Persentase Seminar Proposal

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Assalamu’alaikum, good morning to my lecturers and thank you for coming in this room for my seminar proposal,

on Tuesday 14 February 2023.

First of all, thanks to Allah SWT who always given health, blessing, and salvation for us. So that, we can here in this
room without trouble at all.
Secondly, sholawat and salam for our Prophet Muhammad SAW who always give goodness in the world.
The honorable Mam Rahmah Fithriani, Ph.D as my first Supervisor
The honorable Mam Dr. Sholihatul Hamidah Daulay, M.Hum, as my second Supervisor
The honorable sir Dr. Muhammad Dalimunte, S.Ag, S.S. M.Hum as my first examiner
The honorable sir Amin Dalimunthe Ph.D as my second examiner
and all my happy sister
Well I am Rabiatun Adawiyah as a student of master program of english education faculty of tarbiyah
science and teacher training
today allow me to present my thesis proposal on the title USING ClassDojo IN EFL BLENDED LEARNING: ITS

One of the four language skills that students should be encouraged to master is writing. Alexander (2008)
gives more explanation that having strong writing skills may increase students’ success in language classrooms.
Writing is extremely important in terms of helping one express himself easily with language skills. Language skills
especially writing are influenced by not only the cognitive process but also affective characteristics (Karakaya and
Upper, 2011).
The importance of writing as a skill that must be mastered, so that writing becomes one of the skills that is
emphasized in language learning, especially in learning English as a foreign language. Writing has been given great
emphasis in the education systems of many countries. Therefore, the curriculum for teaching English as a foreign
language in several countries in the world emphasizes teaching writing.
In Indonesian EFL context, writing skills that must be mastered by students, namely the ability to express
various meanings with correct rhetorical development steps in short functional written texts in the forms of
narrative, recount, and procedure in everyday contexts. In this text-based learning, students are required to be able to
express themselves through writing. In learning at school, in order to achieve the goals of learning English, every
student must be skilled in writing. As one aspect of language skills, writing activities are inseparable from the entire
learning process experienced by students.
Seeing phenomenon occurs that Writing in English seems to be a challenging task for students and teachers
of English as a foreign language. Among the reasons related to the condition of EFL writing instruction in Indonesia
are students’ perception of English writing as one of the most difficult skills to master (Fithriani, 2018a) and the use
of traditional approach to teaching writing (Fithriani, 2017). According to Graves (1978:14) a person is reluctant to
write because he does not know what he is writing for, feels he is not talented at writing, and feels he does not know
how to write.
Therefore, teachers must prepare interesting learning methods and models, learning
models must be appropriate and not monotonous in the classroom. The learning model must
also be able to facilitate and support students in learning English, especially writing, which
emphasizes the convenience of being able to learn it. One of the learning methods to improve
students' writing skills is to use the blended learning method. Blended Learning (BL) is
conceived as using a new way of instruction, that is an appropriate mix of both face-to-face and
virtual learning in the course delivery process (Badii, 2008).
In relation to this context, that the implementation of blended learning in learning English very often
teachers use Learning management systems (LMS). There are many LMS applications that are used in learning
English, especially writing, one of which is Google Classroom, Moodle, Schoology, and ClassDojo. In the context
of this study, the authors provide treatment to the experimental class by implementing the Blended Learning Model
through the ClassDojo application. ClassDojo is an educational technology communication app and website.
Therefore, in this study the researcher wanted to make a contribution, the researcher did not only apply the
blended learning with ClassDojo model to the writing learning process but also focused on how students perceive
the application of the learning model. Besides that, ClassDojo is also used as a medium in applying the blended
learning model so that it is very different from previous learning.

