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PRODUCT DISCRIPTION Cat fish is a fish that very easy to handle because it is durable and eat most of everything

that can be eaten although it is his own species. Due to the high demand of cat fish in Malaysia, cat fish livestock market is indispensable. With very efficient operation plan and very strategic marketing plan someone can be very successful and become millionaire.

TARGET MARKET By getting some information from Encik Nasir, we had identifying the costumer target for his business. The costumer target that we had found is:-wholesaler -retailer -individuals The wholesaler and retailer come from whole place of Kelantan, machang, tumpat and others. But for individual they only come from Kampung Tujoh itself. MARKET SIZE Encik Nasir can supply his cat fish around Kelantan only. Due to the small amount of cat fish production he got now, around 400 kg per month. Because of that he only can supply his cat fish to a wholesaler and individual arund Kampung Tujuh. If he can increase his production he also can increase his selling and profit he will get each month.

COMPETITION By doing the survey around Kampung Tujoh, we realize that only Encik Nassir who supply the cat fish there. But there also some retailer sells cat fish that not coming from Encik Nassir pond at Pasar Tani every Friday. And some food stalls that running by Siamese. But when we talk about Kelantan there are abundant of cat fish livestock suppliers here, but Encik nasir sellers was not affected by them because Encik Nasir got his own wholesaler that will come and take the fish for each month. There for he has no worry about where he wants sell his fish.


market share (cat fish supplier) at Kampung Tujoh


Encik Nasir others

By doing some short survey we can conclude that market share the market share in Kampung Tujoh is:Through the pie chart we can see that Encik Nassir monopoly the cat fish supply in Kampung Tujoh. Because he is the only person doing the cat fish livestock there.

SALE FORCAST Now Encik Nasir has limited number of cat fish, he only can harvest about 200 kg per harvest. And he can harvest twice per month, there for now he only can get around 400 kg fish per month. Now he sells his fish to wholesaler each time he harvest his fish. He sell it to them with wholesaler price witch is RM 3.50 per kg. There for he only got net profit around RM 500 per month.

Amount of fish 1 kg 440 kg

Wholesaler Price RM 3.50 RM 3.50 x 440 kg = RM 1540

Total RM 1540 How much he got in month if he sells his fish with wholesalers price.

total he got per month


net profit

RM 1540

RM 1030.60

RM 509.40

We relies that if Encik Nasir can sell his fish directly to the costumers he can get about RM 1100 net profit per month.

Amount of fish 1 kg 440 kg Total How much he will get if he sells his fish with retail price.

Retail Price RM 4.00 RM 4.00 x 440 kg = RM 1760 RM 1760

RM 1760

RM 1030.60

RM 729.40

But he cant take the risk by to neglect the wholesaler b to sell his cat fish to the retailer. Because the retailer is not consistence they just buy if they want. Encik Nasir still depends on the wholesaler. He just can increase his profit by increase his production, there for he can supplied it to the wholesaler and also to the retailer in the same time in large amount. If Encik Nasir can improve his livestock system and upgrade his facilities his production may increase around 25%, it means he can harvest about 500 kg per month. 440 = 110 It means Encik Nasir can produce about 500 kg per month. If he must dupplied 400 kg to the wholesaler he still got 100 kg that he can supplied it to the retailer. And if he continues the momentum he can increase his production more.

Amount of fish 1 kg 110 kg

Retail Price RM 4.00 RM 4.00 x 110 kg = RM 440

Total RM 440 When Encik Nasir sells the 100 kg residue from 400 kg that he sells to wholesaler to retailer

sell to wholeseller

sell to retailer


RM 1540
The net profit he got per month is:-

RM 440

RM 1980

RM 1980

RM 620.30

RM 1359.70

SALES FORECAST AFTER RECEIVE FIBER TANK MONTH UNIT OF UNIT OF REVENUE SALES (KG) SALES (KG) (RM) TO TO WHOLESALER WHOLESALER 440 110 1980.00 440 110 1980.00 450 120 2055.00 460 130 2130.00 480 150 2280.00 520 190 2580.00 560 230 2880.00 540 210 2730.00 500 170 2430.00 480 150 2280.00 480 150 2280.00 480 150 2280.00 5830 1870 27885.00

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 TOTAL

SALES FORECAST FOR THE YEAR ENDED MAY 2014 YEAR 2012 2013 2014 REVENUE (RM) 27885.00 41827.50 62741.25

MARKETING STRATEGY We had done our forecast based on SWOT analysis and 4P analysis and we believe that Encik Nasir can achieve it, if he keeps the momentum to the end. Through the SWOT analysis we know the strengths that can help him, we know the opportunities that he can grab, weaknesses that he can improve and threats that he should avoid. STRENGTH -reasonable price Encik Nasir had selling his fish at reasonable price at good quality fishes that everybody can effort it. -only need small amount of labor. This because Encik Nasir believe that he still can run the business by his own. So he doesnt need to hire another person, here he can cut the capital that he used. But as his company expands he needs to hire another person to help him. WEAKNESS -He never promotes his business. Because of that his business cannot go far beyond Kelantan. -His enterprise not has any signboard. There for people do not know about the existence of his enterprise. -He not has many links with other person. This also lead will contribute to the factors that affect his production each month. -improper hatchery OPPORTUNITY -Cages near the main road from Kota Bharu to Pengkalan Kubor. People can easily find his enterprise if he put some signboard. -he is the only person that doing cat fish enterprise around Kampung Tujoh, Neting and Getting area. So he cans monopoly the supplier of cat fish around that area.

Threat -enemies When Encik Nasir done the breeding, hatches produced can be easily died attacked by enemies like pray mantis, jentik2 and others. If Encik Nasir cant prevent this enemy the numbers of hatches survive will be less. So Encik Nasir wills production each month will be also less due to the amount of cat fish that he rear. -flood As we know Kampung Tujoh, Neting and Getting is near to the sea there for there will be flood each raining season. There for Encik Nasir must prepare each year to face the flood. If he dont prepare his cat fish may swim out from the cage. To make sure the target can be achieve Encik Nasir need to improve his marketing plan by applied 4P analysis. PRICE Encik Nasir need to make sure his price is reasonable and update it every time to make sure people will always come to him. PRODUCT Encik Nasir also need to make sure his fishes in a good condition and not too small. PLACE Encik Nasir enterprise is really a strategic because it is near to the main road from Kota Bharu to Pengkalan Kubor. A lot of people used this road every day, therefor if they realize Encik Nasir enterprise was there, they may stop and buy cat fish there. PROMOTION There for Encik Nasir must promote his enterprise by equip it with signboard there for people will easily realize it. He also can make the business card and flayers so that people can remember his business and know what he offer them.

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