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1st Stage: Contemplation

Raza Ahmed Khan

Education Secretary, JIH Hyderabad
Importance of Contemplation
Quran Invites for Contemplation
• Creation of the heavens and the earth
• Alternation of days and nights
• Ships in the seas (mentioned in at least 16 different places)
• Water coming down from the sky as rain (at least 10 places)
• Life of earth after its death
• Dispersing all kinds of animals on earth
• Change of clouds and winds
Contemplation in Quran
Contemplation in Quran
Contemplation in Quran
• You preach but not practice – Quran (2:44)
Contemplation in Quran

Quran (2:164)
Contemplation in Quran
• Follow what Allah has revealed – Quran (2:170)
Contemplation in Quran
• Worst of people – Quran (8:22)
Contemplation in Quran
• Pondering over self & creation – Quran (30:08)
Contemplation …
• In the Quran
• In the Universe
• Over the Creatures
• Over Self
Types of Nafs
• A Habit is a routine of behaviour that is repeated regularly
and tends to occur subconsciously
• AJP: A Habit is a more or less fixed way of thinking, willing, or
feeling acquired through previous repetition of a mental
• Old habits are hard to break and new habits are hard to form
because the behavioural patterns which humans repeat
become imprinted in neural pathways, but it is possible to
form new habits
Self Awareness
• Self-awareness includes recognition
of ‘self’, our character, our
strengths and weaknesses, desires
and dislikes
• Developing self-awareness can help
us to recognize when we are
stressed or feel under pressure
• It is often a prerequisite to effective
communication and interpersonal
Self Awareness
• Taking responsibility for our own behaviour
• Taking a stand for one’s values and needs
• Knowing one’s thoughts, feelings and actions
• Awareness of mental process
Self Awareness
• Obituary column in newspaper
• “Dynamite King Dies” – he was the merchant of death

• Today he is known as:

• What made him change his life?

• He could have reacted differently: lawsuit/rudely/easy

• What made him bring in to the shift in his actions?

Self Awareness
• We should step back and do the same

• How would you like to be remembered?

• Will you be spoken well off?

• Will you be remembered with love and respect?

• Will you be missed?

Self Awareness
Self Awareness
Time Management
• How do we spend our time?
• Questions for Self Awareness
• Identifying the Current Habits
Question Time

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