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Mer ekoerkeeskies 4 MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS sane ea fanject of Anatomy? is known as founder of science of 5 Europhiles is known as father of anatomy. Hippocrates is known as founder of developmental anatomy. D. Malpighi is known as father of modern anatomy. E. Vesalius is known as father of anatomy. 2. Who coined the term “anatomy”? A. Aristotle, B. Europhiles © Hips 0. Mal E. Vesaliu’ 3, Mitochondrial ONA variation studies have concluded that the modern man descended about 200,000 years ago in’ A. Africa, 8. Europe. . North America. E, South America 4, The legal age of presumptive puberty I 1.12 yéars in boys. B. 14 years in boys. C. 14 years in girls. D. 16 years in boys. E. 16 years in girls. 5. Principles of anatomy deals with the study of A. Developmental anatomy: 8. General anatomy: C. Microscopic anatomy. D. Regional anatomy. E, Systemic anatomy 6, The relations of struct described in reference to t! human body: A. Erect or bipedal. ‘ 8. Lithotomy C. Lying on side. D. Prone. E Supine. res in gross anatomy are the following position of 7. Which plane divides the human body into two equal halves? A. Coronal 8. Oblique C. Parasaittal D. Sagittal. E. Transverse 8. In normal anatomical position: 1K The body lies on his back 8. The-eyes are directed upwards. C. The fet are resting on ground. 0. The lower limbs depart fom each other. E. The palms of hands ae directed medaly 9. An organ is defined as association of following minimum number of basic tissues: E. Two. 10. Skin ‘A. Forms internal environment of body. B. Is comprised of three basic tissues, . s derived embryologically from endoderm, Is the largest organ in the body. E. Lines the eyeball 44. Pigmentation of skin is due to a pigment produced by: é A. Fibrocytes: B. Histiocytes C Keratinocytes. D. Lymphooytes. E. Melanocytes. {2. Dermatoglyphics is an Important scien: 12 erith the study of analysis of ridges in palmar dete se of terminal segments of individual finge These ridges are also known as: ‘A. Langer lines BB. Papillary (friction ridges). ©. Simian crease. D. Stria lines. . Tension lines: 43. Thin skin: ‘A. Contains abundan B. Covers) Scanned with CamScanner C. Is less flexible. D. Is more keratinized. E. Lacks in arrestor pili muscles. 14. Thick skin: ‘A. Contain less sweat glands. B. Contains irregular dermal papillae. C. Exhibits less friction ridges. D. Is less pigmented. E. Is more vascularized, 15. Ligaments are: A. Atype of specialized connective tissue B. Elastic structures. , Formed of irregularly arranged connective c tiv a tissue 1D. Muscular structures. E. Present in the vicinity of fibrous joints. 46. Cartilage is: A. Acellular tissue. B. Loose connective tissue. C. Mineralized connective tissue. D. Ordinary connective tissue. E. Specialized connective tissue. RESPONSES TO GENERAL INTRODUCTION 05.8 15.E 04.8 14.0 03.8 13.8 02. 12.8 01.8 01. Regarding lymphatics of bone: ‘A. Lymph drains into the lymph vessels of periosteum B. Lymph drains through lymph vessels in Haversian canals C. Lymph vessels are present in between adjacent lamella D. Lymph vessels are present in bone marrow E. Lymph vessels are present in the Haversian canals ~ 02. Regarding the nerves of bones, the following statements are true exce) A. Are absent in Haversian canals B. Are absent in periosteum C. Are maximum at articular areas D. Contain only myelinated fibres E. Follow nutrient vessels 03. Growth cartilage gets its nutrition from: __A-Epiphyseal arteries B. Metaphysical artery C. Nutrient artery D. Periosteal artery E. Tissue fluid by permeation 04, Diaphyseal artery . ‘A. Gives branches in cortical canal |B. Gives branches in Juxta-endosteal zone C. Supplies growth cartilage D. Supplies the periosteum £. Supplies the synovial membrane of the joint 05. Regarding the blood supply of bone: 06.8 16.E 07.D 08. 09. 10.0 ‘A. Diaphyseal arteries anastomose with,metaphyseal arteries B. Epiphyseal arteries are branches of metaphyseal arteries C. Metaphyseal arteries are branches of nutrient artery D. Nutrient arteries supply epiphysis E. Periosteal arteries are branches of nutrient artery 06. Terms proximal refer to structures present: A. Ata distance from a reference point. B. Features on the outer surface of viscera. C. Near to a reference point. D. Near to the tail E. On the same side of the body. 07. Sesamoid bone: ‘A. Develops in irregular connective tissue B. Has no effect on the line of pull of muscles C. Increases friction EJs exampled as fibula 08. Age related changes in bone include the following A. Osteomalacia B. Osteopetrosis ©. Osteoporosis D. Osteosarcoma E, Spontaneous fractures 09. Anthropometry involves the study of followin features A. Adiposi76ty B, Degree of development of a bony feature Scanned with CamScanner - peatee of development of muscle Length of irregular bone B Lenath of short bones é Bone growth is mainly effected by the fecretions of: a