PrEx 3 Photocopiable Worksheets Unit 2

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Grammar and Vocabulary 2A

2A Being friends
1 Match the words in the boxes to make eight phrasal verbs for relationships.

catch fall get hang hit keep make put

in  off (x2)  on  out (x2) up (x3)

1 hit it off with 2 3 4

with with touch with

5 6 7 8
with with with with

2 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the phrasal verbs from exercise 1. Use the present perfect
or past simple.

1 Pete and Alice hit it off when they met for the first time at my party. They really like
each other. I think Pete’s going to ask her out!

2 Lukas the same group of friends for years. They play football or go to the sports centre
every weekend.

3 You were on the phone for hours! you George’s news?

4 Elsie her best friend Amy last weekend. They haven’t spoken to each other all week.

5 Julia and Sarah are great friends. They each other since their first day at school.

6 Lena Tobias yet? They had an argument on Saturday and I haven’t

seen them together all week.

7 Katy her friends from primary school. She sees them regularly and they’re still friends.

8 I your terrible music for too long. I hate it and I don’t want to listen to it any more!

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Communication 2A
2A Being friends
What have you done this week? Ask and answer questions to complete the table.

Have you fallen out with a friend this week?

No, I haven’t. / Yes, I have.

What? When? Where? Why?

Find someone who... Name

has fallen out with a friend.

has listened to some great music.

has posted a photo online.

has watched a funny video online.

has failed a test.

has made a new friend.

has arranged to go out at the weekend.

has joined a club.

has hung out with friends after school.

has started a new hobby.

has caught up with an old friend

from primary school.

has learned something new.

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Grammar and Vocabulary 2B
2B A helping hand
1 Look at the pictures and choose the correct
adjectives. Then complete the sentences with the
correct form of the present perfect.

7 Bella 8 It’s Laura’s first day

her exam results at school, but she
isn’t nervous / angry.
(not have / yet), and She
she’s feeling anxious / (already / met)
unkind. some of her new
1 Alice is feeling 2 Joe classmates.
depressed / nice because (already / finish) his
she lost her phone at homework and tidied
the weekend and she his room, so he’s
hasn’t found it feeling angry / relaxed.
(not find / yet).

9 Mike is very naughty 10 I bought some great

sometimes. He was shoes at the weekend.
unkind / relaxed to his My friend Samira
little brother and he them
3 Dan is furious / 4 Katia is sad / brave (not see / yet), but I
confident because Jack because her favourite (not say / yet). know she’ll feel brave /
singer has left the jealous.
(not arrive / yet). band and she
2 Write true sentences about what you have already
them in concert done or haven’t done yet this week. Use the ideas
. in the box or your own ideas. Compare your
(not see / yet). sentences with a partner.

finish (Geography) project   do some sport  

play video games   go shopping  
hang out with friends   listen to music  
eat delicious food   text friends  
watch a film   help my parents

This week…

I haven’t finished my Geography project yet.

6 Joe had an argument
5 Ryan
with Melanie this
Anita on a date
morning, but he isn’t
worried / nice. Melanie
(not ask / yet). He’s
too nice / shy.
(already / forgive) him!

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Communication 2B
2B A helping hand

already / not see the Trevi

already / buy not send / yet visit the Colosseum Fountain / yet

already / walk / for… not take / yet already / eat not have / yet

already / buy not spend / yet already / see not speak / yet

not go to
already / lost not tell / yet already / go on Piazza Navona / yet

already / take not take / yet already / fall not tell / yet

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Grammar and Vocabulary 2C
2C Teen ambitions
1 Complete the text about Tom with for or since.

Tom was born in the USA, but he has lived in the UK 1 since
he was six years old. Tom wants to travel and he has wanted to go
to Peru 2 years. He wants to visit his uncle and aunt
in Lima. They have lived in Peru 3 a long time. He has
kept in touch by text and video calls 4
they moved there.
He hasn’t seen them 5 they visited the UK in 2012.
Tom is looking forward to flying to Peru because he hasn’t flown
he went on a school trip to Spain two years ago. Tom has
had a Saturday job 7 a few months and he’s saving all his
money for a flight. He has saved £350 8 he started his job,
which is almost enough for his ticket!

2 Complete the questions about Tom with the correct present perfect form of the verbs. Then write the answers.

be keep live (x2) save see want

1 How long has Tom lived in the UK? Since he was six years old.
2 How long Tom to go to Peru?

3 How long Tom’s uncle and aunt in Peru?

4 Since when he last them?

5 How he in touch with them?

6 Why Tom busy on Saturdays for a few months?

7 How much money Tom ?

3 Work with a partner. Write questions with the prompts. Then ask and answer the questions.

1 how long / know / your best friend

How long have you known your best friend?

