Q4 Module6 G10 Agri Crop

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MELCs: Make the site clean according to authorities' instructions and good
environmental practices.

Cleanliness means that there is no dirt, no dust, no stains, no bad smells. The goals
of cleanliness are health, beauty, absence of offensive odour and to avoid the spreading of dirt
and contaminants to oneself and others. With the help of cleanliness, we can keep our physical
and mental health clean, which will make us feel good. Cleanliness gives rise to a good
character by keeping body, mind, and soul clean and peaceful. Maintaining cleanliness is the
essential part of healthy living because it is the cleanliness only which helps to improve our
personality by keeping clean externally and internally. It is everybody’s responsibility and one
should keep themselves and their surroundings clean and hygienic. It also brings good and
positive thoughts in the mind which slows down the occurrence of diseases.



Housekeeping and cleanliness in the worksite are closely linked to the industrial safety.
The degree, to which these activities are effectively managed, is an indicator of the safety
culture of the organization. Housekeeping and cleanliness not only make the organization a
safer place to work in but also provide a big boost to the image of the organization. These
activities also improve efficiency and productivity, helps in maintaining good control over the
processes, and assist in maintaining the quality of the product. These important aspects of
housekeeping and cleanliness are shown in Figure 1.

Safer Place to work

Boost to the Organizational Image

AND Improve Efficiency and Productivity
Help in Good Control Over the Processes

Assist in Maintaining Product Quality

Figure 1 Important Aspects of Housekeeping and Cleanliness

There are several signs which reflect poor housekeeping and cleanliness at the worksite
in the organization. Some of these signs are
a. cluttered and poorly arranged work areas,
b. untidy or dangerous storage of materials (such as materials stuffed in corners and
overcrowded shelves, etc.),
c. dusty and dirty floors and work surfaces,
d. items lying on the shop floor which are in excess or no longer needed,
e. blocked or cluttered aisles and exits,
f. tools and equipment left in work areas instead of being returned to proper storage

g. broken containers and damaged materials,
h. overflowing waste bins and containers, and
i. spills and leaks etc.

Housekeeping and cleanliness refer to the processes which ensure facilities, equipment,
work areas and access routes are kept in good condition. This condition is required for
supporting safe and reliable operation and maintenance during normal plant operation.
Additionally, during the emergency, housekeeping and cleanliness ensure that the plant
operations are not inhibited. Further, the housekeeping and cleanliness both are interrelated.
Reaching a good standard in one of them is difficult without reaching a good standard in the

Housekeeping and cleanliness promotes efficient production and a good working

environment at the workplace. In fact, efficient production and a good working environment
are complementary to each other. The elimination of inefficiencies and accident hazards
caused by unfavorable conditions in and about the workplace is necessary in getting the job
done properly and safely. The attention to these important details, which are often overlooked
at the workplace not only contributes to safe working but also has a big positive effect on the
employees’ productivity.

Good housekeeping and cleanliness involves every phase of the operations and are
necessary to be applied throughout the entire area at the workplace. These activities require
orderly conditions, the avoidance of congestion, and attention to such details as an orderly
layout of the whole workplace, the marking of aisles, adequate storage arrangements, and
suitable provision for cleaning and maintenance.

A clean, well-ordered, attractive work environment sets the tone in which the work is
enjoyed by the employees. It encourages tidy work habits in employees. It helps reduce their
fatigue. It promotes good relations between employees and management. It gives a lift to
morale, which is reflected in the quality of production and overall efficiency. Since good
housekeeping and cleanliness also leave a good impression on the organizational visitors,
hence these activities promote the image of the organization. Customers and the other
stakeholders of the organization have more confidence in the organization since they notice
that the work is being carried out efficiently in clean, pleasant, and well-ordered surroundings.

Good housekeeping and cleanliness mean that there is an effective management of the
workplace. This effective management is the reason for the better performance, increased
productivity and better control on the product quality. Good housekeeping and cleanliness
also reflect systematic storage of the materials, neat and tidy work areas, and systematic
movement of the men, materials and machines, as well as adequate workplace illumination.
With these practices, workplace can be kept safe from potentially dangerous objects or
substances present in the work environment. An organized and clutter-free work area also
makes it easier to respond to or evacuate in the event of an emergency.

