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Dissertation submitted in part fulfilment for the requirement of the

B.B.A., LL.B. (Hons.)
course in Fundamentals of Management.

Submitted by - Submitted to -
(i) Abhay Kumar (23201) Dr. Shweta Vats
(ii) Anuja Chatterjee (23209) Assistant Professor of
(iii) Dhruv Gurnani (23215) Fundamentals of Management
(iv) Harsh Raj (23221)
(v) Lokesh Kumar (23225)
(vi) Meera Prasun (23230)
(vii)Mahima Kumari (23227)
1ST SEMESTER (Group No. 1)


September, 2023.

We would like to take this opportunity to express our gratitude and deep
regards towards Dr. Shweta Vats, Faculty of Fundamentals of Management,
for her exemplary guidance, valuable feedback, and constant support
throughout the completion of this project.

We would also like to extend our gratitude to our friends who gave us constant
motivation without which the research would not have been completed. Finally,
we thank the Almighty who gave us the courage and stamina to confront all the
hurdles during the making of this project. These words are not enough to express
the incredible help bestowed upon us by people and almighty to complete this

i) ABHAY KUMAR (23201)

iii) DHRUV GURNANI (23215)
iv) HARSH RAJ (23221)
v) LOKESH KUMAR (23225)
vi) MEERA PRASUN (23230)
vii) MAHIMA KUMARI (23227)

SEMESTER: 1st (Group No. 1)


We hereby declare that the dissertation entitled “BIDEN: FIGUREHEAD OF

USA” submitted is the outcome of our own work carried out under the supervision
of Dr. Shweta Vats, Faculty of Fundamentals of Management.

We further declare that to the best of our knowledge, the dissertation does not contain
any part of work, which has not been submitted for the award of any degree either
in this University or any other institutions without proper citation.

Place: Chanakya National Law University, Patna

Date: 15th October, 2023

Table Of Contents


Declaration By The Candidates................................................................................................3

1. Introduction:........................................................................................................................6

1.1. Background:................................................................................................................6

1.2 Present Study:...................................................................................................................7

2. Figurehead Roles In Governance:.......................................................................................8

2.1 Definition And Concept Of A Figurehead........................................................................8

2.2. Significance Of Figureheads In Governance:.................................................................9

3. President Joe Biden As The American Figurehead...........................................................11

3.1. Constitutional Role Of The American President.......................................................11

3.2. Ceremonial And Symbolic Duties.............................................................................11

3.3. Diplomatic Functions And International Representation..........................................11

3.4. Moral Leadership In The American Context.............................................................11

4. The Indian Prime Minister As The Figurehead.................................................................12

4.1. Constitutional Role Of The Indian Prime Minister...................................................12

4.2. Ceremonial And Symbolic Duties In India...............................................................12

4.3. Diplomatic Functions And International Representation..........................................13

4.4. Moral Leadership In The Indian Context..................................................................13

5. Comparative Analysis: American President Vs. Indian Prime Minister As Figureheads. 14

5.1. Constitutional Variations...........................................................................................14

5.2. Cultural And Historical Contexts..............................................................................14

5.3. Ceremonial Roles......................................................................................................15

5.4. Diplomatic Functions................................................................................................15

6. Challenges And Responsibilities Of Figurehead Leaders.................................................16

6.1. Balancing Symbolism And Governance....................................................................16

6.2. Public Expectations And Accountability...................................................................16

6.3. Diplomacy And International Representation...........................................................17

6.4. Crisis Management And Unifying Roles...................................................................17

6.5. Ethical Dilemmas And Difficult Choices..................................................................17

6.6. Contemporary Challenges And Global Responsibilities...........................................18

7. Evolving Figurehead Leadership In The 21st Century.....................................................19

7.1. Technology And Communication..............................................................................19

7.2. Social And Cultural Shifts.........................................................................................19

7.3. Global Challenges And Collaborative Leadership....................................................20

7.4. Adaptation And Resilience........................................................................................20

7.5. Reimagining The Figurehead Role............................................................................20

8. The Future Of Figurehead Leadership: Trends And Possibilities.....................................22

8.1. Technological Advancements....................................................................................22

8.2. Global Interconnectedness.........................................................................................22

8.3. Public Engagement And Transparency......................................................................23

8.4. Environmental And Social Responsibility.................................................................23

8.5. Adaptation And Resilience........................................................................................24

9. Conclusion........................................................................................................................25

10. Learnings And Suggestions:..........................................................................................26

11. Bibliography..................................................................................................................27
In the realm of political leadership and governance, the roles of heads of state transcend mere
administrative functions. These figures, often referred to as "figureheads," play a pivotal role
in symbolizing the unity, values, and aspirations of their respective nations. This project
delves into the figurehead role through a close examination of President Joe Biden, the 46th
President of the United States, and draws a comparative analysis with the Indian Prime
Minister, shedding light on their symbolic significance and impact on management and
leadership within their nations.

