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Task fulfillment: How many paragraphs are there? Introduction?

Body 1,
2? Conclusion? Are these paragraphs fully developed? Off topic?
Organization/Management: Paragraphing? Are the paragraphs equal in
Vocabulary: adequate? correct? less common words (advanced)? 4 – 5
Grammar: Simple sentences? Complex sentences, compound sentences,
compound, complex, conditionals, reported speech, quotation, figures,
comparison, passive voice, inversion... => Flexible. Avoid grammar errors.

Introduction: 20-30 words (2-3 sentences)
Body 1: Viewpoint 1 (70-80 words)
Body 2: Viewpoint 2 (70-80 words)
Body 3: Counter argument (70-80 words)
Conclusion: 20-30 words (2-3 sentences)
"People living in large cites today face many problems in their everyday life.
What are these problems? Should governments encourage people to move to
smaller regional towns?"|
I. Introduction
+ Paraphrase the statement/question (People living in large cites today face
many problems in their everyday life)
=>>> In today's society, those who live in huge cities suffer a slew of issues.
=>>>Currently, inhabitants living in the big cities encounter a lot of concerns in
their daily lives.
=>>>People who live in large cities today confront a variety of issues in their
daily lives.

Environment contamination/ High living expense Congestion

~ People who live in large cities today confront a variety of issues in their daily
~ Currently, those who live in urben areas are suffering from a slew of negative
These problems contain environment contamination, high living expense as well
as congestion which I strongly agree that citizen should be encouraged to move
to the suburb.
“Currently, those who live in urban areas are suffering from a slew of negative
issues. These problems contain environment contamination, high living expense
as well as congestion which I strongly agree that citizen should be encouraged to
move to the suburb.”
+ Answer the question(s)

Currently, those who live in urban areas are suffering from a slew of negative
These problems contain ervironment contamination, high living expense as well
as congestion which I strongly agree that citizen should be encouraged to move
to the suburb
BODY 1 & 2:
+Reasons for your answer(s)
+Topic sentence & supporting sentences
Body 1: Living standard => financial burden= improve =>
Body 2: Environment/ Surrounding => quiet/less polluted => better health/
avoid several
health problems. => example/statistics/quotation
According to WHO,
Studies show that 80% of..
Another pronounced merit related to encouraging urban dwellers to
migrate to rural areas is environmental quality. To begin with, a declining
number of those who are living in major cities means that the household
waste and greenhouse gases from fuel- powered vehicles released into the
environment are reduced, which better the surrounding contamination. In
addition to this, the environment in remote regions is undoubtedly poaceful
and clean, bringing a healthier lifestyle and helping them avoid suffering
from potentially life-threatening health conditions, such as, respiratory
diseases as well as cardiovascular diseases. ////// The environment of the
suburbs is a quiet and peaceful place. There are a lot of plant species, so the
air and the food are fresh and clean. We can enjoy a healthy natural
environment without worrying much about environmental pollution. We
are free to admire the breathtaking landscapes, such as huge meadows,
peaceful hills, or forests. There are not any huge blocks of flats, modern
skyscrapers or bothersome traffic jams in the suburbs, so the air is not
polluted. There is no water pollution, either. Moreover, living in the
suburbs is cheaper than in the city, so you can buy many things at lower
prices. The other positive side is safety. In the suburbs, the crime rate is
much lower. There are not a lot of housebreaks for burglary and robbery.
In the suburbs, people usually keep their eyes on their neighbors' estates.
They always react when something strange is happening. Finally, most of
the villagers are friendly and hospitable. They are always willing to help
each other. Moreover, people in the cities are very susceptible to stress
because of pollution, the pressure of work, competitions, etc.
People who live in cities face a variety of health issues, including heart
disease, diabetes, and various types of cancer, including colon cancer, which
is one of the leading causes of death.
For example, people who live in the two biggest cities in Vietnam, namely
Hanoi and Hai Phong, are more likely to experience environmental
pollution when living in the suburbs.
According to WHO, studies show that 80% of people living in cities want to
move to the suburbs.

Counter argument: Write the "opposite" side
+ Good points “opposing view”
+ Last sentence: protect your view
+ Educational infrastructure: low quality
+ Lack of labor force
+ Daily basic need
+ Entertainment
+ Health clinics

----- Compared to suburban life, the city offers more advantages, such as job
opportunities, recreational facilities, better transportation, better education, and
all the modern technology is easily accessible. People love city life because of
its fast-paced lifestyle. First, the infrastructure in the city is better than in the
suburbs. While society develops rapidly, we require a good infrastructure to
support life, study and work. Next, the city will lack a huge number of workers
because people are tending to return to the suburbs to live. The city is home to
many jobs, companies, and organizations, and the average salary is also very
high. For example, a person working in the city may earn a fairly high salary,
but when working in the countryside, their income level will decrease
significantly. In the city, houses are supplied with electricity and drinking water.
It is very convenient for city people to go from place to place by bus, by taxi, or
by motorcycle. They can buy everything they need in supermarkets and
department stores everywhere. For entertainment, they can go to theaters and
amusement centers. However, they have to suffer from the pollution of air and
noise, which is very harmful to their health. City life offers all modern
advantages and recreational activities such as theaters, parks, museums, sports
clubs, libraries, and monuments... Services such as banking, post and
telecommunications have many branches to ensure fast and comfortable
working. Health clinics in the city have much better quality and more
professional doctors than in the suburbs. Perhaps life in the city is suitable for
young people. The elderly should enjoy life in the countryside. In conclusion ///
From my point of view, living in suburban life is better than city life.

