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Dictation on Wednesday, July 5, 2006 8:42 a.m.

At the First Presidency Home in Colorado Seeking of the Lord for His will. My last dictation was around 1:30 a.m. in the morning. The Lord has held me in hand in the heavenly session until now. I was shown and voiced that the First Presidency should visit three more houses in hiding where my family stays today, and we should leave by 8:00 a.m. The Lord has held me in place. I have sent a message to the First Presidency to be ready in disguise clothes, but to be prayerful in their room downstairs until they see me. I sent a message to the other three ladies staying here, Millie, Ida, and Ruthie, telling them their duties to help the First Presidency be ready, and also asked them if they were ready for the heavenly sessions, and they??? developed a spiritual exertion of faith and heavenly sensitivity to be used. There was some noise this morning that showed they weren't fervent, just doing earthly tasks, not sensitive. A heavenly wife who is one with me and the Lord, though she is a thousand miles away will stop and pray and be fervent for me when she feels the greater distress is upon me. Most of my ladies are being carried in their faith, don't even realize how they are still not exerting themselves properly. Though their hearts are right, they are being worked with, yet very few are ready. And the Lord holding me in place is a test on both the quorum of the First Presidency and my ladies, because either group could be called into the heavenly session to witness the greater experiences. The Lord is showing that even those close that I use often still have not learned that fervent faith required to come into the presence of God. They have been favored to know of His presence. So often that gift was handed them. Now the Lord is requiring all my ladies to earn that gift lest they treat it lightly again. I saw in vision here a little after 8:00 a.m. my daughter Maryanne, as though I was at a place where she knew I had stopped where I had gone to a land of refuge. She was in the house where I was, and she knew I was right there, and she even glanced and saw me, but she would not come over and talk to me. I saw she had many questions. I also saw she was busy on some duties, had questions about how to work with children, but she would not seek the knowledge. She would not come over and ask. She was ??? inspired and wanted to do??? I finally beckoned her and said, "Maryanne, why don't you come say hello and talk to me?" And she still hesitated, finally came over and the Lord told me what was in her mind and heart already, what her questions were, but she didn't dare ask. Then the Lord showed me in this vision that my daughter Maryanne still has doubts about herself, working with children and how to do things, and those doubts are making her not be inspired, making her not be filled with the heavenly fire in her duties as she needs to be; it can lead her to doubt the Priesthood over her and me where she withdraws. This is the blessing when it is right there to be received. I need to give her a warning that she must exert faith and not live by doubt or she could be darkened. And she is affecting the children. I saw her neglecting the children in helping children because she wasn't close in seeking counsel, and often acts on doubts and fears rather than faith and inspiration. So I thank the Lord for that. He showed me she was reaching and yearning to know, but still holds onto those hesitation doubts. So the Lord is answering the prayers she is offering, showing her true condition where to do better. I will send a message as the Lord wills. Also, the last two days I have had visions of somebody trying to get close to me and take my life. Somebody professing loyalty, having done much good among the people, even having helped me, been a blessing in many ways. I saw this individual whose face was taken from me

constantly try to get close to me with good works, but the heart was darkened and ready to kill, filled with murder. I have been reaching unto the Lord to know who this is or if it is more than one person. At one person I saw there was a person that was learned that had been to the schools that had education like a doctor or engineer. I saw he was using his learning to gain influence and be useful and get close to me, and then attempt to take my life. I know the Lord is warning me there are traitors still among our people. I am yearning He will clean up the lands of refuge and not allow that falling away to take place. Now the Lord wants a gathering from the houses in hiding and a message to be given that they must qualify quickly or fall short and not be used, especially those of my family who have been taught and trained constantly, because I have given the training of the Lord on the prayer of oneness and being constant in their fervency. These other houses in hiding have not had much training from the Lord through me. And yesterday we were at three long meetings. Today's meetings would be short because the message had been given. Today's messages would be a warning and final call. Now the Lord has held me here and shown me that even the ladies close to me had not learned the required fervent faith of oneness to participate in the heavenly sessions. They and most others just think ofthe physical part of it all. We must hunger for the knowledge of God in oneness with our Priesthood head, be willing to give our all and be a strength no matter who we are. May the Lord touch their hearts. Also I know the Lord holds me in place even after He names a time to leave because there are dangers ahead, and to teach me and all of us to be very directable. If He names a time, and a mission and a work to do, then He expects us to exert the faith to accomplish it. And always with that perfect humility in place, "Thy will be done in thy time and way; and may we be ready." to see if we will rejoice in Him no matter what, and never complain, not even against ourselves. So I say again, Praise God from whom all blessings flow. The Lord is in charge and He sends father to direct us. And this is the Lord's work, father's work, and all the Prophet's work. I am the lowest and weakest of all those the Lord is using, and I need the Lord's strength and direction. I testify the Lord and father are near and others He sends. End dictation at 8:55 a.m. 10:40 a.m. The Lord has held me in hand. I just saw in vision more people's hearts and characters and where they need to do better. I saw as though I had ladies who would help me in the heavenly sessions, and I had first my daughter Josephine among them, and there in the next room what looked like my son Roy-boy and also Ilene, my sister married to Wendell Nielsen. Along came Carla. I saw circumstances where some of my ladies were revealing to Josephine the privacy of the Celestial Law and their private connections with me, being very open around her in their talk. In particular, I saw Carla was still too much of a talker, doesn't keep confidences. Yet as I was in session in this vision, I heard my sister Ilene just talking and talking about useless things. I got up and walked out where she was doing the dishes and I just tapped her mouth and said, "You are too much of a talker. You can't be used like that." And I turned to my son that first looked like Roy-boy. I tapped him and said, "You talk as much as the girls, just gossiping, gossiping. The Lord showed me that Josephine needs to be careful and not be curious about private issues with the ladies. He showed me Carla needs to be more quiet and my sister Ilene needs to be more quiet, and also my son Roy-boy needs to be trained to keep confidence. To be called on the