The figurehead role of the American President has a rich historical legacy dating back to the
founding of the nation. The framers of the U.S. Constitution carefully designed the
presidency to not only serve as the chief executive but also as a unifying symbol for the
newly formed United States. George Washington, the first President, set important precedents
by voluntarily relinquishing power after two terms, establishing the peaceful transfer of
power as a cornerstone of American democracy. Throughout American history, various
Presidents have embraced their roles as figureheads in different ways. Abraham Lincoln, for
example, assumed a powerful symbolic role during the Civil War, emphasizing national unity
and the enduring principles of liberty. Franklin D. Roosevelt used his fireside chats to connect
with the American people during the Great Depression and World War II.

In the current scenario, President Joe Biden, who holds the dual distinction of being both the
head of government and the head of state, serving as the chief executive and the symbolic
representative of the nation, assumed office on January 20, 2021, in the midst of significant
challenges. His presidency, marking a pivotal moment in American history, characterized by
shifting political dynamics and a nation grappling with multifaceted challenges, from a global
pandemic to political polarization, economic concerns and racial injustice issues, followed a
highly contentious election. As the figurehead of the USA, President Biden has sought to
project a message of unity, healing, and leadership in addressing these challenges.

He has delivered several addresses to the nation, emphasizing the importance of coming
together, defeating the pandemic, and restoring the nation's reputation on the global stage. His
administration's policies on climate change, immigration, and healthcare reflect the values he
embodies as the figurehead of the country.
1.2.1 Research Objectives:
i. To understand the role of President of America, Joe Biden as the
Figurehead of the Nation.
ii. To analyze the role of American President & Indian Prime Minister as
the Figurehead of their respective Nations.

1.2.2 Research Questions:

i. How does Joe Biden's role as the President of the United States align
with the concept of a figurehead in a democratic system?
ii. How does the role of the American President as a figurehead differ
from that of the Indian Prime Minister, considering the differences in
their political systems?

 The researcher will be relying purely on the Doctrinal method of
research in the endeavour to complete the project.


 The researcher will be relying on secondary sources for data collection.
i. Published reports
ii. Websites
iii. Online documents


 The researcher will follow the 20th edition of the Bluebook for citation.


This study examines the figurehead roles of President Joe Biden as the head of state in the
United States and conducts a comparative analysis with the Indian Prime Minister, focusing
on their ceremonial and symbolic duties, diplomatic functions, and moral leadership. It seeks
to understand how these leaders represent and shape the national identity and unity of their
respective nations. However, it is important to note that the study has limitations, such as the
complexity of their overall leadership roles, the changing nature of political contexts,
potential cultural variations, reliance on publicly available data, possible subjectivity in
analysis, and the narrow focus on two leaders, which may not encompass all figurehead roles

2.1 Definition and Concept of a Figurehead

In the realm of governance and leadership, the term "figurehead" often finds itself at the
center of discussions concerning symbolic representation and leadership roles. A figurehead,
in its essence, is a leader or symbol that occupies a position of authority but possesses limited
or no substantive decision-making power.

Historical Origins

The concept of figurehead roles traces its roots back to ancient civilizations, where monarchs
and rulers often held ceremonial positions while the real political power rested with other
entities. Over time, especially with the emergence of democratic governance systems, the role
of figureheads evolved to accommodate constitutional monarchies and similar arrangements.
Figureheads have played pivotal roles in shaping the political landscape and governance
structures of various nations. For example, during the transition from absolute monarchy to
constitutional monarchy in the United Kingdom, monarchs like King George III assumed
figurehead positions as the real political power shifted to elected representatives in

Contemporary Relevance

In modern times, the concept of a figurehead remains relevant, though it has evolved to suit
diverse governance models. Figureheads can be found in various domains, from
constitutional monarchies like the United Kingdom and Japan to corporate organizations,
where CEOs may function as symbolic leaders while operational decisions are made by
boards and executives. The contemporary relevance of figureheads extends beyond politics
and governance to the corporate world, where they serve as the public face of companies,
embodying corporate values and culture. In such settings, CEOs may take on figurehead
roles, attending corporate events, symbolizing the organization's mission, and fostering a
positive image.
2.2. Significance of Figureheads in Governance:

Figureheads occupy a unique and crucial role in governance. Their significance extends
beyond the ceremonial and symbolic aspects of leadership. In this section, we delve into the
multifaceted importance of figureheads in shaping governance structures, preserving
tradition, providing stability, representing the nation internationally, and fostering unity
among citizens.

