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Mark Anthony Martin

Professor Heatherly

Business and Professional Com.

9 September 2023

Business Ethics

The Article started off strong explaining the background of business. It gave me the

information I needed to know the background of ethics. Broaden my knowledge of how ethics

examines foundational work and how historical content relates to current work. Along with

explaining the background of virtue ethics and how it focuses on performance. One thing that

surprised me is according to neurological studies revealed, ethical decision-making involves the

integration of intuition and emotion, in addition to cognitive reasoning processes. It impacts me

because it gives me an understanding of why people do what they do. Knowing that many

decisions are based on what they know and how they are feeling, expands my knowledge of how

to deal with certain situations. The article was useful when it came to knowing the background of

business ethics but was not good at explaining what it truly is.
Business Ethics

The article starts with the history of ethical decision-making. Starting 5 decades ago, in the

1970s, only 10 articles been published on the topic of business ethics. The current success of the

field may give the false impression that it has always been legitimate. Stating society’s moral

minimums, ex. charitable giving and whistleblowing, and the ethical-moral minimums, ex.

honesty and treating people with respect. Part 1, foundation, goes into the “birth” of the field. Pre

1960s, during this long and indefinite period, theological and religious work focused primarily

on worker rights and capitalism’s morality, referred to as ethics in business. As a result of the

Vietnam War, the 1960s were known as a time of revolt against authority, unrest among students,

and the emergence of a counterculture. The 1980s marked the start of behavioral business ethics.

In the 1990s, normative and descriptive business ethics research also went through some growing

pains in discussions about their relationship and roles. As the 2000s took shape research began to

question whether older, more deliberative models were truly representative of ethical decision-

making. Part 2, Influencing individual decision making, explains Virtue Ethics in business, and

how it focuses on the aspect of virtue as personal development through performance. Along with

Unethical leadership, it doesn’t start at the top the mid-level jobs also observe and illustrate top-

level managers. Part 3, Organizational Level Ethics, explains morality in groups, things like the

foundations and emotions. The true purpose of group morality is to operate in ways to advance

the group, regardless of how much others might suffer. Along with engaging in unethical

organizational behavior. Part 4, New Frontiers, goes into neuroscience research and ethical

leadership. Talk about the evaluation of brain research to get a better understanding of a person’s

morals. As highlighted social cognitive neuroscience research.

(Walasieleski, Weber 4-261).

Works Cited

David M. Wasieleski, and James Weber. Business Ethics. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2019.



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