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Habitat use and reproduction of mammals from Tlaxmalac, at Balsas River basin,

Guerrero, Mexico
Author(s): José Alberto Almazán-Catalán, Cornelio Sánchez-Hernández, María de Lourdes Romero-
Almaraz, Leobardo Sánchez-Vázquez, and Sara Beatriz González-Pérez
Source: The Southwestern Naturalist, 60(1):36-44.
Published By: Southwestern Association of Naturalists

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Departamento de Zoologı́a, Instituto de Biologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, A.P. 70-153,
Coyoacán, México, D.F. 04510, México (JAA-C, CS-H, LS-V, SBG-P)
Escuinapa No. 92 bis. Col. Pedregal de Santo Domingo, C.P. 04369, México, D.F., México (MLR-A)

ABSTRACT—Mammals from the state of Guerrero, Mexico, are poorly studied, particularly those from the
Balsas River basin, despite the importance of this area as a biogeographical boundary for flora and fauna. To
contribute to the knowledge of mammals in this state, we compiled information on geographical distribution,
habitat, and reproduction for 41 mammal species from Tlaxmalac in the Balsas River basin in northeastern
Guerrero. These represented 26.9% of mammal species known from Guerrero and 8.6% of mammal species
from Mexico. Eight species were endemic, comprising 19.5% of species surveyed. Mammals from Tlaxmalac
had eight different feeding habits. People from the community use 14 species of mammals as part of their diet,
as pets, for medicinal purposes, and other uses. Overall, Tlaxmalac supports a great diversity of small and
medium-sized mammals.

RESUMEN—Los mamı́feros del estado de Guerrero, México, están pobremente estudiados, en particular los
de la cuenca del rı́o Balsas, no obstante la importancia del área por actuar como lı́mite biogeográfico para la
flora y fauna. Para contribuir al conocimiento de la mastofauna del estado, se compiló información sobre la
distribución geográfica, hábitat y reproducción de 41 especies de mamı́feros de Tlaxmalac, en la cuenca del
rı́o Balsas al noreste de Guerrero. Estas representaron 26.9% de las especies de mamı́feros conocidos para
Guerrero y 8.6% de las especies de mamı́feros de México. Ocho especies fueron endémicas, lo que constituye
19.5% de las especies registradas. Los mamı́feros de Tlaxmalac tuvieron ocho hábitos alimentarios diferentes.
Los habitantes utilizan 14 especies de mamı́feros como parte de su dieta, como mascotas, para fines
medicinales y otros usos. En general, Tlaxmalac mantiene una fauna diversa de mamı́feros de talla pequeña y

Current biological inventories that allow us to define report on the natural history of bats and rodents from the
the distribution and natural history of mammals are still coastal region of the Balsas River (Álvarez, 1968). Some
incomplete. This lack of information prevents us from mammals of this region have only been recorded
understanding the evolutionary processes of many re- occasionally by indirect ways (e.g., in pellets of barn owl
gions. A total of 152 species of mammals is reported from Tyto alba; Ramı́rez-Pulido and Sánchez-Hernández, 1972).
Guerrero, Mexico (Ramı́rez-Pulido et al., 2000; Cervantes As a contribution to the knowledge of mammals from the
et al., 2004; Almazán-Catalán et al., 2005; Romo-Vázquez upper Balsas River basin, our objectives were to compile a
et al., 2005; Tejedor, 2005; Carraway, 2007; Nolasco et al., comprehensive list of mammals from Tlaxmalac, a
2007; Ruiz-Gutiérrez et al., 2011). The Balsas River basin community within this area, with information regarding
is formed by two physiographic provinces, the Trans- natural history and habitats, and to compare the richness
Volcanic Belt and the Sierra Madre del Sur. The genesis found in this area with regions nearby, to understand the
and evolution of these landforms give this basin a wide importance of the area.
variety of physiographic, geological, and climatic charac-
teristics that impose biogeographic limits for much of the MATERIALS AND METHODS—Study Area—Tlaxmalac is in the
flora and fauna of Mexico. This structural framework municipality of Huitzuco de Los Figueroa in the state of
created, in geological time, many ecological islands and Guerrero. It is located at 18821 0 38 00 N, 99824 0 50 00 W and has an
peninsulas in its peaks, slopes, canyons, and isolated area of 40 km2. The mean elevation is 911 m with some steep
valleys that made the basin a remarkable secondary center hills up to 1,600 m (INEGI, 1998). The weather is warm and
of evolutionary radiation of species (Toledo, 2003). semihumid. Average annual temperature is 25.58C and average
Despite the importance of the area, there is only one annual rainfall is 1,417 mm, with most rain occurring from June
March 2015 Almazán-Catalán et al.—Habitat use and reproduction of mammals from Guerrero, Mexico 37