mission they have to do that. The Lord's will be done. I have been held in place, thanking the Lord for every minute, yearning to do His will. There is something happening, why I am being held in place. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. End dictation. In this vision I saw Uncle Fred kneeling on the floor, and there was a wood platform and the watch leaks came up through this wood. He looked at me and said, "Look there are leaks. You have got to throw some tissues down to sop it up." The leaks continued. And then I saw these people who were just talkers in my family. It was very entertaining how the Lord used Uncle Fred's humble look, and said, "Look, there are leaks." Then I saw those people I named; just talkers, talkers. End dictation. I add to my dictation that vision of my family talking to much, what Uncle Fred was showing to me, it was like there was solid wood table and yet it leaked from up underneath. And he marveled how there were little puddles of water and he said, "It leaks." And the Lord showed me He used Uncle Fred to show me that Uncle Fred's family leaks. They don't keep the Lord's confidence. There is too much connection with those who cannot be trusted away from the houses in hiding, yearning the Lord to show me what it all means, where to do better. The Lord's will be done.

Dictation on Tuesday, July 5, 2006 1:25 a.m. Dictating Monday, July 4, 2006 I seek unto the Lord for His Spirit to be with me, marveling at the wonderful day, a great day in Priesthood History, as the Lord commenced a gathering through ordinance and training and unto the redemption of Zion from the houses in hiding. The Lord took me through the heavenly session through the night until around 4:00 a.m. I was shown we must leave right at 6:00 a.m. and go forward and do this ordinance work. We were able to have circle prayer with the First Presidency at 5:15 a.m. and then had breakfast. Then we left exactly at 6:00 a.m. on the dot. We headed toward the Lee Steed home. The night before I had called LeRoy Steed and Allan Keate to meet at a certain place along the way. And we connected with them and the Bishop. Then we drove south to the Lee Steed house in hiding in Florence, Colorado, arriving at 7:50a.m. At 7:30 a.m. I had the First Presidency and all Elders present join in a circle prayer and rededicated the home for the performing of sacred ordinances, and as a house of protection. There were present myself, Brother Wendell Nielsen, Brother Merril Jessop, Bishop William E. Jessop, Nathan Jessop, his counselor, LeRoy Steed, Allan Keate, and Isaac Jeffs. From 7:40 a.m. to 8:40 a.m., nine marriage sealings in the new and everlasting covenant, the Celestial Law were performed. I want them listed in the record. Brother Wendell received two ladies first: Martha Mae Hammon and Patricia Holm Brother Merril Jessop received two ladies ladies: Susanna Roundy and Sarah Ann Richter. Brother LeRoy Steed received two ladies: Lucia Allred and Leonna Allred. Allan Keate received one lady: Rosanna Nielsen because her mother was just sealed to Brother Wendell Nielsen. Lee Steed received Joanne Nielsen because her mother was sealed to Brother Wendell Nielsen just a few minutes before. Then Nathan Carter Jessop received Teresa Jo Jessop because her mother was just barely sealed to Brother Merril Jessop. I then had each husband stand next to me as I brought in the wives and children and introduced the children to their new fathers in the Priesthood. From 9: 10 a.m. until 10:50 a.m. we held a Cottage Meeting where I took charge. We were able to sing songs, opening, middle, and end song. I had Brother William E. Jessop open with prayer. Then Brother Wendell Nielsen spoke, Brother Merril Jessop spoke. We sang a song. Then I spoke and gave the Lord's message. Three meetings were held through the day at the houses in hiding, giving similar messages and the final call to qualify for the redemption of Zion and a warning of greater trials if we do not qualify, and also training was given on how to qualify. All those meetings were recorded. Before we left the Lee Steed house, LeRoy Steed stepped up and asked for a naming of his new little baby through Lucia. I was impressed with the name after my mother, Merilyn Steed. The First Presidency, LeRoy Steed and the Bishop, William E. Jessop joined in the ordinance of giving a name and a father's blessing. We left the Lee Steed home at 11 :20 a.m. and arrived at the Wendell Nielsen home in hiding in Colorado Springs right at noon, 12:00 p.m. After Brother Wendell met all his family, we joined in a Cottage Meeting from 12:40 p.m. until 2:15 p.m. As I was giving this training, I felt restrained, and something not right in that home. And much of the training the Lord had me give was a warning against the evils among them, bad feelings, criticisms, jealousies, and

