NB Basics Guide

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Newborn baby guide

Hello mama! Great choice in getting this super helpful ebook!

I'm not being biased or anything, but I'm sure you're going to love this guide all
about the newborn basic you need to know as a first time mama.

Hello! I'm Ros Emely! The mama behind this ebook and blog,

I am a mama of three beautiful children. I have an 11 year old daughter and 7

year old boy/girl twins.

I have been helping moms navigate and enjoy motherhood for almost 7 years.

Thank you so much for reading. I hope you find this ebook helpful and useful!

Let the newborn bliss begin :)

**Disclaimer: You may not distribute or sell this ebook*


01 Common reasons babies cry 07 How to bathe a newborn

02 signs and cues baby is hungry 08 Teething remedies
03 How to change baby's diaper 09 constant crying? do this!
04 Diaper rash treatments 10 colic baby?
05 constipation tips 11 Baby cradle cap (what is it? + get rid of it!)
06 cut baby's fingernails with ease
Why is baby
A baby’s cry is a melody that we have to get used to
the moment that our baby is born. A baby’s cry is how
he or she communicates, it’s a sign that they need
something from you.

Since babies cannot communicate with words yet,

they communicate with a cry. I'm talking about a high
pitch cry. The one where you just want to make it

Having a newborn baby is a blessing, it's hard and it's

amazing. The one goal for you as a mom is to care and
meet your baby's needs.

Here are the 8 most common reasons why babies cry.

So you can better understand and not guess what
your baby needs.

Mama you are doing great

8 common reasons your
baby is crying:
I think the most “popular” reason if there is such a thing, is that your baby is hungry. The first
thing I would always do when my kids were babies was give them something to eat (formula). If
they didn’t drink any and kept crying, I would move to the next option. Always, check first to
see if your baby is hungry and needs a feeding.


Babies love to sleep but sometimes fight their sleep. which mean they will cry and squirm a
little, but will fall asleep soon after. Always make sure your baby has comfortable clothes on. Is
well fed and that the temperature in the room is just right.

3. Needs a diaper change

Your baby may also be crying because it’s time for a diaper change. There may be poop or pee,
either way, your baby will cry until you change his diaper. Babies do not like to feel “wet” and
will cry if a diaper change is needed.
4. Has a diaper rash

When babies have diaper rash they tend to be more cranky and uncomfortable because they
are in pain. They will express it by crying of course. Treating a diaper rash quick will help your
baby be happier and feel so much better. So make sure you have a great diaper rash cream like
the Desitin diaper rash cream because it works wonders, trust me!

5. Baby is hot or cold

Wearing the right clothes for any weather is certainly key for keeping your little one
comfortable and happy. Before placing your baby in his crib to sleep, have him wear a onesie
with long sleeve on if air conditioner is on.Remember not to have any blankets or toys around
your newborn baby while he sleeps to avoid suffocation. If you’re going to go out with baby,
check the weather first before changing him.

6.Teething baby

Your baby’s gums will start to swell from about 4 months and on, which means there will be a
lot of fussing and crying. Babies are in pain when their first set of teeth starts to grow. I
recommend you to have a baby gum relief gel. I used the Orajel teething nighttime formula for
my babies and it worked great. You know what? I used it on my gums too, not even kidding! If
your baby is teething, you should check this article out for teething tips
7. Gas

Your baby may cry because he or she have swallowed air by crying (surprise, surprise) by
drinking milk from a bottle or from breastfeeding. Gas is said to be caused by “swallowing”
air.This may cause bloating, your baby’s tummy to be hard, burping and of course crying!
Having a gassy or colicky baby is not fun. You may want to try a different baby formula or buy
new baby bottles that helps prevents gas like the Dr. Brown’s BPA free bottle.


I remember when my first born was a baby and suffered from constipation. It was the worst!
Constipation is another real common reason why your baby is crying. You can lay your baby on
his or her back and start massaging the legs. Exercise the legs by holding both legs and bringing
it in to the stomach and out. This is great to loosen your baby’s stomach. Also feed your baby
prunes if she or he is already eating solid foods. Always ask your baby’s pediatrician for advise
or medication to help with the constipation.

