wizTeach™-NVR Methods - Traditional Subject - 6 Categories (Published)

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The Leader in 11+ Preparation

CEM and GL Specialists Non-Verbal Reasoning


The Traditional Subject


Dr. Yusuf Ali

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wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM

• The Elevenology team has developed a number of techniques and approaches to solving the various NVR questions
using the Elevenology NVR-Model which is based on 3 components: Element, Category, Method;
• The model focuses on two NVR-Subjects area: Traditional Subject and Modern Subject;
• Each subject area represents a set of NVR-Categories that the pupils will typically experience in an 11+ exam;
• The NVR-Model takes the pupils through the different techniques which are based on the categories.

This Guide should help both pupils and parents learn how to: work out each nvr question type; used it as a revision
tool for the weekly tests and mock exams; as well as a guidance to what to expect in a GL paper.

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Components

An Element is a unique feature of a shape. You need 1 or more elements to create a Rule* to
ELEMENT solve a problem. Some of these features are:
Position, Pattern, Direction, Shape, Rotation, Count, Thickness, Pointing, shade, outlines, size, etc.

A Category is the type of nvr questions given in a section. These types are:
CATEGORY Traditional: Pattern, Similarity, Odd-One-Out, Analogy, Matrice and Code
Modern: 3Ds, Embedded Images and Dot Situation

The Method is the set of techniques and/or approaches used to solve an nvr type. It uses logical-
METHOD steps in a systematic manner to increase a pupil’s chance of finding the correct answers.
There are two steps to the method: Identify a Rule* and apply a Process of Elimination.

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – EASY TYPES

1. PATTERN [Also known as Series and Sequences] It is formed by a sequence of shapes following a logical rule.

3 Cases: A. The ? Mark is at the beginning of a given set of shapes. You need to work backwards (Right-to-Left).

? . .

B. The ? Mark is at the end of the set of given shapes. You need to work forwards (Left-to-Right).

. . ?

C. The ? Mark is anywhere in between. In this case you need to work with 2 Adjacent shapes.

. ? .
Note: In all the above cases, there could be either 1 or 2 ? marks.

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – EASY TYPES
EXAMPLE Elements = Rotation, Position and Pointing
? mark at the end of the sequence. Rule = Rotation clockwise by 90∘ in pairs
Method = Work Forward (Left-to-Right)
. . 1. Split the shape into its objects: Arrow and Dot.

. ? 2. The dot starting from Bottom-left, moves clockwise

one corner at the time. So, next one is Top-left, then
Top-right. Therefore, the last Dot needs to be on
Options 3. The arrow’s tail starts at the Top pointing down and
beginning to rotate clockwise. So, next one the position
. . is right pointing left, then the position is bottom
pointing upwards. Therefore, the last position of the
arrow has to be left pointing right.
. . Process of Elimination = With Step 2, options A, B and
C would be eliminated straightaway leaving the correct

A B C D answer C. With Step 3, options B and D would be

eliminated leaving options A and C increasing the
chances of finding the correct answer.

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – EASY TYPES
The next two types go hand-in-hand. They both work as a group of shapes. The difference between the two is obvious.

2. SIMILARITY It is formed by a group of shapes that share one or more alike features.

• In a Similarity nvr type, the pupil needs to pick the shape from the available options that fits in the group of shapes;
• Compare the group of shapes by picking a pair at a time and look for similar features;
• The elements you identify to build the rule must work for all the shapes in the group;
• If the rule works for the group, then apply the same to each of the options;

It is formed by a group of shapes from which one shape has one or more unlike features
compared to the other shapes.
• In an Odd-One-Out nvr type, the pupil needs to pick the shape from the the group of given shapes that is unlike the others;
• Compare the group of shapes by picking a pair at a time and look for different features;
• The elements you identify to build the rule must work for all the shapes in the group;

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – EASY TYPES Options

Elements = Count
Rule = EVEN number of Dots Option D is the ONLY one that has even
Method = Eliminate all ODD options. number of dots (10).

Elements = Count Option D is the ONLY one that breaks the
Rule = ODD number of Dots versus EVEN. rule. It is the only shape with EVEN number
Method = Which one breaks the rule? of dots (10).

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – MEDIUM-to-HARD TYPES
[Also known as Relationship] It is formed by a pair of shapes that relate through a logical rule. The
rule then is applied to another pair of shapes from which one of them has the ? mark.

• The Analogy nvr type can be easily recognised by the usage of specific Characters (Symbols) or keywords such as:

• ‘:’ and → : → : ?

• ‘is to’ as ‘is to’ is to as is to ?