=>> Once compared to suburban life, the city provides more benefits, such as
job opportunities, recreational facilities, better transportation, better education,
and easy access to all modern technology. People enjoy city life because of its
fast-paced pace. For starters, the infrastructure in the city is superior to that in
the suburbs. While society is rapidly developing, we need a good infrastructure
to support life, study, and work. Following that, the city will be short of workers
as people move back to the suburbs to live. . The city has a large number of jobs,
businesses, and organizations, and the average salary is also very high. A person
working in the city, for example, may earn a fairly high salary, but their income
level will decrease significantly when working in the countryside. Houses in the
city have access to electricity and running water. It is very convenient for city
dwellers to travel from one location to another by bus, taxi, or motorcycle. They
can get everything they need from supermarkets and department stores all over
the place. They can go to theaters and amusement parks for entertainment.
However, they are subjected to air and noise pollution, which is extremely
hazardous to their health. All modern conveniences and recreational activities,
such as theaters, parks, museums, sports clubs, libraries, and monuments, are
available in cities. Banking, post, and telecommunications services all have
numerous branches to ensure quick and comfortable service.

City health clinics have higher quality and more professional doctors than those
in the suburbs. Perhaps city life is appropriate for young people. The elderly
should be able to enjoy life in the country.
On the other hand/ In contrast/Granted/ Admittedly, one might argue that the
government should not encourage urban dwellers to migrate to rural regions.
This is predicated on the assumption that in remote areas, the quality of
educational infrastructure, and medical services is far lower than that of cities,
which can render the life of citizens difficult. this. However, this line of
reasoning is not sound, because the government could address the problem by
allocating funds to enhance the educational infrastructure quality and healthcare
services, such as constructing more schools, hospitals, investing in educational
and medical equipment, and allowing students to pursue higher education
without a fee and providing free medical treatment and check-ups for rural
people, and therefore, moving to the countryside ought to be encouraged

Many people believe that citizens should be encouraged to live in large cities
regardless of many negative issues due to several reasons/justifications. It is true
that the educational infrastructure in the cities is/owns/possesses higher quality
and diversity in terms of types of training. Hence/ Thus/ Therefore, youngsters
who live there have opportunity to facilitate to comprohensive development for
gifted subjects as well as school subjects. For example, students in metropolis
have good foreign language skills, more proficient use of information
technology, and better display their artistic talents. In addition, one more opinion
for people strongly choose live in large cities is daily basic need of residents are
fully met when they live there instead of smaller regional town. Cities has more
advantages such as good job opportunities with high salary, recreational
facilities, better transportation and lot kind of entertainments. Although the core
of this claim is valid but overall the benefits of encouraging citizens to live in
cities are overweight.
+ Summarizing the main points in BODY 1&2….EXCEPT for COUNTER
+ Your own opinion
+ Length: 25-40 words

Students are required to wear uniform at school.
Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

2. Advantage and disadvantage

- Introduction:
- Paraphrase the statament synonms, changing word order, changing word
foms comblnation
- This essay will examine' explore discuss advantages (benctits) disadvantages
(drawhacks strain) (advantages and disadvantages) nf pollution in mhan arcas.
- Body:
Paragraph 1: advantages 1: disadvantage 1: Advantagcs (On the one hand.
Ilave soveral henefits), To hegin with First and forEmest First, the pollution in
big cities are caused allected by. .. (Example. explanation. ligure and
statistic, quotation)
Paragraph 2: advanlages 2 disadvantage 2 Disadvantages (On the olher
owns two three cons): : In addition to this Socond. The second ….is that..
(Example, explanation, figure and statistic, quotation)
=> The length for these paragraphs should be AT THE SAME LENGHTH
- Conclusion:
Overall / In short / In summary / In conclusion,..

Đề bài: Today, a lot of students choose to study abroad. What are the
advantages and disadvantages of this trend? :Write an essay of about 250
words to discuss this.
viet-argumentative-essay) – View đồng ý viết sau, view không đồng ý viết
Discussion essay
1. Introduction:
:- Paraphrase the statement.
:- Answer the question (thesis statement)
2. Body 1:
9- The benefits of side 1 (write 2-3 benefits)
3. Body 2:
:- The benefits of side 2 (write 2-3 benefits)
:4. Conclusion
:- Summarize the main points
:- Give your opinion
Định nghĩa - discussion essay là gì?
Khác với argumentative essay, mật bài discussion essay yêu cầu người viết phái
thảo luận một văn đề được đưa ra từ
nhiều chiều khác nhau.
Phần 1: Cách nhận biết discussion essay
ví dụ chúng ta có đề bai sau:
Some people think that strict punishments for driving offences are the key to
reducing traffic accidents.
Others, however, believe that other measures would be more effective in
improving road safety.
Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
Phân tích:
Không chí riêng discussion essay, hău hết các đề bài IELTS Writing task 2 luôn
có 2 phàn:
• Phän background: (Giống nhau ở hầu hết các dề bãi) nêu lên nội dung sẽ
• Phần yêu cầu: (Khác nhau theo từng loại essay - dấu hiệu nhân biết chính) yêu
cầu chính của đề bài - phần in
đậm nghiêng gạch dưới
Then đó nếu yêu càu đề bài là:
• Discuss both these views..
• Discuss both views..
• Discuss both sides.
Thì dó là yêu cầu của một bài discussion essay.

Discussion essay template

+ Paraphrase the statement
+ Answer the question
Body 1:
+ View that you disagree
:+ 2 supporting points
Body 2:
+ View that you agree
+ 2 supporting points
+ Summarizing the main
points in the body
+ Give your comment/ opinion
ĐỀ: Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people
say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to
negative consequences. Discuss both sides of this argument and then give
your own opinion.

Statement: Computers are being used more and more in education. Some people
say that this is a positive trend, while others argue that it is leading to negative
Question: Discuss both sides of this argument and then give your own opinion.

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