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In-class activity 1.

2b: Described drawing

Choose a partner and position your chairs back to back. Be sure to place your
chair so that neither your partner or any other group is able to see your work.
One partner will be the describer. The other will be the drawer. The describer
will be given an image which they must describe to their partner. The drawer
must listen to the description and reproduce the image as closely as possible
to the original, without ever actually seeing the original. Once complete,
compare the original and the copy. How close did you get?

Homework Questions:

Part 1: Answer the following questions and submit click submit on Google
Classroom when done.

1. Identify two things that made the “In-class Activity 1.3b- Describe the drawing”
activity difficult.

Naming what the shapes or lines of the drawing look like and then explaining
where they are supposed to be drawn on the paper.

2. Look around the room. What might have made the task easier or more difficult
for other groups?

It might have been easier for the other groups if the sender had given
descriptive directions for the receiver to easily follow along. It might have been
difficult for other groups if the sender had difficulty thinking of the right
descriptive words for the receiver to understand a create an accurate picture.

3. If you were to do the activity again, what would you do differently?

If I were to do the activity again as a sender, I would try to be more careful with
describing the drawing by imagining what the receiver would understand
from the words I am saying before uttering him or her the details of the whole
idea, to make it clearer for the both of us to know the full picture.
Part 2: Website blog entry

Create a blog entry on your CommTech website that describes today’s

drawing activity. Title the blog entry: “Unit 1: 1.2b-Universal Communication
Model Defined.”

1. Using the UCM, and thinking about the drawing activity from class, identify the
sender, the receiver, the message, the channel, and explain how information
was encoded and decoded. (Write your answer in your own

In the drawing activity, the sender was the person describing the picture or
message while the receiver’s role was to understand the message being
described by the sender. The channel was the ears of the receiver in order for
the message to be decoded. The sender encodes the given picture by
describing its appearance, while the receiver then decodes the description of
the picture by drawing it in terms of their own interpretation of the message

2. Explain what noise (or interference) is.

Noise can cause barriers to communication between the sender and receiver,
making it more difficult for the message to be encoded and decoded.

3. Thinking about the drawing activity from class, what type of interference had
the most significant effect on your group?

The internal interference had the most significant effect on our

communication during the drawing activity, because of the sender’s difficulty
in describing the picture using the right words.

4. Give an example of a communication barrier

Cultural Differences and Accent.

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