adrenal gland , Pancreas ¢. Parathyroid gland p Pituitary gland Thyroid gland {1. Bone growth is mainly dependent on the presence Of: sa. Calcium , Muscular activity . Phosphorus D. Vitamin A E, Vitamin E 12. Cortical bone in long bon A.Containg 6 nutri B. Does not contain nerve C. Have transversely oriented osteons D. Is thickest at the articular areas E.Is thin at the middle of shaft 13. Pneumatic bones: A. Are heavy in weight B. Exampled as nasal bone C. Have bone marrow D. Helps in maintaining balance E May affect timber of voice 14. Macerated bone differs from living bone, regarding: A. Inorganic matter 8. Less prone to fractures ©. More elasticity S2eaaniematsn, E. Shape : 15. Epiphysis may be classified as: A. Atavistic [oe SUS 8. Lower end of femur C. Skul D.Sternum, E. Upper end of humerus 17. Regarding the Growing end hypothesis: 'e nutrient canal is directed towards its © nuvent canal is drectog its upper end ees a. C. In ulna, the nutrient canal is directed lower end ss D. Is true for all bones except tibia . Nutrient canal i wirected away from the g ROTTS nce Ne srowing 18. Following are examples of traction epiphysis: A. Articular end of bones. B. Coracoid process of ul SS a D. Lower end of femur. . Lower end of humerus 19. Following bones develop through cartilaginous ossification: A. Clavicle B. Frontal C. Maxilla ‘O. Parietal E. Sphenoid ete A. Are inelastic SERS Tess prone to fractures C. Are soft in consistency ” D. Contain bone marrow ¥ E. Contain organic matter J Scanned with CamScanner a . Proximal end of ulna 23. Distal end of following bones is called head: A. Femi 9 Fibua . Motagals DRadius e-Thia 2a. The following bone possesses head: ‘calcaneus Sar E. Stemum 25. Head of a bone: ‘A. Doos not appear as a separate centre of ossification (epiphysis) B. Is present in the centre of bone C. Is usually a female articulating surface D. Is usually a localized depressed area E. by iby jo Jer Examples of A. Nails, ‘BrPatella C. Scapula D. Sphenoid E, Sternum usual! 27, Compact tissue, in comparison to spongy tissue: A. Bears compression forces at joints B. Has less bony spicules 1D. Is less in shaft of tong bones Is radiolucent 28. Sesamoid bone: A. Functions to alter the line of pull of muscle B. Is developed by intramembranous ossification C. Is developed in scar tissue D. Is developed in the substance of muscle E. Is non-articular in nature 29. Pneumatic bones poséess following features: AAre in Are present in long bones.» C. Function to coo! the air D. Have air itt diploe which is bone E. Increase the weight of the skull 30, Supernumerary bon ‘A. Are normally found in the skeleton B. Do not bear articular surfaces . May be mistaken for fractures on radi SSecur as a result of normal development E_ Occur as normal ununited epiphysis 31. Which primary centres of ossification during intrauterine life? eRe A. Carpal bones Bicar C. Mastoid processes D. Middle nasal concha E. Tarsal bones 32. Diaphysi: ‘A. Appears after birth B. Are developed by the secondary centres C. Are formed by the primary centres in all the bones of body irrespective of size and shape 92P in the compact bones E. Have ends which are known as epiphysis 33. Regarding the features of long bone: ‘A. Each end has diaphysis B. Each end has metaphysis . Each end is called growing end fe D. Each end is supplied by nutrient artery E_ Elongated and tubular jnanpeatanss, 34, Regarding miniature Jona bones: ‘A Are tubular in appearance B. Each end forms growing end ©. Have a shaft and one end D. Heads always possess epiphysis E. Proximal ends possess head 35. Flat bones are supplied by: * ‘A. Conduction arteries D. Metaphyseal arteries E. Periosteal arteries Scanned with CamScanner wlativoly easier to do before puberty [Transverse di nan tls anteropost olor of vertebral fo 10n i lows diameter in male a6 compared Secondary centres of 01 following bones: Hi ton appear in the A. Ear ossicles B_Ends of long bones Shafts of long bones atts of miniature long bones: E. Sphenoid bone 38. Secondary centres of of fication appear: 8. As composite epiphysis in humerus C. AS pressure epiphysis in tess trochanters of femur "and greater ©. As traction epiphysis in the coracoid process of scapula E. In shafts of miniature long bones 39. Epiphysis: A. Always appear before birth 8. Appears in the shaft of miniature long bones C. At the articular ends of bone are developed due to traction of muscles D. Is a primary centre of ossification E_ Of lower end of femur appears before birth ‘40. Which is the feature of flat bones of the * A. Arachnoid vill Diploe. ‘C-Tymph vessels. D. Mucous glands. E. Yellow bone marrow. 