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Worksheet to accompany the unit from RJ Tarr at

Sourcework Questions: The Causes of the Vietnam War

Source A
'The loss of any single country in South East Asia could lead to the loss of all Asia,
then India and Japan, finally endangering the security of Europe.... You have a row of
dominoes set up, you knock over the first one and what will happen to the last one is
a certainty, that it will go over very quickly.'
President Eisenhower

Source B
'The path taken by the Chinese people is the path that should be taken by the people
of the various colonial and semi-colonial countries in their fight for national
independence and people's democracy ... that is the way of Mao Tse Tung.'
A Chinese Communist leader

Source C
'After 18 May 1955, the date on which all Vietminh forces were supposedly withdrawn
from the South, the Communists continued to exercise authority in many rural areas.
They had extensively infiltrated the civil service, the police and armed forces, and
they enjoyed considerable support of the rural population.'
An American reporter in South Vietnam, (1955)

Source D
'Let every nation know, whether it wishes us well or ill, that we shall pay any price,
bear any burden, meet any hardship, support any friend, oppose any foe, to assure
the survival and success of liberty. To those new states which we welcome to the
ranks of the free we pledge our word that one form of colonial control shall not have
passed away merely to be replaced by a far worse tyranny.'
President Kennedy, (1960)

Source E
'In the final analysis, it is their war. They are the ones who have to win it or lose it ...
the people of Vietnam against the Communists.'
President Kennedy, (1963)

1. Study Source A.
To what extent does this source explain the reasons for American involvement in
Vietnam? (4)

2. Study Sources A & B.

Does Source B prove that Eisenhower’s judgement in Source A was correct? Explain
your answer. (6)

3. Here are three reasons why the US may have got involved in Vietnam:
i. Because they wanted to protect the world from communist dictatorship
ii. Because they were paranoid about the communist threat
iii. Because they were aggressively trying to dominate the civilised world

Which one of these interpretations do you find most convincing? (10)

Worksheet to accompany the unit from RJ Tarr at

1. Study Source A.
To what extent does this source explain the reasons for American involvement in Vietnam?

L1 1 Summarises / Describes the source at face value.

L2 2 Explains the meaning of the source by making inferences based on background knowledge /
cross referencing. Better answers will refer to specific details in the source and elaborate on
these points.
L3 3 As L2, but also addresses “How Much” aspect by questioning the reliability of the witness.
L4 4 As above, but gives other reasons for American involvement not mentioned by the source using
background knowledge / Cross referencing.

2. Study Sources A & B.

Does Source B prove that Eisenhower’s judgement in Source A was correct? Explain your answer.

L1 1 Answer argues “Yes” or “No”; but does not back up this argument with any details from the
L2 2-3 Answer argues “Yes” or “No”; argument supported by details from the sources and/or from
background knowledge.
L3 4-5 Answer argues “Yes” and “No”; argument supported by details from the source and/or from
background knowledge.
L4 5-6 Answer argues “Yes” and “No”; recognises that in some ways the source helps to prove the case,
but in other ways it doesn’t (e.g. no single source tells us everything, or is totally reliable)

3. Here are three reasons why the US may have got involved in Vietnam:
i. Because they wanted to protect the world from communist dictatorship
ii. Because they were paranoid about the communist threat
iii. Because they were aggressively trying to dominate the civilised world
Which one of these interpretations do you find most convincing?

L1 1-2 Unsupported assertions

L2 3 One or two factors considered, uses background knowledge only.
L3 4 One or two factors considered, uses sources AND background knowledge.
L4 5 All factors considered, uses sources OR background.
L5 6 All factors considered, uses sources AND background.
L6 7-8 Reserved for answers which reaches a balanced conclusion through factors being compared /
categorised / linked effectively throughout.
Such answers do not look at one factor after another in no particular order.
They may recognise that in the final analysis some parts of the statement are true, but not
others; in the short term it was true, but not in the long term; for a certain country it was true, but
not for others (etc)

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