Ipard 2021-2027 en

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IPARD 2021-20275 годишен период како

продолжение на ИПАРД 2007-2013.

IPARD is the fifth component of the pre-
accession aid from the EU for the Republic
of Macedonia - the fifth component of IPA

ИПАРД се менаџира децентрализирано,

во Министерството за земјоделство,
шумарство и водостопанство (МЗШВ).
Investment project after IPARD?
• The project includes 3 phases:
• PHASE 1- preparation of application package: complete institutional
documentation, internal documentation, business plan and procurement
(on call - 45 days)
• PHASE 2 : review of all documentation by the Agency for Financial
Support in Agriculture and Rural Development and its APPROVAL -
signing of the contract (6-8 months)
• PHASE 3: lending loan under IPARD and implementation of the project -
investment as it is approved and return of the money from IPARD (6-12
Measure - Investments in material assets for processing
and marketing of agricultural and fish products (for entities
with a turnover of over 10 million euros and over 50-249-749
employees) MEDIUM and LARGE enterprises
Goal of the measure
➢ better utilization of resources and introduction of new products
and technologies
➢ strengthening the relationship between processors and
agricultural producers
➢ improving food quality and safety
➢ compliance with the rules, standards, policies and practices of
the European Union
➢ promotion of environmental protection
Potential users of funds
➢ Legal entities registered in the Central Registry of RM which
are in the rank of small and medium enterprises according
to Recommendation 2003/361/EC
➢ Legal entities which are in the rank of large enterprises up
to 750 employees for investments that will adapt the entire
capacity to EU standards based on the assessment by the
AHV or the Ministry of the Environment
➢ Cooperatives registered in the Central Registry of the RM
whose primary activity is agriculture or the processing of
agricultural products or services directly related to the
agricultural sector
Sectors in the manufacturing industry
which are covered by IPARD 2021-2027

The projects relate to the following production activities:

1. Processing of milk and milk products
2. Processing of meat and meat products
3. Processing of fruits and vegetables (including potatoes, mushrooms and
4. Cereal and starch processing
5. Vegetable and animal oils and fats
6. Grape must, wine and vinegar
7. Energy production through the processing of plant and animal products
from primary and secondary biomass with the extraction of biomass from
fish for own needs
Examples of eligible investments

➢ Construction and reconstruction of buildings for processing and

marketing of agricultural products (facilities for production, storage,
collection and distribution centers) associated facilities (laboratories for
the needs of the enterprise, for the preparation of raw materials, silos,
warehouses for grain), including facilities for occupational safety and
environmental protection (waste and water treatment, sewage systems,
biomass storage)
➢ Procurement and installation of new equipment for: collection,
storage, cooling, processing, packaging, freezing, drying, for the
introduction of new technologies, for the production of energy from
renewable sources, for the improvement and control of quality and safety
of raw materials and food, etc.
Processing of agricultural products –
Acceptable investments

➢ Procurement of specialized transport tanks and trailers for transferring

raw materials or products (transport of milk, cold stores, transport of
biomass) including trailers for the transport of live animals
➢ Procurement and installation of equipment for animal welfare (housing
before slaughter, feeding, watering, fertilization)
➢ Procurement and installation of equipment for environmental protection
(energy efficiency, controlled climate conditions, waste and water
treatment, renewable energy sources for the needs of the economy)
➢ Improvement of the infrastructure (road construction / reconstruction,
electrical installations, water supply, sewerage, pumping stations for the
company's needs)
Amount of financial support

The maximum level of aid for collective investments is 70%.

To receive support under this measure, the minimum total eligible expenditure proposed
for the investment project will be EUR 20,000.

The maximum total financial support for one recipient according to this measure must not
exceed 3,000,000 euros for the entire period of implementation of the Program.

The maximum financial support to be granted to newly established legal entities (a legal
entity that has not submitted an annual tax report for the last fiscal year preceding the
year of the public call) under this measure is EUR 100,000.

