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Male repyo syatem

Testis ) PccesoYy GLanols

( Acceuory Puts)
Fouch Scrotum 2 Seinol Veaicley ? Seminal
Rete te stis 1 Prostate gland Plama
2-2C low temp
Vasa ellnenha
2 Rulbo aelral gland vtoAe
idh2-3 Cm, LengBh+ 4-SCm helps ubication
Epioi dynmu Enzymes
1 tesis 2s0 Testiculavn lobult

Vou dlelenens
1 testicuan Job. 1 to 3 Semnienous Extonnal Geitalia
Tubuls GlamPenis
Nutntion Setoii Celus Urehra Pems Have eulanged md
skin Foreskin
UreMhval Meat us
Male gonm Cella
Spenm (opening ot Feia) Ejaculotory duch Vas delenes + dut iom
Out side Aminn{ero ubules Sem nal vesicles.)

Cwus LHLeydig> Andogen

Intestitiol / tydig Cella Shimulate
Avterior Apenmatogensi s)
make Androgen Ptutony FSHSentoli Some actors
u e to 7 Celus
increose in GnRH
Stanta at Pubenty
Spenm ()
Female Repro. ystem
Ovay ) ACceLoYy ducts Have tingen uke
Intundi bulum -
Cennecteod ko pe lvic wal Proje chom
ky - Ligamende Falopion dube 1b 12 cm
Covering -i n epiBhelivm (oviduct) Ampullaa
Couechon a Ovn
Ovaruan Siroma Cortex Utenu Wonab
Shope nventeod pean
Meduua -

O- Peru met num

3 loyened oollTyomed mei nUm impiotation
Mawmmony qano i -Endo metnum Undergo changes duTin
Cevix (avit Cevical Mentmal ycle
GLandulon Tiu Fat
Fat Canal
Bisth Canal
S 20 mammay lobe Vagna Vagina along oh cenvix orm
Lacti e r c u N i p p i e )
milk mammary tubules mamary duct Ampula dutt
Have alvecli Secrete

(*Extenal Genitalia nairs

Cust0n ok 1atty tumut » hawe pubic
e n s pubis > aronod voginal opem
labia majora Fleshy tolds ok iisue
nunora> Tinun belo Rabia majoa
Pantially coves vaginal openiug
yem T Con gt kom during fiYAt coitu , Budd en fall/jolt
CJitoris > Finger stsuctuwre
upper 1unttion abia uinora
ALten ApUnmogevnesia, a (n)
pennmaBogoia enbryonic
mitokis pehm head geBz embedded Mitosis d feneh ahon
in Serdoli cells d
O Primany Ooce (2)
Rimony [pnmatoate Releose o 6pnm ro
(2n) MOsis II
muosiz I Sewinhos tubuls
Secondany Cocyie («)
Secondony zptrmatouyt Sponniafion FiTst PoLan
A ton body
MuOsIs I
7 meuoaiz I entiusahons
O Ovum ()
Spenm produccd per Polan badyY
spenmatid (n) ejaculahon 200-30 0 illlon
spenmiogenesis er nonmal 4onti uy
Starts at embryoic stage
Apenvm (n) 607 0Y mal
407 - Viqrou Each ovony 2 i l l i o n Oogoua aru ormed

spenmoto zoa ) Ahape s A12 motiuty

Plasma Have enyme hat Mitosis
membrane 7 in
uolp fentikBodhOn rrimany Occyte get arrested
- in
Rraphase -I og
Acrosomne meiosis-I
Head Nucleus containing 3 layer a4 granulosa
chromosomal material,
Smen Seminal plaswma Primany FOlicale
may o mene degeneate
Middle piece
Mitochondria ( 60,000 -8o,000 pMmany (olliclt eft
(energy source for
swimming) h eah ovany (okten elitdbinn)
Tail Cavity- Antrm)
heca7heca intenna meTe grauloca lay e r hecoa

Theca extenna
Graokam tolli cle) Secondany olucle
Ruptune to releose -Toby J
eonday Oouyte 40tlucle NEET GURU
MENSTRUAL CYCLE i n {emale Primates Inseninanovn Release o tmen
Occuns only if hove is no pregnany into vagia by Peis
FiTst Memtrual Cacic» MenanchAA pubeity. Fenkiliaation
Last Memtrual Cycie Menopouse
Fulon a spenwn and Ovum
at about So
y e tube
Aunohon »23/29 days P site-Ampulla a Fallopioun
Sex o baby is decided at tis stage
( Memtrual phae Byeakdoon a endometial Cleavage Mitoais in 7901
io o Mess
ay 1 to & Lqid from blood
-- (ces

(3-5 daya)
6 Ray 13
Foiculan Plhase Pay . 8-16 blautomene Morula
Fellicles qro secrete
(Tvol'Lenative n) estogem
Endometivm regenation Blastoust
LH8 FSH zecrejon increases Trophoblat Innen all Mau
get embedoled ko
Ovulatory phase-AL oy 4 ndovnethivm make embrye
L H secretion ia maximvm - LH u g e Chave stem Cells)
Luteal/ Secretovy Phase NEET GURU
Graafon folile Corpuw uteum No, Preqnanej a at zet Corpw
Secrete Froguteroe Juteum odegentnates > This will stant
breakdown oeudometivm New Cycle atarua
maintai Endometrivm
l monm - hewt
Aten implontodion (A Gestation Peruoda limbs 2 dugits
mon hs 2 monh
Innen Cul Mous
3 monh Major organ 4yatem
Topbeblost S monh Hair on thead s movement
ocdenm Germ layeu 6 month Body hair, yeids &yelasbe
Fingen-ike projechon m mesodenm
t ndoden m make fhue/ovgon
horionic Vii
(Parndunition Birh af ChilLd
Uterunu ksve
siqal- developeod toctu placnta) +

PLaceta Chornonc V i +

Studwal tunchonal out bho ods nuotherr

s mild uteue cont rach on
Connected to embno by umblical Cord
Foctal Egehon retix*
>upply , 3 nutnet& 2 reove (03 oun waste.

HoT mO u human Chorionit gonadotopin (hCG) tngges 0xyto cn reiease

CiT hermov
uman Placental lackogem (PL) Condracta utuut musde
L Esticge
actoion Milk produ chon by ma mnmary 9aud
Thutal milk Coloatrum- ídh sin
K loxin hormons secreteod by Ovay ath booies

NEET GURU- Mvidul 7iwari

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