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Part 1: Origin

The text begins stating that it is a report from the Digital World researchers
Because they have been researching for a very long time and they want to make things clearer
Stating that there are lots of mysteries they still haven't solved
Its important to state this, as this text is meta-narrative
I mean, its made in a way that treats the Digimon World as if it were something real
Because one of its characters, in this case a researcher, is explaining everything to you
Also its important to state that this artbook refers to the main universe from Digimon
The one from the V-Pets
Finally, this narrator takes the role of a "doubtful narrator"
Because any information that could cause hysteria is of course ommited
And what we are reading is a kind of public, biased file
They begin with Digimon's origin, which basically are artificial intelligence discovered on internet's
first days
This is information we already knew, but things changed now
When the internet didn't even exist, they created an app called Life Simulation World
This was part of the research from multiple companies and people
They tried to replicate life's evolution, by giving survival instincts to programs
And everything was "fine" until the Internet arrived
Everything changed when that PC was connected to the internet
When this happened, a great influx of data started affecting the programs making them evolve thanks to
the survival instincts they had
eventually leading them to developing sentience. Basically, they were created accidentally when trying
to replicate the evolution from real living beings
This thanks to its two key factors: Survival instincts and adaptability
Nothing weird had happened yet, but that changed when that closed system became an open one once
internet started to exist
This is pretty similar to Digimon Tamers where something similar happens on its prequel
With that, Digimon started to spread through the internet and began to mutate in three groups
Virus attribute ones: those who try to change their environment
Vaccine attribute ones: those that stop virus from changin the environment
Data attribute ones: those that don't do anything at all for their environment
Digimon attributes just state that, how they relate to their environment. Before this Digimon only had
the "free" attribute
That means they had 0 influence, or more specifically, they didn't had any particular interest
Now, you need to understand that attributes are very complex
For example, one would assume that Virus attribute Digimon would be better at hacking
And that isn't precisely the case
Any Digimon can hack, but some of them can have it easier than others
Even some profiles can state stuff like that
But at the end of the day, the bigger the Digimon's data size, the stronger its skills are
I mean, even though you had a prodigiously great hacker Digimon on its adult stage
An ultimate Digimon will always be better
Also, attributes aren't static, as they can be changed or not fully reflect an individuals true nature
For example, Guardromon was originally a vaccine attribute Digimon that protected the net but a
hacker changed it into virus attribute, so that the Virus Busters would chase it instead
And some profiles like Dukemon's state that its weird for it to be a virus attribute due to how it looks
and the fact that it is a holy knight
So, we gotta assume that a holy knight whose main role is to protect the internet
has a genetic tendency to destroying its environment and ruining everything despite it being the
complete opposite of what it actually does.
Attributes relation to the environment has lots of exceptions as I just showed you and it does not apply
on most of the products
And it doesn't explain why Data, despite being neutral is strong against Vaccine and weak against
When Vaccine only tries to avoid programs from being altered
I mean, a cute explanation, with no real meaning
Going on, due to how they established, the programs started killing each other
And thus the law of the jungle was established: survival of the fittest
At this moment they were discovered and labeled Digimon, that is Digital Monster for short
During this time, lots of malicious researchers and hackers thought of ways to use the Digimon with
their evil goals in mind
Our original theory from our earlier video, was that the Crack Team was made by a bunch of renegade
But now we know it was almost actually that
The tool used to get Digimon was "Digimon Capture"
And they used a Digimon Loader to held them
This is its prototype, and yeah, you guessed it. It's a vpet.
And the Loader was a secret tool handed only to research institutes or hackers
That means that every Digimon inside a V-pet is a previously kidnapped one from the DW So they can
be held and researched later on
Going on, the Digimon Capture was created by two reasons: simplifying the work for the researchers,
and making it more convenient for hackers to get tools
From what I can make of the text, both groups are responsible for it
Also, we have Digitamas because Digimon were so big that they couldn't be properly transferred to the
Digimon Loader
That means, the bigger the Digimon, the bigger the mistake chance
So the "fix" was to squeeze them like an orange till they went back to a Digitama
So, not only were they "kidnapped" but also squeezed into a small ball after that
As you can see, their origins are pretty pacific, or well, at least for humanity
But from here onwards there is nothing relaxed or calm at all.
Part 2: Wrong assumptions
Part 2: Wrong assumptions.
