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Assessment Instructions

Answer BOTH of these questions by using the reading materials on this Learnline Site (Weeks

Question no 1: Consider your IAT results, and which of Kandola’s (2013) 3 ways of holding bias did
you respond most strongly to? What relation of power (Cummins, 2009) can you see manifesting from
this bias in your academic or professional life? Provide an example and outline how your bias can be
managed to establish collaborative power relations. ( 500 words )

Please choose ONE of the following categories in the IAT test - race, sexuality, skin tone or
gender/career to answer Question 1.

*Here are the links to the IAT test

Using this interactive platform: Take the IAT:

Or take the Australian one :

Question no 2 : Consider how cultural norms and values function to reproduce forms of privilege
(racial and/or gender privilege). How does privilege function in the workplace and/or educational
setting (ie what are some of the consequences of privilege)? How can privilege be addressed to
develop equity in the workplace and/or educational setting? Provide a media example(s) of racial
and/or gender privilege to substantiate/illustrate your claims. ( 500 words )

*Please use 4-6 references from the Learning Materials (Weeks 1-6).

*Include a reference page with ONLY the references you have used in the assignment.
Reference list must be in alpabetical order.

Learning materials : ( References should be included from this reading list )

1. Macionis, J., & Plummer, K. (2012). Sociology: A Global Introduction. Pearson Education,
Limited. p 144 -158
2. Deutsch, B. (n.d.). The Male Privilege Checklist. Diffrakt - Centre for Theoretical Periphery.
3. Cisgender Privilege: Examples-of-Cisgender-Privilege.pdf
4. McIntosh, P. (1989). White privilege: Unpacking the invisible
5. Cummins, J. (2009). Pedagogies of choice: Challenging coercive relations of power in
classrooms and communities. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism,
12(3), 261-271.
6. J.J. Smolicz, D.M. Hudson & M.J. Secombe (1998) Border Crossing in 'Multicultural Australia':
A Study of Cultural Valence, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 19:4,
318-336, DOI: 10.1080/01434639808666359
7. Gorski, P. (2014) Imagining equity literacy [Blog] (note how Gorski distinguishes
diffrent levels of capability. He also writes principles at the end of this short post)
8. Bali, M (2016) Unpacking Terms around equity, power and privilege. [Blog]

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