to October. The dominant habitat type is tropical deciduous number of repetitive calculations for estimating the sampling
forest (73%), which covers slopes from 900 to 1,600 m, and is distribution of population.
represented by Jacaratia mexicana (bonete), Amphipterygium We constructed a matrix of presence and absence of species
adstringens (cuachalalate), Ipomoea arborescens (cazahuate), and to compare the similarity of mammal species from Tlaxmalac
Bursera copallifera (copal). Oak forest (8%) occurs on hills from with the nearest regions where mammals have been studied, and
1,200 to above 1,600 m, and is represented by Quercus candicans created a dendrogram of hierarchical clustering on the basis of
(white oak) and Q. glaucoides (lacey oak). The remainder of the Jaccard coefficient by unweighted pair-group method using
study area (19%) consists of second growth vegetation domi- arithmetic averages. This coefficient standardizes the richness
nated by plants such as Acacia cymbispina (acacia), A. farnesiana information of every area minimizing the sampling bias
(huizache, acacia), Haematoxylum brasiletto (Brazilwood), Pith- (sampling effort and sample size) using a binomial datum
ecellobium dulce (guamuchil), and Alvaradoa amorphoides (guachi- (presence 1, absence 0) of the registered species. The
pil; Jiménez Salmerón and Garcı́a, 2002), in addition to field dendrogram graphically represents the results, grouping areas
crops like tamarind (Tamarindus indica), peanut (Arachis more similar on the basis of their species composition
hypogaea), mango (Mangifera indica), and corn (Zea mays). (Magurran, 1988). We processed the data using the multivariate
Mammal Surveys—Fieldwork took place from May 1999 statistical package MVSP 3.13r (Kovach, 2009). The areas with
through May 2007 in 22 sessions of 1 to 4 days each, for a total which we compared our richness were Costa Grande (Ramı́rez-
of 53 sampling days. We surveyed 28 locations representative of all Pulido et al., 1977), Sierra de Taxco (León-Paniagua and Romo-
types of vegetation (Appendix). Each night we set between four Vázquez, 1993), Omiltemi in the state of Guerrero (Jiménez-
and eight mist nets (6, 9, and 12 m) to capture bats from 1900h to Almaraz et al., 1993), and Sierra de Huautla in the state of
2300h, checking them approximately every 30 min. For terrestrial Morelos (Sánchez-Hernández and Romero-Almaraz, 1995).
small mammals, we set Sherman traps baited with oats and snap
traps baited with oats mixed with peanut butter, or oats with SPECIES ACCOUNTS—Didelphis virginiana californica—Lo-
bananas. We set small-mammal traps in the afternoon and cality 13b. We captured one male with scrotal testes 20 ·
checked them early the next morning. Traps were set daily in 14 mm in October 2000 in a rocky ravine, surrounded by
transects with intertrap distance of 10 m. Survey effort was 1,500 corn and peanut fields and guamuchil trees; that day we
trap-nights using Sherman traps (3 · 3.5 · 9 in) for small to observed nine more individuals during a ca. 1-h hike close
medium-size mammals, and 900 trap-nights using snap traps (7 · to open areas in the forest and near bodies of water.
3 1/4 in) for small mammals.
Tlacuatzin canescens—Locality 10, June 2001. We
For medium- and large-size mammals, residents provided us
examined a male with scrotal testes of 11 · 8 mm that
with skins, parts of skulls, or skeletons, whereas others were
was found dead on the litter of pristine tropical semi-
found during our fieldwork. We preserved skin and whole
skeleton or skin and skull only. We collected tissue samples deciduous forest. This species was frequently seen among
(muscle, liver, and kidney) and preserved them in 96% ethanol. the corn fields and in hanging abandoned Icterus nests.
Voucher specimens were deposited at Colección Nacional de Dasypus novemcinctus davisi—Locality 7, April 2003.
Mamı́feros, Instituto de Biologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autó- Residents donated the skin of a male that was captured in
noma de México; some specimens are still in the cataloguing tropical deciduous forest. We observe this species to be
process. Some rodents and bats were released at the site of their common in corn and peanut fields and occasionally
capture, if we had already collected voucher specimens. We residents fed them.
recorded sex, reproductive status, and habitat type for animals Sciurus aureogaster nigrescens—Locality 8a, December
that were released.
2000. We captured a reproductively inactive adult female
We followed taxonomy according to Wilson and Reeder
in oak forest. This species was occasionally seen in yards
(2005), with three exceptions: Dermanura as separate from
or in tamarind trees.
Artibeus (Owen, 1987), Liomys as part of Heteromys (Hafner et al.,
2007), and Spermophilus as part of Otospermophilus (Helgen et al., Otospermophilus variegatus variegatus—Locality 5, April
2009). Subspecific designations were used according to Ramı́rez- 2001. We examined a postlactating female (Colección
Pulido et al. (2005). Nacional de Mamı́feros, Instituto de Biologı́a, Universi-
We gave four designations according to the traditional uses of dad Nacional Autónoma de México 42516). The speci-
mammals in the area (food, pet, fur, and medicinal). Such men was feeding on guamuchil fruits and was in a flat,
information was obtained from farmers, healers, and house- rocky terrain planted with peanuts and corn.
wives. Conservation status of species was stated according to Heteromys irroratus torridus—Localities 2a, 3a, 4, 10a,
Norma Oficial Mexicana NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 (SEMAR- 10c, 12a, 13, 14b, 15, 16a, 19a, 20, 21, 23, 25, 26, 26a, and
NAT, 2010), and according to International Union for Conser- 27. We examined 19 females, 22 males, and 9 newborns
vation of Nature (IUCN, 2014), through the Red List of
from 1999 to 2001 and from 2007. The specimens were
Threatened Species.
caught in corn- and peanut fields, along roads, dried
Nonparametric methods were used to estimate expected
streambeds, in grassland, and among roots of trees. Of
species richness using two incidence-based estimators (Chao 2
and Bootstrap) with EstimateS 8.2 software (Colwell, 2009). the 19 females, 2 were young (July, November), 3 were
These analyses use sampling numbers of a given area to estimate subadults (2 in February, 1 in July), and 14 were adults. Of
the number of species expected to inhabit that region. Chao 2 is the adults, eight were reproductively inactive (four in
a rigorous and little-biased estimator for small populations, and May, one in June, three in July). A female taken in July
Bootstrap makes intensive calculations on the basis of a large had two embryos (1R, 20 · 14 mm; 1L, 10 · 13 mm), and
38 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 1