41, Meatus in a bone A. A groove. B.A shallow point, C.A short cana larrow blind ended cleft. E, Slit like gap. 42. The following bons nutrient arteries: A.Fistula 8B. Humerus ©. Scapula D. Tibia E. Uin 3 wupplied by recurrent 43, End of immat A. Elastic arteries 8 Epiphy 09 ©. Motaphyseat arteries ©, Nutriont arteries E, Periostoat arteries 44, Regarding the bi bon 1000 Hones are supped by 04 SUPPLY of immature tong A Motaphyseal arteries act a5 ond arteries 8. Metaphys | arteries are tess in number ©. Motaphyseal artories exhibit straight ends D. Metaphysical an st enh er ds lao gone ees E, Periosteum is less vascular 45. Inadequate calcification of matrix of bone: ‘A. Manifests as lack of chondrocytes’ proliferation B. Occurs as deficiency of osteoclasts C. Occurs in osteopetrosis D. Results into deficiency of osteoid tissue E. Results into knock-knees and s 46. In scurvy (vitamin C deficiency), there is increased: A. Angiogenesis 8. Formation of collagen C. Formation of intercellular substance D. Level of calcium in blood E. Rupture of capillaries 47. As compared to adults, the bones of children: A. Are Jess prone to fractures B. Are less slender C. Exhibit delayed healing of fractures D. Have less organic matter 48. Epiphyseal cartilage: A. Appears as relatively radiolucent line on radiograph B. Forms a secondary cartilaginous joint 2 C. Is highly vascular tissue i is asent tween ooh el ery 3 E. Is present between Fepiphysis: es 49. The bone disorder that freed elderly people, particularly prolonged inactivity, ner imbalance is: i Scanned with CamScanner D. Osteonecrosis, Osteopores '50, Following are the characteristics of cartilages A. Decreased rigidity B. High metabolic rate C. Lack of elasticity D. Lack of growth E. Resistance to compression forces 51. Examples of costal hyaline cartilages: A. Acetabular labrum B. Early embryonic cartilages ©. Epigiottis : D. Human auricular cartilages Nasal cartilages. 52. Which cartilage exhibits ossification: ‘A. Anticular cartilage B. Corniculate cartilage C. Epigtottis D. Growth cartilage E. Intervertebral disc RESPONSES TO OSTEOLOGY 01. 02. 03.E 04.8 05.8 114A 12.4 13.E 14.0 15.8 21.8 28 23. 24.8 25.E 31.8 32.0 33.6 34.8 35.6 44.c a2 43.8 44a 45.E SLE 52.0 01. Regarding solid joints: ‘A. Bones are only joined by cartilaginous structures oth fibrous form the binding med C. Featured by free mobility D. Only ordinary connective tissue always forms the binding medium ue 1 simultaneot E. Possess synovial membrane 02. Regarding suture: ‘A. Capsular layer consists of osteogenic cells B. Denticulate variety lies_between teeth _and_their ee eee a . In squamous variety, the bones are covered by stratified squamous epithelium D. Only found between skull bones E. Sutural ligament is formed by dense connective tissue which is devoid of vasculature 03. Regardi ‘A. Secondary cartilaginous joints are never present in midlirie (median plane) B. Symphysial fibrocartilages never contain cavities &. Symphysis may get completely ossifiod D. Synchondrosis is a type of secondary cartilaginous joint E, Syndesmosis is a type of secondary Cartilaginous Joint 04, Regarding synovial Join ‘A. A typical synovial joint can develop between the ‘ ‘ssily membrane 1g cartilaginous joints: 07.0 08.¢ os mee ee to woooe | aa “soe ita me Bee ko a ees B. Articular surfaces are always covered by hyaline cartilage C. Synovial joint contains germ disc D. Synovial membrane is present outside the capsule . Synovial membrane usually covers the articular surface 05. Synovial membrane: ‘A. Consists of outer tunica intima and inner tunica vasculare 8. Is avascular C. |s modified into folds and vill in small joints D. Is phagocytic for joint debris, E. Secretes highly acidic synovial fluids 06. Characteristics of synovial joint are: - A_ Always have accessory ligaments, B. Always have an axis of movements : C. Limited mobility D. Never enclosed by fibrous capsule E. Never lined by synovial membrane 07. intra-articular fibrous tissue functions as: A. Lessening of congruence B. Limitation of combined movements C. Never help in distribution of weight D. Never help in lubrication E. Shock absorption 08. An interosseous ligament is ¢! ‘A. Gomphosis. B. Suture. Scanned with CamScanner symphysis. © Synchondrosis. E synostosis, f& Regarding simple varlety of synovial joint ‘A.A fibrous disc is prosent in the articular surfaco 5. Always presont between two plain surfaces , Contains fibrous capsule D. contains no synovial fluld E, More than one palr of bones is Involved 40, Which characteristic Is present in bicondylar joints? {A Biaxial joints B. They are present in trunk . They have central bony pivot D._Two_cor same_bone _are_enclosed_in different capsules in skull E. Two mating pairs of condyles of different bones are enclosed by different capsule in skull 11. Arthroscopy: ‘A. Is done through a large incision. B. Is the examination of all types of joints. C. 1s used to examine the torn articular dis D-Teads To delayed nealing of wound as compared to traditional open surgery. E. Utilizes the insértion of a small microscope into the joint cavity. 