RLWW - 1 Activity 2

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Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph




NAME: Dimarucot, James francis ryan DATE: September 05, 2023

LEVEL/SECTION/ GRP: Bsn 2-10 SCORE: __________________

Exercise 2.1

1) Why is the written word more powerful than the spoken word?
a) Written words are stronger than spoken ones because they can reach more people for a
longer time, provide a clear and unbiased perspective, and can be read repeatedly to
understand better. They are also more flexible, with many layers of meaning. When
people write, they can think deeply without being distracted or influenced. Over time,
writing has been essential for preserving and sharing knowledge and for discussions. In
contrast, spoken words are temporary and can be misunderstood because of how they're
said or the emotions behind them. In short, writing is a powerful and flexible way to
express ideas and preserve knowledge.

2) What is the power of literature and how could it be used?

a) Literature is like a super important way of telling stories that brings people together, even
if they're from different times and places. It helps us understand different views, cultures,
and feelings, making us more compassionate and making us question how things are in
society. It's also like a treasure chest of knowledge, teaching us about history, deep
thoughts, and many other things while making our language and creativity better. Plus, it
keeps our traditions and stories alive for our kids and their kids. So, basically, literature is
timeless and speaks to everyone because it helps us all talk and understand each other

3) In what way literature can have different effect on the readers? Cite and example and explain.

QF-PQM-035 (05.03.2023) Rev.06


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


a) Literature can make people feel different things and think in various ways because it
depends on their life experiences and how they see the world. It can make us feel sad,
happy, or even scared. It can also make us think about important stuff, like how society
works or what's right and wrong. Sometimes, it can change our opinions or make us
question what we thought was true. For example, when we read books that talk about
how people can overcome tough times, it can give us hope and help us see the world
differently. Modern books can also make us rethink the ideas of getting older and how it
affects society. In a way, literature helps us understand life better and deal with the
challenges we face.

4) Why the Katipuneros borrowed the story of Bernardo Carpio? Why they identify themselves
with Bernardo Carpio.
a) The Katipunan, a group of Filipino revolutionaries in the late 1800s, used the legend of
Bernardo Carpio as a symbol in their fight for freedom from Spanish rule. In the story,
Carpio, a legendary hero, was stuck in a cave, which the Katipuneros used for their secret
meetings. They saw Carpio's story as a sign that Filipinos could also break free from the
Spanish colonizers. This story was important because it was a part of Filipino culture and
history, and it brought people together in their quest for independence.

(a) The Katipunan, led by the Katipuneros, felt a strong connection to Bernardo
Carpio because they saw him as a symbol of Filipino bravery, their own
struggles against Spanish rule, and something that all Filipinos could relate to.
Carpio's story of being unfairly trapped was like their own experience of
being oppressed by the Spanish. His story was something that many Filipinos
knew about and could understand, so it brought people together to support the
Katipunan's fight for freedom. Carpio's story also gave them hope that, like
him, they could break free and become independent from Spanish rule. In a
way, Carpio's story represented the qualities they wanted to have and the
freedom they wanted to achieve.

QF-PQM-035 (05.03.2023) Rev.06


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


5) How was literature used to stir up the people to fight for their freedom?
a) Literature is a medium that conveys and appreciates freedom between writers and
readers, connecting people through the power of imagination. It is a truly free art form, as
it allows readers to imagine anyone as Rhett Butler or Scarlett O'Hara. However,
publishing is not always related to freedom, as in my country, the Press Scrutiny Board
for nearly five decades prohibited the publication of some literature. This process made it
difficult to establish media or literature in ethnic languages, limiting freedom of the press
and pluralism in the press.
Literature has played a crucial role in inspiring and mobilizing individuals and
communities in various historical contexts. Revolutionary leaders and organizations often
produced pamphlets and propaganda materials to disseminate their messages and rally
support. Poetry and songs have a powerful emotional impact, and novels and fiction often
serve as allegories for real-world struggles. Speeches and oratory have been used
effectively to galvanize audiences, with figures like Martin Luther King Jr. and Winston
Churchill using powerful rhetoric to inspire action and unity.
Historical accounts and biographies of freedom fighters can be motivating, as they tell the
stories of individuals who fought for freedom against all odds. Satirical and political
writings often challenge oppressive systems and encourage critical thinking, as George
Orwell used allegory and satire to critique totalitarianism and inspire resistance.

Exercise 2.2
1) From his diary what happened to him? What was the purpose of his diary.
a) Jose Rizal, a famous Filipino who believed in his country's freedom, went through a
major life-changing event when he was a student at Santo Tomas University. He got
arrested by the town police because they thought he tried to harm Jose Alberto's wife.
This event had a big impact on Rizal. It made him lose trust in people and made him see
that the friars had too much influence over local leaders.Rizal wrote about all these
experiences in his diary called "Memorias de un Estudiante de Manila." This diary was a

QF-PQM-035 (05.03.2023) Rev.06


Gov. D. Mangubat Ave., Brgy. Burol Main, City of Dasmariñas, Cavite 4114, Philippines
Tel. Nos. (046) 416-4339/41 www.eac.edu.ph


way for him to write down what happened to him and what he saw in Manila. His
writings were important because they motivated and united the Filipino people to fight
for their freedom from Spanish rule. Rizal's words helped spark important changes in the
Philippines, which eventually led to the Philippine Revolution.

2) Was it for information? For History? For inspiration? To keep record of the Past? Kindly
write your comments:
"Memorias de un Estudiante de Manila" is a memoir written by Jose Rizal, a Filipino writer
who wanted to capture his youth's experiences and what he saw during that time. He didn't
originally write it to share information widely or analyze history. Instead, it was a way for
him to express how he felt about important events and how they affected him personally.
However, as time passed, Rizal's writings, including this memoir, became valuable historical
records that help us understand what life was like in the Philippines during the late 19th
century. They also played a big role in motivating and uniting the Filipino people in their
fight for independence from Spanish rule. So, even though Rizal started by just wanting to
remember his experiences, his writings ended up being crucial for both history and inspiring
the struggle for freedom. This memoir gives us a glimpse into Rizal's life and the important
issues of his time when he was a student in Manila.

QF-PQM-035 (05.03.2023) Rev.06


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