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3 reasons why we should stop using nuclear energy.

1. nuclear weapons

Just one year after the world’s first-ever test explosion in 1944, people created the
first atomic bombs. Two large cities were destroyed by just two single bombs.
Reactor technology was always connected to nuclear weapon technology.
As the smaller countries got the technology of nuclear energy, they developed their
own nuclear weapons soon.

2. Nuclear waste and pollution

Nuclear fuel is not only radioactive but also contains extremely poisonous elements
like plutonium. Countries that work with nuclear energy should store the waste safely,
but only Finnland works on the solution seriously.

3. Accidents and disasters.

Accidents always can happen. Even not so long ago, in 2011 after an earthquake
happened an accident in Japan which polluted a large area. This area became unfit
for human inhabitation for decades. ( lakhatatlanná vált)

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