12. Regarding scapular movements: A. Abduction: B. Adduction ©. Elevation D. Extension E. Flexion’ 13. Close pack-position of synovial joints has following characteristics: A. Area of contact is minimum B. Congruence is minimum C. Fibrous capsule and ligaments are minimally taut . Movements are not possible E. Muscular activity is maximum 14. Limitation of movements at joints occurs due to the following factors: A. Inhibition of mechanoreceptors in articular tissue 8. Presence of rich blood supply C. Reflex contraction of antagonistic muscle . Relaxation of ligaments and soft tissues E. Separation of soft tissues he Examples of symphysial joints with cavities in heir fibrocartilage are: C. Symphysis menti D. Symphysis sacralis E. Xiphistornal joint 16. Synovial membrane c: articular structures: A. Discs B. Hyaline cartilago C. Ligaments Menisci - E, Non-articular surfaces of bones 17. Regarding following epiphyseal lines: ‘A. Head of femuris intracapsular 8. Head of humerus is entirely extracapsular C. Lower end of femur is entirely intracapsular entirely extracapsular E. Lower end of humerus is entirely intracapsular 18. Knee joint is classified as: A. Biaxial joint B. Bicondylar joint with two separate fibrous capsules ©. Compound joint D. Simple joint E. Spheroidal joint 19. Synostosis ‘A. Does not occur in cartilaginous joints B. Does not occur in fibrous joints C. Is not related with age D_ Is the fusior E. Never occurs in synovial joints ‘overs the following intra- D. Lower end of humerus nes. 20. Regarding joint injurie: A. Do not cause nausea B. Joint pain is not referred to overlying skin C. Joint pain is sharply localized D. May be reduced enhanced during extreme changes in the weather E. Occur due to overstretching of articular capsule 21. Regarding arthroscopy: ‘A. Ithelps in major surgical procedures on join B. It is done through a large incision C. Itis the examination of all types offoin's D. It leads to. healing of 2s cones Fadiional open surgery E. It utilizes the insertion of 2 * the joint cavity t cavity mai! microscope it? Scanned with CamScanner © re eee the two morphotoglcally 22. Flexion approximal ventral surfaces at: ‘A. ankle joint during dors pal joint of thumb flexion B. Carpometacar Cc. Hip joint 1. Knee joint © Radioulnar joints 23, Regarding characteristics cubital articulation: A. Biaxial joint 8. Complexjoint C. Plane joint D. Simple joint E. Two mating bones 24, Abduction movement oceurs at A. Ankle joint B. Carpometacarpal joint of index finger . Cubital articulation E. Kneo joint 95, Rogarding fibrous joints: AF cambdotd sutra is an axamplo of limbus suture B. Motoplc sutures porsist til old age 6. Pog and sockot joint Is formed botwaen vomar ang sphenold bones . Superior radiouinar joint is syndesmosie F Tomporopariotal gutura 18. an exampto of squarrouy suture 35, Gross morphological appearance of sriculating surfaces reveals that: ‘A. Anklo joint is a spheroidal joint B, Carpometacarpal joint of thumb belongs to 2 bat and socket variety . interphalangeal joint is a plane joint D. Radiocarpal joint is a pivot joint Unit of two _temporomandibular joints _is_a cy aa D. Eyeball RESPONSES TO ARTHROLOGY o1B (028. 04. 05.0 06.4 o7.E 08.E o9c = 10D 11.6 12¢ 13.0 14.6 15.8 16. 17.8 18.c 19D -20E 2D | 22D 8B 24.0 25. 26. 01. Muscles developed from ectoderm vesicae: A Cardiac muscle B. Smooth muscles . Sphincter pupillag D. Sphincter urethrae E. Sphincter vesical 02. Skeletal muscles: A Are mostiy under voluntary control B. Are not innervated by somatic nerves C. Are uninucleate D. Do not transmit the forces to the connective tissue sheets —. Have attachments exclusively confined to the skeleton : 03. Smooth muscles: A. Are innervated by the somatic nerves B. Are present in the heart C. Are usually arranged regularly D. Exhibit sluggish, week and sustained activity TSS. E, Possess highly organized contractile proteins (actin and myosin) e (04, Regarding the parallel muscles: ‘A. Force or power of a muscle depends upon number Stmuscie fibres B. More powerful and exhibit more range of movements : C. Muscle fibres are angulated to the line of pull of muscles D. Possess osseo-aponeurotic pulleys durin course _E. Thoir contraction is enhanced by connective tssv? present in and around them 05, Skeletal muscles: 1g their A. AX altachad through tendons to the bone. + stornal and clavicular attachments of pectorals m=" B. Aro attached to the bone through aponeurosis. © tensor fascia lata and palmaris longus C. Are ectodermal in origin D. Are exemplified by arrectores pyli of E. Possess muscle fiby rapes, Scanned with CamScanner ee 96, Extrinste muscle 1 Actas. prime movers, fare ectodermal in origin ¢_ Avo responsible for the fino & procision typo of jnoveronts 1p Consist of thin fascicull E, Mavo all the attachments (origins and insortions) jimited to the same region 07. Spiral muscle: a. Are responsible for the rotatory movements Rave muscle fascicull, which aro straight In thelr course ©. With 180° twist have two attachments in dlfforant planes D. With 90° twist have two attachments in same plano E. With cruciate: variety, have two groups of fascicull which do not cross