to strengthen the CPC leadership;
 justify the necessity of upholding the spirit of the Long March under the current
 illustrate how the CPC broke free from the shackles of fixed dogmas and made great
 take a global perspective on China’s new long march towards the realization of the
Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation;
 write an essay about how the living standards of Chinese people have improved
over the past decades;
 use key words and expressions about the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话,
2021 年 7 月 1 日

2017 年 10 月 18 日

I. Chinese Translation:


II. Key Term:

Hannibal’s march over the Alps (or Hannibal’s crossing of the Alps): Hannibal’s
crossing of the Alps in 218 BC was one of the major events of the Second Punic War
(218 to 201 BC). Hannibal Barca was born in Carthage in North Africa (now Tunisia,
North Africa) in 247 BC. As the commander of the Carthaginian army, Hannibal made
an unexpected move by marching his troops, including cavalry and African war
elephants, across a high pass in the Alps to attack their rivals—the Romans—from the
north of the Italian peninsula. It was one of the greatest military feats in history.

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged
to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into
small discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to
the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 Use three key words to characterize the Long March as a great feat in human history.
Explain why.
Reference Answer:
Note: In answering this question, students can choose any words Edgar Snow used, as
shown in the picture enclosed in the textbook, or their own words.
sacrifice: The Long March was forged with the lives and blood of the Chinese
Communists and Red Army soldiers. It represented a commitment to sacrificing
everything to save the country and the people, no matter what difficulties and obstacles

lay ahead. Mao Zedong once noted, “Of the trying Long March the Red Army makes
light/Thousands of rivers and mountains are barriers slight.” (红军不怕远征难,万水
faith: The Long March would be inconceivable without the belief that a just cause
would surely succeed. The hardship the soldiers underwent included not only merciless
wilderness and harsh natural conditions, but also frequent exchanges with the
Nationalist enemy, the shortage of food, diseases, etc. Deng Xiaoping once said, “In the
past, no matter how small and weak our Party was, and no matter what difficulties it
faced, we always maintained great combat effectiveness thanks to our faith in Marxism
and communism…That is our real strength today as it has been in the past and will be
in the future.”
solidarity: The Long March was a story of a deep bond between the Red Army and the
people. It succeeded because the CPC and the Red Army stood together with the people,
maintained a close bond with the people, and shared weal and woe with the people.
Reliance on the people is precisely what allowed the CPC to grow stronger, and
precisely what has allowed Chinese socialism to constantly advance.

Q2 What are the similarities and differences between the Red Army’s Long March and
our new long march?
Reference Answer:
Note: When answering this question, students are encouraged to refer to the full text of
the speech made by President Xi Jinping at the ceremony commemorating the 80th
anniversary of the victory of the Long March.
(1) Similar to the Long March of the Red Army, today’s long march also requires that
we remain firm believers in and loyal practitioners of the path, theories, system, and
culture of Chinese socialism.
(2) We also need to put the people at the very center of our hearts, remain committed to
serving the people, and give full play to their enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity.
(3) Each of these two long marches can be described as a pioneering, arduous, and
highly-complex undertaking. They show us that there is no easy path to realizing a great
Differences: As President Xi Jinping notes in the full text of the speech, there are
differences between today’s long march and the Red Army’s Long March, “particularly
with regard to the conditions, tasks and powers involved.”
In the 1930s, the Chinese Communist Party led the Red Army through the arduous Long
March, opening a new chapter in China’s revolution. Today, after we completed the
building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects in 2021, the long march of
our generation is to achieve the Second Centenary Goal and to realize the Chinese

Dream of great rejuvenation.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

The text in this unit is part of the speech made by President Xi at the ceremony
commemorating the 80th anniversary of the victory of the Long March, a daring
military maneuver carried out by the Red Army, the forerunner of the People’s
Liberation Army, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China from October
1934 to October 1936. The soldiers, who trekked through raging rivers, snowy
mountains, and marshy grasslands in shoes made from grass, endured unprecedented
ordeals in human history, and ultimately arrived in northern Shaanxi Province, opening
a new chapter in the history of the CPC. In the speech, President Xi calls on the Chinese
people to carry forward the spirit of the Long March and forge ahead with courage to
write a new, glorious chapter in the new long march.
The text is very clear in structure and can be divided into four parts. The first part
(Paras.1-2) elaborates on the spirit of the Long March and its significance in the Chinese
revolution. The second part (Para. 3) puts forward the goal of our generation’s new long
march (to attain the Two Centenary Goals and realize the Chinese Dream of national
rejuvenation). The third part (Paras. 4-27) lists the tasks for now and the future: What
we must do to carry forward the spirit of the Long March and succeed in our present
long march. The final paragraph, the last part, serves as a conclusion calling for action
as the blueprint has been drawn for the bright future.
Since it is a speech made on a formal occasion commemorating an important historical
event, the language is formal and serious with a combination of short imperative
sentences emphasizing the major points and long complex sentences elaborating on
these points with details. Parallelism is an obvious rhetorical device employed to
present parallel and closely related major points (e.g. “To carry forward the spirit of the
Long March and succeed in our present long march, we must...”). Metaphor is another
important means to make the points vivid and interesting (e.g. “The victory of the Long
March proved that belief in our hearts gives strength to our legs.” “In emphasizing
the need for confidence in our path, theories, system and culture, our intention is by no
means to rest on our laurels and stop seeking progress.” “The people are the skies
above us and the earth below us.” ). Finally, famous modern and ancient writers are
also quoted to convince the audience/readers and drive home the points in discussion

(e.g. “Deng Xiaoping once said, ‘In the past, no matter how small and weak our Party
was, and no matter what difficulties it faced, we always maintained great combat
effectiveness thanks to our faith in Marxism and communism. Because we shared
common ideals, we had strict discipline. That is our real strength today as it has been
in the past and will be in the future.’” “A rock can be smashed, but its pieces will still
be hard; cinnabar can be ground, but its powder will still be red.” [from Lü Shi Chun
Qiu] “The same water that keeps a ship afloat can also sink it.” [from Zhen Guan
Zheng Yao] “Mao Zedong once said, ‘Who brought the Long March to victory? The
Communist Party. Without the Communist Party, a long march of this kind would have
been inconceivable. The Communist Party of China, its leadership, its cadres and its
members fear no difficulties or hardships.’”).

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. However, its most precious element was the spirit of the Long March, which was
forged with the lives and blood of Chinese Communists and Red Army soldiers. (Para.
the spirit of the Long March: From October 1934 to October 1936, the CPC followed
its own strategy by leading the main forces of the Chinese Workers’ and Peasants’ Red
Army on a trek of 25,000 li (12,500 km) from its bases in south China to the Party’s
enclave in northern Shaanxi Province. Known as the “Long March,” this epic effort
created a legacy of revolutionary idealism and started a new great march towards
national independence and people’s liberation.
This is a spirit of strong beliefs, of fearless resolution to surmount difficulties at any
cost, of firm discipline, and of Party unity.

forge: to develop something new, especially a strong relationship with other people,
groups, or countries
e.g. In 1776 the United States forged an alliance with France.

2. And it meant relying closely on the people, sharing weal and woe with the people,
and fighting bitterly alongside the people. (Para. 2)
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of alliteration.

weal and woe: times of happiness and success and times of sadness and difficulty
Dean is a devoted friend—you can count on him to be there in weal and woe.

3. Today, the goal of our generation’s long march is to attain the Two Centenary
Goals and realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation. (Para. 3)

The Two Centenary Goals: The Two Centenary Goals were announced at the 18th
National Congress of the CPC in 2012. The First Centenary Goal is to build a
moderately prosperous society in all respects by the centenary of the CPC (founded in
1921) and the Second Centenary Goal is to build China into a modern socialist country
that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally advanced, and harmonious by the
centenary of the PRC (founded in 1949). Ambitious on a national level, these goals
reflect the wishes and expectations of individuals, families and communities. They
embody the grand vision and ideals of the Chinese Dream, and pave the way for making
the Chinese Dream a reality.

4. Without their indomitable ideals and beliefs to sustain them, the Red Army’s
victory in the Long March would simply have been inconceivable. (Para. 5)
inconceivable: too strange or unusual to be thought real or possible; impossible to
imagine or believe
e.g. A few years ago a car fueled by solar energy would have been inconceivable.
It’s inconceivable (to me) that anyone could have survived such a violent crash.

5. No matter how times change or how conditions alter, we must never be deflected
by the trials that await us. (Para. 6)
deflect: To deflect someone from a course of action means to make them decide not to
continue with it by putting pressure on them or by offering them something desirable.
e.g. The war did not deflect him from the path he had long ago taken.
Never let a little problem deflect you.

6. “A rock can be smashed, but its pieces will still be hard; cinnabar can be ground,
but its powder will still be red.” (Para. 7)
smash: to break into pieces violently or noisily, or to make something do this by
dropping, throwing, or hitting it
e.g. Several cups fell to the floor and smashed to pieces.

cinnabar: a type of red-colored rock from which mercury (=a poisonous liquid metal)
is taken (辰砂,朱砂)

grind (past tense and past participle ground):

to make something into small pieces or powder by pressing between hard surfaces
e.g. They grind the grain into flour (= make flour by crushing grain) between two large

7. To solidify our ideals and beliefs, we must thoroughly study Marxism-Leninism,

Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three Represents, and
the Scientific Outlook on Development. (Para. 8)
solidify: to become more definite or make something more definite
e.g. It has solidified its position as a leading company.

8. With a commitment to believing in, reflecting on and acting on what we have

learned, we must transform the outcomes of our learning into unyielding ideals and
beliefs, and into a sound understanding of the world, life and values. (Para. 8)
unyielding: not willing to change your ideas or beliefs

9. We can then use our ideals to light up the path ahead, and our beliefs to forge a
better future. (Para. 8)
light up: to give light to a place or to shine light on something
e.g. The flames lit up the sky.

10. The Long March not only crossed countless mountains and rivers; it also
surmounted the erroneous idea that Marxism was a fixed dogma that could not change.
(Para. 10)
surmount: to succeed in dealing with a problem or difficulty
e.g. None of the problems are so bad that we can’t surmount them.
He has had to surmount immense physical disabilities.

dogma: a particular belief or set of beliefs that people are expected to accept without
questioning them
e.g. Their political dogma has blinded them to the real needs of the country.

11. In emphasizing the need for confidence in our path, theories, system and culture,
our intention is by no means to rest on our laurels and stop seeking progress. (Para.
rest on one’s laurels: to rely on one’s past achievements, especially as a way of
avoiding the work needed to make further progress
e.g. Just because you’ve got your degree doesn’t mean you can rest on your laurels.

12. On the contrary, it is imperative that we continue to discover, invent, create and
advance, so as to preserve the strong vitality of Chinese socialism. (Para. 12)
imperative: extremely important and needing to be done or dealt with immediately
e.g. It is imperative that politicians should be good communicators.
It is imperative to meet face to face with the client.

13. However, what we must always remember is that the purpose of any and all
improvements we make is to advance on the path we have set for ourselves, and not to
change course, or discard the very foundation that supports the CPC, the country and
the people. (Para. 12)
discard: If you discard something, you get rid of it because you no longer want it or
need it.
e.g. Read the manufacturer’s guidelines before discarding the box.

14. Only by believing in the people, relying closely on them, and giving full play to
their enthusiasm, initiative, and creativity can we channel their strength into an
impenetrable great wall. (Para. 14)
impenetrable: impossible to see through or go through
e.g. Outside, the fog was thick and impenetrable.

15. Reliance on the people is precisely what allowed the CPC to grow stronger, and
precisely what has allowed Chinese socialism to constantly advance. (Para. 14)
reliance: the state of depending on or trusting in something or someone
e.g. You place too much reliance on her ideas and expertise.

16. There is an old saying: “The same water that keeps a ship afloat can also sink it.”
(Para. 16)
afloat: floating on water
e.g. Our boat remained afloat through the storm.

17. Therefore, we must uphold the CPC’s principle of relying on and serving the people,
preserve our close ties with the people, readily subject ourselves to the criticism and
oversight of the public, remain mindful of the difficulties ordinary people face, and
search constantly for means of bringing prosperity to the people, so as to ensure that
the CPC always has the trust and support of the people, and ensure that our cause has
an inexhaustible source of strength to carry it forward. (Para. 16)
inexhaustible: existing in such large amounts that it can never be finished or used up
e.g. She has an inexhaustible supply of funny stories.

18. In our campaign to rejuvenate the Chinese nation, we must consolidate solidarity
between China’s various ethnic groups; enhance solidarity among various political
parties, organizations, ethnicities, social groups and other actors; remain committed to
preserving China’s national unity, social harmony, and stability; and resolutely oppose
all separatist activities that aim to sabotage our unity and solidarity. (Para. 17)

(1) to make an organization or system more effective by introducing new methods,
ideas, or people
e.g. He has decided to rejuvenate the team by bringing in a lot of new, young players.
(2) to make someone look or feel young and energetic again
e.g. After a workout, I feel rejuvenated.

(1) to secretly damage or destroy equipment, vehicles, etc. that belong to an enemy or
opponent, so that they cannot be used
e.g. Every single plane had been sabotaged.
(2) to deliberately spoil someone’s plans because you do not want them to succeed
e.g. Demonstrators have sabotaged the conference.

19. We need to pool the wisdom and strength of all Chinese people, and tap the creative
and developmental potential of our entire society, turning the monumental force
unleashed when all Chinese people unite and work together into a powerful driving
force for the rejuvenation of our nation. (Para. 17)
monumental: extremely large, bad, good, impressive, etc.
e.g. It was a monumental task.
a monumental contribution to the field of medicine

unleash: to suddenly let a strong force, feeling, etc. have its full effect
e.g. The new tax laws have unleashed a storm of criticism.

20. To carry forward the spirit of the Long March and succeed in our present long
march we must stay on the right course, keep sight of the bigger picture, and make
sound overall arrangements, engaging in a tireless effort to accomplish our overall tasks,
fulfill our plans, and achieve our goals. (Para. 18)
course: the usual or natural way that something changes, develops, or is done
e.g. Meeting Sally changed the whole course of his life.

keep sight of:

(1) to position oneself to be able to see someone or something
e.g. Keep sight of the thief while I call the police.
(2) to remember or remind oneself of something
e.g. If you don’t keep sight of your goal, you’ll give up before you can ever achieve it.

21. The victory of the Long March proved that to remain invincible a political party

must stand at the forefront of the times, keep in step with the flow of history, lay out
sound overall plans, seize the strategic initiative, and stay committed to achieving its
goals. (Para. 19)
invincible: too strong to be destroyed or defeated
e.g. an invincible army

22. The Long March took the CPC and the Red Army over towering peaks, across
treacherous rivers, and through bleak grasslands, but every leg of the journey, every
charge through enemy lines, and every battle formed part of a bigger strategic picture.
(Para. 19)
treacherous: Ground, roads, weather conditions, etc. that are treacherous are
particularly dangerous because you cannot see the dangers very easily.
e.g. They traveled on horseback over treacherous Himalayan footpaths.

(1) If a place is bleak, it is empty, and not welcoming or attractive.
e.g. The house stands on a bleak, windswept hilltop.
(2) If a situation is bleak, there is little or no hope for the future.
e.g. The economic outlook is bleak.

23. We must identify strategic priorities, make key breakthroughs, seize the strategic
initiative, prevent systemic risks, and avoid being swept away by crisis, so as to ensure
the sound progression of our great cause. (Para. 20)
sweep away:
(1) to destroy or completely remove something
e.g. A sudden feeling of grief swept all my anger away.
(2) to become completely involved in a story, situation, your emotions, etc.
e.g. I got quite swept away with the spirit of the moment.

24. In a constant effort to move closer to the completion of this overall task, we must
coordinate our Five-Point Strategy of economic, political, cultural, social, and
ecological progress; advance the Four-Pronged Strategy in a coordinated fashion; and
work wholeheartedly to achieve our Two Centenary Goals. (Para. 21)
Five-Point Strategy (of economic, political, cultural, social, and ecological progress)
(also the Five-Sphere Integrated Plan): The Five-Sphere Integrated Plan — the
development of socialism with Chinese characteristics encompassing economic,
political, cultural, social and ecological development—was proposed on November 8,
2012 at the 18th National Congress of the CPC. While economic development
continues to be the central pillar, economic, political, cultural, social and ecological

development is to be promoted on all fronts, modernization is to be fostered in all areas,
and all elements are to be developed in a coordinated manner.

Four-Pronged Strategy (also the Four-Pronged Comprehensive Strategy): It refers

to China’s strategic plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics, that is, to
make comprehensive moves to complete a moderately prosperous society in all respects,
to further reform, to advance the rule of law, and to strengthen Party self-governance.

25. With an unequivocal commitment to reform, we must break free from the shackles
of outdated thinking, dismantle the barriers erected by vested interests, and clear
away institutional obstacles impeding the development of productive forces and social
progress, in order to further modernize China’s national governance system and
capacity. (Para. 21)
unequivocal: completely clear and without any possibility of doubt
e.g. His answer was an unequivocal “No.”

shackle: (usually plural) something that prevents you from doing what you want to do

dismantle: to gradually get rid of a system or organization.

e.g. We should dismantle our inefficient tax system.

(1) to establish something such as a system or institution
e.g. The Secretary of Commerce said that the agreement would not erect any serious
trade barriers.
(2) to build something such as a building or wall
e.g. A monument was erected on the square.

vested: Vested rights, powers, property, etc. belong to you and cannot be removed
e.g. Shareholders have a vested right to 10% per annum.
vested interests: the groups of people who have a vested interest in something
e.g. The proposal faces tough opposition from powerful vested interests.

clear away: to make a place look tidier by removing things or putting things back where
they belong
e.g. The villages are clearing away the straw near their houses to prevent fires.

impede: to make it difficult for someone or something to move forward or make


e.g. Storms at sea impeded our progress.

26. To carry forward the spirit of the Long March and succeed in our present long
march, we must build a solid national defense capacity and strong military that is
commensurate with China’s international standing and that can meet the country’s
security and development needs, and engage in a tireless effort to preserve national
security and world peace. (Para. 22)
commensurate: matching something in size, quality, or length of time
e.g. They should face legal sanctions commensurate with their actions.

27. The Long March tested, tempered, and strengthened the people’s army, initiating
a new phase in its growth. (Para. 23)
temper: to cause (something, such as steel or glass) to become hard or strong by heating
it and cooling it
e.g. The steel/glass must be properly tempered.

28. To carry forward the spirit of the Long March and succeed in our present long
march, we must strengthen CPC leadership, remain committed to strict self-
governance, and work hard to advance the further development of the Party. (Para. 24)
strict self-governance (or enforcing strict Party self-governance):
(See explanation of the term full and rigorous governance over the Party in Detailed
Analysis of the Text part in Unit 6, Teacher’s Book.)

29. As the essential attribute of Chinese socialism, and the greatest strength of this
system, this leadership must be resolutely upheld and improved. (Para. 25)
(1) (as a noun) a quality or feature that someone or something has
e.g. He has every attribute you could want and could play for any team.
(2) (as a verb) to say that a situation, state, or event is caused by something
e.g. Doctors attributed his quick recovery to his physical fitness.

30. On our new long march, all Party members must conscientiously uphold and
maintain Party leadership; stand on the side of the Party and the people; and remain
loyal to, share the concerns of, and assume their responsibilities and obligations to the
Party, doing their utmost to fulfill the duties and tasks entrusted to them. (Para. 26)
conscientiously: in a careful way that involves a lot of effort
e.g. Julia collected the notes she had been conscientiously making and pushed them into
her briefcase.

do/try one’s utmost: to do something as well as one can by making a great effort
e.g. She did her utmost to finish on time.

entrust: to make someone responsible for doing something important, or for taking
care of someone
e.g. She entrusted her son’s education to a private tutor.
I was entrusted with the task of looking after the money.

31. “Heroes are those who know themselves and can surpass themselves.” (Para. 27)
surpass: to be even better or greater than someone or something else
e.g. He had surpassed all our expectations.
surpass oneself (=do something better than one has ever done before)
e.g. With this painting he has surpassed himself.

32. The “four tests” and “four risks” that our Party faces are long-term, complex and
grave. (Para. 27)
“four tests”: The four tests refer to the tests of long-term governance, reform and
opening up, market economy and external environment (长期执政考验、改革开放考
验、市场经济考验、外部环境考验) .
“four risks”: The four risks refer to risks of mental slackness, lack of ability, isolation
from the masses, and passivity and corruption. (精神懈怠危险、能力不足危险、脱

33. We must continue to…improve CPC leadership and governance whilst enhancing
its ability to resist corruption and withstand risks; and ensure that the CPC remains the
firm leading core of the cause of Chinese socialism. (Para. 27)
withstand: to be strong enough, or not be changed by something, or to oppose a person
or thing successfully
e.g. She is an artist whose work will undoubtedly withstand the test of time. (= It will
still be popular in the future.)

34. As we advance on this path, we must vigorously promote the spirit of the Long
March, and draw on this spirit to inspire and encourage the whole of the Party, all our
military, and every Chinese person, especially the young, to devote themselves to
making the country strong; to continue the great cause our predecessors started... (Para.
predecessor: someone who had a job or a position before someone else, or something
that comes before another thing in time or in a series
e.g. Perry seems to have learned nothing from the faults of his predecessors.