one taken in October had four embryos (2R, 2L, 21 · 14 embryos (1R, 1L; 23 · 14 mm), one had three embryos
mm). Three females caught in September and October (3L, 17 · 13 mm), and one was inactive. We captured four
were lactating, and females caught in September had females in August, including one with three embryos (1R,
three and six newborns that were born in the trap. One 2L, 6 · 5 mm), one with an early implantation, and two that
female from October had a vaginal plug. Of the 22 males, were reproductively inactive. Six females from September
3 were young (1 in February, 2 in November), 1 was were pregnant: two had two embryos (2R, length 14 mm;
subadult (February), and 18 were adults. Of the adults, 1R, 1L, 30 · 13 mm), three had three embryos (3L, 15 · 8
eight had scrotal testes, including two in May (7 · 4 mm, mm; 3R, length 25 mm; 2R, 1L, length 18 mm), and one
13 · 10 mm), five in July (19 · 12 mm to 20 · 14 mm), had four embryos (4L, 20 · 15 mm). We captured two
and one in August (20 · 10 mm); five had inguinal testes, females in October including one with three embryos (3L,
two had abdominal testes, and we did not record data for 9 · 8 mm) and one that was reproductively inactive. In
three of them. November, one female was lactating.
Baiomys musculus pallidus—Localities 4, 11a, 12a, 13, Of the males, seven were young (January, two; May,
14b, 20, 21, and 26a. We examined six females and seven one; September, three; October, one) and four were
males from 1999 to 2001 and from 2007. All females were subadults (March, three; August, one). Of the adults, 35
reproductively inactive, including five adults: one in had scrotal testes, including 3 from January (15 · 10 mm
January, two in February, one in May, one in August; to 20 · 10 mm), 4 from February (16 · 11 mm to 21 · 8
and one subadult in November. Seven males were mm), 10 from May (6 · 3 mm to 21 · 10 mm), 1 from
collected including five adults: one in February, four in June (17 · 10 mm), 8 from July (17 · 9 mm to 20 · 11
May; and one juvenile and one subadult in November. mm), 4 from August (14 · 8 mm to 26 · 10 mm), and 5
One male captured in November and one in May had from September (7 · 5 mm to 20 · 10 mm).
scrotal testes (4 · 2 mm and 7 · 3 mm, respectively). The Peromyscus melanophrys melanophrys—Locality 27. We
remaining individuals had abdominal or inguinal testes. captured one pregnant female with four embryos (2R,
We trapped them along the streambeds, on the limits of 2L, 7 · 7 mm) in July 2000. The specimen was caught in a
corn- and peanut fields, in cattle ranches, and among trap placed among the roots of a guamuchil tree near a
thorny vegetation and secondary vegetation in tropical cornfield.
deciduous forest. Oryzomys couesi albiventer—Locality 4a, February 2001.
Hodomys alleni elatturus—Localities 19 and 26a. We We captured one male with inguinal testes 6 · 4 mm
examined four females and one male. One juvenile of among the roots of a guamuchil tree near a corn- and
each sex was captured in February 2001. A female peanut field.
collected in August had two embryos (2L, 9 · 7 mm). Sigmodon mascotensis—Locality 24, December 2000. We
Two females caught in February 2001were reproductively found one male specimen dead on the road. We
inactive. The specimens were captured in traps set in rock commonly observed this species in grasslands, scrub,
slopes near hollows, in tropical deciduous forest, and and corn and peanut crops.
thorny vegetation. Sylvilagus cunicularius cunicularius—Localities 13 and
Osgoodomys banderanus vicinior—Localities 2a, 3a, 4, 16b. We examined two females and two males. Both females
10b, 10c, 11, 11a, 12, 12a, 13, 14, 14a, 15, 16a, 19, 19a, had embryos of asymmetric size: one caught in August 2000
19b, 19c, 19d, 20, 21, 26, 26a, and 27. We examined 42 had five embryos (4R, 25 · 24 mm; 1L, 20 · 20 mm), and
females and 55 males from 1999 to 2001 and from 2007. one caught in June 2001 had three embryos (1R, 27 · 18
We trapped all of the specimens among tree roots or mm; 2L, 37 · 30 mm). The males were caught in October
rocks, along dry streambeds, and in corn- and peanut 2000 and June 2001 and had scrotal testes 24 · 8 mm and
fields, with surrounding vegetation of tropical deciduous 20 · 10 mm, respectively. The specimens were trapped in
forest and secondary vegetation. peanut fields, scrub vegetation, and fragmented tropical
One of the females was young (February) and four were deciduous forest. In June 2000, 15 individuals were
subadults (February, one; July, two; August, one). Four observed during the night. People from the area use this
adult females captured in January were pregnant and one species to supplement their diet.
was reproductively inactive; three had two embryos (2R, 7 · Balantiopteryx plicata plicata—Localities 4, 6, 12b, and
5 mm; 2L, 15 ·14 mm; 1R, 1L, 2.4 · 1.5 mm) and one had 18. We examined 10 females and 12 males. Of the
three embryos (3R, 25 · 17). Of six females caught in females, one caught in June 2001 was a newborn, and one
February, two had two embryos (2L, 1 · 1 mm; 2R, 3 · 2 caught in August 2000 was a juvenile. One female from
mm), one was lactating, and three were reproductively August 2000 and three from March 2001 were reproduc-
inactive. The female caught in March was reproductively tively inactive, two from June 2001 and one from August
inactive. Of the nine females caught in May, one had two 2000 were lactating, and one from June 2001 had an
embryos (2L, 13 · 11 mm), six were lactating, one was embryo 22 · 14 mm. Three males caught in June were
lactating and had three embryos (16 · 12 mm), and one newborns, two from August had inguinal testes (3 · 2
was inactive. Of three females caught in July, one had two mm), and we did not record reproductive information
March 2015 Almazán-Catalán et al.—Habitat use and reproduction of mammals from Guerrero, Mexico 39