Good housekeeping and cleanliness normally results into:

a. a workplace which is cleaner, safer, well organized and more pleasant for work,
b. improved utilization of floor space,
c. smoother and systematic workflow with substantial reduction in non-value added
d. better inventory control of tools and materials,
e. reduced handling to ease the flow of materials,
f. reduction in wastages of materials,
g. more efficient equipment clean-up and maintenance leading to lower break-downs,
h. minimization of errors leading to better products,

i. safe environment for work and lower exposures of employees to hazardous
substances (such as dusts, and vapours etc.),
j. more hygienic workplace conditions which lead to improved health of the employees,
k. improved overall look and feel of the work environment, and
l. improved morale of the employees.

Poor housekeeping and cleanliness, on the contrary, creates workplace hazards which lead
to various accident such as:
a. slips, trips and falls,
b. caught in-between objects,
c. struck by falling objects,
d. struck by moving objects,
e. cut/stabbed by objects, and
f. struck against objects.

Elements of Housekeeping and Cleanliness in the Worksite

The major elements which are normally included in the housekeeping and cleanliness
practices at the worksite are described below.

 Dust and dirt removal – Working in a dusty and dirty area is unhygienic as well
unhealthy for the employees since there can be respiratory type irritations. Also, if
dust and dirt are allowed to accumulate on surfaces, there is a potential for a slip
hazard. Hence, regular sweeping the workplace for the removal of dust and dirt is an
essential housekeeping and cleanliness practice.

 Employee facilities – Adequate employees’ facilities such as drinking water, wash

rooms, toilet blocks, and rest rooms etc. are to be provided for the employees at the
workplace so that employees can use them when there is a need. Cleanliness at the
place of these facilities is an important aspect of the facilities.

 Flooring – Floors are to be cleaned regularly and immediately if liquids or other

materials are spilled. Poor floor conditions are a leading cause of accidents in the
workplace. Areas such as entrance ways which cannot be cleaned continuously are
to have mats or some type of anti-slip flooring. It is also important to replace worn,
ripped or damaged flooring that poses a trip hazard.

 Lighting – Adequate lighting reduces the potential for accidents. It is to be ensured

that inoperative light fixtures are repaired and dirty light fixtures are cleaned regularly
so that the light intensity levels are maintained at the workplace.

 Aisles and stairways – Aisles and stairways are to be kept clear and not to be used
for storage. Warning signs and mirrors can improve sight lines in blind corners and
help prevent accidents. It is also important to maintain adequate lighting in
stairways. Further stairways need to have railings preferably round railings for
adequate grip.

 Spill control – The best method to control spills is to prevent them from happening.
Regular cleaning and maintenance on machines and equipment is an essential
practice. Also, the use of drip pans where spills might occur is a good preventative
measure. When spills do occur, it is important to clean them up immediately. When
cleaning a spill, it is required to use the proper cleaning agents or absorbent
materials. It is also to be ensured that the waste products are disposed of properly.

 Waste disposal – The regular collection of the waste materials contribute to good
housekeeping and cleanliness practices. It also makes it possible to separate
materials that can be recycled from those going to waste disposal facilities. Allowing
material to build up on the floor wastes time and energy since additional time is
required for cleaning it up. Placing containers for wastes near the place where the
waste is produced encourages orderly waste disposal and makes collection easier.
All recyclable wastes after their collection are to be transferred to their designated
places so that the waste materials can be dispatched to the point of use or sold.

 Tools and equipment – Tools and equipment are required to be inspected prior to
their use. Damaged or worn tools are to be taken out of service immediately. Tools
are to be cleaned and returned to their storage place after use.

 Maintenance – One of the most important elements of good housekeeping and

cleanliness practices is the maintenance of the equipment and the buildings housing
them. This means keeping buildings, equipment and machinery in safe and efficient
working condition. When a workplace looks neglected then there are broken
windows, defective plumbing, broken floor surfaces and dirty walls etc. These
conditions can cause accidents and affect work practices. It is important to have a
replacement program for replacing or fixing broken and damaged items as quickly as

 Storage – Proper storage of materials is essential in a good housekeeping and

cleanliness practice. All storage areas need to be clearly marked. Flammable,
combustible, toxic and other hazardous materials are to be stored in approved
containers in designated areas which are appropriate for the different hazards that
they pose. The stored materials are not to obstruct aisles, stairs, exits, fire
equipment, emergency eyewash fountains, emergency showers, or first aid stations.
Also it is important that all containers be labeled properly. If materials are being
stored correctly, then the incidents of strain injuries, chemical exposures and fires
get reduced drastically.

 Clutter control – Cluttered workplaces typically happen because of poor

housekeeping practices. This type of workplace can lead to a number of issues
which include ergonomic as well as injuries. It is important to develop practices
where items like tools, chemicals, cords, and containers are returned to their
appropriate storage location when not in use. Clutter is not only unattractive but, in a
work area, it is also a serious threat to safety. Danger to the employees increases if
the established exit routes and doors are blocked. For this reason, as well as to
prevent slips and trips, assorted waste materials need to be disposed of promptly in
the appropriate waste containers. Aisles are to be kept clear of obstructions for
obvious reasons.

