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Sep 13, 2023, 6:27:56 AM

Call for Expression of Interest

1. The Scaling up of Community WASH PATS Plus &

Institutional WASH Program in targeted districts and 2.
Contingency PCA for WASH/CC/DRR Emergency Response
covering all scenarios Earthquake, conflict,COVID-19
Flood/Monsoon an


1 Timeline
Posted Mar 30, 2023
Clarification Request Deadline Apr 4, 2023
Application Deadline Apr 11, 2023
Notification of Results Apr 30, 2023
Start Date May 1, 2023
End Date Nov 30, 2024

2 Locations
A Pakistan
a Balochistan
b Balochistan
c Balochistan

3 Sector(s) and area(s) of specialization

A WASH and Environment
a Basic sanitation
b Hygiene
c WASH in emergencies

4 Issuing Agency

5 Project Background
UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help
meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided by the
Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and
international standards of behavior towards children. Every child counts UNICEF is a leading humanitarian and
development agency working globally for the rights of every child. Child rights begin with safe shelter, nutrition,
protection from disaster and conflict and traverse the life cycle: pre-natal care for healthy births, clean water and
sanitation, health care and education. UNICEF has spent nearly 70 years working to improve the lives of children and
their families. Working with and for children through adolescence and into adulthood requires a global presence whose
goal is to produce results and monitor their effects. UNICEF also lobbies and partners with leaders, thinkers and policy
makers to help all children realize their rights—especially the most disadvantaged. Introduction UNICEF’s is one of the
strategic partners in the WASH sector in Balochistan, contributing technically and financially to influence rules of
business and engagement, for better services delivery, enhanced policy environment and outcomes in WASH sector
and benefitting children, women and men. UNICEF has been supporting technically the Public Health Engineering
Department (PHED), Local Government and Rural Development Department (LG&RDD;), Planning and Development
Department (Pⅅ), Health and Education Department of the Government of Balochistan to undertake several key
strategic activities, aimed improving access and quality of safe drinking water and reduction of Open Defecation in the
province. The program is a UNICEF WASH/CC/DRR Section’s component of the “Community WASH and Institutional
WASH Program”, will focus on leveraging of resources in the targeted districts to contribute to the Government of
Balochistan to improving access and quality of safe drinking water, reduction of Open Defecation and Polio in the
province. Situation Analysis Balochistan the largest province of Pakistan, land wise Balochistan is (44%) of the total
area of Pakistan ( around half of Pakistan), and administratively divided into 07 divisions and 35 districts and has an
estimated population of 12.3M, provincial 2017 census results. WASH situation in province always remains dire
because of frequent natural disasters hits badly to available limited WASH infrastructures, in result of frequent disasters
WASH services impacted to deprived level, which creates a serious gap of shortage of water supply & demand, directly
affects service providers and water sources of dwellers. In terms of access to improve water sources coverage, the Multi
Cluster Indicator (MICS) Survey (2019-20) shows that majority of households (est. 85.6% HHs) of Balochistan province
have access to improved sources of drinking water, urban and rural HHs collects drinking from public tap/stand water
(9.1% HHs), followed by 3.8% Motorized Pumps, 4.4% Hand Pumps (Mechanical) and 3.9% protected well 1.6% from
protected spring 2.6% from rainwater collection, and from closed well (4% HHs). MICS analysis of rural and urban water
coverage indicated that underground water tube well /borehole is the main source of safe access to drinking
water(est.14-29% HHs),followed by water trucking urban and rural areas are (est. 22-10% HHs) . In terms of water
quality, safe drinking water sources bacteriological contamination were ranked to be in the range of 74-86% in
2002-2006, 81% in 2015 and 2019-2020 urban and rural ranked 49-51% significantly has decreased (improved) but
2022 floods could have contributed to increased bacteriological contamination again. Most of the water sources were
deemed unsafe for drinking purpose due to bacterial contamination at collecting, transportation and HHs level which
required an immediate attention of the concerned authorities. Regarding improved sanitation access the situation is
more alarming in rural than urban areas. (MICS) survey (2019-20) indicates that access to improved sanitation urban
85% and in rural 56%.Addressing sanitation’s importance role on WASH agenda a remedy approaches (PATS -ODF)
immediate response is required to address the rural and urban sanitation gaps on priority basis. (MICS) (2019-2020)
survey reports sanitation coverage ( types of facilities used) by HHs in urban and rural areas are; pipe sewer system
(35-13%) pit type (39-25%) and open defection (ODF) (2-19%) HHs are without any kind of toilet/latrine goes to open
field/bushes for defecation. Inadequate disposal of human excreta and personal hygiene is a major cause of diseases,
which includes diarrhoea, cholera and polio, which diseases can significantly be reduced through safe disposal of
human excreta away from human.

6 Expected Results
As per document attached

7 Indicative Budget

8 Other Information

9 Selection Criteria
Name Description Weight
Includes review of the proposed programme: ■ Relevance of proposal to achieving

expected results/ clarity of the proposal on result language (log frame); (10 points)

■ Implementation strategy and time frame – including sustainability/post ODF

implementation strategy; (15 points) ■ Have clear understanding of integrating

nutrition and Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) approaches within WASH

Programming (10 points)

Relevance of proposal to achieving expected results 35
Includes a review of the CSO, based on evidence provided: ■ Expertise and

experience in Balochistan and engagement with the district level coordination; (10

points) ■ Knowledge and expertise for implementation of large scale rural

sanitation projects under ‘Pakistan Approach to Total Sanitation’. (10 points) ■

Local experience, presence and community relations; particularly, participating

CSOs have experience working and presence in these districts. (5 points) ■

Experience working with UN/UNICEF (05 points) ■ Experience and qualification of

proposed project personnel (05 points)

Sector expertise and experience 30
■ Access/security considerations/ project NOCs; (03 points) ■ Certification by

recognized body such as the Pakistan Centre for Philanthropy (PCP) (04 points) ■ Adequacy and clarity of proposed budgets including

costs level of direct costs and administrative costs proposed as necessary by the

CSO to implement the joint work plan (reasonable cost compared to programme

budget). Please see the attached document on ‘standard rates for UNICEF

assisted programs (P/AF/2015-002) issued on 21 December, 2015. (03 points)

Other 10
■ Financial Contribution by the CSO. ■ Below 10% (5 points) ■ 10 - 25% (10

points) ■ above 25 % (25 points)

Contribution of resource 25

10 Attachments
Description URL
BFO WASH proposal Download the document here

11 Concept Note Template

Download the document here

12 For more information on this partnership opportunity, and to apply, please visit
UN Partner Portal

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