Many studies have shown that blended learning approach and its place in enhancing writing skill listed a
great number of positive effects. Zhang, Song and Burston (2011) examined the effectiveness of writing skill
learning via mobile phones and compared two groups of students at a Chinese university.
Considering the utilization of ClassDojo, some researchers used ClassDojo that have enabled it to become a
platform for school communications, facilitate learning in class, for recording and also storing students’ behavioural
data (Empson 2012; Kolodny 2016). This application used to develop behaviour in class by teacher. Students are
expected to control their classroom atmosphere to stay active independently (Czikk, 2013).
The difference between this applications with the other mass media is in privacy protection. The other
online applications require sharing a mobile phone number, but ClassDojo does not. However, teacher could send
message for more than 49 parents privately (Woon, 2017). So their parents can handle and control the development
of their children in learning.
In this research, it is hoped that the utilization of ClassDojo as a learning platform will give students
different learning experiences. Although there had been a lot of researches on ClassDojo, there were only limited
researches which were focused on the effect of utilization ClassDojo on adolescence EFL students’ writing skill and
their perception. while researchers previously used it as a peer monitoring tool in the classroom to reduce negative
interactions and disruptive student behavior during the learning process and used it as a connecting book between
parents and students (Melissa Bryanne Mchugh Dillon, 2016; Michael Scott Burger; 2015). The utilization of
ClassDojo by teacher in this study will be used not only as a platform for practice but also for material
reinforcement. A mixed method will be applied in this study; qualitative and quantitative design. Therefore, the
result will be focused not only on the effect of ClassDojo utilization on the improvement of adolescent EFL
students’ writing skills and also on the exploration of their perceptions during the course. Regarding the effect of
ClassDojo utilization on the improvement of students’ writing skills, they will be given pre-test and post-test.
Meanwhile, to explore more about their perceptions, the researcher gave open-ended questionnaire and continued to
interview session. The researcher made a table for their progress during the ClassDojo course.

This study was conducted to find out the effects of blended learning on students' academic
accomplishments and learner autonomy using ClassDojo in response to the aforementioned gap, in order to
decipher the myriad of potential uses of blended learning in Indonesian schools, and with concerns about the
future development of blended learning among Indonesian teachers. The study's focus is on short story-based
English instruction. Additionally, it was anticipated that this study would offer input on the success of the
suggested training, any negative effects it might have that need to be taken into account in the future, and its
encouraging potential to enhance the existing curriculum. The Indonesian educational system's major attempts
at blended learning training include this study. Based on the scope and limitations of this research, the research
problems are formulated as the following:
1. Is there any significant effect of blended learning through ClassDojo on students' writing skills?
2. What are the challenges faced by the students in learning writing using blended learning through ClassDojo?
3. What are the benefits found by students in learning writing using blended learning through ClassDojo?
To answer research questions number 1 quantitative research method was used to examine the effect of
Blended learning through ClassDojo utilization on students' writing skill. Therefore, the research was used a quasi-
experimental, pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group. A quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest non equivalent
control group was similar to an experimental research in which students in the experimental group followed the
instructions of Blended learning through ClassDojo application but the teacher controlled their progress through
ClassDojo classroom. A quasi-experimental, pretest-posttest, non-equivalent control group design was used to
examine the effect of ClassDojo application on ninth grade of senior high school on students' writing skill. In
addition, a quasi-experimental control group design, non-equivalent pretest-posttest was used to compare students'
writing abilities and perceptions of high school seniors participating in English instruction using a dojo class versus
students participating in traditional face-to-face instruction.
To answer research questions 2 and 3, qualitative data were used. To explore students' perceptions about
the use of the dojo class in writing skills classes, students were given an open-ended questionnaire while to explore
more about students' learning experiences, several students were interviewed in focus group discussions.
It is believed that by doing this research, EFL teachers will be able to learn more about the impact of employing
blended learning through the ClassDojo program on students' writing skills and perceptions of EFL learners. This
study is significant because it will provide much-needed empirical research on the ClassDojo effect and how it
affects Indonesian EFL students' writing skills (Peterson, Karyn M 2013).
Below are the significances of study:
1. To open up the insight of the EFL teachers that in the teaching and learning process they can integrate
blended learning through ClassDojo in EFL classes.
2. To inform English teachers and students about the impact of using ClassDojo on English language learners'
English writing.
3. To explore students’ perceptions on ClassDojo application in students' writing abilities

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