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The 47,
and the

The hand and the brain

G. Lundborg
Department of Hand Surgery, Malmö University Hospital, Sweden

G. Lundborg
Department of Hand Surgery, Malmö University Hospital, Sweden
SE 20502 Malmö. Sweden

Everyone involved in hand surgery and hand rehabilitation 1993). Stereognosis, the functional sensibility of the hand also
is well aware of the importance of well functioning hands for called tactile gnosis, makes it possible to recognise and identify
our patients’ well being and life quality. A powerful pain free textures and shapes. The hands are our eyes in darkness helping
handgrip and well-coordinated precision movements of the fingers to create an inner picture in our mind of the structures, textures
together with well-preserved sensory functions form a base for and items which are touched. Blind people use the sense of
every individual’s working capacity. Our hands are heavily involved touch in their fingertips for replacing vision when reading in
in the interaction with other individuals in social life. Impaired Braille. Hands are sensitive and respond to vibrations, and it is
hand function may have serious consequences for activities of well known that deaf people can sometimes listen with their
daily living as well as subjective well being of our patients. hands. One of the viola players in the London symphony orchestra
became gradually deaf during the teen ages. Although she can
not hear music she feels the music through the vibration sense
The outer brain of her hands.
The philosopher Descartes named the hand the outer
brain – a very clever expression for the close and intimate Multimodal plasticity
interaction between the hand and the brain. The hand is – like
the brain – intelligent, it remembers, and it can improvise. The The capacity to use sensation of the hand as substitution
hand can be regarded an extension of the brain to the for another missing sense is a well-known phenomenon which
environment. Through the sense of touch our hands helps to recently have gained much interest in the neuroscientific
explore and perceive the surrounding world. The hand is a symbol literature (Bavelier and Neville, 2002). Sensory deprivation of
for identity and is intimately linked to our personality. The one modality can have striking effects on the development of
movements and gestures of our hands are important components the remaining modalities, and it is believed that specific brain
of the body language, helping to express our feelings and being areas called polymodal association centres are susceptible to
an important tool for communication with other individuals. such cross-model re-organisation (Bavelier and Neville, 2002).
The touch of a hand generates comfort and consolation. In The phenomenon illustrates the capacity of the brain cortex for
fact, the pleasant feeling of well being which is generated by rapid synaptic re-organisation when there is a need for such
the touch of hands has recently been linked to a special system plastic changes.
of small-sized nerve fibres – producing a faint sensation of Touch, vision, taste, smell and hearing may co-operate
pleasant touch. fMRI analysis during stimulation of these C tactile and interact to give a total appreciation of the environment, but
afferents in hairy skin showed activation of the insular region of touch has been recognised as the sense which enables an
the brain but not of somatosensory areas S1 and S2 (Olausson ultimate feeling of the true nature of the surrounding physical
et al., 2002). The findings identify these C tactile afferents as world: “touch – the vital medium for appreciation of the
a system for limbic touch that may underlie emotional, hormo- physiological world: we are participants, not spectators, and
nal and affiliative responses to caress-like, skin-to-skin contact it is through embodiment that we participate” (Josipovici,
between individuals. 1996).

The sense of touch Physiology of sensation

The sensibility of the human hand is extremely well The physiological basis for the sense of touch is located in
developed and essential for hand function. Protective sensibility the fingertips, but the true perception and interpretation is
is necessary to avoid injuries to the hand (Brand and Yancey, based on processes located in the brain. The mechanoreceptors


