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September 15th, 2023

Ana Belen Castillo Ramos
Santiago Estrada Jurado
Natalia Araujo Rangel
Ricardo Flores Rivera
Darla Sofia Anaya Castillo
1-. Make an image of a human skeleton in the anatomical position.
2-. Using two different colors, distinguish between the axial and appendicular
3-. Label the following bones on your skeleton: cranial bones, vertebrae,
sternum, humerus, carpals, and patella.

4-. Classify each bone according to its shape (long, short, flat, irregular, or

Bone Shape

Cranial bones Flat bones

Vertebrates Irregular bones

Sternum Flat bone

Humerus Long bone

Carpal bones Short bones

Patella Sesamoid bone

5-. Indicate two synovial joints, two cartilaginous joints, and two fibrous joints
on your skeleton.
6-. Illustrate six different movements that can occur at the synovial joints.

7-. Choose one of the long bones on your skeleton and label the following
parts of that bone: diaphysis, epiphyses, medullary cavity, growth plate, and
articular cartilage.
Diaphysis: The diaphysis is the long, cylindrical shaft or body of the femur. It forms
the central part of the bone and provides support.

Epiphyses: The femur has two epiphyses, one at the proximal end (near the hip) and
one at the distal end (near the knee).

Medullary Cavity: The medullary cavity, also known as the marrow cavity, is the
hollow space within the diaphysis of the femur.
Growth Plate (Epiphyseal Plate): The growth plate, or epiphyseal plate, is a layer of
cartilage located between the diaphysis and the epiphysis at both ends of the femur.

Articular Cartilage: Articular cartilage is found on the ends of the femur's epiphysis
where it forms articulations (joints) with other bones.

8-. Describe four functions of bone.

Bones are an important part of the skeletal system. They are lightweight but
incredibly strong structures. A normal adult has about 206 bones in the body. Some
of their functions include:
● Supporting your body and helping you move. The bones hold up our body and
keep it from collapsing to the ground. Your posture depends on your bones.
● Producing blood cells. Certain types of bones produce our platelets, red blood
cells and white blood cells. These cells are made inside the bones.
● Storing and releasing fat. Certain types of bones store fat and then release it
when your body needs energy.
● Storing and releasing minerals. Bones can also store necessary minerals
when their levels are too high in your blood.

9-. Choose a skeletal muscle that causes movement at one of the synovial
joints you previously chose, and illustrate it on your skeleton, showing the
tendons attached to the bones, then describe the mechanism of muscle
contraction that allows movement to occur at the joint.
● Anderson, A. (2021, December 19). What Are the 5 Functions of Bones?

WebMD; WebMD.

● K8School. (2016, October 4). Human Skeletal System | Human body facts -

skeleton & bones facts.

● My course: VZ.BSCN3002TEO.612.202360-Human body care By Container: Year: 2023 URL:


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