Class VIII - AI - Worksheet & Key

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MIDDLE SCHOOL – 2023-2024

I. Choose the correct answer:
1. Arduino is called as ___________.
a. Microcontroller b. Microprocessor
c. Both a & b d. none of the above
2. How many analog pins are used in Arduino Mega Board?
a. 4 b. 8 c.12 d. 16
3. To close the circuit ___________ pin is used in Arduino UNO.
a. analog b. GND
b. digital d. all of the above
4. Find the two functions are available ZBlox.
a. Setup() and Header Section b. Setup () and Loop ()
c. Both a and b d. Build () and Loop ()
5. ___________ is the another LCD.
a. Integration Circuit b. Inter Integrated Circuit
c. International Circuit d. none of the above
6. ___________ is the option to make the text to scroll/display in LCD.
a. scroll b. display
c. auto-scroll d. all of the above
7. Find the following blocks are used to blink a LED.

a. set digital pin 5 to High b. set digital pin 5 to Low

wait 10 seconds wait 10 seconds
set digital pin 5 to Low set digital pin 5 to High
wait 10 seconds wait 10 seconds

c. set digital pin 5 to High d. set digital pin 5 to turn on

wait 10 seconds wait 10 seconds

8. Expand STEM.
a. Social Technology Energy Mechanism
b. Science Technique Energy Machine
c. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
d. Social Technology Engineering Mathematics
9. Which of the following connection is correct?
a. Arduino SCL to LCD SDA b. Arduino SDA to LCD SDA
c. Arduino GND to LCD GND d. Both b and c
10. Which of the following board to select to transfer the blocks to Arduino?
a. Learn Coding b. Arduino UNO
c. Arduino MEGA BOARD d. Arduino NANO

II. Fill in the blanks:

1. Arduino is a ___________.
2. Expand SDA.
3. Expand SCL.
4. There are ___________ pins available in the LCD.
5. ___________ is the section used to declare the LCD in ZBlox.
6. VCC stands for ___________ in Arduino UNO.
7. ___________ are connected to vertically in breadboard.
8. ___________ are connected to horizontally in breadboard.
9. Name the statement that control the flow of their program using blocks
10. ___________ is the user-friendly platform for coding through blocks,
compiling and uploading code to the board.

III. Answer the following:

1. List out few major applications of AI.
2. How is AI different from Human Intelligence?
3. Write the steps involved in the NLP.
4. How is image processing different from computer vision?
5. Name the different components of natural language processing.
6. Name different types of AI bases on capabilities.
7. What are the three disciplines involved in AI?
8. List out the few advantage and disadvantages of AI.
9. Explain the need for AI.
10. Write a short note on expert systems.
11. What are flying drones?
12. Write a short note on smart grid.
13. Discuss the benefits of smart home.
14. Discuss any four challenges of smart homes.
15. Write any five benefits of smart city.

MIDDLE SCHOOL – 2023-2024
I. Choose the correct answer:
1. a. Microcontroller
2. d. 16
3. b. GND
4. c. Both a and b
5. b. Inter Integrated Circuit
6. c. all of the above
7. a. set digital pin 5 to High
wait 10 seconds
set digital pin 5 to Low
wait 10 seconds
8. c. Science Technology Engineering Mathematics
9. d. Both b and c
10. b. Arduino UNO
II. Fill in the blanks:
1. Open-source electronics platform
2. Serial Data
3. Serial Clock
4. Four
5. Void setup ()
6. Voltage Common Collector
7. Terminal strips
8. Power Rails
9. If-else
10. ZBlox
III. Answer the following:
1. List out few major applications of AI.
a. Robotics
b. Machine Vision
c. Speech Recognition / Voice Recognition
d. Expert Systems
e. Mathematical Computations

2. How is AI different from Human Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence or machine intelligence is man-made intelligence that
enables computers or machines to have an IQ similar to that of humans. It
enables computers, robots, and machines to visualise, comprehend, analyse,
take decisions and act accordingly.

3. Write the steps involved in the NLP.

a. Lexical Analysis
b. Syntatic Analysis
c. Semantic Analysis
d. Discourse Integration
e. Pragmatic Analysis
4. How is image processing different from computer vision?
Image processing is the process of creating a new image from an existing
image. It is a type of digital signal processing and is not concerned with
understanding the content of an image. A computer vision system may require
image processing to be applied to raw input, for example pre-processing

5. Name the different components of natural language processing.

There are two main components of natural language processing (NLP)
 Natural Language Understanding (NLU)
 Natural Language Generation (NLG)

6. Name different types of AI bases on capabilities.

a) Narrow AI b) General AI c) Super AI

7. What are the three disciplines involved in AI?

The three disciplines involved in AI are biology, psychology and mathematics.

8. List few advantage and disadvantages of AI.

S. No. Advantages Disadvantages
a. Helps in reducing human error Highly expensive
b. Makes the decision-making Cannot learn with experience and
process faster has no decision-making capacity
c. Performs repeated tasks without Cannot replicate humans
getting tired or bored
d. Helps in carrying out odd jobs Unemployment
e. Improving security It is not creative and cannot exhibit
human emotions

9. Explain the need for AI.

 Helps us create programs, software or devices that are able to solve
real-life problems such as health issues and traffic issues, which need to
be solved efficiently and accurately.
 Creating our personal virtual assistant, such as Google Assistance and
Apple’s Siri.
 To build robots and devices which can work in an environment which is
dangerous for humans.

10. Write a short note on expert systems.

An expert system in AI is a computer system that emulates the decision-
making ability of a human expert. Expert systems are developed to solve
complex problems related to a particular task that require human
intelligence and expertise. It is mainly used in the field of medicine.

11. What are flying drones?

Flying drones are more popular these days. These include a powerful
machine-learning system that can translate the environment into a 3 model
through sensors and video cameras. These are used for a variety of tasks
such as videography, photography and even food delivery.
12. Write a short note on smart grid.
A smart grid is a technology-based power network that uses two-way
digital communication to distribute energy to customers. The system allows
tracking, evaluation, management and interaction within the supply chain to
help improve performance, reduce energy consumption and expense, and
optimize the transparency and reliability of the energy supply chain.

13. Discuss the benefits of smart home.

 Energy saving
 Smart thermostats
 Smart locks
 Smart security systems & Smart security cameras
 Smart motion sensors
 Smart TVs
 Smart coffee makers & Smart refrigerators
 Senior-monitoring devices
 Smart irrigation system
 Robot assistants
 Smart plugs
 Smart home routine

14. Discuss any four challenges of smart homes.

 One major drawback of smart homes is that they are dependent on the
Internet. In case of internet failure, smart home user will not able to
access and control the devices
 Smart homes are expensive. Smart lighting, appliances such as washing
machines and refrigerators are quite expensive and thus cannot be
afforded by many people.
 A few smart home members who are not well verse with technology may
find it difficult to operate and use devices at smart home.
 A hacker can hack the smart hub device and can misuse and control the
rest of the devices.
 Since smart homes involve the use of the Internet, there are chances
that the data or images uploaded and shared by smart devices can be
hacked and leaked over Internet.

15. Write any five benefits of smart city.

 Adequate water supply
 Secure energy supply
 Good governance, in particular e-governance citizen participation
 Safety of people, especially for women
 Affordable housing, particularly for the poor.


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