each other 08. A muscl A. Is less resistant to fatigue due to its well developed aerobic metabolism 5 B. Is said to be phasic, when its contraction results in slow twitch C. Is said to type-lA phasic, when its fibers are deficient in glycogen and phosphorylases D. May act as prime mover, antagonist or fixator or ne oa “on the same a a er it_under_ different Sondition . When contracts, its length increases 09. The fixators: A. Are exemplified by simultaneously contracting prime ‘movers and synergists B. Contract isotonically C. Decrease the transarticular compression D. Provide fo the joint E. Stabilize the origin of prime movers so that it loses efficiency 10. Regarding the physiological actions of muscle: ‘A. Antagonists do not act as synergists to tho primo movers 8. Extrinsic muscles of the hand act as prime movers {or precision type of fine movements C. Muscles attaching the shouldey girdle to the trunk act as fixator to allow the deltoid 19 act on shoulder joint D. Synergists initiate and maintain a particular Movement . E. The prime mover and antagonist possess different ‘nerve root Values . HF Regarding red muse AZContr longed muscles the pariphary Is loos 8. Loos numerous in postural . Nuctol aro mora towards 0. Numbar of mitochondria fx . Tho Z lino is thinner 12. The tendon of a muscia: ‘A. Has low basal metabolic rate 8. Has no effect on final direction of pull of muscte C.18_2 non-oxcltable, inelastic and rounded Sbrous on D. Is formed of highly organized irregularly arranged white collagen fibres a E, Is relatively more vascular 13. Regarding the trophic changes: A. Alter damage _of myocardium during heart attack, fibrous scar tissue is formed 8. During regeneration of the skeleton muscle after massive damage, muscle tissue is replaced by normal functioning tissue C. Hypertrophy is a condition in which the muscle fibres decrease in size D. Increase in: the size of smooth muscle fibres: is known as hyperplasia E. Skeleton muscle hypertrophy is a condi the number muscle fibres is increased 14. Regarding the architectural classification of skeletal muscles: A. Biceps brachii is a cruciate muscle B, Clavicular part of pectoralis major is twisted for 180° C: Glutous maximus is a strap muscle D. Superior oblique is a digastric muscle as its tendon pies frough an cetsoaeamrtepaey — rough an osseo-aponeuroUc Tibialis posterior is a circumpennate muscle 15. Cardiac muscle fibres: ~ A. Are arranged in whorls and spirals B. Are ectodermal in origin C. Are multinucleated D, Aro unbranched . E, Possess least organized contractile proteins (actin & myosin) 16, The examples of multipennate muscles are: Deltoid and, is. . Dorsal interossel ti C. Extensor digitorum longus and peroneus tertius. 0. Rectus femoris E, Tibialis anterior and posterior 17. Regarding the connective tissue | muscles: nin which in the skeletal Scanned with CamScanner ® PIL ose connective tis & tre muscle 'B. Endomysium surrounds the et . Epimysium surrounds each muscle fore D. Perimysium is tooso connective tissue E_ Pesimysium surrounds each of muscle fiber or systems of the body are 48, Mechanical offect ‘A. Cilia and flagella of motile cells B. Connective tissue C. Lining epithelium D. Nowrons E, Oligadendrogtia 48, Skeletal muscle fibres atrophy due to: A. Overeating Plaster cast for fractured bone C. Upper motor neuron disease: 0. Vitamin intake E. Weight iting 20, Which procedure holps in the diagnosis of nerve injuries involving the skeletal muscles? ‘A. Computed tomography , Electroencephalography C, Magnetic resonance imaging D. Testing the tone of the muscle , Ultrasonography 21. Which muscles are found in superficial fasciay ‘A. Bicop brachii and coracobrachialis B. Dartos of and muscles of faciay ‘pxpcession., ©. Pectoralis major, and serratus anterior D. Trapezius and erector spinae E. Vastus medialis and rectus femoris 22, Regarding the architectural classification of skeletal muscles: ‘A. Biceps brachii is a unipennate muscle B. Clavicular part of pectoralis major is twisted for 120° C. Gluteus maximus is a strap muscle D. Superior oblique is a digastric muscle as its tendon ‘Passes Through an osseo-aponeurote pulley E. Tibialis posterior is a circumpennate muscle RESPONSES TO MYOLOGY o1c = 2A 03. 