Intermediate - Outcomes 2ed - TP POINTS 6 Trainees Newww

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BOOK: OUTCOMES 2nd Edition, Intermediate

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Tutor: Bjarne:


a) Katya List Speak Voc Gram
b) Howaida Speak Gram Voc List
c) Mohammed Voc Voc List Read
d) Aya Read Gram Voc List
e) Amr Func List Read Voc
f) Rola List Read Gram Read


● Remember to prepare thoroughly for ALP after TPs.

● Main aims are important and must be achieved; subsidiary aims are less
● Liaise closely with your colleagues to ensure that the students get a
cohesive lesson/morning
● Make sure you’ve done your language research and work through all the
materials yourself at the preparation stage to help you anticipate problems –
this is key and should always be your first step.
● All lessons are 45 minutes long.

TTT – test-teach-test (a technique to teach grammar or vocabulary)
Ss – students
S – student
T – teacher
WG – whole group
ICQ – instruction checking questions
CCQ – Concept checking questions
BORs – Breakout rooms (Zoom)
MPF – meaning, pronunciation, form
ECDB – elicit, check meaning asking CCQs, drill, board (= show written form)
WB – workbook
TL – Target language (the vocab/grammar/functions you will be teaching)

N.B.: The procedures and stages below are suggestions.

Teacher 1: A
TP1: Listening (page 20, track 11)
You can choose 1 question from exercise 1.
Make sure you clarify “to bump into” quickly or use a synonym in the question (on your slide).
You can send Ss to BORs and ask them to talk about it for 2 or 3 minutes. Bring them back and set the
task for gist.
There is no task for gist in the book, we need to create one.
I suggest you make a list of topics and ask Ss to tick the ones the couple talks about. Ensure you
provide 3 or 4 extra options (so it’s not too easy).


Use the T/F/N exercise from the book, exercise 2.

Use 2 or 3 questions from exercise 4.
Create a slide with the questions.
Invite Ss to discuss in BORs. Monitor and take notes on mistakes. If you have time, board the mistakes
and ask Ss to correct.

Tell them they’ll have another teacher now.

Teacher 2: B
TP1: Speaking (page 21, exercises 11 and 12)

Don’t forget to introduce yourself.

The first teacher did the listening about the same topic you’ll use for your speaking lesson, so, you can
go straight to stage 2 (language for task).
These are the stages of a speaking lesson:
1 - Lead-in
2 - Pre-teach language for task
3 - Set the task
4 - Preparation for speaking (2 min to think)
5 - do the task (BORs)
6 - feedback

The language for task you’ll have to cover is in the box, page 21, exercise 12. You can do it using a
task, like a simple fill-in-the-blanks. Give Ss time to do it individually (like a minute or two), then send
them to breakout rooms (BORs) to check; bring them back to the main room, check with them. This
stage should take about 10-15 min, ok?

Then set the task. (exercise 11). (about 5 min)

Give Ss time to think and prepare beforehand. (like 2 minutes)

Send them to BORs to do the task (pairs and one trio if you have an odd number of Ss). Give them
plenty of time, like 5-7 minutes or so. Monitor and take notes.

Provide feedback on language (about 10 min).

Teacher 3: C
TP1: Vocabulary (page 26, VOCAB: places of interest)

You’ll start unit 3.

You can use one or two questions from page 25, exercise 1 as a lead-in.

You’re going to teach words related to “places of interest”.

The book suggests the words in box in exercise 1, but some are quite easy for this group, like ‘gallery’,
‘palace’ and ‘lake’, so you can choose the words you’re going to teach from the words in the box or
the words in bold in exercise 1 (the fill in the blanks), there are some interesting ones, like “hire a
boat”, “antiques”, “medieval”. Choose 8 words to teach.

Try to use the situational approach.

Then you can adapt exercise 1 (the fill in the blanks to the 8 words you have chosen) and use it as
controlled practice;

IF YOU HAVE TIME, For less controlled, you can ask SS to describe some pictures using the words
they’ve learned, you can put all the words (and extra ones) in a “box”. If you don’t have time, skip this
one and go to freer practice.

For freer, ask Ss to describe some places they have visited or would like to visit. Don’t forget to model.

Teacher 1: D
TP1: Reading (about Dubai, text is below)

You will use a text about Dubai from another book. See text below.
Make sure this time you follow the stages of a reading lesson:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-reading task)
For the lead-in, show Ss some picture of Dubai and ask them to guess what city that is.
Ask them what they know about Dubai (for example, what is it famous for, what's the weather like,
what kind of transport they use there). MAKE A LIST with their predictions (you can use the whiteboard
or write on your ppt - like I did with the video about Covid).

