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A massive shock of electricity bills & masses reaction in Pakistan

How sad it is to see masses crying in front of cameras! In this modern age,
electricity is indispensable for everyone. Besides,life without electricity is
unimaginable .We need always electricity to get the cycle of life and progress
going but when it becomes expensive and unaffordable what should a common man do ?
When electricity bills go beyond masses' expectations and range where should they
go ?
Lately, unprecedented price hike in electricity bills is a major source of concern
for a great majority of Pakistanis.

The PDM government handed over the rope of government to care-taker setup led by
Mr.Anwar Ul Haq Kakar on 14 August 2023.As long as PDM remained at the helm of
affairs, there was a high wave of inflation across the country. Though, they put
efforts to tackle the issue but couldn't make it happen.In my humble opinion, the
core reason behind expensive electricity bills as well as inflation lie in PDM'
dysfunctional government set-up.

The newly made interim PM after assuming power threw an electricity bomb on the
people of Pakistan. Resultantly, the fellow countrymen who were already buried
under the mud of inflation got another shock in the form of huge electricity bills.

Obviously, Pakistan is going through fire and water economically. Even, middle
class families are unable to pay increased electricity bills at any rate.

Consequently,this month when bills were sent to everyone across the country people
stepped out, gathered in intersections,and streets, holding electricity bills in
hands observed strikes and made it clear that this time bills wouldn't be paid come
what may.

While the whole nation is beating its cheat at such an unjust decision made by the
government,the interim PM is doing nothing to address people’s genuine concern
rather he is busy in enjoying his protocols. He seems to be unconcerned and unmoved
about the gravity of issue.

The story of helplessness doesn't end yet.

As per news reports, in some parts of the Punjab, a number of cases of suicide have
taken place. How heart-wrenching it is to hear such dreadful news!

Additionally, in various parts of the Punjab people have been caught up on social
media lamenting and setting electricity bills on fire. As a matter of fact, at
massive scale, bills are always paid by middle- class families which is a clear
injustice. Conversely. elite- class families, industrialists, business tycoons as
well as political leaders are observed enjoying unlimited electricity units. They
consume a lot of electricity but bills are always paid by impoverished. Is this a
model of Riast E madenia? Not at all, it is a state of magnates and politically
empowered mafia.

Now, let's take a look at IK' regime. As long as Imran Khan remained in power, his
government had a control over inflation and electricity consumption was at 3.82 PKR
per unit. Undoubtedly, IK and his cabinet managed the situation well and worked to
facilitate the masses. In contrast, this per unit consumption has increased to
33.89 rupees. It is too much for those people whose daily wage is under 15
thousands. Now,the government must consider t where the poor people can turn in
such circumstances ? How it is possible for them to pay electricity bills?
Knowingly, that electricity bills will blow people’s mind why didn’t the government
provide a subsidy in bills?
There involves some core reasons behind the increased electricity bills that are as
1. Poor performance in tax collction
2. Purchasing petrol at high cost
3. Lack of solar system
Such core reasons require tangible solutions in Pakistan. Approximately, only one
per cent tax is paid by industrialists, business tycoons, mill holders as well as
elite class. In contrary, at a very large scale tax is paid by poor people and
middle class families. Moreover, when our government purchases petrol and diesel at
high cost it will inevitably make electricity expensive.
In Pakistan electricity is produced by petrol and diesel which are extremely
expensive. Dearth of solar system in Pakistan is also a major reason behind high
cost of electricity.

In the long run, being a citizen of this country I would suggest some
recommendations that should be taken into account to tackle electricity issues.

Here are some suggestions which need to be taken into consideration;

1. The government must give relief assistance to masses in terms of
electricity bills
2. At a massive scale tax should be accumulated by elite class,
industrialists, political figures and other great businessmen
3. The government needs to shrink their expenses
4. Free electricity units given to civil servants, WAPDA employees and
specifically armed forces should be charged as they are heavy consumers
5. The government should make viable agreements with IPPs so that
electricity could be purchased at a low cost
6. The government should provide solar system free of cost throughout the
7. Petrol and diesel should be purchased from Russia, Iran or other
friendly countries at a low cost which will help in generating cheap electricity
8. Finally, dams should be constructed at a large scale to fill the gap of

Thank you!
Ali Shamraiz

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