immoralities. I had Isaac Jeffs open with prayer and then Brother Wendell spoke, then Brother Merril spoke, Leroy Nielsen spoke, then Ezra Nielsen spoke, then I spoke at the end. Then we joined in a circle of rededication prayer, Brother Wendell was mouth, for the houses in hiding and the people of his family connected with him. Even after the prayer, I was impressed to say again, "If there are any of you young people involved with immoralities and secret evils, quickly write me a confession letter." I did not voice there, but it was a great contrast. When I spoke to the Lee Steed house in hiding there was a flow of the Spirit of God and much innocence there. At the Wendell Nielsen house in hiding I felt a resistance of the evil powers present and the Lord revealing that something was not right at that home. I later commented about this to Brother Wendell while we were at the next house in hiding, that I felt a darkness in his home, a concern that something was wrong. At 3 :05 p.m. we left the Wendell Nielsen house in hiding and at 5 :30 p.m. we arrived at the Merril Jessop house in hiding in a town called Carr, Colorado off Exit 288 in northern Colorado on 125 the freeway. After Merril Jessop greeted everyone, from 6:00 p.m. until around 7:30 p.m. We held another Cottage Meeting. I had Brother Isaac Jeffs offer opening prayer. Brother Wendell spoke, Brother Merril spoke, then I gave the Lord's message. At this house in hiding there was a free flow of the Spirit of God; simple training that even the children could understand as I sought unto the Lord that He could touch their hearts. And everyone there was very anxious to qualify. I commented to Brother Merril, "There is a sweet Spirit here." Brother Merril then had interviews with his family members. I put on record that I received tithing from Sam Nielsen, Leroy Nielsen and Ezra Nielsen. I need to have it added up. I wrote that numbers on the envelopes. And then I distributed much of that tithing giving Seth Allred four thousand dollars. I handed it to LeRoy Steed who was going back to the Seth Allred house in hiding tonight. Then I gave three thousand dollars to Peter Barlow, three thousand dollars to Truman Jessop and three thousand dollars to Orval Jessop to help the Merril Jessop houses in hiding get their needs. And they told me that they would get more money on Tuesday from Wallace Jessop who was coming to meet them. We examined all these houses in hiding. The Lord directed that a picture history be kept. And we took pictures of every household and every family in the household with me and the First Presidency in many of the pictures. We saw that one of the house in hiding for Merril Jessop could be fixed up to receive more family. I seek unto the Lord to know what to do, or if we need to find another house in hiding. We left at 8:20 p.m. from the Merril Jessop home, traveled south and arrived at the First Presidency house in hiding at 12:55 a.m. in the morning, close to 1:00 a.m. I then had the First Presidency join with me in a thank you prayer and a rededication prayer, and told them I would be seeking of the Lord to know what we were to do next. There were added to the Merril Jessop family today from the former family of Joseph Steed, two ladies and around twenty-two children, and to the Wendell Nielsen family there were added two ladies and with those two mothers around a dozen children. This was a great call to final preparation to be gathered to the redemption of Zion mission from the house in hiding. I can see my family also needs this training in different places they are dwelling. The Lord's will be done. Brother Wendell reacted to my warning to his family. As we traveled back to the First Presidency house in hiding, between 9:15 p.m. and 10:00 p.m. he connected with his houses in hiding by phone and told the caretakers to interview each of the young people and call on them to write letters of confession if they have secret evils. I will get those letters later.