Lundborg G

of the hand respond to touch, vibration and stretching. They fingers for reading in Braille (Pasqual-Leone and Torres, 1993).
may be slowly adapting or fast adapting (Edin and Johansson, Among musicians it has been demonstrated that the string hand
1995; Johansson and Vallbo, 1983; Johansson and Westling, of violin players, especially those how started practicing in very
1984; Vallbo and Johansson, 1984). Signals, elicited by tactile early ages, occupies larger projectional area in the somatosensory
stimuli, are transmitted via nerve fibres of various sizes to the as well as motor cortex of the brain (Elbert et al., 1995). Long-
somatosensory cortical area via relay stations in the dorsal horn lasting intense activities in the synaptic interactions between
of the spinal cord and at thalamus level. There is a capacity for nerve cells induce a strengthening of their connections to adjacent
plastic synaptic changes between nerve cells at all levels. nerve cells by potentiation of the synaptic sites, hereby increasing
According to classic concepts tactile stimuli from the hand are the total cortical area being involved in the tasks. It can be
processed in area 3B in the somatosensory cortex. In the shown experimentally that the “microspikes”, representing the
classical homunculus figures the hand, like the adjacent face synaptic interactions between nerve cells, are becoming more
representation, occupies a very large area (Penfield and Boldrey, numerous and more well expressed in these situations, a
1937; Penfield and Rasmussen, 1950) – a fact reflecting the phenomenon which reflects the cellular basis for a learning
enormous quantity of nerve cells which are required to serve all situation. A number of stimulatory factors such as an enriched
the fine sensory functions of the hand (Kaas, 1983; Kaas, 1997). environment can very substantially influence the activation of
Modern brain imaging techniques like PET, MEG and fMRI have such microspikes and hereby facilitate a learning process
created new and improved possibilities to map the projectional (Johansson, 2000).
sites of the hand and fingers, verifying what has been known
from previous studies using direct recordings from a cortical
surface in primates (Merzenich and Jenkins, 1993; Merzenich Brain plasticity
et al., 1978; Merzenich et al., 1983). Sensory messages from
Enlargement of the cortical projection of the hand, based
the hand are processed mainly in the contralateral hemisphere
on increased use of the hand, is an expression for brain plasticity
but also to some extent in the ipsilateral hemisphere (Hansson
- the capacity for the brain to “mould its functional shape”
and Brismar, 1999). The large hand projectional area in the
depending on peripheral requirements. The phenomenon is the
somatosensory area is reflected in an analogous large area in
basis also for modern trends in rehabilitation of stroke patients,
the motor cortex, reflecting the need for sufficient brain capacity
using so called constrained-induced (CI) training of paralytic
to control the fine movements of the hand. Also motor functions
patients to improve motor activation, probably by enrolling new
of hand are based primarily on activity in the contralateral
cortical brain areas in the motor tasks which are required (Candia
hemisphere, but with more delicate hand movements more
et al., 1999; Johansson, 2000; Taub et al., 2002).
areas are being engaged in numerous parts of the brain, including
Thus, the well-defined cortical hand map can be modified
the ipsilateral side (Ehrsson et al., 2001). It has recently been
and enlarged by increased use of the hand, but it can also be
shown that electrical microstimulation of motor cortex in
modified in a negative direction by non-physiological use of the
monkeys may not only result in activity in separate muscles or
hand. In fact the phenomenon of dystonia which is sometime
muscle groups, but may also -when performed on a behaviourally
seen among musicians, has been explained by a deterioration of
relevant time scale- evoke coordinated complex movement pattern
the hand map into a disorganised pattern (Bara-Jimanez et al.,
of the arm that involve many joints. For example, stimulation of
1998; Byl et al., 1996; Elbert et al., 1998). Dystonia is an
one site cause the hand to shape into a grip posture and move
incapacity to regulate and control individual finger movements -
to the mouth (Graziano et al., 2002).
an expression for non-syncronus muscle movements. It has been
shown in primate experiments, where monkeys have been trained
Changes in functional organisation to use their hands in a monotonous, repetitive non-physiological
of brain cortex movements involving simultaneous tactile stimuli of various part
of the hand, that there is a “fusion” of the normally well separated
It was long believed that the synaptic networks and projectional sites of individual fingers, and that the cortical hand
functional organisation of the brain were hard wired from birth map hereby is deteriorated (Wang et al., 1995). An analogous
and could not change during adult life. However, about 20 years phenomenon has been observed in guitar players suffering from
ago experiments involving direct cortical recording from brain dystonia (Elbert et al., 1998). Current rehabilitation programs
cortex in monkeys clearly shown that the cortical functional for these patients aim at a reversal of these pathological
synaptic organisation can rapidly be changed as a result from, organisational changes towards a normalisation of the sensory
e.g. de-afferentiation and increased use of the hand (see review hand map, in order to provide conditions for better coordination
by Lundborg, 2000). The hand can shape the brain -from the between the sensory and motor components of the central
functional point of view- during various types of learning processes. nervous system (Byl and McKenzie, 2000).
It was early shown in primate experiments that increased use Cortical functional re-organisations can occur as very rapid
of fingers gave rise to a rapid functional re-organisation in phenomena. It has been shown that when fingers are
somatosensory brain cortex expressed in an expansion of the anaesthetised by local blocks there is, within minutes, a cortical
projectional sites of the corresponding fingers (Jenkins et al., expansion of the adjacent fingers representation so that their
1990; Merzenich and Jenkins, 1993). More nerve cells became occupational areas now will cover the former projectional site
engaged in specific tasks to make possible a more refined of the anaesthetic finger (Rossini et al., 1994).
processing of the sensory message from the hand. The same A strange phenomenon, probably illustrating a bilateral
phenomenon has been noticed in blind patients using their index cortical reorganisation as a consequence of unilateral de-


