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~october 2011~
A Message By The Relief Society by Karen Adams
As a new convert, many years ago, I was particularly aware of every failure of my new friends in the church, my new mentors. I was unsure about many of the things that came up in discussions, and made it my focus to "crack the code" of all the mysterious things I was taught. I sure did waste a lot of time on things that diverted me from pure gospel study. Gradually, my thoughts changed from "you should know better" when critical of my life long member friends, to "I should know better". As I learned the gospel better and I studied more, I learned to focus on Jesus Christ and I learned to expand my love for my mentors and not be critical of their shortcomings. Our best use of our time on earth is to remember that we are only in charge of OUR own salvation. In doing what we need to do for our salvation, hopefully we become a beacon for others, shine the Light of Christ in ourselves, and cheerfully serve our Lord as He would do if he was here. While reading 3 Nephi 12, 13 and 14, and Matthew 5-7...we get clear instruction on how we should live our lives... But the shortened version is this: ~Do not be judgmental and condemnatory of others; instead, seek first and foremost to improve your own life. ~Learn first to commune with God, rather than immediately seeking to understand the mysteries of the kingdom. ~Make covenants with the Lord; realizing that by so doing you may receive great blessings, but that you may also encounter difficulties and challenges. ~Seek to love others, listening for the promptings and guidance of the Spirit, and do not regard it a failure of the gospel if you do not encounter perfection in Church members. Much love to you, sisters, we are so blessed to share this path with you! Karen

Happy Birthday
2~ Ann Bodily 9~ Kristina Peterson 11~ Betty Fleming 16~ Letia Derderian 18~ Holly Clayton 20~ Melissa Elton 23~ Shirlyn Fullmer 28~ Carmen Westover

October RS Lesson Schedule

2~ General Conference 9~ GP #40 16~ Stake Conference 23~ TFOT Oct Ensign 30~ Combined

Young Women Babysitters for Hire

Brittany Anderson~16 672-8556 KeLynn Stanley~16 345-5667, 570-4921 Lexie Gold~16 887-1051, 559-8939 Elizabeth Wagner~16 639-5908, 585-8466 Emma Stanley~14 345-5667, 570-4921 Katie Dougal~14 639-5949, 830-6251 Jessica Meyers~14 287-8380 Kensie Gold~14 887-1051, 401-4176 Natasha Larsen~13 287-8272 Natassja Yearsley~13 887-9411

Upcoming Dates
1-2~ General Conference 6~ Threads of Gold 8~ Stake Baptism 5:00 9~ Fast Sunday/Dedicate Stoddard Bldg 6:00 11~ Ladies Night Out 7-10 12~ Stake YM/YW 7:00 15-16~ Stake Conference 21~ Primary Practice 5:00 23~ Primary Presentation 29~ Ward Trunk or Treat 30~ Ward Mission Training

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