Learning and reading about being a good mom. Already makes you one.
Signs and cues
baby is hungry
If you’re a new mom and wondering what are the signs
and cues that your baby is hungry. You are totally in the
right place! I’m going to share with you the different
ways to know if your baby is hungry.

That way you won’t miss a feeding. You might think

crying is the only hunger cue, but you’ll be surprised to
know that it’s not!When I was a first time mom, I
thought that when my baby would cry, it meant that she
was hungry.

But, later on I figured out that she was also giving me other signs and cues to let me
know that it was time for a feeding. It’s so amazing how babies can naturally signal us
that they are hungry without even speaking!

The baby stage is so amazing, you’re learning what it’s like to be a mom, you’re also
learning about your baby. Keep in mind that no baby is the same, meaning they all
have different personalities. But, babies do have things in common, like the signs and
cues that will let you know they are hungry!

Crying is one of the first signs that your baby is hungry. This may seem obvious but, did you
know your baby cries can tell a lot? If your baby is hungry, his cries will most likely be short.
Meaning, there will not be long periods of crying. Also, the pitch of his cries will be low and it
will rise and fall.

Now, if you’ve missed all of the hunger cues from down below. Your baby will start to cry in a
high pitch!Crying does not only mean that your baby is hungry, it can also mean that she is
tired, sleepy or in pain!

2.Your baby is fussy

Another way to know if your baby is hungry. Is that she is getting fussy and uncomfortable.
She may be moving around, being fidgety and stretching her arms and legs.

If your baby just woke up from a nap or from his bed time and you notice that he is making
cooing sounds and making faces. He is hungry and needs a feeding.

3.Sucking fist/smacking sounds

One way that I knew my kids were hungry, was that they would start sucking their fists. If you
find your baby sucking on his fingers, toes and even tries to suck on his clothes. He is hungry!

Your baby is also going to make smacking sounds while sucking. That my mama friend is your
cue that it's time for a feeding.
4.Moving head side to side

Is your baby moving his head to the side and starts to open his mouth? Then, he is searching
for a nipple to suck on. Whether you are bottle feeding or breastfeeding your baby. He will
start to get comfortable in the feeding position to start feeding!

5.Opening mouth

The last tip on how to know if your baby is hungry, is to notice if your baby is opening his
mouth. If he is, most likely it means that he is hungry mama! Feed your baby!

quick tip:
There are a lot of babies who just rather sleep than be fed. If you notice that your baby is sleeping a
lot and is not showing any signs of being hungry. It's always best to wake her up to feed.

It is recommend to feed a newborn baby every 3 hours or so, if your baby haven't woken up during
that period of time, then you should definitely wake her up and feed her.

Your new mom journey may seem hard and tiring. But it is a blessing.
How to

Let's talk diaper changing!

Diaper changing can definitely be a stressful and an eventful experience. Your baby either
pees all over you or poops while you’re changing his/her diaper.

I have to admit, I experienced both of them and many parents do too! It is funny when you
think about it but the less it can happen the better!

I also have learned a few tips and tricks on how to change baby’s diaper and I’m so happy
to share them with you.

With three kids under my belt, I had to learn and make diaper changing as easy and stress
free as possible.

Also, finding ways to entertain your baby while you change his diaper is key to a more
smooth experience.

Alright mama, ready?

Step by
How to hold a baby
step guide
while changing a diaper?
on how to
To correctly and safely change your baby’s diaper, you need to
baby's first lay your baby on his back and on a flat surface. Then, hold
baby’s ankles with one hand and gently lift him up.

How to stop baby boy from

peeing on you while changing his


Okay mama! I hear ya! My baby boy peed right on my mouth and it was a scene. His pee
was warm, haha! Anyways, I’m sure you rather not feel his pee on your face.So here is
what you should do!

Lay him on a comfortable flat surface (changing pad, changing table or bed)Fold over tabs
on dirty diaper. Place a clean cloth over your baby’s penisChange baby’s diaper
Step by
step guide
to chnge

Step 1: Have your diaper changing essentials ready.

Step 2: Lay your baby on the changing pad, bed or changing table!(make sure you are with
your baby at all times. You can hold him with one hand, while getting the supplies you
need with the other)

Step 3: Provide your baby with distractions (toys, blankets, etc.)

Step 4: Remove your baby’s clothes. Pull down his pants, remove his onesie, etc.

