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Determining the hardness of water is crucial from both economic and public health perspectives,
as hard water can negatively impact various industrial processes, plumbing systems, domestic
water heaters, household cleaning, and personal hygiene.Total hardness refers to the combined
amount of calcium and magnesium ions in the water, as well as any other cations that contribute
to water hardness. Calcium hardness, on the other hand, specifically refers to the amount of
calcium ions present in the water. Alkalinity refers to the ability of water to neutralize acid.
Titration methods for measuring total hardness and calcium hardness involve adding a chelating
agent, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), to the water sample until all the calcium
and magnesium ions have reacted. The endpoint is typically detected using a metal ion
indicator, such as Eriochrome Black T (EBT),Murexide for total and Calcium hardness
respectively. The amount of EDTA required to react with all the calcium and magnesium ions
can then be used to calculate the total hardness and calcium hardness of the water sample.
Alkalinity is an important water quality parameter that is used to measure the ability of water to
neutralize acid. It is often used as an indicator of the buffering capacity of water, which is
important for maintaining stable pH levels in aquatic environments. Titration methods are
commonly used to measure alkalinity in water samples by adding an acid, in this experiment we
have used sulfuric acid, to the water sample until the pH reaches a specific endpoint. The
endpoint can be detected using an indicator, such as phenolphthalein for total alkalinity or
bromcresol green-methyl Red for total alkalinity, which changes color when the pH reaches the

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