2 how long / like / favourite pop star

3 how long / speak / English

4 how long / have / your phone

5 how long / had / your favourite pair of jeans

6 how long / your parents / be married

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Communication 2C
2C Teen ambitions
Student A
Look at the text. Answer Student B’s questions about Luke.

The date is January 2018 and Luke is 16 years old.

Luke was born in May 2002. He has lived in Vienna since he was 12. He goes to the American
International School. He has been at the International School since September 2013. He loves rock music
and he has played the electric guitar for five years. He has been in a band with his friends since 2016.
He’s had a new electric guitar since 2017. His girlfriend’s name is Elsa. He’s known her for two years.

Now ask Student B questions using How long...? to complete the sentences about Amy.

How long has Amy lived in London?

Amy has lived in London since…

1 Amy has lived in London for .

2 She’s been at Central Park School since .

3 She’s played basketball for .

4 She’s been in the school basketball team for .

5 She’s had her new trainers since .

6 She’s known her boyfriend Matt for .

Student B
Look at the text. Answer Student A’s questions about Amy.

The date is January 2018 and Amy is 15 years old.

Amy was born in April 2003. She has lived in London since 2012. She goes to Central Park School.
She has been at Central Park School for four years. Amy loves sport and she has played basketball
since 2012. She has been in the school basketball team since 2014. She’s had some expensive new
trainers for two months. Her boyfriend’s name is Matt. She’s known him since 2017.

Ask Student A questions using How long...? to complete the sentences about Luke.

How long has Luke lived in Vienna?

Luke has lived in Vienna since…

1 Luke has lived in Vienna for .

2 He’s been at the American International School for .

3 He’s played the electric guitar since .

4 He’s been in a band for .

5 He’s had a new electric guitar for .

6 He’s known his girlfriend Elsa since .

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Everyday English Making invitations 2
Student A Student B

1 e 005 Circle the correct words or phrases 1 e 005 Circle the correct words or phrases
to complete the dialogue. Listen and check to complete the dialogue. Listen and check
your answers. your answers.
A Hey, Amy. How are things? A Hey, Amy. How are things?
B Fine thanks, Joe. Listen, would you do /
B Fine thanks, Joe. Listen, are you doing anything
are you doing anything at the weekend? at the weekend?
A I don’t think so. Why? A 1
I don’t think so. / Who’s playing? Why?
B Would you like to see / seeing a film at the Arts
B Would you like to see a film at the Arts Centre
Centre Film Club? Film Club?
A Sure. Why not? What is it? A 2
I can’t, sorry. / Sure. Why not? What is it?
B Blade Runner. It’s a classic from the eighties. I’ve B Blade Runner. It’s a classic from the eighties. I’ve
heard it’s really good. heard it’s really good.
A 3
Where / When is it? A When is it?
B Saturday at 7 p.m. B 3
At the Picture Palace / Saturday at 7 p.m.
A 4
Sounds / You’re fun! It’s one of my mum’s A Sounds fun! It’s one of my mum’s favourite films.
favourite films. B Yeah, it sounds amazing. I’m 4 looking forward to /
B Yeah, it sounds amazing. I’m looking forward to waiting for it.
it. A Have you asked Zack and Maisie?
A Have you asked Zack and Maisie? B No, not yet. Let’s text them now.
B 5
Never mind / No, not yet. Let’s text them now. A 5
Great idea! / I don’t think so.
A Great idea!
2 Practise the dialogue with Student A.
2 Practise the dialogue with Student B.
3 Work with Student A. Choose one of the films below
3 Work with Student B. Choose one of the films and change the words and phrases in bold in the
below and change the words and phrases in dialogue in exercise 1. Practise your new dialogue.
bold in the dialogue in exercise 1. Practise your
new dialogue. Witford Arts Centre Film Club
Witford Arts Centre Film Club 80s Week
Monday 12th March
80s Week E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial ✰✰✰✰ 6.30 p.m.
Monday 12th March Wednesday 14th March
E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial ✰✰✰✰ 6.30 p.m. The Empire Strikes Back ✰✰✰ 7.15 p.m.
Wednesday 14th March
The Empire Strikes Back ✰✰✰ 7.15 p.m.

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Pronunciation 2
Pronunciation /æ/ /eɪ/
1 Work with a partner. Say the words and circle the correct sound for the letter ‘a’.
1 Amy /æ/ /eɪ/ 5 back /æ/ /eɪ/ 9 Palace /æ/ /eɪ/

2 amazing /æ/ /eɪ/ 6 Zack /æ/ /eɪ/ 10 have /æ/ /eɪ/

3 thanks /æ/ /eɪ/ 7 Blade /æ/ /eɪ/

4 Friday /æ/ /eɪ/ 8 favourite /æ/ /eɪ/

2 e 006 Listen, check and repeat.