 Individual workspace – Individual workspace need to be kept neat, cleared of

everything not needed for work. Many workplace injuries occur right in the
employee’s workspace. This space is often overlooked when conducting general
housekeeping and cleanliness inspections. It is necessary to make a checklist which
is to be used by the employees to evaluate their workspace.

Importance of Keeping a Clean Worksite

Every construction site is going to get messy with the constant disruption of the current
building, excess materials and the dust that inevitably builds up over time. Whilst the dirt and
mess will always be there, keeping a clean worksite is important for a number of reasons.

1. Productivity
The most obvious reason to keep a clean worksite is the productivity of workers. If
there is constantly rubbish and excess materials lying around they can get in the way of
the work that needs to be done taking time away from the actual job. Additionally, it can
make things harder to find as there is not a set place for materials and tools adding to the
wasted time.

2. Environment
Having a clean and tidy workplace environment reflects well on employees making
them more likely to want to work every day. A clean workplace is a reflection of success
and organization making employees feel more valued and making their work easier and
hence reducing stresses and frustration. This links back well to the productivity of the
workers as they are now able to focus more closely on the job and spend less time
worried about other elements.

3. Final clean up
Regularly cleaning as the construction goes on and maintaining a clean work site
makes the final clean up much easier and faster. Regularly removing excess materials
and waste that is no longer needed on site creates more space for work and also
ensures that the final clean-up is far easier meaning that the overall project will be
completed faster.

4. Safety
A clean construction site is also extremely important for the safety of the workers.
Having waste regularly removed ensures that the likelihood of falling materials or tripping
over things is significantly reduced.
There is also the possibility of some dangerous substances continuing to sit on the
site that could be having a negative impact on workers. Constant clean outs and removal
of waste ensures that all employees remain safe whilst working at the construction site.
Having a clean and tidy construction site improves the overall output of the project
and the workers on the site. It quickens up the process and also increases efficiency
making it far more beneficial for the company as they safe cleaning and labor costs in the
long run.

Effective cleaning management systems need suitable cleaning methods, schedules,

equipment, trained cleaners and reliable communication and consultation.

Assess the risk

While good cleaning reduces contamination, bad cleaning increases contamination.
Check your workplace for any of the signs that indicate a poor cleaning system:
 floors are not fully dry and can be accessed
 spills and contaminants are left unattended
 a build-up of cleaning product residues (reduces slip resistance)
 cleaning equipment and cords left across walkways
 cleaning is ad hoc, unplanned and reactive
 poor, inappropriate or dirty cleaning equipment used

 incorrect cleaning products and procedures.

Decide on control measures

There are a range of strategies that have been proven to control the risk of slips, trips
and falls, while also leaving floors and other surfaces clean and free from contaminants. The
best cleaning requires a combination of important elements, as listed below.

Cleaning methods:
 leave a clean and dry surface, free from moisture or dry waste – e.g.
 do not leave a build-up of cleaning products
 maintain the slip resistant properties of the floor/surface (if non-slip flooring)
 are based on advice from the flooring supplier
 are tailored to the specific flooring and contaminants – i.e. type and
concentration of chemicals etc. For example, the time detergent is on the floor
has been shown to have a significant effect on cleanliness. It is also noted that
flooring that is slip resistant can be cleaned to be as hygienic as other flooring.

Cleaning schedules:
 are systematic and well planned
 have routine daily cleaning conducted during quiet/slow periods
 include periodic deep/comprehensive cleaning
 provide a rapid/urgent response to spills
 include indoor and outdoor areas
 include customer/visitor areas
 accommodate for periods of bad weather.

Cleaning equipment/products:
 suited to the task, environment and the users
 don't spread the problem (e.g. paper-towel instead of wet mop for small spill, or
'spill-kit' materials for oil leaks, spill stations where resources are kept etc.)
 includes barriers and signs to keep people off any wet areas if 'clean-to-dry' is
not possible.

Personnel responsible for cleaning:

 cleaners are trained, equipped and supervised to do routine cleaning
 all workers assist in spot cleaning/spills management
 supervisors are trained and able to oversee work practices
 workplace visitors and others encouraged to report hazards where appropriate.

Cleaning methods to consider

The cleaning method you use will depend on a number of factors. This is best decided in
consultation with the flooring and cleaning equipment suppliers based on the workplace's
requirements. A combination of methods may be used across the workplace. The following
table is from a review of cleaning options for health settings, and may be relevant to other
similar settings.

