Metal Cladding

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Ss ia ne Te nr 4 ‘conception of most curtain walls isa series of vertical mullions spanning 7 feom floor to floor interconnected by horizontal transoms forming. ‘openings into which can be fixed panels of glass or infil panels of opaque ) ‘materials. Most curtain walls are constructed by using a patent or proprietary system produced by metal window manufactucers The primary objectives of using curtain walling systems are 7 4. Provide an enclosure to the structure which will give the necessary ion against the clements. 12, Make use of dry construction methods. yse onto the structural frame the minimum load in the form of functions a curtain wall must meet the following to the elements ~ the materials used in curtain walls are ‘and therefore in themselves present no problem ‘of the way in which they are fabricated a large number 129 ae teers caracee ‘of joints o€cu Soerounding mater setrerials rst also allow aterare movement and generally consist of max reformed guakes of synthetic rubber or PVC. 2, Reise im maintaining the designed internal tes Aan walls usually include a large p-rcentage Pear eo tac xanafer of heat i low and theres retanures may have to be incorporated into the Problem with large glazed areas is solar heat gain Weg pie sherri ware radiations from the sun vo p Consequently warm up the surfaces of internal w forniture. These surfaces will in turn radiate this form of long wave radiations which cannot pass lazing thus creating an internal heat buildup. Low E curtain walling system will have litte effect ups build-up but they will reduce solar glare. A s external louvres will slightly reduce the heat a and radiating it back to the external ar. The usual n employed to solve the problem of internal heat g (a) Deep recessed windows which could be used in with external vertical fins ini (b) Balanced internal heating and ventilation system (©) Use of special solar control glass such as reflective during manufacture are modified by depositing on the glass a metallic or dielectric reflective laye of this form of glazing can be increased if th 5° to 15° to increase the angle of incidence 3. Adequate strength — although curtain walls are clas Joad-bearing they must be able to carry their own we both positive and negative wind loadings. The magnit latter loading will depend upon three basic factors (a) Height of building: (b) Degree of exposure: (c) Location of building. The strength of curtain walling relie of the vertical component or mullion together with its ural frame. Glazing beads and the use als also add to the resistance of poss .d and infill panel areas by enabling ‘of the curtain wall framing t s mainly upo fixing to the struc compressible mater damage of the glaze: to move independently 130 Pra ncprarec ae Proprion ere a \unprotected areas as “external fire sprea B supporting fio coin (ne Par V, vane in eB Braet re sti! Britt tora ° | asy co ssvemble and fix — the p ae Seating system is usually the muon ne ‘of adjustable anchorages o Pesaran tee a floor isaiee stale nchorats or conc, The i ami ad pn OelGiticms ue Tia BMPR er cised degree of sound ination - x ketaiha pea ee ere ey ae Ges nates ee ce sy storing thot one pease sing resilient connectors in the joints a oui a eae ee oe SES eee ieee emo fa sound barrier, the weakest point being the rte ae eS {@) Reducing the area of glazing ee ee sof neat gn tito {@), Double glazing in the form of inner and outer panes of glass with an air space of 150 to 200 mm between them. i 1. Provide for thermal ‘and structural movements — since curtain vain is situated on an external face of the structure t ‘will be more ‘exposed than the structural frame and ‘will therefore be subject esr hn gene erg we movement. The main frame may also ‘be subjected to greater settle ment than the claddings attached ‘0 its outer face. These differential men than he Sad arin aligned = designed, fabricated and fixed that the iattached cladding can Move independently of the structure, TRE Usa) methods of providing fot ent are to have slotted bolt connections and, to thin the curtain walling self, RAN spigot ‘connections and/or mastic sealed Joints igutes IV.1 and 1V.2 show typical curtain walling examples to illustrate these principles. 131 moO. a ~ <= ~ 100 x 12 galvanised Steel upper ‘mullion NB. in general members are fixed with bolts, nuts and washers expansion gap glazing ‘compound — 1 ptvaises ste: fo ana ng Angles to ben sides of mull, ‘curtain wal fa ~ mution fixing lag | join spigot fs Inside open ends ‘of box mulion SE sO Infill Panels The panel Used t0 form the opaaue gy sm should have the following propertice in a curtain walling syste Lightweight Rigid Impermeable. 4. Suitable fire resistance §. Suitable resistance to heat transfer. & Good durability requiring little or no maintenance No one materi has all the abo listed properties and therefor in pune ar unly manufactured inthe form of sandwich or conte, pane One ofthe major problems encountered with any form of exer Sandwich panel is interstitial condensation which i usually overcome fh including s vapour barrier of suitable material situated near to the mgs? face ofthe panel A vapour barter can be defined asa membrane wi | vapour resistivity greater than 100 MN/g. Suitable materials include adequately lapped sheeting such a aluminium fol, waterproof bing papers, polythene sheet and applied material sch as two costs of bitten paint or two coats of chlorinated rubber paint. Care must be taken whan Positioning vapour barriers to ensure that an interaction is not set up between adjacent materials sich as the alkali attack of aluminium i places next to concrete or asbestos cement. The choice of external facing for these infill cladding materials is ver important because of their direct exposure to the elements. Plastic wad plastic coated materials are obvious choices provided they meet the minimum requirements et out in Approved Document B. One of she m Popular materials for the external facing of infill panels is vitreous ing P ‘enamelled steel or aluminium sheets. In the preparation process x thin coating of glass is fused onto the metal surface at a temperature of between 800° and 860°C resulting in an extremely hard, impervious, and corrosion resistant panel which will withstand severe abrasive seen ito the finish will not be subject to crazing or cracking resulting in x» Dini finish withthe strength of the base metal. When used in cor valaes in te et materials a thin lightweight infil pane giving “U raraples SRNR EE MI Wien be created, Typical infil pane! examples are shown in Fig. 1V.3 f Glazing into The primary function of any material fixed fea Ce ne STEMS blog isto prove a veer Provides generl daylight illumination ofthe interior of the wie aion ow osu coma provide reo bave the inte SST) 1? this can be adequatel ees apse bor i peycholopical ing #95 Peeeddesintle to haven a vuiding ie real nc acral Fale arti of are ape eared out and the posit ioreemine whether daylight from glazed a Becta ork casks oan ne att sual Ptne nature of bs largely det possible daylight york task illumination. The need for visua ree zed for daylight illumination veady been considered at the beginning of this chapter and th, eae jecessary under this heading. The major ., plan il rove ecard and maintenance. ‘The cleaning of windows in this context can be a dang process but such glazed areas do need cleaning for the following 1, Prevention of dirt accumulation resulting in a distortion original visual appearance. 2. Maincaining the designed daylight transmission 3. Maintaining the clarity of vision out. 4. Prevention of deterioration of the glazing materials

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