The maximum total financial support to be granted to an individual project under this
measure is EUR 1,500,000.
Measure: Diversification of
(alternative) farms and business development
A person with residence or economic activity in a rural
environment registered as
▪ A caterer
▪ Craftsman
▪ Individual trader
▪ Agricultural holding/individual farmer
➢ Legal entities – micro and small enterpises

➢ Cooperatives
Priority sectors covered by the measure
1. Production, processing and marketing of agricultural and
forest products

2. Production of food products and processing

3. Development of craftsmanship

4. Provision of services for the agricultural sector

5. Improvement of services for rural population

6. Promotion of rural tourism

7. Production and sale of energy from renewable sources

1. Production, processing and marketing of
agricultural and forest products

➢ Fruit and vegetables

➢ Meat and meat products

➢ Milk and dairy products

➢ Cereal, ground and starchy products

➢ Must and wine

➢ Alcoholic products

➢ Teas and herbal solutions

➢ Pastry, pasta and bakery products

➢ Spices
2. Production of non-food products

• The support refers to investments for the production and

finishing of non-food products (metals, non-metals, minerals
and their raw materials, wood and wood products, textiles
and textile products, plastics, glass and glass products, etc.)
4. Provision of services for the
agricultural sector
➢Establishment and promotion of veterinary services

➢ Establishment and modernization of workshops for maintenance of

agricultural machinery and equipment
➢ Establishment of agricultural machinery rental services
5. Services for rural population
➢Repair and maintenance services/field maintenance
➢Residence and care facilities (nursing homes)
➢Training and educational centers for any profession
➢Cinema, local radio broadcasting
➢Information centers
6. Rural tourism

➢ Provision of rural accommodation – rooms, apartments, camps, trailers,

bungalows, etc.
➢ Catering activity - preparation and serving of food
➢ Combined services – accommodation and catering
➢ Tasting and sales rooms
➢ Rural museums
➢ Provision of recreational activities for tourists
7. Alternative agricultural
➢Cultivation of mushrooms and truffles

➢Production of seed and planting material

➢Breeding of rabbits, snails, game, birds

➢Cultivation of plants, seeds and other spices and aromatic plants

➢Timber and biomass tree plantations (fast-growing)
➢Aquaculture farms for freshwater fish
Examples of eligible investments
➢ Construction and reconstruction of facilities intended for the
implementation of acceptable economic activities (facilities for
production and processing, warehouses, workshops, accommodation
facilities), ancillary facilities (for housing raw materials, points of sale,
sanitary facilities), facilities for waste treatment, storage of biomass
and accommodation of equipment)
➢ Procurement and installation of machinery and equipment required for
the implementation of acceptable economic activities, services or rural
➢ Procurement of specialized transport tanks and trailers for transferring raw
materials or products
➢ Procurement and installation of equipment for environmental protection
(energy efficiency, controlled climate conditions, waste and water treatment),
including production of electricity and thermal energy from renewable sources
➢ Improvement of the infrastructure (construction/reconstruction of an internal
access road, electrical installations, water supply, sewerage, landscaping)
➢ Construction and reconstruction of facilities with the purpose of carrying out the
acceptable economic activity (production and processing facilities, warehouses,
workshops, accommodation facilities), ancillary facilities (for housing raw
materials, points of sale, sanitary facilities), facilities for waste treatment,
storage of biomass and accommodation of equipment)
➢ Procurement and installation of machinery and equipment required for the
implementation of acceptable economic activities, services or rural tourism
Amount of financial support
• The total public expenditure (75% EU funds + 25% national co-financing) will not exceed a ceiling of
60% of the total eligible investment costs.
• It can be increased up to 70% for:
• investments made by young farmers and/or certified organic farmers,
• collective investments.
• An additional 10% may be given for:
• investments related to effluents and waste management, renewable energy sources and circular investments of
economic type (efficient reuse of waste materials).