from the others. The specimens were captured in rock December (n = 2). Of the females, one from June was
hollows, inside the bathrooms of a school, and in a small receptive, and two were pregnant (June, 6 · 4 mm;
cave where there was a colony of about 100 individuals. December, 8 · 8 mm). Eight males had scrotal testes
Surrounding vegetation was tropical deciduous forest. including two from May (6 · 4 mm, 9 · 6 mm), five from
Desmodus rotundus murinus—Localities 2b and 27. We June (5 · 4 mm to 13 · 8 mm), and one from December
examined two adult females and three adult males (7 · 5 mm). The specimens were caught among mango
captured in 2001, one male in June and the rest in and tamarind trees, near a stream, or in tropical
December. Both females were reproductively inactive. deciduous forest.
Males had scrotal testes of 8 · 6 mm (in June) and 7 · 4 Artibeus jamaicensis triomylus—Localities 4b, 11a, 12b,
mm and 7 · 5 mm (in December). They were caught in a and 27. We examined four females and four males. They
mist net set over a pond in tropical deciduous forest. were caught in March (n = 1), May (n = 1), June (n = 3),
Choeronycteris mexicana—Locality 2b, December 2001. and December (n = 3) 2001. One female from June was
We examined one adult female caught near a stream with receptive and lactating, and one was lactating, whereas
surrounding tropical deciduous forest. one in December had an embryo (6 · 5 mm), and one
Glossophaga leachii—Localities 2b and 11a. In 2001, we was reproductively inactive. Males had scrotal testes in
captured one reproductively inactive female in December, March (7 · 5 mm), May (8 · 5 mm), June (13 · 9 mm),
and one male with scrotal testes (6 · 5 mm) in May. They and December (7 · 4 mm). The specimens were caught
were caught in tropical deciduous forest. over a body of water in tropical deciduous forest.
Glossophaga morenoi mexicana—Localities 2b, 11a, and Artibeus lituratus palmarum—Localities 12b and 27. We
12b. We examined five females (one in March, two in May, examined three males with scrotal testes captured in
and two in December) and one male (May) in 2001. 2001, including two in March (8 · 5 mm, 8 · 6 mm) and
Females were reproductively inactive, and the male had one in December (7 · 5 mm). All were collected over a
scrotal testes (6 · 4 mm). We captured them over a body water body in tropical deciduous forest.
of water in tropical deciduous forest. Dermanura tolteca hespera—Locality 2b. We examined
Glossophaga soricina handleyi—Localities 7, 17, and 27. one lactating female from December 2001. It was caught
We examined two females and one male. They were near a pond in tropical deciduous forest.
captured in March, May, and June 2001. The male had Pteronotus parnellii mexicanus—Localities 2b, 7, 12b, and
scrotal testes 4 · 3 mm in March; one female from June 27. In 2001, we captured seven females and one adult male,
was reproductively inactive and we did not record including three in March, one in June, and four in
reproductive data from the other. We captured them December. Of the females, two were pregnant including
among mango and tamarind trees and over a body of one captured in March (1L, 17 · 11 mm) and another in
water in tropical deciduous forest. December (2 · 2 mm); one from December was lactating,
Macrotus waterhousii mexicanus—Localities 17 and 27. and four were reproductively inactive. The male had scrotal
We captured one female (December) and four males testes (4 · 3 mm) and was captured in June. We trapped
(one in May, one in June, and two in December) in 2001. them near bodies of water in tropical deciduous forest.
The female was reproductively inactive, whereas two Nyctinomops femorosaccus—Locality 12b. We examined
males had scrotal testes, one in June (6 · 4 mm) and one reproductively inactive adult female (Colección
one in December (5 · 3 mm). The specimens were Nacional de Mamı́feros, Instituto de Biologı́a, Universi-
caught among mango and tamarind trees and near ponds dad Nacional Autónoma de México, 42514) captured in
in tropical deciduous forest. March 2001 over a body of water in a rocky canyon in
Sturnira lilium parvidens—Localities 2b, 4a, 11a, 12b, tropical deciduous forest.
and 27. We examined two females and three males. They Nyctinomops macrotis—Locality 12b. We examined one
were caught in March (one male with scrotal testes, 5 · 3 adult male (Colección Nacional de Mamı́feros, Instituto
mm), May (one young male), June (one lactating de Biologı́a, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México,
female), and December (one male with inguinal testes; 42515) with inguinal testes of 2 · 1 mm that was captured
and one young female) from 2001. The specimens were in March 2001 over a body of water near a rocky canyon in
caught over a body of water in tropical deciduous forest. tropical deciduous forest.
Artibeus hirsutus—Localities 12b and 27. We examined Myotis velifer velifer—Locality 4b. We examined one
two females and two males. One young female was lactating female captured in June 2001 near a pond in
captured in March, and one from December had an tropical deciduous forest.
embryo (5 · 4 mm). One male from December had Leopardus wiedii glaucula—Locality 9, September 2002.
scrotal testes (8 · 7 mm). The specimens were caught Local people gave us the carcass of a female that was
over a stream in tropical deciduous forest. captured in a rocky ravine when it was chasing a rabbit
Artibeus intermedius intermedius—Localities 2b, 4b, 11a, near a pond. There were remains of a lizard (Sceloporus) in
17, and 27. We examined three females and nine males. its stomach. In February 1999, we examined the skin of a
They were caught in May (n = 2), June (n = 8), and female that had been captured in the area. Farmers
40 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 1

