Kindergarten Demo Plan Animals Mgludp

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20 kids. 25 minutes.

Words: Cat, fish, dog, and bird.

Download Flashcards:

WARM-UP: 3 minutes
Play a warm-up song. “Let’s go to the zoo or walk in the jungle, “and do the actions.

Introduce new words by showing Flashcards and using the related TPR (actions/sounds of
animals). What’s this? It’s a cat/dog [meow/woof]


Divide the class into 4 groups (5 kids on each team)
Place all those flashcards on the floor, far from each other. Ask one group to
make a circle. The teacher says CAT. They find the cat card and go around it while
chanting I see a cat. Now the teacher suddenly calls out another word, let’s say DOG. They find
the dog and go around the Flashcards while keep chanting. When they finish all the cards, say
goodbye and let them sit back, now call another group of 5 kids and do the same.
To maintain class discipline and save time, the teacher should hold hands with them.
Watch this game on the Muxi ESL YouTube channel:
Activity: 3 MINUTES
Practice the sentence “I see a cat /dog/fish. Show the cat flashcards, say it, and use related
TPR (action) for each animal. Watch my video here:
I see a cat, meow meow meow.
I see a dog, Woof woof woof
I see a fish, swim swim swim.
I see a bird, fly fly fly.
Now sit in front of them, hold a card, ask the first student in a row to quickly come, say the
card I SEE A DOG, the teacher says woof woof woof, and just pretend to chase the student.
Now the next student should quickly come and does the same while the teacher shows a
different flashcard, let’s say a cat. Keep doing until all the students get their turn.
Wrap-Up: Show the cards one by one and say “I see a cat, bye-bye cat. I see a dog. Bye-
bye dog. I see a fish. Bye-bye fish. I see a bird. Fly-fly bird and pretend to fly.

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