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Muhammad Ansar
Aim is to design in such a way hospital that it helps people to understand and appreciate the natural world.





The satisfaction that accompanies that the successful completion of any task would be incomplete without the mention of people whose ceaseless cooperation made it possible, whose constant guidance and encouragement crown all efforts with success. We are grateful to our project guide teachers for the guidance, Inspiration and constructive suggestions that helpful us in the preparation of this project.

Muhammad Ansar Cu 519-a Id 169-2009


CONTENTS PROJECT TITLE City Location . Introduction Climate SITE ANALYSIS What is involved in a site analysis? Solar Path Site drainage Land structure Typography GEOLOGICAL FACTORS SENSORY FACTORS

Types Out patient and in patient department Catualty Trauma Emergency Critical condition handled


DEDICATION I specially dedicate it to my parents whose effort gives me courage to get my education further.


PROJECT NO # 02 PROJECT TITLE: COMMUNITY CENTERED HEALTH CENTER FACILITY CITY Peshawar LOCATION Peshawar, Hayatabad, Phase -5 USERS The general public INTRODUCTION Peshawar is literally a frontier city of South-Central Asia and was historically part of the Silk Road. Peshawar, city, northwestern Pakistan, capital of North-West Frontier Province, situated near the eastern end of the Khyber Pass and sits mainly on the Iranian plateau along with the rest of the North-West Frontier Province. The city is a commercial center and the traditional terminus of caravans from Afghanistan. Industries include handicrafts and the manufacture of processed food, footwear, silk, and cotton textiles. Peshawar University was established here in 1950. CLIMATE Winter in Peshawar starts from mid November to the end of March. Summer months are May to September. The mean maximum temperature in summer is over 40 C (104 F) and the mean minimum temperature is 25 C (77 F). The mean minimum temperature during winter is 4 C (39 F) and maximum is 18.35 C (65.03 F). Peshawar is not a monsoon region, unlike other parts of Pakistan. But still rainfall is received both in winter and in the summer. The winter rainfall due to western disturbances shows a higher record during the months of February and April. The highest winter rainfall has been recorded in March, while the highest summer rainfall in the month of August. The average winter rainfall is higher than that of the summer. Based on a 30-year record, the average 30-year annual precipitation has been recorded as 400 millimeters (16 in). SITE ANALYSIS Site analysis is an inventory completed as a preparatory step to site planning, a form of urban planning which involves research, analysis, and synthesis. It primarily deals with basic data as it relates to a specific site. What is involved in a site analysis? The purpose of the site analysis is to record and evaluate information on the site and its surroundings, and to use this evaluation in the design response. Site analysis is more than just collecting information about the site. The site analysis identifies issues that will influence the design of a development in order to make a considered response to both site opportunities and constraints, to provide a good quality living environment, and respect, acknowledge and improve the character of the area.


Solar Path Sun in summers 82 deg from east to west and in winters 37 deg from east to west. Site drainage Underground drainage system Land structure Hard and sandy Typography Flat GEOLOGICAL FACTORS Soil: gravel sand & clay Topography: no contours Vegetation: no vegetation

SENSORY FACTORS Zoning: commercial area Sound: vehicular traffic noise due to road at the front Views: natural views present around

SITE OPPORTUNITIES AND SITE CONSTRAINTS SITE OPPORTUNITIES Commercial area Situated near an important transit route Situated near PDA; an important landmark Rectangular plot

Electric poles, telephone poles and sewerage lines in appropriate places Near to main road (prevention from noise) Dual access from Jamrud Road and Ring road (main Access) Electric & sewerage lines Appropriate roadway design Beautiful landscape |Page6

Behind the site



A hospital is a health care institution providing patient treatment by specialized staff and equipment. Hospitals often, but not always, provide for inpatient care or longer-term patient stays. In accord with the original meaning of the word, hospitals were originally "places of hospitality". Types Some patients go to a hospital just for diagnosis, treatment, or therapy and then leave ('outpatients') without staying overnight; while others are 'admitted' and stay overnight or for several days or weeks or months ('inpatients'). Hospitals usually are distinguished from other types of medical facilities by their ability to admit and care for inpatients whilst the others often are described as clinics. General The best-known type of hospital is the general hospital, which is set up to deal with many kinds of disease and injury, and normally has an emergency department to deal with immediate and urgent threats to health. Larger cities may have several hospitals of varying sizes and facilities. Some hospitals, especially in the United States, have their own ambulance service. District A district hospital typically is the major health care facility in its region, with large numbers of beds for intensive care and long-term care; and specialized facilities for surgery, plastic surgery, childbirth, bioassay laboratories, and so forth. Specialized Types of specialized hospitals include trauma centers, rehabilitation hospitals, children's hospitals, seniors' (geriatric) hospitals, and hospitals for dealing with specific medical needs such as psychiatry psychiatric problems psychiatric hospital, certain disease categories such as cardiac, oncology, or orthopedic problems, and so forth. A hospital may be a single building or a number of buildings on a campus. Many hospitals with pretwentieth-century origins began as one building and evolved into campuses. Some hospitals are affiliated with universities for medical research and the training of medical personnel such as physicians and nurses, often called teaching hospitals. Worldwide, most hospitals are run on a nonprofit basis by governments or charities.