III. Original Chinese Text:






〔1〕见邓小平《在中国共产党全国代表会议上的讲话》( 《邓小平文选》
第3 卷,人民出版社1993年版,第144页)。


Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the Text

Reference Answers:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before comparing
notes and/or providing standard answers.

Part I (Paras. 1-2): The spirit of the Long March

• Putting the fundamental interests of the Chinese people and nation above all else.
• Upholding firm revolutionary ideals and beliefs.
• The belief that a just cause would surely succeed.
• A willingness to sacrifice everything to save the country and the people, no matter
what difficulties and obstacles lay ahead.
• Remaining committed to independence and autonomy, to seeking truth from facts,
and to proceeding from reality in all endeavors.
• Taking a broad view, maintaining strict discipline, and seeking unity.
• Relying closely on the people, sharing weal and woe with the people, and fighting
bitterly alongside the people.

Part II (Para. 3): The goal of our generation’s new long march
To attain the Two Centenary Goals and realize the Chinese Dream of national

Part III (Paras. 4-27): How to carry forward the spirit of the Long March and
attain our goal
• Remain committed to the great ideal of communism and the common ideal of Chinese
socialism, and engage in a tireless struggle to realize our ideals and beliefs.
• Remain confident in the path, theories, system and culture of Chinese socialism, and

engage in a tireless struggle to win new victories for this great cause.
• Put the people at the very center of our hearts, remain committed to serving the people
and relying on them in all endeavors, and engage in a tireless effort to make life better
for them.
• Stay on the right course, keep sight of the bigger picture, and make sound overall
arrangements, engaging in a tireless effort to accomplish our overall tasks, fulfill our
plans, and achieve our goals.
• Build a solid national defense capacity and strong military that is commensurate with
China’s international standing and that can meet the country’s security and
development needs, and engage in a tireless effort to preserve national security and
world peace.
• Strengthen CPC leadership, remain committed to strict self-governance, and work
hard to advance the further development of the Party.
Part IV (Para. 28): Conclusion

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to this
exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. President Xi says that the spirit of the Long March “was forged with the lives and
blood of Chinese Communists and Red Army soldiers” (Para. 1). Do some research and
interpret this statement. Use specific stories or statistics to support the viewpoint.
In October 1934, after the failure of the fifth counter “encirclement and suppression,”
the main force of the Central Red Army was forced to carry out a strategic transfer, and
thus started the Long March. During the process, the Central Red Army fought more
than 380 battles, defeated hundreds of regiments of the Kuomintang army and captured
more than 700 counties. In the expedition, the Red Army crossed 18 mountains
including some snow-capped ones, 24 rivers and wasteland in 14 provinces at the time,
covering a journey of more than 12,000 kilometers. According to incomplete statistics,
more than 100,000 Red Army soldiers and officers died on the Long March. From the
statistics, we can see that the spirit of the Long March was “forged with the lives and
blood of Chinese communists and Red Army soldiers.”

2. In what sense did the Long March prove that “belief in our hearts gives strength to
our legs” (Para. 5)? Do some research and use evidence to support this statement.
The strong revolutionary belief and faith in communism and revolution played a crucial

role in keeping the Red Army moving towards its goal while overcoming numerous
difficulties, defeating Kuomintang army’s continual attacks, and winning one battle
after another during the Long March, for example, the four crossings of Chishui river,
and seizing the Luding bridge. When the Red Army started the Long March, there were
about 300,000 soldiers and officers, but only about 30,000 were left when it reached its
destination in northern Shaanxi. It was the firm revolutionary belief in communism and
victory that had given strength to the Red Army in overcoming all sorts of obstacles and
triumphing at the end. “Without their indomitable ideals and beliefs to sustain them,
the Red Army’s victory in the Long March would simply have been inconceivable.”

3. What makes the Chinese Communists firm in their ideals and beliefs?
The ideals and beliefs of a Chinese Communist are founded on the scientific truths of
Marxism, on the laws of social development revealed by Marxism, and on the grand
aspiration to serve the interests of the broadest majority of the people. We are strong
because what we pursue is truth. We are strong because we respect the laws that govern
development. And we are strong because we represent the fundamental interests of the
great majority of the people.

4. What is the Four-Sphere Confidence? What should we do to practice the Four-Sphere

We must remain confident in the path, theories, system and culture of Chinese socialism.
We must firmly believe in and stick to Chinese socialism. However, in emphasizing the
need for confidence in our path, theories, system and culture, our intention is by no
means to rest on our laurels and stop seeking progress. On the contrary, it is imperative
that we continue to discover, invent, create and advance, so as to preserve the strong
vitality of Chinese socialism.

5. Explain how the Long March told “the story of a deep emotional bond between the
Red Army and the people” (Para. 14). Use a specific story to support the viewpoint.
Numerous stories such as the shared quilt story mentioned in the text show a deep
emotional bond between the Red Army and the people. Another example:
In Yudu County, Jiangxi Province, where the Long March of the Central Red Army
started, local people donated almost all their wooden doors and other wooden
materials to build floating bridges for the Red Army to cross the Yudu river. The people
set up floating bridges at dusk, allowing the Red Army to cross the Yudu river, and then
took down the bridges at midnight after the Red Army soldiers had crossed the river.
This process of setting up and removing the bridges repeated itself 14 times. Senior
CPC leader, Chen Yun once listed “correctly treating the masses and getting the support
of the masses” as one of the three reasons for the victory of the Long March in 1935.

He said, “It is precisely because we have close ties with the masses that we have
received their support and recruited volunteers to help the Red Army. We could find
porters everywhere to help us carry baggage, and we could place Red Army soldiers in
the homes of the local people in any place we passed through.”

6. What does the CPC’s principle of “relying on and serving the people” (or the mass
line 群众路线) mean according to the text? Why is it so important for the Party?
According to the text, “relying on and serving the people” means to “preserve our close
ties with the people, readily subject ourselves to the criticism and oversight of the public,
remain mindful of the difficulties ordinary people face, and search constantly for means
of bringing prosperity to the people.” It is important because the mass line ensures that
“the CPC always has the trust and support of the people,” and that “our cause has an
inexhaustible source of strength to carry it forward.”

7. What do you know about the Two Centenary Goals? How is the Second Centenary
Goal relevant to your generation?
The Two Centenary Goals were announced at the 18th National Congress of the CPC
in 2012. The First Centenary Goal is to build a moderately prosperous society in all
respects by the centenary of the CPC (founded in 1921) and the Second Centenary Goal
is to build China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic,
culturally advanced, and harmonious by the centenary of the PRC (founded in 1949).
Ambitious on a national level, these goals reflect the wishes and expectations of
individuals, families and communities. They embody the grand vision and ideals of the
Chinese Dream, and pave the way for making the Chinese Dream a reality.
The Second Centenary Goal is particularly relevant to us young generation because we
will be in our prime time and will be the driving force for realizing the goal and the
Chinese Dream. If contemporary Chinese youths carry forward the national spirit, work
hard and stay united, the realization of the Second Centenary Goal and the Chinese
Dream will have an endless source of power.

8. What is the overall task of Chinese socialism? What roles do development, reform
and innovation play in achieving the overall task of Chinese socialism?
The overall task of Chinese socialism is to achieve modernization and national
rejuvenation. Development is critical to the success of Chinese socialism. We must
continue to make economic development our central task, and guide the new normal of
economic growth with our Five-Point Strategy, so as to resolve difficulties in
development, cultivate new strengths, and lay down more solid material foundations to
underpin Chinese socialism. Reform is the key move that will decide China’s future.
With an unequivocal commitment to reform, we must break free from the shackles of

outdated thinking, dismantle the barriers erected by vested interests, and clear away
institutional obstacles impeding the development of productive forces and social
progress, in order to further modernize China’s national governance system and
capacity. Innovation is the primary driving force behind development. It is imperative
that we free our minds, seek truth from facts, and move forward with the times. We must
advance innovation in theory, practice and systems, and in many other areas, so that
the causes of the CPC and the country retain their strong creative vitality and constantly
advance into new territory.

9. President Xi says that the victory of the Long March proved that “absolute CPC
leadership over the army guaranteed victory on the battlefield” (Para. 23). Support this
statement with reasons and evidence.
The CPC’s absolute leadership over the army is a fundamental principle and a salient
feature of China’s military leadership system. The CPC’s absolute leadership is the soul
of the Chinese army. Since it was founded in 1927, the people’s army, which was once
weak, has grown strong, winning one victory after another. It is the Party’s strong
leadership—the lifeblood of the people’s army—that has made this possible. Historical
evidence has proved this principle. For example, the War of Resistance Against
Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the Korean War were all fought and
won under the strong leadership of the CPC. Therefore, upholding the Party’s absolute
leadership is the fundamental guarantee of a strong army.

10. Why must we strengthen the CPC leadership in order to succeed in our present long
march according to President Xi?
The victory of the Long March proved that Party leadership is a fundamental guarantee
ensuring that the cause of the Party and the people will succeed. Party leadership has
guaranteed the success of China’s revolution, socialist construction and reform. As the
essential attribute of Chinese socialism, and the greatest strength of this system, this
leadership must be resolutely upheld and improved.

II. Critical Thinking

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is

devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to take
alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. More than eight decades have passed since the victory of the Long March. The
Chinese nation has achieved a tremendous transformation from standing up and
growing prosperous to becoming strong. Why is it still necessary for us to uphold the
spirit of the Long March under the current circumstances?
Reference Answer:
President Xi says in the text, “Being prepared for danger in times of peace is the key to
survival and development. The ‘four tests’ and ‘four risks’ that our Party faces are
long-term, complex and grave.” To meet the challenges of the “four tests” and “four
risks” of the new long march, we need to carry on the glorious tradition of the Long
March. Furthermore, the rise of China and growing connection with the world have
brought many uncertainties for the CPC in governing the country, like how to deal with
the changing attitudes of other major countries towards a rising China, how to reduce
and control the negative impact on China of global economic and financial crises while
insisting on market economy, how to realize the complete reunification of our country,
etc. Under such circumstances, we must carry forward the spirit of the Long March so
as to succeed in our present long march.

2. President Xi says that the Long March “also surmounted the erroneous idea that
Marxism was a fixed dogma that could not change,” meaning that the basic principles
of Marxism should be combined with China’s realities. Use a particular case from the
history of the CPC to illustrate how the Party broke free from the shackles of fixed
dogmas and made great achievements.
Reference Answer:
Take the reform and opening up, for example. Before the reform and opening up, most
Chinese regarded developing private economy as evidence of capitalism which should
not be encouraged or even allowed. Chinese leadership took pains to justify the
development of a socialist market economy. Deng Xiaoping did not believe that the
market economy was synonymous with capitalism or that the planned economy was
synonymous with socialism. In his words, “planning and market forces are both ways

of controlling economic activity.” He also said, “Socialism means eliminating poverty.
Pauperism is not socialism, still less communism.” Since the launch of the reform and
opening up, remarkable achievements have been made in China. Over forty years of
reform and opening up has made it possible for our people to lead decent, comfortable
lives. Recalling how Chinese leadership strived to change the deep-rooted outdated
ideas of the country and move with times, we will have a deeper understanding of the
hard-won achievements of China since the reform and opening up.

3. As remarked by President Xi, “A strong country must have a strong military, as only
then can it guarantee the security of the nation.” Use historical evidence to support this
Reference Answer:
“A strong country must have a strong army, as only then can it guarantee the security
of the nation.” This is a general law that has been repeatedly proved in history, like in
the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, the War of Liberation, and the
Korean War, etc. Take the Korean War, for example. Soon after the founding of the
People’s Republic of China, the Korean War broke out. China was then faced with
severe security threats from the US. With strong determination and great sacrifices,
Chinese People’s Volunteers Army won the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea
and safeguarded China’s national security. In today’s world, the law of the jungle still
exists, and the actual and potential war threats facing the world have not been
eliminated. Embarking on a new journey to build a modern socialist country in all
respects, we need a strong military to guarantee the security of the nation as ever.

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
The CPC and the Chinese people have always cherished the spirit of the Long
March, showcasing their unswerving perseverance in surmounting all obstructions on
the way to victory, which inspires other developing countries.
Nowadays, the spirit of the Long March has been carried on to realize the Chinese
Dream of national rejuvenation, an idea put forward by President Xi, which reveals the
aspirations long cherished by the Chinese people. The greatness of the Chinese Dream
lies in the pursuit of common prosperity for all people, which is different from the
American Dream which focuses on individual freedom and financial success.
The Two Centenary Goals were raised to convert the ardor of rejuvenation into
action. Under the CPC leadership, China has materialized the First Centenary Goal of

building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and will fulfill the second goal
of building a great modern socialist country by 2049.
It is the interdependent relationship between the CPC and the Chinese people that
greatly facilitates the realization of the First Centenary Goal. Stephen Perry, chairman
of the 48 Group Club in the UK, exclaims in awe at China’s unparalleled rise obtained
by the concerted efforts of the whole country.
Inheriting the spirit embedded in the Long March, the CPC has forged a unique
Chinese model of development, which earns China widespread international applause.
Peaceful development is at the core of the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
As observed by a foreign scholar, Digby Wren, China highly values peaceful dialogue
with other countries and does not interfere in their internal affairs.
The Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation embodies a grand vision. It not only
empowers China to develop rapidly but also contributes to the prosperity of the whole

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. China Daily, “Background: Connotations of Chinese Dream”, March 5, 2014,
03/05/content_17324203.htm, (accessed February 8, 2022).
2. CGTN, “The World’s Dream and the Chinese Dream: One World, One Dream”,
October 5, 2020, https://news.cgtn.com/news/2020-10-05/The-world-s-dream-and-
the-Chinese-Dream-One-world-one-dream-UkCPuGawWA/index.html, (accessed
February 8, 2022).
3. CGTN, “Xi Calls on CPC Members to March Toward Second Centenary Goal”,
July 1, 2021, https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-07-01/Xi-calls-on-CPC-members-
to-march-toward-second-centenary-goal--11xajRoUuru/index.html, (accessed
February 7, 2022).
4. Digby Wren, “National Rejuvenation to Have a Profound Impact on World”, China
Daily, September 8, 2021,
(accessed February 8, 2022).
5. Eddie Turkson, “Spirit of Long March Lives On in Today’s China”, China Daily,
September 24, 2016, http://www.china.org.cn/china/2016-
09/24/content_39364286.htm, (accessed February 7, 2022).
6. Li Haiqing and Ou Yang, “On the ‘Long March’ to Rejuvenation”, China Daily,
October 22, 2021,
(accessed February 7, 2022).
7. Robert Lawrence Kuhn, “The Chinese Dream in Western eyes”, China Daily, April

17, 2014, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/china/2014-04/17/content_17465392.htm,
(accessed February 7, 2022).
8. Uking Sun, “‘Chinese Dream’ Is a World Dream”, China Daily, March 26, 2013,
03/26/content_16347214.htm, (accessed February 7, 2022).
9. Wang Mingjie, “Bonds with People Key to CPC Success”, China Daily, July 3,
(accessed February 8, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
Once a backward country plagued by war and poverty, China has now achieved
moderate prosperity in all respects through the consistent hard work and wisdom of the
Chinese people, fulfilling the people’s long-cherished dream for a better life.
Building a moderately prosperous society in all respects is first and foremost
guaranteed by the competent leadership of the CPC. The white paper China’s Epic
Journey from Poverty to Prosperity acclaims the CPC for its deployment of sound
policies and strategies based on an accurate analysis of the specific situations in China.
Facing a vast territory characterized by imbalanced development, the CPC insightfully
devised solutions with holistic thinking. For instance, the CPC gave full consideration
to the differences and imbalanced development between the coastal areas and interior
provinces, and between the eastern and western regions, and encouraged some people
and regions to take the lead, and then promote and bring along the development of other
regions. The viability of this approach has now been testified. It has fostered an all-
round and shared development across the country. It showcases that the CPC has wisely
adopted progressive tactics to promote the fulfillment of long-term objectives. Such
sustained efforts to pursue policy consistency not only manifest the pragmatic spirit of
the CPC, but also guarantee the successful delivery of common prosperity to all Chinese
Moderate prosperity in China is also secured by the unremitting endeavor of the
Chinese people. Take Huang Wenxiu, a July 1 Medal recipient in 2021 who dedicated
her life to lifting the people of Baini village in Guangxi Province out of poverty, for
example. Upon finishing her postgraduate study at Beijing Normal University, Huang
resolutely returned to her hometown to do her bit for rural revitalization. Huang applied
her knowledge according to local conditions. Under her wise guidance, the villagers
made concerted efforts to cultivate agricultural products with local characteristics, such

as anise and loquat, and even probed into e-commerce to broaden the sale of the produce.
Huang also joined the villagers’ hard farm work. She visited individual households and
helped to clean their yards and cultivate their land. Her private car on loan was used for
public purposes, which provided more convenience for Huang to offer targeted
assistance to each poverty-stricken family. Once a remote village mired in economic
decay with a poverty rate of 22.88 %, Baini village has now taken on a promising
outlook featuring sustainable development and common prosperity.
To sum up, the moderate prosperity in all respects was achieved under the
outstanding leadership of the CPC and through the consistent hard work and wisdom
of the Chinese people. On our journey ahead, the Party and all the Chinese people will
continue to make concerted efforts to achieve the Second Centenary Goal of building
China into a modern socialist country that is prosperous, strong, democratic, culturally
advanced, and harmonious by 2049.

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentence 9 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentences 1 and 2 in “Translation”).
The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and phrases
1. dismantled 2. do their utmost 3. surmounting
4. carry forward 5. light up 6. drive…to
7. subject ourselves to 8. keep in step with 9. lay down
10. lay out 11. entrusted 12.rally
13. are commensurate with 14. sabotaged 15. Resting on your laurels

1. 前进道路上,我们要大力弘扬伟大长征精神,激励和鼓舞全党全军全国各族
As we advance on this path, we must vigorously promote the spirit of the Long
March, and draw on this spirit to inspire and encourage the whole of the Party, all
our military, and every Chinese person, especially the young…to write a new,
glorious chapter in our new long march to attain the Two Centenary Goals and
realize the Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation.
2. 前进道路上,我们必须增强“四个意识”、坚定“四个自信”,坚决维护党
On the path ahead, we must enhance our sense of the Four Consciousnesses, the
Four-Sphere Confidence, and the Two Upholds. Party leadership should be
exercised and manifested in all areas, including reform, development, stability,
domestic affairs, foreign policy and national defense, and in governance of the Party,
the country and the armed forces.
3. 要深刻把握党风廉政建设规律,一体推进不敢腐、不能腐、不想腐。一体推进
We should improve Party conduct and build clean government, and ensure our
officials do not dare to be, are not able to be, and do not want to be corrupt. This is
the fundamental guideline for battling corruption, and also a major strategy for
strengthening Party self-governance in the new era.
4. 实现党在新时代的强军目标、把人民军队全面建成世界一流军队,完成好党
To realize the Party’s goal of building a strong military in the new era, to
transform the military into world-class armed forces, and to complete the mission
entrusted by the Party and the people for the new era, we must make sustained efforts
to resolve the problems and weaknesses in Party leadership, and do more solid work
to strengthen the Party organizations in the military at all levels.

Discourse and rhetoric

3 (not the only answers)
1. rather than; rather than; Therefore; so as to
2. After; and; Since; as a result

1. “石可破也,而不可夺坚;丹可磨也,而不可夺赤。”理想信念的坚定,来
“A rock can be smashed, but its pieces will still be hard; cinnabar can be ground, but
its powder will still be red.” Firm ideals and beliefs come from solid ideas and
(parallelism, analogy)
2. “水能载舟,亦能覆舟。”这个道理我们必须牢记,任何时候都不能忘却。
There is an old saying: “The same water that keeps a ship afloat can also sink it.” This
is something we must never ever forget. The people are the skies above us and the
earth below us.
3. “自知者英,自胜者雄。”民族复兴梦想越接近,改革开放任务越繁重,越
“Heroes are those who know themselves and can surpass themselves.” The closer we
come to our dream of national rejuvenation, the more arduous the task of reform and
opening up becomes, the more we must emphasize the development of the Party.

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

To elaborate on his ideas, President Xi quotes from ancient Chinese classics in all
the three examples. The first quote makes an analogy between one’s firm ideals and
beliefs and the qualities of rock and cinnabar. The English translation contains
parallelism and analogy, which faithfully reproduce the vividness of the Chinese quote
and help create imagery and deeper understanding of the idea.
The metaphor “老百姓是天,老百姓是地” in the second one is literally translated
and faithfully kept, while the allusion “水能载舟,亦能覆舟” from Zhen Guan Zheng
Yao (《贞观政要》) is translated into: “The same water that keeps a ship afloat can also
sink it.” The translation keeps the analogy between water-ship and people-cadre but
loses the structural symmetry and rhythm in the original Chinese four-character
For the Chinese quote “自知者英,自胜者雄”in the last one, the epigram-like
translation of “Heroes are those who know themselves and can surpass themselves” is
faithful in meaning representation and powerful in rhetorical effects. The Chinese

rhetorical device paibi (排比) in the last sentence is translated into parallelism.The three
clauses “The closer…the more…the more” form parallelism and generate a strong
sense of rhythm.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

A ruler must maintain a close relationship with the people; he must not regard them as
insignificant. They are the foundation of a state, and a state can enjoy peace only when
its foundation is firm. (民可近,不可下。民惟邦本,本固邦宁。)
From The Book of History (《尚书》)
Reference Answer:
The people are the essence of the state or the foundation upon which it stands. Only
when people live and work in peace and contentment can the state be peaceful and
stable. This idea embodies a long tradition of giving priority to the people in state
governance in Chinese culture. Based on this “people first” tradition in Chinese history,
Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era further
proposes a people-centered development philosophy, which regards the people’s happy
life as the most fundamental interests of the country and promoting common prosperity
for all as the unwavering mission of the Communist Party of China.

