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I. Put the verb in brackets in the right form, infinitive (with or without to), or -ing Sometimes two
forms are possible.
1. When I’m tired, I enjoy (watch) television. It’s relaxing.
2. Would you like (have) something to eat?
3. It started (rain) an hour ago. Has it stopped (rain)............yet?
4. My family is trying................................(decide) where to go on holiday.
5. Our teacher made me (answer).............................. all the questions.
6. I’ve enioyed........................ (meet) you. I hope (see) you again.
7. I hate (see) a child (cry).
8. They prefer ......................(play) in a swimming pool all day
9. They refuse........................... _(go) out on trips if it’s too hot.
10. I used to (smoke) 20 cigarettes a day, but now I give up _(smoke).
11. We decide..................... (rent) a house with a swimming pool.
12. Can you help me (get) the dinner ready?
13. When we arrived, the people next door invited us (have) a drink with them.
14. We began............ (talk) about next year’s holiday two months ago.
15. I remembered (lock) the door when I left but I forgot (shut) the window.
16. He agrees (start) the job as soon as possible.
17. I finished (read) the book and went to bed.
18. My teachers always expected me (do)........................well in exams.
19. Let me (pay) for the meal. You paid last time.
20. It’s difficult (get) used to (eat) with chopsticks.
II. Make sentences from the notes.
1. Eva/ like/ read/ stories about Greek heroes
2. generally/ Mark/ prefer/ stay/ at home/ to/ go/ out
3. we/ must/ avoid/ waste/ so much time
4. sometimes/ a country/ refuse/ take part/ in the Olympics.
5. Chris/ be/ fed up with/ drive/ in the rush hour traffic/ every day
6. I/ really/ detest waste/ for buses/ in the rain
7. the baby/ begin/ cry/ the middle of the night
8. the buses/ usually/ stop/ run/ before midnight
9. Sandra/ be used to/ work/ late/ the office
10. I/ can’t face/ get up/ at five/ morning
11. last year/ we/ make/ an agreêmnt work/ together
12. yesterday/ you/ promise/ carry on/ shoot/ the íìlm
13. my father/ seem/ get/ better/ now
14. I/ would rather/ stay/ home/ tonight
III. Complete the second sentence so that the meaning is similar to the tirst
1. I was surprised I passed the exam. (I didn’t expect
2 . I don’t read newspapers any more. ( I’ve given up
3. I’d prefer not to go out tonight. (I’d rather
4. Did you manage to solve the problem? (Did you succeed
5. Shall I phone you this evening?( Do vou want
6. Nobody saw me come in. (I came in without
7. It will be good to see them again.( I’m looking forward
8. What do you think I should do?( What do you advise me
9. It’s a pity I can’t go out with you. (I’d like
10. I am sorry that I didn’t take your advice. ( I regret
I regret

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