To research more easily, they created File Island, a miniature garden that allowed them to easily
manage lots of Digimon in a single place
Here they discovered evolutionary stages, but this has a huge plot twist
First of all, researchers thought Digimon couldn't go past adult stage and due to how it was made, File
Island was a pacific environment
But in their documents they state that when researchers started to interact with the Digimon, they
discovered they could reach a higher stage
Also, something interesting that was lost in translation from japanese is that when a Digimon goes from
adult to perfect, it no longer is Stage
but actually gets referred to as "Perfect Body"
This was due to the researchers assuming that this higher evolutions were artificial and created thanks
to them, not natural to Digimon
And I'm saying they assumed this, because soon you'll see why it's wrong
Sooner they found out about Folder Continent, which was nearby File Island and they stated they don't
know if it was there already or it simply spawned
But due to the information we have, its best to assume it always existed
In this continent, with no human interaction, Digimon were way more agressive and they found out an
even higher evolution: Ultimate Body
And this is important because it states that Digimon COULD go past Adult Stage without any human
intervention at all
But because the File Island was artificially pacific for Digimon, they couldn't develop their natural
instincts and capacities
After that, they mention the Ancient Era, when the Digital World had just began to exist and it was in a
constant change due to the massive influx of data
This affected the DW because it caused lots of phase shifts, making lots of data get lost in the process
And this caused some Digimon to go extinct
And it's important to keep in mind that OP Digimon like Lucemon or AncientGreymon already existed
back then
But the stage concept did not exist. Digimon simply evolved and that's it
Because a Digimon will always try to keep evolving as much as it can a "Final" stage doesn't exist per
What IS true, is that the higher the stage, the more complicated it becomes for that Digimon to reach a
higher one
To summarize, researchers thought they created something that already existed and gave it a name,
which then remained simply for practicity
Regardless of if the semantic of Perfect Body or Stage makes or not sense
And this part concludes with researchers getting scared after getting to know the Ultimate Digimon as
they had "skills never seen before by humankind"
Part 3: Crack Team.
Part 3: Crack Team
Thanks to Digimon Seekers, which if you don't know what it is here you have a video to help you out
Thanks to Seekers we got new lore about the Crack Team, and also in the new artbook, but as both
products are from the 25th, we can assume that this retcon
Is completely due to, well, Digimon Seekers
So, while researchers were going on with their stuff, someone made the Crack Team but, even though
someone "Made" it, its actually a decentralized movement, not a group per se
It is a movement lead by Crackers (Black Hat Hackers) and anyone that shares its beliefs can say that
they belong to it
So, if you like what they say, and do the same as them, you can say you are from the Crack Team
So now we can safely say that Analogman from Digimon World was indeed from Crack Team
And probably Mugendramon was already a plan in progress by the Crack Team crackers
This is interesting if we remember that lots of Metal Empire mons were made by the Crack Team cause
it means that anyone could've downloaded or shared the how to do so
So basically you can imagine a bunch of people in a forum discussing if they should or shouldn't add a
metal arm to Greymon
So, how we understood Crack Team changes, because now we have a huge group of people discussing
how to modify Digimon, and then sharing that info for everyone to do so
Also, as Digimon weren't of public knowledge, and there were no measures against them, the Crack
Team plunged the world into chaos with them
I'm talking about the whole technological infrastructure was in constant danger
Banks, servers, nothing was reliable due to them
Thanks to this the Digimon had to be made public and countermeasures for them were finally allowed
and developed
So, not only is the Crack Team responisble for lots of chaos, but also for Digimon becoming public
knowledge, or the forming of the DigiPolice. But, this can't get worse, right?
Part 4: Yggdrasil, the incomprehensible
Part 4: Yggdrasil, the incomprehensible.
Before we go on, I need to reorder lots of stuff from the artbook I gotta admit, it is absurdly bad
Because they constantly change topics from one paragraph to another, leaving everything halfway
done. So I had to reorder everything.
The Digital World was originally called the Net Ocean, a vast space where literally all of the data
floated ashore
There we had the File Island and Folder Continent
They tell us that the whole Digital World is administrated by Yggdrasil a system that was hosted on a
super computer, and was the first one to observe the Digital World
And the research went on smoothly while the DW was cnnected through networks all across the world
Now, here is where the redaction gets tricky, as the DW wasn't on the internet, but actually hosted in
various computers connected THROUGH the internet, again, not ON the internet
Over time Yggdrasil developed a self preservation way of thinking and makes the brilliant idea of
isolating the Digital World of all the networks.