Pre-teach some words that you think are key for the general understanding of the text. Usually 2 or 3.
You can do exactly what I did when pre-teaching vocab for the Covid video.

Bring up the list of predictions again, ask Ss to read the text quickly and check their predictions. THIS is
your task for gist.

For specific info and follow-up, create your own tasks. For specific info I suggest a T/F.
Teacher 2: E
TP1: Functional Language (page 27, Giving and responding to suggestions)

Teaching functional language

Your target language is on page 27, exercise 10:
- well, you could try…
- in that case, how about…
- to be honest, I'm not really a big fan of…
- Oh, that sounds great.
- I'm thinking of …
- Can you recommend…?
- I'm not really into...
- You can create a lead-in of about 3-5 minutes, just to set the context.
TEST: Then follow exercise 10 the way it is (put the sentences in order)
Correct the exercise with them. Just ensure you don't ask SS to read (they are a terrible model)After
correcting, you can play track 16 for them to listen to the dialogue (from ex 11) if you want.
TEACH: Clarify MPF.
TEST: Controlled → create a fill-in-the-blanks;

More practices: Freer → ask them to give and respond to suggestions (provide the topics).

Teacher 3: F
TP1: Listening (page 28, My Kind of Holiday)

You will do the listening on page 28 - "my kind of holiday".

Make sure you follow the stages of a listening lesson:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-listening task)
You can use exercise 1 the way it is as a lead-in.
Then, you can use their answers as a gist task, they will listen to the audio to check if their answers
were correct.
(skip exercises 2 and 3)
Create a T/F exercise, that will be your stage 4: listening for specific info.
You can use exercise 4 as follow-up. Ss discuss in BORs, monitor and take notes. If time allows, provide
some delayed error correction.

A few things to remember:

1. Always set the task before playing the audio (in this way we are giving Ss a reason to listen to
2. Play once for gist, and once for specific information. In other words, we usually play the audio
twice during the entire lesson.


Teacher 1: B
TP2: Grammar (page 29, Future plans)

You're going to teach "future plans" focusing on general expressions that mean future. No need to
teach "going to", "present continuous", "have to", "may and might". Focus on the words already in
bold. The book calls it "grammar" but it's pretty much "vocabulary".

I suggest you do Guided Discovery, following the exercises from the book.
- Create a lead-in (remember: a task that does not bring up the TL yet)
- Use ex 6 as it is (it's guided discovery); alternatively, you can create one text instead of using
a-f. Questions 1-5 are your CCQs, you can include a few more if you want to cover MPF more
Exercise 7 is your controlled practice.
Exercise 8 is your freer practice.

Teacher 2: C
TP2: Vocabulary (page 29, Weather)

You’re going to teach words related to “weather”.

The book suggests the words in bold in exercise 9, but some are quite easy for this group, like 'hot',
'storm', 'really sunny' and 'warm', so we're going to focus on: humid, freezing, boiling hot, to pour
down, grey and miserable, to reach XX degrees, to drop to XX degrees.

Choose the methodology you want to use: situational, Test-teach-test or Guided Discovery. (I'd
suggest either guided discovery or TTT)

1. Create a Lead-in that does not bring up the TL yet, but just the context. Something like, "does
the weather influence your mood? Do you get happy or sad depending on the weather?"
2. Present the language according to the method you chose.
3. Don't forget to provide a controlled practice. And for freer practice, you can use exercise 10 as
it is.

Teacher 3: A
TP2: Speaking (places to visit + time of the year) p.29
A and C did the grammar and vocab with the same topic you’ll use for your speaking lesson.
Remember: These are the stages of a speaking lesson:
1 - Lead-in
2 - Pre-teach language for task
3 - Set the task
4 - Preparation for speaking (2 min to think)
5 - do the task (BORs)
6 - feedback

- Create a short lead-in to contextualize oi your lesson;

- You don't need to teach the language because Matheus and Cindy did, but you need to
prompt a model of what Ss will be doing. Basically your speaking lesson will put Cindy's and
Matheus's lesson together in one speaking (talk about places to visit + time of the year; it can
be their own city or another place they like)
- Set the task
- Give them time to think and prepare before (like 2 minutes)
- Send them to BORs to do the task. If you have enough time, repeat with different pairs.
- Provide feedback.