mentioned that this species is often found in the upper vegetation is better preserved. They represent a signifi-
parts of the hills near the streams. cant source of food for the inhabitants.
Canis latrans cagottis—Locality 8, December 2000. A Odocoileus virginianus mexicanus—Locality 19, April
skin of a male that was caught in tropical deciduous forest 2003. Local people gave us the skin of a young male that
was donated to us. We frequently observed this species in was caught in tropical deciduous forest. Deer represent a
agricultural land. significant source of food for the people of the region
Urocyon cinereoargenteus nigrirostris—Localities 13a, 14c, and are often seen in flat terrain or near water wells; the
and 19. We examined a female and a male caught in inhabitants stated that this species is very abundant in the
February 2001. The female was reproductively inactive area.
and the male had scrotal testes (20 · 13 mm); they were
captured in a ravine among corn- and peanut fields. In RESULTS AND DISCUSSION—We examined a total of 281
April 2003, we collected the remains of two specimens, specimens of 41 species, 35 genera, 18 families, and 7
one in a corn- and watermelon field and the other in orders of mammals that include 27% of the 152 species
tropical deciduous forest. reported for Guerrero (Ramı́rez-Pulido et al., 2000;
Conepatus leuconotus leuconotus—Localities 13a and 22. Cervantes et al., 2004; Almazán-Catalán et al., 2005;
We examined two males captured in October 2000 and Romo-Vázquez et al., 2005; Tejedor, 2005; Carraway, 2007;
February 2001, both with scrotal testes (17 · 17 mm, 18 · Nolasco et al., 2007; Ruiz-Gutiérrez et al., 2011). The
20 mm). The specimens were caught in a peanut field mammal fauna included 17 species (41.5%) in the order
and near a pond with thorny vegetation. Local people Chiroptera, nine species (21.9%) each in the orders
capture this species to use its fat to cure skin infections. Rodentia and Carnivora, two species (4.9%) each in the
Mephitis macroura macroura—Localities 13a and 28. orders Didelphimorphia and Artiodactyla, and one species
Local people gave us two reproductively inactive females (2.4%) each in the orders Cingulata and Lagomorpha. We
that were caught in February 2001, close to a river near registered the presence of Puma concolor and P. yagouaroundi
corn- and peanut fields. Individuals of this species are on the basis of comments from villagers.
often observed dead on the road.
Eight of the species we documented are endemic to
Spilogale putorius tropicalis—Locality 16. In June 2001,
Mexico including one didelphimorph (Tlacuatzin canes-
local people gave us a skin, skull, and skeleton of a
cens), four rodents (Hodomys alleni, Osgoodomys banderanus,
reproductively inactive female that was captured in
Peromyscus melanophrys, Sigmodon mascotensis), two bats
tropical deciduous forest. This species is commonly found
(Glossophaga morenoi, Artibeus hirsutus), and one lago-
among the stones of walls (tecorrales) and agricultural
morph (Sylvilagus cunicularius). These represent 19.5% of
land or courtyards.
the 41 mammalian species captured at Tlaxmalac, and
Bassariscus astutus bolei—Locality 3, December 2000.
4.7% of the 169 endemic species of mammals reported
The local people gave us the skin of a reproductively
for Mexico (Ramı́rez-Pulido et al., 2005).
inactive female that was captured in a ravine in tropical
deciduous forest. Relative Abundance—We captured 170 (60.5%) speci-
Nasua narica molaris—Locality 1, November 2000. The mens of the order Rodentia, 88 (31.3%) of Chiroptera, 13
local people captured and gave us the skin and skull of (4.6%) of Carnivora, 4 (1.4%) of Lagomorpha, 3 (1.1%)
two females. One of them was lactating and the other one of Artiodactyla, 2 (0.7%) of Didelphimorphia, 1 (0.4%) of
was reproductively inactive. The specimens came from a Cingulata. The most abundant species of order Rodentia
group of about 14 individuals, most of which were were Osgoodomys banderanus (97 specimens, 34.5%),
juveniles. They were captured on rocky ground of tropical Heteromys irroratus (50, 17.8%), and Baiomys musculus
deciduous forest. They are an important source of food (22, 7.8%). For bats, the most abundant species were
for the people in this community. Balantiopteryx plicata (22 specimens, 7.8%), Artibeus
Procyon lotor hernandezii—Localities 2 and 3. In Novem- intermedius (12, 4.3%), A. jamaicensis (8, 2.8%), and
ber 2000 local people gave us the skin of a young female Pteronotus parnellii (8, 2.8%). The numbers of specimens
that was found with a group of five or six individuals. In for the orders Didelphimorphia (2, 0.7%) and Cingulata
December of the same year they gave us the skin and the (1, 0.4%) reflect, in part, that our trapping approach was
skull of a male with scrotal testes (24 · 18 mm). The less suited for those groups. However, we were able to
specimens were caught at the edge of a stream in tropical record 13 specimens of 9 species of Carnivora, 3
deciduous forest. specimens of 2 species of Artiodactyla, and 4 specimens
Pecari tajacu humeralis—Locality 19. We examined, but of 1 species of Lagomorpha.
did not retain, the skins of two specimens captured in Of the 41 species documented, 31 were found in tropical
April 2003 in tropical deciduous forest. According to the deciduous forest, 19 in agricultural fields, 10 in secondary
farmers, javelinas are rare in the area. However, they were vegetation, and 1 in oak forest; some were found in more
common at the top of the hill El Jumil, in the than one type of vegetation. Only one species was found in
neighboring community of Tuxpan, where natural oak forest (Sciurus aureogaster), probably because of a low
March 2015 Almazán-Catalán et al.—Habitat use and reproduction of mammals from Guerrero, Mexico 41