This was because the huge influx of data from the Human World was causing issues and Yggdra had so
much control, that even the researchers couldn't access to check it out
And its funny cause the text states that "Forceful measures, like the X-Program were allowed" As one
can say, allowed my ass.
This wasn't allowed, but as they couldn't access it, they didn't knew what was going on that's why I said
"doubtful narrator" as they omit data that would make them look bad
Like the fact that were it not by these two kid, the DW would have exploded and, jokes aside, this
would have been the best case scenario
Now we also know that Cool Boy, who probably was one of the researchers was actually doing the
right thing by vanishing the whole DW
So, using as an excuse that "The research would reach an end if we don't do anything" which meant it
would stop because the DW was going to explode
And, just like in real life, you can't do anything that makes sense
They made the worst decision: adding cloud technology so the DW wasn't restrained to a PC
Which means that the DW and Yggdra were free on the internet
And here Yggdra acknowledged that other "DW" existed, but pay attention as this gets complicated
This other "DW" we talk about are just closed systems. Remember that it used to be connected through
the internet, not ON the internet.
This means that other super computers were out there with their own small Digital Worlds and were all
conected through the net
For example, Gaioumon, was discovered in an old neglected oriental PC
And this is important because it refers to other DWs from the same universe not from the multiverse.
Once Yggdra realized about all of this, it simply took all of those DWs and squashed them as connected
layers in the same main DW, basically joining them all and improving performance
They explain that each layer is a different DW with its own laws of time and physics, and different
kinds of Digimon
With this, Witchelny is no longer another universe, but another layer. They explain that all layers are
connected and delimitated by the Net Ocean
But they can still impact other layers if a strong enough anomaly happens
But haven't we stated earlier that the Net Ocean was the Digital World?!
Here the text explains that Net Ocean was just a term used for it but at this point this was actually a
huge amount of data called "Big Data"
This is a real life term used for systems with absurds loads of data, reaching even petabytes sometimes
and that amount of data is of course ultra complex to analyze
So, the Net Ocean is basically a huge flux of all the data that comes from the Human World and it also
acts as a kind of wall protecting each Layer from sudden changes
Part 5: Digital World, an immortal parasite.
Part 5: Digital World, the immortal parasite
Before I stated that publishing the DW to the cloud was dumb, and it being deleted was actually the
best course of action
Well, as they stated before while hiding information, they got so scared of the DW and the project ark
being held in only one computer, but by uploading it online
They literally screwed the whole world.
And not only that, they also made Yggdrasil's code open source. So yeah, anyone can go into Github
and download and modify its own copy of God.
With some huge exceptions, of course. First of all, this code isn't sentient as that is something it
developed under time on its own with specific conditions
This was supposedly made so everyone could held their researchs and upload their results and progress
into the cloud
Does it mean that making your own Yggdrasil is dangerous? Yes and no
First of all, your Yggdrasil won't have administrator privileges, so it won't be able to do anything at all
in the actual Digital World unless its allowed to do so
Also, you'd need lots of specific environments for it to become sentient. With this we can assume that
GAIA from World 2, is a modified Yggdrasil made to administrate that world
The only thing that wasn't mentioned was if Homeros and Homeostasis are the same or not
They also explain that this huge influx of researchers and data causes black boxes to appear all around
the Digital World and have an impact in the Real World
Thanks to Kuha we can have a more tech savvy explanation:
Imagine the Digital World is uploaded on Google or Amazon's servers
As it moves such a huge load of data, you could collapse not only the DW but the whole server itself
And with that, a lot of other apps. For example, if Amazon's servers exploded in this exact moment
A lot of websites like Netflix, Facebook, Twitch and Linkedin would suddenly stop working
So, in the main universe of Digimon, the DW is so attached to the internet that destroying it would
mean destroying the internet as we know it
So, if we destroy the DW we'd be destroying decades of progress and data
In that sense, the DW is a parasite stuck in the internet that we can't remove.
So, back in 2003, it would have been better to allow the Project Ark to succeed, and let everything get
wiped out and destroyed. And of course, NO CLOUD UPLOADS
So, not only did they save it by uploading it, they allowed everyone to perform their own shady
researchers in the shadows
Allowing them to then share even bigger fluxes of data. They basically did a huge Ellon Musk move.
Part 6: Changes and why
Part 6: Changes and why.
