Amelia Earhart

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Ex.4 p.


1. Born in 1897 in Kansas, America;

2. Family travelled a great deal – often missed school, but she was bright
3. Graduated from high school and became a nurse – worked as a military nurse
during The First World War;
4. Became a social worker in America, taught English to immigrants;
5. Went to air shows in her free time in the 1920s – had a 10 minute plane ride
and decided to learn to fly;
6. Had flying lessons and bought her own plane;
7. In 1922 took part in record-breaking stunts and organized cross-country air
races – promoted flying for woman;
8. In 1928 was the first woman ever to fly across the Atlantic;
9. Married George Putman;
10. In 1932 made solo flight across Atlantic;
11.In 1937, final flight – flew from Miami to South America to Africa and to
Australia – disappeared mysteriously – never seen again.

Alternative title: The mysterious disappearance of the most famous female pilot
ever, Amelia Earhart

The difference between emigrant and immigrant:

- Emigrate means to leave one location, such as one’s native country or region,
to live in another.
- Immigrate means to move into a non-native country or region to live.

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