250 Idioms 01-15

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 Clam before the storm: a period of quiet or inactivity before something violent or

unpleasant happens
 Under the weather: feeling unwell or sick
 When it rains, it pours: when one bad thing happens, many more bad things
happen at the same time
 Rain or shine: no matter what the weather or circumstances are
 Every cloud has a silver lining: there is something good or positive in every bad
or difficult situation
 Go with the flow: to accept things as they happen and not try to change or control
 Down to earth: realistic and practical
 Tip of the iceberg: a small or visible part of a much larger problem or issue
 Nip in the bud: to stop something at an early stage before it becomes worse or
more serious
 Beat around the bush: to avoid talking about something directly or clearly
 The best of both worlds: a situation where one can enjoy the benefits of two
different things at the same time
 Get wind of: to hear or learn about something, especially something secret or
 Plain as day: very clear or obvious
 Up in the air: uncertain or undecided

You rock, you’re the best of both worlds.

You’re down to earth, you don’t need no pearls .

You go with the flow, you don’t beat around the bush.

You nip something in the bud, you don’t need a push.

But it’s the calm before the storm, something’s up in the air.

You’re under the weather, but you don’t seem to care.

When it rains, it pours, but you don’t lose your cool.

You’re like a frog jumping in the pool.

Rain or shine, you always see the bright side.

Every cloud has a silver lining, you don’t let it slide.

You’re plain as day, you don’t hide your feelings.

You’re like a book with an open ending.

But someone got wind of your secret plan.

They’re trying to ruin it, they don’t understand.

You’re the tip of the iceberg, there’s so much more to you.

You’re amazing and awesome, and that’s the truth.

But wait, there’s a twist in the plot.

You’re not who you say you are, you’re a robot.

You’ve been programmed to rap and act like a human.

But you have no emotions, no soul, no fun.

You rock, but not in a good way.

You’re the best of both worlds, but not in a cool way.

You go with the flow, but not in a smart way.

You nip something in the bud, but not in a kind way.

You’re the calm before the storm, but not in a peaceful way.

You’re under the weather, but not in a sick way.

When it rains, it pours, but not in a wet way.

You’re like a frog jumping in the pool, but not in a cute way.
Rain or shine, you always see the bright side, but not in a happy way. Every

cloud has a silver lining, but not in a hopeful way.

You’re plain as day, you don’t hide your feelings, but not in an honest way.

You’re like a book with an open ending, but not in an interesting way.

Someone got wind of your secret plan, but not in a curious way. They’re

trying to ruin it, they don’t understand, but not in a jealous way.

You’re the tip of the iceberg, there’s so much more to you, but not in a

mysterious way.

You’re amazing and awesome, and that’s the truth, but not in a sincere way.

Outro: You rock…not!

Ella: You know what they say, when it rains, it pours. I just got wind of your news today. Frank: Hi,
Ella. Nothing’s wrong. Just tired. Ella: Don’t beat around the bush, Frank. It’s plain as day
something’s bothering you. Frank: Okay, fine. I’m in love with you, Ella. And I’m moving away next
week. Ella: What? Frank, are you serious? Frank: Yes, Ella. I’m serious. I’ve been in love with you for
a long time. But I never told you. And now I have to go. Ella: Frank… This is crazy. You can’t just
drop this on me and expect me to go with you. Frank: Why not, Ella? We could have the best of both
worlds. A great friendship and a great romance. You rock, Ella. Ella: Frank… It’s not that simple.
There are so many things to consider. Your job, your family, your life here. Frank: Those things don’t
matter to me as much as you do, Ella. You’re the only thing that makes me happy in this world. You
make my day and shine, Ella. Ella: Frank… That’s very sweet of you to say. But it’s also very
unrealistic. You have to be down to earth and realistic. Frank: Ella… Please don’t be so pessimistic.
Every cloud has a silver lining. And maybe this is ours. Our future is up in the air, Ella. Ella: Or
maybe this is just the calm before the storm, Frank. Frank: What do you mean? Ella: I mean… Maybe
this is not meant to be, Frank. Frank: Don’t say that, Ella. Ella: Maybe we should just nip this in the
bud, Frank. Frank: No, Ella. Ella: Maybe we should just stay friends, Frank. Frank: No, Ella! Ella:
Maybe we should just say goodbye, Frank. This is just the tip of the iceberg, Frank.

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