Symbolic Unity and National Identity

One of the primary roles of figureheads is to symbolize unity and national identity. They
serve as a unifying figure for a nation, embodying the shared values, culture, and history of
the people. By doing so, figureheads contribute to a sense of collective belonging and pride.

Cultural Representation: Figureheads often represent the cultural and historical heritage of
their nation. They participate in cultural ceremonies and events, preserving and promoting
these traditions.

National Identity: In nations with diverse populations, figureheads play a crucial role in
emphasizing the common national identity that transcends ethnic, religious, and regional

Preservation of Tradition

Figureheads are custodians of tradition, ensuring the continuity of cultural and historical
practices. They actively engage in various traditional ceremonies and rituals, contributing to
the preservation of a nation's heritage.

Ceremonial Duties: Figureheads participate in state ceremonies, official events, and cultural
celebrations, reinforcing the importance of these traditions.

Cultural Legacy: By representing and upholding cultural legacies, figureheads help maintain
a sense of continuity across generations.
Stabilizing Influence in Governance

In many political systems, figureheads play a stabilizing role. Their presence provides a sense
of continuity and order, even in times of political change or crisis.

Political Stability: The existence of a figurehead can contribute to political stability by

providing a sense of permanence in government institutions.

Smooth Transitions: During transitions of power, figureheads often play a role in ensuring the
peaceful transfer of authority, promoting stability and security.

International Representation

Figureheads are not just symbols within their own borders; they also represent their nation on
the international stage.

Diplomatic Functions: They engage in diplomatic relations, welcoming foreign dignitaries,

and participating in international events, contributing to the nation's global image and

Global Presence: Figureheads represent their country's values and interests, shaping
international perceptions of the nation.

Fostering Unity and Public Morale

Figureheads are often a source of inspiration and moral leadership for citizens. They can
uplift public morale during challenging times and promote a sense of shared purpose.

Addressing the Nation: In times of crisis or celebration, figureheads address the nation,
offering words of encouragement, solace, and unity.

Advocating for Important Issues: They can use their platform to advocate for important
social, ethical, or humanitarian causes, setting an example for citizens.

The significance of figureheads in governance extends far beyond their ceremonial roles.
They embody national unity, preserve tradition, provide stability, represent their nation
globally, and inspire citizens. Understanding their multifaceted importance is essential for
appreciating their role in diverse governance systems, from constitutional monarchies to
democratic republics.



The role of President Joe Biden as the figurehead of the United States is both complex and
significant. Beyond his role as the head of government, President Biden serves as the
embodiment of American values, traditions, and national unity. In this chapter, we delve into
the multifaceted aspects of his role as a figurehead, beginning with an exploration of his
constitutional role and responsibilities.

3.1. Constitutional Role of the American President

The American President holds a dual role as both the head of government and the head of
state, which is enshrined in the U.S. Constitution. This section provides an in-depth
examination of President Biden's constitutional role.

Executive Authority: As the head of government, President Biden exercises executive

authority, overseeing the implementation of policies and administration of the federal
government. His decisions impact the daily lives of millions of Americans.

Commander-in-Chief: President Biden serves as the Commander-in-Chief of the U.S. armed

forces, signifying civilian control over the military and making critical decisions on national
security matters.

Chief Diplomat: In his capacity as the chief diplomat, President Biden represents the United
States on the global stage, shaping foreign policy, engaging with world leaders, and
negotiating international agreements. His diplomatic actions influence the nation's standing in
the world.
3.2. Ceremonial and Symbolic Duties
Beyond his executive functions, President Biden fulfills numerous ceremonial and symbolic
duties that underscore his role as the figurehead of the nation.

State of the Union Address: The annual State of the Union Address, delivered by the
President before both houses of Congress and the nation, is a quintessential example of a
President's ceremonial role. President Biden uses this platform to outline the government's
agenda, address critical issues, and symbolize national unity in a highly anticipated event.

Presidential Pardons: The President possesses the authority to grant pardons, a power that
carries symbolic weight. Pardons often symbolize themes of mercy, forgiveness, and
reconciliation, allowing Presidents to express their values and beliefs.

National Holidays and Celebrations: President Biden participates in various national holidays
and celebrations, such as the lighting of the National Christmas Tree and Fourth of July
festivities. These actions reinforce his role in upholding American traditions and culture.

3.3. Diplomatic Functions and International Representation

The American President is a key figure in shaping the nation's foreign policy and representing
the United States on the global stage.

Foreign Policy: President Biden formulates and implements foreign policy decisions that
impact international relations. His approach to diplomacy reflects the nation's stance on
critical global issues, from climate change to trade agreements.

