Practical 5

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Name: Lizzele Nomiseb Student No.

Practical 5: Measuring physiographical factors and temperature

Table 1: Temperature at different area (Shaded and unshaded)

Shaded Unshaded
Temperature (10cm above the soil) 29 °C. 40 °C.
Temperature (1m above soil) 346 °C. 36 °C.
Temperature (10cm below soil) 22 °C. 30 °C.

2. % slope = (change in elevation/horizontal distance) x 100

= 20 / 85cm × 100
= 23.5%

3. Slope: Steeper slopes tend to have more vegetation growth, while flatter slopes tend to
have less vegetation growth. The reason for this is steeper slopes tend to have better
drainage and more sunlight, which also promotes vegetation growth while Flatter slopes
have poorer drainage and less sunlight, which limits vegetation growth
Aspects: South-facing aspects tend to have more vegetation growth and north-facing
aspects tend to have less vegetation. This is because south-facing aspects receive more
direct sunlight, which allows for more photosynthesis to occur and therefore more
vegetation growth while north-facing aspects get less direct sunlight, which inhibits the
amount of photosynthesis that can occur and therefore limits vegetation growth
4. I observed that leaves of the plant may wilt or curl as a result of reduced water uptake
and increased transpiration.
High temperatures can disrupt photosynthesis inhibiting the plant's ability to produce
energy and store nutrients.
5. Burrows serve as safe nesting sites for raising offspring
Burrow protects the squirrels from predators reducing the risk of predation
The burrows protect squirrels from the extreme cold

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