I acknowledge the Lord with rejoicing in all these happenings. It is a miracle to travel in my suit and white tie through Colorado, not even being in disguise. All the First Presidency brethren were in our suits, ready to hold Cottage Meetings, have ordinances performed. On our way south back to the First Presidency home in hiding, the Lord sent a strong rain storm much ofthe way. Also he had us travel on July 4th which is the celebration day of this nation, distracting them from seeking after us. I seek of the Lord to know what to do next with these families with the gathering to the redemption of Zion mission; the Lord's will be done. Praise God from whom all blessings flow. End dictation 1:42 a.m.

Dictation on Wednesday, July 5,2006 5:00 p.m. At the First Presidency Home in Colorado I seek unto the Lord for His Spirit of understanding, wisdom, and revelation to guide all my record keeping and all my doings, seeking only to be an extension of God through Priesthood through father. I have been held right down. I thank the Lord for this experience. I observe this has happened often when the Lord directed something take place and then He has held me right down because of the lack of faith of individuals involved or the need for greater faith exerted in those who could receive blessings or trainings. The Lord is teaching us all things are done through faith, and thus all according to His time and way. I was shown this morning I should travel with the First Presidency to three houses in hiding where my family and father's family is staying. We were to leave by 8:00 a.m. I sent the message to the brethren to be in disguise. We would be leaving by 8:00 a.m. I sent the message at 6:00 a.m. As I continued trying to go forward, the Lord held me down, even all day now. I finally sent Naomie to tell the two brethren they can change into their Priesthood clothes somewhere around noon. Even though I am reaching to know where to do better, always rejoicing in the Lord and father, always going their pace, but wanting to know where to do more and better to accomplish the Lord's directives. When I am out of earthly consciousness for a time, and came back conscious around 3 :40 p.m. I have been reaching since then for the understanding of what I have been shown. I thank the Lord for working with me. I saw myself in a heavenly session in one house separated from father's family. And Naomie was with me. I was just being held down. Then I was able to see and hear father in his aged condition page over the intercom that he wanted a class held. There was a special message for his ladies to receive, and he wanted everybody assembled. And I knew that meant I was to be there to assist him. He again page and insisted we hear a special message. As I tried to come out of this heavenly session, get up and get going, I said to Naomie to do certain things. Every time I directed she do something, she wasn't able to do it, had an ache or pain, some distraction where she couldn't assist me. As hard as I tried to get up and go meet father in this class, any help I called for wasn't ready. I thought of calling for other ladies. They weren't ready in their faith and whatever was needed to help me. I saw that father wanted Isaac present and Nephi present. I realize in understanding this that the ladies of father's sealed to Isaac and the ladies of father's sealed to Nephi need to hear this message. I somehow was able to get up, but none of my lady helpers were there, and I found myself face to face with a dark power, a personage opposing me on every side. And I came up against a wall of opposition, still trying to reach father and do what he directed. And I came to a wall of opposition and this evil power seemingly came to a wall of opposition. And I cried unto the Lord for the Lord to open the way for me, and I just leaned against this wall, and I went right through it. And then I observed this evil power went right through a similar barrier and ended up through the other side of the wall where I was to do my work still opposing me wherever I went. I was still reaching for help. I would call for Naomie and she would do some things. I saw Annette in this vision. She was just open and ready to do anything directed no matter if people were watching or right there in private. She was ready to help me. But then I saw and heard father's