Unit 8 Harmony Without Uniformity

Students will learn to
 understand the significance of promoting exchanges and mutual learning among
 clarify the principles for promoting exchanges and mutual learning among
 examine various attitudes towards different civilizations;
 explain how exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations contribute to
human progress and global peace and development;
 justify the claim that cultural diversity contributes to exchange, innovation and
 take a global perspective on China’s role in exchanges and mutual learning among
 tell a story about an individual in China who has contributed to exchanges and
mutual learning among civilizations;
 use key words and expressions about major-country diplomacy and exchanges and
mutual learning among civilizations.

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在亚洲文明对话大会开幕式上的主旨演讲,2019 年 5 月 15 日

——习近平在中央外事工作会议上的讲话,2014 年 11 月 28 日

I. Chinese Translation:
菲·安南在 2005 年 7 月发起了文明联盟倡议,鼓励联合国成员国积极参与文明

本单元课文节选自习近平主席在联合国教科文组织总部的演讲(2014 年 3 月 27

I. Key Terms:
1. 9/11 (or September 11 attacks): The September 11 attacks were a series of airline
hijackings and suicide attacks committed in 2001 by 19 terrorists associated with the
Islamic extremist group al-Qaeda against targets in the United States. The attacks
caused extensive death and destruction and triggered an enormous U.S. effort to combat

2. Alliance of Civilizations: The United Nations Alliance of Civilizations (UNAOC)

was established in 2005, as the political initiative of Mr Kofi Annan, former UN
secretary-general. It is an initiative that attempts to “galvanize international action
against extremism” through the forging of international, intercultural and interreligious
dialogue and cooperation.

3. UNESCO (acronym for United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural

Organization): It is a specialized agency of the United Nations that was created in
1946 to promote international collaboration in education, science, and culture. Its
permanent headquarters are in Paris, France. UNESCO’s mission is to contribute to the
building of a culture of peace, the eradication of poverty, sustainable development and
intercultural dialogue through education, the sciences, culture, communication and

Read and Respond

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is encouraged
to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing students into
small discussion groups and having group representatives report their conclusions to
the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to motivate learning.

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.
Q1 What are the potential benefits of exchanges and mutual learning among
Reference Answer:
First, civilizations become richer and more colorful through exchanges and mutual
learning, which form an important driver for human progress and global peace and
development. Civilizations come in different colors, and such diversity has made
exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations relevant and valuable. Diversity
spurs interaction among civilizations, which in turn promotes mutual learning and their
further development. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations can further
enrich the civilizations and the cultural life of people, and open up still greater
alternatives in the future.
Second, people are the best bridge for exchanges and mutual learning among
civilizations. Closer people-to-people exchanges and mutual learning help to promote
mutual understanding among nations and eliminate estrangement and
Third, history has proved that only by interacting with and learning from others can a
civilization enjoy full vitality. If all civilizations are inclusive, the so-called “clash of
civilizations” can be avoided and the harmony of civilizations will become a reality.

Q2 What are the major obstacles to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations?
Reference Answer:
First, exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations must not be built on the
exclusive praise or belittling of one civilization. Taking a condescending attitude
towards a civilization cannot help anyone to appreciate its essence, and may risk
antagonizing it. Both history and reality have shown that pride and prejudice are the
biggest obstacles to exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.
Second, no civilization is superior over others. The thought that one’s own race and
civilization are superior and the inclination to remold or replace other civilizations are
just stupid. To act them out will only bring catastrophic consequences. If human
civilizations are reduced to only one single color or one single model, the world would
become a stereotype and too dull a place to live in. What we need is to respect each
other as equals and say no to hubris and prejudice.
Third, long-term self-isolation will cause a civilization to decline, while exchanges and
mutual learning will sustain its development. A civilization can flourish only through
exchanges and mutual learning with other civilizations. Such exchanges and mutual
learning should be reciprocal, on an equal footing, diversified and multi-dimensional;
they should not be coercive, one-dimensional or one-way.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

Upholding the traditional Chinese value of “harmony without uniformity,” China

has long been a strong supporter of the dialogue of civilizations. President Xi Jinping
shared China’s unique view of world civilizations with the international community on
multiple occasions in recent years. According to him, exchanges and mutual learning
among civilizations can serve as a bridge of friendship, a driving force for human
progress, and a bond for world peace. The text in this unit is part of the speech made by
President Xi at the UNESCO Headquarters (March 27, 2014), in which he emphasizes
the importance of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations.
The text can be divided into four parts in structure. The first part (Para. 1) puts
forward the central idea or thesis (“Civilizations become richer and more colorful
through exchanges and mutual learning...”). The second part (Paras. 2-8) elaborates on
the principles to follow in order to promote exchanges and mutual learning among
civilizations (“First, civilizations come in different colors...Second, civilizations are
equal...Third, civilizations are inclusive...”). The third part (Paras. 9-18) provides
plentiful examples of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations in Chinese
history to vividly and convincingly drive home the thesis and main points. And the final
part (Paras. 19-25) expresses thanks to UNESCO for its contribution to the preservation
and dissemination of Chinese civilization, and advocates the right attitudes towards
different civilizations (“We should encourage different civilizations to respect each
other and live in harmony.” “We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek
spiritual support and psychological consolation from various civilizations, and work
together to face down the challenges around the globe.”).
Since it is a speech addressing the foreign audience on a formal occasion, the
language is formal and serious with a combination of short imperative sentences
emphasizing the major points and long complex sentences elaborating on these points
with details. In terms of rhetoric, metaphor is used to make the points vivid and
interesting (e.g. “Just as the sunlight has seven colors, our world is a place of dazzling
colors.” “Copying other civilizations blindly or mechanically is like cutting one’s toes
to fit one’s shoes—impossible and highly detrimental.” ). Rhetorical questions are also
used to emphasize his point, which help emphasize his ideas and make the points

persuasive (e.g. “Who can tolerate soup with nothing but water in it? Who can tolerate
the same tone played again and again with one instrument?” “Can we imagine a world
with only one lifestyle, one language, one kind of music and one style of costume?”).
Apart from these devices, President Xi mentions or borrows plenty of quotes from
important writers or celebrities, ancient or modern, Chinese or foreign to support his
points in discussion (e.g. Mencius, Confucius, Zuoqiu Ming, Yan Zi, Marco Polo,
Victor Hugo, President Chirac of France). All these supporting references make the
thesis and points more convincing.

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Just as the sunlight has seven colors, our world is a place of dazzling colors. (Para.
(1) very impressive, attractive, or interesting
e.g. Johnston showed a dazzling display of football talent.
(2) A dazzling light is very bright and makes you unable to see properly for a short time.
e.g. He shielded his eyes against the dazzling declining sun.

2. Together, they present a magnificent genetic map of the exciting march of human
civilizations. (Para. 3)
genetic: relating to genes or genetics
e.g. They now have a genetic test for that disease.

3. I have visited the Louvre Museum in France and the Palace Museum in China,
both of which house millions of art treasures. (Para. 5)
Louvre Museum: The Louvre Museum is the national museum and art gallery of
France. It is housed in part of a large palace in Paris that was built on the right-bank site
of the 12th-century fortress of Philip Augustus. It is the world’s most-visited art
museum, with a collection that spans work from ancient civilizations to the mid-19th

Palace Museum: Located in the center of Beijing, the Palace Museum, historically and
artistically one of the most comprehensive museums in China, was established on the
basis of the Forbidden City, a palace of the Ming and Qing dynasties, and their
collection of treasures.

4. Exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations must not be built on the
exclusive praise or belittling of one particular civilization. (Para. 5)

belittle: to make someone or something seem small or unimportant
e.g. He tends to belittle her efforts.
The critic belittled the author’s work.

5. I have visited Chichen Itza, a window on the ancient Maya civilization, and the
Central Asian city of Samarkand, an icon of the ancient Islamic civilization. (Para. 7)
Chichen Itza: It is the ruined ancient Maya city occupying an area of 10 square km in
south-central Yucatán state, Mexico. Chichen Itza is thought to have been a religious,
military, political, and commercial center that at its peak would have been home to
35,000 people. The site first saw settlers in 550, probably drawn there because of the
easy access to water in the region via caves and sinkholes in limestone formations.

Samarkand (Uzbek Samarqand): It is a city in east-central Uzbekistan that is one of

the oldest cities of Central Asia. Known as Maracanda in the 4th century BC, it was the
capital of Sogdiana and was captured by Alexander the Great in 329 BC. The city was
later ruled by Central Asian Turks, the Arabs, the Samanids of Iran, and various Turkic
peoples before it was annexed by the Khwārezm-Shāh dynasty and destroyed by the
Mongol conqueror Genghis Khan. After it revolted against its Mongol rulers,
Samarkand became the capital of the empire of Timur (Tamerlane), who made the city
the most important economic and cultural center in Central Asia.

6. Taking a condescending attitude towards a civilization cannot help anyone to

appreciate its essence, and may risk antagonizing it. (Para. 7)
condescending: behaving as though you think you are better, more intelligent, or more
important than other people
e.g. Professor Hunter’s manner is extremely condescending.

antagonize: to annoy someone very much by doing something that they do not like
e.g. Do not antagonize your customers.

7. Third, civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness has given exchanges and
mutual learning among civilizations the impetus to move forward. The ocean is vast
because it refuses no rivers. (Para. 8)
impetus: an influence that makes something happen or makes it happen more quickly
e.g. The report may provide further impetus for reform.

8. All civilizations are crystallizations of mankind’s diligence and wisdom. (Para. 8)

crystallization: the process of turning into crystals; (here) the result

9. Copying other civilizations blindly or mechanically is like cutting one’s toes to fit
one’s shoes—impossible and highly detrimental. (Para. 8)
detrimental: causing harm or damage
e.g. Smoking is detrimental to your health.

10. Having gone through over 5,000 years of vicissitudes, the Chinese civilization has
always kept to its original root. (Para. 10)
vicissitudes: the continuous changes and problems that affect a situation or someone’s
e.g. Losing your job is just one of the vicissitudes of life.

11. As an icon, it contains the most profound pursuits of the Chinese nation and
provides it with abundant nourishment for existence and development. (Para. 10)
(1) something that helps a feeling, idea, or belief to grow stronger
e.g. a child starved of emotional nourishment
(2) the food and other substances that people and other living things need to live, grow,
and stay healthy
e.g. The soil provides nourishment for plant roots.

12. In 138 BC and 119 BC, Envoy Zhang Qian of the Han Dynasty (206 BC-AD 220)
made two trips to those regions, disseminating Chinese culture and bringing into China
grapes, alfalfa, pomegranates, flax, sesame and other products. (Para. 11)
disseminate: to spread information or ideas to as many people as possible
e.g. Her findings have been widely disseminated.

13. Historical records reveal that China exchanged envoys with more than 70 countries,
and Chang’an, the capital of Tang, bustled with envoys, merchants and students from
other countries. (Para. 13)
bustle: to move around quickly, looking very busy
e.g. The pier is always bustling with people.

14. During the early 15th century, Zheng He, a famous navigator of the Ming Dynasty
(1368-1644), made seven expeditions to the Western Seas, reaching many Southeast
Asian countries and even Kenya on the eastern coast of Africa, leaving behind many
stories of friendly exchanges between China and countries along the route. (Para. 14)
expedition: a long and carefully organized journey, especially to a dangerous or
unfamiliar place
e.g. an expedition to the North Pole

15. Naturally, there were conflicts, frictions, bewilderment and denial, but the more
dominant features of the period were learning, digestion, integration and innovation.
(Para. 15)
friction: disagreement, angry feelings, or unfriendliness between people
e.g. the usual frictions between parents and their teenage children
His independent attitude was a constant source of friction with his boss.

bewilderment: a feeling of being very confused

e.g. She looked at him in bewilderment.

16. Buddhism originated in ancient India. (Para. 16)

Buddhism: It is a widespread Asian religion or philosophy that developed from the
teachings of the Buddha, a teacher who lived in northern India between the mid-6th and
mid-4th centuries BC. Spreading from India to Central and Southeast Asia, China,
Korea, and Japan, Buddhism has played a central role in the spiritual, cultural, and
social life of Asia, and, during the 20th century, it spread to the West.

17. After it was brought to China, the religion went through an extended period of
integrated development with the indigenous Confucianism and Taoism, and finally
became Buddhism with Chinese features, thus greatly impacting the religious beliefs,
philosophy, literature, art, etiquette and customs of China. (Para. 16)
indigenous: Indigenous people or things have always been in the place where they are,
rather than being brought there from somewhere else.
e.g. The plant is indigenous to China.

Confucianism: It is the way of life propagated by Confucius in the 6th-5th century BC

and followed by the Chinese people for more than two millennia. Confucianism is a
philosophy and belief system which lays the foundation for much of Chinese culture.
Although transformed over time, it is still the substance of learning, the source of values,
and the social code of the Chinese people.

Daoism (also spelled Taoism): Daoism is an indigenous religio-philosophical tradition

that has shaped Chinese life for more than 2,000 years. In the broadest sense, a Daoist
attitude towards life can be seen in the accepting and yielding, the joyful and carefree
sides of the Chinese character.

18. Xuan Zang, an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty, who endured untold sufferings
as he went on a pilgrimage to ancient India for Buddhist scriptures, gave full expression

to the determination and fortitude of the Chinese people to learn from other cultures.
(Para. 16)
(1) a trip to a holy place for religious reasons
e.g. Muslims try to make a pilgrimage/go on a pilgrimage to Mecca at least once in their
(2) a visit to a place that is considered special, where you go to show your respect
e.g. For many fans, the national stadium is a place of pilgrimage.

19. Over the last 2,000 years religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Christianity have
been introduced into China, nurturing the country’s music, painting and literature. (Para.
Islam: a major world religion promulgated by the Prophet Muhammad in Arabia in the
7th century BC

Christianity: a major religion stemming from the life, teachings, and death of Jesus of
Nazareth (the Christ) in the 1st century AD

20. China’s freehand oil painting, for instance, is an innovative combination of its own
traditional painting and Western oil painting, and the works by Xu Beihong and other
master painters have been widely acclaimed. (Para. 18)
(1) (as a verb) to give public approval and praise
e.g. She was universally/widely/publicly acclaimed for her contribution to the discovery.
(2) (as a noun) public approval and praise
e.g. Despite the critical acclaim, the novel did not sell well.

21. China’s Four Great Inventions — papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the
compass — brought drastic changes to the whole world, including the European
Renaissance. Its philosophy, literature, medicine, silk, porcelain and tea have been
shared by the West and become part of its people’s life. (Para. 18)
(European) Renaissance: The term Renaissance (literally means “rebirth”) was a
period in European civilization immediately following the Middle Ages, conventionally
held to have been characterized by a surge of interest in classical learning and values.
The Renaissance also witnessed the discovery and exploration of new continents, the
substitution of the Copernican for the Ptolemaic system of astronomy, the decline of
the feudal system and the growth of commerce, and the invention or application of such
potentially powerful innovations as paper, printing, the mariner’s compass, and

22. The book Travels of Marco Polo provoked widespread interest in China. (Para.
Marco Polo: (c. 1254-1324) Venetian merchant and adventurer who traveled from
Europe to Asia in 1271-1295, remaining in China for 17 of those years, and whose Il
milione (“The Million”), known in English as the Travels of Marco Polo, is a classic of
travel literature.

provoke: to cause a reaction or feeling, especially a sudden one

e.g. She hopes her editorial will provoke readers into thinking seriously about the issue.

23. On the planet, there are more than 200 countries and regions inhabited by over
2,500 ethnic groups with a multitude of religions. (Para. 23)
inhabit: If animals or people inhabit an area or place, they live there.
e.g. The woods are inhabited by many wild animals.

24. We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in
harmony, so as to turn exchanges and mutual learning between civilizations into a
bridge promoting friendship between peoples around the world, an engine driving
human society, and a bond cementing world peace. (Para. 24)
cement: to make a relationship between people, countries, or organizations firm and
e.g. cement bilateral relations

25. We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and
psychological consolation from various civilizations, and work together to face down
the challenges around the globe. (Para. 24)
consolation: someone or something that makes you feel better when you are sad or
e.g. Students sought consolation from school counselors.
You played better than you did last time, if that’s any consolation.

26. In 1987, 20 exquisite pieces of colored glaze were brought to light from an
underground tomb of Famen Temple in Shaanxi, China. (Para. 25)
bring something to light: If someone brings something to light, they discover it or
make it known publicly.
e.g. These problems should have been brought to light much earlier.

27. They proved to be Byzantine and Islamic relics brought to China during the Tang

Dynasty. (Para. 25)
Byzantine: relating to the Byzantines or the Byzantine Empire (the eastern half of the
Roman Empire, which survived for a thousand years after the western half had
crumbled into various feudal kingdoms and which finally fell to Ottoman Turkish
onslaughts in 1453)

28. Marveling at these exotic relics, I was struck by the thought that we should
appreciate their cultural significance rather than simply admiring their exquisiteness,
and bring their inherent spirit to life instead of merely appreciating the artistic
presentation of life in the past. (Para. 25)
marvel: to feel or express great surprise or admiration at something, especially
someone’s behavior
e.g. I marveled at my mother’s ability to remain calm in a crisis.

exotic: unusual and exciting because of a connection with a foreign country

e.g. exotic birds/fruits/costumes

exquisiteness: the quality of being very beautiful and delicate

e.g. She commented on the exquisiteness of the workmanship.

III. Original Chinese Text:



一种文明或者贬损某一种文明为前提。中国人在2000 多年前就认识到了“物之
中华文明经历了5000 多年的历史变迁,但始终一脉相承,积淀着中华民族
〔2〕 〔3〕
公元前100 多年,中国就开始开辟通往西域的丝绸之路 。汉代张骞 于
公元前138 年和119 年两次出使西域,向西域传播了中华文化,也引进了葡萄、
外交流的活跃期。据史料记载,唐代中国通使交好的国家多达70 多个,那时候
文化远播世界,也促进了各国文化和物产传入中国。15 世纪初,中国明代著名

独具魅力的中国写意油画,徐悲鸿 等大师的作品受到广泛赞赏。中国的造纸术、



Analytical Reading
I. Understanding the text
Reference Answers:
1 The following diagram presents the key points of the text. Fill in the blanks to
get a general idea of the text.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before comparing
notes and/or providing standard answers.

Thesis statement
Civilizations become richer and more colorful through exchanges and mutual
learning, which form an important driver for human progress and global peace and

Principles to follow
• Civilizations come in different colors, and such diversity has made exchanges and
mutual learning among civilizations relevant and valuable.
• Civilizations are equal, and such equality has made exchanges and mutual learning
among civilizations possible.
• Civilizations are inclusive, and such inclusiveness has given exchanges and mutual
learning among civilizations the impetus to move forward.

Supporting examples of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations in

Chinese history
• In the 2nd century BC, China started the Silk Road leading to the Western Regions.
• During the Western Han Dynasty, China’s merchant fleets sailed as far as India and
Sri Lanka.
• During the Tang Dynasty, China exchanged envoys with more than 70 countries.
• During the early 15th century, Zheng He made seven expeditions to the Western
• During the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, the Chinese people began to access
modern science and technology through the introduction of European knowledge.
• Over the last 2,000 years religions such as Buddhism, Islam and Christianity have
been introduced into China, nurturing the country’s music, painting and literature.
• China’s Four Great Inventions—papermaking, gunpowder, printing and the
compass—brought drastic changes to the whole world.

Attitudes we should take towards different civilizations

• We should encourage different civilizations to respect each other and live in
• We should draw wisdom and nourishment and seek spiritual support and
psychological consolation from various civilizations, and work together to face
down the challenges around the globe.

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to this
exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. How do exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations contribute to human

progress and global peace and development? Use examples from the text to support
your argument.
Civilizations become richer and more colorful through exchanges and mutual learning,
which form an important driver for human progress and global peace and development.
One example is China’s dynamic development and prosperity through the Silk Road
during the Han and Tang dynasties. Another example is that the introduction of
Buddhism to China from ancient India enriched the Chinese philosophy and literature.

2. How can pride and prejudice become the biggest obstacles to exchanges and mutual
learning among civilizations?
No single civilization can be judged superior to another; only by interacting with and
learning from others can a civilization enjoy full vitality. If a nation holds an
ethnocentric view or condescending attitude towards other civilizations, it cannot learn
the merits from other nations and thus cannot advance with the times.

3. What were the impacts of Zhang Qian’s two trips to the Western Regions?
During the two trips, Zhang Qian opened up channels for exchanges between the
Central Plains and the Western Regions through which he disseminated Chinese culture
and brought into China grapes, alfalfa, pomegranates, flax, sesame and other products.

4. What were some of the possible reasons for China’s economic affluence and cultural
prosperity in the Tang Dynasty?
Dynamic interactions with other countries resulted in free trade, economic prosperity
and cultural dynamics, making Tang Dynasty one of the most powerful and advanced
periods in Chinese history.

5. What was the significance of Zheng He’s seven expeditions to the Western Seas?
Zheng He’s peaceful expeditions not only advanced technological innovation in
shipbuilding and navigation, but also promoted friendly exchanges in goods and
cultures between China and many Asian and African countries.