TABLE 1—Mammals from Tlaxmalac, Guerrero, including common name, feeding strategy, use of vegetation types, use by local
people, and conservation status. Vegetation type: TDF = tropical deciduous forest, AF = agricultural fields, SV = secondary
vegetation, OF = oak forest. Traditional use: Fd = food, P = pet, Fr = fur, Me = medicinal. Conservation status: Norma Oficial
Mexicana (NOM)-059 (SEMARNAT, 2010), A = threatened, P = endangered; International Union for Conservation of Nature
(IUCN, 2014), NT = near threatened.

Species Common name Feeding Vegetation type Traditional use NOM-059 IUCN

Didelphis virginiana Virginia opossum Omnivorous SV, AF Fd — —

Tlacuatzin canescens Grayish mouse opossum Omnivorous TDF — — —
Dasypus novemcinctus Nine-banded armadillo Insectivorous TDF, SV, AF Fd, Fr, P — —
Sciurus aureogaster Red-bellied squirrel Herbivorous OF Fr, P — —
Otospermophilus variegatus Rock squirrel Omnivorous SV, AF P — —
Heteromys irroratus Mexican spiny pocket mouse Granivorous SV, AF — — —
Baiomys musculus Southern pygmy mouse Omnivorous SV, AF —- — —
Hodomys alleni Allen’s wood rat Omnivorous TDF — — —
Osgoodomys banderanus Michoacan deer mouse Omnivorous TDF, SV, AF — — —
Peromyscus melanophrys Plateau deer mouse Omnivorous TDF, AF — — —
Oryzomys couesi Coues’s rice rat Omnivorous SV, AF — — —
Sigmodon mascotensis West Mexican cotton rat Omnivorous AF — — —
Sylvilagus cunicularius Mexican cottontail Herbivorous SV, AF Fd — —
Balantiopteryx plicata Gray sac-winged bat Insectivorous TDF — — —
Desmodus rotundus Common vampire bat Hematofagous TDF, AF — — —
Choeronycteris mexicana Mexican long-tongued bat Nectarivorous TDF — A NT
Glossophaga leachi Gray’s long-tongued bat Nectarivorous TDF, AF — — —
Glossophaga morenoi Western long-tongued bat Nectarivorous TDF — — —
Glossophaga soricina Pallas’s long-tongued bat Nectarivorous TDF, AF — — —
Macrotus waterhousii Waterhouse’s leaf-nosed bat Insectivorous TDF — — —
Sturnira lilium Little yellow-shouldered bat Frugivorous TDF — — —
Artibeus hirsutus Hairy fruit-eating bat Frugivorous TDF — — —
Artibeus intermedius Intermediate fruit-eating bat Frugivorous TDF, AF — — —
Artibeus jamaicensis Jamaican fruit-eating bat Frugivorous TDF — — —
Artibeus lituratus Great fruit-eating bat Frugivorous TDF — — —
Dermanura tolteca Toltec fruit-eating bat Frugivorous TDF — — —
Pteronotus parnellii Parnell’s mustached bat Insectivorous TDF — — —
Nyctinomops femorosaccus Pocketed free-tailed bat Insectivorous TDF — — —
Nyctinomops macrotis Big free-tailed bat Insectivorous TDF — — —
Myotis velifer Cave myotis Insectivorous TDF — — —
Leopardus wiedii Margay Carnivorous TDF Fr P NT
Canis latrans Coyote Omnivorous TDF Fr — —
Urocyon cinereoargenteus Grey fox Omnivorous TDF, SV, AF Fr — —
Conepatus leuconotus American hog-nosed skunk Insectivorous AF Fd, Me — —
Mephitis macroura Hooded skunk Insectivorous AF Me — —
Spilogale putorius Eastern spotted skunk Insectivorous TDF, AF — — —
Bassariscus astutus Ringtail Omnivorous TDF — — —
Nasua narica White-nosed coati Omnivorous TDF Fd, Me, Fr, P — —
Procyon lotor Northern raccoon Omnivorous TDF Fd — —
Pecari tajacu Collared peccary Omnivorous TDF Fd — —
Odocoileus virginianus White-tailed deer Herbivorous TDF, SV, AF Fd, Fr, P — —