Step 5: Open a new diaper and place it under the dirty one. Remove both tabs from the
dirty diaper. But do not remove it yet.

Step 6: If your baby is a boy, you want to place a clean cloth on your baby’s penis to
prevent him from peeing on you and on himself.

Step 7: It’s time to remove the dirty diapers. If it’s a poopy diaper, then using the dirty
diaper, wipe down the poop.

Step 8: With a clean wipe, wipe from the front to back, it helps prevent bacteria from
spreading and causing a urinary infection in baby girls. Make sure you clean very well.
Step 9: Apply, any diaper rash ointment, baby powder and lotion.

Step 10: Now, pull the front of the new diaper to your baby’s tummy. Open one of the tabs
or tape and tape it to the front of the diaper. Repeat the same step with the second tab.
Make sure the diaper is not too tight.

Step 11: Dress your baby again, either with new or same clothes.

Motherhood is amazing, magical and damn hard!

Diaper rash
Diaper rash can be very uncomfortable and even
painful for your baby. My second daughter had the
worst diaper rash you can imagine. I felt terrible
and so I wanted to I find the best diaper rash
treatment that could immediately eliminate and
help prevent it from coming back again.

I tried everything to treat her diaper rash, except

one thing. I didn’t switch the diaper brand I was
using on her. Once I realized that maybe the diaper
was the culprit of it and changed it to a different
brand, her diaper rash went away!

That’s why it’s so important for you to find

different ways to treat your baby’s diaper rash.
Lucky for you mama, I’m sharing these unbelievably
helpful diaper rash treatment that’s going to help
your baby feel so much better. Better yet, it’s going
to get rid of her mild or severe diaper rash!
What are the diaper rash

symptoms you should look out

Irritated and red skin on your baby’s bottoms,
private area and thighs.

Your baby seems more uncomfortable on every

diaper change

In some cases it feels warm when you touch it

What are the causes of diaper

Baby’s skin is sensitive

It can be an allergic reaction to a type of soap or laundry detergent

that you’re using.

It can also be the brand of diapers and wipes you’re using!

Baby has been sitting on wet or soiled diapers for a long period of

Diaper rash can also be caused by an infection. Like yeast infection.

Diaper rash treatments with
these 5 steps
1.Identify the cause

In order to better care for your baby’s diaper rash, you first need to identify the cause of it.
What is causing your baby to have a rash? Could it be the type of baby wash you are using
during bath time? What food did you recently introduced to your baby? Food may also be a
culprit of making the diaper rash worsen. The type of diapers and wipes you are using can
cause diaper rash.Identifying the things that are causing your baby’s diaper rash is super
helpful because you can easily eliminate it.

2.Switch out baby products

My daughter was allergic to a specific diaper brand, so I immediately switch it to another

one. Even though her twin brother was not showing any signs of diaper rash using the same
diapers, I knew she was allergic to it. So, I switched to a different brand. Try making small
changes to the products that you use on your baby. You can start using fragrance free wipes
or wipes sensitive on the skin. Which is perfect for sensitive skin. Lotion and baby wash that
are mild is a great way to start preventing a diaper rash.

Every mom journey is different and the same. You are your own person, you parent the way that
you want.
3.Keep it dry and clean

In order to successfully treat your baby’s diaper rash and not letting it get to a severe diaper
rash, you have to keep it dry and clean. This means that you need to change your baby’s
diapers more often than usual simply because you want to avoid irritating your baby’s skin
even more.One trick that my hubby and I used to do, was change our daughter’s diapers, and
let her affected area breathe, diapers free! It’s a good way to soothe her diaper rash and
gives it a break from being trapped in the diaper.

4.Apply diaper rash cream

To further soothe your baby’s rash, you may also want to use a diaper rash cream. These creams can help
prevent diaper rashes as well and I used it with all three of my children.

5. No diaper time

Like I’ve mentioned before, a great trick for soothing a diaper rash in babies and toddlers is
to let the affected area breathe. Which means that you should not put on a diaper right away
after a change. Simply, change your baby’s diapers once it’s wet or soiled, apply talc or diaper
rash cream and then let it breathe.