6. How did the introduction of knowledge from Europe help broaden the horizons of
the Chinese people in the late Ming and early Qing dynasties?
The introduction of knowledge in astronomy, medicine, mathematics, geometry and
geography from Europe during the late Ming and early Qing dynasties helped the
Chinese people access modern science and technology.

7. What kind of spirit did Xuan Zang embody regarding exchanges and mutual learning
among civilizations?
Xuan Zang was an eminent monk of the Tang Dynasty who went on a pilgrimage to
ancient India for Buddhist scriptures and brought them back to China, which enriched
the Chinese culture. His story gives full expression to the determination and fortitude
of the Chinese people to learn from other cultures.

8. What do “cultural significance” and “inherent spirit” mean in the last paragraph of
the text?
“Cultural significance” and “inherent spirit” both refer to the spirit of exchanges and
mutual learning among civilizations as embodied in the Byzantine and Islamic relics
brought to China during the Tang Dynasty.

9. Why does President Xi cite examples related to France several times throughout his
speech to illustrate his intercultural communication experiences?
The text is part of the speech by President Xi at the UNESCO Headquarters in Paris
addressing mainly the French audience. The examples related to France were familiar
to the French audience and worked to shorten the distance between the speaker and the

II. Critical Thinking

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to take
alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint

 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. Samuel Huntington, the late author of The Clash of Civilizations, claimed that post-
Cold War conflicts would not occur between countries, but between different cultures
or civilizations. To what extent do you agree or disagree with his scenario of
international relations? Why?
Reference Answer:
Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” theory divides the world into eight civilizations,
and predicts that international conflicts in the post-Cold War era would take place
between them, rather than between nation-states. The “fault lines” between
civilizations would be especially likely to erupt into violent conflicts, and the world
would appear as if groups of civilizations are in confrontation with one another.
I don’t agree with Huntington’s judgement of international relations after the Cold War
and in the future. Huntington’s “clash of civilizations” theory is based on the
differences between civilizations, denying the existence and significance of their
common characteristics. Huntington viewed the world entirely from the perspective of
conflict theory and did not see the ever-strengthening pursuit of common human values
centered on peace and development, and thus he ignored international cooperation,
which is the normal condition and the mainstream of international relations. Any theory
of international relations is positive and constructive only if it is conducive to world
peace and development—otherwise, it is negative and destructive. The “clash of
civilizations” theory, in my opinion, is precisely this kind of erroneous theory.

2. Since 2013, China has been reviving the Silk Road with the Belt and Road Initiative
(BRI), promoting cooperation between China and other BRI countries. In what aspects
do you think BRI exemplifies the spirit of exchanges and mutual learning among
Reference Answer:
In the history of human civilization, countries along the “Belt and Road” created a
variety of ancient civilizations. Through the long process of historical evolution, these
civilizations have brought together different religions and the unique cultures of
various ethnic groups to form the diversity of modern civilizations.
The BRI extends the concept of dialogue among civilizations, adhering to the Silk Road
spirit of “peaceful cooperation, openness and inclusiveness, mutual learning, mutual
benefit and win-win,” and proposes a new concept of “civilization exchanges and

mutual learning.” In March 2014, President Xi Jinping comprehensively expounded
this concept of civilization in his speech at the UNESCO headquarters, which has been
widely recognized around the world. The BRI spans different regions, different cultures,
and different religious beliefs, but what it brings is not a clash of civilizations, but
exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations. In November 2016, the United
Nations General Assembly included China’s Belt and Road Initiative in a resolution,
which was unanimously endorsed by 193 member states. It reflects the general support
of the international community for the new concept of civilization exemplified d by the
“Belt and Road” construction.

3. The UNESCO Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity states, “As a source of

exchange, innovation and creativity, cultural diversity is as necessary for humankind as
biodiversity is for nature.” How do you understand this analogy? How does cultural
diversity contribute to exchange, innovation and creativity? Use concrete evidence to
support your argument.
Reference Answer:
Biodiversity creates ecosystems that can adapt to change. Plants hold down the soil
and prevent erosion. They provide habitats for animals to build homes in, and provide
a food source for herbivores. Without biodiversity, changes in the ecosystem will kill
many plants and an ecosystem’s ability to support animal life will plummet. Biodiversity
means that no matter what change comes to the ecosystem, the ecosystem can adapt
while still providing clean air, clear water, and good habitat for animals. The same can
be said about diversity in human communities.
Diverse human communities with different cultures are stronger and more resilient to
environmental and social changes. Humans have different stories, life experiences and
family histories that shape who they are. Different cultures exist around the globe with
unique ways of being, which are shaped by location, history, etc. This is what cultural
diversity is about. Different cultures mean different perspectives. These perspectives
bring new ideas and ways of solving problems. Culture, in all its diversity, is an infinite
reservoir from which we gain our knowledge of the world and find solutions to
contemporary issues. Human progress has evolved thanks to cultural diversity. Culture
evolves across time and space, adapting to the circumstances of the day. Each culture
is therefore rich with insights provided by this vast accumulation of knowledge. In this
sense, it is imperative to value diversity, and protect and promote cultures as assets for

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
International experts have praised China’s unwavering efforts to promote mutual
exchanges and learning among civilizations, evidenced by initiatives including the
Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations (CDAC). Rashid Alimov, former
secretary-general of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, considers the CDAC a
valuable contribution to the rapprochement with/between the peoples of Asia. Helmy
al-Namnam, former Egyptian minister of culture, believes that the CDAC promotes the
language of dialogue over the language of conflict.
China’s contribution to cross-civilizational exchanges and mutual learning are not
limited to the contemporary era. The ancient Silk Road fueled not only commercial
prosperity but also innovations in science, arts, literature, philosophy, and religion along
the route. Today, the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) upholds the long-standing legacy
of the Silk Road and fosters cultural exchange brands such as the “Chinese/African
Cultures in Focus.” The BRI also encourages cross-national efforts in cultural
preservation, leading to the designation of a 5,000 km section of the Silk Road network
as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Apart from the official efforts, individuals like
the dulcimer artist Liu Yuening are also indispensable to promoting cross-civilizational
China’s championship of exchanges and mutual learning among civilizations
constitutes an inclusive and powerful alternative to Samuel Huntington’s theory of “the
clash of civilizations.” As many intellectuals and public figures powerfully put it, the
concept of “the clash of civilizations” ignores the dynamic interdependency, interaction,
and complementarity of civilizations.
Experts concur that it is China’s rich traditional culture that invigorates China’s
vision of and practices in inter-civilizational exchanges. Laurence Brahm, founding
director of Himalayan Consensus, emphasizes consensus and multiplicity in Asian
politics as opposed to duality and the zero-sum mentality evident in the West. Miguel
Ángel Moratinos, high representative for the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations,
underlines that shining ancient Chinese thoughts such as “living in harmony and
valuing differences” should be greatly valued and applied to modern international

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. China Daily, “A Tribute to Chinese and Indian Dulcimers”, July18, 2013,

https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/life/2013-07/18/content_16796296.htm, (accessed
June 5, 2022).
2. Xinhua, “China Advocates Dialogue, Rebuts ‘Clash of Civilizations’ as
Conference Opens”, May 15, 2019, http://www.china.org.cn/world/2019-
05/15/content_74786441.htm, (accessed May 25, 2022).
3. China Daily, “Chinese Musician Wins Euro-Sino Cultural Exchange Award”,
December 26, 2016, https://www.chinadaily.com.cn/culture/2016-
12/26/content_27780040.htm, (accessed April 25, 2022).
4. CGTN, “China to Host Second Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations”,
April 20, 2021, https://news.cgtn.com/news/2021-04-20/China-to-host-second-
(accessed April 24, 2022).
5. China Daily, “Dialogue to Bring Civilizations Closer”, May 16, 2019,
html, (accessed May 25, 2022).
6. Huntington, S., “The Clash of Civilizations?”, Foreign Affairs, vol. 72, no. 3, 1993,
pp. 22-49.
7. Xinhuanet, “Interview: China Trying to Boost Comprehensive Development of
Asia, World: Former Egyptian Minister”, May 7, 2019
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2019-05/07/c_138040981.htm, (accessed
April 24, 2022).
8. Kurin, R., “The Silk Road: Connecting People and Culture”, Smithsonian
Institution, 2022, https://festival.si.edu/2002/the-silk-road/the-silk-road-
connecting-peoples-and-cultures/smithsonian, (accessed April 24, 2022).
9. “May 15, 2019: Conference on Dialogue of Asian Civilizations Held in Beijing”,
May 15, 2019, http://www.china.org.cn/china/2021-05/25/content_77523134.htm,
(accessed April 24, 2022).
10. “The Belt and Road Initiative: Progress, Contributions and Prospects”,
https://www.mfa.gov.cn/ce/cegv//eng/zywjyjh/t1675564.htm, (accessed April 25,
11. Said, E., “The Clash of Ignorance”, The Nation, October 4, 2001,
https://www.thenation.com/article/archive/clash-ignorance/, (accessed May 24,
12. CGTN, “Swiss President: The BRI Is the Most Important Investment Project of
the Century”, April 26, 2019,

(accessed April 25, 2022).
13. Alimov, Rashid., “Dialogue of Asian Civilizations”,
http://www.taiheinstitute.org/Content/2019/05-15/1619046142.html, (accessed
April 24, 2022).
14. UNESCO, “About the Silk Roads”, https://en.unesco.org/silkroad/about-silk-roads,
(accessed April 24, 2022).
15. UNESCO, “Silk Roads: The Routes Network of Chang’an-Tianshan Corridor”,
https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1442/, (accessed April 25, 2022).
16. “Wisdom of Chinese Civilization Conducive to Asian Governance”, China-India
Review, vol. XXXI, no, 5, May 2019, pp. 15-16,
(accessed May 24, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
Xu Yuanchong (1921-2021), a dedicated and prolific scholar and translator,
constitutes a great example of how individuals can contribute to exchanges and mutual
learning among civilizations.
As a distinguished translator devoted to bridging Chinese and Western cultures for
over 60 years, Xu was best known for translating ancient Chinese poems into English
and French. He believed that the translation of Chinese poetry into a foreign language
should preserve and reproduce the visual and auditory effects of the original poems, in
all their vibrancy and delicacy, to the extent that the target language allows. His pursuit
of excellence and respect for the authors enabled him to revolutionize the theories of
Chinese literary translation while improving the international appreciation of Chinese
culture and wisdom through the lens of literature. His translation works range from
poems from the Tang and Song dynasties, such as Selected Poems of Li Bai, to Elegies
of the South, a collection of poetry and prose traditionally attributed to Qu Yuan and
Song Yu from the Warring States Period. Xu was also a pioneer in bringing Western
literature, including Madame Bovary by Gustave Flaubert, to Chinese readers.
Throughout his life, Xu remained an avid translator and a keen observer of China’s
relations with the rest of the world. He was nominated for the Nobel Prize for Literature
and was awarded the Lifetime Achievement Award in Translation conferred by the
Translators Association of China. Xu was also the first Asian translator to win the
Aurora Borealis Prize for Outstanding Translation of Fiction Literature conferred by
International Federation of Translators (FIT) — one of the highest honors for

international translators.
From an aspiring student in wartime China to a prominent translation master, Xu
remained true to his original aspiration and contributed significantly to helping the
international community better understand China. His experience proved that through
exchanges and mutual learning, people from different cultures can gradually eliminate
prejudice and misunderstanding and live in harmony.

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentences 1, 2 and 3 in “Translation”). The teacher can elaborate on the
meaning of these sentences if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and phrases
1. A multitude of 2. provoking 3. go through
4. come to 5. nurture 6. devoid of
7. keep to 8. am…struck by 9. in the light of
10. give full expression to 11. leaving behind 12. derives from
13. disseminate 14. condescending 15. bustling

More than 2,000 years of exchanges demonstrate that on the basis of unity, mutual
trust, equality, inclusiveness, mutual learning and mutually beneficial
cooperation, countries of different races, beliefs and cultural backgrounds are fully
able to share peace and development.
2. 弘扬丝路精神,就是要促进文明互鉴。人类文明没有高低优劣之分,因为平

To promote the Silk Road spirit, we need to boost mutual learning between
civilizations. There is no such thing as a good or a bad civilization. Rather,
different civilizations are enriched through exchange. As a Chinese philosopher said,
“The matching of different colors leads to greater beauty, and the combination of
different musical instruments creates harmony and peace.”
3. 我们应该以海纳百川的宽广胸怀打破文化交往的壁垒,以兼收并蓄的态度汲
We need to be broad-minded and strive to remove all barriers to cultural
exchanges. We need to be inclusive and always seek nourishment from other
civilizations to promote the common development of Asian civilizations through
exchanges and mutual learning.
You should take a holistic approach to both the domestic and international
situations, develop a global and strategic vision, and pursue the interests of both
China and the world. We should promote a new model of international relations
and a global community of shared future.

Discourse and rhetoric

1. 若以水济之,谁能食之?若琴瑟之专一,谁能听之?
Who can tolerate soup with nothing but water in it? Who can tolerate the same tone
played again and again with one instrument?
(rhetorical question, parallelism)
2. 如果只有一种生活方式,只有一种语言,只有一种音乐,只有一种服饰,那是
Can we imagine a world with only one lifestyle, one language, one kind of music
and one style of costume?
(rhetorical question, parallelism)
3. 中国有960多万平方公里土地、56个民族,我们能照谁的模式办?谁又能指手
China is a country with a land area of over 9.6 million square kilometers and a
population of 56 ethnic groups. Whose model should we copy? And who is
qualified to throw their weight around and tell us what to do?
(rhetorical question)

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:
A rhetorical question is a question that is raised merely for effect with no answer
expected. The answer is usually obvious (or immediately provided by the questioner).
The use of rhetorical questions helps emphasize ideas and make a persuasive point. As
a common device in both Chinese and English, rhetorical questions are not a challenge
in Chinese-English or English-Chinese translation. The first and third examples, for
instance, are literally translated and the stylistic effects of the rhetorical questions are
faithfully reproduced.
An interesting case is that the conditional statement in the second example is
translated into a rhetorical question in English, which further emphasizes the idea.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

Oceans do not reject any water, so that they can become extremely large. Mountains do
not reject any earth or stone, so that they can become extremely high.
From Guan Zi (《管子》)

Reference Answer:
Oceans will not attain vastness if they reject trickles of water; mountains will not attain
great height if they forego bits of earth or stone. Similarly, if an individual or a nation
aims to achieve great progress and success, adopting an open and inclusive attitude is
of prime importance. In today’s world, humanity is faced with many common
challenges, particularly mounting instability and uncertainty. Confronted with these
challenges, some countries resort to conservatism, protectionism and unilateralism, but
China calls on nations in the world to work together to build a global community of
shared future. This innovative vision of a bright future for the whole world reflects
China’s openness and inclusiveness, and has won for China precious friendship and
popular support around the globe.

Unit 9 Whither Civilizations

Students will learn to
 understand the concept of a global community of shared future;
 clarify the actions the international community should take and the policies China
pursues to build a global community of shared future;
 evaluate the contribution of China’s poverty alleviation to the global cause of
human rights;
 explain how the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence have served as the basis
of China’s independent foreign policy of peace;
 illustrate how China has put into practice the idea of building a global community
of shared future;
 take a global perspective on the concept of a global community of shared future;
 write an essay illustrating China’s contributions to world peace and development
within the UN framework;
 use key words and expressions about major-country diplomacy and a global
community of shared future.

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在中央外事工作会议上的讲话,2014 年 11 月 28 日

——习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话,
2021 年 7 月 1 日

Chinese Translation:

本单元课文节选自习近平主席 2017 年 1 月 18 日在联合国日内瓦总部发表的
同体的中国愿景。2018 年,“人类命运共同体”被写入中国宪法,成为新时代

Read and Respond

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions. You can refer to the full text of the speech for more
Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is
encouraged to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing
students into small discussion groups and having group representatives report their
conclusions to the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to
motivate learning.

Q1 What are the major historical events of global political significance over the past
100 plus years? Choose three events and discuss how they shaped the world as it is
Reference Answer:
According to President Xi, “Over the past century and more, humanity has gone
through blood-drenched hot wars and the chilling Cold War, but has also achieved
remarkable development and huge progress.”
To name a few, major historical events with global political significance include
World War II, the founding of the United Nations, and the end of the Cold War.
First, World War II left a legacy of death and destruction. But on the other hand, it
transformed the international structure, promoted the vigorous development of
national liberation movements, and objectively promoted the rapid development of
science and technology. Technological developments during World War II, such as
radar and the mass production of penicillin, have far-reaching applications in today’s
Second, the founding of the United Nations in 1945 won more than 70 years of

relative peace for the world. The purposes and principles enshrined in the UN
Charter reflect a shared aspiration to expand cooperation and promote common
Finally, the end of the Cold War fundamentally reshaped the balance of power in the
international system. It led to cultural, economic, and social upheavals in Soviet
Union nations and the long-lasting hegemony of the United States.

Q2 What challenges might we face on the way towards building a global community
of shared future?
Reference Answer:
In a time of unprecedented global changes and a once-in-a-century pandemic, the
world is at the crossroads of potential turbulent changes. As President Xi identifies in
the full text of his speech, challenges facing humanity include sluggish global growth,
the lingering impact of the financial crisis, and a widening development gap.
Moreover, armed conflicts occur from time to time, the Cold War mentality and power
politics still exist, and non-conventional security threats, particularly terrorism,
refugee crisis, major infectious diseases, and climate change, are spreading.
More recently, hit by COVID-19, the Human Development Index has dropped for the
first time in 30 years. At the same time, unilateralism and protectionism have
seriously worsened the environment of international development cooperation. 1
Other issues such as social injustice, unsustainable development and food insecurity
also pose significant challenges towards building a community of shared future for

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

The text in this unit is part of the speech made by President Xi Jinping at the UN
Office in Geneva (January 18, 2017), in which he explains comprehensively why and

“Remarks by Ambassador Zhang Jun at the General Discussion of the 60th Session of the Commission
for Social Development”, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, February 14,
42306.html, (accessed July 21, 2022).

how we should build a global community of shared future. The concept is China’s
flagship response to a world troubled by a myriad of challenges and risks ranging
from terrorism and unbalanced growth to climate change, protectionism and
anti-globalization. It embodies China’s vision for a global community that features
equal representation, reciprocal sharing, fairness and win-win cooperation, and is built
on the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual respect. In 2018, a global
community of shared future was written into China’s Constitution, signifying its role
as one of the core principles and basic policies guiding China’s development and
diplomacy in the new era.
The text can be divided into two major parts. The first part (Paras. 1-17) suggests
actions the international community should take to build a global community of
shared future. The second part (Paras. 18-30) clarifies policies China pursues in
building a global community of shared future.
Since it is a speech made on a formal occasion addressing to the foreign audience,
the language is formal and serious with a combination of short imperative sentences
emphasizing the major points and long complex sentences elaborating on these points
with details. In terms of rhetoric, parallelism is used to emphasize the logical
relationship of the points (e.g. “We should build a world of lasting peace through
dialogue and consultation.” “We should build a world of common security for all
through joint efforts.” “We should build a world of common prosperity through
win-win cooperation.” “We should build an open and inclusive world through
exchanges and mutual learning.” “We should make our world clean and beautiful by
pursuing green and low-carbon development.”). Alliteration is used to achieve special
effects. In addition, President Xi quotes a lot from anecdotes, classics and renowned
writers to support his thesis and convince the readers of his opinions (e.g. the Swiss
Army Knife, Pandora’s box, the Sword of Damocles, the Thucydides trap, Strategies
of the States, Book of Wei, Records of the Three Kingdoms, Hermann Hesse, Yu Xin,

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Actions hold the key to building a community of shared future for mankind.
(Para. 1)
hold the key: to have control of something
e.g. Because the two main parties have won almost the same number of votes, the
minority group holds the key to the result.

community of shared future for mankind, also global community of shared future:
President Xi first put forward the concept “a community of shared future” in his

speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Russia in March
2013. He elaborated on this idea on more occasions afterwards, thus forming a
complete thought with rich connotations. The concept is China’s flagship response to
a world troubled by a myriad of challenges and risks. It embodies China’s vision for a
global community that features equal representation, reciprocal sharing, fairness and
win-win cooperation, and is built on the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual
respect. It is producing far-reaching global influence, with high praise and active
response from the international community, and has been written into UN documents
more than once.

2. From the Peloponnesian War in the fifth century BC to the two world wars and the
Cold War that lasted more than four decades, we have drawn painful and profound
lessons. (Para. 2)
Peloponnesian War: Peloponnesian War (431–404 BC) was fought between the two
leading city-states in ancient Greece, Athens and Sparta. Each stood at the head of
alliances that included nearly every Greek city-state. The fighting engulfed virtually
the entire Greek world, and it was properly regarded by Thucydides, whose
contemporary account of it is considered to be among the world’s finest works of
history, as the most momentous war up to that time.

Cold War: The Cold War was the open yet restricted rivalry that developed after
World War II between the United States and the Soviet Union and their respective
allies. The Cold War was waged on political, economic, and propaganda fronts and
had only limited recourse to weapons.