call to deliver this message. I came forth to where I saw some of the ladies. I needed to go up a staircase and there was my wife Shannon willing to attend me personally, but as I observed her working with children, I had to correct her in her language in the way she dealt with children still. I saw that she was still training children after her selfish will and traditions, and I corrected her as she did it. She seemed willing. I kept being determined to deliver this message. I saw Isaac and Naomie with me, but Isaac was worn out and famished, needed to take hold of Russell lohnson's food just to have energy to continue to be able to drive me and take us where we needed to go; but he was willing and Naomie was willing and ready at this time. As we started off on this errand, as we traveled on a side road, I looked over on the freeway, there was a line of diesels, five of them, some pulling some pushing a broken-down truck and trailer, a diesel, semitrailer, pushing down the road. We all looked at it. I said, "They are just helping each other in a time of need, but they are going nowhere." These people who are going a different direction than I was, though they had organized to move together, they were going the wrong direction, going nowhere. I have been reaching all day with rejoicing, knowing the Lord has taken me through many days like this where He has appointed something to be done, and then withheld me from it. I have been reaching all day to know if I am falling short, where we need to do better, where a greater oneness needs to exist. The Lord has shown me the meaning of this that father wants this message given to his ladies, a strong warning. He showed me that the atoning process alone, where the Lord allows me to intervene through atonement will not qualify these ladies. They must hear this message and warning. And my ladies who assist me must exert greater faith and be more ready and fervent, not distracted by their own pains or wants or opinions. My ladies must make sure their husband and head is their main duty, not their side duty after their own cares are taken care of, and be ready and alive with the heavenly fire. And I saw I would meet opposition everywhere I go. I saw with Isaac and Russell that I would have to have Russell do guarding while I had Isaac do driving where Isaac couldn't do it all, but needed that extra helper on guard. I saw with these big trucks organized to help each other, moving at a seeming unity, but going the wrong direction. That if our Priesthood people join together to help each other, but it is not to accomplish the Lord's will, it will come to no benefit to them. And I was going forward with those appointed to help me do father's will. I saw that I need to correct Shannon still on how she is raising children still with her own traditions and habits. I saw that my wife Annette is anxious and ready to help me, and must continue her spiritual growth. I ask the Lord to help me do better, and help all those who help me to be ready to be used as one with a childlike fervency, not distracted from the oneness for any reason. Then I saw that I will meet opposition no matter where I go and I will need the constant guidance of the Lord and father. I have been directing the ladies through Naomie to keep helping the brethren of the First Presidency quorum, get them their food and their needs through the day. I sent word through Naomie that I requested these brethren be in their areas praying fervently and reading. The Lord is showing me that these brethren in seeing their families have gone through a great test. Would their families cause them to lose focus or would they stay focused on the prayer of oneness. The Lord is showing me through His Spirit they are somewhat distracted and anxious to talk to their families again at the houses in hiding right away. So those with me did not have a full oneness exerted this morning. And as hard as I tried in this

vision to go give this message to father's ladies sealed to me and Isaac and Nephi. We were not blessed and prospered. Then I saw I would yet do it as we exerted the greater oneness. I saw Isaac and Russell in this vision distracted by food, delighting in the food they had. And Isaac needing to help me had to take Russell's food to have some energy, showed me they were not fully focused as they could be. I thank the Lord for this correction. Everybody is being tested; pain of body or pleasure of body, yearning for our families, yearning for this or that; but if we lose focus and don't exert the prayer of oneness, the blessings don't flow. So even with the First Presidency and also my ladies in this home, the Lord has done a work of holding me in place in need of their prayers, causing all of us to refocus on the prayer of oneness to accomplish what was directed and to be a strength to the Priesthood over us. So I have been held in place again as so often happens when the oneness is lacking, to cause us to reach more fervently. And I know this humbles the First Presidency brethren when something is appointed to be done and then that privilege is withdrawn. Oh may we not lose focus. Even the First Presidency brethren went through a great test today. They were allowed to visit their families yesterday. They were taught three times the strong training on the prayer of oneness, and then we came to this morning and the test was on -- Did they stay focused? Their hearts are right. All of us are learning. Thus far the Lord has not even allowed me to visit with the ladies and brethren. And I am willing to do whatever is directed. I have sent word to Millie, my wife, to make sure the brethren get their dinner by 6:00 p.m. The Lord's will be done. Thank the Lord for showing me that I and those with me must be more prepared for the next directive. We are taught the prayer of oneness continually of perfect diligence and a perfect devotion, and I must get this message to father's ladies soon, before very long, because they must have the warning that the Lord is going to bring a judgment upon the people at the houses in hiding now if they continue in bad feelings and lack of preparation. I saw father insisting, and I was trying so hard to get up and going to meet him, and every barrier came up to stop me because there was not a oneness in place. I still feel father insisting this message get to them to his ladies and my ladies soon, because greater events are going to happen now. May the Lord and father open the way, work with us still; may we not fall short and lose focus. I saw me being sent forth to make the connections as we became one again. May I do better continually, willing to go through all the Lord directs, even atone so the blessing can be given. I saw Isaac and Nephi could not give they message. They were involved because father's ladies, some of them are sealed to those brethren. And this message will include talking to the family at the lands of refuge eventually again. I can see those who travel with me have to be focused, not distracted, for us to accomplish the Lord's will. The Lord's will be done, I pray in the name of Jesus Christ, amen. End dictation 5:25 p.m.

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