046A 05. A | 1200 138.A 14D 15.8 2B 22D 01. Regarding the neurons: A Bipolar neurons are present in dorsal root ganglia B. Cell bodies of neurons are present in both white ‘and grey matter C. Golgi type -Il neurons have long axons D. Neurotransmitter substances are synthesized in dendrites E_Niss! substance is present in dendrites 02. Typical features of axons: A. Always myelinated B. Axon hillock is present at the end of axon C. Short branches arise at acute angles D. The axoplasm lacks in Golgi apparatus E. Two per neuron 03. Type of synapses. oulnumberin nervous system: 9,19 central A. Atoaxonic B. Axodendritic C. Axosomatic D. Dendrodentiic E. Electrical NEUROLOGY 07.0 ATA 06.A 16.4 08.0 18:4 09.0 19.B 10.6 2D 04, Part of neyron providing greatest surface area for synaptic reception: A. Axon B. Axon hillock ©. Cell body D. Collaterals of axon E. Dendritic process 05. Regarding nodes of Ranvier: A. Interruption in myelin sheath around the axons in spinal cord B. Interruption of the myelin sheath along a perioherst ‘axon’ C. Nourotransmitters are released D. Present at dendritic spines E, Present at synapses 06. The dendrite: ‘A. Has spines on its surface 8. Impulsos travel away from cell body C. Lacks in Nis! substance lay be myelinated E. Provides less surtace area for synapses Scanned with CamScanner a 07. Contents of grey matter of pina cord are: {A Callbodas of newer eihsures . Priphart ner irae D.Purkinia neurons, E. Schwann cells 08. Oligodentrocyte: A Can fom several interodes iy of B. Hos lange ce boon C. Hops in th tansmision ot parvo impale . Is an integral part of blood-CSF barrier E. Is responsible for formation of myelin sheath in Peripheral nerve fibres - 09. The spinal nerves: A. Are 3-5 in the coccygeal region Are paired C. Ate seven in the cervical region D. Are thirty-three in number E. Leave the vertebral column through the vertebral canal 10. Concerning spinal nerve roots: A. Anterior root contains motor fibres only to skeletal muscles, B. Anterior root contains only autonomic fibres C. Cells of origin of Posterior root_nerve fibres are D. Dorsal root ganglia contain multipolar neurons E. Posterior root contains motor fibres 11. Concerning the rami of spinal nerve A. Anterior rami also contain Sensory fibres B. Anterior ramus contains only motor fibres C. Posterior rami take part in the formation of nerve plexus ©. Posterior ramus is larger than anterior ramus E. Spinal nervo is connected to the spinal cord by anterior and posterior rami {2 Autonomic fibres of spinal cord arise from its following segments: A.C7-8 8. Coceygeal Clad : O.l4415 E.s24 13. Regarding the ganglia: A Dorsal root Sanglia are autonomic in type SE ESTIONS (114) ECerasympatietic ganatia m, ia_may 7 ‘Substance of the viscos SEAL In tho ©. Sympathet ic ganglia are by T1-L2 spinal nerve: D. Sympathetic sympathetic trunk E. Visceral ganglia contain unipotar neurons ‘4. Dorsal root of spinal nerve contains. A. Afferent “sympathetic fibres from white rami communicants 8. Efferent parasympathetic fibres ©. Efferent sympathetic fibers D. Efterent sympathetic fibres which relay in dorsal Ot ganglia OY In dors E. Sensory somatic fibers 15. Concerning recepto: A. Exteroceptors are stimulated by the stimuli arising inthe vestibular apparatus B. Nociceptors are excited by touch and prossure stimuli ©. Receptors are also present in viscera D. Somatic receptors ara found in locomotor viscera E. Special sensory receptors aro presont in spinal cord 16. A peripheral nerve is composed of; A. Only axons “Wir toen Tom one spina sagmnt C. Only myelinated ‘nerve fibres D. Only parasympathetic afferent fibers E. Only postganglionic sympathetic fibers 17. Central nervous system: A._Autongmic nervous in B. Cerebellum is a Part of mesencephalon C. Contains. ‘Sensory ganglia D. Is contained in sacral canal E. Is directly covered by dura mater 18. Regarding the total number of the following in anormal human body: ‘A. Embryonic somites are 42-44 B. Segments of each sympathetic trunk are 31 C. Segments of spinal cord are 28 D. Spinal nerves are 31 E. Vertebrae are usually 30 19. The | parasympathetic | nervous possesses the following characteristic: A Craniosacral outflow Ganglia are only present in the system Scanned with CamScanner ® rn eel B. Ganglia are situated away from vertebral bodies ©. Postganglionic fibres are short D.Preganglionic fibres are etongated n-medullated, E. Preganglionic fibres are 00" of sympathetic nervous system 20. Characteristic: are as follo ‘A. Generally localized activities B, Neurotransmitter at acetylcholine C. Neurotransmitter at post ‘adrenaline | 1D. Neurotransmitter at pregat adrenaline E. Neurotransmitter at preganglionic terminals is nor- adrenaline 21. Characteristics of a neuron ar A. Amoeboid movements B. Cell body is elongated C. Conduction D. Contraction E. Well-organized actin and myosin filaments, 22, A segment of spinal cord: A. Gives rise to fibres which ultimately form a single ipnarnewe reactions leading to slowing of post ganglionic terminals is iganglionic terminals is nor ;ngtionic terminals is nor- B. Provides attachment to ventral roots of many spinal nerves C. Supplies a D. Supplies many dermatomes . Supplies only one muscle 23. Dermatom gle (whole) muscle A. Is an area of skin supplied by non fn spl by sone from many area of skin supplied by axons in a single B. Is an jal nerve ventral root of SPiN’ is typically involved i zoster infectio mechanical compression of J D. Is typically involved in Vontral root following a slipped disk E. of ono dorsal nerve root does not overlap with Garmatome of adjacent dorsal root 24, Myotome exhibits the following features: [A Atrophy results duo to lower motor