Michael Jordan

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To begin with I want to say that almost all successful people became successful

for the same reasons. Yes the approach might differ and circumstances they find
themselves in might not be the same but in the end its the same success oriented
mentality that always leads to success.

If you ever heard about basketball then you must have heard of the legend
Micheal Jordan. Michael Jordan is the greatest basketball player of all time.

That's one very famous quote by Michael Jordan:

"I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26
times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over
and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed." Jordan failed so
many times but each time he failed he learned something that helped him in the
next attempt. This is what he meant when he said that his failures are the reason he
became successful.

In other words had Jordan wasn't extremely persistent he would have given up after
losing few times or missing few hundred shots and he would have then became an
ordinary person.

Anyone close to Michael reported he was more competitive than anyone else they
knew. He often played competitive games with the security staff, or cards with his
teammates on the plane trip between away games. Jordan treated his entire life as a
competition on and off the court. During Jordan’s Hall of Fame speech, he explained
that “this sense of competition was present and instilled in him at a very young age.”
Jordan's parents put competitive pressure on him in all aspects of life. Athletics was a
competition, Academics was a competition, and sometimes even getting affection and
acceptance from his own father was a competition.

I believe that also his ambitios and self-motivation helped to achieve success.
Michael arrived at school early every day, much ahead of the rest of the class. He
went to the gym in the morning to practise shooting hoops. When the first-period bell
rang, the physical education teachers had to drag him out of the gym because he was
unstoppable in his desire to be the best in basketball.

Jordan was known as a player that didn’t discuss topics other than basketball during a
game, as he stayed totally focused. Jordan once said, “why would I worry about
missing a shot I haven’t taken yet?” This implies he plays in the present moment and
is not distracted by thinking rooted in doubt, anxiety, or fear.

There is another quote by Michael Jordan : “I can accept failure, everyone fails at
something. But I can’t accept not trying.”

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