3. Established by those before us, the United Nations has made it possible for us to
enjoy relative peace for more than 70 years. (Para. 2)
United Nations (UN): The United Nations is an international organization established
on October 24, 1945. It was the second multipurpose international organization
established in the 20th century that was worldwide in scope and membership. Its
predecessor, the League of Nations, was created by the Treaty of Versailles in 1919
and disbanded in 1946. Headquartered in New York City, the UN also has regional
offices in Geneva, Vienna, Nairobi, etc. Its official languages are Arabic, Chinese,
English, French, Russian, and Spanish.

4. The Swiss writer and Nobel laureate Hermann Hesse stressed the importance of
serving “not war and destruction but peace and reconciliation.” (Para. 3)
laureate: someone who has been given an important prize or honor
e.g. a Nobel laureate in chemistry

reconciliation: a situation in which two people, countries, etc. become friendly with
each other again after quarrelling
e.g. Her ex-husband had always hoped for a reconciliation.
The meeting achieved a reconciliation between the groups.

5. Major powers should respect each other’s core interests, take care of their main
concerns, keep their differences under control, and build a new model of relations
featuring non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win cooperation.
(Para. 3)
under control: If something is under control, people are able to limit it or make it do
what they want it to do.
e.g. It was several hours before firefighters could get the blaze under control.
He sometimes has difficulty keeping his temper under control.

6. As long as we maintain communication and treat each other with sincerity, we can
avoid the Thucydides trap. (Para. 3)
Thucydides trap: It was put forward by Graham Allison, a professor of Harvard
University. This theory originates from the conclusion of ancient Greek historian
Thucydides on the Peloponnesian War. The rise of Athens brought fear to Sparta and
made the war inevitable. Graham Allison uses this concept to describe a tendency in
human history for an emerging power and an existing power to move towards war.

7. Big countries should treat smaller ones as equals instead of acting as hegemons
imposing their will on others. (Para. 3)
hegemon: a leader, country, or group that is very strong and powerful and therefore
able to control others

impose: If someone in authority imposes a rule, punishment, tax, etc., they force
people to accept it.
e.g. The government imposed a ban on the sale of ivory.

8. No country should open Pandora’s box by willfully launching wars or undermining

the international rule of law. (Para. 3)
Pandora’s box: In ancient Greek mythology, a beautiful but stupid woman Pandora
opened a box that contained all the world’s evils, because she wanted to know what was
inside it. “Open Pandora’s box” therefore means to do something that unexpectedly
causes a lot of new problems that did not exist before. In this context, it refers to the

irresponsible use of force in international relations that might cause havoc for the global

9. Nuclear weapons, the Sword of Damocles that hangs over humanity, should be
completely prohibited and thoroughly destroyed over time. (Para. 3)
the Sword of Damocles: It refers to something bad that may happen at any time. The
term originates from an ancient Greek story in which a king seats Damocles under a
sword that hangs from a single hair to show him that rulers have their fears and worries
as well as their power and happiness. In this context, it refers to nuclear weapons that
might destroy human civilization altogether at any time. From a rhetorical perspective,
President Xi quotes Greek mythology to make his speech vivid and interesting to a
mostly Western audience who are familiar with Greek mythology and to drive home the
importance of peace and cooperation.

prohibit: to say that an action is illegal or not allowed

e.g. Smoking is strictly prohibited inside the factory.
They are prohibited from revealing details about the candidates.

10. Guided by the principles of peace, sovereignty, inclusiveness and shared

governance, we should turn the deep sea, the polar regions, outer space and the
internet into new frontiers for cooperation rather than a wrestling ground for
competition. (Para. 3)
wrestling: a sport in which two people fight by holding each other and trying to make
each other fall to the ground

11. A country cannot have security while others are in turmoil, as threats facing other
countries are likely to haunt it too. (Para. 4)
(1) to cause problems for someone over a long period of time
e.g. All your mistakes will come back to haunt you.
(2) to make someone worry or make them sad
e.g. Memories of the war still haunt her.

12. While tackling the crisis, we should also get to its roots. (Para. 6)
tackle: to try to deal with a difficult problem
e.g. There is more than one way to tackle the problem.

get to the root of (something): to understand the cause or source of something

e.g. What is causing this water leak? Has anyone gotten to the root of it yet?

13. UNHCR and the International Organization for Migration should act as the
coordinator to mobilize the world to respond effectively to the refugee crisis. (Para. 6)
UNHCR (Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees): It is an
organization established as the successor to the International Refugee Organization
(IRO; 1946–1952) by the United Nations General Assembly in 1951 to provide legal
and political protection for refugees until they could acquire nationality in new
countries of residence. With its headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and branch
offices in important countries of asylum, the UNHCR intervenes with various national
governments in order to ensure such minimal rights as freedom from arbitrary
expulsion, access to the courts, work and educational opportunities, and possession of
identity and travel documents. A humanitarian and nonpolitical organization, the
UNHCR was awarded the Nobel Prize for Peace in 1954 and 1981.

mobilize: to bring people together so that they can all work to achieve something
e.g. We’ve mobilized a hundred volunteers to look for the missing child.

14. China has decided to provide an additional RMB200 million in humanitarian

assistance for refugees and the displaced of Syria. (Para. 6)
humanitarian: concerned with improving bad living conditions and preventing unfair
treatment of people
e.g. Humanitarian aid is being sent to the refugees.

15. As terrorism and refugee crises are closely linked to geopolitical conflicts,
resolving conflicts provides the fundamental solution to these problems. (Para. 7)
geopolitical: related to the study of how a country’s position, economy, and
population influence its politics, especially in relation to other countries
e.g. Geopolitical tensions in the area caused concerns about supplies of oil.

16. The WHO should play a leadership role in strengthening epidemic monitoring and
in sharing information, best practices and technologies. (Para. 8)
WHO (World Health Organization): It is a specialized agency of the United
Nations established in 1948 to further international cooperation for improved public
health conditions.

17. Instead of beggaring their neighbors, countries should stick together like
passengers in the same boat. (Para. 9)

beggar: If something beggars a person, country, or organization, it makes them very
e.g. He warned that lifting copyright restrictions could beggar the industry.

18. We should uphold WTO rules, support an open, transparent, inclusive, and
nondiscriminatory multilateral trading regime, and build an open world economy.
(Para. 9)
transparent: If a substance or object is transparent, you can see through it very
e.g. Grow the bulbs in a transparent container, so the children can see the roots

nondiscriminatory: not discriminatory, fair, equitable

e.g. They’re opening the market to foreign suppliers by giving them
nondiscriminatory access to the local network.

multilateral: involving more than two groups or countries

e.g. Seven countries are taking part in the multilateral talks.

regime: a system of rules that control something

e.g. Investors will benefit from recent changes in the tax regime.

19. Trade protectionism and self-isolation will benefit no one. (Para. 9)

protectionism: It is a policy of protecting domestic industries against foreign
competition by means of tariffs, subsidies, import quotas, or other restrictions placed
on the imports of foreign competitors. Protectionist policies have been implemented
by many countries despite the fact that virtually all mainstream economists agree that
the world economy generally benefits from free trade.

20. Economic globalization, a surging historical trend, has greatly facilitated trade,
investment, flow of people, and technological advances. (Para. 10)
globalization: It’s the process by which the experience of everyday life, marked by
the diffusion of commodities and ideas, is becoming standardized around the world.
Factors that have contributed to globalization include increasingly sophisticated
communications and transportation technologies and services, mass migration and the
movement of peoples, a level of economic activity that has outgrown national markets
through industrial combinations and commercial groupings that cross national
frontiers, and international agreements that reduce the cost of doing business in
foreign countries. Globalization offers huge potential profits to companies and nations

but has been complicated by widely differing expectations, standards of living,
cultures and values, and legal systems as well as unexpected global cause-and-effect

surge: to increase suddenly by a large amount

e.g. The company’s profits have surged

21. Since the turn of the century, under the auspices of the UN and riding on the
waves of economic globalization, the international community has set the
Millennium Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
(Para. 10)
under the auspices of someone/something: with the protection or support of
someone or something, especially an organization
e.g. Financial aid is being provided to the country under the auspices of the
International Monetary Fund.

ride (on) the wave (of something): to enjoy the advantage or benefit of a particularly
successful, popular, fortunate, interesting, etc. moment or period of time
e.g. The popular Internet artist has ridden the wave of support from her fan base to
launch an incredibly successful crowd funding campaign for a new project.

(UN) Millennium Development Goals (MDGs): Millennium Development Goals

refer to the eight global policy goals designed to end extreme poverty worldwide by
2015. The eight goals were adopted by acclamation by world leaders from 189
countries at the 2000 UN Millennium Summit. The eight Millennium Development
Goals are as follows:
(1) Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger by bringing about full employment for
all people and by halving the number of those who suffer from hunger and whose
income is below $1.25 per day.
(2) Achieve universal primary education.
(3) Promote gender equality and empower women by focusing on the gender
disparities that exist in education.
(4) Reduce child mortality by two-thirds of 1990 levels.
(5) Improve maternal health by reducing maternal mortality by three-quarters of
1990 levels and facilitating access to reproductive health services.
(6) Combat human immunodeficiency virus and acquired immunodeficiency
syndrome (HIV/AIDS), malaria, and other diseases.
(7) Ensure environmental sustainability.

(8) Develop a global partnership for development, which would involve the
creation of an open trading system, aid packages to landlocked countries, debt
relief, and access to information technology and telecommunications.

22. We should face these problems squarely and tackle them. As we Chinese like to
say, “One should not stop eating for fear of choking.” (Para. 10)
squarely: directly and firmly
e.g. He turned to meet the man’s eyes squarely.

for fear of: If you take a particular course of action for fear of something, you take
the action in order to prevent that thing happening.
e.g. She was afraid to say anything to them for fear of hurting their feelings.

23. Historians told us long ago that rapid economic development necessitates social
reform; but people tend to support the former while rejecting the latter. (Para. 11)
necessitate: to make it necessary for you to do something
e.g. Lack of money necessitated a change of plan.

24. Instead of watching and hesitating, we should move forward against all odds.
(Para. 11)
against all odds: If something happens against all odds, it happens or succeeds
although it seemed impossible or very unlikely.
e.g. Some people do manage to achieve business success against all odds.

25. The 2008 global financial crisis has taught us that we should strengthen
coordination and improve governance so as to ensure sound growth of economic
globalization and make it open, inclusive, balanced and beneficial to all. (Para. 11)
2008 global financial crisis, also called financial crisis of 2007–2008 or subprime
mortgage crisis: It refers to the severe contraction of liquidity in global financial
markets that originated in the United States as a result of the collapse of the US
housing market. It threatened to destroy the international financial system; caused the
failure (or near-failure) of several major investment and commercial banks, mortgage
lenders, insurance companies, and savings and loan associations; and precipitated the
Great Recession (2007–2009), the worst economic downturn since the Great
Depression (1929–c.1939).

26. Last September, the G20 Summit in Hangzhou focused on global economic
governance and other major issues, adopted the Blueprint on Innovative Growth, put
development for the first time in the global macro policy framework, and formulated

an action plan. (Para. 12)
G20 (Group of 20): It is an international body created in 1999 that provides a forum
for strategic economic communication between industrialized and developing
countries. The G20 originated as a response to the economic crises of the late 1990s;
it expanded on the work of the Group of Seven (G7) by including countries that
previously had been left out of the global discussion. Its membership comprises 19
countries (Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France, Germany, India,
Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Russia, Saudi Arabia, South Africa, South Korea,
Turkey, the United Kingdom, the United Sates) and the European Union.

27. Industrialization has created material wealth as never seen before, but it has also
inflicted irreparable damage on the environment. (Para. 15)
irreparable: Irreparable damage, harm, etc. is so bad that it can never be repaired or
made better.
e.g. Extensive mining will cause irreparable damage to the area.

28. The Paris Agreement is a milestone in the history of climate governance. (Para.
Paris Agreement: The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on
climate change. It was adopted by 196 Parties at COP 21 in Paris, on December 12,
2015 and entered into force on November 4, 2016. Its goal is to limit global warming
to well below 2, preferably to 1.5 degrees Celsius, compared to pre-industrial levels.
The Paris Agreement is a landmark in the multilateral climate change process because,
for the first time, a binding agreement brings all nations into a common cause to
undertake ambitious efforts to combat climate change and adapt to its effects.

29. Many people are interested in what policies China will pursue, and are
speculating on the subject. Here, I wish to give you an explicit answer. (Para. 18)
speculate: to think or talk about the possible causes or effects of something without
knowing all the facts or details
e.g. We can only speculate on the reasons for his sudden resignation.

30. Amity with neighbors, harmony without uniformity, and peace are values very
much cherished in Chinese culture. (Para. 19)
amity: friendship, especially between countries or groups of people
e.g. The two groups had lived in perfect amity for many years before the recent

31. China has grown from a poor and weak country to the second largest economy not

through military expansion or colonial plunder, but through the hard work of its
people and their efforts to uphold peace. (Para. 21)
(1) (as a noun) the act of stealing money or property from a place
e.g. He made nothing for himself out of the plunder of the lands.
(2) (as a verb) to take valuable things from a place using force, sometimes causing a
lot of damage
e.g. The city was plundered and burned during the war.

32. No matter how strong its economy grows, China will never seek hegemony,
expansion or spheres of influence. (Para. 21)
hegemony: (especially of countries) the position of being the strongest and most
powerful and therefore able to control others
e.g. The three nations competed for regional hegemony.

33. The Belt and Road Initiative that I have proposed aims to achieve win-win and
shared development. (Para. 25)
The Belt and Road Initiative: The Belt and Road Initiative—China’s proposal to
build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in
cooperation with related countries—was unveiled by Chinese President Xi Jinping
during his visits to Central and Southeast Asia in September and October 2013. The
initiative focuses on promoting policy coordination, connectivity of infrastructure and
facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and closer people-to-people ties
through a consultative process and joint efforts, with the goal of bringing benefits to
The initiative covers primarily East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia,
Central Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe. It reflects a convergence of interests
and an increasing need for regional and global cooperation. The response from
countries along the proposed Belt and Road has been enthusiastic.

34. China pursues an independent foreign policy of peace, and is ready to enhance
friendship and cooperation with all other countries on the basis of the Five Principles
of Peaceful Coexistence. (Para. 26)
Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence: In 1954, China, India and Burma
(Myanmar) jointly proposed the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, namely,
mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual non-aggression,
noninterference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit, and

peaceful coexistence. The enunciation of these principles was a major initiative in the
history of international relations and a significant contribution to the building of a
new type of just and equitable international relations.
The Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence give concrete expression to the purposes
and principles of the UN Charter and facilitate their implementation. Having been
tested by the evolution of international relations in the past six decades, they have
become general principles of international law, which reflect openness and
inclusiveness, and emphasize the importance of respect for sovereignty, justice,
democracy and rule of law.
In this new era, China will continue to uphold and promote the Five Principles of
Peaceful Coexistence and work with the international community to bring lasting
peace, prosperity, and harmony to the world.

35. We will strive to build a new model of major-country relations with the United
States, a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with Russia, a partnership
for peace, growth, reform and civilization with Europe, and a partnership of unity and
cooperation with other BRICS countries. (Para. 27)
BRICS (cooperation mechanism): BRICS was an acronym for the five promising
emerging economies: Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The BRICS
mechanism has seen improvements with pragmatic cooperation in dozens of fields
such as economy and trade, finance and banking, education, science and technology,
culture and think-tanks. Under the inter-governmental mechanism there are summits
of state leaders, ministerial meetings, seminars and forums, as well as multi-layer
supportive mechanisms such as the BRICS Interbank Cooperation Mechanism, the
Business Council, the Contingent Reserve Arrangement, the New Development Bank,
and the Think-Tank Symposiums.
During the 2017 BRICS Xiamen Summit, Xi Jinping proposed the “BRICS Plus”
approach to cooperation. He suggested more dialogues between BRICS countries and
other developing countries and their organizations to build extensive partnerships,
make more friends, and turn BRICS into a most influential platform for South-South
cooperation. By early 2018, the BRICS countries had set up some 60 mechanisms for
cooperation, covering economy and trade, finance, agriculture, education, science and
technology, culture and think-tanks.
The BRICS cooperation has broken the world economic configuration that was long
dominated by developed countries, and offers a practical approach for economic
cooperation among developing countries for common development.

36. We will pursue common development with African countries in a spirit of

sincerity, affinity and good faith and with a result-oriented approach. (Para. 27)

(1) a liking or sympathy for someone or something, especially because of shared
e.g. She seems to have a natural affinity for/with water.
(2) a close similarity between two things
e.g. There are several close affinities between the two paintings.

37. Fourth, China remains unchanged in its commitment to multilateralism. (Para. 28)
multilateralism: Multilateralism is the process of organizing relations between
groups of three or more states. Beyond that basic quantitative aspect, multilateralism
is generally considered to comprise certain qualitative elements or principles that
shape the character of the arrangement or institution. Those principles are an
indivisibility of interests among participants, a commitment to diffuse reciprocity, and
a system of dispute settlement intended to enforce a particular mode of behavior.
Multilateralism has a long history, but it is principally associated with the era after
World War II, during which there was a rapid increase in the number of multilateral
agreements led primarily by the United States.

38. The China-UN Peace and Development Fund has been formally inaugurated.
(Para. 30)
inaugurate: to start or introduce something new and important
e.g. The International Trade Agreement inaugurated a period of high economic

III. Original Chinese Text:




数百年前,即使中国强盛到国内生产总值占世界 30%的时候,也从未对外侵

略扩张。1840 年鸦片战争后的 100 多年里,中国频遭侵略和蹂躏之害,饱受战
1950 年至 2016 年,中国累计对外提供援款 4000 多亿元人民币,今后将继
世界经济增长的贡献率年均在 30%以上。未来 5 年,中国将进口 8 万亿美元的商
品,吸收 6000 亿美元的外来投资,中国对外投资总额将达到 7500 亿美元,出境
旅游将达到 7 亿人次。这将为世界各国发展带来更多机遇。
和保护人权。中国解决了 13 亿多人口的温饱问题,让 7 亿多人口摆脱贫困,这
我提出“一带一路”倡议,就是要实现共赢共享发展。目前,已经有 100
关系确定为国家间交往的指导原则,同 90 多个国家和区域组织建立了不同形式



Analytical Reading
I. Understanding the text
Reference Answers:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before
comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

Part I (Paras. 1-17): Actions the international community should take to build a
global community of shared future
• We should build a world of lasting peace through dialogue and consultation.
• We should build a world of common security for all through joint efforts.
• We should build a world of common prosperity through win-win cooperation.
• We should build an open and inclusive world through exchanges and mutual
• We should make our world clean and beautiful by pursuing green and low-carbon
Part II (Paras. 18-30): Policies China pursues in building a global community of
shared future

• First, China remains unchanged in its commitment to world peace.
• Second, China remains unchanged in its commitment to pursuing common
• Third, China remains unchanged in its commitment to fostering partnerships.
• Fourth, China remains unchanged in its commitment to multilateralism.

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to
this exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. How do you understand President Xi’s statement that “Great visions can be realized
only through actions.” (Para. 1)? Use some examples to illustrate your point.
Peoples of all countries love peace and need development to have a good life, and
some leaders also share great visions for peace and development. However, if the
international community does not make concerted efforts, these visions will never be
achieved. Actions hold the key to any vision, including the vision of building a global
community of shared future. Examples: “Established by those before us, the United
Nations has made it possible for us to enjoy relative peace for more than 70 years.”
“Since the turn of the century, under the auspices of the UN…the international
community has set the Millennium Development Goals and the 2030 Agenda for
Sustainable Development. Thanks to these initiatives, 1.1 billion people have been
lifted out of poverty, 1.9 billion people now have access to safe drinking water, 3.5
billion people have gained access to the internet, and the goal has been set to
eradicate extreme poverty by 2030.”

2. Search for further information about “Pandora’s box” and “the Sword of Damocles”
and interpret their respective meanings in the text.
In ancient Greek mythology, a beautiful but stupid woman Pandora opened a box that
contained all the world’s evils because she wanted to know what was inside it. “Open
Pandora’s box” therefore means to do something that unexpectedly causes a lot of
new problems that did not exist before. In the text, it refers to the irresponsible use of
force or the violation of international rule of law that might cause havoc for the
global community.
The “Sword of Damocles” refers to something bad that may happen at any time. The
term originates from an ancient Greek story in which a king seats Damocles under a
sword that hangs from a single hair to show him that rulers have their fears and

worries as well as their power. In the text, it refers to nuclear weapons that might
destroy human civilization altogether at any time.
From a rhetorical perspective, President Xi quotes Greek mythology to make his
speech vivid and interesting to a mostly Western audience who are familiar with
Greek mythology and to drive home the importance of peace and cooperation.

3. President Xi says, “As terrorism and refugee crises are closely linked to
geopolitical conflicts, resolving conflicts provides the fundamental solution to these
problems.” (Para. 7) Do some research on the definitions and causes of “terrorism”
and “refugees.” Find evidence to support this opinion.
According to dictionaries, “terrorism” means “the use of violence or the threat of
violence to obtain political demands”; a “refugee” is “someone who has been forced
to leave their country for political reasons or during a war.” Conflict, either a civil
war or an international conflict, is usually the root cause of terrorism and refugees.
For example, the outbreak of the internal conflict in Syria in 2011 has caused millions
of Syrians to flee their homes and seek asylum in other countries including Iraq,
Turkey and Germany. That is why “resolving conflicts provides the fundamental
solution to these problems.”