The hand and the brain

afferentiation has recently been described by Werhahn (Werhahn of the fingers are being reinnervated. The result is a total re-
et al., 2002). This author assessed the tactile spatial resolution organisation of the cortical hand map – “the hand speaks a
of one hand by using Tactile Acuity Gratings (MedCore, new language to the brain”. The mind of an adult patient has in a grating orientation task (GOT). They difficulties in interpreting the new sensory messages, arriving in
found a rapid improvement in tactile spatial acuity and changes new and in-appropriate cortical destinations, and the tactile
in cortical processing for the left hand during cutaneous gnosis therefore does not return easily. In very young patients
anaesthesia of the right hand. They concluded that this site- the situation is different: up to the age of 10 there is a possibility
specific improvement in tactile spatial acuity may represent a for total recovery of all delicate sensory functions, but then
behavioural compensatory gain. there is a rapid decline in this capacity to the age of 20-25
A rapid cortical re-organisation occurs also after (Lundborg and Rosen, 2001). The young brain makes however
amputation of fingers(Merzenich and Jenkins, 1993; Merzenich a much better job then the adult brain – in analogy with other
et al., 1984; Weiss et al., 2000). Data from brain imaging types of re-learning processes. In fact, the pattern of sensory
studies clear demonstrate how the projectional sites of remaining recovery as related to age is analogous to the capacity of
fingers rapidly expand - a phenomenon which is even more immigrants of different ages to learn to speak a second language
obvious after amputation of hands or total arms. After arm (Johnson and Newport, 1989; Barinaga, 2000). Thus, the key
amputation there is a rapid expansion of the adjacent cortical to the outcome from nerve repair is – to a large extent – hidden
face representation which expands over the former arm in the brain, and future strategies to improve the results should
projection. This may give rise to a very strange phenomenon be more directed to the process of re-learning rather then the
already at 24 hours after amputation: the missing hand can be technical aspects of the surgical repair perse.
“mapped” in the face so that touch of specific areas of the face Although the necessity of programs for sensory re-
can give rise to tactile sensations in individual fingers of the education have been well recognised by e.g. Dellon ( Dellon,
missing hand (Borsook et al., 1998; Flor et al., 1998; Flor et 1981;Dellon, 1997), Wynn-Parry (Wynn-Parry and Salter,
al., 1995; Ramachandran et al., 1992). The phenomenon of 1976), these programs for sensory re-training are initiated at
phantom sensations is based on such, sometimes very disturbing first at the time when the first re-generating fibres arrive in
cortical reorganisation phenomena. It is believed that the more the hand, i.e. at 3-4 months after repair of a median nerve
severe cortical re-organisation, the greater is the risk to develop injury at wrist level. Immediately after nerve transection there
pain in association with phantom sensations (Birbaumer et al., is a “black hole” in somatosensory cortex – a vacant area
1997; Flor et al., 1998; Flor et al., 1995; Knecht et al., 1998a; receiving no sensory impulses. The adjacent cortical areas
Knecht et al., 1995; Knecht et al., 1998b). The cortical re- rapidly expands and take over the former hand area as a result
organisation which follows amputation of a hand can reversed of a functional re-organisation. At a later stage, when
when the amputated body part is re-attached. In homologous misdirected axons are re-innervating the hand, there is a second
hand transplantation it has been demonstrated, using fMRI phase of re-organisation with remapping of the cortical hand
techniques, that transplantation of a homologous hand to a area as a result of nerve fibres arriving in non-correct
amputee is followed by a continuous expansion of a corresponding destinations in the hand (Merzenich et al., 1983; Wall et al.,
projectional hand area in motor cortex. After transplantation 1986).
movements are initiated very early in the transplanted hand.
This puts special demands on the motor cortex where an
increasing population of motor nerve cells become engaged in Artificial sensibility
these movements. As a result, the hand motor projectional
Thus, a key problem is the first postoperative months when
area is regained within six months (Giraux et al., 2001).
the hand is without sensibility and the cortical hand representation
is more or less absent. We have started to use a new protocol
Nerve injury aiming at a preservation of the original hand map by using an
alternate sensory input from the hand by use of a system providing
It is well known from primate experiments that transection artificial sensibility. From the first postoperative day after nerve
and repair of major peripheral nerve trunk is followed by major injury our patients use a Sensory Glove system where miniature
functional cortical re-organisations (Garraghty et al., 1994; microphones are mounted at fingertip levels -either individually
Merzenich and Jenkins, 1993; Silva et al., 1996; Wall et al., or in a glove- picking up the friction sound which is elicited
1986). These phenomenons are reflected in the inferior results when the hand touches various materials, textures and structures.
usually obtained in patients with injury to major nerve trunk in This friction sound is very specific for individual textures and
the hand or arm. Major nerve lesions in adults represent one of materials. By using a stereo system equipped with headphones
the most challenging problems to the hand surgeon (Lundborg, there is a stereophonic acoustic spatial resolution of the hand
1988). Following repair of the median nerve in an adult patient - “the patient can listen to what the hand feels” (Lundborg et
there is never, or very seldom a total recovery of the functional al., 1999). The result is an immediate capacity to identify various
sensibility of the hand. For instance, two point discrimination materials and structures which are touched, and a capacity to
very seldom reach normal values and the patients have substantial localize and identify individual fingers during touch. The protocol
difficulties to identify textures and shapes by fingertip sensation is used to preserve the cortical hand map and thereby facilitate
without using vision as a supplementary sense. A major reason sensory recovery when nerve fibres arrive in the hand. Preliminary
is the misdirection of the outgrowing axons, regardless of how results from a Swedish multi centre study and pilot cases indicate
refined surgical technique is used, so that non-correct skin areas that return of tactile gnosis after six months is significantly


Lundborg G

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injuries involving de-afferentiation or misdirection of regenerating a perceptual correlate of cortical organization following arm
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