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Summarization Marking Guide

JR Shaw School of Business

Summary Rubric
Beginning Developing Good Accomplished Exemplary
1 2 3 4 5 Score
Captured some of the Restated several of Restated most of the Restated all of the key Restated all of the key /5
key ideas from the the key ideas from the key ideas from the ideas from the original ideas from the original
original article but original article but original article, along article, along with article, along with all
Content misconstrued or misconstrued or with some supporting some supporting of the most important
missed most of them missed some and/or details and met or details, within the supporting details,
and/or greatly exceeded the word only slightly exceeded word limit specified. within the word limit
exceeded the word limit specified. the word limit specified.
limit specified. specified.
Relied heavily on Expressed some ideas Expressed ideas in an Used effective Captured the ideas in /5
borrowed phrasing or in an understandable understandable way phrasing with a few fluent, clear, original
expressed ideas way, but with several with some borrowed distractions in style that was
Style unclearly with many borrowed phrases phrases and/or a few grammar, mechanics, pleasurable to read,
distractions in and/or several distractions in or style. with no errors in
grammar, mechanics, distractions in grammar, mechanics, grammar or
or style. grammar, mechanics, or style. mechanics.
or style.
Provided very little Submitted a reference Submitted a reference Submitted a correctly Submitted a correctly /5
information relating list that was not in list with significant formatted reference formatted reference
to the original source APA format, and made effort to reflect APA list in APA style, list in APA style,
Citations information. little attempt to format, but no in-text including at least one including at least one
reflect APA standards. citations were used. in-text citation, with a in-text citation,
few minor errors. completely free of
Total /15

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