• For the above types of investments, the maximum aid intensity cannot exceed 75%.
• To receive support under this measure, the minimum total eligible expenditure proposed for the
investment project is EUR 5,000.
• The maximum total financial support to be granted to the recipient under this measure is EUR
1,500,000 for the entire period of implementation of the Program.
• The maximum financial support to be granted to newly established legal entities (a legal entity that
has not submitted an annual tax report for the last fiscal year preceding the year of the public call)
under this measure is EUR 100,000.
• The maximum total financial support to be granted to an individual project under this measure is
EUR 600,000.
Measure - Investments in material assets of
agricultural holdings


• An agricultural holding that is registered in the Unified Register of Agricultural

Holdings at the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management:

➢The family agricultural economy

➢Individual agricultural producer
➢Agricultural economy - legal entity

• Cooperatives
Sectors in primary agricultural production that are
covered by IPARD 2014 - 2020

1. Plant production

2. Livestock production

3. Processing and marketing of the farm's own agricultural production

4. Investments in renewable energy sources for own needs

Branches in crop production covered by
IPARD 2014 - 2020

•1. Plant production

➢ cereal and industrial crops (allowed for the first time in

➢ vegetable production (including potatoes)
➢ multi-year plants (orchards, vineyards including olives
and honey plants)
Sector: Plant production

➢ Construction and reconstruction of facilities for agricultural activity and

related facilities
➢ Procurement of agricultural machinery, attachment equipment,
specialized transport trailers and irrigation systems
➢ Procurement of seedlings for perennial plants (fruits, table grapes,
olives, vines, honey flora, herbs and aromatic plants
➢ Procurement and installation of environmental protection equipment
Upgrade of existing irrigation systems
➢ Improvement of farm infrastructure
Branches in livestock production
covered by IPARD 2021-2027:
•2. Livestock activity

➢ cattle breeding (for production of milk and fattening)

➢ pig farming (for reproduction and fattening)
➢ sheep and goat breeding (for milk and fattening)
➢ poultry farming (for eggs and fattening)
(for the first time in IPARD a start-up farm is allowed)
Sector: Livestock production:

➢ Construction and reconstruction of facilities for agricultural activity

(stables, silos, barns, breeding grounds, related facilities for housing
food for animals, etc.)
➢ Procurement of agricultural machinery, attachment equipment,
specialized transport trailers (for animals, milk, garbage, etc.)
➢ Procurement and installation of equipment to improve animal welfare
standards (water troughs, feeders, etc.)
➢ Procurement and installation of environmental protection equipment
(energy efficiency, controlled climate conditions, waste and water
treatment, renewable energy sources for the needs of the economy)
➢ Improvement of farm infrastructure (road construction/reconstruction,
electrical installations, water supply, sewerage)
Amount of financial support
• The total public expenditure will not exceed the ceiling of 60% of the total eligible
expenditure of the investment. This ceiling will be raised to:
• 65% for investments in agricultural holdings in mountainous areas (as indicated
in Annex 2 of this program).
• 70% for investments in agricultural holdings made by young farmers and/or
agricultural holdings/farmers certified as organic for the proposed investment;
• The maximum aid intensity rate will increase by 10 percentage points for:
• Investments in manure management systems (treatment, further use, etc.),
• Investments in buildings/equipment for the production of energy from
renewable energy sources to meet the own energy needs of the agricultural
economy respecting the principle of "self-consumption“;
• Investments in buildings/equipment for wastewater treatment/sewage; and
• Collective investments - additional support aid under this measure applies to
the fruit and vegetable sector, the wine, milk, dairy and meat sectors as well as
to collective investments for quality products with the prospect of being
registered as products with a label of origin and/or geographical indication.
• The maximum cumulative/combined aid level should not exceed 75%.
• To receive support under this measure, the minimum total eligible cost
for the investment project is EUR 10,000.
• The maximum total financial support to be granted to one recipient
under this measure is 1,500,000 euros for the entire period of the
Program implementation.
• The maximum financial support to be granted to newly established legal
entities (a legal entity that has not submitted an annual tax report for the
last fiscal year preceding the year of the public call) under this measure is
EUR 100,000.
• The maximum total financial support to be granted to an individual
project under this measure is EUR 750,000.


Klaudija Lutovska
M.Sc in Strategic ManagementGraduated in Industrial
Private consultants
Moskovska str. No. 9, Taftalidze, Skopje
Marija Stevanovska E-mail: settimconsulting@gmail.com
M.Sc. Financial management 00 389 (0)78 31 32 98

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