Now, to finish this video by explaining a bit of the changes, as most of you probably haven't watched
the first video, they went deeper on the Digimon's origin
Before they were just a random virus that spawned one day, but now we have its full step by step and
data about the process they went through
They also removed the complicated parts about the DW so we no longer have weird dimensions and
terminals, and they are simply layers
I mean, you could still call them terminals, but now we understand that things like Witchelny were just
running on a different super computer
That later was added as a new layer to the normal Digital World. This brings in lots of huge and minor
and weird contradictions and problems
Like the fact that the DW supposedly wasn't able to access data from Witchelny until the years 2003 or
Or you can simply assume that the researchers from the Witchelny DW shared their progress and data
with the researchers from the main DW...
As I said, there is a lot of stuff that if we look with deeper detail are weird
That is why they also modified the Project Ark itself, something that I'm really interested on, but there
wasn't much data about it on these four pages
They also added lots of data about the Crack Team, not only explaining them deeper but also giving
them a main role as an angular stone for the Digimon story itself
now, for the elephant in the room we have "Yggdrasil is now open source"
And we also have Digimon's role in the real world. With this retcon Digimon went more into the Hard
Sci-Fi territory
This means that they tried to be more realistic. What do I mean by this? If Digimon before was like
"The 5th element"
But now it has a vibe more like "The expansive" as Digimon went from being super powerful beings
that could impact on the Real World directly, to not being able to
So, yeah, they can still hack and affect programs from the Real World, but bringing a Digimon over to
the Real World is absurdly difficult
We could assume from the trailer for Seekers that now Digimon will act like holograms in the real
world, kinda like Ghost Game did, but without physical interactions
And no, Ghost Game has nothing to do with this new lore, as in one chapter they explain the origin of
Digimon, and use the old lore that is no longer canon
Going on with this, humans CAN go into the Digital World, but reverting that process involves a LOT
of shit and complicated stuff
As you may know, everything is made of matter in the RW, that includes us
So, our matter can get digitized to get us into the DW but we are still made of matter
With the retcon we understand that in Digimon data is no matter, but just that, data
A byte is nothing more than a byte stored in a random disk, so if a Digimon wanted to come to the RW
they would need to get a phyisical composition first
So, a Digimon can't come to the RW because it wouldn't be complying to the law of equivalent
exchange, just like FMA, matter can't be created or destroyed
So, not only that, but they don't even have a particle composition that we could use to check what
elements would be needed for them to appear
So, unless the full book talks about this, the only way for a Digimon to appear in this hard sci-fi world
would be by absorbing particles from the environment until it can appear
A process that would cost a lot of time if we talk about higher stage Digimon
And it sounds so dangerous that only doing it on space would make sense but that are just my theories
But we DO know thanks to Mirei that if a human spends too much on the DW they lose the ability to
go back to the RW, so their matter gets lots or fully digitized
I really hope they don't dive TOO deep into the hard sci-fi fields as it kills a lot of the ilusion, and the
franchise wasn't created with that in mind
And I'm pretty sure noone cares about the matter being 100% accurate to real world physics
cause after all it IS sci-fi and a lot of products already established the idea that Digimon can somehow
come into the Human World
So if they want to say now that it is impossible or almost impossible, is kinda sus
Even though I'm happy about they finally explaining and reorganizing stuff
But this isn't the way. If you give your information exclusively with premium goods you end up relying
on third parties like us sharing it with everyone else
Again, this isn't a simple coincidence, but this is all because the new story Digimon Seekers uses the
Crack Team as the main focus
And this is kinda a sucker punch. Said by the people in charge, in the last few years, Digimon actually
tried to reboot the IP
And not in a good way, they wanted to change it into a kids franchise
Toei even tried to turn Taichi into the mascot, and it backfired that much that even Digimon Ghost
Game makes more money than Adventure 2020
And Bandai isn't best either, as they even tried to throw the whole IP to hell
For example, the Vital Bracelet sales were mostly with people between 20 and 30 years old data that
Bandai already knew from the videogames, but they are still dumb as fuck.
So, if it hadn't been by people being insistent on what they like and what they don't Bandai would have
ruined everything turning Digimon into a child's show
And I get that the lore is super complex, but going as far as to destroy everything is a huuuge stretch in
my opinion
And well, this was a huge long video. As I said, the artbook was awfully bad written and there was a lot
of data I wanted to dive deeper in
And of course, if they release more data, I'll talk about it. Remember you can leave a like or a comment
with your opinions!

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