Diplomatic Summits: President Biden's participation in international summits, meetings with

foreign leaders, and state visits underscores his role as the nation's chief diplomat. These
interactions influence the direction of U.S. foreign policy and its relations with other

3.4. Moral Leadership in the American Context

Beyond governance and diplomacy, American Presidents are often viewed as moral leaders
who provide guidance, support, and vision during pivotal moments in the nation's history.

National Addresses: President Biden's addresses to the nation have played a significant role in
offering moral leadership, particularly during times of crisis and celebration. His words
provide reassurance, empathy, and direction to the American people.
Advocacy and Values: The President leverages his position to advocate for important issues
and to promote core American values, such as democracy, freedom, and equality. His
advocacy sets the tone for national discourse and policy priorities.

President Joe Biden has a multifaceted role as the American figurehead. He not only
exercises executive authority and shapes policy but also symbolizes American unity,
tradition, and values, serving as a moral leader during critical moments in the nation's history.
His actions and decisions have far-reaching implications, both domestically and
internationally, making him a central figure in the governance and leadership of the United


The Indian Prime Minister occupies a unique and multifaceted role as both the head of
government and the figurehead of the nation. In this chapter, we delve into the complexities
of this role, exploring the constitutional foundations, ceremonial and symbolic duties,
diplomatic functions, and moral leadership provided by the Indian Prime Minister.

4.1. Constitutional Role of the Indian Prime Minister

The Indian Prime Minister's role is firmly grounded in the country's constitution, reflecting
their significance in India's governance.

Executive Authority: As the head of government, the Indian Prime Minister wields executive
authority, overseeing policy formulation, administrative functions, and the day-to-day
governance of the nation. Their decisions shape the lives of millions of Indians.

Leadership of the Council of Ministers: The Prime Minister leads the Council of Ministers,
ensuring the government's policies are effectively implemented and coordinated across
various ministries.

Diplomatic Engagement: While foreign policy is a shared responsibility, the Prime Minister
plays a pivotal role in shaping India's international relations and representing the nation's
interests globally.
4.2. Ceremonial and Symbolic Duties in India
Beyond their executive responsibilities, the Indian Prime Minister fulfills various ceremonial
and symbolic duties that underscore their role as the nation's figurehead.

Independence Day Address: The Prime Minister's annual address to the nation on
Independence Day holds immense significance. It is a moment when the leader reflects on
India's progress, acknowledges its challenges, and articulates its aspirations. This address
symbolizes India's unity and its commitment to democratic values.

National Celebrations: Participation in national celebrations, such as the Republic Day parade
and other cultural events, reinforces the Prime Minister's role in preserving and promoting
Indian traditions, culture, and heritage.

Awards and Honors: The Prime Minister often presides over award ceremonies, recognizing
outstanding contributions across various fields. These events underscore the importance of
excellence and achievements in India.

4.3. Diplomatic Functions and International Representation

The Indian Prime Minister serves as the nation's chief diplomat, representing India on the
global stage.

Foreign Visits: The Prime Minister's foreign visits and participation in international summits
are instrumental in shaping India's foreign policy, strengthening diplomatic ties, and
advancing national interests. These visits carry immense diplomatic and symbolic weight.

Bilateral and Multilateral Agreements: The Prime Minister's involvement in bilateral and
multilateral agreements reflects India's commitment to global cooperation and its stance on
various international issues. These agreements contribute to India's diplomatic relations and

4.4. Moral Leadership in the Indian Context

Indian Prime Ministers are often regarded as moral leaders who provide guidance, support,
and vision during significant moments in the nation's history.

National Addresses: The Prime Minister's addresses to the nation play a pivotal role in
offering moral leadership during times of crisis, celebration, or change. These speeches
inspire and reassure the Indian populace.
Advocacy and Values: The Prime Minister leverages their position to advocate for critical
issues and values that resonate with the Indian society, such as democracy, diversity, and
social justice. Their advocacy shapes the national discourse and influences policy priorities.



In this chapter, we conduct a comparative analysis of the figurehead roles of the American
President and the Indian Prime Minister. While both leaders serve as the heads of government
and represent their respective nations, their roles are influenced by distinct constitutional
frameworks, cultural contexts, and historical legacies. This analysis explores the similarities
and differences in their ceremonial duties, diplomatic functions, moral leadership, and the
impact of their positions on their countries and the world.

5.1. Constitutional Variations

The figurehead roles of the American President and the Indian Prime Minister are shaped by
their respective constitutional systems, resulting in fundamental differences.

Presidential Republic vs. Parliamentary System: The United States follows a presidential
republic system, where the President is both the head of state and government, while India
operates under a parliamentary system with a separate head of state (the President of India)
and the Prime Minister as the head of government.