Pronunciation /æ/ /eɪ/
1 Work with a partner. Say the words and circle the correct sound for the letter ‘a’.
1 Amy /æ/ /eɪ/ 5 back /æ/ /eɪ/ 9 Palace /æ/ /eɪ/

2 amazing /æ/ /eɪ/ 6 Zack /æ/ /eɪ/ 10 have /æ/ /eɪ/

3 thanks /æ/ /eɪ/ 7 Blade /æ/ /eɪ/

4 Friday /æ/ /eɪ/ 8 favourite /æ/ /eɪ/

2 e 006 Listen, check and repeat.

Pronunciation /æ/ /eɪ/
1 Work with a partner. Say the words and circle the correct sound for the letter ‘a’.
1 Amy /æ/ /eɪ/ 5 back /æ/ /eɪ/ 9 Palace /æ/ /eɪ/

2 amazing /æ/ /eɪ/ 6 Zack /æ/ /eɪ/ 10 have /æ/ /eɪ/

3 thanks /æ/ /eɪ/ 7 Blade /æ/ /eɪ/

4 Friday /æ/ /eɪ/ 8 favourite /æ/ /eɪ/

2 e 006 Listen, check and repeat.

Pronunciation /æ/ /eɪ/
1 Work with a partner. Say the words and circle the correct sound for the letter ‘a’.
1 Amy /æ/ /eɪ/ 5 back /æ/ /eɪ/ 9 Palace /æ/ /eɪ/

2 amazing /æ/ /eɪ/ 6 Zack /æ/ /eɪ/ 10 have /æ/ /eɪ/

3 thanks /æ/ /eɪ/ 7 Blade /æ/ /eɪ/

4 Friday /æ/ /eɪ/ 8 favourite /æ/ /eɪ/

2 e 006 Listen, check and repeat.

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Culture 2
Teenage tech habits 2 e 007 Sonia is talking to her friend Mark.
Sonia’s mum has told her she spends too much
1 What can you remember about US teenage tech time using her phone. Listen and choose the
habits? Answer the questions. correct answers, a, b or c.

1 How is Sonia feeling?

1 How long do teenagers use social media every day? a sad b depressed c angry

They use it for about nine hours. 2 What has Sonia’s mum said she spends too much
time doing?
a texting her friends and shopping
2 What percentage of teenagers have a smartphone – b watching videos and films
43% or 63%?
c looking at social media and listening to music

3 Has Sonia checked any social media sites today?

a Yes b No c Not yet
3 What percentage of teenagers listen to music while
they’re revising or doing homework – 75% or 95%? 4 Does Mark listen to music when he’s studying?
a Sometimes b Yes c No

5 How long has Mark had his new music app?

a since yesterday b for a few weeks
4 Who generally prefers playing video games – boys
or girls? c since last week

6 What does Sonia use her phone for most of the time?
a taking photos and making videos
b keeping in touch with friends
5 Who generally prefers social networking – boys or
girls? c listening to music

7 What does Mark love doing on his phone?

a checking social media b making videos
c shopping
6 Do teenagers still enjoy watching TV?
8 What has Sonia decided that she spends too much
time doing?
a checking social media b taking photos
c listening to music

3 Work with a partner. Do your parents think you spend too much time using technology?
Do you agree / disagree?

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Culture video 2
Video game technology 3 Watch the video again. Complete this step-by-
step description of motion capture with the words
1 Do you play video games? Why? / Why not? in the box.
Which are your favourites?
animators cameras markers moves
skeleton skin studio suit

1 The process of creating a video game character

starts in the studio .

2 In the studio, there are 13

linked to a central computer.

3 The actor Mike must wear a skin-tight black


4 Tim puts special all over

Mike’s suit.

2 Watch the video. Choose the correct answers, 5 The cameras record the position of the markers
a, b or c. when Mike .
6 The computer program uses all of the
1 How many people play video games around the word?
information collected in the studio to create a
a two million   moving digital .
b 2.5 billion   7 Tim checks for problems and then covers the digital
c five billion skeletons with a computer .

2 What do we call the process of making life-like video 8 Now computer technicians and
characters using actors and computers? turn the skeletons into
video game characters.
a motion capture
b motion pictures 4 Look at the photos and choose the correct words.
c animation

3 What does Tim Doubleday do?

a He’s a video game actor.
b He’s a computer technician.
c He makes video game characters.
1 actor / marker  2  camera /
4 How long does it take to create a realistic video central computer
game character?
a a long time  
b a few hours  
c a few months

5 What kind of people are many video game actors?

3 athlete / digital skeleton 4 computer skin / athlete
a drama students
b circus performers 5 Would you like to study video game design
at university? Would you like to make video
c athletes or dancers
characters or would you prefer to be a video game
6 Why is it hard work to be a video game actor? actor?

a Actors have to learn a lot of lines.

b Actors have to repeat the same moves many times.
c Actors don’t make much money.

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