• The pupils need to identify the relationship between a pair of shapes using Elements and Rules;
• The Analogy type will always compare pairs of shapes.

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – MEDIUM-to-HARD TYPES
Relate the first pair of shapes and solve the
second pair of shapes replacing the ? mark
with the correct option. Elements = Rotation and Shape
Rule = Rotation by 90∘ of the vertical LINE
Method = Process of Elimination
: → : ? 1. Split the first pair of shapes into its objects: Circle and Line.
2. Compare the behaviour of the two objects between the first
pair of shapes. The Circle does not change. The line rotates
3. Therefore, the rule to be applied for the second pair of
shapes MUST remain the same.

Process of Elimination = Using the Rule, The Square does not

change and the Squiggly line rotates 90∘.
Therefore, based on the objects (Square and Squiggly line),
options A and B can be eliminated because they are not

A B C D squares. So, C is the only correct option because we need a

squiggly line.

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – MEDIUM-to-HARD TYPES
[Also known as Matrix, Grid and Honeycomb] It is formed by a puzzle-like board of individual cells
containing shapes. The shapes will follow a Logical-Path depending on the configuration of the board.


1 2 3
• The most common configuration is the 3x3 Square Grid
A ? • In a given grid, you may find either 1 or 2 cells with a ? mark to solve.
• Pupils need to work by either Row, Column, Diagonals or all in both
B ? directions.
• Pupils should start from the most complete row, column and diagonals in
C order to identify the elements and rules. (e.g. in the example: work on A1,
B1, C1 cells first, then C1, C2 and C3, and so on…)
wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – MEDIUM-to-HARD TYPES
Solve the 3x3 Grid by choosing the picking
EXAMPLE Elements = Reflection of lines
the missing shape (cell) from the available
MATRICE Rule = Each Cell is a reflection of the opposite over the center
1 2 3 one. E.g. A1 is a reflection of C3.
Method = Complete the picture
A ? There are a couple of ways to solve this problem:
1. The pupil could simply draw a horizontal line (like it is shown
Line of on the left) to represent a line of symmetry. Using the ‘mirror’
B Symmetry method, it is clear that a horizontal line must appear in cell A2.
2. Draw a line inside cell A2 with a pencil (like shown on the
C left) to complete the picture. When looking at the picture, the
pupil should realise that the picture makes sense.
Process of Elimination = Using one of the above approaches,
Options the only options that would fit the picture in cell A2 is option B.
Options A and C will fail the mirror method immediately. Then,
comparing option B and D, B is the correct answer because the
line has to be at the bottom of the cell.
wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – MEDIUM-to-HARD TYPES
It is formed by a set of shapes within a square with each having a code describing the property of the
shape. The property, like a rule, describes the features of the shape.
• In a Code nvr type, each shape will be enclosed in a square with the codes
attached to the outer side of one of its sides; The code can be either setup
Horizontally or Vertically as shown on the right side; X Y
• A code can be either a 2-letter or 3-letter set (A..Z);
• Each letter of the code represents a feature or rule. Therefore:
• The first letter of each shape’s code represents the same rule; The second
letter of each shape’s code represents the same rule; etc. A X A Y
• However, codes cannot mix, e.g. First letter of one shape and the second COMPARISON
letter of another shape;
• To solve a code, work with pair of shapes, or more, that have the same letter as
shown on the right side; Look for what is alike;
• If letters are all different, then look for what is different/odd. A X A Y

wizTeachTM-NVR Methods: The NVR-ModelTM
The Traditional Subject – MEDIUM-to-HARD TYPES
Identify the property of the 2-letter codes and solve the code for the given shape with ? marks.
… . ...
.. … AZ BX CY ZY
A X B Y A Y C Z ? ? A B C D
Compare the two 1st Letter 2nd Letter
Compare the two
shapes with the first Arrow is Number
shapes with the second
letter code A. The Left-Up of dots 3
letter code Y. The
arrow Position and =C =Y
number of dots is the
Pointing are the same.
same. Therefore, the
Therefore, the 1st letter
2nd letter of the 2-letter
of the 2-letter code
code means:
means the arrow is at:
X = 2 dots Elements = For the 1st Letter: Position and Pointing. 2nd Letter: Count the Dots
A = Top-Right
Y = 3 dots Rule = Look at the shape with the same letters and identify what is alike
B = Bottom-Right
Z = 1 dot Method = Process of elimination using the individual letters of the codes
C = Left-Up

The pupil may decide to use a different method from the
6-step approach. As long as he/she attains high scores
(at least 80% and above), then the pupil can continue to
use his/her method. Otherwise, the pupil MUST use our

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