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The focus of the eye in this still image is crucial to get the message across of how vulnerable the

male is in this particular still image as the hurt expression in his eyes is in sharp focus therefore enhancing his vulnerability.

The facial expression on the male characters face shows weakness as oppose to the image below of a strong fighting female.

The sharp focus of the character and the background out of focus emphasises the character and his emotions. This not only draws the audiences attention towards the solemn emotion of the character, but shows how weak he is.

The head on effect can be viewed as highlighting the weak side of the male character as if it was a low angle shot this would imply power and even though, to imply weakness, they could have used a high angle shot to show how small the character is, the head on approach seems to work due to more focus being draw to the facial expression portrayed on the characters face with the implications of weakness.

The white background and artificial lighting of the mise-en-scene, draws the audiences attention towards the character. This shows the power of the character and the importance the character holds within the still image.

The opening of the characters arms show her supremacy as she tries to make herself bigger than she really is creating dominance and control over the other characters.

Her long hair covers part of the characters face showing secrecy and mysteriousness. This makes the audience feel like she has something to hide causing her interpretation to be in some ways powerful and domineering as she takes control without revealing too much about herself.

The positioning of the two of them is very different as the male is sprawled out on the floor showing weakness due to the wide surface area he is covering making it harder to protect himself, whereas the female holds a strong posture making it easier for her to defend herself giving her more power, especially in this still image. Their matching eye line and the strong gaze of the female creates superiority as she is towering over the weaker male character.

Artificial lighting is used to enhance the males emotional state where as the female in the shadows maintains a strong state of mind which is reflected in the dark lighting.

The props and mise en scene play an important role in this still image as they imply soft and cuddly due to the cot and teddy bears, this could reflect the males character as weak, this would then bring out the power the female has.

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