4. President Xi quotes a Chinese saying “One should not stop eating for fear of
choking.” (Para. 10) to support his view that despite the problems economic
globalization is generally good. Discuss and list the pros and cons of economic
President Xi uses the Chinese saying to illustrate that the advantages and benefits of
economic globalization far outweigh its disadvantages and harms, and that economic
globalization, as a surging historical trend, is generally good. Advantages: It
facilitates trade, investment, flow of people, and technological advances.
Disadvantages: There are problems such as development disparity, governance
dilemma, digital divide, and equity deficit.

5. Why does President Xi say that he was amazed by the craftsmanship of the Swiss
Army Knife when he first got one?
President Xi was amazed that the Swiss Army Knife had so many devices when he first
got one. He couldn’t help thinking how wonderful it would be if such an exquisite
Swiss Army Knife could be made for our world. Whenever there is a problem, we
could use one of the tools on the knife to fix it. The multi-functional Swiss Army Knife
is used here to stress the importance of the joint efforts of the global community in
solving the world’s problems of all kinds.

6. President Xi says, “For several millennia, peace has been in the blood of us Chinese
and a part of our DNA.” (Para. 19) Use historical evidence to substantiate this
The Chinese nation loves peace and stresses harmony with other countries. “Even
when China was so strong that its GDP accounted for 30 percent of the global total
several centuries ago, it was never engaged in aggression or expansion.” Another
example: Zheng He made seven expeditions to the Western Seas, establishing friendly
relations with many Asian and African countries, but the idea of colonizing and
grabbing foreign land had never came to his mind.

7. How has China contributed to the world’s development and common prosperity
over the past decades?
“Between 1950 and 2016, China provided foreign countries with over RMB 400
billion in aid…Since the outbreak of the global financial crisis, China has contributed
on average over 30 percent of global growth each year. In the coming five years,
China is expected to import US$8 trillion worth of goods, attract US$600 billion in
foreign investment, and make US$750 billion in outbound investment. It is also
expected that Chinese tourists will make 700 million outbound visits. All this means
more development opportunities for other countries.”

8. Do you agree that China’s poverty alleviation is a major contribution to the global
cause of human rights? Why or why not? In what sense is China’s concept of human
rights different from the Western concept?
Yes, I agree. China has met the basic living needs of its 1.3 billion-plus people and
lifted over 700 million people out of poverty, which is a significant contribution to the
global cause of human rights. China has got rid of absolute poverty nationwide, a
great achievement in the world history of human rights.
China’s concept of human rights is rooted in its people-centered development
philosophy. China’s vision of human rights includes not only civil and political rights
but also economic, social and cultural rights. Among them, the rights to subsistence
and development are the basic human rights of paramount importance.

9. Do some research on the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence and discuss how
the five principles have served as the basis of China’s independent foreign policy of
peace to enhance friendship and cooperation with all other countries.
In 1954, China, India and Burma (Myanmar) jointly proposed the Five Principles of
Peaceful Coexistence, namely, mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity,
mutual non-aggression, noninterference in each other’s internal affairs, equality and
mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. The enunciation of these principles was a

major initiative in the history of international relations and a significant contribution
to the building of a new type of just and equitable international relations.
They have been serving as the basis of China’s independent foreign policy of peace
ever since. They are the fundamental principles guiding China’s international
relations and have been recognized by the international community. The five
principles have helped China win friends and respect from the international
community. By the end of 2021, China has established formal diplomatic relations
with 180 countries among the 193 member states of the United Nations.

II. Critical Thinking

3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to
take alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. The Thucydides trap describes a tendency in human history for an emerging power
and an existing power to move towards war. To counteract this concern, the Chinese
leadership has put forward the proposal of building a new model of major-country
relations. In your view, how could major countries today avoid this trap?
Reference Answer:
First, international relations after the Cold War are quite different from those of the
past. We are living in a world of globalization, and the interdependence among major
countries makes the cost of any military conflicts unbearable. Second, major countries
have drawn lessons from the two world wars and are aware of the disastrous
consequences of war in modern times.
China has put forward the proposal of building a new model of major-country
relations, calling on major countries to develop relationships of “no conflicts and

confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.” To avoid or control conflicts,
major countries should establish an effective mechanism for communication on major
issues of security. For mutual respect, major countries should acknowledge the major
concerns of each other, especially the integrity of territory and sovereignty, and not
intervene in domestic affairs of each other. For win-win cooperation, there exist a lot
of common interests on which major countries could cooperate, such as combating
climate change, opposing any form of terrorism, and dealing with global pandemic.

2. In this text, President Xi highlights some pressing challenges for humanity, such as
the financial crisis, pandemic diseases and environmental pollution. Choose one issue
to illustrate how China has put into practice the idea of building a global community
of shared future.
Reference Answer:
Students can pick and illustrate any example that showcases China’s efforts in
building a global community of shared future. For example, the Belt and Road
Initiative, or China’s assistance to other countries in the global fight against the
COVID-19 pandemic.
Take the Belt and Road Initiative, for example. It focuses on policy coordination,
connectivity of infrastructure and facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration,
and closer people-to-people ties through a consultative process and joint efforts, with
the goal of bringing benefits to all. The Belt and Road Initiative embodies the idea of
building a global community of shared future. As it accords with the common
interests of all parties concerned, and the trend of regional and global cooperation,
the initiative has received warm response from the countries along the routes.

3. President Xi states that China remains unchanged in its commitment to

multilateralism. Do some research about the Chinese understanding of multilateralism
and discuss the challenges of multilateralism and possible ways to deal with such
Reference Answer:
The multilateralism that China champions is grounded in the UN-centered
international system. It is consistent with the vision for a multi-polar world and for a
global community of shared future. As President Xi Jinping noted in his special
address at the World Economic Forum Virtual Event of the Davos Agenda,
“Multilateralism is about having international affairs addressed through consultation
and the future of the world decided by everyone working together.”
There are two pressing challenges facing multilateralism. The first challenge is
unilateralism. Or, as termed by President Xi, “Multilateralism should not be used as
pretext for acts of unilateralism.” The second challenge is rooted in alliance politics

and Cold-War mentality. As President Xi said in the same speech, “To build small
circles or start a new Cold War, to reject, threaten or intimidate others, to willfully
impose decoupling, supply disruption or sanctions, and to create isolation or
estrangement will only push the world into division or confrontation.” The right
choice, as suggested by President Xi, is for countries to pursue peaceful coexistence
based on mutual respect and on expanding common ground while shelving differences,
and to promote exchanges and mutual learning.

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
President Xi Jinping’s speech at the Moscow State Institute of International
Relations in March 2013 marked the debut of his flagship vision of “a global
community of shared future” on the international stage. Since then, this concept has
increasingly become an international consensus. From 2017 to 2021, it has been
incorporated into documents of multilateral mechanisms, including the UN, the
Shanghai Cooperation Organization and the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation. UN
officials highly recognize its consistency with the spirit of the UN Charter and its
importance for promoting international peace and development.
The Cold-War mentality and ideological biases have caused some Western
countries to view China’s rise as a global threat. Such wrong mindset has led to
protectionism, unilateralism, hegemony and confrontation around the world, which
are endangering international security and stability.
Contrary to the US, which clings to hegemony, China raises the concept of a
global community of shared future as a new approach to global governance,
highlighting an equal global partnership based on diplomacy, communication and
trade. The global fight against COVID-19 fully proves the effectiveness of China’s
advocacy, and China’s medical aids to other countries have demonstrated its
fulfillment of this commitment.
A global community of shared future also underlies China’s diplomacy. Guided
by this principle, China’s foreign policies stick to fairness and justice, sincere
inclusiveness and multilateralism, pragmatic consultation and cooperation, peaceful
coexistence and development.
At the conference marking the 50th anniversary of the restoration of the lawful seat
of the People’s Republic of China in the UN, President Xi encouraged the international
community’s joint contribution to building a global community of shared future,
thereby making the world a better place. Although this goal is far from being achieved,

China will remain unswervingly committed to its advocacy and advance a global
community of shared future within the UN framework.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, “‘Build a

Community of Shared Future for Human Beings’ Written into United Nations
Human Rights Council Resolutions for the First Time”, March 24, 2017,
8594.shtml, (accessed February 9, 2022).
2. Xinhuanet, “Chinese Landmark Concept Put into UN Resolution for First Time”,
February 11, 2017,
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2017-02/11/c_136049319.htm, (accessed
February 9, 2022).
3. China Daily, “Experts: UN Should Remain Core of Global Governance”, October
25, 2021,
(accessed February 9, 2022).
4. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, “Foreign Ministry
Spokesperson Hua Chunying’s Regular Press Conference on November 3, 2017”,
November 3, 2017,
507334.shtml, (accessed February 9, 2022).
5. Xinhuanet, “Genuine Multilateralism, Int’l Cooperation Championed Worldwide”,
May 8, 2021, http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-05/08/c_139933033.htm,
(accessed February 10, 2022).
6. China Daily, “Global Governance Needs Reform but Under UN”, October 25, 2021,
(accessed February 9, 2022).
7. Kai Kupferschmidt, “‘Vaccine Nationalism’ Threatens Global Plan to Distribute
COVID-19 Shots Fairly”, Science, July 28, 2020,
distribute-covid-19-shots-fairly, (accessed February 9, 2022).
8. United Nations, “Security Council Authorizes Year-Long Mandate Extension for
United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, Adopting Resolution 2344
(2017)”, March 17, 2017, https://www.un.org/press/en/2017/sc12756.doc.htm,
(accessed February 9, 2022).
9. China Today, “The Idea of a Community with a Shared Future”, January 28, 2021,

00234170.html, (accessed February 10, 2022).
10. CGTN, “What Will ‘Building a Community of a Shared Future for Mankind’
Bring to the World?”, July 19, 2021,
uture-to-bring-to-the-world--11ZSAqh6wcU/index.html, (accessed February 10,
11. Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of China, “Xi Jinping Attends
the Conference Marking the 50th Anniversary of the Restoration of the Lawful Seat
of the People’s Republic of China in the United Nations and Delivers an Important
Speech”, October 25, 2021,
l, (accessed February 10, 2022).
12. Xinhuanet, “Xiplomacy: Xi Charts Joint Construction of Community with a
Shared Future for Mankind”, May 18, 2021,
http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/2021-05/18/c_139953480.htm, (accessed
February 10, 2022).
13. Zhou Xiaoming, “A Community with a Shared Future for the Benefit of World”,
China Daily, June 22, 2021,
(accessed February 9, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
In 2020, COVID-19 swept across the globe. In the face of the severe public
health crisis, humanity once again stood at a crossroads. “Solidarity and cooperation
are our most powerful weapon for fighting the virus,” President Xi suggested in a
speech at the opening of the 73rd World Health Assembly. Upholding the vision of a
global community of shared future, China has made great efforts to fulfill its
responsibility as a major country, fighting shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the
world against the common threat to mankind that COVID-19 poses.
China has set a good example for all in the global fight against coronavirus. Since
the pandemic broke out, the Chinese government has adopted a people-centered
approach prioritizing saving human lives, has made scientific and targeted efforts to
prevent and control the pandemic, and became the first to effectively manage the virus.
Meanwhile, China has actively responded to the UN-initiated Global Humanitarian
Response Plan, carrying out the largest global emergency humanitarian operation in
Chinese history. As of April 2022, China has provided hundreds of billions of

anti-pandemic supplies to 153 countries and 15 international organizations, supplied
2.2 billion doses of vaccine to more than 120 countries and international organizations,
sent 37 medical expert teams to 34 countries, and shared experience in pandemic
prevention and control with more than 180 countries and international organizations.
By taking these concrete actions, China has honored its commitment to building a
global community of health for all.
China’s contribution to the global anti-pandemic campaign has won high praise
worldwide. “I would like to express gratitude, not only my personal gratitude, but also
the gratitude of the Republic of Serbia, our president Aleksandar Vucic, and all the
people of Serbia for the firm and consistent support and help from China,” said
Nikola Selakovic, Serbian foreign minister. China and Serbia have helped and
supported each other since the outbreak of COVID-19. According to Selakovic, the
most vital step in the two countries’ anti-COVID cooperation is the production of the
Chinese Sinopharm vaccine in Serbia. The China-developed vaccines have shown
reliability that “no one could have expected in difficult times and circumstances,” said
Serbian Prime Minister Ana Brnabic. Up till May 2021, over 45% of adults in Serbia
have been vaccinated. In addition to vaccines, China has also provided advice from
the best Chinese experts, sent doctors who helped Serbia combat COVID-19 and
offered technological equipment for Serbian hospitals.
“United we shall overcome.” Victor Hugo’s quote appears on the packaging of
medical supplies donated by China to France. Guided by the principle of a global
community of shared future, China will remain committed to improving healthcare for
mankind and continuously contribute to world peace and development within the UN

Language in Focus
Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentences 6 and 9 in “Words and Phrases”, and Sentences 1, 2, and 4 in
“Translation”). The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences if
time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and phrases
1. unleash 2. step up 3. lifted…out of
4. against all odds 5. resolve 6. inflicted
7. hangs over 8. impose…on 9. ride on the waves of
10. tackle 11. in turmoil 12. sounding the alarm for
13. over time 14. When it comes to 15. launched

1. 大国要尊重彼此核心利益和重大关切,管控矛盾分歧,努力构建不冲突不对
Major powers should respect each other’s core interests, take care of their main
concerns, keep their differences under control, and build a new model of relations
featuring non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect, and win-win
2. 我们将积极同美国发展新型大国关系,同俄罗斯发展全面战略协作伙伴关系,
We will strive to build a new model of major-country relations with the United
States, a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination with Russia, a
partnership for peace, growth, reform and civilization with Europe, and a
partnership of unity and cooperation with other BRICS countries.
3. 我们观察和规划改革发展,必须统筹考虑和综合运用国际国内两个市场、国
In projecting and adopting plans for reform and development, we must give full
consideration to both domestic and international markets, both domestic and
foreign resources, and both domestic and international rules, and use them
4. 要坚持独立自主的和平外交方针,坚持把国家和民族发展放在自己力量的基
We should continue to follow the independent foreign policy of peace, always
pursue the development of the country and the nation by relying on ourselves, and
follow our own path unswervingly. While pursuing peaceful development, we
will never relinquish our legitimate rights and interests, or allow China’s core
interests to be impaired.

Discourse and rhetoric
3. Key: 1. D 2. B 3. F 4. E 5. A 6. C
1. “单则易折,众则难摧。”各方应该树立共同、综合、合作、可持续的安全
As a saying goes, “United we stand, divided we fall.” All countries should pursue
common, comprehensive, and sustainable security through cooperation.

2. “一花独放不是春,百花齐放春满园。”如果世界上只有一种花朵,就算这
“A single flower does not make spring, while one hundred flowers in full blossom
bring spring to the garden.” If there were only one kind of flower in the world,
people would find it boring no matter how beautiful it was.
3. 这其中有冲突、矛盾、疑惑、拒绝,但更多是学习、消化、融合、创新。
Naturally, there were conflicts, frictions, bewilderment and denial, but the more
dominant features of the period were learning, digestion, integration and
(antithesis, parallelism, homoioteleuton)

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

The three Chinese examples all make use of duibi (对比), a literary device that
contains direct contrast between two elements with parallel structure. duibi is different
from duiou (对偶) in that the former emphasizes the contrast in meaning while the
latter requires absolute symmetry in grammatical forms.
The literary device of duibi in the Chinese sentences is translated into antithesis
in English, which is usually defined as the juxtaposition of two opposing elements
through the parallel structure.
Antithesis is an effective rhetorical device, as it pairs opposite or contrasting
ideas with parallel structure. The translation of the sentences is generally successful.
On the one hand, the contrast in antithetical structure helps readers and the audience
develop a better understanding of an idea through defining its opposite; on the other
hand, the repetitive syntactic structure makes the writing or speech rhythmic and

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

The humane person wants standing, and so he helps others to gain standing. He wants
achievements, and so he helps others to achieve. (夫仁者,己欲立而立人,己欲达而
From The Analects of Confucius (《论语》)
Reference Answer:
Just as you seek to establish yourself, seek also to establish others. As you aspire to
achieve your goal, give others the same opportunity. This statement sheds light on
Chinese people’s time-honored faith in the principle of treating others with respect
and benevolence. Today, this principle also finds application in China’s way of
handling diplomatic relations. China refuses to subscribe to the idea that a country is
bound to seek hegemony when it becomes powerful. It has always been committed to
the principle of non-interference in other countries’ internal affairs, and will continue
to pursue win-win cooperation and enhance friendly relations with other countries.
Nothing can shake China’s resolve to pursue peaceful development.

Unit 10 Learning from History to Create a Bright Future

Students will learn to
 evaluate the significance of the history of the CPC;
 clarify the major tenets of the people-centered philosophy of development;
 examine the major characteristics of the Chinese path;
 evaluate the lasting significance and relevance of Marxism;
 assess the measures of the Party’s full and rigorous self-governance and their
 take a global perspective on the history and achievements of the CPC;
 write a story about a laureate of the Medal of the Republic to the international
 use key words and expressions about socialism with Chinese characteristics.

Quotes from President Xi

——习近平在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话,
2021 年 7 月 1 日
2013 年 6 月 18 日

Chinese Translation:


Read and Respond

Read the following text and write an essay of 100-200 words in response to one of
the following questions.

Teaching Tips:
Apart from telling students to write an essay as instructed, the teacher is
encouraged to explore other methods to complete this assignment, such as dividing
students into small discussion groups and having group representatives report their
conclusions to the class. The teacher may also use visual or interactive tools to
motivate learning.

Q1 The idea of “staying true to our founding mission” (不忘初心), put forward by
President Xi, has become a principal theme of Party building. What is the “founding
mission” of the CPC? Why does it matter?
Reference Answer:
In the report to the 19th CPC National Congress in 2017, President Xi Jinping said,
“The original aspiration and mission of Chinese Communists is to seek happiness for
the Chinese people and rejuvenation for the Chinese nation.”
Since its founding, the CPC has been dedicated to the people and put their interests
above all. It follows the trends of social development, respects the people’s principal
role in making history and pursues the lofty goal of working for the wellbeing of the
Chinese people. And all the struggle, sacrifice, and creation through which the Party
has united and led the Chinese people over the past hundred years has been tied
together by one ultimate theme—bringing about the great rejuvenation of the Chinese
Staying true to its founding mission matters as this mission is what inspires Chinese
Communists to advance. This country is its people; the people are the country. The
Party has in the people its roots, its lifeblood, and its source of strength. Only by
staying true to this mission can the Party stand firmly with the people, and achieve the

rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Q2 How are the challenges facing the Party today different from the challenges it
faced when it was first founded?
Reference Answer:
When the Party was founded, China was an impoverished country suffering from
internal upheaval and external aggression. The country endured intense humiliation,
the people were subjected to great pain, and the Chinese civilization was plunged into
Today, as socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, the principal
challenge facing Chinese society is the gap between unbalanced and inadequate
development and the ever-growing expectation of the people for a better life. The
requirements of the people to live better lives are increasingly broad. The more
prominent problem is that our development is unbalanced and inadequate. This has
become the main constraining factor in meeting the people’s increasing expectation
for a better life. The main task facing the Party now is to embark on a new journey to
realize the Second Centenary Goal and move forward towards the great rejuvenation
of the Chinese nation.

Q3 In your opinion, which aspect of the text is the most thought-provoking? Why?
(Answer Omitted)


I. About the Text:

Over the past 100 plus years, the Party has united and led the Chinese people on
an arduous journey of struggle, liberating Chinese people from the exploitation and
oppression of feudalism and imperialism. It has remained faithful to the people and
achieved remarkable success in realizing socialism with Chinese characteristics. The
text in this unit is part of the speech made by President Xi Jinping at a ceremony
marking the centenary of the Communist Party of China (July 1, 2021), in which he
reemphasizes the Party’s missions, lays out the key principles that must be upheld on
our journey ahead, and calls on the whole Party to advance with unstoppable
momentum towards national rejuvenation.
The text can be divided into three major parts in structure. The first part (Paras.
1-22) looks back at the Party’s 100-year history to draw experience and lessons for the
present and future, and proposes what guidelines the Party must follow on the journey
ahead. The second part (Paras. 23-24) emphasizes advancing national reunification

under the one-China principle. And the last part (Paras. 25-26) expresses the Party’s
expectations of the young people.
Since it is a speech made on a formal occasion addressing all the people of China,
the language is formal and serious with a combination of short imperative sentences
emphasizing the major points and long complex sentences elaborating on these points
with details. In terms of rhetoric, parallelism is used to emphasize the importance and
the logical relationship of the points (e.g. “We must uphold...” “We must unite and
lead...” “We must continue...,” etc.). Alliteration is also used to achieve special effects.
By reinforcing the consonant sounds, alliteration produces a pleasing effect for
readers and listeners (e.g. “An important reason why the Party remains so vital and
vibrant despite having undergone so many trials and tribulations is that it practices
effective self-supervision and full and rigorous self-governance.”). Besides, metaphor
is also used to make the points in discussion vivid and memorable (e.g. “This country
is its people; the people are the country.” “A century ago, a group of young
progressives held aloft the torch of Marxism and searched assiduously in those dark
years for ways to rejuvenate the Chinese nation.”).

II. Detailed Analysis of the Text:

1. Though defining our Party’s founding mission is easy, ensuring that we stay true
to this mission is not. (Para. 1)
true to: If you are true to someone or something, you remain committed and loyal to
e.g. Many consumers remain true to their favorite brands.