Executive Powers: Tthe American President possesses significant executive powers,

including the ability to veto legislation, nominate federal judges, and serve as Commander-in-
Chief. While the Indian Prime Minister plays an important role as the leader of the majority
party or coalition in Parliament, with executive powers distributed among the Council of

5.2. Cultural and Historical Contexts

The figurehead roles are heavily influenced by the unique cultural and historical contexts of
the United States and India.

Cultural Diversity: India has a diverse cultural landscape, with multiple languages, religions,
and traditions, compared to the United States, which is culturally diverse but with a different
historical and social context.

Historical Legacies: The historical legacies of colonialism and the struggle for independence
have shaped the role of the Indian Prime Minister as a symbol of sovereignty and nation-
building. While the role of the American President emerged from the struggle for
independence from British colonial rule but took a different form in a presidential republic.

5.3. Ceremonial Roles

Both the American President and the Indian Prime Minister perform ceremonial duties that
symbolize their leadership roles.

State of the Union Address vs. Independence Day Address: The American President outlines
the government's agenda and addresses Congress, with the Indian Prime Minister reflects on
India's progress, challenges, and aspirations.

National Celebrations: National celebrations, such as the Republic Day parade in India and
the Fourth of July in the United States, are significant in reinforcing the leaders' roles as
symbols of unity, tradition, and national pride.

5.4. Diplomatic Functions

Both leaders engage in diplomatic functions, but the nature of their international roles differs.

Foreign Policy Influence: The American President has significant influence over U.S. foreign
policy, including the power to negotiate treaties (subject to Senate approval) and engage in
high-level diplomacy. The Indian Prime Minister, who plays a crucial role in India's foreign
relations but operates within a parliamentary framework.

Global Representation: Both leaders represent their countries on the global stage, attending
international summits and meetings with foreign leaders.
While both leaders hold significant symbolic positions and play critical roles in their nations'
governance, their roles are shaped by distinct constitutional, cultural, and historical contexts.
Understanding these differences is essential for appreciating the nuances of figurehead
leadership in diverse political systems.



Figurehead leaders, whether they hold the title of President, Prime Minister, or monarch,
operate in a multifaceted role that extends beyond the ceremonial aspects of their positions.
This chapter delves into the intricate challenges and significant responsibilities that these
leaders face as they balance the symbolic representation of their nations with the practical
demands of governance. It also explores their roles in managing public expectations,
diplomacy, crisis management, ethical decision-making, and addressing contemporary global

6.1. Balancing Symbolism and Governance

One of the central challenges confronting figurehead leaders is the delicate balance between
the symbolism of their roles and the practicalities of governance.

Symbolic Significance: Symbolism has a profound importance in figurehead leadership.

These leaders serve as living symbols of national identity, unity, and tradition, embodying the
values and aspirations of their nations.

Policy Implementation: Despite their symbolic roles, figurehead leaders are responsible for
making policy decisions, managing governmental affairs, and addressing the daily needs of
their nations. This practical governance aspect often presents complex challenges.
Potential for Conflict: The intersection of symbolism and governance can sometimes lead to
conflicts or tensions, especially when symbolic actions or statements clash with the practical
needs of the nation. Figurehead leaders must navigate these situations carefully.

6.2. Public Expectations and Accountability

Figurehead leaders contend with high public expectations and the imperative of

Moral Authority: Figurehead leaders are expected to embody moral authority, particularly
during times of crisis or significant events. The public looks to them for guidance,
inspiration, and reassurance.

Public Scrutiny: These leaders' actions and decisions are subject to intense public scrutiny.
The media and public opinion play a substantial role in shaping their effectiveness and public

Accountability Mechanisms: While these mechanisms may vary depending on the type of
government, they are crucial for ensuring transparency and trust in leadership.

6.3. Diplomacy and International Representation

Figurehead leaders are central figures in diplomacy and representing their nations on the
global stage.

Global Diplomacy: There are various complexities of engaging in global diplomacy. These
leaders are responsible for building relationships with other nations, navigating international
conflicts, and balancing their own nation's interests with international obligations.

Balance of Interests: Figurehead leaders must skillfully balance their nations' interests with
their responsibilities to the international community. This can involve navigating intricate
alliances, trade agreements, and global crises.

Global Expectations: There are global expectations placed on figurehead leaders, who often
serve as moral guides on global issues. Their words and actions resonate worldwide, making
their roles in international diplomacy even more significant.

6.4. Crisis Management and Unifying Roles

In times of crisis, figurehead leaders must provide stability and unite their nations.
Crisis Response: There are any challenges of managing crises, such as natural disasters,
economic downturns, or social unrest. Figurehead leaders must not only make critical
decisions but also reassure the public and maintain national cohesion.