neuron lesion BB. Muscle mass supplied by a regional nerve (ag radial nerve) , Muscle mass supplied by a single dorsal root of spinal nerve : 1D, Muscle mass supplied by fibers from many segments of spinal cord E, Muscle_mass_su ‘Segment of spinal cord 25, Regarding the ganglia: ‘A. Dorsal root ganglia are autonomic in type B. Pay ic bo_present in_the substance of the viscera C. Sympathetic ganglia are connected with spinal cord by T1-L2 spinal nerves 'D. Sympathetic ganglia are only present in tho sympathetic trunk E. Visceral ganglia contain unipolar neurons 26. The structure of brain that Is most directly involved in the autonomic response to pain is the A. Cerebellum, B. Hypothalamus, C. Medulla oblongata, D. Pons. lied _by fibres from_a single ia_may E. Thalamus. RESPONSES TO NEUROLOGY Mf 2B 09D OKs NA eB uD isc r 2A BC WE 256 01. Elastic arteri Possess the following features: A_hvo_exampled ranches by aorta_and_its_major_aortic B. Ave exampled by Y Fadial and ulnar C. Are resistance vessels =e D. Are small sized vessels 02. Metarterioles: ecules coal 07.0 08.A 09.8 10.6 a ATA 18.8 19.E 20.6 A. Are conduction vessels B. Have tumen of 50-100m ©, Have posteay pillary sphi re formed BY mite ry sphincters which at D. Have precapillary sphincters at their termination E. Provide resistance to blood flow 03. ‘3. Regarding vascular anastomosis: Scanned with CamScanner A. Anastomosis between the branches of profunda femoris artery is an example of heterociadia anastomosis 8, Glomera complexes form a type of arteriovenous anastomosis G. taleroctadic. anastomosis is present between the piffches of the same stem artery ©. In arterioarterial anastomosis elastic arteries join each other E, Preferential thoroughfare channels are present as arterio-arterial anastomosis 04, Regarding Veins: \ A. Neurovascular bundle contains only arteries and nerves and lacks in veins B. Usually accompany arteries and nerves C. Veins accompanying the arteries are never paired © D. Veins always carry deoxygenated blood E. Venae comitantes flank two arteries * 05. Lymphatic system: ‘A. Always drains the bone marrow. and nervous tissue B. Possesses a pumping organ C. Removes and destroys toxic substances D. There is two-way flow of lymph E. Transports fat from the blood stream to intestine 06. Lymph capillaries: A. Ate very litle in dermis B. Arise as branches of veins ; €. Don't make network lke blood capillaries D. Have smaller caliber than blood capillaries, E. In small intestine are called lacteals 07. Lymphatic vessels: A. Can easily be seen in cadavers 8. Do not possess valves C. From right side of head and neck, right side of thorax and right upper limb drain into thoracic duct D. Run parallel to blood vessels E. Show no anastomosis 08. The vasa vasorum: A. Appear only in the intima. 8. Are extremely rare in veins. C. Have abundant valves. 0. Refers to vessels of capillary beds. £. Refers to vessels of the vascular wall_which are fulfientin character. 99. Varicose veins: _ ‘Are normal anatomical condition (ont tho termination of portoratony te? & D. Seon frequently in upper imbs E. Veins are dilated and tortuous 10. Regarding blood circulations: A. In pulmonary circulation, bo, ood has to pas ‘two sets of capillaries Ps B. In systemic circulation, aorta carties blood from right ventricle Soteneted C. Inferior vena cava brings oxygenated blood into right atrium D. Pulmonary arterie: Jood from svontranttciaton Tangs ood E, Pulmonary veins open into right atrium ‘11. Examples of portal circulations are as follows: A. Cardiac circulation B. Circulation in brain C. Pulmonary circulation D_ Renal circulation, E. Splenic 12, Regarding classification of blood vessels: A. Coliac trunk is a conduction artery B. Inferior vena cava is an exchange vessel C. Innominate artery is a muscular artery D. Metarterioles are capacitance arteries E. Venules are exchange vessels 13. Rich anastomosis between capillaries of end arteries is found between the following: A. Capillaries of same coronary artery B. Capillaries of two coronary arteries C. Cortical branches of cerebral arteries D. Segmental arteries of lungs E. Segmental arteries of spleen 14, Varicose veins possess following features: 0 present at through ulation ——~ A. Commonly found in calves of the legs B. Competent valve cusps C. Elasticity D. Straight in course E. Tend to constrict due to pressure of a column of blood against gravity 15. Regarding lymph vessel A. Are involved in atherosclerosis, B. Blockage leads to lymphadenoma C. Can be studied by arteriography ni er Scanned with CamScanner sSTIONS. ®) ces cus tered the | ‘A. Infected lymph ent lymphatic cy from the tissue Spaces. itaeg of oy bp. Help in the disso ss ton Een save une fo 9. a em Ann et se, Tous gr ore . Lymph vessels have a beaded appearance: 18 ng stretures oxcePE cee presence of nUMErOUS valves a 1A. Adrenal gland at te ee i ht armpit revealed the parenieny D. Palpation of the rigt oe br Peeveral tender enlarged Presence potest (ymphadenitis). Iymph nodes i ere caused by . Myometium of Mes sg a severe infection E Se aan Ra abtaeht by the. 47. A 22 yoars’ word sever ee mmo tundor the itera edge of hee St red lines were ietamed ‘iymphangitis) and could be seen throughs ation, in “hrough Ager On earning cack fe Rand and etn . hi \d arm, UF front of the forearm an te etpowingy statements cneeraing, 2 mpl sre probably correct, xcept: = RESPONSES TO ANGIOLOGY ; 06. 