2. Through the mirror of history, we can find where we currently stand and gain
foresight into the future. (Para. 1)
foresight: the ability to imagine what is likely to happen and to consider this when
planning for the future
e.g. Luckily I’d had the foresight to get in plenty of food.

3. As we put conscious effort into learning from history to create a bright future, we
must bear the following in mind: (Para. 2)
bear (something) in mind: to remember a fact or piece of information that is
important or could be useful in the future
bear in mind (that)
e.g. Bear in mind that some children will need help.

4. We must uphold the firm leadership of the Party. China’s success hinges on the

Party. (Para. 3)
hinge on/upon something: If a result hinges on something, it depends on it
e.g. His political future hinges on the outcome of this election.

5. It is the foundation and lifeblood of the Party and the country, and the crux upon
which the interests and wellbeing of all Chinese people depend. (Para. 3)
crux: the most important part of a problem, question, argument, etc.
e.g. The crux of the problem lay in the lack of equipment.

6. We must be deeply conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in

big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the
central Party leadership. (Para. 4)
in big-picture terms: from the entire perspective on a situation or issue
big picture: a whole or complete situation, including all the things that it affects, not
just one part of it
e.g. It’s important we don’t lose sight of the big picture when we make these

keep in alignment with: (here) to conform to or act in accordance with someone or

something, especially by doing what is considered correct, proper, etc.

7. We must stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of socialism
with Chinese characteristics. (Para. 4)
The Four-Sphere Confidence:
In his speech of July 1, 2016, at the celebration of the 95th anniversary of the
founding of the CPC, Xi Jinping added “confidence in its culture” to the existing
“three confidences” (confidence in the socialist path, theory and system). This was an
augmentation of and innovation in the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese
“Confidence in its path” is confidence in the direction of socialism with Chinese
characteristics and confidence in its future; “confidence in its theory” is confidence in
the scientific, true and authentic nature of the theory of socialism with Chinese
characteristics; “confidence in its system” is confidence in the advanced and superior
nature of the system of Chinese socialism; “confidence in its culture” is a full
affirmation of the value of China’s own culture and a faith in its vitality.
These four form a complete conceptual system of socialism with Chinese
characteristics; they are mutually complementary and interactive.

8. The Party has always represented the fundamental interests of all Chinese people;
it stands with them through thick and thin and shares a common fate with them.
(Para. 5)
through thick and thin: in spite of any difficulties or problems
e.g. My wife has stood by me through thick and thin.

9. The Party has no special interests of its own—it has never represented any
individual interest group, power group, or privileged stratum. (Para. 5)
stratum: a social class in a society
e.g. It was an enormous task that affected every stratum of society.

10. We will develop whole-process people’s democracy, safeguard social fairness and
justice, and resolve the imbalances and inadequacies in development and the most
pressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern to the people. (Para. 6)
(1) the fact of not being good enough in quality, ability, size, etc. for a particular
e.g. the inadequacy of America’s health-care system
(2) a fault in someone or something
e.g. Parents were complaining about the school’s inadequacies.

11. Based on China’s realities, we have developed keen insights into the trends of the
day, seized the initiative in history, and made painstaking explorations. (Para. 7)
painstaking: very careful and thorough
e.g. The work had been done with painstaking attention to detail.

12. At the fundamental level, the capability of our Party and the strengths of
socialism with Chinese characteristics are attributable to the fact that Marxism
works. (Para. 7)
attributable: likely to have been caused by something
e.g. Do you think that these higher-than-average temperatures are attributable to
global warming?

13. Socialism with Chinese characteristics is a fundamental achievement of the Party

and the people, forged through innumerable hardships and great sacrifices, and it is
the right path for us to achieve national rejuvenation. (Para. 9)
innumerable: very many, or too many to be counted
e.g. There are innumerable examples of his generous nature.

14. As we have upheld and developed socialism with Chinese characteristics and
driven coordinated progress in material, political, cultural-ethical, social, and
ecological terms, we have pioneered a new and uniquely Chinese path to
modernization, and created a new model for human advancement. (Para. 9)
pioneer: to be the first person to do, invent, or use something
e.g. They pioneered a new route to the coast.

15. We must deepen reform and opening up across the board, ground our work in
this new stage of development, fully and faithfully apply the new development
philosophy, and foster a new pattern of development. (Para. 10)
across the board: in a way that involves everyone or everything in a place or
e.g. The living conditions have been improved across the board.

ground: to provide a basis or reason for (something)

e.g. She discussed the principles on which her philosophy is grounded.

16. The Chinese nation has fostered a splendid civilization over more than 5,000
years of history. (Para. 11)
splendid: excellent, or beautiful and impressive
e.g. We had splendid food/a splendid holiday/splendid weather.

17. We will not, however, accept sanctimonious preaching from those who feel they
have the right to lecture us. (Para. 11)
sanctimonious: used for describing someone who tries to show that they have
better moral or religious principles than other people
e.g. “Were you aware how sanctimonious you sounded when you spoke?” she

preach: to give someone advice, especially about their behavior, in a way that
they think is boring or annoying
e.g. I don’t mean to preach, but I think it’s time to get serious about your relationship.

18. The Party and the Chinese people will keep moving confidently forward in broad
strides along the path that we have chosen for ourselves, and we will make sure the
destiny of China’s development and progress remains firmly in our own hands. (Para.
(1) a long step you make while you are walking

Paco reached the door in only three strides.
(2) an improvement in a situation or in the development of something
The government has made great strides in reducing poverty.

19. At the point that it was engaged in violent struggle, the Party came to recognize
the irrefutable truth that it must command the gun and build a people’s military of its
own. (Para. 12)
irrefutable: impossible to prove wrong
e.g. They managed to come up with a number of irrefutable arguments.

20. The people’s military has made indelible achievements on behalf of the Party
and the people. (Para. 12)
indelible: impossible to remove or forget
e.g. Her words left an indelible impression on me.

on behalf of (somebody):
(1) because of or for someone
e.g. Oh, don’t go to any trouble on my behalf.
(2) instead of someone, or as their representative
e.g. On behalf of everyone here, I wish you a very happy retirement.

21. We will elevate our people’s armed forces to world-class standards so that we are
equipped with greater capabilities and more reliable means for safeguarding our
national sovereignty, security, and development interests. (Para. 13)
equip: to provide a person or place with the things that are needed for a particular
kind of activity or work
e.g. They spent a lot of money equipping the school with new computers.
The rooms are equipped with video cameras.

22. We must continue working to promote the building of a human community with
a shared future. (Para. 14)
human community with a shared future, also global community of shared future:
President Xi first put forward the concept “a community of shared future” in his
speech at the Moscow State Institute of International Relations in Russia in March
2013. He elaborated on this idea on more occasions afterwards, thus forming a
complete thought with rich connotations. The concept is China’s flagship response to
a world troubled by a myriad of challenges and risks. It embodies China’s vision for a
global community that features equal representation, reciprocal sharing, fairness and
win-win cooperation, and is built on the spirit of openness, inclusiveness and mutual

respect. It is producing far-reaching global influence, with high praise and active
response from the international community, and has been written into UN documents
more than once.

23. Peace, concord, and harmony are ideas the Chinese nation has pursued and
carried forward for more than 5,000 years. (Para. 14)
carry forward: (here) to inherit and pass on
e.g. We should carry forward the Chinese nation’s fine traditions of diligence and

24. The Chinese nation does not carry aggressive or hegemonic traits in its genes.
(Para. 14)
hegemonic: strong and powerful and therefore able to control others, or relating to the
idea that a country is like this
e.g. Some saw the euro as a means to challenge the dollar as the world’s hegemonic

trait: a particular characteristic that can produce a particular type of behavior

e.g. His sense of humor is one of his better traits.

25. The Party cares about the future of humanity, and wishes to move forward in
tandem with all progressive forces around the world. (Para. 14)
in tandem (with): doing something together or at the same time as someone or
something else
e.g. The two companies often work in tandem.
They worked in tandem with each other to get the best result.

26. We will work to build a new type of international relations and a human
community with a shared future, promote high-quality development of the Belt and
Road Initiative through joint efforts, and use China’s new achievements in
development to provide the world with new opportunities. (Para. 15)
The Belt and Road Initiative: The Belt and Road Initiative—China’s proposal to
build a Silk Road Economic Belt and a 21st Century Maritime Silk Road in
cooperation with related countries—was unveiled by Chinese President Xi Jinping
during his visits to Central and Southeast Asia in September and October 2013. The
initiative focuses on promoting policy coordination, connectivity of infrastructure and
facilities, unimpeded trade, financial integration, and closer people-to-people ties
through a consultative process and joint efforts, with the goal of bringing benefits to

The initiative covers primarily East Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia,
Central Asia, and Central and Eastern Europe. It reflects a convergence of interests
and an increasing need for regional and global cooperation. The response from
countries along the proposed Belt and Road has been enthusiastic.

27. We will continue to champion cooperation over confrontation, to open up rather

than closing our doors, and to focus on mutual benefits instead of zero-sum games.
(Para. 15)
champion: to publicly fight for and defend an aim or principle, such as the rights
of a group of people
e.g. champion a just cause

zero-sum game: a situation in which one person or group can win something only by
causing another person or group to lose it

28. We will oppose hegemony and power politics, and strive to keep the wheels of
history rolling towards bright horizons. (Para. 15)
oppose: to disagree with something such as a plan or idea and try to prevent it
from happening or succeeding
e.g. It is typical for local residents to oppose the building of a nuclear waste facility.

hegemony: a situation in which one state or country controls others

e.g. The three nations competed for regional hegemony.

29. We Chinese are a people who uphold justice and are not intimidated by threats of
force. (Para. 16)
intimidate: to frighten someone by behaving in a threatening way, especially in order
to make them do what you want
e.g. The report said he used harassment and threats to intimidate television journalists.

30. We have never bullied, oppressed, or subjugated the people of any other
country, and we never will. By the same token, we will never allow any foreign force
to bully, oppress, or subjugate us. (Para. 16)
bully: to threaten to hurt someone or frighten them, especially someone smaller or
e.g. Ricky used to bully the younger kids in the neighborhood.

oppress: to treat people who are less powerful in an unfair and cruel way
e.g. For years now, the people in the country have been oppressed by a ruthless


to defeat a place or group of people and force them to obey you
e.g. Just 50 years later, England was again subjugated by the Normans.
The native population was subjugated and exploited.

31. Anyone who would attempt to do so will find themselves on a collision course
with a great wall of steel forged by over 1.4 billion Chinese people. (Para. 16)
on a collision course: moving so as to crash into each other if one or the other does
not change direction
e.g. The comet was on a collision course with the planet.

32. Realizing our great dream will require tenacity and persistence. (Para. 17)
tenacity: If you have tenacity, you are very determined and do not give up easily.
e.g. She displayed great tenacity throughout the contest.

33. On the journey ahead, we must demonstrate stronger vigilance and always be
prepared for potential danger, even in times of calm. (Para. 18)
vigilance: careful attention that you give to what is happening, so that you will notice
any danger or illegal activity
e.g. The police said that it was thanks to the vigilance of a neighbor that the fire was
discovered before it could spread.

34. We need to acquire a full understanding of the new features and requirements
arising from the change to the principal contradiction in Chinese society and the new
issues and challenges stemming from a complicated international environment. (Para.
stem from something: to develop as a result of something else
e.g. His headaches stemmed from vision problems.

35. We must continue to advance the great new project of Party building. (Para. 21)
new project of Party building, or Party building for a new era:
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress laid out general guidelines for
Party building for a new era, calling for:
• upholding and strengthening the Party’s leadership role, and ensuring effective
governance within the Party and effective enforcement of Party discipline;
• strengthening the Party’s long-term governance capacity, and preserving its
forward-looking vision and its purity;

• raising political awareness, and reaffirming the Party’s ideals, convictions, and
• tapping into the enthusiasm and innovative potential among the Party’s rank and
• pursuing an integrated approach to raising political awareness, strengthening the
Party’s theoretical basis, improving its organizational structures, promoting
ethical standards, enforcing discipline, and enhancing institution building;
• combating corruption as part of the effort to improve Party building, so as to
build a Marxist governing party with a vibrant organizational culture, a party that is
always ready to answer the call of the times, enjoys the support of the people, has the
courage to reform itself, and is able to withstand all tests.

36. A hallmark that distinguishes the Communist Party of China from other political
parties is its courage in undertaking self-reform. (Para. 21)
hallmark: an idea, method, or quality that is typical of a particular person or
e.g. Humor is one of the hallmarks of her style.

37. An important reason why the Party remains so vital and vibrant despite having
undergone so many trials and tribulations is that it practices effective
self-supervision and full and rigorous self-governance. (Para. 21)
The sentence contains the rhetorical device of alliteration.

38. It has thus been able to respond appropriately to the risks and tests of different
historical periods, to ensure that it always remains at the forefront of the times even as
profound changes sweep the global landscape, and to stand firm as the backbone of
the nation throughout the process of meeting various risks and challenges at home and
abroad. (Para. 21)
sweep: If winds, waves, storms, etc. sweep something somewhere or sweep through,
across, etc. a place, they move quickly and with a lot of force.
e.g. Strong waves swept the boy out into the surf.

39. On the journey ahead, we must keep firmly in mind the old adage that it takes a
good blacksmith to make good steel. (Para. 22)
adage: a wise saying
He remembered the old adage “Look before you leap.”

40. We must tighten the Party’s organizational system, work hard to train high-caliber
officials who have both moral integrity and professional competence, remain

committed to improving Party conduct, upholding integrity, and combating corruption,
and root out any elements that would harm the Party’s advanced nature and purity
and any viruses that would erode its health. (Para. 22)
root out: to find something bad or illegal and get rid of it
e.g. Any sort of wrongdoing had to be rooted out.

erode: to gradually damage

e.g. The cliffs are being constantly eroded by heavy seas.

41. We will stay true to the letter and spirit of the principle of “one country, two
systems,” under which the people of Hong Kong administer Hong Kong, and the
people of Macao administer Macao, both with a high degree of autonomy. (Para. 23)
the principle of “one country, two systems”: The “one country, two systems” policy
means that under the premise of one China, Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan maintain
their existing system of capitalism for a prolonged period of time as special
administrative regions, while socialism is the prevailing system of the mainland.
Internationally, however, the PRC alone represents China. “One country, two systems”
is a Chinese creation and an important contribution that China has made to world
peace and development.

42. We will ensure that the central government exercises overall jurisdiction over
Hong Kong and Macao, and implement the legal systems and enforcement
mechanisms for the two special administrative regions to safeguard national security.
(Para. 23)
jurisdiction: the right to use an official power to make legal decisions
jurisdiction over somebody/something
e.g. The committee has jurisdiction over all tax measures.

43. Resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete reunification is a
historic mission and an unshakable commitment of the Communist Party of China.
(Para. 24)
question vs issue
question: a subject or problem that needs to be discussed or dealt with
issue: a subject or problem that is often discussed or argued about, especially a social
or political matter that affects the interests of a lot of people

台湾问题 should be translated into “Taiwan question,” instead of “Taiwan issue.”

Since Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory, the Taiwan question is
China’s internal affair that brooks no foreign interference. However, “issue” means “a

matter that is in dispute between two or more parties.” Therefore, the Chinese
translation of 台湾问题 should be “Taiwan question.”

reunification vs unification
reunification: the process of joining together parts of a country that were divided so
that they form one country again

unification: the act of combining two or more groups, countries, etc. to make a single
group or country

Given the fact that Taiwan is part of China, realizing China’s reunification is not
simply a combination of China’s mainland and Taiwan, but a process through which
Taiwan returns to the bosom of the motherland. Therefore, the Chinese translation of
统一 here should be “reunification,” instead of “unification.” While some Western
countries use “unification” to refer to 统一, China adopts “reunification.” These two
types of translation reveal the different political stances.

44. We will uphold the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus, and advance
peaceful national reunification. (Para. 24)
1992 Consensus: The 1992 Consensus was an oral agreement reached between the
mainland-based Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits (ARATS) and the
Taiwan-based Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) as a result of their talks held from
late October to early December of 1992. The two nongovernmental organizations
agreed that “both sides of the Taiwan Straits will follow the one-China principle,”
which subsequently became the political foundation for cross-Straits consultations.
The kernel of the 1992 Consensus is the one-China principle, which means seeking
common ground while reserving differences. The 1992 Consensus defines
cross-Straits relations as neither state-to-state nor “one China, one Taiwan,” but
confirms the fact that the mainland and Taiwan belong to one China. The 1992
Consensus is the foundation on which cross-Straits relations can progress in peace
and stability and with positive interactions.

45. All of us, compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, must come together and
move forward in unison. (Para. 24)
in unison: If two groups, governments, etc. do something in unison, they do it
together because they agree with each other.
e.g. Management and workers must act in unison to compete with foreign business.

46. A century ago, a group of young progressives held aloft the torch of Marxism

and searched assiduously in those dark years for ways to rejuvenate the Chinese
nation. (Para. 25)
aloft: high up in the air
e.g. He emerged, holding a baby aloft.

torch: a long stick with burning material at one end that produces light
e.g. the Olympic torch

assiduously: in a way that involves great care and attention to detail

e.g. She assiduously worked her way up through the ranks.

47. Since then, under the banner of the Communist Party of China, generation after
generation of young Chinese have devoted their youth to the cause of the Party and
the people, and remained in the vanguard of the drive to rejuvenate the nation. (Para.
in/at the vanguard (of something): in the most advanced position of
e.g. The shop has always been in the vanguard of London fashion trends.

48. In the new era, our young people should make it their mission to contribute to
national rejuvenation and aspire to become more proud, confident, and assured in
their identity as Chinese people so that they can live up to the promise of their youth
and the expectations of our times, our Party, and our people. (Para. 26)
aspire: to desire and work towards achieving something important
aspire to do something
e.g. We aspire to become full-service providers to our clients.
aspire to something
e.g. Most of his students aspired to a career in business.

III. Original Chinese Text:

在庆祝中国共产党成立 100 周年大会上的讲话

关键在党。中华民族近代以来 180 多年的历史、中国共产党成立以来 100 年的历
史、中华人民共和国成立以来 70 多年的历史都充分证明,没有中国共产党,就
分割开来、对立起来的企图,都是绝不会得逞的!9500 多万中国共产党人不答
应!14 亿多中国人民也不答应!

中华民族拥有在 5000 多年历史演进中形成的灿烂文明,中国共产党拥有百
年奋斗实践和 70 多年执政兴国经验,我们积极学习借鉴人类文明的一切有益成
和谐是中华民族 5000 多年来一直追求和传承的理念,中华民族的血液中没有侵

奴役我们,谁妄想这样干,必将在 14 亿多中国人民用血肉筑成的钢铁长城面前


Analytical Reading

I. Understanding the text

Reference Answers:
1 The following outline presents an overview of the text. Fill in the blanks to
complete the outline.

Teaching Tips:
The purpose of the task of filling in the blanks in the outline is to help the students
understand the main structure and familiarize themselves with the central ideas of
the text. The teacher can ask the students to finish it independently before
comparing notes and/or providing standard answers.

Part I (Paras. 1-22): What we must bear in mind as we put conscious effort into
learning from history to create a bright future
• We must uphold the firm leadership of the Party.
• We must unite and lead the Chinese people in working ceaselessly for a better life.
• We must continue to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context.
• We must uphold and develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.
• We must accelerate the modernization of national defense and the armed forces.

• We must continue working to promote the building of a human community with a
shared future.
• We must carry out a great struggle with many new contemporary features.
• We must strengthen the great unity of the Chinese people.
• We must continue to advance the great new project of Party building.
Part II (Paras. 23-24): Advancing national reunification under the one-China
Part III (Paras. 25-26): The Party’s expectations of the young people

2 Discuss the following questions in pairs and share your ideas in class.
Teaching Tips:
The purpose of this pair task is to drive home the main points of the text with some
discussion and exploration. The teacher can ask the students to prepare answers to
this exercise in pairs beforehand and check their answers in class.

1. President Xi says that China’s success hinges on the Party. How should we uphold
the Party’s overall leadership and continue to enhance its leadership on the journey
We must be deeply conscious of the need to maintain political integrity, think in
big-picture terms, follow the leadership core, and keep in alignment with the central
Party leadership. We must stay confident in the path, theory, system, and culture of
socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must uphold the core position of the
General Secretary on the Party Central Committee and in the Party as a whole, and
uphold the Central Committee’s authority and its centralized, unified leadership.
Bearing in mind the country’s most fundamental interests, we must enhance the
Party’s capacity to conduct sound, democratic, and law-based governance, and
ensure that it fully exerts its core role in providing overall leadership and
coordinating the efforts of all sides.

2. President Xi’s remark that “This country is its people; the people are the country.”
(Para. 5) is often quoted to highlight the people-centered philosophy of development.
What are the major tenets of this philosophy stressed in this speech?
President Xi stresses that “Upholding the Party’s fundamental purpose of
wholeheartedly serving the people, we will stand firmly with the people, implement
the Party’s mass line, respect the people’s creativity, and practice a people-centered
philosophy of development. We will develop whole-process people’s democracy,
safeguard social fairness and justice, and resolve the imbalances and inadequacies in
development and the most pressing difficulties and problems that are of great concern

to the people. In doing so, we will make more notable and substantive progress
towards achieving well-rounded human development and common prosperity for all.”