Diaper free for a couple of minutes is so beneficial because not only is the rash getting fresh
air, but it’s not trapped in the diaper again. Since diapers tend to lock in moisture, this can
cause the rash to continue. Letting your child be diaper free for a couple of minutes can
really do the trick to treating diaper rashes.
Constipation is very common in babies and it’s contributed to many
different factors. My oldest daughter suffered from constipation when
she was a baby.

It was so hard to watch her strain and cry because she couldn’t poop.
Today I’m sharing with you my top baby constipation remedies and tips.
So your baby can finally poop with ease!

I hope these tips and remedies can help! Try each one and I’m sure your
baby is going to finally poop and feel much better!

A mother's love is unconditional. You are so special mama

What are the signs of baby


Stool is hard, like small rocks

Your baby is straining but nothing comes out

Baby’s belly is feels hard or swollen

Baby is crying or uncomfortable when trying to poop

He/she has less frequent bowel movements

7 baby constipation remedies
and tips
1.Bicycle leg movement

One of the first baby constipation remedies that I did to my first born was make
bicycle movements with her legs to help with her constipation. When you do this kind
of leg exercise it helps with bowel function and relieves constipation.Another leg
massage I used to do was grabbing both her legs with one hand each and moving it
towards her tummy, back and forth. It helped

2.Stomach massage

Stomach massages are similar to the bicycle leg movements in that it provides
constipation relief. You gently massage your baby’s tummy to stimulate bowel
movement. You can do this during the day to help your baby feel better and finally

3. Vaseline and cotton swap

Another common but very effective baby constipation remedy is to use vaseline with
cotton swabs. Here me out here mama, it works. I also tried this remedy with my first
born and I want to share it with you! So you simply apply a small amount of vaseline
to the cotton swab and then put it around your baby’s anus. The sensation will help
your baby poop!
4. Warm bath

Warm baths for the rescue. This tip can also help adults with their bowel movement
and so we can also apply it to babies. Warm baths helps relax the stomach muscles
and therefor helping pass stool.

5. Hydration

Make sure your baby is well hydrated. Dehydration is a common factor of

constipation, specially if you are switching from breastmilk to formula. Or if you are
starting to introduce solids to your baby.

6. Prune juice?

Once your baby is 6 months old he/she can start drinking juice. Prune, pear or apple
juice are great in helping with constipation. You can also give your baby prune baby
food and that helps as well. My mom swears by it and would always recommend me to
give my daughter prune juice.

7. Changes in food

If your baby is 4 months old or older, chances are you are introducing her to solids.
Which is great! Keep in mind that sometimes baby cereal may cause constipation in
babies. It’s a trial and error, if you see your baby is straining to poop, try removing and
introducing other foods to see if it helps.Baby formula may also cause constipation in
babies, I would recommend changing your baby’s formula to a “gentle” or “sensitive”
one. Or speak to your pediatrician for advise.
Cutting baby's
Do you get nervous every time you need to cut your
baby’s fingernails? I know the feeling, I was also nervous
with all three of my children!

Even though your baby’s nails are softer than yours, it

still needs frequent trimming. You are going to notice
that your baby’s fingernails grow pretty fast and if you
do not cut it, your baby can scratch herself or even
scratch you.

Do not worry because I’m going to share with you a list

of helpful and easy ways you can cut your baby’s
fingernails. Stress free and effective ways that will leave
you feeling like a fingernail clipping pro.

Remember to stay calm and find the right time to do it. If

you are still scared, then simply ask for help!
5 easy ways to cut your
baby’s fingernails
1.Use your teeth

This tip may sound weird to you but this is something that both of my
grandmothers used to do with their children. My mom also did this with
me and my two sisters and it worked! Since your baby’s fingernails are
delicate and soft, you can easily cut it with your teeth. This will give you
peace of mind of not cutting your baby’s fingertips by mistake. You can
definitely give this tip a try, it’s worth it.

2.Clip while baby sleeps

You can wait until your baby falls asleep to cut her nails. Make sure that
you have good lighting and go for it. Your baby will most likely sleep right
through it and the best part is that she will not wiggle or hesitate when you
are cutting her nails.Remember have your baby in a comfortable position
for her to sleep in and for you to cut her nails.
3.Use a baby nail clipper

Using a baby nail clipper is a great way for you to get comfortable and practice
cutting your baby’s fingernails. Simply cut your baby’s nails, as you would your
own. Remember to keep a firm hold on your baby’s fingers while you clip or cut
them down. If your baby is awake, she might feel uncomfortable and move, so
simply distract her.