Teacher 1: E
TP2: Listening (Page 12 exercises 1,2 and 4)

Your challenge will be to change the 2 nd listening task (Ex 3) because it is not useful for developing
listening for detail.

Make sure this time you follow the stages of a listening lesson:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (if necessary)
3. task for gist
4. task for detailed information
5. follow-up task (also called: post-listening task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.

Teacher 2: F
TP2: Reading (p30 - Is disaster tourism such a total disaster?)

Make sure this time you follow the stages of a reading lesson:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-reading task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.
Tip: don't do exercise 2.
No need to get into "understanding vocabulary" (the yellow box) on the same page.

Teacher 3: D
TP2: Grammar (p34 Habit and Frequency)

You're starting a new Unit; this new unit is about interests and free time activities.
They have a good grasp of vocab related to free time activities, so we're going straight to the
You'll be teaching frequency phrases; that includes used to.
The book suggests Guided Discovery using a listening. Decide if you want to follow their suggestion. If
you do, exercise 4 is your lead-in (about 5') , exercise 5 is gist (about 5'), and exercise 6 is when you lift
TL from the text + clarify MPF (about 10').
Then provide practices.

Teacher 1: C
TP3: Listening (p36)

Make sure this time you follow the stages of a listening lesson:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (if necessary)
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-reading task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.

Teacher 2: B
TP3: Vocabulary (p36 - Injuries and problems)

You will teach the vocab from exercise 5, page 36 - Injuries and problems
Feel free to choose the method: Test-Teach-Test, Guided Discovery, or Situational.

Teacher 3: A
TP3: Vocabulary (page 44, exercise 1) - Describing Jobs
You will teach the vocab from exercise 1, page 44 - Describing jobs. These are the words you will
teach (TL): competitive, field, apply for, well-paid, rewarding, self-employed, temporary contract,
demanding, dull, paperwork.
Feel free to choose the method: Test-Teach-Test, Guided Discovery, or Situational.

Teacher 2: F
TP3: Grammar - How long…? + Pres perf cont.

Your grammar reference is on page 37; we are going to teach only the Present Perfect Continuous and
the question "How long have you…?" - no need to contrast with the simple present, but be prepared
in case Ss have questions.
Feel free to choose the method: Test-Teach-Test, Guided Discovery, or Situational.

Teacher 1: D
TP3: Vocabulary - describing Music (Page 38)

You will teach the vocab from exercise 1, page 38 - Describing music. You can teach the 10 items in
Feel free to choose the method: Test-Teach-Test, Guided Discovery, or Situational.

Teacher 3: E
TP3: Reading (pages 38/39) - The Playlist of Your Life

Try to anticipated problems, manage your time effectively and follow the stages:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (choose 1 to 4 blocking words that you think could be helpful)
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-reading task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.

Teacher 1: B
TP4: Listening (page 44, track 25)

Try to anticipated problems, manage your time effectively and follow the stages:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (choose 1 to 4 blocking words that you think could be helpful)
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-listening task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.

Teacher 2: C
TP4: Reading (page 48) - Terrible Jobs

Try to anticipated problems, manage your time effectively and follow the stages:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (choose 1 to 4 blocking words that you think could be helpful)
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-reading task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.

Teacher 3: A
TP4: Grammar (page 45) - Must and Can't for commenting

Focus only on these two usages of "must" and "can't" (see blue box on page 45, top of the page).
If Ss ask, then you can clarify that "must" and "can't" have other meanings, but in this lesson, they will
practice this usage.
Feel free to choose the method: Test-Teach-Test, Guided Discovery, or Situational.

Teacher 1: D
TP4: Listening (page 46, track 27)

Try to anticipated problems, manage your time effectively and follow the stages:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (choose 1 to 4 blocking words that you think could be helpful)
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-listening task)
Decide if the tasks in the book are appropriate, if not, feel free to design your own tasks.

Teacher: F
TP4: Reading (see text below, from English File Intermediate)
Try to anticipated problems, manage your time effectively and follow the stages:
1. lead-in
2. pre-teaching vocab (choose 1 to 4 blocking words that you think could be helpful)
3. task for gist
4. task for specific info
5. follow-up task (also called: post-reading task)
Design your tasks for gist/specific info/post-reading.

Teacher 3: E
TP4: Vocabulary (page 52) - Smartphones

Page 52, exercise 1

Select 7-9 items to teach. Ensure they are not all cognates.
Feel free to choose the method: Test-Teach-Test, Guided Discovery, or Situational.

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