07.0 08.E 09.E ‘00 16.0 17.8 AA KEEPING ocrine glands ‘A. Consist of only one basic tissue B. Epithelium in adenohypophysis mesoderm . Epithelium of viscera is exclusively derived from ‘endoderm isa vise E. Thyroid Is an exocrine gland 02, Regarding glands: ‘A. Glands are always composed of aggregation of certain epithelium cells ©. Glands secrete substances which are useful thomssves % Hypothalamus is a gland D. Lymphoid tesu0 is @ cogent P included in glands aS ee E. Stroma is the active part of gland 03. The endocrine gland posse characteristic: rneeoeee Oe A. Blood and lymph are the basic carries secretions tase of thet 8, Goblets cells are unicellular endocrinal gland is GC. Parathyroid _is_an example of a, ‘Srangemen SST Sloerag D. The mechanism of secretion is only active tran sport E. Their secretions are only poured capillaries poured to nearby ig dorived from following 04, Regarding ‘A. Axillary glands are examples of holocrine glands BB. Ducts the active part (parenchyma) of gland . Ducts pour secretions into the blood vessels . Epictine glands disintegrate their apex to release the secretions E. Gastroenteropancreatic cells (GEP) are. examples of unicellular endocrine glands 05. Regarding glands: A. Parotid gland is a mucous gland. B. Serous demilunes are the isolated serous cels C. Sublingual gland is a.heterocrine gland,” D. Submandibular gland is a pure serous gland E. Their acini are known as portio terminals (endpiece) in pancreas 06. Simple exocrine gland A.Crypts of Lieberkihn are example of simple seat glands ofintestne B. Such glands always have duct system C. Sweat glands are simple branched glands D. Tubuloaiveotar and tubuloacinar glands are“! ‘synonymous terms E. Uterine glands are simple coiled glands a Regarding compound glands: ‘Compound glands have unbranched ducts 8. Meibomian glands are compound acinar g3%¢® Scanned with CamScanner ©. Provide larger areas for secretions. . Saccular glands are compound glands E, Testes are compound tubuloacinar glands 08. Regarding developmental glands A. Adenohypophysis is endodermal in origin 8. Adrenal cortex is developed from ectoderm C. Liver and pancreas are ectodermal in origin D. Mammary glands are mesodermal in origin E_ Parotid and sweat glands are ectodermal in origin 08. Regarding glands: A. Ovary is a mixed gland 2 8. Pancreas is only exocrinal gland : ©. Parotic D. Testis is only endocrinal gland E. Thyroid is a mixed gland 10. Mucous acini have: A. Basal striations B. Bluish appearance C. Narrow lumen D. Rounded nucleus E. Zymogen granules 41. Serous acini characteristics: A. Acidophilic in appearance B. Apical basophilic striations C. Flattened nuclei D. Large lumen E. When associated with mucous acini, ara known as Serous demjunes 12, Regarding salicology: ‘A. Duodenum is partially lined by parietal peritoneum B. It is the study of glands only C. tis the study of heart D. It is the study of viscera only Classification of only endocrine gland the following possess RESPONSES TO SPLANCHNOLOGY AND MUSEUM KEEPING 05. 15. 04.8 14.E 03.C 13. 01.0 11.6 02.¢ 12.0 CTA E. Viscora are always covered by celomic Covering 13. Regarding Holocrine glands: ‘A. Apex of calls disintegrated B. Axillary glands are holocrine glands C. No part of cells disintegrated D. Sweat glands are holocrine glands E. Whole cell is disintegrated 14. Regarding the shape of sac in exocrine glands: A. Acinus is flask shaped B. Alveolus is grape like in appearance C. Mammary gland is an example of saccular glands D. Prostate gland is an example of alveoiar gland E. Saccular gland is highly dilated balloon lke 15. Regarding embalming: A. 5.0 liters of fluid is infused in 12 hours B. Desiccation is the process during which the body is. attacked by fungus C. Formalin prevents the tissue from fungal attack D. Itis done to prevent fresh bodies from putrfication ‘and fungal attacks - E. Putrification is the damage which results due to absence of microorganisms 16. Regarding dry bones: ‘A. Alcohol is a fat solvent B. Calcium salts are removed C. Maceration is the process which removes inorganic content D. Such bones lose their elasticity and are more prone Totractures E. Their inorgani¢ content has been removed 17, Neoprene: A. |s helpful in making corrosion cast B, Is the natural latex C. Makes a thick friable mass D. Requires pigments to be dissolved in acidic gelatin fies immediately in strong acid E. Soli 0.8 06.A 07.c 08. oa” 1 16.0 171A Scanned with CamScanner

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