Fostering Unity: Figurehead leaders as unifiers. They must bring together diverse
populations, promote a sense of shared purpose, and inspire hope during challenging times.

6.5. Ethical Dilemmas and Difficult Choices

Figurehead leaders frequently confront ethical dilemmas and difficult choices that test their

Ethical Decision-Making: Ethical considerations that these leaders must weigh when making
decisions, profoundly impact their nations and the world. Ethical dilemmas can arise in areas
such as foreign policy, human rights, and environmental stewardship.

Consequences of Choices: There are many potential consequences of their choices, both
domestically and internationally. These leaders often grapple with the weight of their
decisions, knowing that their actions can have far-reaching effects on people's lives.

6.6. Contemporary Challenges and Global Responsibilities

In today's world, figurehead leaders face a myriad of contemporary challenges and global

Climate Change: Figurehead leaders play an important role in addressing pressing global
issues, such as climate change. They are expected to advocate for sustainable practices, set
emissions reduction targets, and engage in international climate agreements.

Global Health: They also have a crucial role in responding to global health crises, as
exemplified by the COVID-19 pandemic. Figurehead leaders must coordinate international
responses, facilitate vaccine distribution, and address public health challenges.

There are certain intricate challenges and substantial responsibilities that figurehead leaders
shoulder. Their roles demand a delicate balance between symbolism and governance, the
management of public expectations, effective diplomacy, crisis leadership, ethical decision-
making, and addressing contemporary global challenges. Recognizing and understanding
these challenges is essential for appreciating the depth and complexity of leadership required
in figurehead roles, which extend well beyond mere symbolism to shape the destinies of
nations and the world.


The 21st century has ushered in a new era of figurehead leadership, characterized by rapid
technological advancements, changing societal expectations, and global challenges that
demand innovative solutions. This chapter delves into the multifaceted nature of figurehead
leadership in this dynamic era, highlighting how leaders are adapting to and redefining their
roles to meet the evolving needs of their nations and the world.

7.1. Technology and Communication

The advent of technology has revolutionized how figurehead leaders communicate and
engage with their constituents and the global community.

Digital Era: In the digital age, figurehead leaders harness the power of technology, using
social media, websites, and online platforms to communicate directly with the public. They
can instantly reach a global audience, transforming the way they connect with citizens.

Transparency and Accessibility: Technology has heightened expectations for transparency

and accessibility. Citizens now demand real-time updates on government activities and expect
leaders to respond promptly to inquiries and concerns.

Challenges of Misinformation: The digital era also presents challenges related to

misinformation and disinformation. Figurehead leaders must navigate the proliferation of
false narratives and ensure that accurate information reaches the public, preserving trust and
7.2. Social and Cultural Shifts
Changing societal norms and values are reshaping the expectations placed on figurehead

Diversity and Inclusion: Today's leaders are expected to champion diversity, inclusion, and
equality. They must reflect the diverse populations they represent and work diligently to
address issues of discrimination and bias.

Youth Activism: The 21st century has witnessed a surge in youth activism, with younger
generations demanding action on critical issues like climate change, social justice, and gun
control. Figurehead leaders must engage with these impassioned activists and respond to their
calls for change.

Gender Equality: The evolving role of women in figurehead leadership is increasingly

recognized. Female leaders are challenging gender stereotypes, and gender equality is
becoming a central tenet of modern leadership.

7.3. Global Challenges and Collaborative Leadership

Modern figurehead leaders are confronted with a host of global challenges that necessitate
collaborative and forward-thinking leadership.

Climate Crisis: The urgency of addressing climate change is paramount. Figurehead leaders
must engage in international efforts, commit to sustainable practices, and participate in global
climate agreements to mitigate the climate crisis.

Global Health Pandemics: The COVID-19 pandemic highlighted the need for coordinated
global responses to health crises. Leaders must ensure equitable vaccine distribution,
prioritize public health, and collaborate with international organizations.

Economic Interdependence: In an interconnected world, figurehead leaders must navigate

complex economic dynamics. They engage in international trade agreements, promote
economic stability, and address issues of income inequality to ensure the prosperity of their

7.4. Adaptation and Resilience

Adaptability and resilience are essential qualities for figurehead leaders in the 21st century.
Crisis Management: Effective crisis management is crucial. Leaders must respond swiftly and
decisively to emergencies, whether natural disasters, economic shocks, or public health
crises, to protect their nations and citizens.

Leadership Styles: Different situations require different leadership styles. Figurehead leaders
may adopt various approaches, from charismatic leadership to transformational leadership,
based on the circumstances they face.