4. Use a nail filer

Another way you can cut your newborn baby fingernails is by using a nail file. It’s
easier and less frightening than using a baby nail clipper in my opinion. Use it to
shorten and smooth baby’s nails. You simply file your baby’s nails, a little at a time.
Until the desire size is reached.

5. Ask for help

If you are still unsure or nervous about cutting your baby’s nails, by all means ask
for help. You can ask your mother, grandmother or aunt to show you the ropes of
it. Also, you can ask your partner to help you by holding your baby’s arms firmly,
so she doesn’t move while you cut her nails. This can be a bonding experience for
both of you!
Step By
Step Guide
on how to
bathe your

For many first time parents the thought of bathing their newborns for the first time can be
scary and intimidating.

I know exactly how that feels! I didn’t bathe my first born until her umbilical cord fell off.
My mom would take my daughter a bath up until I was comfortable in doing so. Bathing a
newborn baby doesn’t have to be stressful or scary anymore, it can actually be a fun
bonding experience for you and your baby.

Knowing how to bathe a newborn is going to help you achieve this important milestone.
I’m going to guide you step by step how you can successfully bathe your newborn with an
umbilical cord and without, the easy and stress free way, of course!

Take it from a mama of three (twins included), who learned the first time around. When I
had my twins, I was not scared when it was time to take them their first bath because I
knew the steps to take! I hope you find these tips on how to bathe a newborn helpful and
Since your newborn does not need to be inside a bathtub yet, (umbilical cord can’t get
wet), you can simply find the best and comfortable location where you would want to
bathe your baby.

It can be in your bedroom, baby’s nursery or where ever you want. Just make sure the
room is not cold at all, it should be at room temperature. You’ll need a towel or soft blanket
to lay your baby on. Let’s start!

Steps to bathe your baby with

umbilical cord:
1.Lay your baby on a soft patted surface( towel, blanket(not the fuzzy ones) or on a baby
bath sponge.

2.With a washcloth or sponge, damp it in warm water and start by washing your baby’s
face and hair
3.Move down to under their chin( spit ups usually gather around there)

4.Now it’s time for his tummy, go around the umbilical cord, making sure it does not get

5.Wash baby’s bottom, privates and legs. It’s time to dry him up, careful with the umbilical
cord. (You can carefully patted it dry if it gets wet).

6. It’s time to dry your baby! With a clean and dry towel start drying your precious
newborn, you can apply baby lotion (optional) and baby rash cream. Put on a clean diaper
and clean comfortable clothes and you’re done

Steps to bathe your baby without

the umbilical cord:
1. Fill baby bathtub with warm water, not hot.

2.Holding your baby, slowly place him in the water covering his tummy.

3.Hold baby’s head or body at all times. (He can slip off, baby still needs your support).
Place a baby bath mat on top of the tub, this way your baby doesn’t slip!

4.Using your hands or wash cloth, pour baby shampoo on it, just a little. And begin washing
your baby’s head and body.

5.Rinse your baby off to remove the shampoo or body wash, be careful if it gets in his

6. Remove baby from the bathtub and place him on his bath towel on top of a flat surface!
7.Dry him up, put on some baby lotion (if you want)

8. Put on a clean diaper, diaper rash cream and his new clothes on. Your baby is now
happy, fresh and ready for his feeding

Have extra helping hands

Have your partner or a family member help you bathe your newborn baby, at least for the
first couple of times. He can help you hold the baby while you bathe him. If you need to
step away to grab a bath time essential, your partner is there with the baby. It’s all about

How often can you bathe a newborn baby?

The good news is that you do not need to bathe your newborn every day. In fact only a
couple of days a week is recommended. This will ensure that your baby’s skin does not dry
up. Besides newborn baby’s do not get dirty that often. Besides their dirty diapers of

Important things to remember:

Never leave your baby unattended while in the bathtub. Please take him/her with you
if you need to go grab something.
Keep in mind there may be some crying involved. (some babies do not enjoy taking
Keep your room at room temperature, you baby may get cold easily.
It can get messy mama! But can also be so much fun!
Teething baby
Oh the teething stage, I remember it like it was
yesterday. I went through it with all three of my kids and
I’ve survived, maybe with a few gray hairs added in to
the equation, but I’ll take it.

