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The pie charts demonstrate majority methods to treat toxic waste in three different nations.

It is clear that burying dangerous waste is the used the most in United Kingdom and Sweden, while in
South Korea, recycling is the most common way used to deal with it. Besides, destroying garbage by fire
is the least popular method in three countries.

The proportion of burying waste in the UK and Sweden is the largest, accounting for 82% and 55%
respectively. Besides, it can easily see that the percentage of United Kingdom is about three in ten
higher than Sweden. In contrast, in Korea recycling waste is used the most, with approximately 70%,
followed by burying waste at over one-fifth.

According to the pie charts, three nations have a similar in the ways use to treat waste that burning is
the least method in use. Additionally, the proportion of Sweden is larger than the figure in Republic
Korea and United Kingdom, with 20%, 9% and 8% respectively.


The bar chart demonstrates the percentage of water available in reservoirs of 6 cities in Australia in
October 2009 and October 2010.

It is clear that Brisbane showed the highest figure in both periods while Perth displayed the lowest
proportion in 2010. Besides, Sydney presented a similar data in both periods whereas others had an
increasing trend except Perth.

In October 2010, the proportion of Brisbane was the highest, at 100% while the percent in Perth which
was the lowest figure, lower than three quarter as Brisbane. In addition, the proportion of Perth saw a
decline trend from 2009 to 2010 for about 15%. However, for other cities except Sydney the percentage
experienced a dramatic growth over the period.

Besides, the trend of Sydney remained the same in 2009 and 2010. In 2009, the figure of Sydney was
about a half and in 2010 the proportion still stayed the same at 50%.

The bar graph demonstrates the revenue of different school items of the period of 6 years starting from 2013.

It is clear that over the period of 6 years, apart from envelopes, all other stationery items experiences an increase
in sale. Besides, notebooks were the best-selling item throughout the period while envelopes recorded the lowest
figure in 2019.

According to the bar chart, the sales of notebooks were the highest in 2013, at over 10 million, after which this
revenue saw a rapid growth to approximately 20 million in 2019. Similarly, other stationary tools experienced the
same trend as notebooks except for envelopes. (nên viết thêm về 2 mặt hàng còn lại)

However, while other school items showed an increasing trend, envelopes displayed the opposite one. In 2013 it
sales its revenue started at over 5 million and began to fall gradually to under 5 million at 2019. In 2019, it became
to become the least worst-selling item and the revenue lower than notebooks for approximately 15 million. (đã có
đoạn trên để nói về notebooks rồi thì ko so vs notebooks nữa mà nên so với các mặt hàng khác)

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