Continual Learning: Lifelong learning is imperative for figurehead leaders. They must stay
informed about emerging issues, engage with experts, and adapt their leadership styles as
needed to address evolving challenges effectively.

7.5. Reimagining the Figurehead Role

Figurehead leaders are reimagining their roles to meet the changing demands of the 21st

Innovation and Creativity: Leaders are encouraged to bring innovation and creativity to their
roles. They explore new ways of engaging with the public, addressing social issues, and
advancing global cooperation.

Global Citizenship: The concept of global citizenship is gaining prominence. Figurehead

leaders are not just leaders of their nations but also global leaders responsible for addressing
global challenges and promoting the well-being of humanity as a whole.

Modern figurehead leaders are navigating a rapidly changing landscape shaped by

technology, shifting societal values, and global challenges. To remain effective and relevant,
they must adapt to these changes, leverage technology for transparent communication,
address pressing global issues, champion diversity and inclusion, and demonstrate resilience
in the face of crises. Ultimately, figurehead leaders in the 21st century are redefining their
roles to serve as not only national symbols but also as catalysts for positive change on a
global scale. Their leadership sets the course for a more interconnected, equitable, and
sustainable world.

The 21st century is marked by rapid technological advancements, evolving global dynamics,
and shifting societal expectations, all of which are poised to reshape the role of figurehead
leaders. In this chapter, we delve into the multifaceted and dynamic landscape that
characterizes the future of figurehead leadership. We explore emerging trends, possibilities,
and the potential impact on leadership in an increasingly interconnected world.

8.1. Technological Advancements

Technology is a driving force that will redefine how figurehead leaders engage with their
constituents and the global community.

AI and Virtual Presence: Artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual presence technologies are
anticipated to revolutionize leadership communication. Figurehead leaders may engage in
virtual town hall meetings, employ holographic appearances, and use AI-driven personalized
communication to connect with citizens.

Data-Driven Decision-Making: The era of big data will empower figurehead leaders to make
more informed policy decisions. They can use data analytics to anticipate crises, gauge public
sentiment, and assess the effectiveness of their policies, enhancing governance efficiency.
Cybersecurity Challenges: In an increasingly digital world, cybersecurity challenges will
loom large. Figurehead leaders must prioritize the security of their digital communications
and information to safeguard national interests.

8.2. Global Interconnectedness

The world's interconnectedness is growing, demanding a new level of global engagement
from figurehead leaders.

International Cooperation: Figurehead leaders will play pivotal roles in forging and
sustaining international cooperation and alliances. They'll work to address global challenges,
such as pandemics, climate change, and cybersecurity threats.

Global Challenges: Leaders must prepare to address an expanding array of global challenges,
necessitating cooperative solutions. This includes advocating for global health equity,
combatting climate change, and promoting peace and stability in an interconnected world.

Diplomatic Innovation: Figurehead leaders will need to innovate diplomatically to tackle

complex global issues effectively. This may lead to the development of new forms of
international agreements and organizations.

8.3. Public Engagement and Transparency

Expectations for transparency, public engagement, and accountability will continue to evolve.

Interactive Governance: The public's desire for more interactive and participatory governance
models will grow. Figurehead leaders may incorporate digital platforms for citizens to
participate directly in policy-making and decision-making processes.

Accountability Mechanisms: Robust accountability mechanisms will become even more

critical. Leaders will face increased scrutiny, requiring greater transparency in government
operations and decision-making.

Real-Time Communication: Real-time communication tools will further connect figurehead

leaders with the public, creating a sense of accessibility and responsiveness. Social media,
live streaming, and instant messaging platforms will play pivotal roles in these interactions.
8.4. Environmental and Social Responsibility
Figurehead leaders are expected to champion environmental and social causes, reflecting the
evolving values of societies.

Sustainability and Green Initiatives: Leaders will be at the forefront of championing

sustainability and green initiatives. This includes setting ambitious targets for carbon
neutrality, promoting renewable energy, and advocating for conservation efforts.

Social Equity: Advocacy for social equity will be a central theme in figurehead leadership.
Leaders will address issues such as income inequality, healthcare access, and educational
disparities, focusing on creating more equitable societies.

Global Citizenship: The concept of global citizenship will become more prominent.
Figurehead leaders will not only serve their nations but also act as global advocates for
humanity's collective well-being, engaging in global humanitarian efforts.

8.5. Adaptation and Resilience

In a rapidly changing world, figurehead leaders must demonstrate adaptability and resilience.

Leadership Agility: Figurehead leaders will develop greater leadership agility, allowing them
to pivot and respond effectively to unforeseen challenges. This agility will be crucial in
addressing crises, from natural disasters to economic shocks.