3. President Xi says, “The Communist Party of China upholds the basic tenets of
Marxism and the principle of seeking truth from facts. Based on China’s realities, we
have developed keen insights into the trends of the day, seized the initiative in history,
and made painstaking explorations.” (Para. 7) Research the history of the CPC and
use examples to illustrate the theoretical breakthroughs that the CPC has made in the
process of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context.
Typical examples are: (1) Zunyi Meeting that established the correct leadership and
right path of the Party during the Long March; (2) the Third Plenary Session of the
11th CPC Central Committee that corrected the mistakes of the Cultural Revolution
and planned China’s strategic policy and path of reform and opening up.

4. How do you understand the statement “we have pioneered a new and uniquely
Chinese path to modernization” (Para. 9)? Do some research and discuss the major
characteristics of the Chinese path.
The Chinese path to modernization not only has the common characteristics of
modernization in other countries, but also has Chinese characteristics based on
national conditions. The modernization China wants to achieve is the modernization
of a huge population, the common prosperity for all the people in all respects. It is the
modernization of the harmonious coexistence between man and nature, and the
modernization that features peaceful development and win-win cooperation. The
successful practice of the Chinese path to modernization shows that the path of
Western modernization is not the only way for mankind to modernize. The Chinese
path to modernization expands the meaning of modernization and offers a new option
to other countries that seek to speed up their development while preserving

5. What role has the people’s army played in safeguarding regional and world peace?
Use some examples to support your argument.
The people’s army has made indelible achievements on behalf of the Party and the
people. It is a strong pillar for safeguarding our country and a powerful force for
protecting regional and world peace.
Statistics show that China has sent more than 50,000 peacekeepers in a row and has
participated in nearly 30 United Nations peacekeeping operations. In the Gulf of
Aden and Somali waters where piracy is rampant, the Chinese Navy escort formation
effectively maintains the safety of international maritime channels. When Ebola virus
ravaged West Africa, the Chinese army sent medical personnel to help relevant

countries fight the epidemic. The “Peace Ark” hospital ship has visited more than 40
countries and regions and provided medical services to more than 230,000 people.
There is no doubt that the Chinese army has become a powerful force for
safeguarding regional and world peace.

6. President Xi says, “We must carry out a great struggle with many new
contemporary features.” (Para. 17) What are some of the features of our contemporary
times in your view?
(1) Peaceful development vs the threat of war;
(2) Economic globalization vs trade protectionism and de-globalization;
(2) Rapid development of digital/information technology;
(3) The gap between unbalanced and inadequate development and the ever-growing
expectation of the people for a better life.

7. What does “patriotic united front” mean? Why is it important for achieving the goal
of national rejuvenation?
The patriotic united front is an important way to ensure the success of the Party’s
cause. It is guided by the principles of long-term coexistence, mutual oversight,
sincerity, and sharing weal and woe
The patriotic united front is important because we need to further strengthen the
solidarity of the Chinese people at home and abroad to realize the great rejuvenation
of the Chinese nation. We must mobilize all positive factors as widely and fully as
The report to the 19th CPC National Congress highlighted the guidelines for
consolidating and developing the patriotic united front. We must uphold patriotism
and socialism, strive to achieve great unity and solidarity, balance commonality and
diversity, and expand common ground and the convergence of interests.

8. President Xi says, “A hallmark that distinguishes the Communist Party of China

from other political parties is its courage in undertaking self-reform.” (Para. 21) What
does “self-reform” suggest in the context of Party building?
With strengthening the Party politically as our overarching principle, we must
continue advancing the great new project of Party building in the new era. We must
tighten the Party’s organizational system, work hard to train high-caliber officials
who have both moral integrity and professional competence, remain committed to
improving Party conduct, upholding integrity, and combating corruption, and root out
any elements that would harm the Party’s advanced nature and purity and any viruses
that would erode its health. We must ensure that the Party preserves its essence, color,
and character, and see that it always serves as the strong leadership core in the

course of upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics in the new

9. Regarding resolving the Taiwan question and realizing China’s complete

reunification, the one-China principle and the 1992 Consensus are mentioned in the
text as the guidelines. Do some research and learn more about the 1992 Consensus.
The 1992 Consensus refers to the consensus reached in 1992 by the mainland-based
Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits and the Taiwan-based Straits
Exchange Foundation. They agreed that “the two sides of the Taiwan Straits both
stick to the one-China principle.” The essence of the 1992 Consensus is that “both
sides of the Taiwan Straits belong to one China and will work together towards
national reunification.” It defines the fundamental nature of cross-Straits relations,
lays the political foundation for the development of ties across the Straits, and has
profound implications for cross-Straits relations to improve and develop.

10. According to the text, China has committed itself to promoting the shared human
values of peace, development, fairness, justice, democracy and freedom. Do some
research and discuss what each of these concepts implies.
Peace and development are the themes of the times and also related to people’s right
to survival and development. Peace is the eternal expectation of the people, just like
air and sunshine. Development is the first priority of all countries and a strong
support for the survival of civilization. Only in a peaceful environment can countries
achieve development. The development of all countries is also conducive to the
consolidation of world peace.
Fairness and justice are important norms in international relations and also related
to human dignity. At the national and social level, we should pay attention to the
comprehensive development of human beings and the promotion of social justice. At
the international level, the pursuit of fairness and justice is the lofty goal of people all
over the world in the field of international relations.
Democracy and freedom are important elements of modern political civilization and
also related to personal wellbeing. At the national level, China ensures that the people
enjoy broader, fuller and more authentic democratic rights, protects human freedom
and dignity according to law, and pursues the noble goal of “free and all-round
development for human beings.” At the international level, China advocates
multilateralism, promotes the democratization of international relations, and is
committed to promoting freedom of trade and investment and personnel exchanges.
As President Xi stresses, “Peace and development are our common cause, equity and
justice our common aspiration, and democracy and freedom our common pursuit.”

II. Critical Thinking
3 Discuss one of the following questions in small groups and share your ideas in
Teaching Tips:
 Critical thinking questions are quite challenging and thus students need to do
some independent research before class.
 Before the discussion session, divide the class into small groups of three or
four, and then allocate the questions among the groups so that each group is
devoted to the study of one question.
 In the discussion session, students first have group discussions sharing the
findings of their independent research before class. Encourage students to take
alternative perspectives and apply critical thinking skills in their joint
 After the group discussion, each group chooses a representative to report the
results of their discussion to the whole class.
 The teacher makes comments at the end of the discussion session.

1. President Xi says, “At the fundamental level, the capability of our Party and the
strengths of socialism with Chinese characteristics are attributable to the fact that
Marxism works.” Do some research and share your understanding of how the
fundamental tenets of Marxism have had a lasting relevance and significance for
Reference Answer:
Marxism is a scientific theory that reveals the laws underlying the development of
human society. The tenets of Marxism include dialectical materialism, historical
materialism, the theory of surplus value, class struggle through revolution,
dictatorship of the proletariat, etc.
The widespread dissemination of Marxism in China catalyzed the emergence of the
CPC, which represents the interests of the proletariat and has led the Chinese
revolution and socialist construction. For example, dialectical materialism serves as
the world view and methodology for the Party to understand and shape the world.
During the revolutionary wars, Mao Zedong wrote the book Oppose Book Worship,
and essays such as “On Practice,” “On Contradiction” and during the initial period
of the PRC in building socialism, he wrote On the Ten Major Relationships, On the
Correct Handling of Contradictions Among the People. These works reflect and
exemplify the world view and methodology of dialectical materialism.
Deng Xiaoping was also good at applying dialectical materialism. He emphasized
that we must seize the major contradiction of the initial stage of socialism and fulfill

the central task of economic development, and that we must evaluate our work in
As President Xi stresses, “Marxism is an instrument to transform our objective and
subjective world. As the Party worked to adapt Marxism to the Chinese context, it has
developed Mao Zedong Thought, Deng Xiaoping Theory, the Theory of Three
Represents, the Scientific Outlook on Development, and the Thought on Socialism
with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. They serve as powerful theoretical
weapons to advance social reform and self-reform.”
Note: Students can read 《不断开辟当代中国马克思主义、二十一世纪马克思主
义新境界》(《习近平谈治国理政》第三卷) for an in-depth analysis of the
significance and relevance of Marxism for contemporary China.

2. President Xi says, “We must demonstrate greater political awareness of the fact that
full and rigorous self-governance is a never-ending journey.” Do some research and
discuss what measures have been taken by the Party since the 18th CPC National
Congress to guarantee effective self-supervision and full and rigorous
Reference Answer:
Since the 18th CPC National Congress, many measures have been taken to guarantee
effective self-supervision and full and rigorous self-governance. For example, the
Eight Rules proposed by the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee to
cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people, rounds of inspections
organized by the CPC Central Committee, and the regulation on the norms of
political life within the Party and the revision of an intra-Party supervision regulation
adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the 18th CPC Central Committee.

More for Reference:

The Eight Rules proposed by the Political Bureau of the 18th CPC Central Committee
to cut bureaucracy and maintain close ties with the people are summarized as follows:
improving inspection and fact-finding trips, streamlining conferences and other
activities, reducing documents and briefings, standardizing arrangements for visits
abroad, enhancing security procedures, improving news reports, imposing restriction
on publishing of writings without authorization, and practicing diligence and
Twelve rounds of inspections have been organized by the 18th CPC Central
Committee, achieving for the first time in Party history full inspection coverage
during the first term of a Central Committee.
A regulation on the norms of political life within the Party, and a revision of an
intra-Party supervision regulation were adopted at the Sixth Plenary Session of the

18th CPC Central Committee. The two rules, with senior officials as the major
supervision target, mark a shift from the initial shock-and-awe ousting of corrupt
officials to perfecting the anti-corruption regulations and mechanism.

3. Based on what you have learned about the achievements of the CPC from this text
and this course at large, discuss how you would present the achievements of the Party
to the international community.
Reference Answer:
First, from the historical perspective, there had been a lot of failed attempts in
modern China to save and develop the country. Only the CPC succeeded in leading
the Chinese people to win national independence. At all the critical moments of
contemporary China, the Party showed strong leadership to overcome various
difficulties and directed the country on the right path.
Second, the CPC has stuck to the people-centered approach all the way through the
various stages of revolution, reform and opening up and the new era. As President Xi
says, “The Party has in the people its roots, its lifeblood, and its source of strength.
The Party has always represented the fundamental interests of all Chinese people; it
stands with them through thick and thin and shares a common fate with them.” The
poverty alleviation efforts made by the CPC represent a strong proof of the CPC’s
commitment. To understand the connection between the CPC and the Chinese people
is the key to understanding the status and identity of the CPC and its difference from
other political parties.
Third, the CPC’s wisdom and courage in self-reform and self-governance. There has
been a lot of challenges and tests confronting the CPC in different periods, some of
which were quite critical for the country and the Party. The CPC initiated many
unprecedented self-reforms to meet the challenges, which set the country back to the
right path every time.

Global Perspectives

I. Sample Summary:
The 100th anniversary of the CPC prompted a thorough examination of the
Party’s past achievements. Founded in 1921, the CPC has become the largest and
most successful ruling party worldwide. Marcos Cordeiro Pires indicates that few
countries in Asia and Africa that were under the European domination have
successfully transformed themselves from a weak country into a global power with
impressive economic and technological achievements.
Under the leadership of the CPC, China has achieved its First Centenary Goal and

eradicated absolute poverty. It has contributed to 70% of global poverty reduction and
accomplished the goals of the UN 2030 Agenda ten years earlier. No country with a
similar level of development as China has reduced poverty to the same degree.
The CPC’s success lies in its political competence and steadfast commitment to
people-centered governance. The CPC wholeheartedly represents the Chinese
people’s interests and will. Michele Geraci adds that the CPC’s flexibility, adaptability,
problem-solving ability and foresight also contribute to its success.
Despite Western skepticism and smear campaigns, the CPC has guided China
towards national rejuvenation by sticking to the path of socialism with Chinese
characteristics, significantly improving China’s national power. Marsela Musabelliu
acknowledges the significance of celebrating the Party’s centenary because of its
unparalleled contributions to China’s success and ongoing embodiment of the Chinese
people’s aspirations.
Richard Cullen believes the centenary of the CPC challenges what American
liberalism has promoted as the most viable option for the world’s development and
ends “the-end-of-history theory.” In a world facing unprecedented challenges, the
CPC has pioneered a viable notion of building a global community of shared future.

II. References for the Review in “Global Perspectives”:

1. Junius Ho and Kacee Ting, “Centenary Celebration Marks 100 Years of CPC’s
Unparalleled Achievement”, China Daily, July 29, 2021,
ml, (accessed March 1, 2022).
2. Liu Yi, Bu Yingna and Wang Jing, “100 Years of Fortitude”, China Daily, July 7,
(accessed March 1, 2022).
3. Liu Yi, Bu Yingna and Wang Jing, “On Course for 2nd Centenary Goal”, China
Daily, July 8, 2021,
l, (accessed March 1, 2022).
4. Marsela Musabelliu, “Celebrating the Success Story of CPC”, China Daily, July 1,
l, (accessed March 1, 2022).
5. Michele Geraci, “Party Vital to Great Achievements”, China Daily, July 13, 2021,
ml, (accessed March 2, 2022).

6. Richard Cullen, “The End of ‘the End of History’ Triggers Western
Anxiety-Testosterone Surge”, China Daily, July 29, 2021,
ml, (accessed March 1, 2022).

Telling China’s Story to the World

Sample Essay:
In September 2019, Yuan Longping, the “Father of Hybrid Rice,” was awarded
the Medal of the Republic for his unparalleled contributions to developing the first
hybrid rice strain that relieved countless people of hunger.
Born into a poor farmer’s family in 1930, Yuan graduated from Southwest
Agricultural College in 1953. After graduation, Yuan began his teaching career at an
agriculture school in Hunan Province and witnessed the devastation brought by a
nationwide famine, with massive crop failures, which lasted from 1959 to 1961. Yuan
saw China’s pressing need to increase the rice output and decided to devote himself to
the research and development of a better rice breed. In 1973, in cooperation with
others, he was able to cultivate a type of hybrid rice species which had great
advantages. It yielded 20 percent more per unit than that of common ones. The next
year their research made a breakthrough in seeding. They successfully developed a set
of technologies for producing indica (long-grained non-glutinous) rice, putting China
in the lead worldwide in rice production. For this achievement, he was dubbed the
“Father of Hybrid Rice.”
“Hybrid rice technology not only belongs to China but also to the whole world,”
said Yuan. Since the 1980s, Yuan’s team has offered training courses in dozens of
countries in Africa, the Americas and Asia, providing a rich food source in areas with
a high risk of famine. With his research, the UN has more tools to rid the world of
hunger. China’s export of saline-alkaline tolerant rice and the technique has been
regarded as a pivotal way to combat the world’s food insecurity. In 2018, Yuan’s team
was invited to make a trial plantation of saline-alkaline tolerant rice in experimental
fields in Dubai and achieved huge success.
From having enough to eat to eating well, now the focus of Yuan’s hybrid rice
project has changed. Yuan’s team developed a strain of low-cadmium Indica rice in
2017 that could reduce the average amount of cadmium in rice by over 90 percent in
areas suffering from heavy metal pollution. Green and sustainable development is
Yuan’s team’s next goal.
In May 2021, Yuan passed away in Changsha at 91. In a condolence message

conveyed to Yuan’s family, President Xi spoke highly of Yuan’s contribution to
China’s food security, innovation in agricultural technology, and world grain
“My life goal is to help all people stay away from hunger.” Yuan Longping’s
lifelong pursuit of super hybrid rice will inspire generations far into the future, in
China and worldwide.

Language in Focus

Teaching Tips:
 The materials in “Language in Focus” are extracted from The Governance of
China. Some sentences are closely related to the theme of this unit (e.g.
Sentences 10 and 14 in “Words and phrases,” and Sentences 1, 4 and 5 in
“Translation”). The teacher can elaborate on the meaning of these sentences
if time allows.
 The teacher can ask students to discuss their difficulties in and thoughts on
“Translation” and “Discourse and rhetoric” in small groups and give them
assistance if necessary.
 The reference answers to “Translation” and Exercise 4 in “Discourse and
rhetoric” are only for reference.

Reference Answers:
Words and phrases
1. in unison 2. erode 3. champion
4. hinges on 5. stemmed from 6. mobilize
7. subjugation 8. are attributable to 9. steer
10. root out 11. in tandem with 12. in great strides
13. in alignment with 14. across the board 15. is bound to

1. 中国特色社会主义最本质的特征是中国共产党领导,中国特色社会主义制度
The leadership of the CPC is the defining feature of Chinese socialism and the
greatest strength of this system. Our Party is the highest force for political
2. 全党要更加自觉地增强道路自信、理论自信、制度自信、文化自信,既不走

Our whole Party must strengthen our confidence in the path, theory, system and
culture of socialism with Chinese characteristics. We must neither retrace our
steps to the rigidity and isolation of the past, nor take the wrong turn by changing
our nature and abandoning our system. We must maintain our political orientation,
do the good solid work that sees our country thrive, and continue to uphold and
develop socialism with Chinese characteristics.
3. 强军兴军开创新局面。着眼于实现中国梦强军梦,制定新形势下军事战略方
With a view to realizing the Chinese Dream and the dream of building a powerful
military, we have developed a strategy for the military under new circumstances,
and have made every effort to modernize national defense and the armed forces.
4. 党的十八届六中全会通过关于新形势下党内政治生活的若干准则,党中央出
The Code of Conduct for Intraparty Political Life under New Circumstances was
approved at the sixth plenary session of the 18th Central Committee in 2016. The
following year, the Central Committee issued the Regulations of the Political
Bureau on Upholding and Strengthening the Centralized, Unified Leadership of
the Central Committee. These documents were designed to strictly enforce the
Party’s political rules and discipline, to prevent and oppose self-centered behavior,
decentralism, behavior in disregard of the rules, silo mentality, and unprincipled
nice-guyism, to cultivate a positive and healthy intraparty political culture, and to
foster a sound political environment of honesty and integrity within the Party.
5. 治理好我们这个世界上最大的政党和人口最多的国家,必须坚持党的全面领
To govern our Party, which is the largest in the world, and our country, which
is the most populous in the world, we must uphold the Party’s overall
leadership, especially the Central Committee’s centralized, unified
leadership, adhere to democratic centralism, and ensure that the Party
exercises overall leadership and coordination.

Discourse and rhetoric

3. (not the only answers)
1. Despite, and, its, Therefore, innovation, innovation
2. never, and, however, When, or, towards
3. After, such as, Since, while, such as

1. The Party has always represented the fundamental interests of all Chinese people; it
stands with them through thick and thin and shares a common fate with them.
2. An important reason why the Party remains so vital and vibrant despite having
undergone so many trials and tribulations is that it practices effective
self-supervision and full and rigorous self-governance.
(alliteration; repetition: “self-”)
3. The strength of China’s socialist political system, featuring Chinese
characteristics—workable, full of vigor and vitality, and efficient—is that, past
and present, it has grown on the Chinese soil. In the future, it will continue to
thrive and to be deeply rooted in this soil.

Analysis for the Rhetoric Part:

The three English sentences all make use of the rhetorical device of alliteration:
“through thick and thin” in the first sentence; “vital and vibrant” and “trials and
tribulations” in the second sentence; “vigor and vitality” and “past and present” in the
third sentence.
As the examples show, alliteration is the repetition of an initial consonant sound
in two or more nearby words. The use of alliteration can achieve a number of
rhetorical effects:
(1) to enhance the beauty of the writing;
(2) to emphasize particular phrases or feelings;
(3) to use the sounds they repeat (a soft “s” or a hard “t”, for instance) to mirror
the ideas or events or feelings being described;
(4) to make writing musical and memorable.
Alliteration and rhyme are the two most popular rhetorical devices in English that

contain phonetic patterns. In Chinese, there are similar devices that make use of sound
patterns (e.g. 双声、叠韵:慷慨、逍遥), but usually it is very difficult to translate
English phonetic patterns with corresponding Chinese ones.
In the first two pairs of sentences of this exercise, alliteration is actually used as a
replacement for other stylistic/rhetorical devices in the original Chinese. In the first
two Chinese sentences, there are idiomatic phrases of parallel structures (休戚与共,
生死相依 and 千锤百炼而朝气蓬勃). The four-character constructions make the
language rhythmic and musical. Due to the linguistic differences of Chinese and
English, the patterns of such linguistic forms are real challenges in translation. The
English translations paraphrase the idiomatic phrases and use alliteration, strategically
enhancing the beauty of the translations.
The third Chinese sentence is plain in language, compared with the first two,
although it contains the metaphor of a plant. The use of “vigor and vitality” and “past
and present” in the translation makes the best of the rhetorical device of alliteration
and enhances the stylistic flavor and rhetorical effects of the translation.

Ancient Chinese Wisdom

Explain the following quote and reflect on its contemporary relevance.

Reviewing the past enables us to understand the causes for the rise and fall of a state.
From The Book of Tang (《旧唐书》)
Reference Answer:
Similar to looking through a rear-view mirror while we are driving, learning from
history offers us a better understanding of where we currently stand and where we
should go. The Aspiration and Mission education campaign aims to motivate all
members of the CPC to study the Party’s history so that they can see how the Party
succeeded in the past and how it can continue to succeed in the future. The essence of
this campaign is that Party members must remain true to the original aspiration of
serving the people wholeheartedly and to the founding mission of working towards
the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. This education campaign proves that the CPC
has both the courage to reform itself and the ability to meet all challenges.


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