effort of capture, since access to oak forest is complicated wild mammals, some with more than one use. Eight
because of its rugged topography. species are used as a complement of the diet, especially
Mammals from Tlaxmalac represented eight different medium- and large-size species, such as deer, javelinas,
feeding habits (Table 1), including omnivorous (n = 15, rabbits, and coatis. Seven species are appreciated because
36.6%), insectivorous (n = 10, 24.4%), frugivorous (n = their skins are used to make musical instruments (e.g.,
6, 14.6%), nectarivorous (n = 4, 9.8%), and herbivorous armadillos and deer) or ornamental objects (e.g., margay,
(n = 3, 7.4%), which were most abundant, as well as coyotes, and squirrels). Three species have medicinal
granivorous (Heteromys irroratus), hematophagous (Desmo- uses: the fat from two species of skunks is used as liniment
dus rotundus), and carnivorous (Leopardus weidii), which and the skin of the coati to prevent hemorrhoids (by
had only one species each (2.4%). sitting on it); occasionally armadillos, squirrels, coatis,
People from Tlaxmalac traditionally use 14 species of and deer are kept as pets (Table 1).
42 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 1

FIG. 1—Species accumulation curves comparing values of actual capture for mammals from Tlaxmalac; Bootstrap and Chao 2

Choeronycteris mexicana and Leopardus wiedii are the only (34.92%). Tlaxmalac was most different from Omiltelmi;
species designated as being at some level of risk of these regions shared only 21.79% of species, the latter
extinction according to the Norma Oficial Mexicana only with temperate forest. Comparing with studies from
NOM-059-ECOL-2010 (SEMARNAT, 2010). Choeronycteris the same general area, we found a higher number (n =
mexicana might be considered rare in the Balsas River 41) of mammal species than reported by Álvarez (1968; n
basin because capture rates are variable, depending on = 23), probably due to differences in environmental
several factors such as migration, season, and food complexities, with Tlaxmalac having more kinds of
availability (Villa, 1967; Fleming and Eby, 2003). On the microhabitats.
basis of reported uses by local people, hunting may be a Little is known about the basic ecology of many species
factor threatening L. wiedii. of mammals in the Balsas River basin; thus, additional
The estimated richness with Chao2 and Bootstrap was studies are needed in local areas such as Tlaxmalac.
49 species; this indicates that we registered 88% of the Information provided for the traditional use for medium
expected mammals in Tlaxmalac (Fig. 1), including the and large mammals in Tlaxmalac represents an additional
records of Puma concolor and P. yagouaroundi cited by the contribution to their conservation. To the extent that we
villagers but not examined or captured by us. According know the species richness of a given area and compare it
to the predictive model, we did not document six species
that occur in the region. It is highly likely that Mormoops
megalophylla, Pteronotus davyi, Anoura geoffroyi, Leptonycteris
yerbabuenae, Mustela frenata, and Reithrodontomys fulvescens
could inhabit the study area considering that their
distribution includes localities with tropical deciduous
forests in the western part of Mexico, and they have been
recorded in nearby places such as Sierra de Huautla
(Sánchez-Hernández and Romero-Almaraz, 1995).
The dendrogram (Fig. 2) shows the regions grouped
according to similarity of species richness and similarity of
vegetation type. We found that Tlaxmalac was more
similar to Sierra de Huautla, Morelos (53.85%; Sánchez-
Hernández and Romero-Almaraz, 1995), sharing 29
species. These two areas are only separated by 55 km
and the type of vegetation at both is tropical deciduous FIG. 2—Dendrogram of similarity using Jaccard coefficient
forest. Tlaxmalac exhibited lower similarity with Sierra de between mammals from Tlaxmalac and four other study areas:
Taxco (41.54%), which has temperate forest surrounded 1) Costa Grande, 3) Sierra of Taxco, 4) Omiltemi, in Guerrero,
by tropical vegetation, and Costa Grande de Guerrero and 2) Sierra of Huautla, in Morelos.
March 2015 Almazán-Catalán et al.—Habitat use and reproduction of mammals from Guerrero, Mexico 43

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44 The Southwestern Naturalist vol. 60, no. 1

