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to the best of your knowledge/ belief: as far as you know -> theo như bạn biết

each (đại từ bất định) = mỗi cái/ mỗi ng riêng lẻ (VD: They lost $40 each: Mỗi người họ mất 40

ng đi bộ - a faint glow/glimmer/light
- a faint smell of perfume
- We saw the faint outline
of the mountain through
the mist.
- We could hear their
voices growing fainter as
they walked down the
- His breathing became

yếu ớt, thoang thoảng

tránh xa ngăn chặn

readiness (of somebody) (to do something) the state of being willing to do something -> sự sẵn sàng
- Over half the people interviewed expressed their readiness to die for their country.
- Hungary has indicated its readiness to sign the treaty.
- to express a readiness for change
đến thăm nhà ai 1 lát

come over (to): ​to come to a place, especially somebody’s house, in order to visit for a short time

charge for sth: đòi tiền, lấy tiền

I'll call for you at 7

call for sb: ​(especially British English) to collect somebody in order to go somewhere

chứa imitation: a copy of

something, especially
something expensive
burst into flame(s): suddenly began burning strongly: bắt đầu bùng cháy - a poor/cheap imitation
of the real thing - This
latest production is a
pale imitation of the
genuine: real; exactly what it appears to be; not artificial -> Is the painting a genuine Picasso?
original (= it is not
nearly as good).
imitation leather/pearls

hunt sb <-> down: ​to search for somebody until you catch or find them, especially in order to punish or harm

thanh tra: an officer of middle rank in the police force

check-up: ​an examination of somebody/something, especially a medical one to make sure that you are healthy

- to go for/to have a check-up - a medical/dental/routine/thorough check-up

fade (v) ​ [intransitive, transitive] to become or to make something become paler or less bright
- The curtains had faded in the sun. - fade from something: All colour had faded from the sky.
- fade sth The sun had faded the curtains. - He was wearing faded blue jeans.

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