It’s not an easy or fun baby stage to be in because let’s

face it, it’s so hard to watch our babies cry in pain and in

That’s why I’m sharing these helpful tips to soothe your

teething baby. I know what you’re going through or will
go through and I just want to prepare you for it.

Simple and effective tips that will have your baby feel
more content and will help you not loose your mind

Your baby’s teeth will most likely start growing by their

6 month but can grow as early as the 4th month. These
are a few signs you should look out for in order to know
if your baby is teething.
Common symptoms of a teething baby:
Extra cranky
Wanting to chew on everything to relieve the pain
Swollen gums
Not wanting to eat their food
Fussiness at night while they sleep

5 helpful ways to soothe your teething baby

1.Baby teething gels

One very effective way to soothe and relieve your teething baby of pain is to apply baby
teething gel on their swollen gums. Teething gels for babies are a great baby product to have
because it’s safe and gets the job done. There are many different baby gels to choose from.

2.Ice pops

Ice pops!? You might be scratching your head or may be thinking I’m crazy (I am but just a
little) but trust me mom, this works! Ice pops helps by numbing your baby’s gums and
relieving the pain. Also, it doesn’t hurt that your baby will find it fun and tasty.
3. Medicine

When a baby is teething they will experience pain and you might want to give them
medication for it. What I suggest is to first speak with your baby’s pediatrician about what
medicine you can use and then proceed from there. You can also go to your nearest
pharmacy and purchase the over the counter Infants fever and pain reducer medicine. Your
child may also experience also a mild fever due to teething and giving your child medicine
reduces the fever and also helps reduce the pain that they might be feeling.

4. Teething toys

There are so many different kinds that fits every need and you can purchase them at any
baby store, pharmacy and online store! I bought quite a handful of them for my first born and
then for my twins, they all loved it and it also seemed to be working in relieving their pain.
Teething toys are also practical, they’re small which makes it easy to carry it in your diaper
bag .


What better way for a baby to feel better than cuddling with their mommy? Cuddles makes
everything better right? I honestly loved it because let’s be serious, babies are the cutest
little humans ever. We want to make our babies feel protected, secure and loved, specially
when they are sick or in pain. Cuddle up with your baby right after you give them their
teething toys, medicine or applied their teething gel. It will sure make them feel better.
7 impressive ways to
help baby stop crying
Looking for ways to help baby stop crying? I know how hard it is to have
a newborn baby cry his little heart out and not calm down. No matter
what you do, nothing seems to work. Is my baby in pain? Is he hungry?
What am I doing wrong here? So many questions you may be asking
yourself. I get it.

My first born would cry non stop to the point where my hubby and I
decided to take her to the emergency room one day. Yup! First time
parents here not knowing what to do with our first baby. We were
scared and nervous. We were trying different ways to help baby stop
crying. You know what helped? A car ride, ha!

She immediately stopped crying before we even got to the hospital. So

we drove back home. Sometimes as a new parent you may think you
don’t know what to do to help your baby. But you do, sometimes the way
a baby calms down and stops crying is by you doing something that you
think will not work.

Trust your instincts , give yourself more credit as a parent then what you are
giving yourself. And check out these 7 impressive ways to help baby stop
1.Rock baby

When a baby is crying is hard to remember the simple things. Like

rocking baby back and forth. Sometimes we go into panic mode and
forget that babies sometimes want to be held and rocked. It may take a
few minutes for him/her to settle down and stop crying. Rocking baby
helps him feel secured. The movements also soothes baby, which is
perfect when trying to help baby stop crying.
You know what helped my kids stop crying? Putting them on a baby

2. Go on walks or car rides

Taking baby out for fresh air is also a great way to help baby stop crying.
Take her either on a stroller ride, on a baby carrier and walk around your
neighborhood. Car rides were the secret sauce for my first born to stop
crying. I’m telling you it worked every single time. It was kind of funny
too. So try going on a car ride or stroller walk. To help baby be calm and

3.Sing or talk to baby

Sometimes your baby just want to hear your voice. Hold her close to
your chest and talk to her. You can sing your favorite baby lullabies and
rock your baby back and forth. She may even fall asleep. It’s so
wonderful to know that our babies just want us to hold them tight.
4. Are baby needs met?