Method Strengths Weaknesses

Wet mopping,  Effective at removing dirt and microbes  Chemicals need to be the correct
including with  Quiet, it minimizes disturbance to concentrations
micro-fiber people at the workplace  Tools need to be clean and well
Machine  Good at removing dirt and  Can be difficult to access tight areas
cleaning contamination  Chemicals need to be the correct
 Good for cleaning large areas concentrations
 Equipment needs to be well maintained
 Can be noisier and more disruptive to
people at the workplace

Dry micro-  No chemicals used, no risk of  Microbes remain alive on cleaning

fiber systems resistance developing materials
 Quick method of cleaning, trained staff  Cleaning materials need to be
can clean an area more quickly than transported securely to laundering
with conventional methods facilities to avoid contamination
 Effectively removes dirt, soil and  Cost of investment in micro-fiber
microbes cleaning systems and ongoing cost of
laundering kit
 Staff need to be retrained
 Disinfectants cannot be used in
conjunction with micro-fiber cleaning

Cleaning Management
Correct and timely floor cleaning is a major part of reducing slips. Cleaning using the
wrong methods and/or wrong chemical solutions can make surfaces slippery and can reduce
the slip-resistance of some flooring. For example polish can build up and some methods can
leave excessive residues. Talk to your cleaning manager or contractor and/or flooring
supplier to ensure that the cleaning methods are working well for all areas.
Effective systems also ensure that staff, contractors and others are aware of and follow
their roles and responsibilities in slips and trips prevention.

As part of the risk assessment, check that:

 cleaning methods for all floors and paths are fully specified and recorded or updated
 cleaning contractors have been instructed on the required methods and standards
 cleaning is scheduled when there is minimum foot traffic in the area
 workers have been provided with training in the procedures for dealing with slip, trip
and fall hazards
 accountability for floor quality and housekeeping is clearly specified and known by all
 supervisors have been adequately trained and are able to appropriately supervise
work practices
 a reliable spot-cleaning system is in place and known by all staff.




Directions: Match the word in Column A to its meaning in Column B. Write the letter of your
answer on the space provided for.

A. the management of a home and the work that needs to be done

1. Cleanliness in it, such as cleaning.
2. Housekeeping B. a contented state of being happy and healthy and prosperous.
C. having the quality or power of producing especially in
3. Worksite abundance.
4. Productive D. the coordination and administration of tasks to achieve a goal.
5. Environment E. the state or quality of being clean or being kept clean.
F. the conditions or practices conducive to maintaining health and
6. Safety preventing disease, especially through cleanliness.
G. the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or
7. Hygiene plant lives or operates.
H. the condition of being protected from or unlikely to cause
8. Welfare danger, risk and injury.
I. a particular form of procedure for accomplishing or approaching
9. Methods something, especially a systematic or established one.
10. Management J. an area where an industry is located or where work takes place.



Directions: Give at least ten (10) Elements of Cleanliness and Housekeeping in the Worksite

1. ________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________
6. ________________________________________________
7. ________________________________________________
8. ________________________________________________
9. ________________________________________________
10. ________________________________________________





Part I: TRUE or FALSE (10pts.)

Directions: Write TRUE if the statement is correct, otherwise, write FALSE. Write your
answer on the space provided for.

_____ 1. No dirt, no dust, no stains, no bad smells means cleanliness.

_____ 2. Cleanliness improves efficiency and productivity, good control over the processes,
and assist in maintaining the quality of the product.
_____ 3. A clean workplace is a reflection of success.
_____4. Effective cleaning management systems need suitable cleaning methods, schedules,
equipment, trained cleaners and reliable communication and consultation.
_____ 5. Adequate lighting reduces the potential for accidents.
_____ 6. Regular collection of the waste materials contribute to good housekeeping and
cleanliness practices.
_____ 7. Tools should be cleaned and returned to their storage place after use.
_____ 8. Cluttered workplaces happen because of poor housekeeping practices.
_____ 9. Regular cleaning makes the final clean up much easier and faster.
_____ 10. A clean and tidy work site improves the overall output of the project and the
workers on the site.


Directions: Enumerate the good results, workplace hazards and management systems of
housekeeping and cleanliness through a graphic organizer.


Good Poor

Workplace Hazards
Good results
leading to accidents

Part III: Essay (10 pts.)

Directions: Explain the following.

1. How can you practice cleanliness at home? (5pts.)

2. As a student, how can you show good environmental practices in your locality? (5pts.)


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