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MIraculous Miracles

A blessed mother and a blessed birth. An amazing story. However, it didnt end there

There is more to the amazing story of Isa as.

Isa as grew up with very few possesions. He displayed the best of manners and morals. Whereas the
Jewish Rabbis had forgotten about their purpose and the hereafter, and were busy hoarding the wealth
of this life. They did not guide people to the right path. In fact they changed the teachings of their Torah,
revealed to Musa as. It was time for another Messenger of Allah swt.

At the age of 30, Isa started receiving reevelations from Allah swt and was given the Injeel. Do you know
what we call the Injel in English?. Isa as, like all the truthful Prophets before him, started calling people
back to the truth. To worship the one , Allah sww.

Isa as would sit with the poor and eat with them. He would treat them with mercy and respect. He as
did not differentiate between the poor and the rich the ruler and the common people. He travelled far
and wide.

The people were not moved or impressed with words. The people were interested in medicine and
curing illness's. What kind of things are people impressed and influenced with nowadays? Footballers-
do they remind you of Allah. Tik tokers- do they remind you of Allah. So Allah swt granted Isa as the
abilty to cure

SIGNS Q- a messenger to Bani Israel. Indeed i come with a sign from your Lord. Bird.Cure blind. Leper.
Raise the dead. What you store ib your houses

He as would cure the sick, whom the doctors had given up on.

1. He would shape a bird out of clay, and it blow into it and it would become alive

2. Cure the those borm blind

3. cure the Leper

4. brought the dead to life

5. What you store in your houses

All by the permission of Allah swt 5: 110-111

Miracles are not games and shows to entertain and amuse. they are signs ...from A

PPT; smoke- fire

animal foot print

school children crossing the road

lady buying rabbit food- pet rabbit

airport sign- aeroplane

dark clouds- rain\ storm


However the Bani israel, didnt want to hear the truth. They wanted to hear the chink of gold coins. they
wanted wealth. they didnt want to wait for the best of everything in the next life. They wanted
everything...and they wanted it now. The didnt want to obey Allah swt. they didnt want to please Allah
swt. They only wanted to obey their nafs and they only wanted to please themselves. They became
angry. they didnt want to hear the truth. they liked doing what they wanted like animals. they became
angry. Ooooh!. they beacme very very angry. So angry that they plotted to kill him as

Isa as Call.

I am a slave of A. Allah swt gave me this scripture and He sat made me a Nabi. He swt blessed me and
commanded me to perform Salaah and pay Zakaah as long as i remain alive...and made me kind to my
mother and has not made me a tyrant, and a wretched person.

The wealthy didnt want to beleive in anything else exceot their wealth. whi worships money and
wealth.the leaders too taken by their status and arrogance, were foold by their pride that they were
independent and so great that they didnt need anyone, especiaaly those who were poor and of low
worldy status. They ddint like what Isa as was calling towards. They couldnt even bear to hear it. His as
words were so powerful. The words of a simple and good man made the rich leaders uneasy. The truth is
always powerful.

The Table Spread

The disciples wanted comfort after a difficult time of hardship. They culdnt be as patient as Isa as.

Surah al Maaidah 5:112 When the disciples said. O Isa son of Mary can your Lord send us a table spread
from the heavnes. He replied 'fear Allah, if you have faith'

They had seen all these miracles, they spent time with Isa as. They still needed reassurance. so Isa asked
Allah swt to send a table spread of food.


Surah alay Imran 3:55 ALlah swt said Oh Isa indeed i will take you and raise you to myself and purify you.
and clear you of those who disbelieve, and make thise who follow you superior to those who disbelieve.
Then you will retrun to me and i will judge between you in the matters in which you used to dispute.

The truth always wins.

Surah al Nisa 4:157 They said indeed we killed The Maseeha Isa son Maryam, the Messenger of Allah.
but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but it was made to appear to them, and those who differ
therein are fukk of doubts.

See how Allah swt did not share the rtuth with, Allah swt ahs let them reain in a state of confusion all
this time. Alhamdulillah Allah swt has given us the tru story in the Quraan.

They had full belief that they had crucified Isa as. How dark was the world at that moment. How could
they even think of doing such a thing. to take the life of one who only called them towards good. To bless
them in the hereafter. To please their creator, the one they will return to.

Allah swt saved Isa ibn /maryam as from the plans of the Jews. he swt honoured His Prophet, He swt
riased him to himself, pure from those who disbelieve. His whole life, from the beginning to the end.
From his vlessed birth, his miraculous deeds and his rasing up to Allah swt.

They changed waht was pure!

The most heartbreaking thing was that pure tawheed and our easy deen was mixed up and confused.
How did they get from Isa ibn Maryam to isa ibn Allah

Surah Maidha 5:72 They lied, those who said Allah is the Maseha son of Maryam. Christ said 'O children
of Israel! worship Allah, my lord and your Lord

Chinese whispers

I am the servant of Allah 19.30

Indeed Allah is my lord and your lord 19.36

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