An important thing to figure out first when your baby doesn’t seem to stop crying is meeting
baby’s needs. What are the most common baby needs? Make sure baby is fed, diapers are dry
and clean, baby is in comfortable clothes, she is not sleepy and such.
Usually one of these things will be the answers to your prayers. Because almost always your
baby will stop crying.

5. Is baby suffering from colic or gas?

It is very common for babies to suffer from colic or gas and may be the number one reason
why he/she keeps crying. Here are a few helpful things to do:
Burp baby in between feedings or after every feeding
Massage baby’s tummy
Change baby’s formula
Change baby’s bottle to avoid getting air
Tummy time can help too!

6. Warm bath

Giving your precious baby a warm bath can help soothe her and help her stop crying. It’s
worth a try. The warm water will calm your baby and can even make her sleepy.

7. Massage

Giving your baby a tummy massage can help her release gas which can be a contributor to
the constant cries. Gently massage your baby’s tummy to soothe her. Also, try the bicycle leg
massages, simply holding your baby’s legs and making bicycle movements. Giving your baby
a massage can improve the circulation, help with digestive issues and also can help her sleep.
Colic baby

I remember when my first born suffered from colic when she was a newborn. It was a time
of not knowing what to do and getting a bit overwhelmed with the constant cries.

At first my hubby and I didn’t know what was going on, we just thought she either needed
a change of diapers, was hungry or sleepy. She kept crying. She had colic. That’s why I’m
sharing with you these baby with colic tips so you can be informed and know what to do!

My first born had colic but my twins didn’t have it when they were newborns. So, it just
shows you that you just never know if your baby will have it or not. My first born was also
gassy which made her feel more miserable.

Thankfully I found helpful ways to make her feel better and eventually got rid of her colic
before giving her any type of medication. Which was great!

Having a colicky baby can be indeed tiring and stressful. I totally understand you. I hope
these baby with colic tips can be helpful to you and your baby.
What is colic?
According to WEBMD.COM is referred to any healthy well fed infant who cries more than
3 hours a day and more than 3 days a week for more than 3 weeks. Colic often starts when
the baby is between 2 to 3 weeks old. The good news is that it usually always goes away
on it’s own when your baby is between 2 to 3 months, yay!

Some signs that may indicate that you have a colicky baby:
1. Intense crying
2. Arching their back when crying
3. Crying seems to occur for no reason
4. Gassy

My first born suffered from colic, I know exactly what you’re going through. The constant
baby cries, the feeling of helplessness and overwhelmed. I know, I’ve been there and I am
happy to tell you that you can make your colicky baby feel better.

7 Sure Ways to Help Your Baby With

Colic Feel Better
1.Massage tummy

You can gently massage your baby’s tummy by laying her on her back. Be
careful and pay attention to how your baby responds to the massage. I found
that gently massaging my first born’s tummy helped her release gas and made
her feel better.

Try this:

Try taking your baby a warm bath, it’s soothing. Right after the warm bath, you
can rub your baby’s tummy in a clockwise motion.
2. Exercise

Exercising your baby’s legs can help release gas and in return helps your baby
feel better. Start by laying your baby on her back and gently move her legs on a
peddling motion. It’s an easy and very effective way to help your colicky baby
feel better.
3. Change formula
If your baby is on formula like all three of my kids were, you might want to consider
switching your baby’s formula. Of course, if you highly suspect that the reason behind her
being colicky is the formula she is having. I had to switch my daughter’s formula because it
was causing her to have colic, switching to a different better suited formula helped her a
lot and it also reduced her colic. BINGO!

4. Make sure to burp

My fist born daughter suffered from colic and it was not easy to deal with. I just felt
helpless and did not like seeing my baby girl cry so much. One of the things that helped my
daughter with her colic was to make sure she burped after I fed her. If your baby is gassy, it
might make her colic feel worst and you do not want that. So make sure your baby burps
or passes gas to reduce her colic and to help her feel better.