Crisis Preparedness: Leaders and governments will prioritize crisis preparedness, ensuring
they are well-equipped to handle a range of crises. This includes robust contingency planning
for natural disasters, pandemics, economic downturns, and cybersecurity incidents.

As technology reshapes communication and decision-making, as global interconnectedness

demands collaborative leadership, as transparency and public engagement become the norm,
and as environmental and social responsibility take center stage, figurehead leaders are
poised to redefine their roles. The future holds the promise of leadership that is not only
symbolically significant but also responsive, innovative, and dedicated to the well-being of
nations and the global community. The evolving nature of figurehead leadership is set to
shape a more interconnected, transparent, and sustainable world.

In conclusion, the role of figurehead leaders in organizations and society is multi-faceted and
carries substantial implications for leadership, management, and the broader community.
While they may hold symbolic or ceremonial positions, their influence reaches far beyond
their titles.

Figurehead leaders are, first and foremost, symbols of an organization's identity, values, and
mission. They set the tone for organizational culture, shape its image, and influence its
reputation. As such, they are integral to establishing and maintaining trust with stakeholders,
both internal and external. Their ethical leadership, commitment to core values, and
adherence to ethical standards are foundational for creating a positive work environment and
maintaining public confidence. Moreover, figurehead leaders are increasingly expected to be
advocates for global citizenship, championing causes that extend beyond the boundaries of
their organizations or nations. They play a crucial role in addressing pressing global
challenges, fostering cooperation, and promoting ethical behavior on a global scale. In this
context, their actions and decisions have far-reaching consequences.

President Joe Biden serves as the figurehead of the United States, embodying the nation's
values, ideals, and leadership on the global stage. His role as a figurehead extends far beyond
symbolism, as he carries the weight of the American presidency, a position of immense
responsibility and influence. As a figurehead leader, President Biden has engaged in a range
of symbolic and ceremonial duties, from representing the United States at international
summits to addressing the nation in times of crisis. His leadership during the COVID-19
pandemic, for instance, has underscored the importance of ethical decision-making, scientific
integrity, and empathy in times of public health emergencies.

From a management perspective, it is imperative to recognize and harness the potential of

figurehead leaders. Managers must collaborate with figurehead leaders to ensure their actions
align with the organization's mission and values. They should facilitate effective
communication, stakeholder relations, and crisis management, recognizing the impact of
figurehead leaders on these critical aspects of organizational success.


The term figurehead often has negative connotations associated with it. However, in
terms of management it is one of the most crucial and necessary roles. As the President of
a nation, especially one like the United States of America, in contrast to most countries
with Parliamentary forms of government, where the President is also the head of the
Executive Branch of government, being the figurehead is not merely ceremonial. Rather it is
position with great power vested in it and is arguably the most powerful electoral position
in the world. Consequently, it brings certain duties along with it, such as – being the chief
diplomat of the country, having unilateral control on the military forces, and Due to their
office, they command a great deal of news coverage and get to strongly influence the national
conversation on a great many issues, setting the tone for their party and, if they are in
control, their government.
Biden’s rule as the President of USA is steadily leaning towards the conventional
meaning of the term figurehead, i.e., someone with no real power, for what effectively
amounts to be an oligarchy, run by the elitist. For his position to be effective there has to
be judicial exercise of his powers and represent the country not just as a ceremonial head
but as a leader. For e.g. - While Congress may determine what those laws are and what
spending levels are for any given agency, the POTUS has broad discretion in how those
laws are enforced and how those funds are spent. A good example of this was Obama's
position towards the legalization of marijuana in many states - Marijuana is still illegal at
a federal level, which means that it is still illegal in every state, but Obama directed his
organization to not enforce that law. The President, like the King, has not merely been
constitutionally romanticized but actually vested with a pervasive and persuasive role. It
is the role of the President, being the biggest dignitary of the realm, to be the
embodiment of unity of the country, keep the country and the people bonded together.


 Carcasson, Martin, and Joshua N. Hammonds. "The Communicative Presidency of

Joe Biden: An Analysis of Rhetorical Themes and Strategies." Presidential Studies
Quarterly 51, no. 3 (2021): 547-568.
 Biden, Joe. Promise Me, Dad: A Year of Hope, Hardship, and Purpose. Flatiron
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 Herring, George C. From Colony to Superpower: U.S. Foreign Relations Since 1776.
Oxford University Press, 2008.
 Mullins, Willard R. Management and Organisational Behaviour. Pearson, 2020.
 Smith, Andrew, and Lee Smith. "The Biden Administration's Approach to Climate
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 White House. "Remarks by President Biden on the American Jobs Plan."

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