Construcción Cívica de Europa

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Civic construction of Europe European Commission Representation in Spain (Paseo de la Castellana 46,) Madrid, October 7th, 2011

09.00 Registration of participants 09.30 Welcome of Mr. Francisco Fonseca, Director of the Representation of the European Comission in Madrid. 09.40 Welcome by a Permanent Commission representative of University Conseil. 09.45 Presentation of the "Charter of European Citizenship" by Mr. Gian Luca Giovanucci, President of EUCA. 10.00 Conference: Dr. Susana del Ro, member of the Committee of Experts of the European Commission in Citizens and governance. European citizenship

and network communication

10.40 Conference: Mr. Alejandro Cercas, member of the European Parliament. (conference.). 11.20 Coffee break. 11.50 Conference: Mrs. Ana Mara Costa Freitas, member of the Bureau of European Policy Advisers, Barroso adviser (title conference:..) 12.30 Round table: Dr. Susana del Ro, Mr Alejandro Cercas and Mrs. Ana M. Costa. 13:00 Conference: Mr. Ramiro Villapadierna, correspondent of ABC journal in Berlin and Salvador de Madariaga Prize 2011. 14.00 Lunch 15.30 Conference: Mrs. Roco Gonzalez, Director of the Foundation Senara. The challenge of knowing how to be a volunteer 16.15 Conference: Mr. scar Cortes, Vice President of the Club in Public Management of ESADE alumni. Citizenship empowerment and public value 17.00 Group discussion about European citizenship. Design of concrete measures and actions for promoting their dissemination 18.00 End of the session.

Susana del Ro Villar (Madrid, 1966), obtained her Bachelor Degree in Philosophy and Letters, Geography and History (UAM). She is Doctor Cum Laude in Political Sciences and Sociology (UPV) and PhD Extraordinary Award in Social and Legal Sciences. From 2003 she belongs to the Experts Committee of the European Commission in Citizens and governance in the knowledge based society. She participated as academic advisor in the Civil Society Contact Groups, Convention, in the European Parliament and she was main Lecturer of the First Agora in the European Parliament (2007). She is author of numerous publications emphasizing: Europa: el estado de la Unin, (Aranzadi, 2006) and Ciudadana activa en Europa. Proceso participativo y nuevos espacios para la comunicacin, (Difusin Jurdica y Temas de actualidad, 2008). . Professor del Ro was Content Developer for the initiative European Citizens Consultations, (2006-2007) and director of the group of experts in the European Citizens Consultations (march 2009). She is member of the Club of Rome. Senior lecturer in the fields of European citizenship, communication and civil society participation in the EU. Researcher, academic director, Europe program, Institute for Democratic Governance (Globernance). Mr. Alejandro Cercas holds a Degree in Law. He was member of the Congress of Deputies for Madrid (1982-1989), member of the Congress of Deputies for Cceres (1989-1999). He also was chairman of the Committee on Social Policy and Employment of the Congress of Deputies since 1982 to 1986 and spokesman on Social Affairs (1986-1999). Nowadays is member of the European Parliament since 1999, developing his activity as MeP in the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. Ana Maria Costa Freitas (1954) holds a degree in agronomy (food science) by the Technical University of Lisbon and a PhD on biotechnology by the University of vora, Portugal; she got her aggregation degree in 2004. She has been leader in several scientific research projects, head of University Department, and vice President of a research centre in vora as well as responsible for a research line in a research centre in New University of Lisbon. From 2006-2010 she was vice rector at vora University, being responsible for the supervising of the Academic Services. She was in charge for the implementation of the Bologna process at vora University, including curricula changes 1st, 2nd and 3rd cycle as well as the creation and implementation of the LLL office and the organization and Implementation of a graduate school in vora University. She was also responsible for the accreditation process of all courses by the National Accreditation Agency.

Ramiro Villapadierna (Madrid, 1964), is responsible for Central European Correspondent of ABC newspaper, based in Berlin, is one of the most long European journalists who have covered the eastern Europe and the Balkans. He has been honored in Journalism Awards Salvador de Madariaga, Cirilo Rodriguez and Larra. In 1990 he opened the new office of ABC for the changes in Central Europe and has been the correspondent in the region from the Balkans to the Baltic, and also in Germany since 2002. He studied Journalism at the Complutense University and Historic Law at the UNED, as well as numerous languages, especially Slavic ones. He works in Spanish, English, German, French, Italian, Serbo-Croatian and Czech.

Roco Gonzlez Ibez, got a Bachelor of Law by the University of Navarra and got a Diploma of Management Development Program from IESE Business School. After graduating she worked as a researcher assistant at IESE in the area of "Human Behavior in the Organization." Also she worked as head of the finance department in a company of food distribution during 5 years and since 2006 she is the Directress of the Senara Foundation. The Foundation carries out projects of training and labor insertion for women at risk of social exclusion, school support to children who are also at risk of social exclusion, training and promoting volunteerism among young people, cooperation programs in South Africa and projects in the framework the European program "Youth in Action" and youth exchanges through the European Voluntary Service. Oscar Corts (ESADE)

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