Teaching A teaching hospital combines assistance to patients with teaching to medical students and nurses and often is linked to a medical school, nursing school or university.



A medical facility smaller than a hospital is generally called a clinic, and often is run by a government agency for health services or a private partnership of physicians (in nations where private practice is allowed. Clinics generally provide only outpatient services.

Outpatients and inpatients

An outpatient is a patient who is not hospitalized for 24 hours or more but who visits a hospital, clinic, or associated facility for diagnosis or treatment. Treatment provided in this fashion is called ambulatory care. Outpatient surgery eliminates inpatient hospital admission, reduces the amount of medication prescribed An inpatient on the other hand is "admitted" to the hospital and stays overnight or for an indeterminate time, usually several days or weeks (though some cases, like coma patients, have been in hospitals for years). Treatment provided in this fashion is called inpatient care. The admission to the hospital involves the production of an admission note. The leaving of the hospital is officially termed discharge, and involves a corresponding discharge note.

A casualty is a person who is the victim of an accident, injury, or trauma. The word casualties is most often used by the news media to describe deaths and injuries resulting from wars or disasters. Casualties is sometimes misunderstood to mean fatalities, but non-fatal injuries are also casualties.

Trauma (medicine)
Trauma refers to "a body wound or shock produced by sudden physical injury, as from violence or accident." It can also be described as "a physical wound or injury, such as a fracture or blow." Major trauma (defined by an Injury Severity Score of greater than 15) can result in secondary complications such as circulatory shock, respiratory failure and death.

Emergency department

An emergency department (ED), also known as accident & emergency (A&E), emergency room (ER), emergency ward (EW), or casualty department is a medical treatment facility, specializing in acute care of patients who present without prior appointment, either by their own means or by ambulance. The emergency department is usually found in a hospital or other primary care center Signage Regardless of naming convention, there is a widespread usage of directional signage in white text on a red background across the world, which indicates the location of the emergency department, or a hospital with such facilities.

Signs on emergency departments may contain additional information.

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critical conditions handled

CARDIAC AREST Cardiac arrest may occur in the ED/A&E or a patient may be transported by ambulance to the emergency department already in this state. Treatment is basic life support and advanced life support as taught in advanced life support and advanced cardiac life support courses. This is an immediately life-threatening condition which requires immediate action in salvageable cases. HEART ATTACK Patients arriving to the emergency department with a myocardial infarction (heart attack) are likely to be triaged to the resuscitation area. They will receive oxygen and monitoring and have an early ECG; aspirin will be given if not contraindicated or not already administered by the ambulance team; morphine or diamorphine will be given for pain; sub lingual (under the tongue) or buccal (between cheek and upper gum) glyceryl trinitrate [nitroglycerin] (GTN or NTG) will be given, unless contraindicated by the presence of other drugs, such as drugs that treat erectile dysfunction Mental illness Some patients arrive at an emergency department for a complaint of mental illness. In many jurisdictions patients who appear to be mentally ill and to present a danger to themselves or others may be brought against their will to an emergency department by law enforcement officers for psychiatric examination. The emergency department conducts medical clearance rather than treats acute behavioral disorders. From the emergency department, patients with significant mental illness may be transferred to a psychiatric unit (in many cases involuntarily). Astama and COPD Acute exacerbations of chronic respiratory diseases, mainly asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), are assessed as emergencies and treated with oxygen therapy, bronchodilators, steroids or theophylline, have an urgent chest X-ray and arterial blood gases and are referred for intensive care if necessary. Non invasive ventilation in the ED has reduced the requirement for tracheal intubation in many cases of severe exacerbations of COPD.

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Some basic dimensional layout of hospital

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