APPENDIX—Gazeteer of localities where mammals were 13a. Las Juntas, 1 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
surveyed or collected in Tlaxmalac, Guerrero. Localities 18822 0 32 00 N, 99824 0 22 00 W.
identified with lowercase italic letters were geographically 13b. Las Juntas, 500 m W de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
close. 18822 0 25 00 N, 99824 0 25 00 W.
14. Barranca Xihuatoxtla, 2.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac,
1. La Pedreguera, 5.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,500 m, 1,060 m, 18822 0 53 00 N, 99824 0 05 00 W.
18824 0 32 00 N, 99824 0 12 00 W. 14a. Barranca Xihuatoxtla, 2 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,000
2. El Tule, 4.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,280 m,
m, 18822 0 42 00 N, 99824 0 05 00 W.
18824 0 17 00 N, 99824 0 00 00 W.
14b. Barranca Xihuatoxtla, 1.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 980
2a. El Tule, 4 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,240 m,
m, 18822 0 36 00 N, 99824 0 13 00 W.
18824 0 06 00 N, 99823 0 58 00 W.
14c. Barranca Xihuatoxtla, 1.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 960
2b. El Tule, 4 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,240 m,
m, 18822 0 34 00 N, 99824 0 15 00 W.
18824 0 00 00 N, 99824 0 01 00 W.
15. Cerro Grande, 1.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,200 m,
3. El Tecal, 4 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,200 m,
18822 0 16 00 N, 99823 0 27 00 W.
18823 0 34 00 N, 99823 0 05 00 W.
16. Cerro El Jumil, 2.5 km W de Tlaxmalac, 1,040 m,
3a. El Tecal, 3.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,200 m,
18822 0 10 00 N, 99826 0 20 00 W.
18823 0 27 00 N, 99823 0 13 00 W.
16a. Cerro El Jumil, 2.5 km NW de Tlaxmalac, 980 m,
4. Barranca de Garcı́a, 3.8 km NW de Tlaxmalac, 940
18822 0 19 00 N, 99826 0 17 00 W.
m, 18823 0 34 00 N, 99826 0 12 00 W.
16b. Cerro El Jumil, 3.7 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 980 m,
4a. Barranca de Garcı́a, 1.5 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 900
18821 0 09 00 N, 99826 0 58 00 W.
m, 18822 0 14 00 N, 99825 0 36 00 W.
17. Calle Rodeo, Tlaxmalac, 900 m, 18821 0 53 00 N,
4b. Barranca de Garcı́a, 750 m W de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
18821 0 56 00 N, 99825 0 24 00 W. 99825 0 03 00 W.
5. La Cofradı́a, 2.5 km NW de Tlaxmalac, 960 m, 18. Biblioteca, Tlaxmalac, 900 m, 18821 0 31 00 N,
18822 0 54 00 N, 99825 0 39 00 W. 99824 0 49 00 W.
6. Cueva La Cofradı́a, 2.5 km NW de Tlaxmalac, 1,020 19. Cerro Chiltepec, 2 km W de Tlaxmalac, 1,100 m,
m, 18823 0 06 00 N, 99825 0 08 00 W. 18821 0 19 00 N, 99825 0 20 00 W.
7. La Campana, 2.2 km N de Tlaxmalac, 1,060 m, 19a. Cerro Chiltepec, 1.5 km W de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
18823 0 00 00 N, 99823 0 46 00 W. 18821 0 37 00 N, 99825 0 13 00 W.
8. Cerro El Papayo, 3.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,400 m, 19b. Cerro Chiltepec, 1 km W de Tlaxmalac, 980 m,
18823 0 02 00 N, 99823 0 00 00 W. 18821 0 44 00 N, 99825 0 42 00 W.
8a. Cerro El Papayo, 2.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,120 m, 19c. Cerro Chiltepec, 500 m W de Tlaxmalac, 920 m,
18823 0 11 00 N, 99823 0 34 00 W. 18821 0 34 00 N, 99825 0 12 00 W.
9. Huzicuate, 3 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,260 m, 19d. Cerro Chiltepec, 1.5 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 980 m,
18822 0 56 0 ’N, 99823 0 08 0 ’W. 18821 0 32 00 N, 99825 0 13 00 W.
10. Cerro El Tenaño, 3.5 km N de Tlaxmalac, 1,200 m, 20. 2.5 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 900 m, 18821 0 09 00 N,
18823 0 24 00 N, 99824 0 40 00 W. 99826 0 08 00 W.
10a. Cerro El Tenaño, 3 km N de Tlaxmalac, 1,080 m, 21. 3.5 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 900 m, 18820 0 55 00 N,
18822 0 53 00 N, 99824 0 42 00 W. 99826 0 22 00 W.
10b. Cerro El Tenaño, 2 km N de Tlaxmalac, 920 m, 22. La Laguna, 2.5 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
18822 0 30 00 N, 99824 0 30 00 W. 18820 0 41 00 N, 99826 0 06 00 W.
10c. Cerro El Tenaño, 1.5 km N de Tlaxmalac, 960 m, 23. Carretera, 1 km S de Tlaxmalac, 900 m, 18821 0 03 00 N,
18822 0 34 00 N, 99824 0 49 00 W. 99824 0 54 00 W.
11. Barranca Tepeaxtla, 2 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,000 24. Carretera, 1.5 km S de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
m, 18822 0 51 00 N, 99824 0 23 00 W. 18820 0 29 00 N, 99824 0 42 00 W.
11a. Barranca Tepeaxtla, 1 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 930 m, 25. Carretera, 2 km S de Tlaxmalac, 900 m, 18820 0 05 00 N,
18822 0 38 00 N, 99824 0 24 00 W. 99824 0 40 00 W.
12. Poza de Los Santos, 2 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,100 26. El Ópalo, 3.8 km SE de Tlaxmalac, 960 m,
m, 18822 0 44 00 N, 99824 0 07 00 W. 18820 0 37 00 N, 99823 0 01 00 W.
12a. Poza de Los Santos, 2 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,060 26a. El Ópalo, 3.6 km SE de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
m, 18822 0 39 00 N, 99824 0 00 00 W. 18820 0 32 00 N, 99823 0 12 00 W.
12b. Poza de Los Santos, 1.5 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 940 27. Pozo El Hundido, 4 km S de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
m, 18822 0 39 00 N, 99824 0 13 00 W. 18820 0 27 00 N, 99823 0 49 00 W.
13. Las Juntas, 1 km NE de Tlaxmalac, 1,000 m, 28. Tlatocan, 3 km SW de Tlaxmalac, 900 m,
18822 0 43 00 N, 99824 0 17 00 W. 18820 0 11 00 N, 99825 0 56 00 W.

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