5. Change baby bottles

Sometimes all it takes to prevent your baby from having colic is to switch your baby’s
bottles. You might find that the one you’re using has a bigger hole and that might cause her
to swallow air, which causes her to be gassy and may also cause colic. Knowing what baby
bottle to use will help reduce the colic and will help your baby enjoy her formula or
breastmilk so much better.
6. Speak with pediatrician
It’s always best to speak with your baby’s pediatrician if you have any concerns or
worries. If you notice that your baby is still suffering from colic and does not feel
better after trying some of these tips, it’s best to seek professional help. Your baby’s
pediatrician may be able to rule out any medical conditions that may be the cause of
your baby’s constant crying. Also, your baby’s pediatrician will advise you on how to
help your baby with colic.
7. Cuddles

If everything else fails, cuddle! Well hopefully everything else does work, so you can enjoy
some cuddles with your baby. When your baby is feeling discomfort they want you to be
there. You are their safe haven and nothing is better than giving your baby an extra dose of
hugs and kisses, so she can feel better.

Please understand this is not something you did or didn’t do as a parent. So don’t be so hard on
yourself. Instead, take a breather, relax and know that this shall pass.
Even though dealing with a colicky baby can be difficult, may be sleep depriving and tiresome, it
does not last forever. Your baby will feel better soon and that’s always good news!
Baby Cradle Cap
I didn’t know about cradle cap until my twins had it when they were
babies. My first born was lucky enough not to get it. One day I found that
my son’s head was very very dry and had small patches on it.

I didn’t know what it was, I just thought it was part of his severe eczema.
I then checked on his twin sister, and she had it too! I’m sharing with you
this quick and easy step by step guide on how to get rid of your baby
cradle cap!

Luckily I had my mom and aunt to calm me down. They shared useful and
quick results tips to get rid of my babies cradle cap. It worked and I was
so happy and thankful for these tips.

Since my son had severe eczema when he was a baby, his cradle cap was
a little more severe the his twin sister was. But I was determined to get
rid of their cradle cap without using any medicated shampoo, which is
recommend if your baby has severe cradle cap.

I am happy to share with you that it took about 1 week to get rid of my
babies cradle cap. BINGO!
What is cradle cap?

Most babies develop cradle cap due to excess oil on their skin. Cradle cap are rough and
scaly patches on your baby’s scalp. Its not harmful, itchy or painful, you can breathe now

3 simple steps to get rid of your baby’s cradle cap

Step 1: Daily massage

You want to daily massage your baby’s head before washing his/her hair. This will help
loosen up the scales from the cradle cap.You can use your hands very gentle or use a brush.
Your baby is not going to mind getting a massage from his mama, it helps your baby relax
and feel calmed.

Step 2: Baby oil + brush

I used baby oil to get rid of my twins cradle cap and it worked so well. I applied a decent
amount of the baby oil on top of their heads and then used a baby bristled brush, to brush
and remove the scales.

You may want to wait an hour after applying the baby oil, to start brushing your baby’s
head. Making gentle circular motion to remove the flakes.The baby oil will help the scales
soften and makes it easier for you to remove it with a brush or baby comb.

You can also use:

coconut oil
petrolium jelly
Step 3: Wash with mild shampoo

After massaging your baby’s head, applying baby oil and removing the scales with a baby
brush or comb. It’s time to take your baby a bath and wash his or her hair, I used a mild or
nonscented baby shampoo. Wash your baby’s hair and massage his head gently with a brush
to loosen the scales even more. Now, with your hands gently wash your baby’s hair and
watch the scales “fly” away! Not even joking, these steps worked wonders!

Keep in mind:
If you notice that your baby’s cradle cap doesn’t improve with these steps or any other
home remedy, please seek the help of your baby’s pediatrician.

You can repeat these steps as much as you’d want, It took me a week to remove the cradle cap on
my babies head. So, I’m hoping it will only take you a week too. Again, cradle cap is very common
with babies and it will usually go away on it’s own within a couple of weeks. But, I figured you do
not want to wait that long. Trying these 3 simple steps to remove your baby’s cradle cap is worth a

Once you succeeded in eliminating and getting rid of your baby’s cradle cap. You can now wash
your baby’s hair every 3 days or so. You do not want to over wash your baby’s hair or head
because then it will cause dryness. As always if you notice anything unusual about the cradle cap
or your baby’s head, please consult with your doctor.
Yay! You've made it to the end!

Remember that if you have any questions please feel free to ask me!

I'm here to help you :)

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